Changeset 6953
- Timestamp:
- 01/05/11 13:59:17 (14 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk/src/c
- Files:
- 1 deleted
- 9 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r6411 r6953 482 482 ./modules/InputArtificialNoisex/InputArtificialNoisex.h\ 483 483 ./modules/InputArtificialNoisex/InputArtificialNoisex.cpp\ 484 ./modules/UpdateGeometryx/UpdateGeometryx.h\485 ./modules/UpdateGeometryx/UpdateGeometryx.cpp\486 484 ./modules/TimeAdaptx/TimeAdaptx.h\ 487 485 ./modules/TimeAdaptx/TimeAdaptx.cpp\ … … 1053 1051 ./modules/InputArtificialNoisex/InputArtificialNoisex.h\ 1054 1052 ./modules/InputArtificialNoisex/InputArtificialNoisex.cpp\ 1055 ./modules/UpdateGeometryx/UpdateGeometryx.h\1056 ./modules/UpdateGeometryx/UpdateGeometryx.cpp\1057 1053 ./modules/TimeAdaptx/TimeAdaptx.h\ 1058 1054 ./modules/TimeAdaptx/TimeAdaptx.cpp\ -
r6238 r6953 89 89 #include "./TriaSearchx/TriaSearchx.h" 90 90 #include "./ThicknessAbsMisfitx/ThicknessAbsMisfitx.h" 91 #include "./UpdateGeometryx/UpdateGeometryx.h"92 91 #include "./UpdateVertexPositionsx/UpdateVertexPositionsx.h" 93 92 #include "./VerticesDofx/VerticesDofx.h" -
r6238 r6953 56 56 virtual void DeleteResults(void)=0; 57 57 virtual void Update(int index, IoModel* iomodel,int analysis_counter,int analysis_type)=0; 58 virtual void UpdateGeometry(void)=0;59 58 virtual void InputToResult(int enum_type,int step,double time)=0; 60 59 virtual void ControlInputGetGradient(Vec gradient,int enum_type)=0; -
r6946 r6953 3877 3877 } 3878 3878 else if (analysis_type==PrognosticAnalysisEnum){ 3879 InputUpdateFromSolution OneDofCollapsed(solution,ThicknessEnum);3879 InputUpdateFromSolutionPrognostic(solution); 3880 3880 } 3881 3881 else if (analysis_type==BalancedthicknessAnalysisEnum){ … … 4707 4707 this->inputs->AddInput(new PentaVertexInput(AdjointyEnum,lambday)); 4708 4708 4709 /*Free ressources:*/ 4710 xfree((void**)&doflist); 4711 } 4712 /*}}}*/ 4713 /*FUNCTION Penta::InputUpdateFromSolutionPrognostic{{{1*/ 4714 void Penta::InputUpdateFromSolutionPrognostic(double* solution){ 4715 4716 const int numdof = NDOF1*NUMVERTICES; 4717 const int numdof2d = NDOF1*NUMVERTICES2D; 4718 4719 int i,dummy,hydroadjustment; 4720 int* doflist = NULL; 4721 double values[numdof]; 4722 double rho_ice,rho_water; 4723 double bed[numdof]; 4724 double surface[numdof]; 4725 double *bed_ptr = NULL; 4726 double *thickness_ptr = NULL; 4727 double *surface_ptr = NULL; 4728 Penta *penta = NULL; 4729 4730 /*If not on bed, return*/ 4731 if (!IsOnBed()) return; 4732 4733 /*Get dof list: */ 4734 GetDofList(&doflist,NoneApproximationEnum,GsetEnum); 4735 4736 /*Use the dof list to index into the solution vector and extrude it */ 4737 for(i=0;i<numdof2d;i++){ 4738 values[i] =solution[doflist[i]]; 4739 values[i+numdof2d]=values[i]; 4740 if(isnan(values[i])) _error_("NaN found in solution vector"); 4741 } 4742 4743 /*Get previous bed, thickness and surface*/ 4744 Input* bed_input=inputs->GetInput(BedEnum); _assert_(bed_input); 4745 Input* thickness_input=inputs->GetInput(ThicknessEnum); _assert_(thickness_input); 4746 Input* surface_input=inputs->GetInput(SurfaceEnum); _assert_(surface_input); 4747 bed_input->GetValuesPtr(&bed_ptr,&dummy); 4748 thickness_input->GetValuesPtr(&thickness_ptr,&dummy); 4749 surface_input->GetValuesPtr(&surface_ptr,&dummy); 4750 4751 /*If shelf: hydrostatic equilibrium*/ 4752 if (this->IsOnShelf()){ 4753 4754 /*Fing HydrostaticAdjustment to figure out how to update the geometry:*/ 4755 this->parameters->FindParam(&hydroadjustment,HydrostaticAdjustmentEnum); 4756 4757 /*recover material parameters: */ 4758 rho_ice=matpar->GetRhoIce(); 4759 rho_water=matpar->GetRhoWater(); 4760 4761 if(hydroadjustment==AbsoluteEnum){ 4762 for(i=0;i<numdof;i++) { 4763 surface[i]=values[i]*(1-rho_ice/rho_water); 4764 bed[i]=-values[i]*rho_ice/rho_water; 4765 } 4766 } 4767 else if(hydroadjustment==IncrementalEnum){ 4768 for(i=0;i<numdof;i++) { 4769 surface[i]=surface_ptr[i]+(1.0-rho_ice/rho_water)*(values[i]-thickness_ptr[i]); //surface = oldsurface + (1-di) * dH 4770 bed[i]=bed_ptr[i]-rho_ice/rho_water*(values[i]-thickness_ptr[i]); //bed = oldbed + di * dH 4771 } 4772 } 4773 else _error_("Hydrostatic adjustment %i (%s) not supported yet",hydroadjustment,EnumToString(hydroadjustment)); 4774 } 4775 4776 /*If sheet: surface = bed + thickness*/ 4777 else{ 4778 /*Now Compute surface only*/ 4779 for(i=0;i<numdof;i++) { 4780 surface[i]=bed_ptr[i]+values[i]; //surface=oldbed+newthickness 4781 } 4782 } 4783 4784 /*Start looping over all elements above current element and update all inputs*/ 4785 penta=this; 4786 for(;;){ 4787 /*Add input to the element: */ 4788 penta->inputs->AddInput(new PentaVertexInput(ThicknessEnum,values)); 4789 penta->inputs->AddInput(new PentaVertexInput(SurfaceEnum,surface)); 4790 if (penta->IsOnShelf()) penta->inputs->AddInput(new PentaVertexInput(BedEnum,bed)); 4791 4792 /*Stop if we have reached the surface*/ 4793 if (penta->IsOnSurface()) break; 4794 4795 /* get upper Penta*/ 4796 penta=penta->GetUpperElement(); _assert_(penta->Id()!=this->id); 4797 } 4798 4709 4799 /*Free ressources:*/ 4710 4800 xfree((void**)&doflist); … … 5801 5891 } 5802 5892 /*}}}*/ 5803 /*FUNCTION Penta::UpdateGeometry{{{1*/5804 void Penta::UpdateGeometry(void){5805 5806 /*Intermediaries*/5807 int hydroadjustment;5808 double rho_ice,rho_water;5809 5810 /*Correct thickness*/5811 this->inputs->ConstrainMin(ThicknessEnum,1.0);5812 5813 /*If shelf: hydrostatic equilibrium*/5814 if (this->IsOnShelf()){5815 5816 /*Fing HydrostaticAdjustment to figure out how to update the geometry:*/5817 this->parameters->FindParam(&hydroadjustment,HydrostaticAdjustmentEnum);5818 5819 /*recover material parameters: */5820 rho_ice=matpar->GetRhoIce();5821 rho_water=matpar->GetRhoWater();5822 5823 if(hydroadjustment==AbsoluteEnum){5824 /*Create New Surface: s = (1-rho_ice/rho_water) h*/5825 this->inputs->DuplicateInput(ThicknessEnum,SurfaceEnum); //1: copy thickness into surface5826 InputScale(SurfaceEnum,(1-rho_ice/rho_water)); //2: surface = surface * (1-di)5827 5828 /*Create New Bed b = -rho_ice/rho_water h*/5829 this->inputs->DuplicateInput(ThicknessEnum,BedEnum); //1: copy thickness into bed5830 InputScale(BedEnum, -rho_ice/rho_water); //2: bed = bed * (-di)5831 }5832 else if(hydroadjustment==IncrementalEnum){5833 /*The bed is update with di*Thickness*/5834 this->inputs->AXPY(SurfaceEnum,1.0-rho_ice/rho_water,ThicknessEnum); //surface = surface + (1-di) * thickness5835 5836 /*The surface is update with (1-di)*Thickness*/5837 this->inputs->AXPY(BedEnum,rho_ice/rho_water,ThicknessEnum); //bed = bde + di * thickness5838 }5839 else _error_("Hydrostatic adjustment %i (%s) not supported yet",hydroadjustment,EnumToString(hydroadjustment));5840 }5841 5842 /*If sheet: surface = bed + thickness*/5843 else{5844 5845 /*The bed does not change, update surface only s = b + h*/5846 this->inputs->DuplicateInput(BedEnum,SurfaceEnum); //1: copy bed into surface5847 this->inputs->AXPY(SurfaceEnum,1.0,ThicknessEnum); //2: surface = surface + 1 * thickness5848 }5849 }5850 /*}}}*/ -
r6723 r6953 121 121 double SurfaceArea(void); 122 122 void Update(int index, IoModel* iomodel,int analysis_counter,int analysis_type); 123 void UpdateGeometry(void);124 123 double TimeAdapt(); 125 124 /*}}}*/ … … 220 219 void InputUpdateFromSolutionDiagnosticVert( double* solutiong); 221 220 void InputUpdateFromSolutionDiagnosticStokes( double* solutiong); 221 void InputUpdateFromSolutionPrognostic(double* solutiong); 222 222 void InputUpdateFromSolutionThermal( double* solutiong); 223 223 void InputUpdateFromSolutionOneDof(double* solutiong,int enum_type); -
r6946 r6953 3696 3696 break; 3697 3697 case PrognosticAnalysisEnum: 3698 InputUpdateFromSolution OneDof(solution,ThicknessEnum);3698 InputUpdateFromSolutionPrognostic(solution); 3699 3699 break; 3700 3700 case BalancedthicknessAnalysisEnum: … … 3930 3930 /*Add input to the element: */ 3931 3931 this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaVertexInput(enum_type,values)); 3932 3933 /*Free ressources:*/ 3934 xfree((void**)&doflist); 3935 } 3936 /*}}}*/ 3937 /*FUNCTION Tria::InputUpdateFromSolutionPrognostic{{{1*/ 3938 void Tria::InputUpdateFromSolutionPrognostic(double* solution){ 3939 3940 /*Intermediaries*/ 3941 const int numdof = NDOF1*NUMVERTICES; 3942 3943 int i,dummy,hydroadjustment; 3944 int* doflist=NULL; 3945 double rho_ice,rho_water; 3946 double values[numdof]; 3947 double bed[numdof]; 3948 double surface[numdof]; 3949 double *bed_ptr = NULL; 3950 double *thickness_ptr = NULL; 3951 double *surface_ptr = NULL; 3952 3953 /*Get dof list: */ 3954 GetDofList(&doflist,NoneApproximationEnum,GsetEnum); 3955 3956 /*Use the dof list to index into the solution vector: */ 3957 for(i=0;i<numdof;i++){ 3958 values[i]=solution[doflist[i]]; 3959 if(isnan(values[i])) _error_("NaN found in solution vector"); 3960 } 3961 3962 /*Get previous bed, thickness and surface*/ 3963 Input* bed_input=inputs->GetInput(BedEnum); _assert_(bed_input); 3964 Input* thickness_input=inputs->GetInput(ThicknessEnum); _assert_(thickness_input); 3965 Input* surface_input=inputs->GetInput(SurfaceEnum); _assert_(surface_input); 3966 bed_input->GetValuesPtr(&bed_ptr,&dummy); 3967 thickness_input->GetValuesPtr(&thickness_ptr,&dummy); 3968 surface_input->GetValuesPtr(&surface_ptr,&dummy); 3969 3970 /*If shelf: hydrostatic equilibrium*/ 3971 if (this->IsOnShelf()){ 3972 3973 /*Fing HydrostaticAdjustment to figure out how to update the geometry:*/ 3974 this->parameters->FindParam(&hydroadjustment,HydrostaticAdjustmentEnum); 3975 3976 /*recover material parameters: */ 3977 rho_ice=matpar->GetRhoIce(); 3978 rho_water=matpar->GetRhoWater(); 3979 3980 if(hydroadjustment==AbsoluteEnum){ 3981 for(i=0;i<numdof;i++) { 3982 surface[i]=values[i]*(1-rho_ice/rho_water); 3983 bed[i]=-values[i]*rho_ice/rho_water; 3984 } 3985 } 3986 else if(hydroadjustment==IncrementalEnum){ 3987 for(i=0;i<numdof;i++) { 3988 surface[i]=surface_ptr[i]+(1.0-rho_ice/rho_water)*(values[i]-thickness_ptr[i]); //surface = oldsurface + (1-di) * dH 3989 bed[i]=bed_ptr[i]-rho_ice/rho_water*(values[i]-thickness_ptr[i]); //bed = oldbed + di * dH 3990 } 3991 } 3992 else _error_("Hydrostatic adjustment %i (%s) not supported yet",hydroadjustment,EnumToString(hydroadjustment)); 3993 } 3994 3995 /*If sheet: surface = bed + thickness*/ 3996 else{ 3997 /*Now Compute surface only*/ 3998 for(i=0;i<numdof;i++) { 3999 surface[i]=bed_ptr[i]+values[i]; //surface=oldbed+newthickness 4000 } 4001 } 4002 4003 /*Add input to the element: */ 4004 this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaVertexInput(ThicknessEnum,values)); 4005 this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaVertexInput(SurfaceEnum,surface)); 4006 if (this->IsOnShelf()) this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaVertexInput(BedEnum,bed)); 3932 4007 3933 4008 /*Free ressources:*/ … … 5125 5200 } 5126 5201 /*}}}*/ 5127 /*FUNCTION Tria::UpdateGeometry{{{1*/5128 void Tria::UpdateGeometry(void){5129 5130 /*Intermediaries*/5131 int hydroadjustment;5132 double rho_ice,rho_water;5133 5134 /*Correct thickness*/5135 this->inputs->ConstrainMin(ThicknessEnum,1.0);5136 5137 /*If shelf: hydrostatic equilibrium*/5138 if (this->IsOnShelf()){5139 5140 /*Fing HydrostaticAdjustment to figure out how to update the geometry:*/5141 this->parameters->FindParam(&hydroadjustment,HydrostaticAdjustmentEnum);5142 5143 /*recover material parameters: */5144 rho_ice=matpar->GetRhoIce();5145 rho_water=matpar->GetRhoWater();5146 5147 if(hydroadjustment==AbsoluteEnum){5148 /*Create New Surface: s = (1-rho_ice/rho_water) h*/5149 this->inputs->DuplicateInput(ThicknessEnum,SurfaceEnum); //1: copy thickness into surface5150 InputScale(SurfaceEnum,(1.0-rho_ice/rho_water)); //2: surface = surface * (1-di)5151 5152 /*Create New Bed b = -rho_ice/rho_water h*/5153 this->inputs->DuplicateInput(ThicknessEnum,BedEnum); //1: copy thickness into bed5154 InputScale(BedEnum, -rho_ice/rho_water); //2: bed = bed * (-di)5155 }5156 else if(hydroadjustment==IncrementalEnum){5157 /*The bed is update with di*Thickness*/5158 this->inputs->AXPY(SurfaceEnum,1.0-rho_ice/rho_water,ThicknessEnum); //surface = surface + (1-di) * thickness5159 5160 /*The surface is update with (1-di)*Thickness*/5161 this->inputs->AXPY(BedEnum,rho_ice/rho_water,ThicknessEnum); //bed = bde + di * thickness5162 }5163 else _error_("Hydrostatic adjustment %i (%s) not supported yet",hydroadjustment,EnumToString(hydroadjustment));5164 }5165 5166 /*If sheet: surface = bed + thickness*/5167 else{5168 5169 /*The bed does not change, update surface only s = b + h*/5170 this->inputs->DuplicateInput(BedEnum,SurfaceEnum); //1: copy bed into surface5171 this->inputs->AXPY(SurfaceEnum,1.0,ThicknessEnum); //2: surface = surface + 1 * thickness5172 }5173 }5174 /*}}}*/ -
r6412 r6953 124 124 double SurfaceArea(void); 125 125 void Update(int index, IoModel* iomodel,int analysis_counter,int analysis_type); 126 void UpdateGeometry(void);127 126 double TimeAdapt(); 128 127 /*}}}*/ … … 179 178 void InputUpdateFromSolutionDiagnosticHutter( double* solution); 180 179 void InputUpdateFromSolutionOneDof(double* solution,int enum_type); 180 void InputUpdateFromSolutionPrognostic(double* solution); 181 181 bool IsInput(int name); 182 182 void SetClone(int* minranks); -
r6933 r6953 59 59 prognostic_core(femmodel); 60 60 61 _printf_(VerboseSolution(),"%s\n"," updating geometry");62 UpdateGeometryx(femmodel->elements, femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads, femmodel->materials, femmodel->parameters);63 64 61 if(solution_type==Transient2DSolutionEnum && !control_analysis && (step%output_frequency==0)){ 65 62 _printf_(VerboseSolution(),"%s\n"," saving results\n"); -
r6933 r6953 62 62 prognostic_core(femmodel); 63 63 64 _printf_(VerboseSolution()," updating geometry\n");65 UpdateGeometryx(femmodel->elements, femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads, femmodel->materials, femmodel->parameters);66 67 64 _printf_(VerboseSolution(),"%s\n"," updating vertices positions"); 68 65 UpdateVertexPositionsx(femmodel->elements, femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads, femmodel->materials, femmodel->parameters);
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for help on using the changeset viewer.