Changeset 4923
- Timestamp:
- 08/02/10 11:51:06 (15 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk/externalpackages/vim/vim.AddOns/issm.vim
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r4230 r4923 29 29 " }}} 30 30 " remove any remaining leading or trailing whitespace {{{ 31 let line = substitute(line, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') 31 "let line = substitute(line, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') 32 let line = substitute(line, '^\s*%\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') "Also remove % in matlab comments 32 33 " }}} 33 34 " align everything, and pad the end of the display with - {{{ -
r4251 r4923 406 406 syn keyword cType Constraints DataSet Elements Inputs Loads Materials Parameters Results Vertices 407 407 "ISSM objects 408 syn keyword cType Beam Beam VertexElementResult BeamVertexInput BoolExternalResult BoolInput BoolParam DofIndexing408 syn keyword cType Beam BeamRef BeamVertexElementResult BeamVertexInput BoolExternalResult BoolInput BoolParam DofIndexing 409 409 syn keyword cType DoubleElementResult DoubleExternalResult DoubleInput DoubleMatExternalResult DoubleMatParam DoubleParam DoubleVecExternalResult DoubleVecParam 410 410 syn keyword cType Element ElementResult ExternalResult FemModel Friction Hook Icefront Input 411 411 syn keyword cType IntExternalResult IntInput IntParal Iomodel Load Material Matice Matpar Node NodeSets Numericalflux Object 412 syn keyword cType Param Patch Pengrid Penpair Penta PentaHook Penta VertexElementResult PentaVertexInput PetscMatParam PetscVecExternalResult PetscVecParam412 syn keyword cType Param Patch Pengrid Penpair Penta PentaHook PentaRef PentaVertexElementResult PentaVertexInput PetscMatParam PetscVecExternalResult PetscVecParam 413 413 syn keyword cType Rgb Riftfront Sing SingVertexElementResult SingVertexInput Spc StringArrayParam StringExternalResult StringParam 414 414 syn keyword cType Tria TriaHook TriaRef TriaVertexElementResult TriaVertexInput Update Vertex
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