Changeset 25924

01/05/21 11:26:26 (4 years ago)

CHG: Minor clean up

2 edited


  • issm/trunk-jpl/jenkins/

    r25915 r25924  
    3 # This script runs the examples tests. It is intended to be called from
    4 # jenkins/ and helps organization.
     3# This script runs the examples tests (i.e. contents of examples directory,
     4# which are implementations of the tutorials found at
     5# It is intended to be
     6# called from jenkins/
     8# runme files are modifed as needed to fill in statements that would otherwise
     9# be added by user.
     11# NOTE:
     12# - Indentation of replacement string literals (e.g. 'STEP_EIGHT') is set to
     13#       nest cleanly in this file, but will result in unclean nesting runme file
     14#       (which should not be an issue)
     15# - Single-line string replacements in runme.m can effectively be performed
     16#       using sed. When performing multi-line replacements, perl is a better
     17#       option.
    619# TODO:
    2740for dir in ./* ; do
    2841        if [ -d "${dir}" ]; then
     42                # Temporary short circuit to check single example
     43                if [ "${dir}" != "./UncertaintyQuantification" ]; then
     44                        continue
     45                fi
    2947                # Some of the examples are incomplete (on purpose). As such, we
    3048                # will have to populate the missing steps in order to make sure
    581599                        RUN_EXAMPLE=1
    582600                elif [ "${dir}" == "./UncertaintyQuantification" ]; then
    583                         #Step 3: sampling analysis
    584                         #Index exceeds the number of array elements (1).
    585                         #
    586                         #Error in AreaAverageOntoPartition (line 50)
    587                         #       partvector(i)=sum(weightedvector(pos))/sum(md.qmu.vertex_weight(pos));
    588                         #
    589                         #Error in runme (line 78)
    590                         #       DeltaHH_on_partition=AreaAverageOntoPartition(md,DeltaHH,partition);
    591601                        sed -i '.bak' 's|steps=\[1\];|steps=\[1:7\];\n\ntry\n|' $RUNME_FILE
    592                         RUN_EXAMPLE=0
     602                        RUN_EXAMPLE=1
    593603                else
    594604                        echo "Not implemented yet!"
  • issm/trunk-jpl/jenkins/

    r25917 r25924  
    423423# Examples Tests
    424424# {{{
    425 # The following tests check that the examples (i.e. contents of examples
    426 # directory, which are implementations of the tutorials found at
    427 # can be run.
    428 #
    429 # runme files are modifed as needed to fill in statements that would otherwise
    430 # be added by user.
    431 #
    432 # NOTE:
    433 # - Indentation of replacement string literals (e.g. 'STEP_EIGHT') is set to
    434 #       nest cleanly in this file, but will result in unclean nesting runme file
    435 #       (which should not be an issue)
    436 # - Single-line string replacements in runme.m can effectively be performed
    437 #       using sed. When performing multi-line replacements, perl is a better
    438 #       option.
    439 #
    440425if [ $EXAMPLES_TEST -eq 1 ]; then
    441426        $ISSM_DIR/jenkins/
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