Changeset 28129
- Timestamp:
- 03/05/24 17:20:06 (13 months ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl
- Files:
- 8 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r28127 r28129 99 99 # 100 100 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'id',[IdFromString('Dakota')],'exclude',[234 235 418 420 444 445 2006]" 101 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--i nclude_name 'Dakota'--exclude 234 417 418 420 444 445 2006"101 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--id Dakota --exclude 234 417 418 420 444 445 2006" -
r28079 r28129 94 94 # 95 95 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'id',[IdFromString('Dakota')],'exclude',[234 235 418 420 444 445 2006]" 96 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--i nclude_name 'Dakota'--exclude 234 417 418 420 444 445 2006"96 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--id Dakota --exclude 234 417 418 420 444 445 2006" -
r28128 r28129 69 69 # 70 70 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="" 71 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--exclude [['Dakota'], [119 216 274 423 430 433 435 441:442 448 462:464 508 517 544 546 702:703 808]]"71 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--exclude Dakota 119 216 274 423 430 433 435 441:442 448 462:464 508 517 544 546 702:703 808" 72 72 -
r28079 r28129 92 92 # 93 93 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'id',[IdFromString('Dakota')],'exclude',[2006]" 94 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--i nclude_name 'Dakota'--exclude 234 418 420 2006"94 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--id Dakota --exclude 234 418 420 2006" -
r27787 r28129 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 2 2 3 from IdToName import * 3 4 from IdFromString import * … … 5 6 6 7 7 def GetIds(ids_names): 8 """GETIDS - Output ids from a given array of IDs and test names 8 def GetIds(ids): 9 """GetIds - Output IDs from a given list of IDs, strings representing 10 MATLAB-like integer ranges, and test names 9 11 10 12 The test names can be any string or substring present in the test's name … … 13 15 Usage: 14 16 ids = GetIds(101) 17 ids = GetIds(101:111) 15 18 ids = GetIds('Dakota') 16 ids = GetIds([101, 102 ...])17 ids = GetIds([ \'Dakota\', \'Slc\'...])18 ids = GetIds([ [101, 102...], [\'Dakota\', \'Slc\'...]])19 ids = GetIds([101, 102[, ...]) 20 ids = GetIds(['Dakota', 'Slc'[, ...]]) 21 ids = GetIds([101, 'Dakota', 'Slc'[, ...]]) 19 22 """ 20 23 21 ids = []24 output_ids = [] 22 25 23 # Non-list input: either an ID or a test name 24 if type(ids_names) == str: 25 ids = IdFromString(ids_names) 26 if len(ids) == 0: 27 # fail silently 28 return [] 29 #raise RuntimeError(' No tests with names matching "' + ids_names + '" were found. Note that name checking is case sensitive. Test names are in the first line of a given test eg: "Square" would include "SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2d"') 26 for id in ids: 27 if id.isdigit(): 28 output_ids.append(int(id)) 29 else: 30 if ':' in id: # MATLAB-like range of test ID's 31 id_range = id.split(':') 32 for i in range(int(id_range[0]), int(id_range[1]) + 1): 33 output_ids.append(i) 34 else: # Test name 35 for id_from_string in IdFromString(id): 36 output_ids.append(id_from_string) 30 37 31 # Non-list input: ID 32 if type(ids_names) == int: 33 ids = [ids_names] 34 if len(ids) == 0: 35 # fail silently 36 return [] 37 #raise RuntimeError(' No tests with ids matching "' + ids_names + '" were found. Check that there is a test file named "test' + str(ids_names) + '.py"') 38 39 # many inputs of either ids or test names 40 if type(ids_names) == list and len(ids_names) > 0: 41 # is everything a string or int? 42 if np.array([type(i) == int for i in ids_names]).all(): 43 ids = ids_names 44 elif np.array([type(i) == np.int64 for i in ids_names]).all(): 45 ids = ids_names 46 elif np.array([type(i) == str for i in ids_names]).all(): 47 ids = np.concatenate([IdFromString(i) for i in ids_names]) 48 if len(ids) == 0: 49 raise RuntimeError(' No tests with names matching "' + ids_names + '" were found. Note that name checking is case sensitive.') 50 51 # many inputs of both ids and test names 52 # ids_names[0] -> ids_names by id 53 # ids_names[1] -> ids_names by test name 54 # 55 # NOTE: ID inclusion/exclusion lists will always hit this condition 56 # because of the way their respective arguments are gathered at the 57 # end of __main__ in the call to function runme. 58 if type(ids_names) == list and len(ids_names) == 2: 59 if type(ids_names[0]) == list and len(ids_names[0]) > 0: 60 ids_expanded = [] 61 for i in ids_names[0]: 62 # Handle case where list element follows MATLAB range syntax 63 if ':' in i: 64 i_range = i.split(':') 65 for j in range(int(i_range[0]), int(i_range[1]) + 1): 66 ids_expanded.append(j) 67 else: 68 ids_expanded.append(int(i)) 69 unique_ids = list(set(ids_expanded)) 70 ids += unique_ids 71 if type(ids_names[1]) == list and len(ids_names[1]) > 0 and type(ids_names[1][0]) == str: 72 ids = np.concatenate([ids, np.concatenate([IdFromString(i) for i in ids_names[1]])]) 73 if len(ids) == 0: 74 raise RuntimeError(' No tests with names matching "' + ids_names + '" were found. Note that name checking is case sensitive.') 75 76 # no recognizable ids or id formats 77 if np.size(ids) == 0 and not np.all(np.equal(ids_names, None)): 78 raise RuntimeError(' include and exclude options (-i/--id; -in/--include_name; -e/--exclude; -en/--exclude_name) options must follow GetIds usage format:\n' + GetIds.__doc__) 79 80 return np.array(ids).astype(int) 38 return output_ids -
r27202 r28129 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 2 3 from GetAvailableTestIds import * 2 4 from IdToName import IdToName 3 5 import os … … 8 10 9 11 def IdFromString(string, verbose=False): 10 """ 11 IDFROMSTRING - output ids from a given string 12 Usage: 13 ids = IdFromString(string) 14 Examples: 15 ids = IdFromString('Parallel') 16 ids = IdFromString('79North') 17 ids = IdFromString(' * ') 12 """IdFromString - output ids from a given string 13 14 Usage: 15 ids = IdFromString(string) 16 17 Examples: 18 ids = IdFromString('Dakota') 19 ids = IdFromString('Slc') 20 ids = IdFromString(' * ') 18 21 """ 19 22 20 #Check input23 # Check input 21 24 if not isinstance(string, str): 22 25 raise TypeError('IdFromString error message: input argument is not a string.') … … 24 27 string = string.replace('"', '') 25 28 26 #Get the test ids and names and scan for matches 27 29 # Get the test ids and names and scan for matches 28 30 ids = [] 29 31 idnames = [] 30 flist = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if re.match('test[0-9]', f)] # File name must follow the format "test<integer>.py" 31 list_ids = [int('\d+',file.split('.')[0]).group()) for file in flist] # Retrieve test IDs 32 for i in list_ids: 32 available_test_ids = GetAvailableTestIds() 33 for i in available_test_ids: 33 34 name = IdToName(i) 34 35 if (string == ' * ') or (name is not None and string in name): … … 36 37 idnames.append(name) 37 38 38 #Return if no test found39 # Return if no test found 39 40 if not ids: 40 41 print("No test matches '%s'." % string) 41 42 return ids 42 43 43 #Display names44 # Display names 44 45 if verbose: 45 46 idnames = [i for _, i in sorted(zip(ids, idnames), key=lambda pair: pair[0])] -
r24255 r28129 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 2 2 3 3 4 4 def IdToName(test_id): 5 """IdToName - return name of test 6 7 Usage: 8 name = IdToName(test_id) 5 9 """ 6 IDTONAME - return name of test7 8 Usage:9 name = IdToName(test_id)10 """11 10 infile = open('test' + str(test_id) + '.py', 'r') 12 11 file_text = infile.readline() -
r27782 r28129 1 1 #!/usr/bin/env python3 2 3 2 4 3 import argparse … … 21 20 try: 22 21 from arch import archread 23 except: 22 except: # ISSM_DIR is not on path 24 23 import devpath 25 24 26 25 from arch import archread 27 26 from arch import archwrite 27 from GetAvailableTestIds import * 28 28 from GetIds import * 29 29 from IdToName import IdToName … … 44 44 To run tests 101 and 102, 45 45 46 ./ -i [101, 102]46 ./ -i 101 102 47 47 48 48 Options: … … 93 93 exception'; see also jenkins/ These should be counted as 94 94 failures. 95 - Add support for 'stoponerror' 95 96 """ 96 97 … … 100 101 # Process options 101 102 # Get benchmark {{{ 102 if benchmark not in ['all', 'nightly', ' validation', 'adolc', 'eismint', 'ismip', 'mesh', 'slc', 'thermal', 'tranforcing', 'qmu']:103 print( ('runme warning: benchmark \'{}\' not supported, defaulting to test \'nightly\'.'.format(benchmark)))103 if benchmark not in ['all', 'nightly', 'ismip', 'eismint', 'thermal', 'mesh', 'validation', 'tranforcing', 'adolc', 'slc', 'qmu']: 104 print('runme warning: benchmark \'{}\' not supported, defaulting to test \'nightly\'.'.format(benchmark)) 104 105 benchmark = 'nightly' 105 106 # }}} 106 107 # Get procedure {{{ 107 108 if procedure not in ['check', 'update', 'runFromNC']: 108 print( ('runme warning: procedure \'{}\' not supported, defaulting to test \'check\'.'.format(procedure)))109 print('runme warning: procedure \'{}\' not supported, defaulting to test \'check\'.'.format(procedure)) 109 110 procedure = 'check' 110 111 # }}} 111 112 # Get output {{{ 112 113 if output not in ['nightly', 'none']: 113 print( ('runme warning: output \'{}\' not supported, defaulting to test \'none\'.'.format(output)))114 print('runme warning: output \'{}\' not supported, defaulting to test \'none\'.'.format(output)) 114 115 output = 'none' 115 116 # }}} … … 118 119 numprocs = 1 119 120 # }}} 120 # Get ids {{{ 121 flist = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if re.match('test[0-9]', f)] # File name must follow the format "test<integer>.py" 122 list_ids = [int('\d+',f.split('.')[0]).group()) for f in flist] # Retrieve test IDs 123 i1, i2 = parallelrange(rank, numprocs, len(list_ids)) # Get tests for this CPU only 124 list_ids = list_ids[i1:i2 + 1] 125 # Check if we are calling runme as a function with a single integer or string argument and, if so, convert to the proper protocol 126 if isinstance(id, int): 127 id = str(id) 128 if isinstance(id, str): 129 id = [[id], []] 130 if len(id[0]) > 0 or len(id[1]) > 0: 131 test_ids = set(GetIds(id)).intersection(set(list_ids)) 121 # Get available test IDs {{{ 122 all_ids = GetAvailableTestIds() 123 i1, i2 = parallelrange(rank, numprocs, len(all_ids)) # Get tests for this CPU only 124 all_ids = all_ids[i1:i2 + 1] 125 126 # Check value passed to id argument. If is a single integer or string, convert to a list 127 requested_ids = GetIds(id) 128 129 if len(requested_ids) > 0: 130 ids_to_run = set(requested_ids).intersection(set(all_ids)) 132 131 benchmark = None 133 132 else: 134 # If no tests are specifically provided, do them all 135 test_ids = set(list_ids) 136 133 # If no tests are specifically requested, do them all 134 ids_to_run = set(all_ids) 137 135 # }}} 138 136 # Get excluded tests {{{ 139 137 exclude_ids = GetIds(exclude) 140 test_ids = test_ids.difference(exclude_ids) 141 138 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.difference(exclude_ids) 142 139 # }}} 143 140 if procedure == 'runFromNC': 144 141 # bamg test 145 test_ids = test_ids.difference([119, 514])142 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.difference([119, 514]) 146 143 # smbGEMB format is weird for the test 147 test_ids = test_ids.difference([243, 244, 252, 253])144 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.difference([243, 244, 252, 253]) 148 145 # AMR runs where the index is missing from fieldnames 149 test_ids = test_ids.difference([462, 463, 464, 465])146 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.difference([462, 463, 464, 465]) 150 147 # test247 solves for thermal and transient which makes it complex to check 151 test_ids = test_ids.difference([247])148 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.difference([247]) 152 149 # test 902 is running two models with different stepping 153 test_ids = test_ids.difference([902])150 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.difference([902]) 154 151 # size issue in 517 needs investigation 155 test_ids = test_ids.difference([517])152 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.difference([517]) 156 153 157 154 # Process IDs according to benchmarks {{{ 158 155 if benchmark == 'nightly': 159 test_ids = test_ids.intersection(set(range(1, 1000)))156 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.intersection(set(range(1, 1000))) 160 157 elif benchmark == 'validation': 161 test_ids = test_ids.intersection(set(range(1001, 2000)))158 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.intersection(set(range(1001, 2000))) 162 159 elif benchmark == 'ismip': 163 test_ids = test_ids.intersection(set(range(1101, 1200)))160 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.intersection(set(range(1101, 1200))) 164 161 elif benchmark == 'eismint': 165 test_ids = test_ids.intersection(set(range(1201, 1300)))162 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.intersection(set(range(1201, 1300))) 166 163 elif benchmark == 'thermal': 167 test_ids = test_ids.intersection(set(range(1301, 1400)))164 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.intersection(set(range(1301, 1400))) 168 165 elif benchmark == 'mesh': 169 test_ids = test_ids.intersection(set(range(1401, 1500)))166 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.intersection(set(range(1401, 1500))) 170 167 elif benchmark == 'tranforcing': 171 test_ids = test_ids.intersection(set(range(1501, 1503)))168 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.intersection(set(range(1501, 1503))) 172 169 elif benchmark == 'referential': 173 test_ids = test_ids.intersection(set(range(1601, 1603)))170 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.intersection(set(range(1601, 1603))) 174 171 elif benchmark == 'slc': 175 test_ids = test_ids.intersection(set(range(2001, 2500)))172 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.intersection(set(range(2001, 2500))) 176 173 elif benchmark == 'adolc': 177 test_ids = test_ids.intersection(set(range(3001, 3200)))174 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.intersection(set(range(3001, 3200))) 178 175 elif benchmark == 'qmu': 179 test_ids = test_ids.intersection(set((218, 234, 235, 417, 418, 420)).union(set(range(412, 414))))180 test_ids = list(test_ids)181 test_ids.sort()176 ids_to_run = ids_to_run.intersection(set((218, 234, 235, 417, 418, 420)).union(set(range(412, 414)))) 177 ids_to_run = list(ids_to_run) 178 ids_to_run.sort() 182 179 183 180 # }}} … … 185 182 # Loop over tests and launch sequence 186 183 root = os.getcwd() 187 error count = 0188 erroredtest_list= []189 for id in test_ids:184 error_count = 0 185 resulted_in_error = [] 186 for id in ids_to_run: 190 187 print(("----------------starting:{}-----------------------".format(id))) 191 188 try: … … 320 317 else: 321 318 print(('ERROR difference: {:7.2g} > {:7.2g} test id: {} field: {}{} is false in both loaded and computed results'.format(error_diff, tolerance, id, fieldname, index + 1))) 322 error count += 1323 erroredtest_list.append(id)319 error_count += 1 320 tests_with_error.append(id) 324 321 elif (np.any(error_diff > tolerance) or np.isnan(error_diff)): 325 322 print(('ERROR difference: {:7.2g} > {:7.2g} test id: {} test name: {} field: {}{}'.format(error_diff, tolerance, id, id_string, fieldname, index + 1))) 326 error count += 1327 erroredtest_list.append(id)323 error_count += 1 324 tests_with_error.append(id) 328 325 elif (np.any(load_diff > tolerance) or np.isnan(load_diff)): 329 326 print(('SAVEERROR difference: {:7.2g} > {:7.2g} test id: {} test name: {} saved result : {}{}'.format(load_diff, tolerance, id, id_string, fieldname, index + 1))) 330 error count += 1331 erroredtest_list.append(id)327 error_count += 1 328 tests_with_error.append(id) 332 329 else: 333 330 print(('SUCCESS difference: {:7.2g} < {:7.2g} test id: {} test name: {} field: {}{}'.format(error_diff, tolerance, id, id_string, fieldname, index + 1))) … … 366 363 367 364 # Compare to archive 368 # M atlabuses base 1, so use base 1 in labels365 # MATLAB uses base 1, so use base 1 in labels 369 366 archive = np.array(archread(archive_file, archive_name + '_field' + str(k + 1))) 370 367 # NOTE: str(np.array(None)) becomes 'None' but np.array(None) is never equal to None: it basically becomes a type of string in an array … … 383 380 if (np.any(error_diff > tolerance) or np.isnan(error_diff)): 384 381 print(('ERROR difference: {:7.2g} > {:7.2g} test id: {} test name: {} field: {}'.format(error_diff, tolerance, id, id_string, fieldname))) 385 error count += 1386 erroredtest_list.append(id)382 error_count += 1 383 tests_with_error.append(id) 387 384 else: 388 385 print(('SUCCESS difference: {:7.2g} < {:7.2g} test id: {} test name: {} field: {}'.format(error_diff, tolerance, id, id_string, fieldname))) … … 416 413 print(("----------------finished:{}-----------------------".format(id))) 417 414 418 if error count > 0:419 print("{} errors were detected in test {}".format(error count, np.unique(erroredtest_list)))415 if error_count > 0: 416 print("{} errors were detected in test {}".format(error_count, np.unique(tests_with_error))) 420 417 return 421 418 … … 432 429 433 430 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='runme - test deck for ISSM nightly runs') 434 parser.add_argument('-i', '--id', nargs='*', type=str, help='followed by the list of ids requested', default=[]) 435 parser.add_argument('-in', '--include_name', nargs='*', type=str, help='followed by the list of test names requested', default=[]) 436 parser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', nargs='+', type=str, help='ids to be excluded from the test', default=[]) 437 parser.add_argument('-en', '--exclude_name', nargs='+', type=str, help='test names to be excluded from the test', default=[]) 431 parser.add_argument('-i', '--id', nargs='*', help='followed by the list of test ID\'s or names to run', default=[]) 432 parser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', nargs='*', type=str, help='followed by the list of test ID\'s or names to exclude', default=[]) 438 433 parser.add_argument('-b', '--benchmark', help='nightly/ismip/eismint/thermal/mesh/...', default='nightly') 439 434 parser.add_argument('-p', '--procedure', help='check/update', default='check') … … 443 438 args = parser.parse_args() 444 439 445 md = runme( [, args.include_name], [args.exclude, args.exclude_name], args.benchmark, args.procedure, args.output, args.rank, args.numprocs)440 md = runme(, args.exclude, args.benchmark, args.procedure, args.output, args.rank, args.numprocs) 446 441 447 442 exit(md)
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