Changeset 5311
- Timestamp:
- 08/17/10 11:13:09 (15 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk/src/c
- Files:
- 20 edited
- 2 moved
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r5286 r5311 465 465 ./modules/InputUpdateFromVectorx/InputUpdateFromVectorx.h\ 466 466 ./modules/InputUpdateFromVectorx/InputUpdateFromVectorx.cpp\ 467 ./modules/InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax/InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax.h\ 468 ./modules/InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax/InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax.cpp\ 467 469 ./modules/UpdateGeometryx/UpdateGeometryx.h\ 468 470 ./modules/UpdateGeometryx/UpdateGeometryx.cpp\ … … 1010 1012 ./modules/InputUpdateFromVectorx/InputUpdateFromVectorx.h\ 1011 1013 ./modules/InputUpdateFromVectorx/InputUpdateFromVectorx.cpp\ 1014 ./modules/InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax/InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax.h\ 1015 ./modules/InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax/InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax.cpp\ 1012 1016 ./modules/UpdateGeometryx/UpdateGeometryx.h\ 1013 1017 ./modules/UpdateGeometryx/UpdateGeometryx.cpp\ -
r5307 r5311 1 /*!\file InputUpdateFromVector x1 /*!\file InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax 2 2 * \brief: update datasets using parameter inputs 3 3 */ 4 4 5 #include "./InputUpdateFromVector x.h"5 #include "./InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax.h" 6 6 #include "../../shared/shared.h" 7 7 #include "../../include/include.h" … … 9 9 #include "../../EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.h" 10 10 11 void InputUpdateFromVector x( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices, Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,Vec vector, int NameEnum, int TypeEnum){11 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices, Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,Vec vector, int NameEnum, int TypeEnum){ 12 12 13 13 double* serial_vector=NULL; … … 15 15 VecToMPISerial(&serial_vector,vector); 16 16 17 InputUpdateFromVector x( elements,nodes, vertices, loads, materials, parameters,serial_vector,NameEnum, TypeEnum);17 InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax( elements,nodes, vertices, loads, materials, parameters,serial_vector,NameEnum, TypeEnum); 18 18 19 19 /*Free ressources:*/ … … 22 22 23 23 24 void InputUpdateFromVector x( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices, Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,double* vector, int NameEnum, int TypeEnum){24 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices, Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,double* vector, int NameEnum, int TypeEnum){ 25 25 26 26 int i; … … 29 29 for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){ 30 30 Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i); 31 element->InputUpdateFromVector (vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);31 element->InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum); 32 32 } 33 33 for(i=0;i<nodes->Size();i++){ 34 34 Node* node=(Node*)nodes->GetObjectByOffset(i); 35 node->InputUpdateFromVector (vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);35 node->InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum); 36 36 } 37 37 for(i=0;i<loads->Size();i++){ 38 38 Load* load=(Load*)loads->GetObjectByOffset(i); 39 load->InputUpdateFromVector (vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);39 load->InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum); 40 40 } 41 41 for(i=0;i<materials->Size();i++){ 42 42 Material* material=(Material*)materials->GetObjectByOffset(i); 43 material->InputUpdateFromVector (vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);43 material->InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum); 44 44 } 45 45 } 46 46 47 void InputUpdateFromVector x( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices, Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,int* vector, int NameEnum, int TypeEnum){47 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices, Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,int* vector, int NameEnum, int TypeEnum){ 48 48 49 49 int i; … … 52 52 for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){ 53 53 Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i); 54 element->InputUpdateFromVector (vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);54 element->InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum); 55 55 } 56 56 for(i=0;i<nodes->Size();i++){ 57 57 Node* node=(Node*)nodes->GetObjectByOffset(i); 58 node->InputUpdateFromVector (vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);58 node->InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum); 59 59 } 60 60 for(i=0;i<loads->Size();i++){ 61 61 Load* load=(Load*)loads->GetObjectByOffset(i); 62 load->InputUpdateFromVector (vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);62 load->InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum); 63 63 } 64 64 for(i=0;i<materials->Size();i++){ 65 65 Material* material=(Material*)materials->GetObjectByOffset(i); 66 material->InputUpdateFromVector (vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);66 material->InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum); 67 67 } 68 68 } 69 69 70 void InputUpdateFromVector x( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices, Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,bool* vector, int NameEnum, int TypeEnum){70 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices, Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,bool* vector, int NameEnum, int TypeEnum){ 71 71 72 72 int i; … … 75 75 for(i=0;i<elements->Size();i++){ 76 76 Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(i); 77 element->InputUpdateFromVector (vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);77 element->InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum); 78 78 } 79 79 for(i=0;i<nodes->Size();i++){ 80 80 Node* node=(Node*)nodes->GetObjectByOffset(i); 81 node->InputUpdateFromVector (vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);81 node->InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum); 82 82 } 83 83 for(i=0;i<loads->Size();i++){ 84 84 Load* load=(Load*)loads->GetObjectByOffset(i); 85 load->InputUpdateFromVector (vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);85 load->InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum); 86 86 } 87 87 for(i=0;i<materials->Size();i++){ 88 88 Material* material=(Material*)materials->GetObjectByOffset(i); 89 material->InputUpdateFromVector (vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum);89 material->InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(vector,NameEnum,TypeEnum); 90 90 } 91 91 } -
r5307 r5311 1 /*!\file: InputUpdateFromVector x.h1 /*!\file: InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax.h 2 2 * \brief header file for updating datasets from inputs 3 3 */ 4 4 5 #ifndef _UPDATEINPUTSFROMVECTOR XX_H6 #define _UPDATEINPUTSFROMVECTOR XX_H5 #ifndef _UPDATEINPUTSFROMVECTORDAKOTAXX_H 6 #define _UPDATEINPUTSFROMVECTORDAKOTAXX_H 7 7 8 8 #include "../../objects/objects.h" … … 10 10 11 11 /* local prototypes: */ 12 void InputUpdateFromVector x( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices,Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,Vec vector, int NameEnum,int TypeEnum);13 void InputUpdateFromVector x( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices,Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,double* vector, int NameEnum,int TypeEnum);14 void InputUpdateFromVector x( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices,Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,int* vector, int NameEnum,int TypeEnum);15 void InputUpdateFromVector x( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices,Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,bool* vector, int NameEnum,int TypeEnum);12 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices,Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,Vec vector, int NameEnum,int TypeEnum); 13 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices,Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,double* vector, int NameEnum,int TypeEnum); 14 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices,Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,int* vector, int NameEnum,int TypeEnum); 15 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax( Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices,Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,bool* vector, int NameEnum,int TypeEnum); 16 16 17 #endif /* _UPDATEINPUTSFROMVECTOR XX_H */17 #endif /* _UPDATEINPUTSFROMVECTORDAKOTAXX_H */ 18 18 -
r5286 r5311 40 40 #include "./InputUpdateFromDakotax/InputUpdateFromDakotax.h" 41 41 #include "./InputUpdateFromVectorx/InputUpdateFromVectorx.h" 42 #include "./InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax/InputUpdateFromVectorDakotax.h" 42 43 #include "./MassFluxx/MassFluxx.h" 43 44 #include "./MaxAbsVxx/MaxAbsVxx.h" -
r5290 r5311 443 443 /*FUNCTION Penta::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/ 444 444 void Penta::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ 445 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 446 } 447 /*}}}*/ 448 /*FUNCTION Penta::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/ 449 void Penta::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type){ 450 451 /*Check that name is an element input*/ 452 if (!IsInput(name)) return; 453 454 switch(type){ 455 456 case VertexEnum: 457 458 /*New PentaVertexInpu*/ 459 double values[6]; 460 461 /*Get values on the 6 vertices*/ 462 for (int i=0;i<6;i++){ 463 values[i]=vector[this->nodes[i]->GetVertexDof()]; 464 } 465 466 /*update input*/ 467 this->inputs->AddInput(new PentaVertexInput(name,values)); 468 return; 469 470 default: 471 472 ISSMERROR("type %i (%s) not implemented yet",type,EnumToString(type)); 473 } 474 } 475 /*}}}*/ 476 /*FUNCTION Penta::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/ 477 void Penta::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){ 478 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 479 } 480 /*}}}*/ 481 /*FUNCTION Penta::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/ 482 void Penta::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){ 445 483 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 446 484 } -
r5286 r5311 64 64 void InputUpdateFromVector(double* vector, int name, int type); 65 65 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type); 66 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type); 67 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type); 68 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type); 66 69 /*}}}*/ 67 70 /*Element virtual functions definitions: {{{1*/ -
r5292 r5311 440 440 /*FUNCTION Tria::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/ 441 441 void Tria::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ 442 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 443 } 444 /*}}}*/ 445 /*FUNCTION Tria::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/ 446 void Tria::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type){ 447 448 /*Check that name is an element input*/ 449 if (!IsInput(name)) return; 450 451 switch(type){ 452 453 case VertexEnum: 454 455 /*New TriaVertexInput*/ 456 double values[3]; 457 458 /*Get values on the 6 vertices*/ 459 for (int i=0;i<3;i++){ 460 values[i]=vector[this->nodes[i]->GetVertexDof()]; 461 } 462 463 /*update input*/ 464 if (name==RheologyB2dEnum || name==RheologyBEnum){ 465 matice->inputs->AddInput(new TriaVertexInput(name,values)); 466 } 467 else{ 468 this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaVertexInput(name,values)); 469 } 470 return; 471 472 default: 473 474 ISSMERROR("type %i (%s) not implemented yet",type,EnumToString(type)); 475 } 476 } 477 /*}}}*/ 478 /*FUNCTION Tria::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/ 479 void Tria::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){ 480 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 481 } 482 /*}}}*/ 483 /*FUNCTION Tria::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type);{{{1*/ 484 void Tria::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){ 442 485 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 443 486 } -
r5286 r5311 58 58 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type); 59 59 void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type); 60 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type); 61 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type); 62 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type); 60 63 void InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name); 61 64 void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name); -
r5161 r5311 334 334 /*FUNCTION Icefront::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/ 335 335 void Icefront::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ 336 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 337 } 338 /*}}}*/ 339 /*FUNCTION Icefront::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/ 340 void Icefront::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type){ 341 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 342 } 343 /*}}}*/ 344 /*FUNCTION Icefront::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/ 345 void Icefront::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){ 346 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 347 } 348 /*}}}*/ 349 /*FUNCTION Icefront::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/ 350 void Icefront::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){ 336 351 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 337 352 } -
r5136 r5311 53 53 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type); 54 54 void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type); 55 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type); 56 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type); 57 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type); 55 58 void InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name); 56 59 void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name); -
r5292 r5311 48 48 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 49 49 void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 50 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type){/*Do nothing*/} 51 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 52 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 50 53 void InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 51 54 void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){/*Do nothing*/}; -
r5152 r5311 344 344 /*FUNCTION Pengrid::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/ 345 345 void Pengrid::InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ 346 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 347 } 348 /*}}}*/ 349 /*FUNCTION Pengrid::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/ 350 void Pengrid::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type){ 351 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 352 } 353 /*}}}*/ 354 /*FUNCTION Pengrid::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/ 355 void Pengrid::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){ 356 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 357 } 358 /*}}}*/ 359 /*FUNCTION Pengrid::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/ 360 void Pengrid::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){ 346 361 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 347 362 } -
r5096 r5311 54 54 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type); 55 55 void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type); 56 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type); 57 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type); 58 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type); 56 59 void InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name); 57 60 void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name); -
r5096 r5311 46 46 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 47 47 void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 48 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 49 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 50 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 48 51 void InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name); 49 52 void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name); -
r5161 r5311 63 63 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 64 64 void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 65 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 66 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 67 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 65 68 void InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ISSMERROR("Not implemented yet!");} 66 69 void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name); -
r5152 r5311 591 591 } 592 592 /*}}}*/ 593 /*FUNCTION Matice::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/ 594 void Matice::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type){ 595 596 /*Intermediaries*/ 597 Element *element = NULL; 598 599 /*Recover element*/ 600 element=(Element*)helement->delivers(); 601 602 /*Check that name is an element input*/ 603 if (!IsInput(name)) return; 604 605 switch(type){ 606 607 case VertexEnum: 608 609 switch(element->Enum()){ 610 611 case TriaEnum: 612 double values[3]; 613 for (int i=0;i<3;i++) values[i]=vector[((Tria*)element)->nodes[i]->GetVertexDof()]; 614 this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaVertexInput(name,values)); 615 return; 616 617 default: ISSMERROR("element %s not implemented yet",EnumToString(element->Enum())); 618 } 619 default: ISSMERROR("type %i (%s) not implemented yet",type,EnumToString(type)); 620 } 621 } 622 /*}}}*/ 623 /*FUNCTION Matice::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/ 624 void Matice::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){ 625 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 626 } 627 /*}}}*/ 628 /*FUNCTION Matice::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/ 629 void Matice::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){ 630 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 631 } 632 /*}}}*/ 593 633 /*FUNCTION Matice::InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name) {{{1*/ 594 634 void Matice::InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ -
r4967 r5311 45 45 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type); 46 46 void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type); 47 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type); 48 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type); 49 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type); 47 50 void InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name); 48 51 void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name); -
r4966 r5311 219 219 } 220 220 /*}}}*/ 221 /*FUNCTION Matpar::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/ 222 void Matpar::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type){ 223 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 224 } 225 /*}}}*/ 226 /*FUNCTION Matpar::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/ 227 void Matpar::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){ 228 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 229 } 230 /*}}}*/ 231 /*FUNCTION Matpar::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type) {{{1*/ 232 void Matpar::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){ 233 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 234 } 235 /*}}}*/ 221 236 /*FUNCTION Matpar::InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name) {{{1*/ 222 237 void Matpar::InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ -
r4967 r5311 49 49 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type); 50 50 void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type); 51 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type); 52 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type); 53 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type); 51 54 void InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name); 52 55 void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name); -
r5259 r5311 587 587 } 588 588 /*}}}*/ 589 /*FUNCTION Node::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type){{{1*/ 590 void Node::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type){ 591 592 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 593 } 594 /*}}}*/ 595 /*FUNCTION Node::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){{{1*/ 596 void Node::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){ 597 598 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 599 } 600 /*}}}*/ 601 /*FUNCTION Node::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){{{1*/ 602 void Node::InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){ 603 604 /*Nothing updated yet*/ 605 } 606 /*}}}*/ 589 607 /*FUNCTION Node::InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){{{1*/ 590 608 void Node::InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name){ -
r5259 r5311 55 55 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type); 56 56 void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type); 57 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type); 58 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type); 59 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type); 57 60 void InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name); 58 61 void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name); -
r4244 r5311 18 18 virtual void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type)=0; 19 19 virtual void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type)=0; 20 virtual void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(double* vector, int name, int type)=0; 21 virtual void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type)=0; 22 virtual void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type)=0; 20 23 virtual void InputUpdateFromConstant(double constant, int name)=0; 21 24 virtual void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name)=0;
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