Changeset 5935
- Timestamp:
- 09/22/10 07:47:21 (15 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk/src/c/objects/Loads
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r5911 r5935 325 325 326 326 /*Retrieve parameters: */ 327 ElementVector* pe=NULL; 327 328 int analysis_type; 328 329 this->parameters->FindParam(&analysis_type,AnalysisTypeEnum); 329 330 330 331 /*Just branch to the correct element icefront vector generator, according to the type of analysis we are carrying out: */ 331 if (analysis_type==DiagnosticHorizAnalysisEnum){ 332 int type; 333 inputs->GetParameterValue(&type,TypeEnum); 334 if (type==MacAyeal2dIceFrontEnum){ 335 CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal2d( pg,pf); 336 } 337 else if (type==MacAyeal3dIceFrontEnum){ 338 CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal3d( pg); 339 } 340 else if (type==PattynIceFrontEnum){ 341 CreatePVectorDiagnosticPattyn( pg); 342 } 343 else if (type==StokesIceFrontEnum){ 344 CreatePVectorDiagnosticStokes( pg); 345 } 346 else ISSMERROR("Icefront type %s not supported yet",EnumToString(type)); 347 } 348 else if (analysis_type==AdjointHorizAnalysisEnum){ 349 return; 350 } 351 else{ 352 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,EnumToString(analysis_type)); 332 switch(analysis_type){ 333 case DiagnosticHorizAnalysisEnum: 334 pe=CreatePVectorDiagnosticHoriz(); 335 break; 336 case AdjointHorizAnalysisEnum: 337 pe=CreatePVectorAdjointHoriz(); 338 break; 339 default: 340 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,EnumToString(analysis_type)); 341 } 342 343 /*Add to global Vector*/ 344 if(pe){ 345 pe->AddToGlobal(pg,pf); 346 delete pe; 353 347 } 354 348 } … … 424 418 425 419 /*Icefront numerics: */ 420 /*FUNCTION Icefront::CreatePVectorDiagnosticHoriz {{{1*/ 421 ElementVector* Icefront::CreatePVectorDiagnosticHoriz(void){ 422 423 int type; 424 inputs->GetParameterValue(&type,TypeEnum); 425 426 switch(type){ 427 case MacAyeal2dIceFrontEnum: 428 return CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal2d(); 429 case MacAyeal3dIceFrontEnum: 430 return CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal3d(); 431 case PattynIceFrontEnum: 432 return CreatePVectorDiagnosticPattyn(); 433 case StokesIceFrontEnum: 434 return CreatePVectorDiagnosticStokes(); 435 default: 436 ISSMERROR("Icefront type %s not supported yet",EnumToString(type)); 437 } 438 } 439 /*}}}*/ 440 /*FUNCTION Icefront::CreatePVectorAdjointHoriz {{{1*/ 441 ElementVector* Icefront::CreatePVectorAdjointHoriz(void){ 442 443 /*No load vector applied to the adjoint*/ 444 return NULL; 445 } 446 /*}}}*/ 426 447 /*FUNCTION Icefront::CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal2d{{{1*/ 427 void Icefront::CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal2d( Vec pg,Vec pf){448 ElementVector* Icefront::CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal2d(void){ 428 449 429 450 /*Constants*/ 430 451 const int numnodes= NUMVERTICESSEG; 431 452 const int numdofs = numnodes *NDOF2; 432 433 /*output: */434 ElementVector* pe=NULL;435 453 436 454 /*Intermediary*/ … … 440 458 double water_pressure,air_pressure,surface_under_water,base_under_water; 441 459 double xyz_list[numnodes][3]; 442 double pe_g[numdofs] = {0.0};443 460 double normal[2]; 444 461 double L[2]; … … 447 464 Tria* tria=((Tria*)element); 448 465 449 /* Get dof list and node coordinates: */ 466 /*Initialize Element vector and return if necessary*/ 467 if(tria->IsOnWater()) return NULL; 468 ElementVector* pe=NewElementVector(nodes,NUMVERTICESSEG,this->parameters); 469 470 /*Retrieve all inputs and parameters*/ 450 471 GetVerticesCoordinates(&xyz_list[0][0],nodes,numnodes); 451 452 /*Recover inputs and parameters */453 472 Input* thickness_input=tria->inputs->GetInput(ThicknessEnum); ISSMASSERT(thickness_input); 454 473 Input* bed_input =tria->inputs->GetInput(BedEnum); ISSMASSERT(bed_input); 455 474 inputs->GetParameterValue(&fill,FillEnum); 456 457 475 rho_water=matpar->GetRhoWater(); 458 476 rho_ice =matpar->GetRhoIce(); 459 477 gravity =matpar->GetG(); 460 461 478 GetSegmentNormal(&normal[0],xyz_list); 462 479 480 /*Start looping on Gaussian points*/ 463 481 index1=tria->GetNodeIndex(nodes[0]); 464 482 index2=tria->GetNodeIndex(nodes[1]); … … 492 510 493 511 for (int i=0;i<numnodes;i++){ 494 pe _g[2*i+0]+= pressure*Jdet*gauss->weight*normal[0]*L[i];495 pe _g[2*i+1]+= pressure*Jdet*gauss->weight*normal[1]*L[i];512 pe->values[2*i+0]+= pressure*Jdet*gauss->weight*normal[0]*L[i]; 513 pe->values[2*i+1]+= pressure*Jdet*gauss->weight*normal[1]*L[i]; 496 514 } 497 515 } 498 516 499 /*Initialize element matrix: */ 500 pe=NewElementVector(nodes,NUMVERTICESSEG,this->parameters,MacAyealApproximationEnum); 501 502 /*Add pe_g values to pe element stifness load: */ 503 pe->AddValues(&pe_g[0]); 504 505 /*Add pe element load vector to global load vector: */ 506 pe->AddToGlobal(pg,pf); 507 508 /*Free ressources:*/ 509 delete pe; 510 511 /*Free ressources:*/ 517 /*Clean up and return*/ 512 518 delete gauss; 519 return pe; 513 520 } 514 521 /*}}}*/ 515 522 /*FUNCTION Icefront::CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal3d{{{1*/ 516 void Icefront::CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal3d( Vec pg){523 ElementVector* Icefront::CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal3d(void){ 517 524 518 525 Icefront* icefront=NULL; … … 525 532 526 533 /*Return if not on bed*/ 527 penta->inputs->GetParameterValue(&onbed,ElementOnBedEnum); 528 if(!onbed) return; 534 if(!penta->IsOnBed() || penta->IsOnWater()) return NULL; 529 535 530 536 /*Spawn Tria and call MacAyeal2d*/ … … 533 539 icefront->element=tria; 534 540 icefront->inputs->AddInput(new IntInput(TypeEnum,MacAyeal2dIceFrontEnum)); 535 icefront->CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal2d(pg,NULL);536 537 /*clean-up */541 ElementVector* pe=icefront->CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal2d(); 542 543 /*clean-up and return*/ 538 544 delete tria->matice; 539 545 delete tria; 540 546 delete icefront; 547 return pe; 541 548 } 542 549 /*}}}*/ 543 550 /*FUNCTION Icefront::CreatePVectorDiagnosticPattyn{{{1*/ 544 void Icefront::CreatePVectorDiagnosticPattyn( Vec pg){551 ElementVector* Icefront::CreatePVectorDiagnosticPattyn(void){ 545 552 546 553 /*Constants*/ … … 555 562 double xyz_list[NUMVERTICESQUA][3]; 556 563 double normal[3]; 557 double pe_g[numdofs] = {0.0};558 564 double l1l4[4]; 559 int *doflist = NULL;560 565 GaussPenta *gauss = NULL; 561 Penta *penta = NULL; 562 563 /* Get dof list and node coordinates: */ 564 penta=(Penta*)element; 565 GetDofList(&doflist,PattynApproximationEnum,GsetEnum); 566 567 Penta* penta=(Penta*)element; 568 569 /*Initialize Element vector and return if necessary*/ 570 if(penta->IsOnWater()) return NULL; 571 ElementVector* pe=NewElementVector(nodes,NUMVERTICESQUA,this->parameters); 572 573 /*Retrieve all inputs and parameters*/ 566 574 GetVerticesCoordinates(&xyz_list[0][0], nodes, NUMVERTICESQUA); 567 568 /*Recover inputs and parameters */569 575 Input* surface_input =penta->inputs->GetInput(SurfaceEnum); ISSMASSERT(surface_input); 570 576 inputs->GetParameterValue(&fill,FillEnum); … … 608 614 pressure = ice_pressure + water_pressure + air_pressure; 609 615 610 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICESQUA;i++){ 611 for(j=0;j<NDOF2;j++){ 612 pe_g[i*NDOF2+j]+=Jdet*gauss->weight*pressure*l1l4[i]*normal[j]; 613 } 614 } 615 } 616 617 VecSetValues(pg,numdofs,doflist,pe_g,ADD_VALUES); 618 619 /*Free ressources:*/ 616 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICESQUA;i++) for(j=0;j<NDOF2;j++) pe->values[i*NDOF2+j]+=Jdet*gauss->weight*pressure*l1l4[i]*normal[j]; 617 } 618 619 /*Clean up and return*/ 620 620 delete gauss; 621 xfree((void**)&doflist);621 return pe; 622 622 } 623 623 /*}}}*/ 624 624 /*FUNCTION Icefront::CreatePVectorDiagnosticStokes{{{1*/ 625 void Icefront::CreatePVectorDiagnosticStokes( Vec pg){625 ElementVector* Icefront::CreatePVectorDiagnosticStokes(void){ 626 626 627 627 /*Constants*/ … … 636 636 double xyz_list[NUMVERTICESQUA][3]; 637 637 double normal[3]; 638 double pe_g[numdofs] = {0.0};639 638 double l1l4[4]; 640 int *doflist = NULL;641 639 GaussPenta *gauss = NULL; 642 Penta *penta = NULL; 643 644 /* Get dof list and node coordinates: */ 645 penta=(Penta*)element; 646 GetDofList(&doflist,StokesApproximationEnum,GsetEnum); 640 641 Penta* penta=(Penta*)element; 642 643 /*Initialize Element vector and return if necessary*/ 644 if(penta->IsOnWater()) return NULL; 645 ElementVector* pe=NewElementVector(nodes,NUMVERTICESQUA,this->parameters); 646 647 /*Retrieve all inputs and parameters*/ 647 648 GetVerticesCoordinates(&xyz_list[0][0], nodes, NUMVERTICESQUA); 648 649 /*Recover inputs and parameters */650 649 inputs->GetParameterValue(&fill,FillEnum); 651 650 rho_water=matpar->GetRhoWater(); … … 687 686 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICESQUA;i++){ 688 687 for(j=0;j<NDOF4;j++){ 689 if(j<3) pe _g[i*NDOF4+j]+=Jdet*gauss->weight*pressure*l1l4[i]*normal[j];690 else pe _g[i*NDOF4+j]+=0; //pressure term688 if(j<3) pe->values[i*NDOF4+j]+=Jdet*gauss->weight*pressure*l1l4[i]*normal[j]; 689 else pe->values[i*NDOF4+j]+=0; //pressure term 691 690 } 692 691 } 693 692 } 694 693 695 VecSetValues(pg,numdofs,doflist,pe_g,ADD_VALUES); 696 697 /*Free ressources:*/ 694 /*Clean up and return*/ 698 695 delete gauss; 699 xfree((void**)&doflist);696 return pe; 700 697 } 701 698 /*}}}*/ -
r5909 r5935 77 77 /*}}}*/ 78 78 /*Load management: {{{1*/ 79 void CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal2d(Vec pg,Vec pf); 80 void CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal3d(Vec pg); 81 void CreatePVectorDiagnosticPattyn(Vec pg); 82 void CreatePVectorDiagnosticStokes(Vec pg); 79 ElementVector* CreatePVectorAdjointHoriz(void); 80 ElementVector* CreatePVectorDiagnosticHoriz(void); 81 ElementVector* CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal2d(void); 82 ElementVector* CreatePVectorDiagnosticMacAyeal3d(void); 83 ElementVector* CreatePVectorDiagnosticPattyn(void); 84 ElementVector* CreatePVectorDiagnosticStokes(void); 83 85 void GetDofList(int** pdoflist,int approximation_enum,int setenum); 84 86 void GetSegmentNormal(double* normal,double xyz_list[2][3]);
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