Changeset 3470
- Timestamp:
- 04/08/10 13:31:21 (15 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk/src/c
- Files:
- 8 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3469 r3470 967 967 968 968 } 969 970 /*Check that dofcount is positive*/ 971 ISSMASSERT(dofcount>0); 969 972 970 973 /*Ok, now every object has distributed dofs, but locally, and with a dof count starting from -
r3454 r3470 19 19 20 20 /*Object constructors and destructor*/ 21 /*FUNCTION Beam constructor{{{1*/21 /*FUNCTION Beam::Beam(){{{1*/ 22 22 Beam::Beam(){ 23 23 return; 24 24 } 25 25 /*}}}*/ 26 /*FUNCTION Beam constructor{{{1*/26 /*FUNCTION Beam::Beam(int id, int* node_ids, int matice_id, int matpar_id, int numpar_id, ElementProperties* properties){{{1*/ 27 27 Beam::Beam(int beam_id,int* beam_node_ids, int beam_matice_id, int beam_matpar_id, int beam_numpar_id, ElementProperties* beamproperties): 28 28 hnodes(beam_node_ids,2), … … 39 39 } 40 40 /*}}}*/ 41 /*FUNCTION Beam other constructor{{{1*/41 /*FUNCTION Beam::Beam(int id, Hook* hnodes, Hook* hmatice, Hook* hmatpar, Hook* hnumpar, ElementProperties* properties){{{1*/ 42 42 Beam::Beam(int beam_id,Hook* beam_hnodes, Hook* beam_hmatice, Hook* beam_hmatpar, Hook* beam_hnumpar, ElementProperties* beam_properties): 43 43 hnodes(beam_hnodes), … … 54 54 } 55 55 /*}}}*/ 56 /*FUNCTION Beam iomodel constructor{{{1*/56 /*FUNCTION Beam::Beam(int i, IoModel* iomodel){{{1*/ 57 57 Beam::Beam(int i,IoModel* iomodel){ 58 58 … … 101 101 } 102 102 /*}}}*/ 103 /*FUNCTION Beam destructor{{{1*/103 /*FUNCTION Beam::~Beam(){{{1*/ 104 104 Beam::~Beam(){ 105 105 return; … … 108 108 109 109 /*Object management*/ 110 /*FUNCTION Beam 110 /*FUNCTION Beam::Configure{{{1*/ 111 111 void Beam::Configure(void* ploadsin,void* pnodesin,void* pmaterialsin,void* pparametersin){ 112 112 … … 133 133 } 134 134 /*}}}*/ 135 /*FUNCTION Beam 135 /*FUNCTION Beam::copy{{{1*/ 136 136 Object* Beam::copy() { 137 137 … … 140 140 } 141 141 /*}}}*/ 142 /*FUNCTION Beam 142 /*FUNCTION Beam::DeepEcho{{{1*/ 143 143 void Beam::DeepEcho(void){ 144 144 … … 154 154 } 155 155 /*}}}*/ 156 /*FUNCTION Beam 156 /*FUNCTION Beam::Demarshall{{{1*/ 157 157 void Beam::Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){ 158 158 … … 181 181 } 182 182 /*}}}*/ 183 /*FUNCTION Beam 183 /*FUNCTION Beam::Echo {{{1*/ 184 184 void Beam::Echo(void){ 185 185 … … 195 195 } 196 196 /*}}}*/ 197 /*FUNCTION Beam 197 /*FUNCTION Beam::Marshall{{{1*/ 198 198 void Beam::Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){ 199 199 … … 226 226 } 227 227 /*}}}*/ 228 /*FUNCTION Beam 228 /*FUNCTION Beam::MarshallSize{{{1*/ 229 229 int Beam::MarshallSize(){ 230 230 … … 238 238 } 239 239 /*}}}*/ 240 /*FUNCTION Beam 240 /*FUNCTION Beam::UpdateFromInputs{{{1*/ 241 241 void Beam::UpdateFromInputs(void* vinputs){ 242 242 … … 306 306 307 307 /*Object functions*/ 308 /*FUNCTION Beam 308 /*FUNCTION Beam::ComputePressure{{{1*/ 309 309 void Beam::ComputePressure(Vec p_g){ 310 310 … … 349 349 } 350 350 /*}}}*/ 351 /*FUNCTION Beam 351 /*FUNCTION Beam::CostFunction{{{1*/ 352 352 double Beam::CostFunction(void*,int,int){ 353 353 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 354 354 } 355 355 /*}}}*/ 356 /*FUNCTION Beam 356 /*FUNCTION Beam::CreateKMatrix{{{1*/ 357 357 358 358 void Beam::CreateKMatrix(Mat Kgg,void* inputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ … … 374 374 } 375 375 /*}}}*/ 376 /*FUNCTION Beam 376 /*FUNCTION Beam::CreateKMatrixDiagnosticHutter{{{1*/ 377 377 378 378 void Beam::CreateKMatrixDiagnosticHutter(Mat Kgg,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ … … 408 408 } 409 409 /*}}}*/ 410 /*FUNCTION Beam 410 /*FUNCTION Beam::CreatePVector{{{1*/ 411 411 void Beam::CreatePVector(Vec pg,void* inputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 412 412 … … 425 425 } 426 426 /*}}}*/ 427 /*FUNCTION Beam 427 /*FUNCTION Beam::CreatePVectorDiagnosticHutter{{{1*/ 428 428 429 429 void Beam::CreatePVectorDiagnosticHutter( Vec pg, void* vinputs, int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ … … 551 551 } 552 552 /*}}}*/ 553 /*FUNCTION Beam 553 /*FUNCTION Beam::Du{{{1*/ 554 554 void Beam::Du(_p_Vec*,void*,int,int){ 555 555 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 556 556 } 557 557 /*}}}*/ 558 /*FUNCTION Beam 558 /*FUNCTION Beam::Enum{{{1*/ 559 559 int Beam::Enum(void){ 560 560 … … 563 563 } 564 564 /*}}}*/ 565 /*FUNCTION Beam 565 /*FUNCTION Beam::GetBedList{{{1*/ 566 566 void Beam::GetBedList(double*){ 567 567 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 568 568 } 569 569 /*}}}*/ 570 /*FUNCTION Beam 570 /*FUNCTION Beam::GetDofList{{{1*/ 571 571 void Beam::GetDofList(int* doflist,int* pnumberofdofspernode){ 572 572 … … 593 593 } 594 594 /*}}}*/ 595 /*FUNCTION Beam 595 /*FUNCTION Beam::GetDofList1{{{1*/ 596 596 void Beam::GetDofList1(int* doflist){ 597 597 … … 609 609 } 610 610 /*}}}*/ 611 /*FUNCTION Beam 611 /*FUNCTION Beam::GetId{{{1*/ 612 612 int Beam::GetId(void){ return id; } 613 613 /*}}}*/ 614 /*FUNCTION Beam 614 /*FUNCTION Beam::GetJacobianDeterminant{{{1*/ 615 615 void Beam::GetJacobianDeterminant(double* pJdet,double* z_list, double gauss_coord){ 616 616 … … 627 627 } 628 628 /*}}}*/ 629 /*FUNCTION Beam 629 /*FUNCTION Beam::GetMatPar{{{1*/ 630 630 void* Beam::GetMatPar(){ 631 631 … … 639 639 } 640 640 /*}}}*/ 641 /*FUNCTION Beam 641 /*FUNCTION Beam::GetName{{{1*/ 642 642 char* Beam::GetName(void){ 643 643 return "beam"; 644 644 } 645 645 /*}}}*/ 646 /*FUNCTION Beam 646 /*FUNCTION Beam::GetNodalFunctions{{{1*/ 647 647 void Beam::GetNodalFunctions(double* l1l2, double gauss_coord){ 648 648 … … 656 656 } 657 657 /*}}}*/ 658 /*FUNCTION Beam 658 /*FUNCTION Beam::GetNodes{{{1*/ 659 659 void Beam::GetNodes(void** vpnodes){ 660 660 int i; … … 675 675 } 676 676 /*}}}*/ 677 /*FUNCTION Beam 677 /*FUNCTION Beam::GetOnBed{{{1*/ 678 678 int Beam::GetOnBed(){ 679 679 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 680 680 } 681 681 /*}}}*/ 682 /*FUNCTION Beam 682 /*FUNCTION Beam::GetParameterValue{{{1*/ 683 683 void Beam::GetParameterValue(double* pvalue, double* value_list,double gauss_coord){ 684 684 … … 690 690 } 691 691 /*}}}*/ 692 /*FUNCTION Beam 692 /*FUNCTION Beam::GetShelf{{{1*/ 693 693 int Beam::GetShelf(){ 694 694 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 695 695 } 696 696 /*}}}*/ 697 /*FUNCTION Beam 697 /*FUNCTION Beam::GetThicknessList{{{1*/ 698 698 void Beam::GetThicknessList(double* thickness_list){ 699 699 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 700 700 } 701 701 /*}}}*/ 702 /*FUNCTION Beam 702 /*FUNCTION Beam::Gradj{{{1*/ 703 703 void Beam::Gradj(_p_Vec*, void*, int, int,char*){ 704 704 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 705 705 } 706 706 /*}}}*/ 707 /*FUNCTION Beam 707 /*FUNCTION Beam::GradjB{{{1*/ 708 708 void Beam::GradjB(_p_Vec*, void*, int, int){ 709 709 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 710 710 } 711 711 /*}}}*/ 712 /*FUNCTION Beam 712 /*FUNCTION Beam::GradjDrag{{{1*/ 713 713 void Beam::GradjDrag(_p_Vec*, void*, int,int ){ 714 714 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 715 715 } 716 716 /*}}}*/ 717 /*FUNCTION Beam 717 /*FUNCTION Beam::MassFlux{{{1*/ 718 718 double Beam::MassFlux( double* segment,double* ug){ 719 719 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 720 720 } 721 721 /*}}}*/ 722 /*FUNCTION Beam 722 /*FUNCTION Beam::MaticeConfiguration{{{1*/ 723 723 void Beam::MaticeConfiguration(Matice* beam_matice,int beam_matice_offset){ 724 724 … … 735 735 } 736 736 /*}}}*/ 737 /*FUNCTION Beam 737 /*FUNCTION Beam::MatparConfiguration{{{1*/ 738 738 void Beam::MatparConfiguration(Matpar* beam_matpar,int beam_matpar_offset){ 739 739 … … 751 751 } 752 752 /*}}}*/ 753 /*FUNCTION Beam 753 /*FUNCTION Beam::Misfit{{{1*/ 754 754 double Beam::Misfit(void*,int,int){ 755 755 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); 756 756 } 757 757 /*}}}*/ 758 /*FUNCTION Beam 758 /*FUNCTION Beam::MyRank{{{1*/ 759 759 int Beam::MyRank(void){ 760 760 extern int my_rank; … … 762 762 } 763 763 /*}}}*/ 764 /*FUNCTION Beam 764 /*FUNCTION Beam::NodeConfiguration{{{1*/ 765 765 void Beam::NodeConfiguration(int* beam_node_ids,Node* beam_nodes[2],int* beam_node_offsets){ 766 766 … … 782 782 } 783 783 /*}}}*/ 784 /*FUNCTION Beam 784 /*FUNCTION Beam::SurfaceArea{{{1*/ 785 785 double Beam::SurfaceArea(void*,int,int){ 786 786 ISSMERROR(" not supported yet!"); -
r3468 r3470 19 19 20 20 /*Object constructors and destructor*/ 21 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing default constructor{{{1*/21 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing::DofIndexing(){{{1*/ 22 22 DofIndexing::DofIndexing(){ 23 23 … … 36 36 } 37 37 /*}}}*/ 38 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing constructor{{{1*/38 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing::DofIndexing(int numberofdofs){{{1*/ 39 39 DofIndexing::DofIndexing(int in_numberofdofs){ 40 40 this->Init(in_numberofdofs); 41 41 } 42 42 /*}}}*/ 43 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing Init: used by constructor {{{1*/ 43 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing::DofIndexing(DofIndexing* in) -> copy{{{1*/ 44 DofIndexing::DofIndexing(DofIndexing* in){ //copy constructor 45 46 int i; 47 this->numberofdofs=in->numberofdofs; 48 this->clone=in->clone; 49 50 for(i=0;i<MAXDOFSPERNODE;i++){ 51 this->m_set[i]=in->m_set[i]; 52 this->n_set[i]=in->n_set[i]; 53 this->f_set[i]=in->f_set[i]; 54 this->s_set[i]=in->s_set[i]; 55 this->doflist[i]=in->doflist[i]; 56 } 57 } 58 /*}}}*/ 59 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing::~DofIndexing() {{{1*/ 60 DofIndexing::~DofIndexing(){ //destructor 61 } 62 /*}}}*/ 63 64 /*Object management: */ 65 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing::DeepEcho{{{1*/ 66 void DofIndexing::DeepEcho(void){ 67 68 int i; 69 70 printf("DofIndexing:\n"); 71 printf(" numberofdofs: %i\n",numberofdofs); 72 printf(" clone: %i\n",clone); 73 74 printf(" set membership: m,n,f,s sets \n"); 75 for(i=0;i<numberofdofs;i++){ 76 if(i>MAXDOFSPERNODE)break; 77 printf(" dof %i: %i %i %i %i\n",i,m_set[i],n_set[i],f_set[i],s_set[i]); 78 } 79 printf("\n"); 80 81 printf(" doflist:|"); 82 for(i=0;i<numberofdofs;i++){ 83 if(i>MAXDOFSPERNODE)break; 84 printf("%i|",doflist[i]); 85 } 86 87 } 88 /*}}}*/ 89 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing::Demarshall{{{1*/ 90 void DofIndexing::Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){ 91 92 char* marshalled_dataset=NULL; 93 int enum_type; 94 95 /*recover marshalled_dataset: */ 96 marshalled_dataset=*pmarshalled_dataset; 97 98 /*get enum type of object since DofIndexing is not directly called by DataSet: */ 99 memcpy(&enum_type,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(int)); marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(int); 100 101 memcpy(&numberofdofs,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(numberofdofs));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(numberofdofs); 102 memcpy(&clone,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(clone));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(clone); 103 memcpy(&m_set,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(m_set));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(m_set); 104 memcpy(&n_set,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(n_set));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(n_set); 105 memcpy(&f_set,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(f_set));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(f_set); 106 memcpy(&s_set,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(s_set));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(s_set); 107 memcpy(&doflist,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(doflist));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(doflist); 108 109 /*return: */ 110 *pmarshalled_dataset=marshalled_dataset; 111 return; 112 } 113 /*}}}*/ 114 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing::Echo{{{1*/ 115 void DofIndexing::Echo(void){ 116 117 int i; 118 119 printf("DofIndexing:\n"); 120 printf(" numberofdofs: %i\n",numberofdofs); 121 printf(" clone: %i\n",clone); 122 } 123 /*}}}*/ 124 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing::Init{{{1*/ 44 125 void DofIndexing::Init(int in_numberofdofs){ 45 126 … … 58 139 } 59 140 /*}}}*/ 60 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing copy constructor{{{1*/ 61 DofIndexing::DofIndexing(DofIndexing* in){ //copy constructor 62 63 int i; 64 this->numberofdofs=in->numberofdofs; 65 this->clone=in->clone; 66 67 for(i=0;i<MAXDOFSPERNODE;i++){ 68 this->m_set[i]=in->m_set[i]; 69 this->n_set[i]=in->n_set[i]; 70 this->f_set[i]=in->f_set[i]; 71 this->s_set[i]=in->s_set[i]; 72 this->doflist[i]=in->doflist[i]; 73 } 74 } 75 /*}}}*/ 76 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing destructor {{{1*/ 77 DofIndexing::~DofIndexing(){ //destructor 78 } 79 /*}}}*/ 80 81 /*Object management: */ 82 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing Marshall{{{1*/ 141 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing::Marshall{{{1*/ 83 142 void DofIndexing::Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){ 84 143 … … 108 167 } 109 168 /*}}}*/ 110 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing 169 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing::MarshallSize{{{1*/ 111 170 int DofIndexing::MarshallSize(){ 112 171 … … 121 180 } 122 181 /*}}}*/ 123 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing Demarshall{{{1*/124 void DofIndexing::Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){125 126 char* marshalled_dataset=NULL;127 int enum_type;128 129 /*recover marshalled_dataset: */130 marshalled_dataset=*pmarshalled_dataset;131 132 /*get enum type of object since DofIndexing is not directly called by DataSet: */133 memcpy(&enum_type,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(int)); marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(int);134 135 memcpy(&numberofdofs,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(numberofdofs));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(numberofdofs);136 memcpy(&clone,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(clone));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(clone);137 memcpy(&m_set,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(m_set));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(m_set);138 memcpy(&n_set,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(n_set));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(n_set);139 memcpy(&f_set,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(f_set));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(f_set);140 memcpy(&s_set,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(s_set));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(s_set);141 memcpy(&doflist,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(doflist));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(doflist);142 143 /*return: */144 *pmarshalled_dataset=marshalled_dataset;145 return;146 }147 /*}}}*/148 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing Echo{{{1*/149 void DofIndexing::Echo(void){150 151 int i;152 153 printf("DofIndexing:\n");154 printf(" numberofdofs: %i\n",numberofdofs);155 printf(" clone: %i\n",clone);156 }157 /*}}}*/158 /*FUNCTION DofIndexing DeepEcho{{{1*/159 void DofIndexing::DeepEcho(void){160 161 int i;162 163 printf("DofIndexing:\n");164 printf(" numberofdofs: %i\n",numberofdofs);165 printf(" clone: %i\n",clone);166 167 printf(" set membership: m,n,f,s sets \n");168 for(i=0;i<numberofdofs;i++){169 if(i>MAXDOFSPERNODE)break;170 printf(" dof %i: %i %i %i %i\n",i,m_set[i],n_set[i],f_set[i],s_set[i]);171 }172 printf("\n");173 174 printf(" doflist:|");175 for(i=0;i<numberofdofs;i++){176 if(i>MAXDOFSPERNODE)break;177 printf("%i|",doflist[i]);178 }179 180 }181 /*}}}*/ -
r3463 r3470 14 14 #include "../EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.h" 15 15 16 /*Object constructors and destructor*/ 17 /*FUNCTION DofVec::DofVec() {{{1*/ 16 18 DofVec::DofVec(){ 17 19 return; 18 20 } 19 21 /*}}}*/ 22 /*FUNCTION DofVec::DofVec(char* name) {{{1*/ 20 23 DofVec::DofVec(char* name){ 21 24 … … 26 29 27 30 } 28 29 DofVec::~DofVec(){ 30 VecFree(&this->vector); 31 } 32 31 /*}}}*/ 32 /*FUNCTION DofVec::DofVec(int total_size,char* name) {{{1*/ 33 33 DofVec::DofVec(int total_size,char* name){ 34 34 … … 38 38 this->vector=NewVec(total_size); 39 39 } 40 40 /*}}}*/ 41 /*FUNCTION DofVec::DofVec(int total_size,double default_value,char* name) {{{1*/ 41 42 DofVec::DofVec(int total_size,double default_value,char* name){ 42 43 … … 47 48 VecSet(this->vector,default_value); 48 49 } 49 50 /*}}}*/ 51 /*FUNCTION DofVec::DofVec(int dofvec_numdofs,int dofvec_numentries,char* name) {{{1*/ 50 52 DofVec::DofVec(int dofvec_numdofs,int dofvec_numentries,char* name){ 51 53 … … 55 57 this->vector=NewVec(dofvec_numdofs*dofvec_numentries); 56 58 } 57 59 /*}}}*/ 60 /*FUNCTION DofVec::DofVec(int dofvec_numdofs,int dofvec_numentries,double default_value,char* name) {{{1*/ 58 61 DofVec::DofVec(int dofvec_numdofs,int dofvec_numentries,double default_value,char* name){ 59 62 … … 65 68 66 69 } 67 70 /*}}}*/ 71 /*FUNCTION DofVec::DofVec(double* serial_vector,int total_size,char* name) {{{1*/ 68 72 DofVec::DofVec(double* serial_vector,int total_size,char* name){ 69 73 … … 73 77 this->vector=SerialToVec(serial_vector,total_size); 74 78 } 75 79 /*}}}*/ 80 /*FUNCTION DofVec::DofVec(double* serial_vector,int dofvec_numdofs,int dofvec_numentries,char* name) {{{1*/ 76 81 DofVec::DofVec(double* serial_vector,int dofvec_numdofs,int dofvec_numentries,char* name){ 77 82 … … 81 86 this->vector=SerialToVec(serial_vector,dofvec_numdofs*dofvec_numentries); 82 87 } 83 88 /*}}}*/ 89 /*FUNCTION DofVec::DofVec(Vec vec,char* name) {{{1*/ 84 90 DofVec::DofVec(Vec vec,char* name){ 85 91 … … 90 96 91 97 } 92 98 /*}}}*/ 99 /*FUNCTION DofVec::DofVec(Vec vec,int dofvec_numdofs,int dofvec_numentries,char* name) {{{1*/ 93 100 DofVec::DofVec(Vec vec,int dofvec_numdofs,int dofvec_numentries,char* name){ 94 101 … … 98 105 VecDuplicatePatch(&this->vector,vec); 99 106 } 100 107 /*}}}*/ 108 /*FUNCTION DofVec::~DofVec {{{1*/ 109 DofVec::~DofVec(){ 110 VecFree(&this->vector); 111 } 112 /*}}}*/ 113 114 /*Object management: */ 115 /*FUNCTION DofVec::copy {{{1*/ 116 Object* DofVec::copy() { 117 118 DofVec* dofvec=NULL; 119 120 dofvec=new DofVec(*this); 121 122 /*do the dynamic allocation copy: */ 123 VecDuplicatePatch(&dofvec->vector,this->vector); 124 125 return (Object*)dofvec; 126 127 } 128 /*}}}*/ 129 /*FUNCTION DofVec::DeepEcho {{{1*/ 130 void DofVec::DeepEcho(void){ 131 132 printf("DofVec:\n"); 133 printf(" name: %s\n",this->name); 134 printf(" numdofs: %i\n",this->numdofs); 135 printf(" numentries: %i\n",this->numentries); 136 printf(" totalsize: %i\n",this->numdofs*this->numentries); 137 if(this->vector)VecView(this->vector,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD); 138 } 139 /*}}}*/ 140 /*FUNCTION DofVec::Demarshall {{{1*/ 141 void DofVec::Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){ 142 143 char* marshalled_dataset=NULL; 144 int i; 145 double* serial_vector=NULL; 146 147 /*recover marshalled_dataset: */ 148 marshalled_dataset=*pmarshalled_dataset; 149 150 /*this time, no need to get enum type, the pointer directly points to the beginning of the 151 *object data (thanks to DataSet::Demarshall):*/ 152 153 memcpy(&name,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(name));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(name); 154 memcpy(&numdofs,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(numdofs));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(numdofs); 155 memcpy(&numentries,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(numentries));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(numentries); 156 157 serial_vector=(double*)xmalloc(this->numentries*this->numdofs*sizeof(double)); 158 memcpy(serial_vector,marshalled_dataset,this->numentries*this->numdofs*sizeof(double));marshalled_dataset+=this->numentries*this->numdofs*sizeof(double); 159 160 this->vector=SerialToVec(serial_vector,this->numentries*this->numdofs); 161 162 /*Free ressources:*/ 163 xfree((void**)&serial_vector); 164 165 /*return: */ 166 *pmarshalled_dataset=marshalled_dataset; 167 return; 168 } 169 /*}}}*/ 170 /*FUNCTION DofVec::Echo {{{1*/ 101 171 void DofVec::Echo(void){ 102 172 … … 109 179 110 180 } 111 112 void DofVec::DeepEcho(void){ 113 114 printf("DofVec:\n"); 115 printf(" name: %s\n",this->name); 116 printf(" numdofs: %i\n",this->numdofs); 117 printf(" numentries: %i\n",this->numentries); 118 printf(" totalsize: %i\n",this->numdofs*this->numentries); 119 if(this->vector)VecView(this->vector,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD); 120 } 121 181 /*}}}*/ 182 /*FUNCTION DofVec::Marshall {{{1*/ 122 183 void DofVec::Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){ 123 184 … … 151 212 return; 152 213 } 153 214 /*}}}*/ 215 /*FUNCTION DofVec::MarshallSize {{{1*/ 154 216 int DofVec::MarshallSize(){ 155 217 return sizeof(name) … … 159 221 +sizeof(int); //sizeof(int) for enum type 160 222 } 161 223 /*}}}*/ 224 225 /*Object functions*/ 226 /*FUNCTION DofVec::Enum {{{1*/ 227 int DofVec::Enum(void){ 228 229 return DofVecEnum(); 230 231 } 232 /*}}}*/ 233 /*FUNCTION DofVec::GetId {{{1*/ 234 int DofVec::GetId(void){ 235 ISSMERROR(" no id function for DofVec class"); 236 } 237 238 /*FUNCTION DofVec::GetName {{{1*/ 162 239 char* DofVec::GetName(void){ 163 240 char* string=NULL; … … 166 243 return string; 167 244 } 168 169 void DofVec::Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){ 170 171 char* marshalled_dataset=NULL; 172 int i; 173 double* serial_vector=NULL; 174 175 /*recover marshalled_dataset: */ 176 marshalled_dataset=*pmarshalled_dataset; 177 178 /*this time, no need to get enum type, the pointer directly points to the beginning of the 179 *object data (thanks to DataSet::Demarshall):*/ 180 181 memcpy(&name,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(name));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(name); 182 memcpy(&numdofs,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(numdofs));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(numdofs); 183 memcpy(&numentries,marshalled_dataset,sizeof(numentries));marshalled_dataset+=sizeof(numentries); 184 185 serial_vector=(double*)xmalloc(this->numentries*this->numdofs*sizeof(double)); 186 memcpy(serial_vector,marshalled_dataset,this->numentries*this->numdofs*sizeof(double));marshalled_dataset+=this->numentries*this->numdofs*sizeof(double); 187 188 this->vector=SerialToVec(serial_vector,this->numentries*this->numdofs); 189 190 /*Free ressources:*/ 191 xfree((void**)&serial_vector); 192 193 /*return: */ 194 *pmarshalled_dataset=marshalled_dataset; 195 return; 196 } 197 198 199 int DofVec::Enum(void){ 200 201 return DofVecEnum(); 202 203 } 204 205 int DofVec::GetId(void){ 206 ISSMERROR(" no id function for DofVec class"); 207 } 208 209 int DofVec::MyRank(void){ 210 211 extern int my_rank; 212 return my_rank; 213 } 214 215 Object* DofVec::copy() { 216 217 DofVec* dofvec=NULL; 218 219 dofvec=new DofVec(*this); 220 221 /*do the dynamic allocation copy: */ 222 VecDuplicatePatch(&dofvec->vector,this->vector); 223 224 return (Object*)dofvec; 225 226 } 227 245 /*}}}*/ 246 /*FUNCTION DofVec::GetVec {{{1*/ 247 Vec DofVec::GetVec(void){ 248 return vector; 249 } 250 /*}}}*/ 251 /*FUNCTION DofVec::GetVecFromDof(double** pvector,int dof) {{{1*/ 228 252 void DofVec::GetVecFromDof(double** pvector,int dof){ 229 253 … … 250 274 *pvector=serial_vector; 251 275 } 252 253 276 /*}}}*/ 277 /*FUNCTION DofVec::GetVecFromDof(Vec* pvector, int dof) {{{1*/ 254 278 void DofVec::GetVecFromDof(Vec* pvector, int dof){ 255 279 … … 272 296 *pvector=vector; 273 297 } 274 298 /*}}}*/ 299 /*FUNCTION DofVec::GetVecFromDofList(double** pvector, int requested_numdofs,int* requested_doflist) {{{1*/ 275 300 void DofVec::GetVecFromDofList(double** pvector, int requested_numdofs,int* requested_doflist){ 276 301 … … 301 326 *pvector=serial_vector; 302 327 } 303 304 328 /*}}}*/ 329 /*FUNCTION DofVec::GetVecFromDofList(Vec* pvector, int requested_numdofs,int* requested_doflist) {{{1*/ 305 330 void DofVec::GetVecFromDofList(Vec* pvector, int requested_numdofs,int* requested_doflist){ 306 331 … … 327 352 *pvector=vector; 328 353 } 329 354 /*}}}*/ 355 /*FUNCTION DofVec::SetValuesFromVecAndDofList(double* serial_vector,int vector_size,int requested_numdofs,int* requested_doflist) {{{1*/ 330 356 void DofVec::SetValuesFromVecAndDofList(double* serial_vector,int vector_size,int requested_numdofs,int* requested_doflist){ 331 357 … … 349 375 VecFree(&vector); 350 376 } 351 377 /*}}}*/ 378 /*FUNCTION DofVec::SetValuesFromVecAndDofList(Vec vector,int requested_numdofs,int* requested_doflist) {{{1*/ 352 379 void DofVec::SetValuesFromVecAndDofList(Vec vector,int requested_numdofs,int* requested_doflist){ 353 380 … … 369 396 xfree((void**)&dofset); 370 397 } 371 398 /*}}}*/ 399 /*FUNCTION DofVec::SetValuesFromVecAndDofList(DofVec* vector,int requested_numdofs,int* requested_doflist) {{{1*/ 372 400 void DofVec::SetValuesFromVecAndDofList(DofVec* vector,int requested_numdofs,int* requested_doflist){ 373 401 … … 389 417 xfree((void**)&dofset); 390 418 } 391 419 /*}}}*/ 420 /*FUNCTION DofVec::GetValuesFromIndex {{{1*/ 392 421 double* DofVec::GetValuesFromIndex(int index_size,int* index){ 393 422 … … 410 439 return values; 411 440 } 412 441 /*}}}*/ 442 /*FUNCTION DofVec::MyRank {{{1*/ 443 int DofVec::MyRank(void){ 444 445 extern int my_rank; 446 return my_rank; 447 } 448 449 /*FUNCTION DofVec::Size {{{1*/ 413 450 int DofVec::Size(){ 414 451 return this->numdofs*this->numentries; 415 452 } 416 417 Vec DofVec::GetVec(void){ 418 return vector; 419 } 453 /*}}}*/ -
r246 r3470 3 3 * the Object derived class Element. 4 4 */ 5 6 5 7 6 #include "./Element.h" … … 12 11 return ElementEnum(); 13 12 } 14 15 -
r3464 r3470 22 22 #include "../include/macros.h" 23 23 /*}}}*/ 24 24 25 /*Object constructors and destructors: {{{1*/ 25 /*FUNCTION Node default constructor {{{2*/26 /*FUNCTION Node::Node() default constructor {{{2*/ 26 27 Node::Node(){ 27 28 return; 28 29 } 29 30 /*}}}*/ 30 /*FUNCTION Node constructor{{{2*/31 /*FUNCTION Node::Node(int id, int vertex_id, int uppernode_id, int numdofs, NodeProperties*) {{{2*/ 31 32 Node::Node(int node_id,int node_vertex_id, int node_upper_node_id, int node_numdofs, NodeProperties* node_properties): 32 33 indexing(node_numdofs), … … 40 41 } 41 42 /*}}}*/ 42 /*FUNCTION Node other constructor{{{2*/43 /*FUNCTION Node::Node(int id, DofIndexing* indexing, NodeProperties* properties, Hook* vertex, Hook* uppernode){{{2*/ 43 44 Node::Node(int node_id,DofIndexing* node_indexing, NodeProperties* node_properties, Hook* node_vertex, Hook* node_upper_node): 44 45 indexing(node_indexing), … … 52 53 } 53 54 /*}}}*/ 54 /*FUNCTION Node constructor from iomodel continuous Galerkin{{{2*/55 /*FUNCTION Node::Node(int i, IoModel* iomodel) -> Continuous Galerkin{{{2*/ 55 56 Node::Node(int i, IoModel* iomodel){ //i is the node index 56 57 … … 155 156 } 156 157 /*}}}*/ 157 /*FUNCTION Node constructor from iomodel discontinuous Galerkin{{{2*/158 /*FUNCTION Node::Node(int i, int j, IoModel* iomodel) -> Discontinuous Galerkin{{{2*/ 158 159 Node::Node(int i,int j,IoModel* iomodel){ 159 160 /* i -> index of the vertex in C indexing … … 200 201 } 201 202 /*}}}*/ 202 /*FUNCTION Node destructor{{{2*/203 /*FUNCTION Node::~Node(){{{2*/ 203 204 Node::~Node(){ 204 205 return; … … 207 208 /*}}}*/ 208 209 /*Object management: {{{1*/ 209 /*FUNCTION Node 210 /*FUNCTION Node::Configure {{{2*/ 210 211 void Node::Configure(void* pnodes, void* pvertices){ 211 212 … … 226 227 } 227 228 /*}}}*/ 228 /*FUNCTION Node 229 /*FUNCTION Node::copy {{{2*/ 229 230 Object* Node::copy() { 230 231 … … 234 235 235 236 /*}}}*/ 236 /*FUNCTION Node 237 /*FUNCTION Node::DeepEcho{{{2*/ 237 238 void Node::DeepEcho(void){ 238 239 … … 246 247 } 247 248 /*}}}*/ 248 /*FUNCTION Node 249 /*FUNCTION Node::Demarshall{{{2*/ 249 250 void Node::Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){ 250 251 … … 270 271 } 271 272 /*}}}*/ 272 /*FUNCTION Node 273 /*FUNCTION Node::Echo{{{2*/ 273 274 void Node::Echo(void){ 274 275 … … 282 283 } 283 284 /*}}}*/ 284 /*FUNCTION Node 285 /*FUNCTION Node::Enum{{{2*/ 285 286 int Node::Enum(void){ 286 287 … … 289 290 } 290 291 /*}}}*/ 291 /*FUNCTION Node 292 /*FUNCTION Node::GetDof {{{2*/ 292 293 int Node::GetDof(int dofindex){ 293 294 … … 296 297 } 297 298 /*}}}*/ 298 /*FUNCTION Node 299 /*FUNCTION Node::GetDofList1{{{2*/ 299 300 int Node::GetDofList1(void){ 300 301 … … 306 307 } 307 308 /*}}}*/ 308 /*FUNCTION Node 309 /*FUNCTION Node::GetDofList{{{2*/ 309 310 void Node::GetDofList(int* outdoflist,int* pnumberofdofspernode){ 310 311 … … 317 318 } 318 319 /*}}}*/ 319 /*FUNCTION Node 320 /*FUNCTION Node::GetId{{{2*/ 320 321 int Node::GetId(void){ return id; } 321 322 /*}}}*/ 322 /*FUNCTION Node 323 /*FUNCTION Node::GetName{{{2*/ 323 324 char* Node::GetName(void){ 324 325 return "node"; 325 326 } 326 327 /*}}}*/ 327 /*FUNCTION Node 328 /*FUNCTION Node::GetVertexDof {{{2*/ 328 329 int Node::GetVertexDof(void){ 329 330 … … 334 335 } 335 336 /*}}}*/ 336 /*FUNCTION Node 337 /*FUNCTION Node::Marshall{{{2*/ 337 338 void Node::Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){ 338 339 … … 362 363 } 363 364 /*}}}*/ 364 /*FUNCTION Node 365 /*FUNCTION Node::MarshallSize{{{2*/ 365 366 int Node::MarshallSize(){ 366 367 … … 373 374 } 374 375 /*}}}*/ 375 /*FUNCTION Node 376 /*FUNCTION Node::SetVertexDof {{{2*/ 376 377 void Node::SetVertexDof(int in_dof){ 377 378 … … 385 386 /*}}}*/ 386 387 /*Object numerics: {{{1*/ 387 /*FUNCTION Node 388 /*FUNCTION Node::ApplyConstraints{{{2*/ 388 389 void Node::ApplyConstraint(Vec yg,int dof,double value){ 389 390 … … 408 409 } 409 410 /*}}}*/ 410 /*FUNCTION Node 411 /*FUNCTION Node::CreateVecSets {{{2*/ 411 412 void Node::CreateVecSets(Vec pv_g,Vec pv_m,Vec pv_n,Vec pv_f,Vec pv_s){ 412 413 … … 442 443 } 443 444 /*}}}*/ 444 /*FUNCTION Node 445 /*FUNCTION Node::DofInMSet{{{2*/ 445 446 void Node::DofInMSet(int dof){ 446 447 … … 453 454 } 454 455 /*}}}*/ 455 /*FUNCTION Node 456 /*FUNCTION Node::DofInSSet {{{2*/ 456 457 void Node::DofInSSet(int dof){ 457 458 … … 465 466 } 466 467 /*}}}*/ 467 /*FUNCTION Node 468 /*FUNCTION Node::DofIsInMSet{{{2*/ 468 469 int Node::DofIsInMSet(int dof){ 469 470 … … 473 474 } 474 475 /*}}}*/ 475 /*FUNCTION Node 476 /*FUNCTION Node::FieldAverageOntoVertices{{{2*/ 476 477 void Node::FieldAverageOntoVertices(Vec field,double* field_serial,char* fieldname){ 477 478 … … 479 480 } 480 481 /*}}}*/ 481 /*FUNCTION Node 482 /*FUNCTION Node::FieldDepthAverageAtBase{{{2*/ 482 483 void Node::FieldDepthAverageAtBase(Vec field,double* field_serial,char* fieldname){ 483 484 … … 601 602 } 602 603 /*}}}*/ 603 /*FUNCTION Node 604 /*FUNCTION Node::FieldExtrude {{{2*/ 604 605 void Node::FieldExtrude(Vec field,double* field_serial,char* field_name){ 605 606 … … 713 714 } 714 715 /*}}}*/ 715 /*FUNCTION Node 716 /*FUNCTION Node::FreezeDof{{{2*/ 716 717 void Node::FreezeDof(int dof){ 717 718 … … 720 721 } 721 722 /*}}}*/ 722 /*FUNCTION Node 723 /*FUNCTION Node::GetNumberOfDofs{{{2*/ 723 724 int Node::GetNumberOfDofs(){ 724 725 … … 727 728 } 728 729 /*}}}*/ 729 /*FUNCTION Node 730 /*FUNCTION Node::GetSigma {{{2*/ 730 731 double Node::GetSigma(){ 731 732 Vertex* vertex=NULL; … … 735 736 } 736 737 /*}}}*/ 737 /*FUNCTION Node 738 /*FUNCTION Node::GetUpperNode {{{2*/ 738 739 Node* Node::GetUpperNode(){ 739 740 Node* upper_node=NULL; … … 742 743 } 743 744 /*}}}*/ 744 /*FUNCTION Node 745 /*FUNCTION Node::GetX {{{2*/ 745 746 double Node::GetX(){ 746 747 Vertex* vertex=NULL; … … 750 751 } 751 752 /*}}}*/ 752 /*FUNCTION Node 753 /*FUNCTION Node::GetY {{{2*/ 753 754 double Node::GetY(){ 754 755 Vertex* vertex=NULL; … … 758 759 } 759 760 /*}}}*/ 760 /*FUNCTION Node 761 /*FUNCTION Node::GetZ {{{2*/ 761 762 double Node::GetZ(){ 762 763 Vertex* vertex=NULL; … … 766 767 } 767 768 /*}}}*/ 768 /*FUNCTION Node 769 /*FUNCTION Node::IsClone {{{2*/ 769 770 int Node::IsClone(){ 770 771 … … 773 774 } 774 775 /*}}}*/ 775 /*FUNCTION Node 776 /*FUNCTION Node::IsOnBed {{{2*/ 776 777 int Node::IsOnBed(){ 777 778 return properties.onbed; 778 779 } 779 780 /*}}}*/ 780 /*FUNCTION Node 781 /*FUNCTION Node::IsOnSheet {{{2*/ 781 782 int Node::IsOnSheet(){ 782 783 return properties.onsheet; 783 784 } 784 785 /*}}}*/ 785 /*FUNCTION Node 786 /*FUNCTION Node::IsOnShelf {{{2*/ 786 787 int Node::IsOnShelf(){ 787 788 return properties.onshelf; 788 789 } 789 790 /*}}}*/ 790 /*FUNCTION Node 791 /*FUNCTION Node::IsOnSurface {{{2*/ 791 792 int Node::IsOnSurface(){ 792 793 return properties.onsurface; 793 794 } 794 795 /*}}}*/ 795 /*FUNCTION Node 796 /*FUNCTION Node::MyRank{{{2*/ 796 797 int Node::MyRank(void){ 797 798 extern int my_rank; … … 800 801 } 801 802 /*}}}*/ 802 /*FUNCTION Node 803 /*FUNCTION Node::UpdateFromInputs {{{2*/ 803 804 void Node::UpdateFromInputs(void* vinputs){ 804 805 … … 808 809 /*}}}*/ 809 810 /*}}}*/ 810 /* DofObject routines: {{{1* 811 /*FUNCTION Node 811 /* DofObject routines: {{{1*/ 812 /*FUNCTION Node::DistributeDofs{{{2*/ 812 813 void Node::DistributeDofs(int* pdofcount){ 813 814 … … 834 835 } 835 836 /*}}}*/ 836 /*FUNCTION Node 837 /*FUNCTION Node::OffsetDofs{{{2*/ 837 838 void Node::OffsetDofs(int dofcount){ 838 839 … … 851 852 } 852 853 /*}}}*/ 853 /*FUNCTION Node 854 /*FUNCTION Node::ShowTrueDofs{{{2*/ 854 855 void Node::ShowTrueDofs(int* truedofs){ 855 856 … … 867 868 } 868 869 /*}}}*/ 869 /*FUNCTION Node 870 /*FUNCTION Node::UpdateCloneDofs{{{2*/ 870 871 void Node::UpdateCloneDofs(int* alltruedofs){ 871 872 … … 883 884 } 884 885 /*}}}*/ 885 /*FUNCTION Node 886 /*FUNCTION Node::SetClone {{{2*/ 886 887 void Node::SetClone(int* minranks){ 887 888 … … 899 900 } 900 901 /*}}}*/ 901 /*FUNCTION Node 902 /*FUNCTION Node::CreatePartition{{{2*/ 902 903 void Node::CreatePartition(Vec partition){ 903 904 -
r3454 r3470 142 142 }; 143 143 #endif /* _PENTA_H */ 144 145 -
r3454 r3470 28 28 29 29 /*Object constructors and destructor*/ 30 /*FUNCTION Tria default constructor{{{1*/30 /*FUNCTION Tria::Tria(){{{1*/ 31 31 Tria::Tria(){ 32 32 return; 33 33 } 34 34 /*}}}*/ 35 /*FUNCTION Tria constructor{{{1*/35 /*FUNCTION Tria::Tria(int id, int* node_ids, int matice_id, int matpar_id, int numpar_id, ElementProperties* properties){{{1*/ 36 36 Tria::Tria(int tria_id,int* tria_node_ids, int tria_matice_id, int tria_matpar_id, int tria_numpar_id, ElementProperties* triaproperties): 37 37 hnodes(tria_node_ids,3), … … 48 48 } 49 49 /*}}}*/ 50 /*FUNCTION Tria other constructor{{{1*/50 /*FUNCTION Tria::Tria(int id, Hook* hnodes, Hook* hmatice, Hook* hmatpar, Hook* hnumpar, ElementProperties* properties) {{{1*/ 51 51 Tria::Tria(int tria_id,Hook* tria_hnodes, Hook* tria_hmatice, Hook* tria_hmatpar, Hook* tria_hnumpar, ElementProperties* tria_properties): 52 52 hnodes(tria_hnodes), … … 63 63 } 64 64 /*}}}*/ 65 /*FUNCTION Tria constructor from iomodel{{{1*/65 /*FUNCTION Tria::Tria(int i, IoModel* iomodel){{{1*/ 66 66 Tria::Tria(int i, IoModel* iomodel){ //i is the element index 67 67 … … 123 123 } 124 124 /*}}}*/ 125 /*FUNCTION Tria destructor{{{1*/125 /*FUNCTION Tria::~Tria(){{{1*/ 126 126 Tria::~Tria(){ 127 127 return; … … 130 130 131 131 /*Object management: */ 132 /*FUNCTION Configure {{{1*/132 /*FUNCTION Tria::Configure {{{1*/ 133 133 void Tria::Configure(void* ploadsin,void* pnodesin,void* pmaterialsin,void* pparametersin){ 134 134 … … 155 155 } 156 156 /*}}}*/ 157 /*FUNCTION copy {{{1*/157 /*FUNCTION Tria::copy {{{1*/ 158 158 Object* Tria::copy() { 159 159 … … 163 163 164 164 /*}}}*/ 165 /*FUNCTION Demarshall {{{1*/165 /*FUNCTION Tria::Demarshall {{{1*/ 166 166 void Tria::Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){ 167 167 … … 191 191 } 192 192 /*}}}*/ 193 /*FUNCTION DeepEcho{{{1*/193 /*FUNCTION Tria::DeepEcho{{{1*/ 194 194 195 195 void Tria::DeepEcho(void){ … … 206 206 } 207 207 /*}}}*/ 208 /*FUNCTION Echo{{{1*/208 /*FUNCTION Tria::Echo{{{1*/ 209 209 210 210 void Tria::Echo(void){ … … 221 221 } 222 222 /*}}}*/ 223 /*FUNCTION Marshall {{{1*/223 /*FUNCTION Tria::Marshall {{{1*/ 224 224 void Tria::Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){ 225 225 … … 252 252 } 253 253 /*}}}*/ 254 /*FUNCTION MarshallSize {{{1*/254 /*FUNCTION Tria::MarshallSize {{{1*/ 255 255 int Tria::MarshallSize(){ 256 256 … … 264 264 } 265 265 /*}}}*/ 266 /*FUNCTION UpdateFromInputs {{{1*/266 /*FUNCTION Tria::UpdateFromInputs {{{1*/ 267 267 void Tria::UpdateFromInputs(void* vinputs){ 268 268 … … 332 332 } 333 333 /*}}}*/ 334 /*FUNCTION UpdateFromDakota {{{1*/334 /*FUNCTION Tria::UpdateFromDakota {{{1*/ 335 335 void Tria::UpdateFromDakota(void* vinputs){ 336 336 … … 381 381 382 382 /*Object functions*/ 383 /*FUNCTION ComputePressure {{{1*/383 /*FUNCTION Tria::ComputePressure {{{1*/ 384 384 void Tria::ComputePressure(Vec pg){ 385 385 … … 418 418 } 419 419 /*}}}*/ 420 /*FUNCTION CostFunction {{{1*/420 /*FUNCTION Tria::CostFunction {{{1*/ 421 421 double Tria::CostFunction(void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 422 422 … … 534 534 } 535 535 /*}}}*/ 536 /*FUNCTION CreateKMatrix {{{1*/536 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreateKMatrix {{{1*/ 537 537 538 538 void Tria::CreateKMatrix(Mat Kgg,void* inputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ … … 579 579 } 580 580 /*}}}*/ 581 /*FUNCTION CreateKMatrixBalancedthickness {{{1*/581 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreateKMatrixBalancedthickness {{{1*/ 582 582 void Tria::CreateKMatrixBalancedthickness(Mat Kgg,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 583 583 … … 792 792 } 793 793 /*}}}*/ 794 /*FUNCTION CreateKMatrixBalancedvelocities {{{1*/794 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreateKMatrixBalancedvelocities {{{1*/ 795 795 void Tria::CreateKMatrixBalancedvelocities(Mat Kgg,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 796 796 … … 1014 1014 } 1015 1015 /*}}}*/ 1016 /*FUNCTION CreateKMatrixDiagnosticHoriz {{{1*/1016 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreateKMatrixDiagnosticHoriz {{{1*/ 1017 1017 1018 1018 void Tria::CreateKMatrixDiagnosticHoriz(Mat Kgg,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ … … 1243 1243 } 1244 1244 /*}}}*/ 1245 /*FUNCTION CreateKMatrixDiagnosticHorizFriction {{{1*/1245 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreateKMatrixDiagnosticHorizFriction {{{1*/ 1246 1246 void Tria::CreateKMatrixDiagnosticHorizFriction(Mat Kgg,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 1247 1247 … … 1422 1422 } 1423 1423 /*}}}*/ 1424 /*FUNCTION CreateKMatrixDiagnosticSurfaceVert {{{1*/1424 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreateKMatrixDiagnosticSurfaceVert {{{1*/ 1425 1425 void Tria::CreateKMatrixDiagnosticSurfaceVert(Mat Kgg,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 1426 1426 … … 1560 1560 } 1561 1561 /*}}}*/ 1562 /*FUNCTION CreateKMatrixMelting {{{1*/1562 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreateKMatrixMelting {{{1*/ 1563 1563 void Tria::CreateKMatrixMelting(Mat Kgg,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 1564 1564 … … 1656 1656 } 1657 1657 /*}}}*/ 1658 /*FUNCTION CreateKMatrixPrognostic {{{1*/1658 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreateKMatrixPrognostic {{{1*/ 1659 1659 void Tria::CreateKMatrixPrognostic(Mat Kgg,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 1660 1660 … … 1885 1885 } 1886 1886 /*}}}*/ 1887 /*FUNCTION CreateKMatrixPrognostic2 {{{1*/1887 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreateKMatrixPrognostic2 {{{1*/ 1888 1888 void Tria::CreateKMatrixPrognostic2(Mat Kgg,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 1889 1889 … … 2037 2037 } 2038 2038 /*}}}*/ 2039 /*FUNCTION CreateKMatrixSlopeCompute {{{1*/2039 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreateKMatrixSlopeCompute {{{1*/ 2040 2040 2041 2041 void Tria::CreateKMatrixSlopeCompute(Mat Kgg,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ … … 2130 2130 } 2131 2131 /*}}}*/ 2132 /*FUNCTION CreateKMatrixThermal {{{1*/2132 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreateKMatrixThermal {{{1*/ 2133 2133 void Tria::CreateKMatrixThermal(Mat Kgg,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 2134 2134 … … 2242 2242 } 2243 2243 /*}}}*/ 2244 /*FUNCTION CreatePVector {{{1*/2244 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreatePVector {{{1*/ 2245 2245 void Tria::CreatePVector(Vec pg,void* inputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 2246 2246 … … 2284 2284 } 2285 2285 /*}}}*/ 2286 /*FUNCTION CreatePVectorBalancedthickness {{{1*/2286 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreatePVectorBalancedthickness {{{1*/ 2287 2287 void Tria::CreatePVectorBalancedthickness(Vec pg ,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 2288 2288 … … 2387 2387 } 2388 2388 /*}}}*/ 2389 /*FUNCTION CreatePVectorBalancedvelocities {{{1*/2389 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreatePVectorBalancedvelocities {{{1*/ 2390 2390 void Tria::CreatePVectorBalancedvelocities(Vec pg ,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 2391 2391 … … 2494 2494 } 2495 2495 /*}}}*/ 2496 /*FUNCTION CreatePVectorDiagnosticBaseVert {{{1*/2496 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreatePVectorDiagnosticBaseVert {{{1*/ 2497 2497 void Tria::CreatePVectorDiagnosticBaseVert(Vec pg,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 2498 2498 … … 2621 2621 } 2622 2622 /*}}}*/ 2623 /*FUNCTION CreatePVectorDiagnosticHoriz {{{1*/2623 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreatePVectorDiagnosticHoriz {{{1*/ 2624 2624 void Tria::CreatePVectorDiagnosticHoriz( Vec pg, void* vinputs, int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 2625 2625 … … 2802 2802 } 2803 2803 /*}}}*/ 2804 /*FUNCTION CreatePVectorPrognostic {{{1*/2804 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreatePVectorPrognostic {{{1*/ 2805 2805 void Tria::CreatePVectorPrognostic(Vec pg ,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 2806 2806 … … 2911 2911 } 2912 2912 /*}}}*/ 2913 /*FUNCTION CreatePVectorPrognostic2 {{{1*/2913 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreatePVectorPrognostic2 {{{1*/ 2914 2914 void Tria::CreatePVectorPrognostic2(Vec pg ,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 2915 2915 … … 3019 3019 } 3020 3020 /*}}}*/ 3021 /*FUNCTION CreatePVectorSlopeCompute {{{1*/3021 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreatePVectorSlopeCompute {{{1*/ 3022 3022 3023 3023 void Tria::CreatePVectorSlopeCompute( Vec pg, void* vinputs, int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ … … 3124 3124 } 3125 3125 /*}}}*/ 3126 /*FUNCTION CreatePVectorThermalShelf {{{1*/3126 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreatePVectorThermalShelf {{{1*/ 3127 3127 void Tria::CreatePVectorThermalShelf( Vec pg, void* vinputs, int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 3128 3128 … … 3247 3247 } 3248 3248 /*}}}*/ 3249 /*FUNCTION CreatePVectorThermalSheet {{{1*/3249 /*FUNCTION Tria::CreatePVectorThermalSheet {{{1*/ 3250 3250 void Tria::CreatePVectorThermalSheet( Vec pg, void* vinputs, int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 3251 3251 … … 3402 3402 } 3403 3403 /*}}}*/ 3404 /*FUNCTION Du {{{1*/3404 /*FUNCTION Tria::Du {{{1*/ 3405 3405 void Tria::Du(Vec du_g,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 3406 3406 … … 3679 3679 } 3680 3680 /*}}}*/ 3681 /*FUNCTION Enum {{{1*/3681 /*FUNCTION Tria::Enum {{{1*/ 3682 3682 int Tria::Enum(void){ 3683 3683 … … 3686 3686 } 3687 3687 /*}}}*/ 3688 /*FUNCTION GetArea {{{1*/3688 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetArea {{{1*/ 3689 3689 double Tria::GetArea(void){ 3690 3690 … … 3709 3709 } 3710 3710 /*}}}*/ 3711 /*FUNCTION GetAreaCoordinate {{{1*/3711 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetAreaCoordinate {{{1*/ 3712 3712 double Tria::GetAreaCoordinate(double x, double y, int which_one){ 3713 3713 … … 3747 3747 } 3748 3748 /*}}}*/ 3749 /*FUNCTION GetB {{{1*/3749 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetB {{{1*/ 3750 3750 3751 3751 void Tria::GetB(double* B, double* xyz_list, double* gauss_l1l2l3){ … … 3789 3789 } 3790 3790 /*}}}*/ 3791 /*FUNCTION GetB_prog {{{1*/3791 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetB_prog {{{1*/ 3792 3792 3793 3793 void Tria::GetB_prog(double* B_prog, double* xyz_list, double* gauss_l1l2l3){ … … 3826 3826 } 3827 3827 /*}}}*/ 3828 /*FUNCTION GetBedList {{{1*/3828 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetBedList {{{1*/ 3829 3829 void Tria::GetBedList(double* bed_list){ 3830 3830 … … 3834 3834 } 3835 3835 /*}}}*/ 3836 /*FUNCTION GetBPrime {{{1*/3836 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetBPrime {{{1*/ 3837 3837 3838 3838 void Tria::GetBPrime(double* Bprime, double* xyz_list, double* gauss_l1l2l3){ … … 3871 3871 } 3872 3872 /*}}}*/ 3873 /*FUNCTION GetBPrime_prog {{{1*/3873 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetBPrime_prog {{{1*/ 3874 3874 3875 3875 void Tria::GetBPrime_prog(double* Bprime_prog, double* xyz_list, double* gauss_l1l2l3){ … … 3903 3903 } 3904 3904 /*}}}*/ 3905 /*FUNCTION GetDofList {{{1*/3905 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetDofList {{{1*/ 3906 3906 void Tria::GetDofList(int* doflist,int* pnumberofdofspernode){ 3907 3907 … … 3928 3928 } 3929 3929 /*}}}*/ 3930 /*FUNCTION GetDofList1 {{{1*/3930 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetDofList1 {{{1*/ 3931 3931 void Tria::GetDofList1(int* doflist){ 3932 3932 … … 3944 3944 } 3945 3945 /*}}}*/ 3946 /*FUNCTION GetId {{{1*/3946 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetId {{{1*/ 3947 3947 int Tria::GetId(){ return id; } 3948 3948 /*}}}*/ 3949 /*FUNCTION GetJacobian {{{1*/3949 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetJacobian {{{1*/ 3950 3950 void Tria::GetJacobian(double* J, double* xyz_list,double* gauss_l1l2l3){ 3951 3951 … … 3971 3971 } 3972 3972 /*}}}*/ 3973 /*FUNCTION GetJacobianDeterminant2d {{{1*/3973 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetJacobianDeterminant2d {{{1*/ 3974 3974 void Tria::GetJacobianDeterminant2d(double* Jdet, double* xyz_list,double* gauss_l1l2l3){ 3975 3975 … … 3996 3996 } 3997 3997 /*}}}*/ 3998 /*FUNCTION GetJacobianDeterminant3d {{{1*/3998 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetJacobianDeterminant3d {{{1*/ 3999 3999 void Tria::GetJacobianDeterminant3d(double* Jdet, double* xyz_list,double* gauss_l1l2l3){ 4000 4000 … … 4023 4023 } 4024 4024 /*}}}*/ 4025 /*FUNCTION GetJacobianInvert {{{1*/4025 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetJacobianInvert {{{1*/ 4026 4026 void Tria::GetJacobianInvert(double* Jinv, double* xyz_list,double* gauss_l1l2l3){ 4027 4027 … … 4038 4038 } 4039 4039 /*}}}*/ 4040 /*FUNCTION GetL {{{1*/4040 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetL {{{1*/ 4041 4041 4042 4042 void Tria::GetL(double* L, double* xyz_list, double* gauss_l1l2l3,int numdof){ … … 4087 4087 } 4088 4088 /*}}}*/ 4089 /*FUNCTION GetMatPar {{{1*/4089 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetMatPar {{{1*/ 4090 4090 void* Tria::GetMatPar(){ 4091 4091 … … 4099 4099 } 4100 4100 /*}}}*/ 4101 /*FUNCTION GetName {{{1*/4101 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetName {{{1*/ 4102 4102 char* Tria::GetName(void){ 4103 4103 return "tria"; 4104 4104 } 4105 4105 /*}}}*/ 4106 /*FUNCTION GetNodalFunctions {{{1*/4106 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetNodalFunctions {{{1*/ 4107 4107 void Tria::GetNodalFunctions(double* l1l2l3, double* gauss_l1l2l3){ 4108 4108 … … 4120 4120 } 4121 4121 /*}}}*/ 4122 /*FUNCTION GetNodalFunctionsDerivatives {{{1*/4122 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetNodalFunctionsDerivatives {{{1*/ 4123 4123 void Tria::GetNodalFunctionsDerivatives(double* dh1dh3,double* xyz_list, double* gauss_l1l2l3){ 4124 4124 … … 4153 4153 } 4154 4154 /*}}}*/ 4155 /*FUNCTION GetNodalFunctionsDerivativesReference {{{1*/4155 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetNodalFunctionsDerivativesReference {{{1*/ 4156 4156 void Tria::GetNodalFunctionsDerivativesReference(double* dl1dl3,double* gauss_l1l2l3){ 4157 4157 … … 4176 4176 } 4177 4177 /*}}}*/ 4178 /*FUNCTION GetNodes {{{1*/4178 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetNodes {{{1*/ 4179 4179 void Tria::GetNodes(void** vpnodes){ 4180 4180 int i; … … 4195 4195 } 4196 4196 /*}}}*/ 4197 /*FUNCTION GetOnBed {{{1*/4197 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetOnBed {{{1*/ 4198 4198 int Tria::GetOnBed(){ 4199 4199 return this->properties.onbed; 4200 4200 } 4201 4201 /*}}}*/ 4202 /*FUNCTION GetParameterDerivativeValue {{{1*/4202 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetParameterDerivativeValue {{{1*/ 4203 4203 void Tria::GetParameterDerivativeValue(double* p, double* plist,double* xyz_list, double* gauss_l1l2l3){ 4204 4204 … … 4223 4223 } 4224 4224 /*}}}*/ 4225 /*FUNCTION GetParameterValue {{{1*/4225 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetParameterValue {{{1*/ 4226 4226 void Tria::GetParameterValue(double* pp, double* plist, double* gauss_l1l2l3){ 4227 4227 … … 4243 4243 } 4244 4244 /*}}}*/ 4245 /*FUNCTION GetShelf {{{1*/4245 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetShelf {{{1*/ 4246 4246 int Tria::GetShelf(){ 4247 4247 return this->properties.shelf; 4248 4248 } 4249 4249 /*}}}*/ 4250 /*FUNCTION GetStrainRate {{{1*/4250 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetStrainRate {{{1*/ 4251 4251 void Tria::GetStrainRate(double* epsilon, double* velocity, double* xyz_list, double* gauss_l1l2l3){ 4252 4252 … … 4267 4267 } 4268 4268 /*}}}*/ 4269 /*FUNCTION GetThicknessList {{{1*/4269 /*FUNCTION Tria::GetThicknessList {{{1*/ 4270 4270 void Tria::GetThicknessList(double* thickness_list){ 4271 4271 … … 4274 4274 } 4275 4275 /*}}}*/ 4276 /*FUNCTION Gradj {{{1*/4276 /*FUNCTION Tria::Gradj {{{1*/ 4277 4277 void Tria::Gradj(Vec grad_g,void* inputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type,char* control_type){ 4278 4278 … … 4289 4289 } 4290 4290 /*}}}*/ 4291 /*FUNCTION GradjB{{{1*/4291 /*FUNCTION Tria::GradjB{{{1*/ 4292 4292 void Tria::GradjB(Vec grad_g,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 4293 4293 … … 4475 4475 } 4476 4476 /*}}}*/ 4477 /*FUNCTION GradjDrag {{{1*/4477 /*FUNCTION Tria::GradjDrag {{{1*/ 4478 4478 void Tria::GradjDrag(Vec grad_g,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 4479 4479 … … 4705 4705 } 4706 4706 /*}}}*/ 4707 /*FUNCTION GradjDragStokes {{{1*/4707 /*FUNCTION Tria::GradjDragStokes {{{1*/ 4708 4708 void Tria::GradjDragStokes(Vec grad_g,void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 4709 4709 … … 4951 4951 } 4952 4952 /*}}}*/ 4953 /*FUNCTION MassFlux {{{1*/4953 /*FUNCTION Tria::MassFlux {{{1*/ 4954 4954 double Tria::MassFlux( double* segment,double* ug){ 4955 4955 … … 5029 5029 } 5030 5030 /*}}}*/ 5031 /*FUNCTION Misfit {{{1*/5031 /*FUNCTION Tria::Misfit {{{1*/ 5032 5032 double Tria::Misfit(void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 5033 5033 … … 5239 5239 } 5240 5240 /*}}}*/ 5241 /*FUNCTION MyRank {{{1*/5241 /*FUNCTION Tria::MyRank {{{1*/ 5242 5242 int Tria::MyRank(void){ 5243 5243 extern int my_rank; … … 5245 5245 } 5246 5246 /*}}}*/ 5247 /*FUNCTION Tria:: SetClone {{{1*/5247 /*FUNCTION Tria::Tria::SetClone {{{1*/ 5248 5248 void Tria::SetClone(int* minranks){ 5249 5249 … … 5251 5251 } 5252 5252 /*}}}1*/ 5253 /*FUNCTION SurfaceNormal{{{1*/5253 /*FUNCTION Tria::SurfaceNormal{{{1*/ 5254 5254 5255 5255 void Tria::SurfaceNormal(double* surface_normal, double xyz_list[3][3]){ … … 5278 5278 } 5279 5279 /*}}}*/ 5280 /*FUNCTION SurfaceArea {{{1*/5280 /*FUNCTION Tria::SurfaceArea {{{1*/ 5281 5281 double Tria::SurfaceArea(void* vinputs,int analysis_type,int sub_analysis_type){ 5282 5282
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