Changeset 25615
- Timestamp:
- 09/29/20 18:21:19 (4 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/branches/trunk-larour-SLPS2020/src/c
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r25605 r25615 4 4 5 5 #include "./issm.h" 6 #include <sys/stat.h>7 6 8 7 /*Dakota includes: */ … … 14 13 #include "DakotaInterface.hpp" 15 14 #endif 16 17 /*prototypes:*/18 bool dirstructure(int argc,char** argv);19 int issm_dakota_statistics(int argc,char** argv);20 15 21 16 int main(int argc,char **argv){ /*{{{*/ … … 46 41 47 42 /*Create directory structure for model outputs:*/ 48 statistics= dirstructure(argc,argv);43 statistics=DakotaDirStructure(argc,argv); 49 44 50 45 /* Parse input and construct Dakota LibraryEnvironment, performing input data checks*/ … … 93 88 94 89 /* Run statistics if requested:*/ 95 if(statistics) issm_dakota_statistics(argc,argv);90 if(statistics)DakotaStatistics(argc,argv); 96 91 97 92 /*free allocations:*/ … … 108 103 109 104 } /*}}}*/ 110 bool dirstructure(int argc,char** argv){ /*{{{*/111 112 char* input_file;113 FILE* fid;114 IoModel* iomodel=NULL;115 int check;116 117 //qmu statistics118 bool statistics = false;119 int numdirectories = 0;120 121 /*First things first, set the communicator as a global variable: */122 IssmComm::SetComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);123 124 /*Barrier:*/125 ISSM_MPI_Barrier(IssmComm::GetComm());126 _printf0_("Preparing directory structure for model outputs:" << "\n");127 128 //open model input file for reading129 input_file=xNew<char>((strlen(argv[2])+strlen(argv[3])+strlen(".bin")+2));130 sprintf(input_file,"%s/%s%s",argv[2],argv[3],".bin");131 fid=fopen(input_file,"rb");132 if (fid==NULL) Cerr << "dirstructure error message: could not open model " << input_file << " to retrieve qmu statistics parameters" << std::endl;133 134 //initialize IoModel, but light version, we just need it to fetch one constant:135 iomodel=new IoModel();136 iomodel->fid=fid;137 iomodel->FetchConstants();138 139 //early return if statistics not requested:140 iomodel->FindConstant(&statistics,"md.qmu.statistics");141 if(!statistics){142 delete iomodel;143 fclose(fid);144 return false; //important return value!145 }146 147 iomodel->FindConstant(&numdirectories,"md.qmu.statistics.ndirectories");148 149 /*Ok, we have everything we need to create the directory structure:*/150 if(IssmComm::GetRank()==0){151 for (int i=0;i<numdirectories;i++){152 char directory[1000];153 sprintf(directory,"./%i",i+1);154 155 check = mkdir(directory,ACCESSPERMS);156 if (check) _error_("dirstructure error message: could not create directory " << directory << "\n");157 }158 }159 160 //close model file:161 fclose(fid);162 163 //return value:164 return true; //statistics computation on!165 } /*}}}*/166 int issm_dakota_statistics(int argc,char** argv){ /*{{{*/167 168 char* input_file;169 FILE* fid;170 IoModel* iomodel=NULL;171 ISSM_MPI_Comm statcomm;172 int my_rank;173 174 //qmu statistics175 bool statistics = false;176 int numstatistics = 0;177 int numdirectories = 0;178 int nfilesperdirectory = 0;179 char string[1000];180 char* name = NULL;181 char** fields = NULL;182 int nfields;183 int* steps=NULL;184 int nsteps;185 int nbins;186 int* indices=NULL;187 int nindices;188 int nsamples;189 int dummy;190 char* directory=NULL;191 char* model=NULL;192 Results* results=NULL;193 Parameters* parameters=NULL;194 int color;195 196 /*First things first, set the communicator as a global variable: */197 IssmComm::SetComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);198 my_rank=IssmComm::GetRank();199 200 /*Barrier:*/201 ISSM_MPI_Barrier(IssmComm::GetComm());202 _printf0_("Dakota Statistic Computation" << "\n");203 204 //open model input file for reading205 input_file=xNew<char>((strlen(argv[2])+strlen(argv[3])+strlen(".bin")+2));206 sprintf(input_file,"%s/%s%s",argv[2],argv[3],".bin");207 fid=fopen(input_file,"rb");208 if (fid==NULL) Cerr << "issm_dakota_statistics error message: could not open model " << input_file << " to retrieve qmu statistics parameters" << std::endl;209 210 //initialize IoModel, but light version, we'll need it to fetch constants:211 iomodel=new IoModel();212 iomodel->fid=fid;213 iomodel->FetchConstants();214 215 //early return if statistics not requested:216 iomodel->FindConstant(&statistics,"md.qmu.statistics");217 if(!statistics){218 delete iomodel;219 fclose(fid);220 return 0;221 }222 223 //create parameters datasets with al the qmu statistics settings we need:224 if(statistics){225 226 /*Initialize parameters and results:*/227 results = new Results();228 parameters=new Parameters();229 230 //solution type:231 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(SolutionTypeEnum,StatisticsSolutionEnum));232 233 //root directory234 directory=xNew<char>(strlen(argv[2])+1);235 xMemCpy<char>(directory,argv[2],strlen(argv[2])+1);236 parameters->AddObject(new StringParam(DirectoryNameEnum,directory));237 238 //model name239 model=xNew<char>(strlen(argv[3])+1);240 xMemCpy<char>(model,argv[3],strlen(argv[3])+1);241 parameters->AddObject(new StringParam(InputFileNameEnum,model));242 243 //nsamples244 iomodel->FindConstant(&nsamples,"md.qmu.method.params.samples");245 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(QmuNsampleEnum,nsamples));246 247 //ndirectories248 iomodel->FindConstant(&numdirectories,"md.qmu.statistics.ndirectories");249 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(QmuNdirectoriesEnum,numdirectories));250 251 //nfiles per directory252 iomodel->FindConstant(&nfilesperdirectory,"md.qmu.statistics.nfiles_per_directory");253 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(QmuNfilesPerDirectoryEnum,nfilesperdirectory));254 255 //At this point, we don't want to go forward any longer, we want to create an MPI256 //communicator on which to carry out the computations:257 if ((my_rank+1)*nfilesperdirectory>nsamples)color=MPI_UNDEFINED;258 else color=0;259 ISSM_MPI_Comm_split(ISSM_MPI_COMM_WORLD,color, my_rank, &statcomm);260 261 262 iomodel->FindConstant(&numstatistics,"md.qmu.statistics.numstatistics");263 for (int i=1;i<=numstatistics;i++){264 265 char* directory=NULL;266 char* model=NULL;267 int nsamples;268 _printf0_("Dealing with qmu statistical computation #" << i << "\n");269 270 sprintf(string,"md.qmu.statistics.method(%i).name",i);271 iomodel->FindConstant(&name,string);272 273 sprintf(string,"md.qmu.statistics.method(%i).fields",i);274 iomodel->FindConstant(&fields,&nfields,string);275 parameters->AddObject(new StringArrayParam(FieldsEnum,fields,nfields));276 277 sprintf(string,"md.qmu.statistics.method(%i).steps",i);278 iomodel->FetchData(&steps,&dummy,&nsteps,string);279 parameters->AddObject(new IntVecParam(StepsEnum,steps,nsteps));280 281 if (strcmp(name,"Histogram")==0){282 /*fetch nbins: */283 sprintf(string,"md.qmu.statistics.method(%i).nbins",i);284 iomodel->FindConstant(&nbins,string);285 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(NbinsEnum,nbins));286 ComputeHistogram(parameters,results,color,statcomm);287 }288 else if (strcmp(name,"SampleSeries")==0){289 /*fetch indices: */290 sprintf(string,"md.qmu.statistics.method(%i).indices",i);291 iomodel->FetchData(&indices,&dummy,&nindices,string);292 parameters->AddObject(new IntVecParam(IndicesEnum,indices,nindices));293 294 ComputeSampleSeries(parameters,results,color,statcomm);295 }296 else if (strcmp(name,"MeanVariance")==0){297 ComputeMeanVariance(parameters,results,color,statcomm);298 }299 else _error_(" error creating qmu statistics methods parameters: unsupported method " << name);300 }301 }302 //close model file:303 fclose(fid);304 305 /*output results:*/306 OutputStatistics(parameters,results,color,statcomm);307 308 /*all meet here: */309 ISSM_MPI_Barrier(ISSM_MPI_COMM_WORLD); _printf0_("Output file.\n");310 311 /*Delete ressources:*/312 delete parameters;313 delete results;314 315 316 317 } /*}}}*/ -
r25600 r25615 1 1 /*!\file: issm_post.cpp 2 * \brief: ISSM POST processing main program2 * \brief: ISSM DAKOTA post-processing of statistics 3 3 */ 4 /*includes and prototypes:*/ 4 5 5 #include "./issm.h" 6 #include <sys/stat.h> 6 7 7 8 int main(int argc,char **argv){ /*{{{*/ 8 9 char* method=NULL;10 9 11 int nfields; 12 char* string=NULL; 13 char** fields=NULL; 14 char* field=NULL; 15 int offset; 16 char* stepstring=NULL; 17 int step1,step2; 18 char* pattern=NULL; 19 int nsteps; 20 int* steps=NULL; 21 int nindices; 22 int* indices=NULL; 23 int nbins; 24 25 /*datasets*/ 26 Parameters *parameters = NULL; 27 Results *results = NULL; 10 char* dakota_input_file=NULL; 11 char* dakota_output_file = NULL; 12 char* dakota_error_file = NULL; 13 bool statistics=false; 28 14 29 /*Initialize environment (MPI, PETSC, MUMPS, etc ...)*/30 ISSM_MPI_ Comm comm=EnvironmentInit(argc,argv);15 /*Initialize MPI: */ 16 ISSM_MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); // initialize MPI 31 17 32 /*First things first, store the communicator, and set it as a global variable: */ 33 IssmComm::SetComm(comm); 34 35 /*Initialize and retrieve parameters:{{{*/ 36 parameters = new Parameters(); 37 results = new Results(); 38 39 /*Method and Solution:*/ 40 method=argv[1]; 41 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(SolutionTypeEnum,StatisticsSolutionEnum)); 42 parameters->AddObject(new StringParam(AnalysisTypeEnum,method)); 43 44 /*Directory:*/ 45 parameters->AddObject(new StringParam(DirectoryNameEnum,argv[2])); 46 47 /*Model name:*/ 48 parameters->AddObject(new StringParam(InputFileNameEnum,argv[3])); 49 50 /*Number of samples:*/ 51 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(QmuNsampleEnum,atoi(argv[4]))); 52 53 /*Retrieve fields:*/ 54 nfields=atoi(argv[5]); 55 fields=xNew<char*>(nfields); 56 for(int i=0;i<nfields;i++){ 57 string= argv[6+i]; 58 field=xNew<char>(strlen(string)+1); 59 xMemCpy<char>(field,string,(strlen(string)+1)); 60 fields[i]=field; 61 } 62 parameters->AddObject(new StringArrayParam(FieldsEnum,fields,nfields)); 63 offset=6+nfields; 64 65 /*free some memory: */ 66 for(int i=0;i<nfields;i++){ 67 char* field=fields[i]; 68 xDelete<char>(field); 69 } 70 xDelete<char*>(fields); 71 72 /*Retrieve time steps:*/ 73 stepstring=argv[offset]; 74 pattern=strstr(stepstring,":"); 75 if (pattern==NULL){ 76 step1=atoi(stepstring); 77 step2=step1; 78 } 79 else{ 80 step2=atoi(pattern+1); 81 stepstring[pattern-stepstring]='\0'; 82 step1=atoi(stepstring); 83 } 84 nsteps=step2-step1+1; 85 steps=xNew<int>(nsteps); 86 for (int i=step1;i<=step2;i++)steps[i-step1]=i; 87 parameters->AddObject(new IntVecParam(StepsEnum,steps,nsteps)); 88 offset++; 89 90 /*free some memory:*/ 91 xDelete<int>(steps); 92 93 /*}}}*/ 94 95 /*Key off method:*/ 96 if(strcmp(method,"MeanVariance")==0){ 97 98 ComputeMeanVariance(parameters,results,0,ISSM_MPI_COMM_WORLD); 99 } 100 else if(strcmp(method,"Histogram")==0){ 101 102 /*Retrieve the size of the histogram (number of bins):*/ 103 nbins=atoi(argv[offset]); offset++; 104 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(NbinsEnum,nbins)); 105 106 ComputeHistogram(parameters,results,0,ISSM_MPI_COMM_WORLD); 107 108 } 109 else if(strcmp(method,"SampleSeries")==0){ 110 111 /*Retrieve the vertex indices where we'll retrieve our sample time series:*/ 112 nindices=atoi(argv[offset]); offset++; 113 indices=xNew<int>(nindices); 114 for (int i=0;i<nindices;i++){ 115 indices[i]=atoi(argv[offset+i]); 116 } 117 parameters->AddObject(new IntVecParam(IndicesEnum,indices,nindices)); 118 119 /*free some memory:*/ 120 xDelete<int>(indices); 121 122 ComputeSampleSeries(parameters,results,0,ISSM_MPI_COMM_WORLD); 123 } 124 125 else _error_("unknown method: " << method << "\n"); 126 127 /*output results:*/ 128 ISSM_MPI_Barrier(ISSM_MPI_COMM_WORLD); _printf0_("Output file.\n"); 129 OutputStatistics(parameters,results,0,ISSM_MPI_COMM_WORLD); 130 131 /*Delete ressources:*/ 132 delete parameters; 133 delete results; 134 135 /*Finalize ISSM:*/ 136 ISSM_MPI_Finalize(); 18 /*Run statistics:*/ 19 DakotaStatistics(argc,argv); 137 20 138 21 /*Return unix success: */ -
r25605 r25615 2 2 */ 3 3 /*includes and prototypes:*/ 4 #include <sys/stat.h> 4 5 #include "./QmuStatisticsx.h" 5 6 #include "../OutputResultsx/OutputResultsx.h" … … 433 434 IssmDouble mi=*minxs[counter]; 434 435 int index=(scalar-mi)/(ma-mi)*nbins; if (index==nbins)index--; 436 if(ma==mi)index=0; 437 //_printf_( index << "|" << scalar << "|" << mi << "|" << ma << "|" << nbins << "\n"); 435 438 localhistogram[index]++; 436 439 histogram[counter]=localhistogram; … … 443 446 IssmDouble scalar=doublemat[k]; 444 447 int index=(scalar-mi[k])/(ma[k]-mi[k])*nbins; if (index==nbins)index--; 448 if (mi[k]==ma[k])index=0; 445 449 _assert_(scalar<=ma[k]); _assert_(scalar>=mi[k]); _assert_(index<nbins); 446 450 localhistogram[k*nbins+index]++; … … 457 461 IssmDouble mi=*minxs[counter]; 458 462 int index=(scalar-mi)/(ma-mi)*nbins; if (index==nbins)index=nbins-1; 463 if(ma==mi)index=0; 459 464 localhistogram[index]++; 460 465 } … … 466 471 IssmDouble scalar=doublemat[k]; 467 472 int index=(scalar-mi[k])/(ma[k]-mi[k])*nbins; if (index==nbins)index=nbins-1; 473 if (mi[k]==ma[k])index=0; 474 468 475 localhistogram[k*nbins+index]++; 469 476 } … … 496 503 IssmDouble mi=*minmeans[f]; 497 504 int index=(timemean-mi)/(ma-mi)*nbins; if (index==nbins)index=nbins-1; 505 if(ma==mi)index=0; 498 506 localhistogram[index]++; 499 507 timehistogram[f]=localhistogram; … … 504 512 IssmDouble mi=*minmeans[f]; 505 513 int index=(timemean-mi)/(ma-mi)*nbins; if (index==nbins)index=nbins-1; 514 if(ma==mi)index=0; 506 515 localhistogram[index]++; 507 516 } … … 526 535 IssmDouble scalar=timemean[k]; 527 536 int index=(scalar-mi[k])/(ma[k]-mi[k])*nbins; if (index==nbins)index=nbins-1; 537 if (mi[k]==ma[k])index=0; 528 538 localhistogram[k*nbins+index]++; 529 539 } … … 539 549 IssmDouble scalar=timemean[k]; 540 550 int index=(scalar-mi[k])/(ma[k]-mi[k])*nbins; if (index==nbins)index=nbins-1; 551 if (mi[k]==ma[k])index=0; 552 541 553 localhistogram[k*nbins+index]++; 542 554 } … … 1186 1198 OutputResultsx(femmodel); 1187 1199 } /*}}}*/ 1200 bool DakotaDirStructure(int argc,char** argv){ /*{{{*/ 1201 1202 char* input_file; 1203 FILE* fid; 1204 IoModel* iomodel=NULL; 1205 int check; 1206 1207 //qmu statistics 1208 bool statistics = false; 1209 int numdirectories = 0; 1210 1211 /*First things first, set the communicator as a global variable: */ 1212 IssmComm::SetComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD); 1213 1214 /*Barrier:*/ 1215 ISSM_MPI_Barrier(IssmComm::GetComm()); 1216 _printf0_("Preparing directory structure for model outputs:" << "\n"); 1217 1218 //open model input file for reading 1219 input_file=xNew<char>((strlen(argv[2])+strlen(argv[3])+strlen(".bin")+2)); 1220 sprintf(input_file,"%s/%s%s",argv[2],argv[3],".bin"); 1221 fid=fopen(input_file,"rb"); 1222 if (fid==NULL) Cerr << "dirstructure error message: could not open model " << input_file << " to retrieve qmu statistics parameters" << std::endl; 1223 1224 //initialize IoModel, but light version, we just need it to fetch one constant: 1225 iomodel=new IoModel(); 1226 iomodel->fid=fid; 1227 iomodel->FetchConstants(); 1228 1229 //early return if statistics not requested: 1230 iomodel->FindConstant(&statistics,"md.qmu.statistics"); 1231 if(!statistics){ 1232 delete iomodel; 1233 fclose(fid); 1234 return false; //important return value! 1235 } 1236 1237 iomodel->FindConstant(&numdirectories,"md.qmu.statistics.ndirectories"); 1238 1239 /*Ok, we have everything we need to create the directory structure:*/ 1240 if(IssmComm::GetRank()==0){ 1241 for (int i=0;i<numdirectories;i++){ 1242 char directory[1000]; 1243 sprintf(directory,"./%i",i+1); 1244 1245 check = mkdir(directory,ACCESSPERMS); 1246 if (check) _error_("dirstructure error message: could not create directory " << directory << "\n"); 1247 } 1248 } 1249 1250 //close model file: 1251 fclose(fid); 1252 1253 //return value: 1254 return true; //statistics computation on! 1255 } /*}}}*/ 1256 int DakotaStatistics(int argc,char** argv){ /*{{{*/ 1257 1258 char* input_file; 1259 FILE* fid; 1260 IoModel* iomodel=NULL; 1261 ISSM_MPI_Comm statcomm; 1262 int my_rank; 1263 1264 //qmu statistics 1265 bool statistics = false; 1266 int numstatistics = 0; 1267 int numdirectories = 0; 1268 int nfilesperdirectory = 0; 1269 char string[1000]; 1270 char* name = NULL; 1271 char** fields = NULL; 1272 int nfields; 1273 int* steps=NULL; 1274 int nsteps; 1275 int nbins; 1276 int* indices=NULL; 1277 int nindices; 1278 int nsamples; 1279 int dummy; 1280 char* directory=NULL; 1281 char* model=NULL; 1282 Results* results=NULL; 1283 Parameters* parameters=NULL; 1284 int color; 1285 1286 /*First things first, set the communicator as a global variable: */ 1287 IssmComm::SetComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD); 1288 my_rank=IssmComm::GetRank(); 1289 1290 /*Barrier:*/ 1291 ISSM_MPI_Barrier(IssmComm::GetComm()); 1292 _printf0_("Dakota Statistic Computation" << "\n"); 1293 1294 //open model input file for reading 1295 input_file=xNew<char>((strlen(argv[2])+strlen(argv[3])+strlen(".bin")+2)); 1296 sprintf(input_file,"%s/%s%s",argv[2],argv[3],".bin"); 1297 fid=fopen(input_file,"rb"); 1298 if (fid==NULL) Cerr << "issm_dakota_statistics error message: could not open model " << input_file << " to retrieve qmu statistics parameters" << std::endl; 1299 1300 //initialize IoModel, but light version, we'll need it to fetch constants: 1301 iomodel=new IoModel(); 1302 iomodel->fid=fid; 1303 iomodel->FetchConstants(); 1304 1305 //early return if statistics not requested: 1306 iomodel->FindConstant(&statistics,"md.qmu.statistics"); 1307 if(!statistics){ 1308 delete iomodel; 1309 fclose(fid); 1310 return 0; 1311 } 1312 1313 //create parameters datasets with al the qmu statistics settings we need: 1314 if(statistics){ 1315 1316 /*Initialize parameters and results:*/ 1317 results = new Results(); 1318 parameters=new Parameters(); 1319 1320 //solution type: 1321 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(SolutionTypeEnum,StatisticsSolutionEnum)); 1322 1323 //root directory 1324 directory=xNew<char>(strlen(argv[2])+1); 1325 xMemCpy<char>(directory,argv[2],strlen(argv[2])+1); 1326 parameters->AddObject(new StringParam(DirectoryNameEnum,directory)); 1327 1328 //model name 1329 model=xNew<char>(strlen(argv[3])+1); 1330 xMemCpy<char>(model,argv[3],strlen(argv[3])+1); 1331 parameters->AddObject(new StringParam(InputFileNameEnum,model)); 1332 1333 //nsamples 1334 iomodel->FindConstant(&nsamples,"md.qmu.method.params.samples"); 1335 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(QmuNsampleEnum,nsamples)); 1336 1337 //ndirectories 1338 iomodel->FindConstant(&numdirectories,"md.qmu.statistics.ndirectories"); 1339 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(QmuNdirectoriesEnum,numdirectories)); 1340 1341 //nfiles per directory 1342 iomodel->FindConstant(&nfilesperdirectory,"md.qmu.statistics.nfiles_per_directory"); 1343 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(QmuNfilesPerDirectoryEnum,nfilesperdirectory)); 1344 1345 //At this point, we don't want to go forward any longer, we want to create an MPI 1346 //communicator on which to carry out the computations: 1347 if ((my_rank+1)*nfilesperdirectory>nsamples)color=MPI_UNDEFINED; 1348 else color=0; 1349 ISSM_MPI_Comm_split(ISSM_MPI_COMM_WORLD,color, my_rank, &statcomm); 1350 1351 1352 iomodel->FindConstant(&numstatistics,"md.qmu.statistics.numstatistics"); 1353 for (int i=1;i<=numstatistics;i++){ 1354 1355 char* directory=NULL; 1356 char* model=NULL; 1357 int nsamples; 1358 _printf0_("Dealing with qmu statistical computation #" << i << "\n"); 1359 1360 sprintf(string,"md.qmu.statistics.method(%i).name",i); 1361 iomodel->FindConstant(&name,string); 1362 1363 sprintf(string,"md.qmu.statistics.method(%i).fields",i); 1364 iomodel->FindConstant(&fields,&nfields,string); 1365 parameters->AddObject(new StringArrayParam(FieldsEnum,fields,nfields)); 1366 1367 sprintf(string,"md.qmu.statistics.method(%i).steps",i); 1368 iomodel->FetchData(&steps,&dummy,&nsteps,string); 1369 parameters->AddObject(new IntVecParam(StepsEnum,steps,nsteps)); 1370 1371 if (strcmp(name,"Histogram")==0){ 1372 /*fetch nbins: */ 1373 sprintf(string,"md.qmu.statistics.method(%i).nbins",i); 1374 iomodel->FindConstant(&nbins,string); 1375 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(NbinsEnum,nbins)); 1376 ComputeHistogram(parameters,results,color,statcomm); 1377 } 1378 else if (strcmp(name,"SampleSeries")==0){ 1379 /*fetch indices: */ 1380 sprintf(string,"md.qmu.statistics.method(%i).indices",i); 1381 iomodel->FetchData(&indices,&dummy,&nindices,string); 1382 parameters->AddObject(new IntVecParam(IndicesEnum,indices,nindices)); 1383 1384 ComputeSampleSeries(parameters,results,color,statcomm); 1385 } 1386 else if (strcmp(name,"MeanVariance")==0){ 1387 ComputeMeanVariance(parameters,results,color,statcomm); 1388 } 1389 else _error_(" error creating qmu statistics methods parameters: unsupported method " << name); 1390 } 1391 } 1392 //close model file: 1393 fclose(fid); 1394 1395 /*output results:*/ 1396 OutputStatistics(parameters,results,color,statcomm); 1397 1398 /*all meet here: */ 1399 ISSM_MPI_Barrier(ISSM_MPI_COMM_WORLD); _printf0_("Output file.\n"); 1400 1401 /*Delete ressources:*/ 1402 delete parameters; 1403 delete results; 1404 1405 1406 1407 } /*}}}*/ -
r25599 r25615 12 12 int ComputeHistogram(Parameters* parameters,Results* results,int color, ISSM_MPI_Comm statcomm); 13 13 int readdata(IssmDouble** pdoublemat, int* pdoublematsize, IssmDouble* pdouble, FILE* fid,char* field,int step); 14 bool DakotaDirStructure(int argc,char** argv); 15 int DakotaStatistics(int argc,char** argv); 14 16 15 17 /* local prototypes: */
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