Changeset 27299

10/10/22 03:42:09 (2 years ago)
Mathieu Morlighem

BUG: forgot to update Analysis/m4 for Debris

5 edited


  • issm/trunk-jpl/m4/analyses.m4

    r27154 r27299  
    151151dnl }}}
     152dnl with-Debris{{{
     154        AS_HELP_STRING([--with-Debris = YES], [compile with Debris capabilities (default is yes)]),
     155        [DEBRIS=$withval],[DEBRIS=yes])
     156AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Debris capability compilation)
     159if test "x$DEBRIS" = "xyes"; then
     160        HAVE_DEBRIS=yes
     161        AC_DEFINE([_HAVE_DEBRIS_],[1],[with Debris capability])
     163AM_CONDITIONAL([DEBRIS], [test x$HAVE_DEBRIS = xyes])
     165dnl }}}
    152166dnl with-DepthAverage{{{
  • issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/EnumToAnalysis.cpp

    r27154 r27299  
    4343                #ifdef _HAVE_DAMAGEEVOLUTION_
    4444                case DamageEvolutionAnalysisEnum : return new DamageEvolutionAnalysis();
     45                #endif
     46                #ifdef _HAVE_DEBRIS_
     47                case DebrisAnalysisEnum : return new DebrisAnalysis();
    4548                #endif
    4649                #ifdef _HAVE_DEPTHAVERAGE_
  • issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Enum/Enum.vim

    r27287 r27299  
    162162syn keyword cConstant DamageStressThresholdEnum
    163163syn keyword cConstant DamageStressUBoundEnum
     164syn keyword cConstant DebrisMinThicknessEnum
     165syn keyword cConstant DebrisNumRequestedOutputsEnum
     166syn keyword cConstant DebrisPenaltyFactorEnum
     167syn keyword cConstant DebrisRequestedOutputsEnum
     168syn keyword cConstant DebrisStabilizationEnum
     169syn keyword cConstant DebrisRemovalmodelEnum
     170syn keyword cConstant DebrisDisplacementmodelEnum
     171syn keyword cConstant DebrisRemovalSlopeThresholdEnum
     172syn keyword cConstant DebrisRemovalStressThresholdEnum
     173syn keyword cConstant DebrisPackingFractionEnum
    164174syn keyword cConstant DebugProfilingEnum
     175syn keyword cConstant DebrisThicknessEnum
    165176syn keyword cConstant DomainDimensionEnum
    166177syn keyword cConstant DomainTypeEnum
    598609syn keyword cConstant TransientIsageEnum
    599610syn keyword cConstant TransientIsdamageevolutionEnum
     611syn keyword cConstant TransientIsdebrisEnum
    600612syn keyword cConstant TransientIsesaEnum
    601613syn keyword cConstant TransientIsgiaEnum
    11231135syn keyword cConstant VxAverageEnum
    11241136syn keyword cConstant VxBaseEnum
     1137syn keyword cConstant VxDebrisEnum
    11251138syn keyword cConstant VxEnum
    11261139syn keyword cConstant VxMeshEnum
    11301143syn keyword cConstant VyAverageEnum
    11311144syn keyword cConstant VyBaseEnum
     1145syn keyword cConstant VyDebrisEnum
    11321146syn keyword cConstant VyEnum
    11331147syn keyword cConstant VyMeshEnum
    13181332syn keyword cConstant DataSetParamEnum
    13191333syn keyword cConstant DatasetInputEnum
     1334syn keyword cConstant DebrisAnalysisEnum
     1335syn keyword cConstant DebrisSolutionEnum
    13201336syn keyword cConstant DefaultAnalysisEnum
    13211337syn keyword cConstant DefaultCalvingEnum
    15421558syn keyword cConstant SMBarmaEnum
    15431559syn keyword cConstant SMBcomponentsEnum
     1560syn keyword cConstant SMBdebrisMLEnum
    15441561syn keyword cConstant SMBd18opddEnum
    15451562syn keyword cConstant SMBforcingEnum
    16631680syn keyword cType Cfsurfacesquare
    16641681syn keyword cType Channel
    1665 syn keyword cType classes
    16661682syn keyword cType Constraint
    16671683syn keyword cType Constraints
    16701686syn keyword cType ControlInput
    16711687syn keyword cType Covertree
     1688syn keyword cType DataSetParam
    16721689syn keyword cType DatasetInput
    1673 syn keyword cType DataSetParam
    16741690syn keyword cType Definition
    16751691syn keyword cType DependentObject
    16841700syn keyword cType ElementInput
    16851701syn keyword cType ElementMatrix
     1702syn keyword cType ElementVector
    16861703syn keyword cType Elements
    1687 syn keyword cType ElementVector
    16881704syn keyword cType ExponentialVariogram
    16891705syn keyword cType ExternalResult
    16921708syn keyword cType Friction
    16931709syn keyword cType Gauss
    1694 syn keyword cType GaussianVariogram
    1695 syn keyword cType gaussobjects
    16961710syn keyword cType GaussPenta
    16971711syn keyword cType GaussSeg
    16981712syn keyword cType GaussTetra
    16991713syn keyword cType GaussTria
     1714syn keyword cType GaussianVariogram
    17001715syn keyword cType GenericExternalResult
    17011716syn keyword cType GenericOption
    17141729syn keyword cType IssmDirectApplicInterface
    17151730syn keyword cType IssmParallelDirectApplicInterface
    1716 syn keyword cType krigingobjects
    17171731syn keyword cType Load
    17181732syn keyword cType Loads
    17251739syn keyword cType Matice
    17261740syn keyword cType Matlitho
    1727 syn keyword cType matrixobjects
    17281741syn keyword cType MatrixParam
    17291742syn keyword cType Misfit
    17381751syn keyword cType Observations
    17391752syn keyword cType Option
     1753syn keyword cType OptionUtilities
    17401754syn keyword cType Options
    1741 syn keyword cType OptionUtilities
    17421755syn keyword cType Param
    17431756syn keyword cType Parameters
    17531766syn keyword cType Regionaloutput
    17541767syn keyword cType Results
     1768syn keyword cType RiftStruct
    17551769syn keyword cType Riftfront
    1756 syn keyword cType RiftStruct
    17571770syn keyword cType SealevelGeometry
    17581771syn keyword cType Seg
    17591772syn keyword cType SegInput
     1773syn keyword cType SegRef
    17601774syn keyword cType Segment
    1761 syn keyword cType SegRef
    17621775syn keyword cType SpcDynamic
    17631776syn keyword cType SpcStatic
    17781791syn keyword cType Vertex
    17791792syn keyword cType Vertices
     1793syn keyword cType classes
     1794syn keyword cType gaussobjects
     1795syn keyword cType krigingobjects
     1796syn keyword cType matrixobjects
    17801797syn keyword cType AdjointBalancethickness2Analysis
    17811798syn keyword cType AdjointBalancethicknessAnalysis
  • issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Enum/EnumDefinitions.h

    r27298 r27299  
    157157        DamageStressUBoundEnum,
    158158        DebrisMinThicknessEnum,
    159         DebrisNumRequestedOutputsEnum,
    160         DebrisPenaltyFactorEnum,
    161         DebrisRequestedOutputsEnum,
    162         DebrisStabilizationEnum,
    163         DebrisRemovalmodelEnum,
    164         DebrisDisplacementmodelEnum,
    165         DebrisRemovalSlopeThresholdEnum,
    166         DebrisRemovalStressThresholdEnum,
    167         DebrisPackingFractionEnum,
     159        DebrisNumRequestedOutputsEnum,
     160        DebrisPenaltyFactorEnum,
     161        DebrisRequestedOutputsEnum,
     162        DebrisStabilizationEnum,
     163        DebrisRemovalmodelEnum,
     164        DebrisDisplacementmodelEnum,
     165        DebrisRemovalSlopeThresholdEnum,
     166        DebrisRemovalStressThresholdEnum,
     167        DebrisPackingFractionEnum,
    168168        DebugProfilingEnum,
    169169        DebrisThicknessEnum,
  • issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/shared/Enum/Enumjl.vim

    r27287 r27299  
    155155syn keyword juliaConstC DamageStressThresholdEnum
    156156syn keyword juliaConstC DamageStressUBoundEnum
     157syn keyword juliaConstC DebrisMinThicknessEnum
     158syn keyword juliaConstC DebrisNumRequestedOutputsEnum
     159syn keyword juliaConstC DebrisPenaltyFactorEnum
     160syn keyword juliaConstC DebrisRequestedOutputsEnum
     161syn keyword juliaConstC DebrisStabilizationEnum
     162syn keyword juliaConstC DebrisRemovalmodelEnum
     163syn keyword juliaConstC DebrisDisplacementmodelEnum
     164syn keyword juliaConstC DebrisRemovalSlopeThresholdEnum
     165syn keyword juliaConstC DebrisRemovalStressThresholdEnum
     166syn keyword juliaConstC DebrisPackingFractionEnum
    157167syn keyword juliaConstC DebugProfilingEnum
     168syn keyword juliaConstC DebrisThicknessEnum
    158169syn keyword juliaConstC DomainDimensionEnum
    159170syn keyword juliaConstC DomainTypeEnum
    591602syn keyword juliaConstC TransientIsageEnum
    592603syn keyword juliaConstC TransientIsdamageevolutionEnum
     604syn keyword juliaConstC TransientIsdebrisEnum
    593605syn keyword juliaConstC TransientIsesaEnum
    594606syn keyword juliaConstC TransientIsgiaEnum
    11161128syn keyword juliaConstC VxAverageEnum
    11171129syn keyword juliaConstC VxBaseEnum
     1130syn keyword juliaConstC VxDebrisEnum
    11181131syn keyword juliaConstC VxEnum
    11191132syn keyword juliaConstC VxMeshEnum
    11231136syn keyword juliaConstC VyAverageEnum
    11241137syn keyword juliaConstC VyBaseEnum
     1138syn keyword juliaConstC VyDebrisEnum
    11251139syn keyword juliaConstC VyEnum
    11261140syn keyword juliaConstC VyMeshEnum
    13111325syn keyword juliaConstC DataSetParamEnum
    13121326syn keyword juliaConstC DatasetInputEnum
     1327syn keyword juliaConstC DebrisAnalysisEnum
     1328syn keyword juliaConstC DebrisSolutionEnum
    13131329syn keyword juliaConstC DefaultAnalysisEnum
    13141330syn keyword juliaConstC DefaultCalvingEnum
    15351551syn keyword juliaConstC SMBarmaEnum
    15361552syn keyword juliaConstC SMBcomponentsEnum
     1553syn keyword juliaConstC SMBdebrisMLEnum
    15371554syn keyword juliaConstC SMBd18opddEnum
    15381555syn keyword juliaConstC SMBforcingEnum
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