Changeset 25196
- Timestamp:
- 07/02/20 10:53:58 (5 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl
- Files:
- 15 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r25095 r25196 40 40 41 41 EXTERNALPACKAGES=" 42 autotools 43 cmake 44 petsc 45 boost 46 triangle 47 chaco 48 m1qn3 49 semic 50 curl 51 netcdf 52 proj 53 gdal 54 gshhg 55 gmt 56 gmsh 57 shell2junit 42 autotools 43 cmake 44 petsc 45 boost 46 triangle 47 chaco 48 m1qn3 49 semic 50 curl 51 netcdf 52 netcdf-python 53 proj 54 gdal 55 gshhg 56 gmt 57 gmsh 58 shell2junit 58 59 " 59 60 -
r25189 r25196 9 9 MATLAB_PATH="/usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b" 10 10 PACKAGE="ISSM-Solid_Earth" # Name of directory to copy distributable files to 11 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--benchmark 'slr'"11 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--benchmark slr" 12 12 TARBALL_NAME="issm-linux-solid_earth" 13 13 TARBALL="${TARBALL_NAME}.tar.gz" … … 41 41 else 42 42 echo "MPICH not found" 43 exit 1 44 fi 45 46 echo "Moving GDAL binaries to bin/" 47 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gdal/install/bin/gdal-config ]; then 48 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gdal/install/bin/gdalsrsinfo . 49 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gdal/install/bin/gdaltransform . 50 else 51 echo "GDAL not found" 52 exit 1 53 fi 54 55 echo "Moving GMT binaries to bin/" 56 if [ -f ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmt-config ]; then 57 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmt . 58 cp ${ISSM_DIR}/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmtselect . 59 else 60 echo "GMT not found" 43 61 exit 1 44 62 fi … … 141 159 rm -f ${PACKAGE}/lib/*.a # Remove static libraries from package 142 160 rm -f ${PACKAGE}/lib/*.la # Remove libtool libraries from package 161 rm -f ${PACKAGE}/test/SandBox # Remove testing sandbox from package 143 162 echo "Creating tarball: ${TARBALL_NAME}" 144 163 tar -czf ${TARBALL} ${PACKAGE} -
r25189 r25196 133 133 rm -f ${PACKAGE}/lib/*.a # Remove static libraries from package 134 134 rm -f ${PACKAGE}/lib/*.la # Remove libtool libraries from package 135 rm -f ${PACKAGE}/test/SandBox # Remove testing sandbox from package 135 136 echo "Creating tarball: ${TARBALL_NAME}" 136 137 tar -czf ${TARBALL} ${PACKAGE} -
r25189 r25196 92 92 rm -f ${PACKAGE}/lib/*.a # Remove static libraries from package 93 93 rm -f ${PACKAGE}/lib/*.la # Remove libtool libraries from package 94 rm -f ${PACKAGE}/test/SandBox # Remove testing sandbox from package 94 95 echo "Creating tarball: ${TARBALL_NAME}" 95 96 tar -czf ${TARBALL} ${PACKAGE} -
r25189 r25196 127 127 rm -f ${PACKAGE}/lib/*.a # Remove static libraries from package 128 128 rm -f ${PACKAGE}/lib/*.la # Remove libtool libraries from package 129 rm -f ${PACKAGE}/test/SandBox # Remove testing sandbox from package 129 130 echo "Creating tarball: ${TARBALL_NAME}" 130 131 tar -czf ${TARBALL} ${PACKAGE} -
r25189 r25196 87 87 rm -f ${PACKAGE}/lib/*.a # Remove static libraries from package (we only need MEX-files) 88 88 rm -f ${PACKAGE}/lib/*.la # Remove libtool libraries from package 89 rm -f ${PACKAGE}/test/SandBox # Remove testing sandbox from package 89 90 echo "Creating tarball: ${TARBALL_NAME}" 90 91 tar -czf ${TARBALL} ${PACKAGE} -
r25125 r25196 7 7 # 8 8 # export ISSM_DIR=</path/to/ISSM> 9 # export PATH="${PATH}:${ISSM_DIR}/bin "9 # export PATH="${PATH}:${ISSM_DIR}/bin:${ISSM_DIR}/scripts" 10 10 # export PYTHONPATH="${ISSM_DIR}/scripts" 11 11 # export PYTHONSTARTUP="${PYTHONPATH}/" -
r25189 r25196 6 6 # 7 7 8 unset ISSM_DIR # Ensure that ISSM_DIR is not set in case we are running on a machine and user profile that sets it9 10 8 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'benchmark','slr'" 11 9 MATLAB_PATH="/usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b" 12 10 INSTALL_DIR=~/Downloads 13 11 PACKAGE_NAME="ISSM-Solid_Earth" 14 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--benchmark 'slr'"12 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--benchmark slr" 15 13 TARBALL_NAME="issm-linux-solid_earth" 16 14 TARBALL="${TARBALL_NAME}.tar.gz" 17 15 16 export ISSM_DIR="${INSTALL_DIR}/${PACKAGE_NAME}" 17 export PATH="${PATH}:${ISSM_DIR}/bin:${ISSM_DIR}/scripts" 18 18 19 cd ${INSTALL_DIR} 19 rm -rf ${PACKAGE_NAME}20 tar -zxvf ${TARBALL}20 # rm -rf ${PACKAGE_NAME} 21 # tar -zxvf ${TARBALL} 21 22 cd ${PACKAGE_NAME}/test/NightlyRun 22 23 23 # Check that MATLAB tests run24 echo "Running MATLAB tests"25 rm matlab.log 2> /dev/null24 # # Check that MATLAB tests run 25 # echo "Running MATLAB tests" 26 # rm matlab.log 2> /dev/null 26 27 27 # Run MATLAB tests redirecting output to logfile and suppressing output to console28 ${MATLAB_PATH}/bin/matlab -nojvm -nosplash -r "try, addpath ../../bin; addpath ../../lib; runme(${MATLAB_NROPTIONS}); exit; catch me,fprintf('%s',getReport(me)); exit; end" -logfile matlab.log &> /dev/null28 # # Run MATLAB tests redirecting output to logfile and suppressing output to console 29 # ${MATLAB_PATH}/bin/matlab -nojvm -nosplash -r "try, addpath ../../bin; addpath ../../lib; runme(${MATLAB_NROPTIONS}); exit; catch me,fprintf('%s',getReport(me)); exit; end" -logfile matlab.log &> /dev/null 29 30 30 # Check that MATLAB did not exit in error31 matlabExitCode=`echo $?`32 matlabExitedInError=`grep -E "Activation cannot proceed|license|Error" matlab.log | wc -l`31 # # Check that MATLAB did not exit in error 32 # matlabExitCode=`echo $?` 33 # matlabExitedInError=`grep -E "Activation cannot proceed|license|Error" matlab.log | wc -l` 33 34 34 if [[ ${matlabExitCode} -ne 0 || ${matlabExitedInError} -ne 0 ]]; then35 echo "----------MATLAB exited in error!----------"36 cat matlab.log37 echo "-----------End of matlab.log-----------"38 exit 139 fi35 # if [[ ${matlabExitCode} -ne 0 || ${matlabExitedInError} -ne 0 ]]; then 36 # echo "----------MATLAB exited in error!----------" 37 # cat matlab.log 38 # echo "-----------End of matlab.log-----------" 39 # exit 1 40 # fi 40 41 41 # Check that all MATLAB tests passed42 numMatlabTestsFailed=`cat matlab.log | grep -c -e "FAILED|ERROR"`42 # # Check that all MATLAB tests passed 43 # numMatlabTestsFailed=`cat matlab.log | grep -c -e "FAILED|ERROR"` 43 44 44 if [[ ${numMatlabTestsFailed} -ne 0 ]]; then45 echo "One or more MATLAB tests FAILED"46 exit 147 else48 echo "All MATLAB tests PASSED"49 fi45 # if [[ ${numMatlabTestsFailed} -ne 0 ]]; then 46 # echo "One or more MATLAB tests FAILED" 47 # exit 1 48 # else 49 # echo "All MATLAB tests PASSED" 50 # fi 50 51 51 52 # Check that Python tests run 52 53 echo "Running Python tests" 53 54 54 export ISSM_DIR="${INSTALL_DIR}"55 export PATH="${PATH}:${ISSM_DIR}/bin"56 55 export PYTHONPATH="${ISSM_DIR}/scripts" 57 56 export PYTHONSTARTUP="${PYTHONPATH}/" -
r25189 r25196 5 5 # NOTE: Tarball must already exist in INSTALL_DIR 6 6 # 7 8 unset ISSM_DIR # Ensure that ISSM_DIR is not set in case we are running on a machine and user profile that sets it9 7 10 8 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'id',[IdFromString('Dakota')]" … … 15 13 TARBALL_NAME="issm-linux-with_dakota" 16 14 TARBALL="${TARBALL_NAME}.tar.gz" 15 16 export ISSM_DIR="${INSTALL_DIR}/${PACKAGE_NAME}" 17 export PATH="${PATH}:${ISSM_DIR}/bin:${ISSM_DIR}/scripts" 17 18 18 19 cd ${INSTALL_DIR} -
r25189 r25196 6 6 # 7 7 8 unset ISSM_DIR # Ensure that ISSM_DIR is not set in case we are running on a machine and user profile that sets it9 10 8 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'exclude',[IdFromString('Dakota')]" 11 9 MATLAB_PATH="/usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b" … … 14 12 TARBALL_NAME="issm-linux" 15 13 TARBALL="${TARBALL_NAME}.tar.gz" 14 15 export ISSM_DIR="${INSTALL_DIR}/${PACKAGE_NAME}" 16 export PATH="${PATH}:${ISSM_DIR}/bin:${ISSM_DIR}/scripts" 16 17 17 18 cd ${INSTALL_DIR} -
r25189 r25196 5 5 # NOTE: Tarball must already exist in INSTALL_DIR 6 6 # 7 8 unset ISSM_DIR # Ensure that ISSM_DIR is not set in case we are running on a machine and user profile that sets it9 7 10 8 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'id',[IdFromString('Dakota')],'exclude',[234,235,418,420,444,445]" … … 15 13 TARBALL_NAME="issm-mac-with_dakota" 16 14 TARBALL="${TARBALL_NAME}.tar.gz" 15 16 export ISSM_DIR="${INSTALL_DIR}/${PACKAGE_NAME}" 17 export PATH="${PATH}:${ISSM_DIR}/bin:${ISSM_DIR}/scripts" 18 17 19 18 20 cd ${INSTALL_DIR} … … 53 55 54 56 export ISSM_DIR="${INSTALL_DIR}" 55 export PATH="${PATH}:${ISSM_DIR}/bin"56 57 export PYTHONPATH="${ISSM_DIR}/scripts" 57 58 export PYTHONSTARTUP="${PYTHONPATH}/" -
r25189 r25196 6 6 # 7 7 8 unset ISSM_DIR # Ensure that ISSM_DIR is not set in case we are running on a machine and user profile that sets it 8 export ISSM_DIR="${INSTALL_DIR}/${PACKAGE_NAME}" 9 export PATH="${PATH}:${ISSM_DIR}/bin:${ISSM_DIR}/scripts" 9 10 10 11 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'exclude',[IdFromString('Dakota'),435,701,702,703]" -
r24593 r25196 48 48 ${ISSM_DIR}/src/m/qmu/setupdesign/*.m \ 49 49 ${ISSM_DIR}/src/m/regional/*.m \ 50 ${ISSM_DIR}/src/m/shp/*.m \ 50 51 ${ISSM_DIR}/src/m/solve/*.m \ 51 52 ${ISSM_DIR}/src/m/solvers/*.m \ -
r22821 r25196 36 36 37 37 %Avoid bypassing of the ld library path by Matlab (:() 38 % 39 % TODO: Do we really need this (we can/already set it in etc/ 38 40 if ismac, 39 41 dyld_library_path_old=getenv('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'); … … 42 44 43 45 %Find path to gmt, list all possible known paths to gmt (you may need to add yours to the list) 44 paths = {[issmdir() '/bin/gmt'],[issmdir()'/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmt'],'/Applications/'};46 gmtpaths = {[issmdir '/bin/gmt'],[issmdir '/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmt'],'/Applications/'}; 45 47 gmtpath = ''; 46 for i= paths48 for i=gmtpaths 47 49 if exist(i{1},'file'), 48 50 gmtpath = i{1}; … … 51 53 end 52 54 if isempty(gmtpath), 53 error('gmt not found , make sure it is properly installed, or add its path to this file (line 44)');55 error('gmt not found! Make sure it is properly installed, or add its path to this file.'); 54 56 end 55 57 -
r25161 r25196 1 from os import getenv, putenv 1 import os 2 2 import subprocess 3 3 4 4 import numpy as np 5 5 6 from issmdir import * 6 7 from MatlabFuncs import * 7 8 from model import * … … 44 45 45 46 #Avoid bypassing of the ld library path by Matlab (:() 46 try: 47 issmdir 48 except NameError: 49 issmdir = getenv('ISSM_DIR') 47 issm_dir = issmdir() 48 50 49 try: 51 50 ismac … … 53 52 ismac = False 54 53 54 # TODO: Do we really need this (we can/already set it in etc/ 55 55 if ismac: 56 dyld_library_path_old = getenv('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH') 57 putenv('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH', issmdir + '/externalpackages/curl/install/lib:' + issmdir + '/externalpackages/hdf5/install/lib:' + issmdir + '/externalpackages/netcdf/install/lib') 56 dyld_library_path_old = os.getenv('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH') 57 os.putenv('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH', issm_dir + '/externalpackages/curl/install/lib:' + issm_dir + '/externalpackages/hdf5/install/lib:' + issm_dir + '/externalpackages/netcdf/install/lib') 58 59 #Find path to gmt (you may need to add yours to the list). 60 # 61 # NOTE: Assumes gmtselect is also in this directory. 62 # 63 gmtpaths = [ 64 issm_dir + '/bin/gmt', 65 issm_dir + '/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmt', 66 '/Applications/' 67 ] 68 gmtpath = '' 69 for i in range(len(gmtpaths)): 70 if os.path.isfile(gmtpaths[i]): 71 gmtpath = gmtpaths[i] 72 break 73 74 if gmtpath == '': 75 raise Exception('gmt not found! Make sure it is properly installed, or add its path to this file.') 58 76 59 77 #figure out which vertices are on the ocean, which one on the continent: 60 issmdir + '/externalpackages/gmt/install/bin/gmtgmtselect ./ all_vertices.txt -h0 -Df -R0/360/-90/90 -A0 -JQ180/200 -Nk/s/s/k/s > ./oce_vertices.txt', shell=True)78 + ' gmtselect ./ all_vertices.txt -h0 -Df -R0/360/-90/90 -A0 -JQ180/200 -Nk/s/s/k/s > ./oce_vertices.txt', shell=True) 61 79 62 80 #reset DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to what it was: 63 81 if ismac: 64 putenv('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH', dyld_library_path_old)82 os.putenv('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH', dyld_library_path_old) 65 83 66 84 #read the con_vertices.txt file and flag our mesh vertices on the continent
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