Changeset 28161
- Timestamp:
- 03/21/24 11:14:20 (12 months ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl
- Files:
- 11 added
- 2 deleted
- 16 edited
- 1 copied
- 2 moved
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/etc/ ¶
r28144 r28161 203 203 204 204 if [[ ${BUILD_TOOL_VER} -ge 15 ]]; then 205 export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,-ld_classic" 205 # Add flag for classic linker only if it has not already been added 206 if [[ -z $(echo $LDFLAGS | /usr/bin/grep "\-Wl,\-ld_classic") ]]; then 207 export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -Wl,-ld_classic" 208 fi 206 209 else 207 210 export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" # At least set LDFLAGS to null string if it is not already set (used in installation of ISSM and some external packages). Can remove this when issues with new Xcode linker have settled. -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/boost/ ¶
r27768 r28161 2 2 set -eu 3 3 4 #Note of caution: stop after boostrap phase, and run 5 #bjam --debug-configuration, to figure out which paths boost is using to include 6 #python. make sure everyone of these paths is covered by python. If not, just make 7 #symlinks in externalpackages/python to what boost is expecting. Ther is NO WAY 8 #to get the boost library to include python support without doing that. 4 # NOTE: Stop after bootstrap phase, and run, 5 # 6 # bjam --debug-configuration 7 # 8 # to figure out which paths Boost is using to include Python. Make sure 9 # every one of these paths is covered by Python. If not, make symlinks in 10 # externalpackages/python to what Boost is expecting (assumes that you are 11 # using copy of Python installed as an external package of ISSM). There is 12 # NO WAY to get the Boost library to include Python support under this 13 # configuration without doing this 14 # 9 15 10 16 export BOOST_ROOT="${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/boost" -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/dakota/configs/6.2/linux/cmake/BuildDakotaCustom.cmake ¶
r26315 r28161 64 64 set( DAKOTA_HAVE_MPI ON 65 65 CACHE BOOL "Build with MPI enabled" FORCE) 66 set( MPI_INCLUDE_PATH "$ENV{MPI_ INSTALL}/include"66 set( MPI_INCLUDE_PATH "$ENV{MPI_HOME}/include" 67 67 CACHE FILEPATH "Use MPI headers" FORCE) 68 set( MPI_LIBRARY "-L$ENV{MPI_ INSTALL}/lib -lmpich"68 set( MPI_LIBRARY "-L$ENV{MPI_HOME}/lib -lmpich" 69 69 CACHE FILEPATH "Use MPI library" FORCE) 70 set( MPI_EXTRA_LIBRARY "-L$ENV{MPI_ INSTALL}/lib -lmpich"70 set( MPI_EXTRA_LIBRARY "-L$ENV{MPI_HOME}/lib -lmpich" 71 71 CACHE FILEPATH "Use MPI extra libraries" FORCE) 72 72 -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/dakota/configs/6.2/mac/cmake/BuildDakotaCustom.cmake ¶
r24649 r28161 64 64 set( DAKOTA_HAVE_MPI ON 65 65 CACHE BOOL "Build with MPI enabled" FORCE) 66 set( MPI_INCLUDE_PATH "$ENV{MPI_ INSTALL}/include"66 set( MPI_INCLUDE_PATH "$ENV{MPI_HOME}/include" 67 67 CACHE FILEPATH "Use MPI headers" FORCE) 68 set( MPI_LIBRARY "-L$ENV{MPI_ INSTALL}/lib -lmpich"68 set( MPI_LIBRARY "-L$ENV{MPI_HOME}/lib -lmpich" 69 69 CACHE FILEPATH "Use MPI library" FORCE) 70 70 -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/dakota/ ¶
r27565 r28161 54 54 55 55 # Copy customized source and configuration files specific to Mac to 'src' directory 56 cp configs/${VER}/mac/ cmake/BuildDakotaCustom.cmake ${DAK_SRC}/cmake56 cp configs/${VER}/mac/static/cmake/BuildDakotaCustom.cmake ${DAK_SRC}/cmake 57 57 cp configs/${VER}/mac/cmake/DakotaDev.cmake ${DAK_SRC}/cmake 58 58 cp configs/${VER}/mac/cmake/InstallDarwinDylibs.cmake ${DAK_SRC}/cmake … … 85 85 -DBUILD_STATIC_LIBS=ON \ 86 86 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${MPI_HOME}/bin/mpicc \ 87 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-fPIC - Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration -w" \87 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-fPIC -w -Wno-error=implicit-int -Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration" \ 88 88 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${MPI_HOME}/bin/mpicxx \ 89 89 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-fPIC -fdelayed-template-parsing -w" \ -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/gmt/configs/6.0/static/mac/cmake/ConfigUser.static.cmake ¶
r27616 r28161 1 1 # 2 # 3 # Copyright (c) 1991-2019 by the GMT Team ( 2 # Copyright (c) 1991-2022 by the GMT Team ( 4 3 # See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions. 5 4 # … … 16 15 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 16 18 # Use this file to override variables in 'ConfigDefault.cmake' on a per-user 19 # basis. First copy 'ConfigUserTemplate.cmake' to 'ConfigUser.cmake', then 20 # edit 'ConfigUser.cmake'. 'ConfigUser.cmake' is not version controlled 17 # INSTRUCTIONS TO USERS: 18 # 19 # 1. Copy 'ConfigUserTemplate.cmake' to 'ConfigUser.cmake' and make any edits 20 # related to install directory, the whereabouts of GSHHS, DCW. 21 # 2. If you are an advanced user who wishes to tinker with the more advanced 22 # settings, then copy 'ConfigUserAdvancedTemplate.cmake' to 'ConfigUserAdvanced.cmake', 23 # explore and make changes to your ConfigUserAdvanced.cmake file 24 # to override variables in 'ConfigDefault.cmake' on a per-user basis. 25 # 3. Follow the rest of the installation instructions in 26 # 27 # 'ConfigUser.cmake' and 'ConfigUserAdvanced.cmake' are not version controlled 21 28 # (currently listed in .gitignore). 22 29 # … … 27 34 # OFF, or YES and NO for your booleans. 28 35 36 # set (CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET "12.3") 37 29 38 ## 30 39 ## Section 1: Installation paths 31 40 ## 32 33 # ============================================================================ 34 # Basic setup begins here. All settings are optional. In most cases, setting 35 # CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX should be all you need to do in order to build GMT with 36 # reasonable defaults enabled. Note: If you need to specify directory names 37 # with spaces (e.g., on Windows) then you must put them in quotes. 38 # ============================================================================ 39 40 # Installation path (usually defaults to /usr/local) [auto]: 41 # Set install name suffix used for directories and gmt executables [undefined]: 41 42 set (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "$ENV{PREFIX}") 42 43 # Set install name suffix used for directories and gmt executables44 # [undefined]:45 #set (GMT_INSTALL_NAME_SUFFIX "suffix")46 43 47 44 # Install into traditional directory structure. Disable to install a … … 49 46 #set (GMT_INSTALL_TRADITIONAL_FOLDERNAMES OFF) 50 47 51 # Install convenience links for GMT modules. Disable to install only the main52 # gmt program and access modules as "gmt modulename options" [TRUE]:53 #set (GMT_INSTALL_MODULE_LINKS FALSE)54 55 48 # Make executables relocatable on supported platforms (relative RPATH) [FALSE]: 56 49 set (GMT_INSTALL_RELOCATABLE TRUE) 57 50 58 # Exclude optional G DAL, PCRE, PCRE2, FFTW3, LAPACK, BLAS, ZLIB dependencies even if you have them installed [FALSE]59 #set (GMT_EXCLUDE_G DALTRUE)51 # Exclude optional GEOS, PCRE, PCRE2, FFTW3, LAPACK, BLAS, ZLIB dependencies even if you have them installed [FALSE] 52 #set (GMT_EXCLUDE_GEOS TRUE) 60 53 set (GMT_EXCLUDE_PCRE TRUE) 61 54 set (GMT_EXCLUDE_PCRE2 TRUE) … … 84 77 #set (GMT_DATADIR "share/gmt") 85 78 86 # Set doc installation path [share/doc or 87 # share/doc/gmt${GMT_INSTALL_NAME_SUFFIX}]: 79 # Set doc installation path [share/doc or share/doc/gmt${GMT_INSTALL_NAME_SUFFIX}]: 88 80 #set (GMT_DOCDIR "share/doc/gmt") 89 81 90 # Set manpage installation path [share/man or 91 # share/doc/gmt${GMT_INSTALL_NAME_SUFFIX}/man]: 82 # Set manpage installation path [share/man or share/doc/gmt${GMT_INSTALL_NAME_SUFFIX}/man]: 92 83 #set (GMT_MANDIR "share/doc/gmt/man") 93 84 … … 108 99 #set (GMT_DATA_SERVER "data_server_url") 109 100 110 # Set path to GSHHG Shoreline Database [auto]:111 set (GSHHG_ROOT "$ENV{GSHHG_ROOT}")112 113 # Copy GSHHG files to ${GMT_DATADIR}/coast [FALSE]:114 set (COPY_GSHHG TRUE)115 116 # Set path to DCW Digital Chart of the World for GMT [auto]:117 #set (DCW_ROOT "dcw-gmt_path")118 119 # Copy DCW files to ${GMT_DATADIR}/dcw [FALSE]:120 #set (COPY_DCW TRUE)121 122 # Copy GDAL's 'data' directory to ${GMT_DATADIR}/GDAL_DATA [FALSE]:123 #set (GDAL_DATA_PATH C:/programs/compa_libs/gdal_GIT/compileds/VC14_64/data)124 125 # Copy PROJ4's 'share' directory to ${GMT_DATADIR}/GDAL_DATA [FALSE]:126 #set (PROJ_DATA_PATH C:/programs/compa_libs/proj5_GIT/compileds/VC14_64/share/proj)127 128 # FOR WINDOWS ONLY129 # Set path to location of Ghostscript binaries (optional install)130 #set (GHOST_DATA_PATH C:/programs/compa_libs/ghostscript/bin)131 132 # FOR WINDOWS ONLY133 # Set path to location where the gmtmex is located.134 #set (GMTMEX_PATH "C:/progs_cygw/GMTdev/gmtmex/${GMTver}")135 136 101 # Set location of NetCDF (can be root directory, path to header file or path 137 102 # to nc-config) [auto]: 138 set (NETCDF_ROOT "$ENV{NETCDF_ROOT}")103 #set (NETCDF_ROOT "netcdf_install_prefix") 139 104 140 105 # Set location of GDAL (can be root directory, path to header file or path to 141 106 # gdal-config) [auto]: 142 set (GDAL_ROOT "$ENV{GDAL_ROOT}") 107 #set (GDAL_ROOT "gdal_install_prefix") 108 109 # Set location of GEOS (can be root directory, path to header file or path to 110 # geos-config) [auto]: 111 #set (GEOS_ROOT "geos_install_prefix") 143 112 144 113 # Set location of PCRE (can be root directory, path to header file or path to … … 167 136 168 137 # Set LAPACK location. Use this when want to link with LAPACK and it's not found automatically 169 #set (LAPACK_LIBRARY " -L$ENV{LAPACK_ROOT} -lflapack")170 #set (BLAS_LIBRARY " -L$ENV{BLAS_ROOT} -lfblas")138 #set (LAPACK_LIBRARY "V:/lapack-3.5.0/build/lib/liblapack.lib") 139 #set (BLAS_LIBRARY "V:/lapack-3.5.0/build/lib/libblas.lib") 171 140 172 141 ## … … 180 149 181 150 # Allow building of OpenMP if compiler supports it 182 # 151 #set (GMT_ENABLE_OPENMP TRUE) 183 152 184 153 # Configure default units (possible values are SI and US) [SI]: … … 187 156 # Enable building of shared libraries [TRUE] (disable to use static libraries; 188 157 # not recommended; on non-x86 architectures uncomment the next option as well): 189 set (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS FALSE) 158 # NOTE: currently only support shared libraries 159 #set (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS FALSE) 190 160 191 161 # Create position independent code on all targets [auto] (needed for static … … 194 164 195 165 # Build GMT shared lib with supplemental modules [TRUE]: 196 set (BUILD_SUPPLEMENTS FALSE)166 #set (BUILD_SUPPLEMENTS FALSE) 197 167 198 168 # Build/Install GMT Developer include files [TRUE]: … … 216 186 #set (DO_EXAMPLES TRUE) 217 187 #set (DO_TESTS TRUE) 218 #set (DO_ANIMATIONS TRUE)219 188 # Number of parallel test jobs with "make check": 220 189 #set (N_TEST_JOBS 4) 190 191 # Ignore the "GMT_KNOWN_FAILURE" comment in tests to let tests fail normally 192 # Can only be "ON" or "OFF" in uppercase! 193 #set (GMT_ENABLE_KNOWN2FAIL OFF) 221 194 222 195 # Enable this option to run GMT programs from within ${GMT_BINARY_DIR} without … … 225 198 #set (SUPPORT_EXEC_IN_BINARY_DIR ON) 226 199 227 # List extra sub-dirs of 'src' with a CMakeList.txt to build non-module codes228 # that link against the full gmt libs (not just the API; for building codes229 # that only need the GMT API, see the gmt-custom project).230 #set (EXTRA_BUILD_DIRS apidemo)231 200 # Uncomment the following line to enable running low-level C tests of the API 232 201 #set (DO_API_TESTS ON) 202 203 # Uncomment the following line to enable running tests of the GMT supplements 204 #set (DO_SUPPLEMENT_TESTS ON) 205 206 # Uncomment the following line if you need to run the full tests suite using 207 # the gmtserver "test" distribution instead of the default server. 208 # You may wish to rename existing cache and server dirs so you can restore afterwards 209 # set (GMT_DATA_SERVER "test") 210 211 # List extra sub-dirs of 'src' with a CMakeLists.txt to build custom modules 212 # that link against the full gmt libs. (For building codes that only need the GMT API, 213 # see the project). 214 # These supplemental modules can be built into separate libraries. 215 #set (SUPPL_EXTRA_DIRS newsuppl1 newsuppl2 ...) 233 216 234 217 # Directory in which to install the release sources per default … … 245 228 # 246 229 247 # Set build type can be: empty, Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo or MinSizeRel 248 # [Release]: 230 # Set build type can be: empty, Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo or MinSizeRel [Release]: 249 231 #set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) 250 232 251 233 # Extra debugging for developers: 252 234 #if ( CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL "Xcode" ) 253 # # So Xcode can find the supplemental plug-ins during debug sessions254 # add_definitions(-DXCODER) 255 # 235 # # So Xcode can find the supplemental plug-ins during debug sessions 236 # add_definitions(-DXCODER) # Handle a debug plugin directory 237 # add_definitions(-DDEBUG_MODERN) # To set PPID == 0 during Xcode test 256 238 # message("Add Xcode definition for GMT") 257 239 #endif() 240 # Uncomment these two statements if you are a developer debugging GMT: 258 241 #add_definitions(-DDEBUG) 259 242 #add_definitions(-DMEMDEBUG) # Turn on memory tracking see gmt_support.c for extra info 260 #set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement") # recommended even for release build 243 #add_definitions(-DUSE_COMMON_LONG_OPTIONS) # Turn on testing of upcoming long-option syntax for common GMT options 244 #add_definitions(-DUSE_MODULE_LONG_OPTIONS) # Turn on testing of upcoming long-option syntax for module options 245 #add_definitions(-DEXPORT_GMTLIB) # Turn on to access normally un-exported or static gmtlib functions from external tools 246 #add_definitions(-DNO_THEMES) # Turn off implementation of GMT_THEME for debugging 247 # Uncomment this statement if you are a developer debugging PSL and want exact line coordinates: 248 #add_definitions(-DPSL_EXACT_LINE) 249 250 #set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") # recommended even for release build 261 251 #set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Wextra ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") # extra warnings 262 252 #set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG -ggdb3) # gdb debugging symbols 263 253 #set (CMAKE_LINK_DEPENDS_DEBUG_MODE TRUE) # debug link dependencies 264 if (HAVE_OPENMP)265 set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-ggdb3 -O2 -Wuninitialized -flax-vector-conversions") # check uninitialized variables266 else (HAVE_OPENMP)267 set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-ggdb3 -O2 -Wuninitialized") # check uninitialized variables268 endif (HAVE_OPENMP)254 #if (HAVE_OPENMP) 255 # set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-ggdb3 -O2 -Wuninitialized -flax-vector-conversions") # check uninitialized variables 256 #else (HAVE_OPENMP) 257 # set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-ggdb3 -O2 -Wuninitialized") # check uninitialized variables 258 #endif (HAVE_OPENMP) 269 259 270 260 # … … 301 291 # set (GMT_DLL_RENAME gmt_w${BITAGE}) 302 292 # set (PSL_DLL_RENAME psl_w${BITAGE}) 293 # set (SUPP_DLL_RENAME supplements_w${BITAGE}) 303 294 #endif(WIN32) 304 295 -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/gmt/ ¶
r28160 r28161 5 5 ## Constants 6 6 # 7 VER="6. 0.0"7 VER="6.5.0" 8 8 9 # Find libgfortran and libgccso we do not have to hardcode them9 # Find certain libraries so we do not have to hardcode them 10 10 # 11 11 # TODO: … … 18 18 LIBGFORTRAN_ROOT=${LIBGFORTRAN%/*} 19 19 LIBGCC=$(find ${LIBGFORTRAN_ROOT} -name libgcc* 2>/dev/null | egrep -n libgcc.a | egrep -v i386 | sed "s/[0-9]*://g" | head -1) 20 echo "Finding libssl..." 21 LIBSSL=$(find /usr /opt -name libssl* 2>/dev/null | egrep -n libssl.a | egrep -v i386 | sed "s/[0-9]*://g" | head -1) 20 22 21 23 GDAL_EXTRA_LIBS="-lc++" # `$GDAL_ROOT/bin/gdal-config --dep-libs` does not report need to link to libc++ (see also customized configuration file ./configs/6/static/cmake/modules/FindGDAL.cmake) … … 44 46 rm -rf gmt-${VER} 45 47 46 # Copy custom configuration files 47 cp ./configs/6/static/mac/cmake/ConfigUser.static.cmake ./src/cmake/ConfigUser.cmake 48 cp ./configs/6/static/cmake/modules/FindGDAL.cmake ./src/cmake/modules 49 cp ./configs/6/static/cmake/modules/FindGSHHG.cmake ./src/cmake/modules 50 cp ./configs/6/static/cmake/modules/FindNETCDF.cmake ./src/cmake/modules 48 # Copy custom configuration files to source 49 cp ./src/cmake/ConfigUserAdvancedTemplate.cmake ./src/cmake/ConfigUser.cmake 50 51 # Patch source 52 patch ./src/cmake/ConfigUser.cmake < ./configs/${VER%.*}/static/mac/cmake/ConfigUserAdvancedTemplate.cmake.patch 53 patch ./src/cmake/modules/FindGDAL.cmake < ./configs/${VER%.*}/static/cmake/modules/FindGDAL.cmake.patch 54 patch ./src/cmake/modules/FindGSHHG.cmake < ./configs/${VER%.*}/static/cmake/modules/FindGSHHG.cmake.patch 55 patch ./src/cmake/modules/FindNETCDF.cmake < ./configs/${VER%.*}/cmake/modules/FindNETCDF.cmake.patch 51 56 52 57 # Configure … … 65 70 -DBLAS_LIBRARIES="${BLAS_ROOT}/lib/libfblas.a;${LIBGFORTRAN_ROOT}/libgfortran.a;${LIBGFORTRAN_ROOT}/libquadmath.a;${LIBGCC}" \ 66 71 -DCURL_INCLUDE_DIR="${CURL_ROOT}/include" \ 67 -DCURL_LIBRARY="${CURL_ROOT}/lib/libcurl.a " \72 -DCURL_LIBRARY="${CURL_ROOT}/lib/libcurl.a;${LIBSSL}" \ 68 73 -DGDAL_EXTRA_LIBS="${GDAL_EXTRA_LIBS}" \ 69 74 -DLAPACK_LIBRARIES="${LAPACK_ROOT}/lib/libflapack.a;${LIBGFORTRAN_ROOT}/libgfortran.a;${LIBGFORTRAN_ROOT}/libquadmath.a;${LIBGCC}" \ -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/petsc/ ¶
r28159 r28161 24 24 rm -rf petsc-${VER} 25 25 26 # Apply patches27 patch src/config/BuildSystem/config/ < configs/3.20/mac/intel/src/config/BuildSystem/config/ 29 26 # Configure 30 27 # 31 28 # NOTE: 32 # - Added -Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration to CFLAGS for Clang >= 12. 33 # (may need to remove it for earlier versions not using the C99 standard). 29 # - Cannot use --with-fpic option when compiling static libs, 30 # 31 # Cannot determine compiler PIC flags if shared libraries is turned off 32 # Either run using --with-shared-libraries or --with-pic=0 and supply the 33 # compiler PIC flag via CFLAGS, CXXXFLAGS, and FCFLAGS 34 34 # 35 35 cd ${PETSC_DIR} … … 38 38 --PETSC_DIR="${PETSC_DIR}" \ 39 39 --LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \ 40 --with-shared-libraries=0 \ 41 --CFLAGS="-fPIC" \ 42 --CXXFLAGS="-fPIC" \ 43 --FFLAGS="-fPIC" \ 40 44 --with-debugging=0 \ 41 45 --with-valgrind=0 \ 42 46 --with-x=0 \ 43 47 --with-ssl=0 \ 44 --with-pic=1 \45 48 --download-fblaslapack=1 \ 46 49 --download-mpich="" \ … … 55 58 make install 56 59 60 # Need to make symlinks from libmpich* to libmpi* 61 ln -s ${PREFIX}/lib/libmpi.a ${PREFIX}/lib/libmpich.a 62 ln -s ${PREFIX}/lib/libmpicxx.a ${PREFIX}/lib/libmpichcxx.a 63 ln -s ${PREFIX}/lib/libmpifort.a ${PREFIX}/lib/libmpichf90.a 64 57 65 # Need to make sure classic linker is used (should be able to remove this once MPICH fixes it) 58 66 if [[ ${LDFLAGS} =~ "-Wl,-ld_classic" ]]; then -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/petsc/ ¶
r28141 r28161 23 23 mv petsc-${VER}/* ${PETSC_DIR} 24 24 rm -rf petsc-${VER} 25 26 # Apply patches27 patch src/config/BuildSystem/config/ < configs/3.20/mac/intel/src/config/BuildSystem/config/ 25 29 26 # Configure -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/jenkins/mac-intel-binaries-matlab ¶
r28140 r28161 1 1 MATLAB_PATH="/Applications/" 2 LIBGFORTRAN_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/lib/gcc/current" 3 LIBGCC_PATH="${LIBGFORTRAN_PATH}/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin21/13" 2 4 3 5 #--------------------# … … 20 22 --disable-dependency-tracking \ 21 23 --with-matlab-dir=${MATLAB_PATH} \ 22 --with-fortran-lib=" /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/lib/gcc/current/libgfortran.a /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/lib/gcc/current/libquadmath.a /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/lib/gcc/current/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin21/13/libgcc.a" \24 --with-fortran-lib="${LIBGFORTRAN_PATH}/libgfortran.a ${LIBGFORTRAN_PATH}/libquadmath.a ${LIBGCC_PATH}/libgcc.a" \ 23 25 --with-mpi-include=${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install/include \ 24 26 --with-mpi-libflags="-L${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install/lib -lmpi -lmpicxx -lmpifort" \ … … 58 60 gdal 59 61 gshhg 60 gmt install-6-mac- intel-static.sh62 gmt 61 63 gmsh 62 64 triangle -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/jenkins/mac-intel-binaries-python-3 ¶
r28140 r28161 1 MATLAB_PATH="/Applications/" 2 LIBGFORTRAN_PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/lib/gcc/current" 3 LIBGCC_PATH="${LIBGFORTRAN_PATH}/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin21/13" 4 1 5 #--------------------# 2 6 # ISSM Configuration # … … 20 24 --with-python-dir=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Library/Frameworks/Python3.framework/Versions/3.9 \ 21 25 --with-python-numpy-dir=/Library/Python/3.9/site-packages/numpy/core/include/numpy \ 22 --with-fortran-lib=" /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/lib/gcc/current/libgfortran.a /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/lib/gcc/current/libquadmath.a /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/lib/gcc/current/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin21/13/libgcc.a" \26 --with-fortran-lib="${LIBGFORTRAN_PATH}/libgfortran.a ${LIBGFORTRAN_PATH}/libquadmath.a ${LIBGCC_PATH}/libgcc.a" \ 23 27 --with-mpi-include=${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install/include \ 24 28 --with-mpi-libflags="-L${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install/lib -lmpi -lmpicxx -lmpifort" \ … … 58 62 gdal 59 63 gshhg 60 gmt install-6-mac- intel-static.sh64 gmt 61 65 gmsh 62 66 triangle -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/jenkins/mac-silicon-binaries-matlab ¶
r28140 r28161 1 1 MATLAB_PATH="/Applications/" 2 LIBGFORTRAN_PATH="/opt/homebrew/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/lib/gcc/ 13"3 LIBGCC_PATH="${LIBGFORTRAN_PATH}/ aarch64-apple-darwin22/13"2 LIBGFORTRAN_PATH="/opt/homebrew/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/lib/gcc/current" 3 LIBGCC_PATH="${LIBGFORTRAN_PATH}/gcc/aarch64-apple-darwin23/13" 4 4 5 5 #--------------------# … … 63 63 gdal 64 64 gshhg 65 gmt install-6-mac-s ilicon-static.sh65 gmt 66 66 gmsh 67 67 triangle -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/jenkins/mac-silicon-binaries-python-3 ¶
r28140 r28161 1 LIBGFORTRAN_PATH="/opt/homebrew/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/lib/gcc/13" 2 LIBGCC_PATH="${LIBGFORTRAN_PATH}/aarch64-apple-darwin22/13" 1 MATLAB_PATH="/Applications/" 2 LIBGFORTRAN_PATH="/opt/homebrew/Cellar/gcc/13.2.0/lib/gcc/current" 3 LIBGCC_PATH="${LIBGFORTRAN_PATH}/gcc/aarch64-apple-darwin23/13" 3 4 4 5 #--------------------# … … 62 63 gdal 63 64 gshhg 64 gmt install-6-mac-s ilicon-static.sh65 gmt 65 66 gmsh 66 67 triangle -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/m4/issm_options.m4 ¶
r28151 r28161 198 198 dnl When standard Dakota installation has been updated to new 199 199 dnl version, remove the following 200 export CFLAGS="-Wno-deprecated-register -Wno-return-type" 201 export CXXFLAGS="-Wno-deprecated-register -Wno-return-type" 200 if test -z "${CFLAGS}"; then 201 export CFLAGS="-Wno-deprecated-register -Wno-return-type" 202 else 203 export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -Wno-deprecated-register -Wno-return-type" 204 fi 205 if test -z "${CXXFLAGS+x}"; then 206 export CXXFLAGS="-Wno-deprecated-register -Wno-return-type" 207 else 208 export CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -Wno-deprecated-register -Wno-return-type" 209 fi 202 210 dnl NOTE: Commenting out the following, for now, as ISSM seems to 203 211 dnl compile and run fine, but certain errors (e.g. file not … … 541 549 dnl Boost libraries and header files 542 550 if test "x${HAVE_BOOST}" == "xyes"; then 551 if test -z "${CXXFLAGS+x}"; then 552 export CXXFLAGS="-Wno-deprecated" 553 else 554 export CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -Wno-deprecated" 555 fi 543 556 BOOSTINCL="-I${BOOST_ROOT}/include" 544 557 #BOOSTLIB="-L$BOOST_ROOT/lib -lboost_python" -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/packagers/linux/ ¶
r28120 r28161 17 17 # See also: 18 18 # - packagers/linux/ 19 # 20 # TODO: 21 # - Make sure that all TPL licenses are copied to package 19 22 ################################################################################ 20 23 … … 71 74 cat generic_static.m | sed -e "s/generic_static/generic/g" > generic.m 72 75 76 echo "Moving libgfortran to lib/" 77 cp ${LIBGFORTRAN} ${LIBGFORTRAN_DIST} 2> /dev/null 78 73 79 echo "Moving MPICH binaries to bin/" 74 80 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install/bin/mpiexec ]; then … … 109 115 fi 110 116 111 echo "Moving libgfortran to lib/"112 cp ${LIBGFORTRAN} ${LIBGFORTRAN_DIST} 2> /dev/null113 114 117 echo "Moving GSHHG assets to share/" 115 if [ -d ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/g mt/install/share/coast]; then118 if [ -d ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gshhg/install ]; then 116 119 mkdir ${ISSM_DIR}/share 2> /dev/null 117 cp -R ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/g mt/install/share/coast${ISSM_DIR}/share120 cp -R ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gshhg/install/*.nc ${ISSM_DIR}/share 118 121 else 119 122 echo "GSHHG not found" -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/packagers/linux/ ¶
r28120 r28161 17 17 # See also: 18 18 # - packagers/linux/ 19 # 20 # TODO: 21 # - Make sure that all TPL licenses are copied to package 19 22 ################################################################################ 20 23 … … 64 67 cat | sed -e "s/generic_static/generic/g" > 65 68 69 echo "Moving libgfortran to lib/" 70 cp ${LIBGFORTRAN} ${LIBGFORTRAN_DIST} 2> /dev/null 71 66 72 echo "Moving MPICH binaries to bin/" 67 73 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/petsc/install/bin/mpiexec ]; then … … 102 108 fi 103 109 104 echo "Moving libgfortran to lib/"105 cp ${LIBGFORTRAN} ${LIBGFORTRAN_DIST} 2> /dev/null106 107 110 echo "Moving GSHHG assets to share/" 108 if [ -d ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/g mt/install/share/coast]; then111 if [ -d ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gshhg/install ]; then 109 112 mkdir ${ISSM_DIR}/share 2> /dev/null 110 cp -R ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/g mt/install/share/coast${ISSM_DIR}/share113 cp -R ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gshhg/install/*.nc ${ISSM_DIR}/share 111 114 else 112 115 echo "GSHHG not found" -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/ ¶
r28131 r28161 19 19 # See also: 20 20 # - packagers/mac/<ARCH>/complete-issm-mac-<ARCH> 21 # 22 # TODO: 23 # - Make sure that all TPL licenses are copied to package 21 24 ################################################################################ 22 25 … … 116 119 117 120 echo "Moving GSHHG assets to share/" 118 if [ -d ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/g mt/install/share/coast]; then121 if [ -d ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gshhg/install ]; then 119 122 mkdir ${ISSM_DIR}/share 2> /dev/null 120 cp -R ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/g mt/install/share/coast${ISSM_DIR}/share123 cp -R ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gshhg/install/*.nc ${ISSM_DIR}/share 121 124 else 122 125 echo "GSHHG not found" -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/packagers/mac/ ¶
r28131 r28161 18 18 # See also: 19 19 # - packagers/mac/<ARCH>/complete-issm-mac-<ARCH> 20 # 21 # TODO: 22 # - Make sure that all TPL licenses are copied to package 20 23 ################################################################################ 21 24 … … 108 111 109 112 echo "Moving GSHHG assets to share/" 110 if [ -d ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/g mt/install/share/coast]; then113 if [ -d ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gshhg/install ]; then 111 114 mkdir ${ISSM_DIR}/share 2> /dev/null 112 cp -R ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/g mt/install/share/coast${ISSM_DIR}/share115 cp -R ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gshhg/install/*.nc ${ISSM_DIR}/share 113 116 else 114 117 echo "GSHHG not found"
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