Changeset 5103
- Timestamp:
- 08/09/10 15:36:56 (15 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk/src
- Files:
- 4 added
- 4 deleted
- 87 edited
- 1 moved
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r5057 r5103 349 349 } 350 350 else{ 351 ISSMERROR("could not recognize enum type: %i (%s)",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));351 ISSMERROR("could not recognize enum type: %i (%s)",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type)); 352 352 } 353 353 … … 466 466 /*Carry out a binary search on the sorted_ids: */ 467 467 if(!binary_search(&id_offset,eid, sorted_ids,objects.size())){ 468 ISSMERROR("could not find object with id %i in DataSet %s",eid,Enum AsString(enum_type));468 ISSMERROR("could not find object with id %i in DataSet %s",eid,EnumToString(enum_type)); 469 469 } 470 470 -
r5017 r5103 63 63 /*we could not find an input with the correct enum type. No defaults values were provided, 64 64 * error out: */ 65 ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum type %i (%s)",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));65 ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum type %i (%s)",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type)); 66 66 } 67 67 … … 117 117 /*we could not find an input with the correct enum type. No defaults values were provided, 118 118 * error out: */ 119 ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum type %i (%s)",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));119 ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum type %i (%s)",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type)); 120 120 } 121 121 … … 145 145 /*we could not find an input with the correct enum type. No defaults values were provided, 146 146 * error out: */ 147 ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum type %i (%s)",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));147 ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum type %i (%s)",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type)); 148 148 } 149 149 … … 173 173 /*we could not find an input with the correct enum type. No defaults values were provided, 174 174 * error out: */ 175 ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum type %i (%s)",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));175 ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum type %i (%s)",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type)); 176 176 } 177 177 … … 201 201 /*we could not find an input with the correct enum type. No defaults values were provided, 202 202 * error out: */ 203 ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum type %i (%s)",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));203 ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum type %i (%s)",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type)); 204 204 } 205 205 … … 257 257 /*we could not find an input with the correct enum type. No defaults values were provided, 258 258 * error out: */ 259 ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum type %i (%s)",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));259 ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum type %i (%s)",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type)); 260 260 } 261 261 … … 285 285 /*we could not find an input with the correct enum type. No defaults values were provided, 286 286 * error out: */ 287 ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum type %i (%s)",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));287 ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum type %i (%s)",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type)); 288 288 } 289 289 … … 356 356 357 357 /*some checks: */ 358 if(!constrain_input) ISSMERROR(" input %s could not be found!",Enum AsString(constrain_enum));358 if(!constrain_input) ISSMERROR(" input %s could not be found!",EnumToString(constrain_enum)); 359 359 360 360 /*Apply ContrainMin: */ … … 407 407 /*Make a copy of the original input: */ 408 408 original=(Input*)this->GetInput(original_enum); 409 if(!original)ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum: %s",Enum AsString(original_enum));409 if(!original)ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum: %s",EnumToString(original_enum)); 410 410 copy=(Input*)original->copy(); 411 411 … … 454 454 455 455 /*some checks: */ 456 if(!xinput) ISSMERROR(" input %s could not be found!",Enum AsString(XEnum));457 if(!yinput) ISSMERROR(" input %s could not be found!",Enum AsString(YEnum));456 if(!xinput) ISSMERROR(" input %s could not be found!",EnumToString(XEnum)); 457 if(!yinput) ISSMERROR(" input %s could not be found!",EnumToString(YEnum)); 458 458 459 459 /*Apply AXPY: */ -
r5065 r5103 351 351 int EnumIsLoad(int en); 352 352 int EnumIsMaterial(int en); 353 char* Enum AsString(int enum_type);354 int String AsEnum(char* string);355 char* Enum AsModelField(int en);353 char* EnumToString(int enum_type); 354 int StringToEnum(char* string); 355 char* EnumToModelField(int en); 356 356 357 357 #endif -
r5100 r5103 1 /*\file Enum AsModelField.cpp:1 /*\file EnumToModelField.cpp: 2 2 * \brief: output string associated with enum, that corresponds to a model field 3 3 * for example: ThicknessEnum corresponds to model field thickness … … 9 9 #include "./EnumDefinitions.h" 10 10 11 char* Enum AsModelField(int en){11 char* EnumToModelField(int en){ 12 12 13 13 switch(en){ -
r3677 r5103 1 1 2 2 DO NOT MODIFY the following files: 3 - String AsEnum.cpp4 - Enum AsString.cpp3 - StringToEnum.cpp 4 - EnumToString.cpp 5 5 - src/m/enum/* 6 6 all these files are automatically synchronized with EnumDefinitions.h … … 14 14 15 15 SYNCHRONIZESTRINGS 16 This scrpit synchronizes String AsEnum.cpp and EnumAsString.cpp according to EnumDefinitions.h16 This scrpit synchronizes StringToEnum.cpp and EnumToString.cpp according to EnumDefinitions.h -
r3991 r5103 9 9 echo "Synchronizing Matlab's Enums..." 10 10 #Get all lines of EnumDefinitions2.h which hold Enum | remove all comas | add line number in the first column > put everything in file temp 11 cat EnumDefinitions.h | grep -e "[0-9]Enum" -e "[Aa-Zz]Enum" | grep -v String AsEnum | sed -e "s/,//g" | awk '{ printf "%s %s\n", NR, $0 }' > temp11 cat EnumDefinitions.h | grep -e "[0-9]Enum" -e "[Aa-Zz]Enum" | grep -v StringToEnum | sed -e "s/,//g" | awk '{ printf "%s %s\n", NR, $0 }' > temp 12 12 13 #Build header of Enum AsString.m {{{114 cat <<END > Enum AsString.m15 function string=Enum AsString(enum)13 #Build header of EnumToString.m {{{1 14 cat <<END > EnumToString.m 15 function string=EnumToString(enum) 16 16 %ENUMASSTRING - output string associated with enum 17 17 % … … 21 21 % 22 22 % Usage: 23 % string=Enum AsString(enum)23 % string=EnumToString(enum) 24 24 25 25 switch enum, … … 27 27 END 28 28 #}}} 29 #Build header of String AsEnum.m {{{130 cat <<END > String AsEnum.m31 function enum=String AsEnum(name)29 #Build header of StringToEnum.m {{{1 30 cat <<END > StringToEnum.m 31 function enum=StringToEnum(name) 32 32 %STRINGASENUM - output enum associated with string 33 33 % … … 37 37 % 38 38 % Usage: 39 % enum=String AsEnum(name)39 % enum=StringToEnum(name) 40 40 41 41 END … … 86 86 END 87 87 #}}} 88 #Add case to Enum AsString.m {{{89 cat <<END >> Enum AsString.m88 #Add case to EnumToString.m {{{ 89 cat <<END >> EnumToString.m 90 90 case $NAMEENUM(), string='$NAME'; return 91 91 END 92 92 #}}} 93 #Add case to String AsEnum.m {{{93 #Add case to StringToEnum.m {{{ 94 94 if [ $i -eq 1 ] 95 95 then 96 cat <<END >> String AsEnum.m96 cat <<END >> StringToEnum.m 97 97 if (strcmpi(name,'$NAME')), enum=$NAMEENUM(); return 98 98 END 99 99 else 100 cat <<END >> String AsEnum.m100 cat <<END >> StringToEnum.m 101 101 elseif (strcmpi(name,'$NAME')), enum=$NAMEENUM(); return 102 102 END … … 106 106 done 107 107 108 #Add footer of of Enum AsString.m{{{1109 cat <<END >> Enum AsString.m108 #Add footer of of EnumToString.m{{{1 109 cat <<END >> EnumToString.m 110 110 otherwise, error(['Enum ' num2str(enum) ' not found']); 111 111 … … 113 113 END 114 114 #}}} 115 #Add footer of of String AsEnum.m{{{1116 cat <<END >> String AsEnum.m115 #Add footer of of StringToEnum.m{{{1 116 cat <<END >> StringToEnum.m 117 117 else error(['Enum ' name ' not found']); 118 118 … … 122 122 123 123 #clean up{{{ 124 mv String AsEnum.m $ISSM_DIR/src/m/enum/125 mv Enum AsString.m $ISSM_DIR/src/m/enum/124 mv StringToEnum.m $ISSM_DIR/src/m/enum/ 125 mv EnumToString.m $ISSM_DIR/src/m/enum/ 126 126 rm temp 127 127 #}}} -
r4398 r5103 1 1 #!/bin/bash 2 #Synchronize Enum AsString.cpp and StringAsEnum.cpp2 #Synchronize EnumToString.cpp and StringToEnum.cpp 3 3 4 4 #first remove existing files 5 rm Enum AsString.cpp StringAsEnum.cpp5 rm EnumToString.cpp StringToEnum.cpp 6 6 7 echo "Synchronizing Enum AsString..."7 echo "Synchronizing EnumToString..." 8 8 #Get all lines of EnumDefinitions2.h which hold Enum | remove all comas | add line number in the first column > put everything in file temp 9 cat EnumDefinitions.h | grep -e "[0-9]Enum" -e "[Aa-Zz]Enum" | grep -v String AsEnum | sed -e "s/,//g" | awk '{ printf "%s %s\n", NR, $0 }' > temp9 cat EnumDefinitions.h | grep -e "[0-9]Enum" -e "[Aa-Zz]Enum" | grep -v StringToEnum | sed -e "s/,//g" | awk '{ printf "%s %s\n", NR, $0 }' > temp 10 10 11 #Build header of Enum AsString.cpp {{{112 cat <<END > Enum AsString.cpp11 #Build header of EnumToString.cpp {{{1 12 cat <<END > EnumToString.cpp 13 13 /* 14 * \file Enum AsString.cpp:14 * \file EnumToString.cpp: 15 15 * \brief: output string associated with enum 16 16 * … … 24 24 #include "./EnumDefinitions.h" 25 25 26 char* Enum AsString(int en){26 char* EnumToString(int en){ 27 27 28 28 switch(en){ … … 30 30 END 31 31 #}}} 32 #Build header of String AsEnum.cpp {{{133 cat <<END > String AsEnum.cpp32 #Build header of StringToEnum.cpp {{{1 33 cat <<END > StringToEnum.cpp 34 34 /* 35 * \file String AsEnum.cpp:35 * \file StringToEnum.cpp: 36 36 * \brief: output enum associated with string 37 37 * … … 45 45 #include "./EnumDefinitions.h" 46 46 47 int String AsEnum(char* name){47 int StringToEnum(char* name){ 48 48 49 49 END … … 79 79 fi 80 80 #}}} 81 #Add case to Enum AsString.cpp {{{82 cat <<END >> Enum AsString.cpp81 #Add case to EnumToString.cpp {{{ 82 cat <<END >> EnumToString.cpp 83 83 case $NAMEENUM : return "$NAME"; 84 84 END 85 85 #}}} 86 #Add case to String AsEnum.cpp {{{86 #Add case to StringToEnum.cpp {{{ 87 87 if [ $i -eq 1 ] 88 88 then 89 cat <<END >> String AsEnum.cpp89 cat <<END >> StringToEnum.cpp 90 90 if (strcmp(name,"$NAME")==0) return $NAMEENUM; 91 91 END 92 92 else 93 cat <<END >> String AsEnum.cpp93 cat <<END >> StringToEnum.cpp 94 94 else if (strcmp(name,"$NAME")==0) return $NAMEENUM; 95 95 END … … 99 99 done 100 100 101 #Add footer of of Enum AsString.cpp{{{1102 cat <<END >> Enum AsString.cpp101 #Add footer of of EnumToString.cpp{{{1 102 cat <<END >> EnumToString.cpp 103 103 default : return "unknown"; 104 104 … … 107 107 END 108 108 #}}} 109 #Add footer of of String AsEnum.cpp{{{1110 cat <<END >> String AsEnum.cpp109 #Add footer of of StringToEnum.cpp{{{1 110 cat <<END >> StringToEnum.cpp 111 111 else ISSMERROR("Enum %s not found",name); 112 112 -
r5095 r5103 328 328 ./EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.h\ 329 329 ./EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.cpp\ 330 ./EnumDefinitions/Enum AsString.cpp\331 ./EnumDefinitions/String AsEnum.cpp\332 ./EnumDefinitions/Enum AsModelField.cpp\330 ./EnumDefinitions/EnumToString.cpp\ 331 ./EnumDefinitions/StringToEnum.cpp\ 332 ./EnumDefinitions/EnumToModelField.cpp\ 333 333 ./modules/AddExternalResultx/AddExternalResultx.h\ 334 334 ./modules/AddExternalResultx/AddExternalResultx.cpp\ … … 860 860 ./EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.h\ 861 861 ./EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.cpp\ 862 ./EnumDefinitions/Enum AsString.cpp\863 ./EnumDefinitions/String AsEnum.cpp\864 ./EnumDefinitions/Enum AsModelField.cpp\862 ./EnumDefinitions/EnumToString.cpp\ 863 ./EnumDefinitions/StringToEnum.cpp\ 864 ./EnumDefinitions/EnumToModelField.cpp\ 865 865 ./modules/AddExternalResultx/AddExternalResultx.h\ 866 866 ./modules/AddExternalResultx/AddExternalResultx.cpp\ -
r4852 r5103 53 53 /*Get i'th field: */ 54 54 name=(char*)mxGetFieldNameByNumber(dataref,count); 55 enum_type=String AsEnum(name);55 enum_type=StringToEnum(name); 56 56 pfield=mxGetFieldByNumber(dataref,0,count); 57 57 ISSMASSERT(pfield); -
r4573 r5103 26 26 /*Get size of vector: */ 27 27 gsize=nodes->NumberOfDofs(configuration_type); 28 if (gsize==0) ISSMERROR("Allocating a Vec of size 0 as gsize=0 for configuration: %s",Enum AsString(configuration_type));28 if (gsize==0) ISSMERROR("Allocating a Vec of size 0 as gsize=0 for configuration: %s",EnumToString(configuration_type)); 29 29 30 30 /*Initialize solution: */ -
r4573 r5103 23 23 } 24 24 } 25 else ISSMERROR("%s%s%s"," vector type: ",Enum AsString(TypeEnum)," not supported yet!");25 else ISSMERROR("%s%s%s"," vector type: ",EnumToString(TypeEnum)," not supported yet!"); 26 26 27 27 VecAssemblyBegin(vector); -
r4569 r5103 54 54 55 55 /*Ok, variable is not distributed, just update inputs using the variable: */ 56 InputUpdateFromConstantx( elements,nodes, vertices,loads, materials, parameters, variables[i],String AsEnum(descriptor));56 InputUpdateFromConstantx( elements,nodes, vertices,loads, materials, parameters, variables[i],StringToEnum(descriptor)); 57 57 58 58 } … … 69 69 70 70 /*Now, pick up the parameter corresponding to root: */ 71 if(!parameters->FindParam(¶meter_serial,NULL,String AsEnum(root))){71 if(!parameters->FindParam(¶meter_serial,NULL,StringToEnum(root))){ 72 72 ISSMERROR("%s%s"," could not find Qmu parameter: ",root); 73 73 } … … 89 89 PetscSynchronizedFlush(MPI_COMM_WORLD); 90 90 } 91 PetscSynchronizedPrintf(MPI_COMM_WORLD," enum: %i\n",String AsEnum(root));91 PetscSynchronizedPrintf(MPI_COMM_WORLD," enum: %i\n",StringToEnum(root)); 92 92 PetscSynchronizedFlush(MPI_COMM_WORLD); 93 93 #endif … … 95 95 96 96 /*Update inputs using the parameter vector: */ 97 InputUpdateFromVectorx( elements,nodes, vertices,loads, materials, parameters, parameter, String AsEnum(root), VertexEnum);97 InputUpdateFromVectorx( elements,nodes, vertices,loads, materials, parameters, parameter, StringToEnum(root), VertexEnum); 98 98 99 99 /*increment i to skip the distributed values just collected: */ -
r5043 r5103 43 43 } 44 44 else{ 45 ISSMERROR("Control for solution of type %s not supported yet",Enum AsString(solution_type));45 ISSMERROR("Control for solution of type %s not supported yet",EnumToString(solution_type)); 46 46 } 47 47 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(NStepsEnum,iomodel->nsteps)); -
r4765 r5103 106 106 break; 107 107 default: 108 ISSMERROR("%s%s%s"," analysis_type: ",Enum AsString(analysis_type)," not supported yet!");108 ISSMERROR("%s%s%s"," analysis_type: ",EnumToString(analysis_type)," not supported yet!"); 109 109 } 110 110 -
r4295 r5103 41 41 analysis_type=analysis_type_list[i]; 42 42 43 _printf_(" create datasets for analysis %s\n",Enum AsString(analysis_type));43 _printf_(" create datasets for analysis %s\n",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 44 44 CreateDataSets(&elements,&nodes,&vertices,&materials,&constraints,&loads,¶meters,iomodel,IOMODEL,solution_type,analysis_type,nummodels,i); 45 45 } -
r5043 r5103 156 156 ){ 157 157 158 IoModelFetchData(&dakota_parameter,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,Enum AsModelField(StringAsEnum(descriptor)));159 parameters->AddObject(new DoubleVecParam(String AsEnum(descriptor),dakota_parameter,iomodel->numberofvertices));158 IoModelFetchData(&dakota_parameter,NULL,NULL,iomodel_handle,EnumToModelField(StringToEnum(descriptor))); 159 parameters->AddObject(new DoubleVecParam(StringToEnum(descriptor),dakota_parameter,iomodel->numberofvertices)); 160 160 xfree((void**)&dakota_parameter); 161 161 } -
r4439 r5103 75 75 for(i=0;i<maxfields;i++){ 76 76 if (enums[i]>0){ 77 fnames[count]=Enum AsString(enums[i]);77 fnames[count]=EnumToString(enums[i]); 78 78 count++; 79 79 } -
r4873 r5103 38 38 *therefore, we need to include the solutiontype into the filename: */ 39 39 parameters->FindParam(&solutiontype,SolutionTypeEnum); 40 results->AddObject(new StringExternalResult(results->Size()+1,SolutionTypeEnum,Enum AsString(solutiontype),1,0));40 results->AddObject(new StringExternalResult(results->Size()+1,SolutionTypeEnum,EnumToString(solutiontype),1,0)); 41 41 #endif 42 42 -
r4548 r5103 64 64 65 65 /*Run the core solution sequence: */ 66 if(verbose)_printf_("%s%s%s\n","Starting ",Enum AsString(solution_type)," core:");66 if(verbose)_printf_("%s%s%s\n","Starting ",EnumToString(solution_type)," core:"); 67 67 SolutionConfiguration(NULL,NULL,&solutioncore,solution_type); 68 68 solutioncore(femmodel); -
r4546 r5103 50 50 printf(" dof: %i\n",dof); 51 51 printf(" value: %g\n",value); 52 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",Enum AsString(analysis_type));52 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 53 53 return; 54 54 } … … 62 62 printf(" dof: %i\n",dof); 63 63 printf(" value: %g\n",value); 64 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",Enum AsString(analysis_type));64 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 65 65 return; 66 66 } -
r4927 r5103 49 49 50 50 printf("DoubleElementResult:\n"); 51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 52 52 printf(" value: %g\n",this->value); 53 53 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step); -
r4927 r5103 51 51 52 52 printf("PentaVertexElementResult:\n"); 53 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));53 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 54 54 printf(" values: [%g %g %g %g %g %g]\n",this->values[0],this->values[1],this->values[2],this->values[3],this->values[4],this->values[5]); 55 55 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step); -
r4927 r5103 51 51 52 52 printf("TriaVertexElementResult:\n"); 53 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));53 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 54 54 printf(" values: [%g %g %g]\n",this->values[0],this->values[1],this->values[2]); 55 55 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step); -
r5096 r5103 404 404 } 405 405 else{ 406 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,Enum AsString(analysis_type));406 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,EnumToString(analysis_type)); 407 407 } 408 408 } … … 432 432 default: 433 433 434 ISSMERROR("type %i (%s) not implemented yet",type,Enum AsString(type));434 ISSMERROR("type %i (%s) not implemented yet",type,EnumToString(type)); 435 435 } 436 436 } … … 781 781 CreateKMatrixMelting( Kgg); 782 782 } 783 else ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,Enum AsString(analysis_type));783 else ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,EnumToString(analysis_type)); 784 784 785 785 } … … 833 833 CreatePVectorMelting( pg); 834 834 } 835 else ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,Enum AsString(analysis_type));835 else ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,EnumToString(analysis_type)); 836 836 837 837 } … … 921 921 } 922 922 else{ 923 ISSMERROR("analysis: %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,Enum AsString(analysis_type));923 ISSMERROR("analysis: %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,EnumToString(analysis_type)); 924 924 } 925 925 } … … 971 971 GradjB(gradient); 972 972 } 973 else ISSMERROR("control type %s not supported yet: ",Enum AsString(control_type));973 else ISSMERROR("control type %s not supported yet: ",EnumToString(control_type)); 974 974 } 975 975 /*}}}*/ … … 988 988 new_inputs[i]=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(enums[2*i+0]); 989 989 old_inputs[i]=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(enums[2*i+1]); 990 if(!new_inputs[i])ISSMERROR("%s%s"," could not find input with enum ",Enum AsString(enums[2*i+0]));991 if(!old_inputs[i])ISSMERROR("%s%s"," could not find input with enum ",Enum AsString(enums[2*i+0]));990 if(!new_inputs[i])ISSMERROR("%s%s"," could not find input with enum ",EnumToString(enums[2*i+0])); 991 if(!old_inputs[i])ISSMERROR("%s%s"," could not find input with enum ",EnumToString(enums[2*i+0])); 992 992 } 993 993 … … 1069 1069 } 1070 1070 else{ 1071 ISSMERROR("control type %s not implemented yet",Enum AsString(control_type));1071 ISSMERROR("control type %s not implemented yet",EnumToString(control_type)); 1072 1072 } 1073 1073 } … … 1113 1113 original_input=(Input*)penta->matice->inputs->GetInput(enum_type); 1114 1114 else 1115 ISSMERROR("object %s not supported yet",Enum AsString(object_enum));1116 if(!original_input) ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum %s",Enum AsString(enum_type));1115 ISSMERROR("object %s not supported yet",EnumToString(object_enum)); 1116 if(!original_input) ISSMERROR("could not find input with enum %s",EnumToString(enum_type)); 1117 1117 1118 1118 /*If first time, initialize total_integrated_input*/ … … 1123 1123 total_integrated_input=new DoubleInput(average_enum_type,0.0); 1124 1124 else 1125 ISSMERROR("object %s not supported yet",Enum AsString(original_input->Enum()));1125 ISSMERROR("object %s not supported yet",EnumToString(original_input->Enum())); 1126 1126 } 1127 1127 … … 1171 1171 this->matice->inputs->AddInput((Input*)depth_averaged_input); 1172 1172 else 1173 ISSMERROR("object %s not supported yet",Enum AsString(object_enum));1173 ISSMERROR("object %s not supported yet",EnumToString(object_enum)); 1174 1174 } 1175 1175 /*}}}*/ … … 1189 1189 /*Make a copy of the original input: */ 1190 1190 input=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(enum_type); 1191 if(!input)ISSMERROR(" could not find old input with enum: %s",Enum AsString(enum_type));1191 if(!input)ISSMERROR(" could not find old input with enum: %s",EnumToString(enum_type)); 1192 1192 1193 1193 /*Scale: */ … … 1209 1209 input=this->inputs->GetInput(enum_type); 1210 1210 } 1211 if (!input) ISSMERROR("Input %s not found in tria->inputs",Enum AsString(enum_type));1211 if (!input) ISSMERROR("Input %s not found in tria->inputs",EnumToString(enum_type)); 1212 1212 1213 1213 /*If we don't find it, no big deal, just don't do the transfer. Otherwise, build a new Result … … 4820 4820 delete tria->matice; delete tria; 4821 4821 } 4822 else ISSMERROR("analysis %s not supported yet",Enum AsString(analysis_type));4822 else ISSMERROR("analysis %s not supported yet",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 4823 4823 4824 4824 … … 4849 4849 original_input=(Input*)matice->inputs->GetInput(enum_type); 4850 4850 else 4851 ISSMERROR("object of type %s not supported yet",Enum AsString(object_type));4852 if(!original_input) ISSMERROR("%s%s"," could not find input with enum:",Enum AsString(enum_type));4851 ISSMERROR("object of type %s not supported yet",EnumToString(object_type)); 4852 if(!original_input) ISSMERROR("%s%s"," could not find input with enum:",EnumToString(enum_type)); 4853 4853 original_input->Extrude(); 4854 4854 … … 4872 4872 penta->matice->inputs->AddInput((Input*)copy); 4873 4873 else 4874 ISSMERROR("object of type %s not supported yet",Enum AsString(object_type));4874 ISSMERROR("object of type %s not supported yet",EnumToString(object_type)); 4875 4875 4876 4876 /*Stop if we have reached the surface*/ … … 4967 4967 vz_input=inputs->GetInput(VzEnum); 4968 4968 if (vz_input){ 4969 if (vz_input->Enum()!=PentaVertexInputEnum) ISSMERROR("Cannot compute Vel as Vz is of type %s",Enum AsString(vz_input->Enum()));4969 if (vz_input->Enum()!=PentaVertexInputEnum) ISSMERROR("Cannot compute Vel as Vz is of type %s",EnumToString(vz_input->Enum())); 4970 4970 vz_input->GetValuesPtr(&vz_ptr,&dummy); 4971 4971 for(i=0;i<numvertices;i++) vz[i]=vz_ptr[i]; … … 5048 5048 if (vz_input){ 5049 5049 if (vz_input->Enum()!=PentaVertexInputEnum){ 5050 ISSMERROR("Cannot compute Vel as Vz is of type %s",Enum AsString(vz_input->Enum()));5050 ISSMERROR("Cannot compute Vel as Vz is of type %s",EnumToString(vz_input->Enum())); 5051 5051 } 5052 5052 vz_input->GetValuesPtr(&vz_ptr,&dummy); … … 5131 5131 if (vz_input){ 5132 5132 if (vz_input->Enum()!=PentaVertexInputEnum){ 5133 ISSMERROR("Cannot compute Vel as Vz is of type %s",Enum AsString(vz_input->Enum()));5133 ISSMERROR("Cannot compute Vel as Vz is of type %s",EnumToString(vz_input->Enum())); 5134 5134 } 5135 5135 vz_input->GetValuesPtr(&vz_ptr,&dummy); … … 5214 5214 vx_input=inputs->GetInput(VxEnum); 5215 5215 if (vx_input){ 5216 if (vx_input->Enum()!=PentaVertexInputEnum) ISSMERROR("Cannot compute Vel as Vx is of type %s",Enum AsString(vx_input->Enum()));5216 if (vx_input->Enum()!=PentaVertexInputEnum) ISSMERROR("Cannot compute Vel as Vx is of type %s",EnumToString(vx_input->Enum())); 5217 5217 vx_input->GetValuesPtr(&vx_ptr,&dummy); 5218 5218 for(i=0;i<numvertices;i++) vx[i]=vx_ptr[i]; … … 5222 5222 vy_input=inputs->GetInput(VyEnum); 5223 5223 if (vy_input){ 5224 if (vy_input->Enum()!=PentaVertexInputEnum) ISSMERROR("Cannot compute Vel as Vy is of type %s",Enum AsString(vy_input->Enum()));5224 if (vy_input->Enum()!=PentaVertexInputEnum) ISSMERROR("Cannot compute Vel as Vy is of type %s",EnumToString(vy_input->Enum())); 5225 5225 vy_input->GetValuesPtr(&vy_ptr,&dummy); 5226 5226 for(i=0;i<numvertices;i++) vy[i]=vy_ptr[i]; -
r5096 r5103 393 393 } 394 394 else{ 395 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,Enum AsString(analysis_type));395 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,EnumToString(analysis_type)); 396 396 } 397 397 } … … 426 426 default: 427 427 428 ISSMERROR("type %i (%s) not implemented yet",type,Enum AsString(type));428 ISSMERROR("type %i (%s) not implemented yet",type,EnumToString(type)); 429 429 } 430 430 } … … 683 683 CreateKMatrixPrognostic_DG( Kgg); 684 684 else 685 ISSMERROR("Element type %s not supported yet",Enum AsString(GetElementType()));685 ISSMERROR("Element type %s not supported yet",EnumToString(GetElementType())); 686 686 } 687 687 else if (analysis_type==BalancedthicknessAnalysisEnum){ … … 691 691 CreateKMatrixBalancedthickness_DG( Kgg); 692 692 else 693 ISSMERROR("Element type %s not supported yet",Enum AsString(GetElementType()));693 ISSMERROR("Element type %s not supported yet",EnumToString(GetElementType())); 694 694 } 695 695 else if (analysis_type==BalancedvelocitiesAnalysisEnum){ … … 697 697 } 698 698 else{ 699 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,Enum AsString(analysis_type));699 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,EnumToString(analysis_type)); 700 700 } 701 701 … … 734 734 CreatePVectorPrognostic_DG( pg); 735 735 else 736 ISSMERROR("Element type %s not supported yet",Enum AsString(GetElementType()));736 ISSMERROR("Element type %s not supported yet",EnumToString(GetElementType())); 737 737 } 738 738 else if (analysis_type==BalancedthicknessAnalysisEnum){ … … 742 742 CreatePVectorBalancedthickness_DG( pg); 743 743 else 744 ISSMERROR("Element type %s not supported yet",Enum AsString(GetElementType()));744 ISSMERROR("Element type %s not supported yet",EnumToString(GetElementType())); 745 745 } 746 746 else if (analysis_type==BalancedvelocitiesAnalysisEnum){ … … 748 748 } 749 749 else{ 750 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,Enum AsString(analysis_type));750 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,EnumToString(analysis_type)); 751 751 } 752 752 … … 827 827 GetSolutionFromInputsDiagnosticHutter(solution); 828 828 else 829 ISSMERROR("analysis: %s not supported yet",Enum AsString(analysis_type));829 ISSMERROR("analysis: %s not supported yet",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 830 830 831 831 } … … 1266 1266 } 1267 1267 else{ 1268 ISSMERROR("control type %s not implemented yet",Enum AsString(control_type));1268 ISSMERROR("control type %s not implemented yet",EnumToString(control_type)); 1269 1269 } 1270 1270 … … 1285 1285 new_inputs[i]=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(enums[2*i+0]); 1286 1286 old_inputs[i]=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(enums[2*i+1]); 1287 if(!new_inputs[i])ISSMERROR("%s%s"," could not find input with enum ",Enum AsString(enums[2*i+0]));1288 if(!old_inputs[i])ISSMERROR("%s%s"," could not find input with enum ",Enum AsString(enums[2*i+0]));1287 if(!new_inputs[i])ISSMERROR("%s%s"," could not find input with enum ",EnumToString(enums[2*i+0])); 1288 if(!old_inputs[i])ISSMERROR("%s%s"," could not find input with enum ",EnumToString(enums[2*i+0])); 1289 1289 } 1290 1290 … … 1317 1317 oldinput=(Input*)this->matice->inputs->GetInput(enum_type); 1318 1318 else 1319 ISSMERROR("object %s not supported yet",Enum AsString(object_enum));1320 if(!oldinput)ISSMERROR("%s%s"," could not find old input with enum: ",Enum AsString(enum_type));1319 ISSMERROR("object %s not supported yet",EnumToString(object_enum)); 1320 if(!oldinput)ISSMERROR("%s%s"," could not find old input with enum: ",EnumToString(enum_type)); 1321 1321 newinput=(Input*)oldinput->copy(); 1322 1322 … … 1330 1330 this->matice->inputs->AddInput((Input*)newinput); 1331 1331 else 1332 ISSMERROR("object %s not supported yet",Enum AsString(object_enum));1332 ISSMERROR("object %s not supported yet",EnumToString(object_enum)); 1333 1333 1334 1334 } … … 1349 1349 /*Make a copy of the original input: */ 1350 1350 input=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(enum_type); 1351 if(!input)ISSMERROR(" could not find old input with enum: %s",Enum AsString(enum_type));1351 if(!input)ISSMERROR(" could not find old input with enum: %s",EnumToString(enum_type)); 1352 1352 1353 1353 /*Scale: */ … … 1369 1369 input=this->inputs->GetInput(enum_type); 1370 1370 } 1371 if (!input) ISSMERROR("Input %s not found in tria->inputs",Enum AsString(enum_type));1371 if (!input) ISSMERROR("Input %s not found in tria->inputs",EnumToString(enum_type)); 1372 1372 1373 1373 /*If we don't find it, no big deal, just don't do the transfer. Otherwise, build a new Result … … 5928 5928 if (vz_input){ 5929 5929 if (vz_input->Enum()!=TriaVertexInputEnum){ 5930 ISSMERROR("Cannot compute Vel as Vz is of type %s",Enum AsString(vz_input->Enum()));5930 ISSMERROR("Cannot compute Vel as Vz is of type %s",EnumToString(vz_input->Enum())); 5931 5931 } 5932 5932 vz_input->GetValuesPtr(&vz_ptr,&dummy); … … 6007 6007 if (vz_input){ 6008 6008 if (vz_input->Enum()!=TriaVertexInputEnum){ 6009 ISSMERROR("Cannot compute Vel as Vz is of type %s",Enum AsString(vz_input->Enum()));6009 ISSMERROR("Cannot compute Vel as Vz is of type %s",EnumToString(vz_input->Enum())); 6010 6010 } 6011 6011 vz_input->GetValuesPtr(&vz_ptr,&dummy); -
r4546 r5103 53 53 printf("BoolExternalResult:\n"); 54 54 printf(" id: %i\n",this->id); 55 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));55 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 56 56 printf(" value: %s\n",this->value?"true":"false"); 57 57 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step); … … 156 156 157 157 /*First write enum: */ 158 name=Enum AsString(this->enum_type);158 name=EnumToString(this->enum_type); 159 159 length=(strlen(name)+1)*sizeof(char); 160 160 fwrite(&length,sizeof(int),1,fid); … … 179 179 /*FUNCTION BoolExternalResult::GetResultName{{{1*/ 180 180 char* BoolExternalResult::GetResultName(void){ 181 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);181 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 182 182 } 183 183 /*}}}*/ -
r4546 r5103 53 53 printf("DoubleExternalResult:\n"); 54 54 printf(" id: %i\n",this->id); 55 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));55 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 56 56 printf(" value: %g\n",this->value); 57 57 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step); … … 155 155 156 156 /*First write enum: */ 157 name=Enum AsString(this->enum_type);157 name=EnumToString(this->enum_type); 158 158 length=(strlen(name)+1)*sizeof(char); 159 159 fwrite(&length,sizeof(int),1,fid); … … 175 175 /*FUNCTION DoubleExternalResult::GetResultName{{{1*/ 176 176 char* DoubleExternalResult::GetResultName(void){ 177 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);177 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 178 178 } 179 179 /*}}}*/ -
r4546 r5103 58 58 59 59 printf("DoubleMatExternalResult:\n"); 60 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));60 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 61 61 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step); 62 62 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time); … … 72 72 printf("DoubleMatExternalResult:\n"); 73 73 printf(" id: %i\n",this->id); 74 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));74 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 75 75 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step); 76 76 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time); … … 192 192 193 193 /*First write enum: */ 194 name=Enum AsString(this->enum_type);194 name=EnumToString(this->enum_type); 195 195 length=(strlen(name)+1)*sizeof(char); 196 196 fwrite(&length,sizeof(int),1,fid); … … 214 214 /*FUNCTION DoubleMatExternalResult::GetResultName{{{1*/ 215 215 char* DoubleMatExternalResult::GetResultName(void){ 216 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);216 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 217 217 } 218 218 /*}}}*/ -
r4546 r5103 55 55 56 56 printf("DoubleVecExternalResult:\n"); 57 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));57 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 58 58 printf(" vector size: %i\n",this->M); 59 59 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step); … … 69 69 printf("DoubleVecExternalResult:\n"); 70 70 printf(" id: %i\n",this->id); 71 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));71 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 72 72 printf(" vector size: %i\n",this->M); 73 73 for(i=0;i<this->M;i++){ … … 180 180 181 181 /*First write enum: */ 182 name=Enum AsString(this->enum_type);182 name=EnumToString(this->enum_type); 183 183 length=(strlen(name)+1)*sizeof(char); 184 184 fwrite(&length,sizeof(int),1,fid); … … 200 200 /*FUNCTION DoubleVecExternalResult::GetResultName{{{1*/ 201 201 char* DoubleVecExternalResult::GetResultName(void){ 202 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);202 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 203 203 } 204 204 /*}}}*/ -
r4546 r5103 53 53 printf("IntExternalResult:\n"); 54 54 printf(" id: %i\n",this->id); 55 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));55 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 56 56 printf(" value: %i\n",this->value); 57 57 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step); … … 156 156 157 157 /*First write enum: */ 158 name=Enum AsString(this->enum_type);158 name=EnumToString(this->enum_type); 159 159 length=(strlen(name)+1)*sizeof(char); 160 160 fwrite(&length,sizeof(int),1,fid); … … 179 179 /*FUNCTION IntExternalResult::GetResultName{{{1*/ 180 180 char* IntExternalResult::GetResultName(void){ 181 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);181 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 182 182 } 183 183 /*}}}*/ -
r4546 r5103 55 55 56 56 printf("PetscVecExternalResult:\n"); 57 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));57 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 58 58 59 59 } … … 65 65 printf("PetscVecExternalResult:\n"); 66 66 printf(" id: %i\n",this->id); 67 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));67 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 68 68 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step); 69 69 printf(" time: %g\n",this->time); … … 215 215 216 216 /*First write enum: */ 217 name=Enum AsString(this->enum_type);217 name=EnumToString(this->enum_type); 218 218 length=(strlen(name)+1)*sizeof(char); 219 219 fwrite(&length,sizeof(int),1,fid); … … 237 237 /*FUNCTION PetscVecExternalResult::GetResultName{{{1*/ 238 238 char* PetscVecExternalResult::GetResultName(void){ 239 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);239 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 240 240 } 241 241 /*}}}*/ -
r4546 r5103 55 55 printf("StringExternalResult:\n"); 56 56 printf(" id: %i\n",this->id); 57 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));57 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 58 58 printf(" value: %s\n",this->value); 59 59 printf(" step: %i\n",this->step); … … 169 169 170 170 /*First write enum: */ 171 name=Enum AsString(this->enum_type);171 name=EnumToString(this->enum_type); 172 172 length=(strlen(name)+1)*sizeof(char); 173 173 fwrite(&length,sizeof(int),1,fid); … … 190 190 /*FUNCTION StringExternalResult::GetResultName{{{1*/ 191 191 char* StringExternalResult::GetResultName(void){ 192 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);192 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 193 193 } 194 194 /*}}}*/ -
r5057 r5103 53 53 for(i=0;i<nummodels;i++){ 54 54 55 _printf_(" processing finite element model of analysis %s:\n",Enum AsString(analysis_type_list[i]));55 _printf_(" processing finite element model of analysis %s:\n",EnumToString(analysis_type_list[i])); 56 56 analysis_type=analysis_type_list[i]; 57 57 this->SetCurrentConfiguration(analysis_type); … … 118 118 printf(" number of fem models: %i\n",nummodels); 119 119 printf(" analysis_type_list: \n"); 120 for(int i=0;i<nummodels;i++)printf(" %i: %s\n",i,Enum AsString(analysis_type_list[i]));120 for(int i=0;i<nummodels;i++)printf(" %i: %s\n",i,EnumToString(analysis_type_list[i])); 121 121 printf(" current analysis_type: \n"); 122 printf(" %i: %s\n",analysis_counter,Enum AsString(analysis_type_list[analysis_counter]));122 printf(" %i: %s\n",analysis_counter,EnumToString(analysis_type_list[analysis_counter])); 123 123 124 124 … … 143 143 } 144 144 if(found!=-1) analysis_counter=found; 145 else ISSMERROR("Could not find alias for analysis_type %s in list of FemModel analyses",Enum AsString(configuration_type));145 else ISSMERROR("Could not find alias for analysis_type %s in list of FemModel analyses",EnumToString(configuration_type)); 146 146 147 147 /*activate matrices/vectors: */ -
r4927 r5103 46 46 47 47 printf("BoolInput:\n"); 48 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));48 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 49 49 printf(" value: %s\n",value?"true":"false"); 50 50 } -
r5017 r5103 46 46 47 47 printf("DoubleInput:\n"); 48 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));48 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 49 49 printf(" value: %g\n",this->value); 50 50 } … … 167 167 *pvalue=(int)value; 168 168 #else 169 ISSMERROR("Double input of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));169 ISSMERROR("Double input of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type)); 170 170 #endif 171 171 … … 265 265 266 266 /*Check that input provided is a thickness*/ 267 if (thickness_input->EnumType()!=ThicknessEnum) ISSMERROR("Input provided is not a Thickness (enum_type is %s)",Enum AsString(thickness_input->EnumType()));267 if (thickness_input->EnumType()!=ThicknessEnum) ISSMERROR("Input provided is not a Thickness (enum_type is %s)",EnumToString(thickness_input->EnumType())); 268 268 269 269 /*vertically integrate depending on type:*/ -
r5016 r5103 41 41 42 42 printf("IntInput:\n"); 43 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));43 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 44 44 printf(" value: %i\n",(int)this->value); 45 45 } -
r5017 r5103 57 57 58 58 printf("PentaVertexInput:\n"); 59 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));59 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 60 60 printf(" values: [%g %g %g %g %g %g]\n",this->values[0],this->values[1],this->values[2],this->values[3],this->values[4],this->values[5]); 61 61 } … … 501 501 502 502 /*Check that input provided is a thickness*/ 503 if (thickness_input->EnumType()!=ThicknessEnum) ISSMERROR("Input provided is not a Thickness (enum_type is %s)",Enum AsString(thickness_input->EnumType()));503 if (thickness_input->EnumType()!=ThicknessEnum) ISSMERROR("Input provided is not a Thickness (enum_type is %s)",EnumToString(thickness_input->EnumType())); 504 504 505 505 /*Get Thickness value pointer*/ … … 536 536 537 537 /*Check that inputB is of the same type*/ 538 if (inputB->Enum()!=PentaVertexInputEnum) ISSMERROR("Operation not permitted because inputB is of type %s",Enum AsString(inputB->Enum()));538 if (inputB->Enum()!=PentaVertexInputEnum) ISSMERROR("Operation not permitted because inputB is of type %s",EnumToString(inputB->Enum())); 539 539 xinputB=(PentaVertexInput*)inputB; 540 540 -
r5017 r5103 57 57 58 58 printf("TriaVertexInput:\n"); 59 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));59 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 60 60 printf(" values: [%g %g %g]\n",this->values[0],this->values[1],this->values[2]); 61 61 } -
r4546 r5103 49 49 void Friction::Echo(void){ 50 50 printf("Friction:\n"); 51 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",Enum AsString(analysis_type));51 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 52 52 printf(" element_type: %s\n",this->element_type); 53 53 inputs->Echo(); -
r5096 r5103 76 76 icefront_node_ids[3]=iomodel->nodecounter+(int)*(iomodel->pressureload+segment_width*i+3); 77 77 } 78 else ISSMERROR("analysis_type %s not supported yet!",Enum AsString(in_analysis_type));78 else ISSMERROR("analysis_type %s not supported yet!",EnumToString(in_analysis_type)); 79 79 80 80 if (icefront_type==QuadIceFrontEnum) num_nodes=4; … … 117 117 printf("Icefront:\n"); 118 118 printf(" id: %i\n",id); 119 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",Enum AsString(analysis_type));119 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 120 120 hnodes->Echo(); 121 121 helement->Echo(); … … 132 132 printf("Icefront:\n"); 133 133 printf(" id: %i\n",id); 134 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",Enum AsString(analysis_type));134 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 135 135 hnodes->DeepEcho(); 136 136 helement->DeepEcho(); … … 319 319 } 320 320 else{ 321 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,Enum AsString(analysis_type));321 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,EnumToString(analysis_type)); 322 322 } 323 323 } -
r5096 r5103 142 142 printf("Numericalflux:\n"); 143 143 printf(" id: %i\n",id); 144 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",Enum AsString(analysis_type));144 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 145 145 hnodes->DeepEcho(); 146 146 helement->DeepEcho(); -
r5096 r5103 91 91 printf("Pengrid:\n"); 92 92 printf(" id: %i\n",id); 93 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",Enum AsString(analysis_type));93 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 94 94 hnode->DeepEcho(); 95 95 helement->DeepEcho(); … … 301 301 } 302 302 else{ 303 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,Enum AsString(analysis_type));303 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,EnumToString(analysis_type)); 304 304 } 305 305 … … 327 327 } 328 328 else{ 329 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,Enum AsString(analysis_type));329 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,EnumToString(analysis_type)); 330 330 } 331 331 … … 462 462 } 463 463 else{ 464 ISSMERROR("analysis: %s not supported yet",Enum AsString(analysis_type));464 ISSMERROR("analysis: %s not supported yet",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 465 465 } 466 466 -
r5096 r5103 52 52 printf("Penpair:\n"); 53 53 printf(" id: %i\n",id); 54 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",Enum AsString(analysis_type));54 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 55 55 hnodes->Echo(); 56 56 … … 63 63 printf("Penpair:\n"); 64 64 printf(" id: %i\n",id); 65 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",Enum AsString(analysis_type));65 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 66 66 hnodes->DeepEcho(); 67 67 … … 216 216 } 217 217 else{ 218 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,Enum AsString(analysis_type));218 ISSMERROR("analysis %i (%s) not supported yet",analysis_type,EnumToString(analysis_type)); 219 219 } 220 220 } -
r5096 r5103 123 123 printf("Riftfront:\n"); 124 124 printf(" id: %i\n",id); 125 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",Enum AsString(analysis_type));125 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 126 126 hnodes->DeepEcho(); 127 127 helements->DeepEcho(); -
r4990 r5103 578 578 return; 579 579 580 default: ISSMERROR("element %s not implemented yet",Enum AsString(element->Enum()));580 default: ISSMERROR("element %s not implemented yet",EnumToString(element->Enum())); 581 581 } 582 default: ISSMERROR("type %i (%s) not implemented yet",type,Enum AsString(type));582 default: ISSMERROR("type %i (%s) not implemented yet",type,EnumToString(type)); 583 583 } 584 584 } -
r5096 r5103 171 171 printf(" id: %i\n",id); 172 172 printf(" sid: %i\n",sid); 173 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",Enum AsString(analysis_type));173 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 174 174 indexing.Echo(); 175 175 printf(" hvertex: not displayed\n"); … … 185 185 printf(" id: %i\n",id); 186 186 printf(" sid: %i\n",sid); 187 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",Enum AsString(analysis_type));187 printf(" analysis_type: %s\n",EnumToString(analysis_type)); 188 188 indexing.DeepEcho(); 189 189 printf("Vertex:\n"); -
r4546 r5103 49 49 50 50 printf("BoolParam:\n"); 51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 52 52 printf(" value: %s\n",this->value?"true":"false"); 53 53 } … … 129 129 /*FUNCTION BoolParam::GetParameterName{{{1*/ 130 130 char* BoolParam::GetParameterName(void){ 131 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);131 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 132 132 } 133 133 /*}}}*/ -
r4873 r5103 54 54 int EnumType(){return enum_type;} 55 55 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){*pbool=value;} 56 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}58 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}59 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}60 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}61 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}62 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}63 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}64 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}65 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}56 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 57 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 58 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 59 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 60 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 61 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 62 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 63 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 64 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 65 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 66 66 67 67 void SetValue(bool boolean){this->value=boolean;} 68 68 void SetValue(int integer){this->value=(bool)integer;} 69 69 void SetValue(double scalar){this->value=(bool)scalar;} 70 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}73 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}74 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}75 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}76 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}77 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 71 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 72 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 73 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 74 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 75 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 76 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 77 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 78 78 79 79 char* GetParameterName(void); -
r4972 r5103 88 88 89 89 printf("DoubleMatArrayParam:\n"); 90 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));90 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 91 91 printf(" array size: %i\n",this->M); 92 92 printf(" array pointer: %p\n",this->array); … … 102 102 103 103 printf("DoubleMatArrayParam:\n"); 104 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));104 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 105 105 printf(" array size: %i\n",this->M); 106 106 for(i=0;i<M;i++){ … … 303 303 /*FUNCTION DoubleMatArrayParam::GetParameterName{{{1*/ 304 304 char* DoubleMatArrayParam::GetParameterName(void){ 305 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);305 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 306 306 } 307 307 /*}}}*/ -
r4873 r5103 56 56 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{1*/ 57 57 int EnumType(){return enum_type;} 58 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}59 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}60 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}61 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}62 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}63 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}64 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}58 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 59 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 60 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 61 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 62 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 63 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 64 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 65 65 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims); 66 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}67 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}68 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}66 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 67 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 68 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 69 69 70 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}73 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}74 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}75 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double vec array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}76 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double mat array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}77 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}78 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}79 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 71 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 72 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 73 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 74 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 75 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double vec array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 76 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double mat array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 77 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 78 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 79 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 80 80 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array); 81 81 -
r4546 r5103 49 49 50 50 printf("DoubleMatParam:\n"); 51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 52 52 printf(" matrix size: %ix%i\n",this->M,this->N); 53 53 … … 60 60 61 61 printf("DoubleMatParam:\n"); 62 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));62 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 63 63 printf(" matrix size: %ix%i\n",this->M,this->N); 64 64 for(i=0;i<this->M;i++){ … … 170 170 /*FUNCTION DoubleMatParam::GetParameterName{{{1*/ 171 171 char* DoubleMatParam::GetParameterName(void){ 172 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);172 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 173 173 } 174 174 /*}}}*/ -
r4873 r5103 55 55 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{1*/ 56 56 int EnumType(){return enum_type;} 57 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}58 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}59 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}60 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}61 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}62 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 58 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 59 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 60 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 61 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 62 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 63 63 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM,int* pN); 64 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}65 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}66 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}67 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}64 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 65 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 66 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 67 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 68 68 69 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}73 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}74 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double vec array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 70 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 71 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 72 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 73 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 74 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double vec array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 75 75 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M,int N); 76 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}77 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}78 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}79 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}76 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 77 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 78 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 79 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 80 80 81 81 char* GetParameterName(void); -
r4546 r5103 46 46 47 47 printf("DoubleParam:\n"); 48 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));48 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 49 49 printf(" value: %g\n",this->value); 50 50 } … … 126 126 /*FUNCTION DoubleParam::GetParameterName{{{1*/ 127 127 char* DoubleParam::GetParameterName(void){ 128 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);128 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 129 129 } 130 130 /*}}}*/ … … 134 134 *pinteger=(int)value; 135 135 #else 136 ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));136 ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type)); 137 137 #endif 138 138 } … … 147 147 148 148 #else 149 ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an bool",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));149 ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an bool",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type)); 150 150 #endif 151 151 } -
r4873 r5103 57 57 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger); 58 58 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){*pdouble=value;} 59 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}60 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}61 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}62 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}63 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}64 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}65 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}66 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}59 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 60 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 61 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 62 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 63 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 64 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 65 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 66 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 67 67 68 68 void SetValue(bool boolean){this->value=(double)boolean;} 69 69 void SetValue(int integer){this->value=(double)integer;} 70 70 void SetValue(double scalar){this->value=(double)scalar;} 71 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}73 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}74 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}75 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}76 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}77 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}78 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 72 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 73 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 74 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 75 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 76 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 77 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 78 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 79 79 80 80 char* GetParameterName(void); -
r4546 r5103 48 48 49 49 printf("DoubleVecParam:\n"); 50 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));50 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 51 51 printf(" vector size: %i\n",this->M); 52 52 … … 59 59 60 60 printf("DoubleVecParam:\n"); 61 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));61 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 62 62 printf(" vector size: %i\n",this->M); 63 63 for(i=0;i<this->M;i++){ … … 162 162 /*FUNCTION DoubleVecParam::GetParameterName{{{1*/ 163 163 char* DoubleVecParam::GetParameterName(void){ 164 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);164 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 165 165 } 166 166 /*}}}*/ -
r4873 r5103 54 54 /*Param virtual functions definitions: {{{1*/ 55 55 int EnumType(){return enum_type;} 56 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}58 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}59 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}60 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}56 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 57 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 58 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 59 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 60 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 61 61 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM); 62 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}63 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}64 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}65 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}66 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}62 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 63 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 64 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 65 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 66 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 67 67 68 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 69 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 70 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 71 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 72 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 73 73 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M); 74 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double mat array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}75 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}76 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}77 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}78 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}74 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double mat array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 75 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 76 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 77 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 78 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 79 79 80 80 char* GetParameterName(void); -
r4874 r5103 49 49 50 50 printf("FileParam:\n"); 51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 52 52 printf(" value: %p\n",this->value); 53 53 } … … 96 96 /*FUNCTION FileParam::GetParameterName{{{1*/ 97 97 char* FileParam::GetParameterName(void){ 98 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);98 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 99 99 } 100 100 /*}}}*/ -
r4874 r5103 52 52 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{1*/ 53 53 int EnumType(){return enum_type;} 54 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}55 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}56 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}58 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}59 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}60 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}61 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("File param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}62 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}63 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}54 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 55 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 56 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 57 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 58 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 59 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 60 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 61 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("File param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 62 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 63 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 64 64 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){*pfid=value;}; 65 65 66 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}67 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}73 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}74 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}75 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("File param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}76 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("File param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}66 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 67 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 68 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 69 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 70 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 71 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 72 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 73 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 74 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 75 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("File param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 76 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("File param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 77 77 78 78 char* GetParameterName(void); -
r4546 r5103 49 49 50 50 printf("IntParam:\n"); 51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 52 52 printf(" value: %i\n",this->value); 53 53 } … … 129 129 /*FUNCTION IntParam::GetParameterName{{{1*/ 130 130 char* IntParam::GetParameterName(void){ 131 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);131 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 132 132 } 133 133 /*}}}*/ -
r4873 r5103 53 53 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{1*/ 54 54 int EnumType(){return enum_type;} 55 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}55 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 56 56 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){*pinteger=value;} 57 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}58 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}59 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}60 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}61 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}62 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}63 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}64 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}65 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 58 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 59 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 60 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 61 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 62 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 63 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 64 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 65 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 66 66 67 67 void SetValue(bool boolean){this->value=(int)boolean;} 68 68 void SetValue(int integer){this->value=integer;} 69 69 void SetValue(double scalar){this->value=(int)scalar;} 70 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}73 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}74 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}75 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}76 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}77 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 71 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 72 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 73 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 74 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 75 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 76 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 77 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 78 78 79 79 char* GetParameterName(void); -
r4546 r5103 49 49 50 50 printf("PetscMatParam:\n"); 51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));51 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 52 52 53 53 } … … 58 58 int i; 59 59 printf("PetscMatParam:\n"); 60 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));60 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 61 61 MatView(value,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD); 62 62 } … … 200 200 /*FUNCTION PetscMatParam::GetParameterName{{{1*/ 201 201 char* PetscMatParam::GetParameterName(void){ 202 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);202 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 203 203 } 204 204 /*}}}*/ -
r4873 r5103 54 54 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{1*/ 55 55 int EnumType(){return enum_type;} 56 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}58 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}59 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}60 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}61 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}62 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}63 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}64 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}56 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 57 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 58 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 59 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 60 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 61 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 62 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 63 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 64 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 65 65 void GetParameterValue(Mat* poutput); 66 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}66 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 67 67 68 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}73 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}74 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}75 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 69 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 70 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 71 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 72 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 73 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 74 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 75 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 76 76 void SetValue(Mat mat); 77 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}78 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}77 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 78 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("PetscMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 79 79 80 80 char* GetParameterName(void); -
r4546 r5103 50 50 51 51 printf("PetscVecParam:\n"); 52 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));52 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 53 53 54 54 } … … 59 59 int i; 60 60 printf("PetscVecParam:\n"); 61 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));61 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 62 62 VecView(value,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD); 63 63 } … … 193 193 /*FUNCTION PetscVecParam::GetParameterName{{{1*/ 194 194 char* PetscVecParam::GetParameterName(void){ 195 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);195 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 196 196 } 197 197 /*}}}*/ -
r4873 r5103 54 54 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{1*/ 55 55 int EnumType(){return enum_type;} 56 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}58 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}59 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}60 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}61 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}62 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}63 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}64 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}56 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 57 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 58 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 59 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 60 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 61 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 62 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 63 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 64 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 65 65 void GetParameterValue(Vec* poutput); 66 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}66 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 67 67 68 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}73 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}74 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 69 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 70 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 71 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 72 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 73 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 74 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 75 75 void SetValue(Vec vec); 76 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}77 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}78 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}76 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 77 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("PetscVec of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 78 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("PetscVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 79 79 80 80 char* GetParameterName(void); -
r5016 r5103 73 73 74 74 printf("StringArrayParam:\n"); 75 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));75 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 76 76 for(i=0;i<this->numstrings;i++){ 77 77 string=this->value[i]; … … 222 222 /*FUNCTION StringArrayParam::GetParameterName{{{1*/ 223 223 char* StringArrayParam::GetParameterName(void){ 224 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);224 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 225 225 } 226 226 /*}}}*/ -
r4873 r5103 56 56 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{1*/ 57 57 int EnumType(){return enum_type;} 58 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}59 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}60 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}61 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}58 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 59 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 60 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 61 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 62 62 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM); 63 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}64 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}65 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("Vec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}66 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}67 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}68 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}63 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 64 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 65 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("Vec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 66 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 67 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 68 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 69 69 70 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}73 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 71 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 72 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 73 void SetValue(char* string){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 74 74 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M); 75 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}76 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}77 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}78 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}79 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}80 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}75 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 76 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 77 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 78 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 79 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 80 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 81 81 82 82 char* GetParameterName(void); -
r5016 r5103 50 50 void StringParam::DeepEcho(void){ 51 51 printf("StringParam:\n"); 52 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,Enum AsString(this->enum_type));52 printf(" enum: %i (%s)\n",this->enum_type,EnumToString(this->enum_type)); 53 53 printf(" value: %s\n",this->value); 54 54 } … … 158 158 /*FUNCTION StringParam::GetParameterName{{{1*/ 159 159 char* StringParam::GetParameterName(void){ 160 return Enum AsString(this->enum_type);160 return EnumToString(this->enum_type); 161 161 } 162 162 /*}}}*/ -
r4873 r5103 54 54 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{1*/ 55 55 int EnumType(){return enum_type;} 56 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}58 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}56 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 57 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 58 void GetParameterValue(double* pdouble){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 59 59 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring); 60 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}61 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}62 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}63 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}64 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}65 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}66 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}60 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string arrayl",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 61 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 62 void GetParameterValue(double** pdoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 63 void GetParameterValue(double*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 64 void GetParameterValue(Vec* pvec){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 65 void GetParameterValue(Mat* pmat){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 66 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){ISSMERROR("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 67 67 68 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(bool boolean){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 69 void SetValue(int integer){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 70 void SetValue(double scalar){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 71 71 void SetValue(char* string); 72 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}73 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}74 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}75 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}76 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}77 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}78 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,Enum AsString(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 73 void SetValue(double* doublearray,int M){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 74 void SetValue(double* pdoublearray,int M,int N){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a double array",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 75 void SetValue(Vec vec){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 76 void SetValue(Mat mat){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 77 void SetValue(FILE* fid){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 78 void SetValue(double** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){ISSMERROR("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToString(enum_type));} 79 79 80 80 char* GetParameterName(void); -
r4765 r5103 43 43 numdofs=1; 44 44 } 45 else ISSMERROR("analysis type: %i (%s) not implemented yet",analysis_type,Enum AsString(analysis_type));45 else ISSMERROR("analysis type: %i (%s) not implemented yet",analysis_type,EnumToString(analysis_type)); 46 46 47 47 /*Assign output pointers:*/ -
r4880 r5103 53 53 else eps=0; 54 54 } 55 else ISSMERROR("%s%s%s"," convergence criterion ",Enum AsString(criterion_enum)," not supported yet!");55 else ISSMERROR("%s%s%s"," convergence criterion ",EnumToString(criterion_enum)," not supported yet!"); 56 56 57 57 /*Assign output pointers:*/ -
r4765 r5103 126 126 127 127 default: 128 ISSMERROR("%s%s%s"," solution type: ",Enum AsString(solutiontype)," not supported yet!");128 ISSMERROR("%s%s%s"," solution type: ",EnumToString(solutiontype)," not supported yet!"); 129 129 break; 130 130 } -
r5011 r5103 106 106 InputToResultx(femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,GradientEnum); 107 107 femmodel->results->AddObject(new DoubleVecExternalResult(femmodel->results->Size()+1,JEnum,J,nsteps,1,0)); 108 femmodel->results->AddObject(new StringExternalResult(femmodel->results->Size()+1,ControlTypeEnum,Enum AsString(control_type),1,0));108 femmodel->results->AddObject(new StringExternalResult(femmodel->results->Size()+1,ControlTypeEnum,EnumToString(control_type),1,0)); 109 109 110 110 cleanup_and_return: -
r4873 r5103 19 19 InputToResultx(femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,control_type); //the parameter itself! 20 20 femmodel->results->AddObject(new DoubleVecExternalResult(femmodel->results->Size()+1,JEnum,J,nsteps,1,0)); 21 femmodel->results->AddObject(new StringExternalResult(femmodel->results->Size()+1,ControlTypeEnum,Enum AsString(control_type),1,0));21 femmodel->results->AddObject(new StringExternalResult(femmodel->results->Size()+1,ControlTypeEnum,EnumToString(control_type),1,0)); 22 22 23 23 /*write to disk: */ -
r5023 r5103 50 50 51 51 _printf_("recover solution and file names:\n"); 52 solution_type=String AsEnum(argv[1]);52 solution_type=StringToEnum(argv[1]); 53 53 inputfilename=argv[3]; 54 54 outputfilename=argv[4]; -
r4202 r5103 25 25 md.analysis_type=structure(1).SolutionType; 26 26 if isscalar(md.sub_analysis_type), 27 md.sub_analysis_type=Enum AsString(md.sub_analysis_type);27 md.sub_analysis_type=EnumToString(md.sub_analysis_type); 28 28 end 29 29 … … 38 38 else 39 39 40 md.analysis_type =Enum AsString(md.analysis_type);41 md.sub_analysis_type=Enum AsString(md.sub_analysis_type);40 md.analysis_type =EnumToString(md.analysis_type); 41 md.sub_analysis_type=EnumToString(md.sub_analysis_type); 42 42 md=postqmu(md); 43 43 cd .. -
r5088 r5103 27 27 SteadystateSolutionEnum,ParametersSolutionEnum,Transient2DSolutionEnum,Transient3DSolutionEnum... 28 28 BalancedthicknessSolutionEnum,BalancedvelocitiesSolutionEnum,BedSlopeSolutionEnum,SurfaceSlopeSolutionEnum]), 29 error(['process_solve_options error message: analysis_type ' Enum AsString(analysis_type) ' not supported yet!']);29 error(['process_solve_options error message: analysis_type ' EnumToString(analysis_type) ' not supported yet!']); 30 30 end 31 31 if ~ismember(sub_analysis_type,[SteadyAnalysisEnum,NoneAnalysisEnum,HorizAnalysisEnum,GradientAnalysisEnum,InverseAnalysisEnum,VertAnalysisEnum,TransientAnalysisEnum]), -
r4829 r5103 20 20 fprintf(fid,'ulimit -s unlimited\n'); 21 21 fprintf(fid,'ulimit -c 0\n'); 22 fprintf(fid,'/opt/mpich/gm/intel10.1/bin/mpirun -np %i %s/issm.exe %s %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock',np,codepath,Enum AsString(analysis_type),executionpath,name,name,name);22 fprintf(fid,'/opt/mpich/gm/intel10.1/bin/mpirun -np %i %s/issm.exe %s %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock',np,codepath,EnumToString(analysis_type),executionpath,name,name,name); 23 23 24 24 % }}} … … 28 28 fprintf(fid,'rm -rf %s/%s.lock\n',executionpath,name); 29 29 if mem_debug==0, 30 fprintf(fid,'mpirun -np %i %s/issm.exe %s %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog & ',np,codepath,Enum AsString(analysis_type),executionpath,name,name,name,name,name);30 fprintf(fid,'mpirun -np %i %s/issm.exe %s %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog & ',np,codepath,EnumToString(analysis_type),executionpath,name,name,name,name,name); 31 31 else 32 %fprintf(fid,'LD_PRELOAD=%s mpirun -np %i %s --leak-check=full --gen-suppressions=all --suppressions=%s %s/issm.exe %s %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog & ',[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/lib/'],np,[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/bin/valgrind'],[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/issm.supp'], codepath,Enum AsString(analysis_type),executionpath,name,name,name,name,name);33 fprintf(fid,'LD_PRELOAD=%s mpirun -np %i %s --leak-check=full --suppressions=%s %s/issm.exe %s %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog & ',[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/lib/'],np,[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/bin/valgrind'],[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/issm.supp'], codepath,Enum AsString(analysis_type),executionpath,name,name,name,name,name);32 %fprintf(fid,'LD_PRELOAD=%s mpirun -np %i %s --leak-check=full --gen-suppressions=all --suppressions=%s %s/issm.exe %s %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog & ',[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/lib/'],np,[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/bin/valgrind'],[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/issm.supp'], codepath,EnumToString(analysis_type),executionpath,name,name,name,name,name); 33 fprintf(fid,'LD_PRELOAD=%s mpirun -np %i %s --leak-check=full --suppressions=%s %s/issm.exe %s %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog & ',[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/lib/'],np,[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/bin/valgrind'],[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/issm.supp'], codepath,EnumToString(analysis_type),executionpath,name,name,name,name,name); 34 34 end 35 35 … … 49 49 fprintf(fid,'cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR\n'); 50 50 fprintf(fid,'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1\n'); 51 fprintf(fid,'dplace -s1 -c0-%i mpirun -np %i %s/issm.exe %s %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock',np-1,np,codepath,Enum AsString(analysis_type),executionpath,name,name,name);51 fprintf(fid,'dplace -s1 -c0-%i mpirun -np %i %s/issm.exe %s %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock',np-1,np,codepath,EnumToString(analysis_type),executionpath,name,name,name); 52 52 53 53 % }}} … … 73 73 fprintf(fid,'cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR\n\n'); 74 74 75 fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -verbose -np %i %s/%s.exe $PBS_O_WORKDIR %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock',np,codepath,Enum AsString(analysis_type),name,name,name);75 fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -verbose -np %i %s/%s.exe $PBS_O_WORKDIR %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock',np,codepath,EnumToString(analysis_type),name,name,name); 76 76 77 77 % }}} -
r3923 r5103 19 19 20 20 if md.mem_debug==0, 21 fprintf(fid,'mpirun -np %i %s/%s.exe %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog & ',,codepath,Enum AsString(md.analysis_type),executionpath,,,,,;21 fprintf(fid,'mpirun -np %i %s/%s.exe %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog & ',,codepath,EnumToString(md.analysis_type),executionpath,,,,,; 22 22 else 23 fprintf(fid,'LD_PRELOAD=%s mpirun -np %i %s --leak-check=full %s/%s.exe %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog & ',[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/lib/'],,[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/bin/valgrind'],codepath,Enum AsString(md.analysis_type),executionpath,,,,,;23 fprintf(fid,'LD_PRELOAD=%s mpirun -np %i %s --leak-check=full %s/%s.exe %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock 2> %s.errlog >%s.outlog & ',[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/lib/'],,[ISSM_DIR '/externalpackages/valgrind/install/bin/valgrind'],codepath,EnumToString(md.analysis_type),executionpath,,,,,; 24 24 end 25 25 -
r3923 r5103 17 17 fprintf(fid,'ulimit -s unlimited\n'); 18 18 fprintf(fid,'ulimit -c 0\n'); 19 fprintf(fid,'/opt/mpich/gm/intel10.1/bin/mpirun -np %i %s/%s.exe %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock',,codepath,Enum AsString(md.analysis_type),executionpath,,,;19 fprintf(fid,'/opt/mpich/gm/intel10.1/bin/mpirun -np %i %s/%s.exe %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock',,codepath,EnumToString(md.analysis_type),executionpath,,,; 20 20 21 21 -
r3923 r5103 18 18 fprintf(fid,'cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR\n'); 19 19 fprintf(fid,'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1\n'); 20 fprintf(fid,'dplace -s1 -c0-%i mpirun -np %i %s/%s.exe %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock',,,codepath,Enum AsString(md.analysis_type),executionpath,,,;20 fprintf(fid,'dplace -s1 -c0-%i mpirun -np %i %s/%s.exe %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock',,,codepath,EnumToString(md.analysis_type),executionpath,,,; 21 21 22 22 fclose(fid); -
r3923 r5103 17 17 18 18 fprintf(fid,'cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR\n'); 19 fprintf(fid,'mpirun -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np %i %s/%s.exe %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock > %s.outlog',,codepath,Enum AsString(md.analysis_type),executionpath,,,,;19 fprintf(fid,'mpirun -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np %i %s/%s.exe %s %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock > %s.outlog',,codepath,EnumToString(md.analysis_type),executionpath,,,,; 20 20 21 21 fclose(fid); -
r3923 r5103 45 45 fprintf(fid,'cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR\n\n'); 46 46 47 fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -verbose -np %i %s/%s.exe $PBS_O_WORKDIR %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock',,codepath,Enum AsString(md.analysis_type),,,;47 fprintf(fid,'mpiexec -verbose -np %i %s/%s.exe $PBS_O_WORKDIR %s.bin %s.outbin %s.lock',,codepath,EnumToString(md.analysis_type),,,; 48 48 49 49 fclose(fid); -
r5048 r5103 69 69 70 70 %convert analysis type to string finally 71 md.analysis_type=Enum AsString(options.analysis_type);72 md.sub_analysis_type=Enum AsString(options.sub_analysis_type);71 md.analysis_type=EnumToString(options.analysis_type); 72 md.sub_analysis_type=EnumToString(options.sub_analysis_type); -
r4873 r5103 38 38 39 39 %get name 40 fieldname=Enum AsString(fields(i));40 fieldname=EnumToString(fields(i)); 41 41 42 42 %get line positions -
r5096 r5103 28 28 29 29 analysis_type=femmodel.analysis_type_list(i); 30 displaystring(md.verbose,'%s%s',' dealing with analysis type: ',Enum AsString(analysis_type));30 displaystring(md.verbose,'%s%s',' dealing with analysis type: ',EnumToString(analysis_type)); 31 31 32 32 femmodel=SetCurrentConfiguration(femmodel,analysis_type); -
r4824 r5103 58 58 59 59 otherwise 60 error('%s%s%s',' solution type: ',Enum AsString(solutiontype),' not supported yet!');60 error('%s%s%s',' solution type: ',EnumToString(solutiontype),' not supported yet!'); 61 61 62 62 end -
r4439 r5103 34 34 35 35 displaystring(verbose,'%s',['write results']) 36 md.results.(Enum AsString(solution_type))=OutputResults(femmodel.elements, femmodel.nodes , femmodel.vertices , femmodel.loads , femmodel.materials, femmodel.parameters, femmodel.results);36 md.results.(EnumToString(solution_type))=OutputResults(femmodel.elements, femmodel.nodes , femmodel.vertices , femmodel.loads , femmodel.materials, femmodel.parameters, femmodel.results); 37 37 else 38 38 %launch dakota driver for diagnostic core solution -
r4573 r5103 38 38 /*Check that type is one of Constant, Vertex or Element: */ 39 39 if ((TypeEnum!=ConstantEnum) && (TypeEnum!=VertexEnum) && (TypeEnum!=ElementEnum)){ 40 ISSMERROR("%s%s%s\n","Type of input can only be a constant, a vertex or an element vector. Right now, you input a ",Enum AsString(TypeEnum)," type data for input update");40 ISSMERROR("%s%s%s\n","Type of input can only be a constant, a vertex or an element vector. Right now, you input a ",EnumToString(TypeEnum)," type data for input update"); 41 41 } 42 42
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.