Changeset 25189
- Timestamp:
- 06/30/20 12:39:07 (5 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl
- Files:
- 19 edited
- 1 copied
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r24676 r25189 28 28 ' 29 29 30 # Test suites31 MATLAB_TEST=132 PYTHON_TEST=033 JAVASCRIPT_TEST=034 EXAMPLES_TEST=035 36 30 #-------------------# 37 31 # External Packages # … … 54 48 #---------# 55 49 50 # Test suites 51 MATLAB_TEST=1 52 PYTHON_TEST=0 53 JAVASCRIPT_TEST=0 54 EXAMPLES_TEST=0 55 56 56 # Number of CPUs used in ISSM compilation 57 57 # … … 71 71 # - test701 is skipped because it uses full Stokes equations 72 72 # 73 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'exclude',[ 435,701,702,703,IdFromString('Dakota')]"73 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'exclude',[IdFromString('Dakota'),435,701,702,703]" 74 74 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="" -
r25177 r25189 33 33 ' 34 34 35 # Test suites36 MATLAB_TEST=137 PYTHON_TEST=138 JAVASCRIPT_TEST=039 EXAMPLES_TEST=040 41 35 #-------------------# 42 36 # External Packages # … … 61 55 # Testing # 62 56 #---------# 57 58 # Test suites 59 MATLAB_TEST=1 60 PYTHON_TEST=1 61 JAVASCRIPT_TEST=0 62 EXAMPLES_TEST=0 63 63 64 64 # Number of CPUs used in ISSM compilation -
r25188 r25189 9 9 MATLAB_PATH="/usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b" 10 10 PACKAGE="ISSM-Solid_Earth" # Name of directory to copy distributable files to 11 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--benchmark slr"11 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--benchmark 'slr'" 12 12 TARBALL_NAME="issm-linux-solid_earth" 13 13 TARBALL="${TARBALL_NAME}.tar.gz" -
r25188 r25189 6 6 LIBGFORTRAN="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" # Important that this is the library itself 7 7 LIBGFORTRAN_DIST="${ISSM_DIR}/lib/" # Important the file name matches the SONAME entry in the binaries and other shared libraries which link to it 8 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'id',[IdFromString('Dakota')]" # Exclude any tests with transient solutions that require a restart8 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'id',[IdFromString('Dakota')]" 9 9 MATLAB_PATH="/usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b" 10 10 PACKAGE="ISSM" # Name of directory to copy distributable files to 11 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--include_name 'Dakota' --exclude 234 418 420" # Exclude any tests with transient solutions that require a restart11 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--include_name 'Dakota' --exclude 234 418 420" 12 12 TARBALL_NAME="issm-linux-with_dakota" 13 13 TARBALL="${TARBALL_NAME}.tar.gz" -
r25188 r25189 6 6 LIBGFORTRAN="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" # Important that this is the library itself 7 7 LIBGFORTRAN_DIST="${ISSM_DIR}/lib/" # Important the file name matches the SONAME entry in the binaries and other shared libraries which link to it 8 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'exclude',[IdFromString('Dakota') ,125,126]" # Exclude Dakota tests and any tests with transient solutions that require a restart8 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'exclude',[IdFromString('Dakota')]" 9 9 MATLAB_PATH="/usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b" 10 10 PACKAGE="ISSM" # Name of directory to copy distributable files to -
r25188 r25189 4 4 ## Constants 5 5 # 6 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'id',[IdFromString('Dakota')],'exclude',[234,235,418,420,444,445]" # Exclude any tests with transient solutions that require a restart, and any tests that are excluded in the standard build6 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'id',[IdFromString('Dakota')],'exclude',[234,235,418,420,444,445]" 7 7 MATLAB_PATH="/Applications/" 8 8 PACKAGE="ISSM" # Name of directory to copy distributable files to 9 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--include_name 'Dakota' --exclude 234 417 418 420 444 445" # Exclude any tests with transient solutions that require a restart9 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--include_name 'Dakota' --exclude 234 417 418 420 444 445" 10 10 TARBALL_NAME="issm-mac-with_dakota" 11 11 TARBALL="${TARBALL_NAME}.tar.gz" -
r25188 r25189 4 4 ## Constants 5 5 # 6 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'exclude',[IdFromString('Dakota'), 125,126,435,701,702,703]" # Exclude Dakota tests, any tests with transient solutions that require a restart, and any tests that are excluded in the standard build6 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'exclude',[IdFromString('Dakota'),435,701,702,703]" 7 7 MATLAB_PATH="/Applications/" 8 8 PACKAGE="ISSM" # Name of directory to copy distributable files to -
r25187 r25189 6 6 # 7 7 8 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'id',[IdFromString('Dakota')],'exclude',[234,235,243,244,250,417,420,444,445,701,702,703]" # Exclude any tests with transient solutions that require a restart 8 unset ISSM_DIR # Ensure that ISSM_DIR is not set in case we are running on a machine and user profile that sets it 9 10 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'benchmark','slr'" 9 11 MATLAB_PATH="/usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b" 10 12 INSTALL_DIR=~/Downloads 11 PACKAGE_NAME="ISSM" 12 13 # Exclude any tests with transient solutions that require a restart 14 # 15 # NOTE: 16 # - 418 fails with "malloc(): invalid next size (unsorted)"" 17 # 18 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--include_name 'Dakota' --exclude 234 235 243 244 250 417 418 420 444 445 701 702 703" 19 TARBALL_NAME="issm-linux-with_dakota" 13 PACKAGE_NAME="ISSM-Solid_Earth" 14 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--benchmark 'slr'" 15 TARBALL_NAME="issm-linux-solid_earth" 20 16 TARBALL="${TARBALL_NAME}.tar.gz" 21 17 -
r24828 r25189 6 6 # 7 7 8 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'id',[IdFromString('Dakota')],'exclude',[234,235,243,244,250,417,420,444,445,701,702,703]" # Exclude any tests with transient solutions that require a restart 8 unset ISSM_DIR # Ensure that ISSM_DIR is not set in case we are running on a machine and user profile that sets it 9 10 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'id',[IdFromString('Dakota')]" 9 11 MATLAB_PATH="/usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b" 10 12 INSTALL_DIR=~/Downloads 11 13 PACKAGE_NAME="ISSM" 12 13 # Exclude any tests with transient solutions that require a restart 14 # 15 # NOTE: 16 # - 418 fails with "malloc(): invalid next size (unsorted)"" 17 # 18 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--include_name 'Dakota' --exclude 234 235 243 244 250 417 418 420 444 445 701 702 703" 14 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--include_name 'Dakota' --exclude 234 418 420" 19 15 TARBALL_NAME="issm-linux-with_dakota" 20 16 TARBALL="${TARBALL_NAME}.tar.gz" -
r24707 r25189 6 6 # 7 7 8 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'exclude',[IdFromString('Dakota'),125,126]" # Exclude Dakota tests and any tests with transient solutions that require a restart 8 unset ISSM_DIR # Ensure that ISSM_DIR is not set in case we are running on a machine and user profile that sets it 9 10 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'exclude',[IdFromString('Dakota')]" 9 11 MATLAB_PATH="/usr/local/MATLAB/R2019b" 10 12 INSTALL_DIR=~/Downloads -
r24828 r25189 6 6 # 7 7 8 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'id',[IdFromString('Dakota')],'exclude',[234,235,243,244,250,417,418,420,435,444,445,701,702,703]" # Regular test suite, plus any tests with transient solutions that require a restart 8 unset ISSM_DIR # Ensure that ISSM_DIR is not set in case we are running on a machine and user profile that sets it 9 10 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'id',[IdFromString('Dakota')],'exclude',[234,235,418,420,444,445]" 9 11 MATLAB_PATH="/Applications/" 10 12 INSTALL_DIR=~/Downloads 11 13 PACKAGE_NAME="ISSM" 12 13 # Exclude any tests with transient solutions that require a restart 14 # 15 # NOTE: 16 # - 418 fails with "malloc(): invalid next size (unsorted)"" 17 # 18 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--include_name 'Dakota' --exclude 234 235 243 244 250 417 418 420 435 444 445 701 702 703" 14 PYTHON_NROPTIONS="--include_name 'Dakota' --exclude 234 417 418 420 444 445" 19 15 TARBALL_NAME="issm-mac-with_dakota" 20 16 TARBALL="${TARBALL_NAME}.tar.gz" -
r24707 r25189 6 6 # 7 7 8 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'exclude',[IdFromString('Dakota'),125,126]" # Exclude Dakota tests and any tests with transient solutions that require a restart 8 unset ISSM_DIR # Ensure that ISSM_DIR is not set in case we are running on a machine and user profile that sets it 9 10 MATLAB_NROPTIONS="'exclude',[IdFromString('Dakota'),435,701,702,703]" 9 11 MATLAB_PATH="/Applications/" 10 12 INSTALL_DIR=~/Downloads -
r25064 r25189 19 19 version_major=str2num(r); 20 20 21 [s,r]=system(['gdalsrsinfo epsg:' num2str(epsg) ' | grep PROJ.4 | tr -d ''\n'' | sed ''s/PROJ.4 : //''']);21 [s,r]=system(['gdalsrsinfo epsg:' num2str(epsg) ' | command grep PROJ.4 | tr -d ''\n'' | sed ''s/PROJ.4 : //''']); 22 22 23 23 if s~=0, -
r25163 r25189 29 29 version_major=int(outs) 30 30 31 subproc_args = shlex.split("gdalsrsinfo epsg:{} | grep PROJ.4 | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/PROJ.4 : //'".format(epsg))31 subproc_args = shlex.split("gdalsrsinfo epsg:{} | command grep PROJ.4 | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/PROJ.4 : //'".format(epsg)) 32 32 subproc = subprocess.Popen(subproc_args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) 33 33 outs, errs = subproc.communicate() -
r24744 r25189 8 8 9 9 %first, get pixel size: 10 [s,r]=system(sprintf('gdalinfo %s | grep "Pixel Size"',imagename));10 [s,r]=system(sprintf('gdalinfo %s | command grep "Pixel Size"',imagename)); 11 11 if s, error('gdalinfo error message: could not run system command gdalinfo to find pixel size'); end 12 12 d=sscanf(r,'Pixel Size = (%g,%g)'); … … 14 14 15 15 %get upper left: 16 [s,r]=system(sprintf('gdalinfo %s | grep "Upper Left"',imagename));16 [s,r]=system(sprintf('gdalinfo %s | command grep "Upper Left"',imagename)); 17 17 if s, error('gdalinfo error message: could not run system command gdalinfo to find upper left'); end 18 18 d=sscanf(r,'Upper Left ( %g,%g) %s'); … … 21 21 22 22 %get lower right: 23 [s,r]=system(sprintf('gdalinfo %s | grep "Lower Right"',imagename));23 [s,r]=system(sprintf('gdalinfo %s | command grep "Lower Right"',imagename)); 24 24 if s, error('gdalinfo error message: could not run system command gdalinfo to find lower right'); end 25 25 d=sscanf(r,'Lower Right ( %g,%g) %s'); … … 28 28 29 29 %Size: 30 [s,r]=system(sprintf('gdalinfo %s | grep "Size is"',imagename));30 [s,r]=system(sprintf('gdalinfo %s | command grep "Size is"',imagename)); 31 31 if s, error('gdalinfo error message: could not run system command gdalinfo to find size'); end 32 32 d=sscanf(r,'Size is %g, %g'); -
r22933 r25189 52 52 53 53 %concatenate: 54 system('cat oce_vertices*.txt | grep -v Command | awk ''{printf("%s\n",$3);}''> vertices.txt');54 system('cat oce_vertices*.txt | command grep -v Command | awk ''{printf("%s\n",$3);}''> vertices.txt'); 55 55 56 56 %read the vertices.txt file and flag our mesh vertices on the continent -
r25122 r25189 16 16 17 17 % Get Gmsh version 18 [s,r]=system(['gmsh -info | grep ''Version'' | sed -e ''s/Version[[:blank:]]*:[[:blank:]]//'' | cut -d ''.'' -f1']);18 [s,r]=system(['gmsh -info | command grep ''Version'' | sed -e ''s/Version[[:blank:]]*:[[:blank:]]//'' | cut -d ''.'' -f1']); 19 19 if s~=0, 20 20 error(r); -
r25122 r25189 26 26 27 27 # Get Gmsh version 28 subproc_args = "gmsh -info | grep 'Version' | sed -e 's/Version[[:blank:]]*:[[:blank:]]//' | cut -d '.' -f1"28 subproc_args = "gmsh -info | command grep 'Version' | sed -e 's/Version[[:blank:]]*:[[:blank:]]//' | cut -d '.' -f1" 29 29 subproc = subprocess.Popen(subproc_args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) 30 30 outs, errs = subproc.communicate() -
r19950 r25189 11 11 12 12 %figure out the size of the tiff 13 [status,width]=system(['tiffinfo ' tiffname ' 2>/dev/null | grep "Image Width" | awk ''{printf("%s\n",$3);}''']);14 [status,length]=system(['tiffinfo ' tiffname ' 2>/dev/null | grep "Image Width" | awk ''{printf("%s\n",$6);}''']);13 [status,width]=system(['tiffinfo ' tiffname ' 2>/dev/null | command grep "Image Width" | awk ''{printf("%s\n",$3);}''']); 14 [status,length]=system(['tiffinfo ' tiffname ' 2>/dev/null | command grep "Image Width" | awk ''{printf("%s\n",$6);}''']); 15 15 width=str2num(width); length=str2num(length); 16 16 -
r23779 r25189 225 225 226 226 %Put everything in model 227 [status output]=system('gdalinfo temp2.tiff | grep "Upper Left"');227 [status output]=system('gdalinfo temp2.tiff | command grep "Upper Left"'); 228 228 ul = sscanf(output,'Upper Left (%f, %f)'); 229 [status output]=system('gdalinfo temp2.tiff | grep "Lower Right"');229 [status output]=system('gdalinfo temp2.tiff | command grep "Lower Right"'); 230 230 lr = sscanf(output,'Lower Right (%f, %f)'); 231 [status output]=system('gdalinfo temp2.tiff | grep "Size is"');231 [status output]=system('gdalinfo temp2.tiff | command grep "Size is"'); 232 232 si = sscanf(output,'Size is %i, %i'); 233 233 x_m=linspace(ul(1),lr(1),si(1));
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