Changeset 3573
- Timestamp:
- 04/20/10 09:56:02 (15 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk/test/Validation/EISMINT/MassConservation
- Files:
- 2 added
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3156 r3573 2 2 % Vincent Rommelaere 1996 3 3 4 cluster='none';5 np=2;6 7 4 %The goal is to test the prognostic model 8 md=model;9 md= mesh(md,'DomainOutline.exp',4550);5 %md=bamg(model,'domain','DomainOutline.exp','hmax',4550); 6 md=bamg(model,'domain','DomainOutline.exp','hmax',3000); 10 7 md=geography(md,'all',''); 11 8 md=parameterize(md,'Square.par'); … … 13 10 14 11 %Evolution of the ice shelf 15 md.ndt=500 *md.yts;16 md.dt= 5*md.yts;17 md.artificial_diffusivity= 1; %Better result with no artificial diffusivity12 md.ndt=500; 13 md.dt=1; 14 md.artificial_diffusivity=0; %Better result with no artificial diffusivity 18 15 19 %launch transient solution 20 md.cluster=cluster; 21; 22 md=solve(md,'analysis_type','transient'); 16 %0launch transient solution 17 %md=solve(md,'analysis_type','transient'); 18 %FOR NOW: 19 md.cluster=oshostname(); 20; 21 i=0; 22 time=0; 23 md.dummy=struct(); 24 pos=find(md.y>199999.9); 25 connectivity=full(sparse(md.elements(:),1,1)); 26 while(time<500), 27 disp(['step ' num2str(i) '/' num2str(500/md.dt)]); 28 i=i+1; 29 time=time+md.dt; 30 md=solve(md,'analysis_type','prognostic2','package','ice'); 31 %thickness=full(sparse(reshape(md.elements',3*md.numberofelements,1),1,md.results.prognostic2.thickness)); 32 %md.thickness=thickness./connectivity; 33 md.thickness=md.results.prognostic2.thickness; 34 md.thickness(pos)=500+100*sin(2*pi*time/200)*ones(size(pos,1),1); 35 md.surface=md.bed+md.thickness; 36 md.dummy(i).thickness=md.thickness; 37 %plotmodel(md,'data',md.thickness,'sectionvalue','CrossLine.exp') 38 end 23 39 24 40 %plot results 25 plotmodel(md,'data', md.results.transient(end).thickness,'sectionvalue','CrossLine.exp')41 plotmodel(md,'data',[md.thickness 500+100*sin(2*pi/200*(500-md.y/400))],'sectionvalue','CrossLine.exp') 26 42 27 43 %Don't forget to add these lines in icetransient2d.m, just before the computation of the thickness to change the thickness on the upper boundary condition
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