Changeset 27858
- Timestamp:
- 07/26/23 12:04:55 (20 months ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk/src/m/contrib/musselman
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r27838 r27858 33 33 # remove masks from numpy arrays for easy conversion 34 34 NCData.set_auto_mask(False) 35 else: 36 print('The file you entered does not exist or cannot be found in the current directory') 35 37 36 37 # read the contents of the groups38 39 '''40 this function navigates like:41 42 filename.groups.keys() -> filename.groups['group1'] ->43 filename.groups['group1'].groups.keys() -> filename.groups['group1'].groups['group1.1'] ->44 filename.groups['group1'].groups['group1.1'].groups.keys() ->45 filename.groups['group1'].groups['group1.1'].groups['group1.1.1'] etc. etc.46 '''47 38 # continuation of band-aid for results class 48 39 try: … … 63 54 def make_results_subclasses(): 64 55 for subclass in NCData.groups['results'].variables.keys(): 65 class_instance = subclass 56 class_instance = subclass + '()' 66 57 class_instance_name = NCData.groups['results'].variables[subclass][:][...].tobytes().decode() 58 print(class_instance) 59 print(class_instance_name) 67 60 setattr(model_copy.results, class_instance_name, eval(class_instance)) 68 61 … … 97 90 # NetCDF4 has a property called "_FillValue" that sometimes saves empty lists, so we have to catch those 98 91 FillValue = -9223372036854775806 99 100 # but there are a couple of cases we need to compensate for, like an arrary of a single integer should just be an integer and not an array101 if len(eval(location_of_variable_in_file))>1:102 setattr(eval('model_copy.' + location_of_variable_in_model), variable_name, eval(location_of_variable_in_file + '[:]'))92 93 # results band-aid... 94 if str(location_of_variable_in_model + '.' + variable_name) =='results.solutionstep': 95 pass 103 96 # handle any strings: 104 if 'char' in eval(location_of_variable_in_file + '.dimensions[0]'):97 elif 'char' in eval(location_of_variable_in_file + '.dimensions[0]'): 105 98 setattr(eval('model_copy.' + location_of_variable_in_model), variable_name, eval(location_of_variable_in_file + '[:][...].tobytes().decode()')) 106 # catch everything else (lists, 1-D arrays, etc.) 99 # handle ndarrays + lists 100 elif len(eval(location_of_variable_in_file + '[:]'))>1: 101 # check for bool 102 try: # there is only one datatype assigned the attribute 'units' and that is bool, so anything else will go right to except 103 if eval(location_of_variable_in_file + '.units') == 'bool': 104 setattr(eval('model_copy.' + location_of_variable_in_model), variable_name, np.array(eval(location_of_variable_in_file + '[:]'), dtype = bool)) 105 else: 106 setattr(eval('model_copy.' + location_of_variable_in_model), variable_name, eval(location_of_variable_in_file + '[:]')) 107 except: 108 setattr(eval('model_copy.' + location_of_variable_in_model), variable_name, eval(location_of_variable_in_file + '[:]')) 109 # catch everything else 107 110 else: 108 # check for FillValue. use try/except because try block will only work on datatypes than like int64, float, single element lists/arrays ect and not nd-arrays/n-lists etc 109 print(eval(location_of_variable_in_file + '[:][0]')) 111 # check for FillValue. use try/except because try block will only work on datatypes like int64, float, single element lists/arrays ect and not nd-arrays/n-lists etc 110 112 try: 113 # this try block will only work on single ints/floats/doubles and will skip to the except block for all other cases 111 114 if FillValue == eval(location_of_variable_in_file + '[:][0]'): 112 115 setattr(eval('model_copy.' + location_of_variable_in_model), variable_name, []) 116 else: 117 # we have to convert numpy datatypes to native python types with .item() 118 var_to_save = eval(location_of_variable_in_file + '[:][0]') # note the [0] on the end 119 setattr(eval('model_copy.' + location_of_variable_in_model), variable_name, var_to_save.item()) 113 120 except: 114 setattr(eval('model_copy.' + location_of_variable_in_model), variable_name, eval(location_of_variable_in_file + '[:][0]')) # note the [0] on the end 115 121 setattr(eval('model_copy.' + location_of_variable_in_model), variable_name, eval(location_of_variable_in_file + '[:]')) 116 122 print('Successfully saved ' + location_of_variable_in_model + '.' + variable_name + ' to model.') 117 123 -
r27838 r27858 88 88 89 89 # If so, inqure for a new name or to do delete the existing file 90 newname = input('Give a new name or "delete" to replace: ')90 newname = input('Give a new name or input "delete" to replace: ') 91 91 92 92 if newname == 'delete': … … 131 131 # in the framework of an empty model. If this is the case, we move to the except statement 132 132 try: 133 if type(child) == type(eval(adress_of_child_in_empty_class)): 133 # if the variable is an array, assume it has relevant data 134 if isinstance(eval(adress_of_child), np.ndarray): 135 create_group(model_var, adress_of_child) 136 walk_through_subclasses(model_var, adress_of_child, model_name) 137 elif eval(adress_of_child) == eval(adress_of_child_in_empty_class): 134 138 walk_through_subclasses(model_var, adress_of_child, model_name) 135 139 # If it has been modified, record it in the NetCDF file … … 172 176 173 177 # check if it's an int 174 elif isinstance(eval(adress_of_child), int) :178 elif isinstance(eval(adress_of_child), int) or isinstance(eval(adress_of_child), np.integer): 175 179 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, int, ('int',)) 176 180 variable[:] = eval(adress_of_child) 177 181 178 182 # or a float 179 elif isinstance(eval(adress_of_child), float) :183 elif isinstance(eval(adress_of_child), float) or isinstance(eval(adress_of_child), np.floating): 180 184 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, float, ('float',)) 181 185 variable[:] = eval(adress_of_child) … … 184 188 elif isinstance(eval(adress_of_child), str): 185 189 write_string_to_netcdf(variable_name, adress_of_child, group) 190 191 #or a bool 192 elif isinstance(eval(adress_of_child), bool) or isinstance(eval(adress_of_child), np.bool): 193 # netcdf4 can't handle bool types like True/False so we convert all to int 1/0 and add an attribute named units with value 'bool' 194 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, int, ('int',)) 195 variable[:] = int(eval(adress_of_child)) 196 variable.units = "bool" 186 197 187 198 # or an empty list … … 192 203 elif isinstance(eval(adress_of_child),list) and isinstance(eval(adress_of_child)[0],str): 193 204 for string in eval(adress_of_child): 194 write_string_to_netcdf(variable_name, string, group )205 write_string_to_netcdf(variable_name, string, group, list=True) 195 206 196 207 # or a regular list 197 208 elif isinstance(eval(adress_of_child), list): 209 print('made list w/ unlim dim') 198 210 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, type(eval(adress_of_child)[0]), ('Unlim',)) 199 211 variable[:] = eval(adress_of_child) … … 204 216 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, type(eval(adress_of_child)), ('Unlim',)) 205 217 variable[:] = eval(adress_of_child) 218 print('Used Unlim Dim') 206 219 except Exception as e: 207 220 print(e) … … 212 225 213 226 214 215 def write_string_to_netcdf(variable_name, adress_of_child, group): 227 def write_string_to_netcdf(variable_name, adress_of_child, group, list=False): 216 228 # netcdf and strings dont get along.. we have to do it 'custom': 217 229 # if we hand it an adress we need to do it this way: … … 233 245 group.createDimension(name_of_dimension, length_of_the_string) 234 246 except: pass 235 # now we can make a variable in this dimension: 236 string = group.createVariable(variable_name, 'S1', (name_of_dimension)) 237 #finally we can write the variable: 238 string[:] = str_out 247 # this is another band-aid to the results sub classes... 248 try: 249 if list == True: 250 # now we can make a variable in this dimension: 251 string = group.createVariable(variable_name, 'S1', (name_of_dimension)) 252 #finally we can write the variable: 253 string[:] = [str_out] 254 else: 255 # now we can make a variable in this dimension: 256 string = group.createVariable(variable_name, 'S1', (name_of_dimension)) 257 #finally we can write the variable: 258 string[:] = str_out 259 except RuntimeError: pass 260 except Exception: 261 print(Exception) 239 262 240 263 … … 246 269 # start by getting the data type at the lowest level in the array: 247 270 typeis = eval(adress_of_child + '.dtype') 248 249 # if the array is 1D, we don't need to do anything fancy 250 # sometimes an array has just 1 element in it though, so we need to account for those cases here: 251 if len(eval(adress_of_child)) == 1: 252 if typeis is np.dtype('float64'): 253 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, typeis, ('float',)) 254 variable[:] = eval(adress_of_child) 255 elif typeis is np.dtype('int64'): 256 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, typeis, ('int',)) 257 variable[:] = eval(adress_of_child) 271 272 # catch boolean arrays here 273 if typeis == bool: 274 # sometimes an array has just 1 element in it, we account for those cases here: 275 if len(eval(adress_of_child)) == 1: 276 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, int, ('int',)) 277 variable[:] = int(eval(adress_of_child)) 278 variable.units = "bool" 258 279 else: 259 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, typeis, ('Unlim',)) 280 # make the dimensions 281 dimensions = [] 282 for dimension in np.shape(eval(adress_of_child)): 283 dimensions.append(str('dim' + str(dimension))) 284 # if the dimension already exists we can't have a duplicate 285 try: 286 group.createDimension(str('dim' + str(dimension)), dimension) 287 except: pass # this would mean that the dimension already exists 288 289 # create the variable: 290 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, int, tuple(dimensions)) 291 # write the variable: 292 variable[:] = eval(adress_of_child + '.astype(int)') 293 variable.units = "bool" 294 295 296 297 # handle all other datatypes here 298 else: 299 # sometimes an array has just 1 element in it, we account for those cases here: 300 if len(eval(adress_of_child)) == 1: 301 if typeis is np.dtype('float64'): 302 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, typeis, ('float',)) 303 variable[:] = eval(adress_of_child) 304 elif typeis is np.dtype('int64'): 305 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, typeis, ('int',)) 306 variable[:] = eval(adress_of_child) 307 else: 308 print('Encountered single datatype that was not float64 or int64, saving under unlimited dimension, may cause errors.') 309 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, typeis, ('Unlim',)) 310 variable[:] = eval(adress_of_child) 311 312 # This catches all arrays/lists: 313 else: 314 # make the dimensions 315 dimensions = [] 316 for dimension in np.shape(eval(adress_of_child)): 317 dimensions.append(str('dim' + str(dimension))) 318 # if the dimension already exists we can't have a duplicate 319 try: 320 group.createDimension(str('dim' + str(dimension)), dimension) 321 except: pass # this would mean that the dimension already exists 322 323 # create the variable: 324 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, typeis, tuple(dimensions)) 325 326 # write the variable: 260 327 variable[:] = eval(adress_of_child) 261 262 # this is the 1D case:263 elif len(np.shape(eval(adress_of_child))) == 1:264 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, typeis, ('Unlim',))265 variable[:] = eval(adress_of_child)266 267 # But if the array is >1D, we do need to be fancy:268 else:269 # make the dimensions270 dimensions = []271 for dimension in np.shape(eval(adress_of_child)):272 dimensions.append(str('dim' + str(dimension)))273 # if the dimension already exists we can't have a duplicate274 try:275 group.createDimension(str('dim' + str(dimension)), dimension)276 except: pass # this would mean that the dimension already exists277 278 # create the variable:279 variable = group.createVariable(variable_name, typeis, tuple(dimensions))280 281 # write the variable:282 variable[:] = eval(adress_of_child)
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