Changeset 24156
- Timestamp:
- 09/23/19 15:59:09 (5 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/m/classes
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r24001 r24156 9 9 epsg = 3426; 10 10 name = ''; 11 continent = ''; 11 12 end 12 13 methods (Static) … … 29 30 self.boundaries=getfieldvalue(options,'boundaries',{}); 30 31,'name',''); 32 self.continent=getfieldvalue(options,'continent',''); 31 33 self.epsg=getfieldvalue(options,'epsg',3426); 32 34 end … … 34 36 function self = setdefaultparameters(self) % {{{ 35 37''; 38 self.continent=''; 36 39 self.epsg=3426; 37 40 self.boundaries={}; … … 40 43 function disp(self) % {{{ 41 44 disp(sprintf(' basin parameters:')); 45 fielddisplay(self,'continent','continent name'); 42 46 fielddisplay(self,'name','basin name'); 43 47 fielddisplay(self,'epsg','epsg projection number for the entire basin'); … … 47 51 end 48 52 53 end % }}} 54 function boolean=isnameany(self,varargin) % {{{ 55 boolean=0; 56 for i=1:length(varargin), 57 if strcmpi(,varargin{i}), 58 boolean=1; 59 break; 60 end 61 end 62 end % }}} 63 function boolean=iscontinentany(self,varargin) % {{{ 64 boolean=0; 65 for i=1:length(varargin), 66 if strcmpi(self.continent,varargin{i}), 67 boolean=1; 68 break; 69 end 70 end 49 71 end % }}} 50 72 function output=outputname(self,varargin) % {{{ … … 87 109 boundary=self.boundaries{i}; 88 110 contour=boundary.edges(); 89 [contour.x,contour.y]=gdaltransform(contour.x,contour.y,sprintf('EPSG:%i',boundary. projection()),sprintf('EPSG:%i',self.epsg));111 [contour.x,contour.y]=gdaltransform(contour.x,contour.y,sprintf('EPSG:%i',boundary.epsg),sprintf('EPSG:%i',self.epsg)); 90 112 x=[x;contour.x]; 91 113 y=[y;contour.y]; 92 114 end 115 %close the contour: 116 if x(end)~=x(1) | y(end)~=y(1), 117 x(end)=x(1); y(end)=y(1); 118 end 119 93 120 out.x=x; 94 121 out.y=y; 122 out.nods=length(x); 95 123 end % }}} 96 124 function output=shapefilecrop(self,varargin) % {{{ -
r24001 r24156 66 66 end 67 67 end % }}} 68 function output=projection(self) % {{{69 output=self.epsg;70 end % }}}71 68 function plot(self,varargin) % {{{ 72 69 %recover options -
r22955 r24156 17 17 long = NaN; 18 18 r = NaN; 19 area = NaN; 19 20 20 21 vertexonboundary = NaN; … … 115 116 fielddisplay(obj,'long','vertices longitude [degrees]'); 116 117 fielddisplay(obj,'r','vertices radius [m]'); 118 fielddisplay(obj,'area','elemental areas [m^2]'); 117 119 118 120 fielddisplay(obj,'edges','edges of the 2d mesh (vertex1 vertex2 element1 element2)'); … … 180 182 writejs1Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.long'],self.long); 181 183 writejs1Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.r'],self.r); 184 writejs1Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.area'],self.area); 182 185 writejs1Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.vertexonboundary'],self.vertexonboundary); 183 186 writejs2Darray(fid,[modelname '.mesh.edges'],self.edges); -
r22955 r24156 9 9 % slm = sealevel('icecap',md_greenland,'icecap',md_antarctica,'earth',md_earth); 10 10 11 classdef sealevelmodel 11 classdef sealevelmodel < handle 12 12 properties (SetAccess=public) %Model fields 13 13 % {{{ 14 14 icecaps = {}; % list of ice cap models 15 15 earth = 0; % model for the whole earth 16 basins = {}; % list of basins, matching icecaps, where shapefile info is held. 16 17 cluster = 0; 17 18 miscellaneous = 0; … … 19 20 private = 0; 20 21 range = 0; 21 mergedcaps = 0; 22 mergedcaps = 0; 23 transitions = {}; 22 24 %}}} 23 25 end … … 87 89 slm.cluster = generic(); 88 90 slm.range = {}; 91 slm.transitions = {}; 89 92 end 90 93 %}}} … … 128 131 continue; 129 132 end 130 133 end 131 134 end 132 135 self.mergedcaps{2*(i-1)+1}=md; … … 137 140 disp(sprintf('%i: %s',i,self.icecaps{i}; 138 141 end 142 end % }}} 143 function addbasin(self,bas) % {{{ 144 if ~strcmpi(class(bas),'basin') 145 error('addbasin method only takes a ''basin'' class object as input'); 146 end; 147 self.basins{end+1}=bas; 148 end % }}} 149 function intersections(self,varargin) % {{{ 150 151 options=pairoptions(varargin{:}); 152 force=getfieldvalue(options,'force',0); 153 154 for i=1:length(self.icecaps), 155 mdi=self.icecaps{i}; 156 mdi=TwoDToThreeD(mdi); 157 158 disp(sprintf('Computing vertex intersections for basin %s',self.basins{i}.name)); 159 160 self.transitions{end+1}=meshintersect3d(,,,mdi.mesh.x,mdi.mesh.y,mdi.mesh.z,'force',force); 161 162 end 163 164 end % }}} 165 function checkintersections(self) % {{{ 166 flags=zeros(,1); 167 for i=1:length(self.basins), 168 flags(self.transitions{i})=i; 169 end 170 plotmodel(,'data',flags,'coastline','on'); 171 172 end % }}} 173 function baslist=basinindx(self,varargin) % {{{ 174 options=pairoptions(varargin{:}); 175 continent=getfieldvalue(options,'continent','all'); 176 bas=getfieldvalue(options,'basin','all'); 177 178 %expand continent list: {{{ 179 if iscell(continent), 180 if length(continent)==1, 181 if strcmpi(continent{1},'all'), 182 %need to transform this into a list of continents: 183 continent={}; 184 for i=1:length(self.basins), 185 continent{end+1}=self.basins{i}.continent; 186 end 187 continent=unique(continent); 188 end 189 else 190 %nothing to do, we have a list of continents 191 end 192 else 193 if strcmpi(continent,'all'), 194 %need to transform this into a list of continents: 195 continent={}; 196 for i=1:length(self.basins), 197 continent{end+1}=self.basins{i}.continent; 198 end 199 continent=unique(continent); 200 else 201 continent={continent}; 202 end 203 end 204 %}}} 205 %expand basins list using the continent list above and the extra bas discriminator: %{{{ 206 if iscell(bas), 207 if length(bas)==1, 208 if strcmpi(bas{1},'all'), 209 %need to transform this into a list of basins: 210 baslist=[]; 211 for i=1:length(self.basins), 212 if self.basins{i}.iscontinentany(continent{:}), 213 baslist(end+1)=i; 214 end 215 end 216 baslist=unique(baslist); 217 else 218 bas=bas{1}; 219 baslist=[]; 220 for i=1:length(self.basins), 221 if self.basins{i}.iscontinentany(continent{:}), 222 if self.basins{i}.isnameany(bas), 223 baslist(end+1)=i; 224 end 225 end 226 end 227 228 end 229 else 230 %we have a list of basin names: 231 baslist=[]; 232 for i=1:length(bas), 233 basname=bas{i}; 234 for j=1:length(self.basins), 235 if self.basins{j}.iscontinentany(continent{:}), 236 if self.basins{j}.isnameany(basname), 237 baslist(end+1)=j; 238 end 239 end 240 end 241 baslist=unique(baslist); 242 end 243 end 244 else 245 if strcmpi(bas,'all'), 246 baslist=[]; 247 for i=1:length(self.basins), 248 if self.basins{i}.iscontinentany(continent{:}), 249 baslist(end+1)=i; 250 end 251 end 252 baslist=unique(baslist); 253 else 254 baslist=[]; 255 for i=1:length(self.basins), 256 if self.basins{i}.iscontinentany(continent{:}), 257 if self.basins{i}.isnameany(bas), 258 baslist(end+1)=i; 259 end 260 end 261 end 262 baslist=unique(baslist); 263 end 264 end 265 %}}} 266 267 end % }}} 268 function addicecap(self,md) % {{{ 269 if ~strcmpi(class(md),'model') 270 error('addicecap method only takes a ''model'' class object as input'); 271 end 272 self.icecaps{end+1}=md; 273 end % }}} 274 function basinsplot3d(self,varargin) % {{{ 275 for i=1:length(self.basins), 276 self.basins{i}.plot3d(varargin{:}); 277 end 278 end % }}} 279 function caticecaps(self,varargin) % {{{ 280 281 %recover options: 282 options=pairoptions(varargin{:}); 283 tolerance=getfieldvalue(options,'tolerance',.65); 284 loneedgesdetect=getfieldvalue(options,'loneedgesdetect',0); 285 286 %make 3D model: 287 models=self.icecaps; 288 for i=1:length(models), 289 models{i}=TwoDToThreeD(models{i}); 290 end 291 292 %Plug all models together: 293 md=models{1}; 294 for i=2:length(models), 295 md=modelmerge3d(md,models{i},'tolerance',tolerance); 296 md.private.bamg.landmask=[md.private.bamg.landmask;models{i}.private.bamg.landmask]; 297 end 298 299 %Look for lone edges if asked for it: {{{ 300 if loneedgesdetect, 301 edges=loneedges(md); 302 plotmodel(md,'data',md.mask.land_levelset); 303 hold on; 304 for i=1:length(edges), 305 ind1=edges(i,1); 306 ind2=edges(i,2); 307 %plot([md.mesh.x(ind1),md.mesh.x(ind2)],[md.mesh.y(ind1),md.mesh.y(ind2)],'r*-'); 308 plot3([md.mesh.x(ind1),md.mesh.x(ind2)],[md.mesh.y(ind1),md.mesh.y(ind2)],[md.mesh.z(ind1),md.mesh.z(ind2)],'g*-'); 309 end 310 end %}}} 311 312 %Plug into earth: 313; 314 139 315 end % }}} 140 316 function viscousiterations(self) % {{{
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