Changeset 5613
- Timestamp:
- 08/27/10 11:56:03 (15 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk/src/m/classes/public
- Files:
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r5575 r5613 58 58 checksize(md,fields,[md.numberofelements 1]); 59 59 %Check the values of elements_type 60 checkvalues(md,{'elements_type'},[MacAyealApproximationEnum() HutterApproximationEnum() PattynApproximationEnum() MacAyealPattynApproximationEnum() StokesApproximationEnum() NoneApproximationEnum()]);60 checkvalues(md,{'elements_type'},[MacAyealApproximationEnum() HutterApproximationEnum() PattynApproximationEnum() MacAyealPattynApproximationEnum() PattynStokesApproximationEnum() StokesApproximationEnum() NoneApproximationEnum()]); 61 61 if (md.dim==2), 62 62 checkvalues(md,{'elements_type'},[MacAyealApproximationEnum() HutterApproximationEnum()]); -
r5433 r5613 69 69 patch( 'Faces', [B E F C ], 'Vertices', [x y z],'CData', PattynApproximationEnum,'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor',edgecolor); 70 70 patch( 'Faces', [C A D F ], 'Vertices', [x y z],'CData', PattynApproximationEnum,'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor',edgecolor); 71 %Stokes elements 72 posS=find(data==StokesApproximationEnum); 73 A=elements(posS,1); B=elements(posS,2); C=elements(posS,3); D=elements(posS,4); E=elements(posS,5); F=elements(posS,6); 74 p4=patch( 'Faces', [A B C], 'Vertices', [x y z],'CData', StokesApproximationEnum,'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor',edgecolor); 75 patch( 'Faces', [D E F], 'Vertices', [x y z],'CData', StokesApproximationEnum,'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor',edgecolor); 76 patch( 'Faces', [A B E D], 'Vertices', [x y z],'CData', StokesApproximationEnum,'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor',edgecolor); 77 patch( 'Faces', [B E F C ], 'Vertices', [x y z],'CData', StokesApproximationEnum,'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor',edgecolor); 78 patch( 'Faces', [C A D F ], 'Vertices', [x y z],'CData', StokesApproximationEnum,'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor',edgecolor); 71 79 %MacAyealPattyn elements 72 80 posP=find(data==MacAyealPattynApproximationEnum); … … 77 85 patch( 'Faces', [B E F C ], 'Vertices', [x y z],'CData', MacAyealPattynApproximationEnum,'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor',edgecolor); 78 86 patch( 'Faces', [C A D F ], 'Vertices', [x y z],'CData', MacAyealPattynApproximationEnum,'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor',edgecolor); 79 %Stokes elements 80 alpha=0.35; 81 posS=find(data==StokesApproximationEnum); 82 if ~isempty(posS) 83 A=elements(posS,1); B=elements(posS,2); C=elements(posS,3); D=elements(posS,4); E=elements(posS,5); F=elements(posS,6); 84 p4=patch( 'Faces', [A B C], 'Vertices', [x y z],'FaceColor','none','EdgeColor','black'); 85 patch( 'Faces', [D E F], 'Vertices', [x y z],'FaceColor','none','EdgeColor','black'); 86 patch( 'Faces', [A B E D], 'Vertices', [x y z],'FaceColor','none','EdgeColor','black'); 87 patch( 'Faces', [B E F C ], 'Vertices', [x y z],'FaceColor','none','EdgeColor','black'); 88 patch( 'Faces', [C A D F ], 'Vertices', [x y z],'FaceColor','none','EdgeColor','black'); 89 legend([p1 p2 p3 p5 p4],'Hutter''s elements','MacAyeal''s elements','Pattyn''s elements','MacAyealPattyn''s elements','Stokes''s elements'); 90 else 91 legend([p1 p2 p3 p5],'Hutter''s elements','MacAyeal''s elements','Pattyn''s elements','MacAyealPattyn''s elements'); 92 end 87 %PattynStokes elements 88 PosPS=find(data==PattynStokesApproximationEnum); 89 A=elements(PosPS,1); B=elements(PosPS,2); C=elements(PosPS,3); D=elements(PosPS,4); E=elements(PosPS,5); F=elements(PosPS,6); 90 p6=patch( 'Faces', [A B C], 'Vertices', [x y z],'CData', PattynStokesApproximationEnum,'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor',edgecolor); 91 patch( 'Faces', [D E F], 'Vertices', [x y z],'CData', PattynStokesApproximationEnum,'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor',edgecolor); 92 patch( 'Faces', [A B E D], 'Vertices', [x y z],'CData', PattynStokesApproximationEnum,'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor',edgecolor); 93 patch( 'Faces', [B E F C ], 'Vertices', [x y z],'CData', PattynStokesApproximationEnum,'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor',edgecolor); 94 patch( 'Faces', [C A D F ], 'Vertices', [x y z],'CData', PattynStokesApproximationEnum,'FaceColor','flat','EdgeColor',edgecolor); 95 legend([p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6],'Hutter''s elements','MacAyeal''s elements','Pattyn''s elements','Stokes''s elements','MacAyealPattyn''s elements','PattynStokes''s elements'); 93 96 end 94 97 -
r5534 r5613 43 43 macayealflag(find(~hutterflag & ~pattynflag))=1; 44 44 elseif strcmpi(filltype,'pattyn'), 45 pattynflag(find(~hutterflag & ~macayealflag ))=1;45 pattynflag(find(~hutterflag & ~macayealflag & ~stokesflag))=1; 46 46 end 47 47 … … 52 52 53 53 %check that each element has only one flag 54 if any(hutterflag+ macayealflag+pattynflag >1),54 if any(hutterflag+ macayealflag+pattynflag+stokesflag>1), 55 55 disp('setelementstype warning message: some elements have several types, higher order type is used for them') 56 56 hutterflag(find(hutterflag & macayealflag))=0; 57 hutterflag(find(hutterflag & pattynflag))=0; 57 58 macayealflag(find(macayealflag & pattynflag))=0; 58 pattynflag(find(pattynflag & macayealflag))=0;59 59 end 60 60 … … 67 67 68 68 %Stokes can only be used alone for now: 69 if any(stokesflag) &any(hutterflag+ pattynflag+macayealflag),69 if any(stokesflag) &any(hutterflag+macayealflag), 70 70 error('setelementstype error message: stokes cannot be used with any other model for now, put stokes everywhere') 71 71 end 72 72 73 if any(stokesflag),74 %Modify stokesflag to get rid of elements contrained everywhere75 fullspcnodes=double(sum(md.spcvelocity(:,1:3),2)==3); %find all the grids on the boundary of the domain without icefront76 fullspcelems=double(sum(fullspcnodes(md.elements),2)==6); %find all the grids on the boundary of the domain without icefront77 stokesflag(find(fullspcelems))=0;78 end79 80 73 %add in model who is who 81 74 md.elements_type=zeros(md.numberofelements,1); … … 100 93 101 94 %4: Stokes elements 95 %First modify stokesflag to get rid of elements contrained everywhere (spc + border with pattyn or macayeal) 96 if any(stokesflag), 97 gridonstokes=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1); 98 gridonstokes(md.elements(find(stokesflag),:))=1; 99 fullspcnodes=double(sum(md.spcvelocity(:,1:3),2)==3 | (gridonpattyn & gridonstokes)); %find all the grids on the boundary of the domain without icefront 100 fullspcelems=double(sum(fullspcnodes(md.elements),2)==6); %find all the grids on the boundary of the domain without icefront 101 stokesflag(find(fullspcelems))=0; 102 end 102 103 gridonstokes=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1); 103 104 gridonstokes(md.elements(find(stokesflag),:))=1; … … 105 106 md.elements_type(find(stokesflag))=StokesApproximationEnum(); 106 107 107 % Complete with NoneApproximationif there is no stokes108 %Then complete with NoneApproximation or the other model used if there is no stokes 108 109 if any(stokesflag), 110 if any(pattynflag), %fill with pattyn 111 pattynflag(~stokesflag)=1; 112 gridonpattyn(md.elements(find(pattynflag),:))=1; 113 md.gridonpattyn=gridonpattyn; 114 md.elements_type(find(~stokesflag))=PattynApproximationEnum(); 115 else %fill with none 109 116 %5: None elements (non Stokes) 110 md.elements_type(find(~stokesflag))=NoneApproximationEnum(); 117 md.elements_type(find(~stokesflag))=NoneApproximationEnum(); 118 end 111 119 end 112 120 113 121 %Now take care of the coupling between MacAyeal and Pattyn 114 122 md.penalties=[]; 123 gridonmacayealpattyn=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1); 124 gridonpattynstokes=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1); 115 125 if strcmpi(coupling_method,'penalties'), 116 gridonmacayealpattyn=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1);117 126 %Create the border grids between Pattyn and MacAyeal and extrude them 118 127 numgrids2d=md.numberofgrids2d; … … 129 138 end 130 139 elseif strcmpi(coupling_method,'tiling'), 131 %Find grid at the border 132 gridonmacayealpattyn=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1); 133 gridonmacayealpattyn(find(gridonmacayeal & gridonpattyn))=1; 134 %Macayeal elements in contact with this layer become MacAyealPattyn elements 135 matrixelements=ismember(md.elements,find(gridonmacayealpattyn)); 136 commonelements=sum(matrixelements,2)~=0; 137 commonelements(find(pattynflag))=0; %only one layer: the elements previously in macayeal 138 macayealflag(find(commonelements))=0; %these elements are now macayealpattynelements 139 macayealpattynflag=zeros(md.numberofelements,1); 140 macayealpattynflag(find(commonelements))=1; 141 gridonmacayeal=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1); 142 gridonmacayeal(md.elements(find(macayealflag),:))=1; 143 md.gridonmacayeal=gridonmacayeal; 144 145 %Create MacaAyealPattynApproximation where needed 146 md.elements_type(find(macayealpattynflag))=MacAyealPattynApproximationEnum(); 147 148 %Now recreate gridonmacayeal and gridonmacayealpattyn 149 gridonmacayealpattyn(md.elements(find(macayealpattynflag),:))=1; 140 if any(macayealflag) & any(pattynflag), %coupling macayeal pattyn 141 %Find grid at the border 142 gridonmacayealpattyn(find(gridonmacayeal & gridonpattyn))=1; 143 %Macayeal elements in contact with this layer become MacAyealPattyn elements 144 matrixelements=ismember(md.elements,find(gridonmacayealpattyn)); 145 commonelements=sum(matrixelements,2)~=0; 146 commonelements(find(pattynflag))=0; %only one layer: the elements previously in macayeal 147 macayealflag(find(commonelements))=0; %these elements are now macayealpattynelements 148 macayealpattynflag=zeros(md.numberofelements,1); 149 macayealpattynflag(find(commonelements))=1; 150 gridonmacayeal=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1); 151 gridonmacayeal(md.elements(find(macayealflag),:))=1; 152 md.gridonmacayeal=gridonmacayeal; 153 154 %Create MacaAyealPattynApproximation where needed 155 md.elements_type(find(macayealpattynflag))=MacAyealPattynApproximationEnum(); 156 157 %Now recreate gridonmacayeal and gridonmacayealpattyn 158 gridonmacayealpattyn(md.elements(find(macayealpattynflag),:))=1; 159 elseif any(pattynflag) & any(stokesflag), %coupling pattyn stokes 160 %Find grid at the border 161 gridonpattynstokes(find(gridonpattyn & gridonstokes))=1; 162 %Stokes elements in contact with this layer become PattynStokes elements 163 matrixelements=ismember(md.elements,find(gridonpattynstokes)); 164 commonelements=sum(matrixelements,2)~=0; 165 commonelements(find(pattynflag))=0; %only one layer: the elements previously in macayeal 166 stokesflag(find(commonelements))=0; %these elements are now macayealpattynelements 167 pattynstokesflag=zeros(md.numberofelements,1); 168 pattynstokesflag(find(commonelements))=1; 169 gridonstokes=zeros(md.numberofgrids,1); 170 gridonstokes(md.elements(find(stokesflag),:))=1; 171 md.gridonstokes=gridonstokes; 172 173 %Create MacaAyealPattynApproximation where needed 174 md.elements_type(find(pattynstokesflag))=PattynStokesApproximationEnum(); 175 176 %Now recreate gridonmacayeal and gridonmacayealpattyn 177 gridonpattynstokes(md.elements(find(pattynstokesflag),:))=1; 178 elseif any(stokesflag) & any(macayealflag+hutterflag), 179 error('type of coupling not supported yet'); 180 end 150 181 end 151 182 … … 164 195 pos=find(gridonmacayealpattyn); 165 196 md.vertices_type(pos)=MacAyealPattynApproximationEnum(); 197 pos=find(gridonpattynstokes); 198 md.vertices_type(pos)=PattynStokesApproximationEnum(); 166 199 pos=find(gridonstokes); 167 200 md.vertices_type(pos)=StokesApproximationEnum();
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