Changeset 27966
- Timestamp:
- 10/23/23 08:10:03 (17 months ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/m/contrib/chenggong
- Files:
- 13 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r26975 r27966 5 5 % [Xmain, positionx, positiony, time], icemask, calving rate, 6 6 % melting rate and velocity magnitude, sigma, thickness 7 % Author: Cheng Gong8 % Last modified: 2020-09-259 7 10 8 transient = isfield(md.results,'TransientSolution'); -
r26975 r27966 13 13 % if within the range, do linear interpolation. 14 14 % 15 % Author: Cheng Gong16 % Last modified: 2020-09-0917 15 if nargin < 4 18 16 endP = startP; -
r26975 r27966 3 3 % data should have the same size as md.mesh.x 4 4 % 5 % Author: Cheng Gong6 % Last modified: 2021-12-087 5 nanvflag = find(isnan(data)); 8 6 NNanv = length(nanvflag); -
r26975 r27966 14 14 % x0 = ------------- 15 15 % y1-y2 16 % Author: Cheng Gong17 % Last modified: 2020-10-2018 16 [m, n] = size(X); 19 17 [my, k] = size(Y); -
r26975 r27966 7 7 % freq: frequency(non-negative half) 8 8 % 9 % Author: Cheng Gong10 % Date: 2021-08-1711 9 12 10 % length of data -
r26975 r27966 6 6 % fy - y coordinates of the flowline 7 7 % 8 % Author: Cheng Gong9 % Last modified: 2021-01-2710 8 11 9 function valueC = projectToFlowlines(md, pValue, fx, fy) -
r26975 r27966 7 7 % freq: frequency(non-negative half) 8 8 % 9 % Author: Cheng Gong10 % Date: 2021-08-1711 9 12 10 % length of data -
r26975 r27966 9 9 % w2: Wasserstein-Fourier Distance, or W2 distance of sx and sy 10 10 % 11 % Author: Cheng Gong12 % Date: 2021-08-1813 11 N = length(x); 14 12 Sinv=linspace(0,1,N); -
r27901 r27966 1 function [vx_out, vy_out , vx_err, vy_err] = interpFromITSLIVE(X,Y,Tstart,Tend,varargin)1 function [vx_out, vy_out] = interpFromITSLIVE(X,Y,Tstart,Tend,varargin) 2 2 %interpFromITSLIVE: 3 3 % Interpolate ITS_LIVE velocity data to the given mesh … … 28 28 dataTime(i) = date2decyear(datenum(tempConv{end}, 'yyyy')); 29 29 end 30 disp([' Found ', num2str(Ndata), ' records in ', foldername]);31 disp([' from ', datestr(decyear2date(min(dataTime)),'yyyy-mm-dd'), ' to ', datestr(decyear2date(max(dataTime)),'yyyy-mm-dd') ]);32 33 % 0000 is a ref velocity34 35 30 % find all the data files with Tstart<=t<=Tend 36 31 dataInd = (dataTime>=Tstart) & (dataTime<=Tend); … … 63 58 vx_out = zeros(numel(X)+1, numel(timeToload)); 64 59 vy_out = zeros(numel(X)+1, numel(timeToload)); 65 vx_err = zeros(numel(X)+1, numel(timeToload));66 vy_err = zeros(numel(X)+1, numel(timeToload));67 60 for i = 1:length(dataToLoad) 68 61 … … 70 63 vx = (ncread(filename,'vx',[id1xh id1yh],[id2xh-id1xh+1 id2yh-id1yh+1],[1 1])); 71 64 vy = (ncread(filename,'vy',[id1xh id1yh],[id2xh-id1xh+1 id2yh-id1yh+1],[1 1])); 72 vxerr = (ncread(filename,'vx_err',[id1xh id1yh],[id2xh-id1xh+1 id2yh-id1yh+1],[1 1]));73 vyerr = (ncread(filename,'vy_err',[id1xh id1yh],[id2xh-id1xh+1 id2yh-id1yh+1],[1 1]));74 65 75 66 vx(vx<-32760) = nan; … … 79 70 vy_out(1:end-1,i) = InterpFromGrid(xh, yh, double(vy'), X, Y); 80 71 vy_out(end, i) = timeToload(i); 81 vx_err(1:end-1,i) = InterpFromGrid(xh, yh, double(vxerr'), X, Y);82 vx_err(end, i) = timeToload(i);83 vy_err(1:end-1,i) = InterpFromGrid(xh, yh, double(vyerr'), X, Y);84 vy_err(end, i) = timeToload(i);85 72 end 86 73 end -
r26975 r27966 4 4 % X and Y are the coordinates of the mesh 5 5 % 6 % Author: Cheng Gong7 % Last modified: 2021-12-068 9 6 filename = '/totten_1/ModelData/Greenland/ISMIP6/'; 10 7 -
r27694 r27966 13 13 % - optional 5th input argument: path to the data file, by default it is the path on totten 14 14 % 15 % Author: Cheng Gong16 % Last modified: 2023-04-1917 15 18 16 % set icemask=-1 for the region with rocks -
r26975 r27966 2 2 %imageNonUni - draw an image with non uniform grid 3 3 % 4 % Author: Cheng Gong5 % Last modified: 2020-08-246 4 x = varargin{1}; 7 5 y = varargin{2}; -
r27789 r27966 15 15 % yl: ylim value 16 16 % 17 % Author: Cheng Gong18 % Date: 2021-12-0619 17 20 18 N = length(velList);
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