Changeset 4220
- Timestamp:
- 06/24/10 20:02:22 (15 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk/src/c/DataSet
- Files:
- 5 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r4219 r4220 64 64 } 65 65 /*}}}*/ 66 66 /*FUNCTION Constraints::NumberOfConstraints{{{1*/ 67 int Constraints::NumberOfConstraints(void){ 68 69 int localconstraints; 70 int numberofconstraints; 71 72 /*Get number of local constraints*/ 73 localconstraints=this->Size(); 74 75 /*figure out total number of constraints combining all the cpus (no clones here)*/ 76 #ifdef _PARALLEL_ 77 MPI_Reduce(&localconstraints,&numberofconstraints,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD ); 78 MPI_Bcast(&numberofconstraints,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); 79 #else 80 numberofconstraints=localconstraints; 81 #endif 82 83 return numberofconstraints; 84 } 85 /*}}}*/ 86 /*FUNCTION Constraints::SetupSpcs{{{1*/ 87 void Constraints::SetupSpcs(Nodes* nodes,Vec yg,int analysis_type){ 88 89 int i; 90 91 Node* node=NULL; 92 int nodeid; 93 int dof; 94 double value; 95 96 for(i=0;i<this->Size();i++){ 97 98 Object* object=(Object*)this->GetObjectByOffset(i); 99 100 /*Check this is a single point constraint (spc): */ 101 if(object->Enum()==SpcEnum){ 102 103 Spc* spc=(Spc*)object; 104 105 if(spc->InAnalysis(analysis_type)){ 106 107 /*Ok, this object is a constraint. Get the nodeid from the node it applies to: */ 108 nodeid=spc->GetNodeId(); 109 dof=spc->GetDof(); 110 value=spc->GetValue(); 111 112 /*Now, chase through nodes and find the corect node: */ 113 node=(Node*)nodes->GetObjectById(NULL,nodeid); 114 115 /*Apply constraint: */ 116 if(node){ //in case the spc is dealing with a node on another cpu 117 node->ApplyConstraint(yg,dof,value); 118 } 119 } 120 121 } 122 } 123 124 /*Assemble yg: */ 125 VecAssemblyBegin(yg); 126 VecAssemblyEnd(yg); 127 } 128 /*}}}*/ 129 /*FUNCTION Constraints::SetupMpcs{{{1*/ 130 void Constraints::SetupMpcs(Mat Rmg,Nodes* nodes,int analysis_type){ 131 132 int i; 133 134 int nodeid1; 135 int nodeid2; 136 int dof; 137 138 int dof1; 139 int dof2; 140 141 142 Node* node1=NULL; 143 Node* node2=NULL; 144 145 int count=-1; 146 147 for(i=0;i<this->Size();i++){ 148 149 Object* object=(Object*)this->GetObjectByOffset(i); 150 151 /*Check this is a mutiple point constraint (spc): */ 152 if(object->Enum()==RgbEnum){ 153 154 Rgb* rgb=(Rgb*)object; 155 156 if(rgb->InAnalysis(analysis_type)){ 157 158 /*we found an rgb, increment counter, so that row index for Rmg is up to date: */ 159 count++; 160 161 162 nodeid1=rgb->GetNodeId1(); 163 nodeid2=rgb->GetNodeId2(); 164 dof=rgb->GetDof(); 165 166 /*For this rgb, find the nodes that go with it: */ 167 node1=(Node*)nodes->GetObjectById(NULL,nodeid1); 168 node2=(Node*)nodes->GetObjectById(NULL,nodeid2); 169 170 if ((node1 && !node2) || (!node1 && node2)){ 171 /*we are missing one node, not good!*/ 172 ISSMERROR("%s%p%s%p"," in Rgb, missing one node. node1: ",node1," node2: ",node2); 173 } 174 175 if(!node1 && !node2){ 176 /*That's ok, this Rgb can't find those nodes, so leave them alone. They are probably not on this 177 * cpu!*/ 178 } 179 else{ 180 /*Ok, this cpu owns both nodes. Put dof for node1 into m set, unless it is already there, 181 * in which case node2 gets into the m set: */ 182 if(node1->DofIsInMSet(dof-1)){ 183 node2->DofInMSet(dof-1); 184 } 185 else{ 186 node1->DofInMSet(dof-1); 187 } 188 189 /*Plug values into Rmg. We essentially want dofs from node1 and node2 to be the 190 *same: */ 191 dof1=node1->GetDof(dof-1); //matlab indexing 192 dof2=node2->GetDof(dof-1); //matlab indexing 193 194 MatSetValue(Rmg,count,dof1,1.0,INSERT_VALUES); 195 MatSetValue(Rmg,count,dof2,-1.0,INSERT_VALUES); 196 197 } 198 } 199 } 200 } 201 } 202 /*}}}*/ -
r4219 r4220 562 562 } 563 563 /*}}}*/ 564 565 /*Objects methods*/566 564 /*FUNCTION DataSet::Configure{{{1*/ 567 565 void DataSet::Configure(Elements* elements,Loads* loads, DataSet* nodes, Vertices* vertices, Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters){ … … 592 590 } 593 591 /*}}}*/ 594 /*FUNCTION DataSet::NumberOfVertices{{{1*/595 int DataSet::NumberOfVertices(void){596 597 vector<Object*>::iterator object;598 int max_sid=0;599 int sid;600 int vertex_max_sid;601 602 for ( object=objects.begin() ; object < objects.end(); object++ ){603 604 if((*object)->Enum()==VertexEnum){605 606 Vertex* vertex=(Vertex*)(*object);607 sid=vertex->Sid();608 if (sid>max_sid)max_sid=sid;609 }610 }611 612 #ifdef _PARALLEL_613 MPI_Reduce (&max_sid,&vertex_max_sid,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD );614 MPI_Bcast(&vertex_max_sid,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);615 max_sid=vertex_max_sid;616 #endif617 618 /*sid starts at 0*/619 max_sid++;620 621 /*return:*/622 return max_sid;623 }624 /*}}}*/625 /*FUNCTION DataSet::NumberOfLoads{{{1*/626 int DataSet::NumberOfLoads(void){627 628 int localloads;629 int numberofloads;630 631 /*Get number of local loads*/632 localloads=this->Size();633 634 /*figure out total number of loads combining all the cpus (no clones here)*/635 #ifdef _PARALLEL_636 MPI_Reduce(&localloads,&numberofloads,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD );637 MPI_Bcast(&numberofloads,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);638 #else639 numberofloads=localloads;640 #endif641 642 return numberofloads;643 }644 /*}}}*/645 /*FUNCTION DataSet::NumberOfConstraints{{{1*/646 int DataSet::NumberOfConstraints(void){647 648 int localconstraints;649 int numberofconstraints;650 651 /*Get number of local constraints*/652 localconstraints=this->Size();653 654 /*figure out total number of constraints combining all the cpus (no clones here)*/655 #ifdef _PARALLEL_656 MPI_Reduce(&localconstraints,&numberofconstraints,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD );657 MPI_Bcast(&numberofconstraints,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);658 #else659 numberofconstraints=localconstraints;660 #endif661 662 return numberofconstraints;663 }664 /*}}}*/665 /*FUNCTION DataSet::OutputRifts{{{1*/666 void DataSet::OutputRifts(Vec riftproperties){667 668 vector<Object*>::iterator object;669 Riftfront* riftfront=NULL;670 671 for ( object=objects.begin() ; object < objects.end(); object++ ){672 673 if((*object)->Enum()==RiftfrontEnum){674 675 riftfront=(Riftfront*)(*object);676 riftfront->OutputProperties(riftproperties);677 }678 }679 680 681 682 }683 /*}}}*/684 /*FUNCTION DataSet::RiftIsPresent{{{1*/685 int DataSet::RiftIsPresent(){686 687 int i;688 689 vector<Object*>::iterator object;690 Penpair* penpair=NULL;691 int found=0;692 int mpi_found=0;693 694 /*go though loads, and figure out if one of the loads is a PenPair with numdof=2: */695 for ( object=objects.begin() ; object < objects.end(); object++ ){696 697 if((*object)->Enum()==PenpairEnum){698 699 penpair=(Penpair*)(*object);700 }701 }702 703 #ifdef _PARALLEL_704 MPI_Reduce (&found,&mpi_found,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD );705 MPI_Bcast(&mpi_found,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);706 found=mpi_found;707 #endif708 709 return found;710 }711 /*}}}*/712 /*FUNCTION DataSet::SetupSpcs{{{1*/713 void DataSet::SetupSpcs(DataSet* nodes,Vec yg,int analysis_type){714 715 vector<Object*>::iterator object;716 Spc* spc=NULL;717 Node* node=NULL;718 719 int nodeid;720 int dof;721 double value;722 723 for ( object=objects.begin() ; object < objects.end(); object++ ){724 725 /*Check this is a single point constraint (spc): */726 if((*object)->Enum()==SpcEnum){727 728 spc=(Spc*)(*object);729 730 if(spc->InAnalysis(analysis_type)){731 732 /*Ok, this object is a constraint. Get the nodeid from the node it applies to: */733 nodeid=spc->GetNodeId();734 dof=spc->GetDof();735 value=spc->GetValue();736 737 /*Now, chase through nodes and find the corect node: */738 node=(Node*)nodes->GetObjectById(NULL,nodeid);739 740 /*Apply constraint: */741 if(node){ //in case the spc is dealing with a node on another cpu742 node->ApplyConstraint(yg,dof,value);743 }744 }745 746 }747 }748 749 /*Assemble yg: */750 VecAssemblyBegin(yg);751 VecAssemblyEnd(yg);752 }753 /*}}}*/754 /*FUNCTION DataSet::SetupMpcs{{{1*/755 void DataSet::SetupMpcs(Mat Rmg,DataSet* nodes,int analysis_type){756 757 vector<Object*>::iterator object;758 Rgb* rgb=NULL;759 int nodeid1;760 int nodeid2;761 int dof;762 763 int dof1;764 int dof2;765 766 767 Node* node1=NULL;768 Node* node2=NULL;769 770 int count=-1;771 772 for ( object=objects.begin() ; object < objects.end(); object++ ){773 774 /*Check this is a single point constraint (spc): */775 if((*object)->Enum()==RgbEnum){ //we assume uniqueness of all Rgbs, no error checking here.776 777 rgb=(Rgb*)(*object);778 if(rgb->InAnalysis(analysis_type)){779 780 /*we found an rgb, increment counter, so that row index for Rmg is up to date: */781 count++;782 783 784 nodeid1=rgb->GetNodeId1();785 nodeid2=rgb->GetNodeId2();786 dof=rgb->GetDof();787 788 /*For this rgb, find the nodes that go with it: */789 node1=(Node*)nodes->GetObjectById(NULL,nodeid1);790 node2=(Node*)nodes->GetObjectById(NULL,nodeid2);791 792 if ((node1 && !node2) || (!node1 && node2)){793 /*we are missing one node, not good!*/794 ISSMERROR("%s%p%s%p"," in Rgb, missing one node. node1: ",node1," node2: ",node2);795 }796 797 if(!node1 && !node2){798 /*That's ok, this Rgb can't find those nodes, so leave them alone. They are probably not on this799 * cpu!*/800 }801 else{802 /*Ok, this cpu owns both nodes. Put dof for node1 into m set, unless it is already there,803 * in which case node2 gets into the m set: */804 if(node1->DofIsInMSet(dof-1)){805 node2->DofInMSet(dof-1);806 }807 else{808 node1->DofInMSet(dof-1);809 }810 811 /*Plug values into Rmg. We essentially want dofs from node1 and node2 to be the812 *same: */813 dof1=node1->GetDof(dof-1); //matlab indexing814 dof2=node2->GetDof(dof-1); //matlab indexing815 816 MatSetValue(Rmg,count,dof1,1.0,INSERT_VALUES);817 MatSetValue(Rmg,count,dof2,-1.0,INSERT_VALUES);818 819 }820 }821 }822 }823 }824 /*}}}*/ -
r4219 r4220 59 59 Object* FindParamObject(char* name); 60 60 void Ranks(int* ranks); 61 int NumberOfVertices(void);62 int NumberOfLoads(void);63 int NumberOfConstraints(void);64 void SetupSpcs(DataSet* nodes,Vec yg,int analysis_type);65 void SetupMpcs(Mat Rmg,DataSet* nodes,int analysis_type);66 61 void clear(); 67 62 void Configure(Elements* elements,Loads* loads, DataSet* nodes, Vertices* vertices, Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters); … … 71 66 void SetSorting(int* in_sorted_ids,int* in_id_offsets); 72 67 void Sort(); 73 int RiftIsPresent();74 68 DataSet* Copy(void); 75 69 int DeleteObject(Object* object); 76 void OutputRifts(Vec riftproperties);77 70 /*}}}*/ 78 71 … … 166 159 void DistributeDofs(int numberofnodes,int numdofspernode); 167 160 void FlagClones(int numberofnodes); 161 int NumberOfVertices(void); 168 162 /*}}}*/ 169 163 … … 185 179 int MeltingIsPresent(); 186 180 void MeltingConstraints(int* pconverged, int* pnum_unstable_constraints); 181 int NumberOfLoads(void); 182 void OutputRifts(Vec riftproperties); 187 183 /*}}}*/ 188 184 … … 218 214 /*numerics: {{{1*/ 219 215 int NumberOfLocalRgbs(int analysis_type); 216 int NumberOfConstraints(void); 217 void SetupSpcs(Nodes* nodes,Vec yg,int analysis_type); 218 void SetupMpcs(Mat Rmg,Nodes* nodes,int analysis_type); 220 219 /*}}}*/ 221 220 -
r4219 r4220 105 105 } 106 106 /*}}}*/ 107 /*FUNCTION Loads::NumberOfLoads{{{1*/ 108 int Loads::NumberOfLoads(void){ 109 110 int localloads; 111 int numberofloads; 112 113 /*Get number of local loads*/ 114 localloads=this->Size(); 115 116 /*figure out total number of loads combining all the cpus (no clones here)*/ 117 #ifdef _PARALLEL_ 118 MPI_Reduce(&localloads,&numberofloads,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD ); 119 MPI_Bcast(&numberofloads,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); 120 #else 121 numberofloads=localloads; 122 #endif 123 124 return numberofloads; 125 } 126 /*}}}*/ 127 /*FUNCTION Loads::OutputRifts{{{1*/ 128 void Loads::OutputRifts(Vec riftproperties){ 129 130 int i; 131 132 for(i=0;i<this->Size();i++){ 133 134 Object* object=(Object*)this->GetObjectByOffset(i); 135 136 if(object->Enum()==RiftfrontEnum){ 137 138 Riftfront* riftfront=(Riftfront*)object; 139 riftfront->OutputProperties(riftproperties); 140 } 141 } 142 } 143 /*}}}*/ -
r4219 r4220 179 179 } 180 180 /*}}}*/ 181 /*FUNCTION Vertices::NumberOfVertices{{{1*/ 182 int Vertices::NumberOfVertices(void){ 183 184 int i; 185 186 int max_sid=0; 187 int sid; 188 int vertex_max_sid; 189 190 for(i=0;i<this->Size();i++){ 191 192 Vertex* vertex=(Vertex*)this->GetObjectByOffset(i); 193 sid=vertex->Sid(); 194 if (sid>max_sid)max_sid=sid; 195 } 196 197 #ifdef _PARALLEL_ 198 MPI_Reduce (&max_sid,&vertex_max_sid,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD ); 199 MPI_Bcast(&vertex_max_sid,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); 200 max_sid=vertex_max_sid; 201 #endif 202 203 /*sid starts at 0*/ 204 max_sid++; 205 206 /*return:*/ 207 return max_sid; 208 } 209 /*}}}*/
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