Changeset 3711
- Timestamp:
- 05/11/10 09:40:14 (15 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk/src/m/enum
- Files:
- 81 added
- 142 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3642 r3711 2 2 %ACCUMULATIONRATEENUM - Enum of AccumulationRate 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=AccumulationRateEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 12;11 macro=122; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %ADJOINTANALYSISENUM - Enum of AdjointAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=AdjointAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 6;11 macro=18; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %ADJOINTXENUM - Enum of Adjointx 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=AdjointxEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 25;11 macro=135; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %ADJOINTYENUM - Enum of Adjointy 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=AdjointyEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 26;11 macro=136; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %ADJOINTZENUM - Enum of Adjointz 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=AdjointzEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 27;11 macro=137; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %AIRENUM - Enum of Air 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=AirEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 87;11 macro=97; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %ANALYSISENUM - Enum of Analysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %ANALYSISASENUM - get analysis type from Enum 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum5 % to be synchronized with the corresponding CEnum6 % located in src/c/EnumDefinitions4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 7 7 % 8 8 % Usage: … … 124 124 end 125 125 126 if enum==QmuAnalysisEnum(), 127 string='qmu'; 128 end 129 126 130 %check that an analysis type has been found for enum 127 131 if strcmp(string,'not found'), -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %BALANCEDTHICKNESS2ANALYSISENUM - Enum of Balancedthickness2Analysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=Balancedthickness2AnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=3 0;11 macro=32; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %BALANCEDTHICKNESSANALYSISENUM - Enum of BalancedthicknessAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=BalancedthicknessAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 29;11 macro=31; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %BALANCEDVELOCITIESANALYSISENUM - Enum of BalancedvelocitiesAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=BalancedvelocitiesAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=3 1;11 macro=33; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %BEAMENUM - Enum of Beam 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=BeamEnum() 8 10 9 macro=5 0;11 macro=52; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %BEAMVERTEXINPUTENUM - Enum of BeamVertexInput 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=BeamVertexInputEnum() 8 10 9 macro=7 2;11 macro=73; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %BEDENUM - Enum of Bed 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=BedEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 04;11 macro=114; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %BEDSLOPEXENUM - Enum of BedSlopex 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=BedSlopexEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 21;11 macro=131; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %BEDSLOPEYENUM - Enum of BedSlopey 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=BedSlopeyEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 22;11 macro=132; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %BEDXANALYSISENUM - Enum of BedXAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=BedXAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=2 5;11 macro=27; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %BEDYANALYSISENUM - Enum of BedYAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=BedYAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=2 6;11 macro=28; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %BOOLINPUTENUM - Enum of BoolInput 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=BoolInputEnum() 8 10 9 macro=7 4;11 macro=75; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %COLLAPSEENUM - Enum of Collapse 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=CollapseEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 28;11 macro=138; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %CONSTRAINTSENUM - Enum of Constraints 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %CONTROLANALYSISENUM - Enum of ControlAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=ControlAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 5;11 macro=17; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %CONVERGEDENUM - Enum of Converged 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=ConvergedEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 40;11 macro=150; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %DATASETSENUM - Enum of Datasets 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %DHDTENUM - Enum of DhDt 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=DhDtEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 01;11 macro=111; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %DIAGNOSTICANALYSISENUM - Enum of DiagnosticAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=DiagnosticAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 0;11 macro=12; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %DOFINDEXINGENUM - Enum of DofIndexing 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=DofIndexingEnum() 8 10 9 macro=5 2;11 macro=54; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %DOFVECENUM - Enum of DofVec 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=DofVecEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 81;11 macro=91; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %DOUBLEINPUTENUM - Enum of DoubleInput 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=DoubleInputEnum() 8 10 9 macro=7 6;11 macro=77; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %DRAGCOEFFICIENTENUM - Enum of DragCoefficient 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=DragCoefficientEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 05;11 macro=115; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %DRAGPENUM - Enum of DragP 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=DragPEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 06;11 macro=116; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %DRAGQENUM - Enum of DragQ 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=DragQEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 07;11 macro=117; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %DRAGTYPEENUM - Enum of DragType 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=DragTypeEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 08;11 macro=118; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %ELEMENTENUM - Enum of Element 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=ElementEnum() 8 10 9 macro=4 5;11 macro=47; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %ELEMENTONBEDENUM - Enum of ElementOnBed 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=ElementOnBedEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 15;11 macro=125; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %ELEMENTONICESHELFENUM - Enum of ElementOnIceShelf 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=ElementOnIceShelfEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 14;11 macro=124; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %ELEMENTONSURFACEENUM - Enum of ElementOnSurface 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=ElementOnSurfaceEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 17;11 macro=127; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %ELEMENTONWATERENUM - Enum of ElementOnWater 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=ElementOnWaterEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 16;11 macro=126; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %ELEMENTPROPERTIESENUM - Enum of ElementProperties 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=ElementPropertiesEnum() 8 10 9 macro=4 7;11 macro=49; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %ELEMENTSENUM - Enum of Elements 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %FITENUM - Enum of Fit 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=FitEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 24;11 macro=134; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %FORMULATIONENUM - Enum of Formulation 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=FormulationEnum() 8 10 9 macro=3 7;11 macro=39; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %FRACTIONINCREMENTENUM - Enum of FractionIncrement 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=FractionIncrementEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 39;11 macro=149; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %FRICTIONENUM - Enum of Friction 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=FrictionEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 38;11 macro=148; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %GEOGRAPHYENUM - Enum of Geography 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=GeographyEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 82;11 macro=92; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %GEOTHERMALFLUXENUM - Enum of GeothermalFlux 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=GeothermalFluxEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 13;11 macro=123; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %GRADIENTANALYSISENUM - Enum of GradientAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=GradientAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 18;11 macro=20; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %HOOKENUM - Enum of Hook 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=HookEnum() 8 10 9 macro=4 4;11 macro=46; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %HORIZANALYSISENUM - Enum of HorizAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=HorizAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 1;11 macro=13; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %HUTTERANALYSISENUM - Enum of HutterAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=HutterAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 3;11 macro=15; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %HUTTERFORMULATIONENUM - Enum of HutterFormulation 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=HutterFormulationEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 39;11 macro=41; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %ICEENUM - Enum of Ice 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=IceEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 86;11 macro=96; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %ICESHEETENUM - Enum of IceSheet 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=IceSheetEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 83;11 macro=93; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %ICESHELFENUM - Enum of IceShelf 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=IceShelfEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 84;11 macro=94; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %ICEFRONTENUM - Enum of Icefront 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=IcefrontEnum() 8 10 9 macro=5 6;11 macro=58; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %INPUTENUM - Enum of Input 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=InputEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 69;11 macro=70; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %INTINPUTENUM - Enum of IntInput 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=IntInputEnum() 8 10 9 macro=7 5;11 macro=76; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %INVERSEANALYSISENUM - Enum of InverseAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=InverseAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 7;11 macro=19; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %LOADENUM - Enum of Load 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=LoadEnum() 8 10 9 macro=5 5;11 macro=57; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %LOADSENUM - Enum of Loads 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %MACAYEALFORMULATIONENUM - Enum of MacAyealFormulation 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=MacAyealFormulationEnum() 8 10 9 macro=4 0;11 macro=42; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %MATERIALENUM - Enum of Material 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=MaterialEnum() 8 10 9 macro=6 5;11 macro=67; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %MATERIALSENUM - Enum of Materials 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %MATICEENUM - Enum of Matice 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=MaticeEnum() 8 10 9 macro=6 6;11 macro=68; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %MATPARENUM - Enum of Matpar 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=MatparEnum() 8 10 9 macro=6 7;11 macro=69; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %MELANGEENUM - Enum of Melange 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=MelangeEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 88;11 macro=98; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %MELTINGANALYSISENUM - Enum of MeltingAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=MeltingAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=3 2;11 macro=34; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %MELTINGOFFSETENUM - Enum of MeltingOffset 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=MeltingOffsetEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 36;11 macro=146; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %MELTINGRATEENUM - Enum of MeltingRate 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=MeltingRateEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 11;11 macro=121; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %MESH2GRIDANALYSISENUM - Enum of Mesh2gridAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=Mesh2gridAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=3 3;11 macro=35; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %NODEENUM - Enum of Node 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=NodeEnum() 8 10 9 macro=5 3;11 macro=55; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %NODEONBEDENUM - Enum of NodeOnBed 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=NodeOnBedEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 31;11 macro=141; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %NODEONICESHEETENUM - Enum of NodeOnIceSheet 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=NodeOnIceSheetEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 34;11 macro=144; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %NODEONICESHELFENUM - Enum of NodeOnIceShelf 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=NodeOnIceShelfEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 33;11 macro=143; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %NODEONSURFACEENUM - Enum of NodeOnSurface 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=NodeOnSurfaceEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 32;11 macro=142; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %NODEPROPERTIESENUM - Enum of NodeProperties 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=NodePropertiesEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 48;11 macro=50; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %NODESENUM - Enum of Nodes 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %NONEANALYSISENUM - Enum of NoneAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=NoneAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=3 6;11 macro=38; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %NONEFORMULATIONENUM - Enum of NoneFormulation 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=NoneFormulationEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 38;11 macro=40; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %NUMERICALFLUXENUM - Enum of Numericalflux 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=NumericalfluxEnum() 8 10 9 macro=6 4;11 macro=66; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %OBJECTENUM - Enum of Object 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=ObjectEnum() 8 10 9 macro=4 3;11 macro=45; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %PARAMENUM - Enum of Param 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=ParamEnum() 8 10 9 macro=7 7;11 macro=78; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %PARAMETERSANALYSISENUM - Enum of ParametersAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=ParametersAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=3 4;11 macro=36; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %PARAMETERSENUM - Enum of Parameters 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %PATTYNFORMULATIONENUM - Enum of PattynFormulation 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=PattynFormulationEnum() 8 10 9 macro=4 1;11 macro=43; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %PENGRIDENUM - Enum of Pengrid 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=PengridEnum() 8 10 9 macro=6 3;11 macro=65; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %PENPAIRENUM - Enum of Penpair 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=PenpairEnum() 8 10 9 macro=6 2;11 macro=64; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %PENTAENUM - Enum of Penta 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=PentaEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 49;11 macro=51; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %PENTAVERTEXINPUTENUM - Enum of PentaVertexInput 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=PentaVertexInputEnum() 8 10 9 macro=7 3;11 macro=74; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %PRESSUREENUM - Enum of Pressure 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=PressureEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 30;11 macro=140; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %PROGNOSTIC2ANALYSISENUM - Enum of Prognostic2Analysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=Prognostic2AnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 28;11 macro=30; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %PROGNOSTICANALYSISENUM - Enum of PrognosticAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=PrognosticAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=2 7;11 macro=29; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %QUADICEFRONTENUM - Enum of QuadIceFront 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=QuadIceFrontEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 58;11 macro=60; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %QUADRIFTFRONTENUM - Enum of QuadRiftFront 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=QuadRiftFrontEnum() 8 10 9 macro=6 1;11 macro=63; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %RESETPENALTIESENUM - Enum of ResetPenalties 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=ResetPenaltiesEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 35;11 macro=145; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %RESULTENUM - Enum of Result 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=ResultEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 78;11 macro=88; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %RESULTSENUM - Enum of Results 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %RGBENUM - Enum of Rgb 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=RgbEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 79;11 macro=89; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %RHEOLOGYBENUM - Enum of RheologyB 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=RheologyBEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 09;11 macro=119; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %RHEOLOGYNENUM - Enum of RheologyN 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=RheologyNEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 10;11 macro=120; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %RIFTFRONTENUM - Enum of Riftfront 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=RiftfrontEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 59;11 macro=61; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %SEGMENTICEFRONTENUM - Enum of SegmentIcefront 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=SegmentIcefrontEnum() 8 10 9 macro=5 7;11 macro=59; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %SEGMENTONICESHELFENUM - Enum of SegmentOnIceShelf 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=SegmentOnIceShelfEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 41;11 macro=151; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %SEGMENTRIFTFRONTENUM - Enum of SegmentRiftfront 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=SegmentRiftfrontEnum() 8 10 9 macro=6 0;11 macro=62; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %SINGENUM - Enum of Sing 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=SingEnum() 8 10 9 macro=5 1;11 macro=53; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %SINGVERTEXINPUTENUM - Enum of SingVertexInput 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=SingVertexInputEnum() 8 10 9 macro=7 1;11 macro=72; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %SLOPECOMPUTEANALYSISENUM - Enum of SlopecomputeAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=SlopecomputeAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=2 2;11 macro=24; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %SPCENUM - Enum of Spc 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=SpcEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 80;11 macro=90; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %STEADYANALYSISENUM - Enum of SteadyAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=SteadyAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=2 1;11 macro=23; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %STEADYSTATEANALYSISENUM - Enum of SteadystateAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=SteadystateAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=3 5;11 macro=37; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %STOKESANALYSISENUM - Enum of StokesAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=StokesAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 2;11 macro=14; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %STOKESFORMULATIONENUM - Enum of StokesFormulation 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=StokesFormulationEnum() 8 10 9 macro=4 2;11 macro=44; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %SURFACEAREAENUM - Enum of SurfaceArea 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=SurfaceAreaEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 18;11 macro=128; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %SURFACEENUM - Enum of Surface 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=SurfaceEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 03;11 macro=113; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %SURFACESLOPEXENUM - Enum of SurfaceSlopex 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=SurfaceSlopexEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 19;11 macro=129; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %SURFACESLOPEYENUM - Enum of SurfaceSlopey 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=SurfaceSlopeyEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 20;11 macro=130; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %SURFACEXANALYSISENUM - Enum of SurfaceXAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=SurfaceXAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=2 3;11 macro=25; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %SURFACEYANALYSISENUM - Enum of SurfaceYAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=SurfaceYAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=2 4;11 macro=26; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %TEMPERATUREENUM - Enum of Temperature 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=TemperatureEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 29;11 macro=139; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %THERMALANALYSISENUM - Enum of ThermalAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=ThermalAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 19;11 macro=21; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %THICKNESSENUM - Enum of Thickness 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=ThicknessEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 02;11 macro=112; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %TRANSIENTANALYSISENUM - Enum of TransientAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=TransientAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=2 0;11 macro=22; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %TRIAENUM - Enum of Tria 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=TriaEnum() 8 10 9 macro=4 6;11 macro=48; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %TRIAVERTEXINPUTENUM - Enum of TriaVertexInput 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=TriaVertexInputEnum() 8 10 9 macro=7 0;11 macro=71; -
r3643 r3711 2 2 %TYPEENUM - Enum of Type 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=TypeEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 37;11 macro=147; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %VERTANALYSISENUM - Enum of VertAnalysis 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=VertAnalysisEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 4;11 macro=16; -
r3589 r3711 2 2 %VERTEXENUM - Enum of Vertex 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=VertexEnum() 8 10 9 macro=5 4;11 macro=56; -
r3567 r3711 2 2 %VERTICESENUM - Enum of Vertices 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %VXAVERAGEENUM - Enum of VxAverage 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=VxAverageEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 92;11 macro=102; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %VXENUM - Enum of Vx 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=VxEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 89;11 macro=99; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %VXOBSENUM - Enum of VxObs 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=VxObsEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 95;11 macro=105; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %VXOLDENUM - Enum of VxOld 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=VxOldEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 98;11 macro=108; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %VYAVERAGEENUM - Enum of VyAverage 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=VyAverageEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 93;11 macro=103; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %VYENUM - Enum of Vy 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=VyEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 90;11 macro=100; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %VYOBSENUM - Enum of VyObs 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=VyObsEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 96;11 macro=106; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %VYOLDENUM - Enum of VyOld 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=VyOldEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 99;11 macro=109; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %VZAVERAGEENUM - Enum of VzAverage 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=VzAverageEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 94;11 macro=104; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %VZENUM - Enum of Vz 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=VzEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 91;11 macro=101; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %VZOBSENUM - Enum of VzObs 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=VzObsEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 97;11 macro=107; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %VZOLDENUM - Enum of VzOld 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=VzOldEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 00;11 macro=110; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %WATERENUM - Enum of Water 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=WaterEnum() 8 10 9 macro= 85;11 macro=95; -
r3642 r3711 2 2 %WEIGHTSENUM - Enum of Weights 3 3 % 4 % file generated by src/c/EnumDefinitions/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 4 % WARNING: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE 5 % this file has been automatically generated by src/c/SynchronizeMatlabEnum 6 % Please read src/c/README for more information 5 7 % 6 8 % Usage: 7 9 % macro=WeightsEnum() 8 10 9 macro=1 23;11 macro=133;
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