Changeset 24091
- Timestamp:
- 07/15/19 12:50:06 (6 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/c
- Files:
- 7 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r23629 r24091 624 624 void DamageEvolutionAnalysis::InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution,Element* element){/*{{{*/ 625 625 626 int domaintype;627 IssmDouble max_damage;628 int *doflist = NULL;629 630 element->FindParam(&domaintype,DomainTypeEnum);631 632 626 /*Fetch number of nodes and dof for this finite element*/ 633 627 int numnodes = element->GetNumberOfNodes(); 634 628 635 629 /*Fetch dof list and allocate solution vector*/ 630 int *doflist = NULL; 636 631 element->GetDofListLocal(&doflist,NoneApproximationEnum,GsetEnum); 637 632 IssmDouble* newdamage = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 638 633 639 634 /*Get user-supplied max_damage: */ 640 element->FindParam(&max_damage,DamageMaxDamageEnum);635 IssmDouble max_damage = element->FindParam(DamageMaxDamageEnum); 641 636 642 637 /*Use the dof list to index into the solution vector: */ … … 652 647 653 648 /*Get all inputs and parameters*/ 649 int domaintype; 650 element->FindParam(&domaintype,DomainTypeEnum); 654 651 if(domaintype==Domain2DhorizontalEnum){ 655 652 element->AddInput(DamageDbarEnum,newdamage,element->GetElementType()); -
r24045 r24091 5 5 #include "../modules/modules.h" 6 6 7 #define FINITEELEMENT P1Enum 8 7 9 /*Model processing*/ 8 10 void MasstransportAnalysis::CreateConstraints(Constraints* constraints,IoModel* iomodel){/*{{{*/ … … 14 16 /*Do not add constraints in DG, they are weakly imposed*/ 15 17 if(stabilization!=3){ 16 IoModelToConstraintsx(constraints,iomodel,"md.masstransport.spcthickness",MasstransportAnalysisEnum, P1Enum);18 IoModelToConstraintsx(constraints,iomodel,"md.masstransport.spcthickness",MasstransportAnalysisEnum,FINITEELEMENT); 17 19 } 18 20 … … 25 27 26 28 /*Intermediaries*/ 27 int element;28 29 int penpair_ids[2]; 29 30 int count=0; … … 35 36 36 37 /*Loads only in DG*/ 37 if 38 if(stabilization==3){ 38 39 39 40 /*Get faces and elements*/ … … 45 46 46 47 /*Get left and right elements*/ 47 element=iomodel->faces[4*i+2]-1; //faces are [node1 node2 elem1 elem2]48 int element=iomodel->faces[4*i+2]-1; //faces are [node1 node2 elem1 elem2] 48 49 49 50 /*Now, if this element is not in the partition, pass: */ 50 51 if(!iomodel->my_elements[element]) continue; 51 52 /* Add load */53 52 loads->AddObject(new Numericalflux(i+1,i,i,iomodel)); 54 53 } … … 102 101 if(iomodel->domaintype!=Domain2DhorizontalEnum) iomodel->FetchData(2,"md.mesh.vertexonbase","md.mesh.vertexonsurface"); 103 102 if(stabilization!=3){ 104 ::CreateNodes(nodes,iomodel,MasstransportAnalysisEnum, P1Enum,isamr);103 ::CreateNodes(nodes,iomodel,MasstransportAnalysisEnum,FINITEELEMENT,isamr); 105 104 } 106 105 else{ … … 130 129 131 130 /*Finite element type*/ 132 finiteelement = P1Enum;131 finiteelement = FINITEELEMENT; 133 132 if(stabilization==3){ 134 133 finiteelement = P1DGEnum; 134 //finiteelement = P0DGEnum; 135 135 } 136 136 … … 260 260 Ke = CreateKMatrixCG(basalelement); 261 261 break; 262 case P0DGEnum: 262 263 case P1DGEnum: 263 264 Ke = CreateKMatrixDG(basalelement); … … 549 550 pe = CreatePVectorCG(basalelement); 550 551 break; 552 case P0DGEnum: 551 553 case P1DGEnum: 552 554 pe = CreatePVectorDG(basalelement); … … 706 708 element->GetVerticesCoordinates(&xyz_list); 707 709 element->FindParam(&dt,TimesteppingTimeStepEnum); 708 Input* gmb_input 709 Input* fmb_input 710 Input* ms_input = element->GetInput(SmbMassBalanceEnum);_assert_(ms_input);711 Input* gllevelset_input 712 Input* thickness_input 710 Input* gmb_input = element->GetInput(BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRateEnum); _assert_(gmb_input); 711 Input* fmb_input = element->GetInput(BasalforcingsFloatingiceMeltingRateEnum); _assert_(fmb_input); 712 Input* ms_input = element->GetInput(SmbMassBalanceEnum); _assert_(ms_input); 713 Input* gllevelset_input = element->GetInput(MaskGroundediceLevelsetEnum); _assert_(gllevelset_input); 714 Input* thickness_input = element->GetInput(ThicknessEnum); _assert_(thickness_input); 713 715 714 716 /* Start looping on the number of gaussian points: */ … … 803 805 void MasstransportAnalysis::InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution,Element* element){/*{{{*/ 804 806 805 int i,hydroadjustment,domaintype; 806 int* doflist=NULL; 807 IssmDouble rho_ice,rho_water,minthickness; 808 Element* basalelement=NULL; 809 bool isgroundingline=0; 810 811 element->FindParam(&domaintype,DomainTypeEnum); 812 if(domaintype!=Domain2DhorizontalEnum){ 813 if(!element->IsOnBase()) return; 814 basalelement=element->SpawnBasalElement(); 815 } 816 else{ 817 basalelement = element; 818 } 819 820 /*Fetch number of nodes for this finite element*/ 821 int numnodes = basalelement->GetNumberOfNodes(); 807 /*Only update if on base*/ 808 if(!element->IsOnBase()) return; 809 810 /*Get basal element*/ 811 int domaintype; element->FindParam(&domaintype,DomainTypeEnum); 812 Element* basalelement=element; 813 if(domaintype!=Domain2DhorizontalEnum) basalelement = element->SpawnBasalElement(); 814 815 /*Fetch number of nodes and dof for this finite element*/ 816 int numnodes = basalelement->GetNumberOfNodes(); 817 int numvertices = basalelement->GetNumberOfVertices(); 818 819 /*Keep old thickness for later*/ 820 IssmDouble* oldthickness = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices); 821 basalelement->GetInputListOnNodes(&oldthickness[0],ThicknessEnum); 822 822 823 823 /*Fetch dof list and allocate solution vector*/ 824 basalelement->GetDofListLocal(&doflist,NoneApproximationEnum,GsetEnum); 825 IssmDouble* newthickness = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 826 IssmDouble* cumdeltathickness = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 827 IssmDouble* deltathickness = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 828 IssmDouble* newbase = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 829 IssmDouble* bed = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 830 IssmDouble* newsurface = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 831 IssmDouble* oldthickness = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 832 IssmDouble* oldbase = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 833 IssmDouble* oldsurface = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 834 IssmDouble* phi = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 835 IssmDouble* sealevel = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 824 int *doflist = NULL; 825 element->GetDofListLocal(&doflist,NoneApproximationEnum,GsetEnum); 826 IssmDouble* newthickness = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 836 827 837 828 /*Use the dof list to index into the solution vector: */ 838 basalelement->FindParam(&minthickness,MasstransportMinThicknessEnum);839 for(i =0;i<numnodes;i++){829 IssmDouble minthickness = basalelement->FindParam(MasstransportMinThicknessEnum); 830 for(int i=0;i<numnodes;i++){ 840 831 newthickness[i]=solution[doflist[i]]; 832 /*Check solution*/ 841 833 if(xIsNan<IssmDouble>(newthickness[i])) _error_("NaN found in solution vector"); 842 834 if(xIsInf<IssmDouble>(newthickness[i])) _error_("Inf found in solution vector"); 843 /*Constrain thickness to be at least 1m*/ 844 if(newthickness[i]<minthickness) newthickness[i]=minthickness; 845 } 835 if(newthickness[i]<minthickness) newthickness[i]=minthickness; 836 } 837 838 element->AddBasalInput(ThicknessEnum,newthickness,element->GetElementType()); 839 840 /*Free ressources:*/ 841 xDelete<IssmDouble>(newthickness); 842 xDelete<int>(doflist); 843 844 /*Now, we need to do some "processing"*/ 845 newthickness = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices); 846 IssmDouble* cumdeltathickness = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices); 847 IssmDouble* deltathickness = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices); 848 IssmDouble* newbase = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices); 849 IssmDouble* bed = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices); 850 IssmDouble* newsurface = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices); 851 IssmDouble* oldbase = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices); 852 IssmDouble* oldsurface = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices); 853 IssmDouble* phi = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices); 854 IssmDouble* sealevel = xNew<IssmDouble>(numvertices); 846 855 847 856 /*Get previous base, thickness, surfac and current sealevel and bed:*/ 848 basalelement->GetInputListOnNodes(&oldbase[0],BaseEnum); 849 basalelement->GetInputListOnNodes(&oldsurface[0],SurfaceEnum); 850 basalelement->GetInputListOnNodes(&oldthickness[0],ThicknessEnum); 851 basalelement->GetInputListOnNodes(&phi[0],MaskGroundediceLevelsetEnum); 852 basalelement->GetInputListOnNodes(&sealevel[0],SealevelEnum); 853 basalelement->GetInputListOnNodes(&cumdeltathickness[0],SealevelriseCumDeltathicknessEnum); 854 857 basalelement->GetInputListOnVertices(&newthickness[0],ThicknessEnum); 858 basalelement->GetInputListOnVertices(&oldbase[0],BaseEnum); 859 basalelement->GetInputListOnVertices(&oldsurface[0],SurfaceEnum); 860 basalelement->GetInputListOnVertices(&phi[0],MaskGroundediceLevelsetEnum); 861 basalelement->GetInputListOnVertices(&sealevel[0],SealevelEnum); 862 basalelement->GetInputListOnVertices(&cumdeltathickness[0],SealevelriseCumDeltathicknessEnum); 863 864 /*Do we do grounding line migration?*/ 865 bool isgroundingline; 855 866 element->FindParam(&isgroundingline,TransientIsgroundinglineEnum); 856 if(isgroundingline) basalelement->GetInputListOn Nodes(&bed[0],BedEnum);867 if(isgroundingline) basalelement->GetInputListOnVertices(&bed[0],BedEnum); 857 868 858 869 /*What is the delta thickness forcing the sea-level rise core: cumulated over time, hence the +=:*/ 859 for(i =0;i<numnodes;i++){870 for(int i=0;i<numvertices;i++){ 860 871 cumdeltathickness[i]+=newthickness[i]-oldthickness[i]; 861 872 deltathickness[i]=newthickness[i]-oldthickness[i]; … … 863 874 864 875 /*Find MasstransportHydrostaticAdjustment to figure out how to update the geometry:*/ 876 int hydroadjustment; 865 877 basalelement->FindParam(&hydroadjustment,MasstransportHydrostaticAdjustmentEnum); 866 rho_ice = basalelement->FindParam(MaterialsRhoIceEnum);867 rho_water = basalelement->FindParam(MaterialsRhoSeawaterEnum);868 869 for(i =0;i<numnodes;i++) {878 IssmDouble rho_ice = basalelement->FindParam(MaterialsRhoIceEnum); 879 IssmDouble rho_water = basalelement->FindParam(MaterialsRhoSeawaterEnum); 880 881 for(int i=0;i<numvertices;i++) { 870 882 if (phi[i]>0.){ //this is an ice sheet: just add thickness to base. 871 883 /*Update! actually, the bed has moved too!:*/ 872 884 if(isgroundingline){ 873 885 newsurface[i] = bed[i]+newthickness[i]; //surface = bed + newthickness 874 newbase[i] 886 newbase[i] = bed[i]; //new base at new bed 875 887 } 876 888 else{ … … 881 893 else{ //this is an ice shelf: hydrostatic equilibrium*/ 882 894 if(hydroadjustment==AbsoluteEnum){ 883 newsurface[i] = newthickness[i]*(1 -rho_ice/rho_water)+sealevel[i];884 newbase[i] 895 newsurface[i] = newthickness[i]*(1.-rho_ice/rho_water)+sealevel[i]; 896 newbase[i] = newthickness[i]*(-rho_ice/rho_water)+sealevel[i]; 885 897 } 886 898 else if(hydroadjustment==IncrementalEnum){ 887 899 newsurface[i] = oldsurface[i]+(1.0-rho_ice/rho_water)*(newthickness[i]-oldthickness[i])+sealevel[i]; //surface = oldsurface + (1-di) * dH 888 newbase[i] 900 newbase[i] = oldbase[i]-rho_ice/rho_water*(newthickness[i]-oldthickness[i])+sealevel[i]; //base = oldbed + di * dH 889 901 } 890 902 else _error_("Hydrostatic adjustment " << hydroadjustment << " (" << EnumToStringx(hydroadjustment) << ") not supported yet"); … … 893 905 894 906 /*Add input to the element: */ 895 element->AddBasalInput(ThicknessEnum,newthickness,P1Enum);896 907 element->AddBasalInput(SurfaceEnum,newsurface,P1Enum); 897 908 element->AddBasalInput(BaseEnum,newbase,P1Enum); … … 911 922 xDelete<IssmDouble>(sealevel); 912 923 xDelete<IssmDouble>(bed); 913 914 924 xDelete<int>(doflist); 915 925 if(domaintype!=Domain2DhorizontalEnum){basalelement->DeleteMaterials(); delete basalelement;}; -
r24089 r24091 20 20 /* SEMIC prototype {{{*/ 21 21 extern "C" void run_semic_(double *sf_in, double *rf_in, double *swd_in, double *lwd_in, double *wind_in, double *sp_in, double *rhoa_in, 22 22 double *qq_in, double *tt_in, double *tsurf_out, double *smb_out, double *saccu_out, double *smelt_out); 23 23 #endif 24 24 // _HAVE_SEMIC_ … … 161 161 162 162 /* Fetch number of nodes and allocate output*/ 163 164 163 int numnodes = this->GetNumberOfNodes(); 164 IssmDouble* newD = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 165 165 166 166 /* Retrieve domain-dependent inputs */ 167 167 Input* n_input=this->GetInput(MaterialsRheologyNEnum); _assert_(n_input); 168 169 168 Input* damage_input = NULL; 169 Input* B_input = NULL; 170 170 int domaintype; 171 171 parameters->FindParam(&domaintype,DomainTypeEnum); 172 172 if(domaintype==Domain2DhorizontalEnum){ 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 173 damage_input = this->GetInput(DamageDbarEnum); _assert_(damage_input); 174 B_input=this->GetInput(MaterialsRheologyBbarEnum); _assert_(B_input); 175 } 176 else{ 177 damage_input = this->GetInput(DamageDEnum); _assert_(damage_input); 178 B_input=this->GetInput(MaterialsRheologyBEnum); _assert_(B_input); 179 } 180 180 181 181 /* Start looping on the number of nodes: */ … … 198 198 199 199 B_input->GetInputValue(&B,gauss); 200 201 200 n_input->GetInputValue(&n,gauss); 201 damage_input->GetInputValue(&D,gauss); 202 202 203 203 /* Compute threshold strain rate from threshold stress */ … … 268 268 269 269 if(dim==2){ 270 270 /* epsilon=[exx,eyy,exy];*/ 271 271 eps_xx[iv]=epsilon[0]; 272 272 eps_yy[iv]=epsilon[1]; … … 705 705 } 706 706 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 707 case TriaEnum:708 this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaInput(SmbMassBalanceEnum,&smb[0],P1Enum));709 this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaInput(SmbRunoffEnum,&runoff[0],P1Enum));710 break;711 case PentaEnum:712 this->inputs->AddInput(new PentaInput(SmbMassBalanceEnum,&smb[0],P1Enum));713 this->inputs->AddInput(new PentaInput(SmbRunoffEnum,&runoff[0],P1Enum));714 this->InputExtrude(SmbMassBalanceEnum,-1);715 this->InputExtrude(SmbRunoffEnum,-1);716 break;717 case TetraEnum:718 this->inputs->AddInput(new TetraInput(SmbMassBalanceEnum,&smb[0],P1Enum));719 this->inputs->AddInput(new TetraInput(SmbRunoffEnum,&runoff[0],P1Enum));720 this->InputExtrude(SmbMassBalanceEnum,-1);721 this->InputExtrude(SmbRunoffEnum,-1);722 break;723 default: _error_("Not implemented yet");707 case TriaEnum: 708 this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaInput(SmbMassBalanceEnum,&smb[0],P1Enum)); 709 this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaInput(SmbRunoffEnum,&runoff[0],P1Enum)); 710 break; 711 case PentaEnum: 712 this->inputs->AddInput(new PentaInput(SmbMassBalanceEnum,&smb[0],P1Enum)); 713 this->inputs->AddInput(new PentaInput(SmbRunoffEnum,&runoff[0],P1Enum)); 714 this->InputExtrude(SmbMassBalanceEnum,-1); 715 this->InputExtrude(SmbRunoffEnum,-1); 716 break; 717 case TetraEnum: 718 this->inputs->AddInput(new TetraInput(SmbMassBalanceEnum,&smb[0],P1Enum)); 719 this->inputs->AddInput(new TetraInput(SmbRunoffEnum,&runoff[0],P1Enum)); 720 this->InputExtrude(SmbMassBalanceEnum,-1); 721 this->InputExtrude(SmbRunoffEnum,-1); 722 break; 723 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 724 724 } 725 725 /* this->AddInput(SmbMassBalanceEnum,smb,P1Enum); */ … … 858 858 IssmDouble eps_eff; 859 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 860 if(dim==2){ 861 /* eps_eff^2 = exx^2 + eyy^2 + exy^2 + exx*eyy*/ 862 this->StrainRateSSA(&epsilon2d[0],xyz_list,gauss,vx_input,vy_input); 863 eps_eff = sqrt(epsilon2d[0]*epsilon2d[0] + epsilon2d[1]*epsilon2d[1] + epsilon2d[2]*epsilon2d[2] + epsilon2d[0]*epsilon2d[1]); 864 } 865 else{ 866 /* eps_eff^2 = 1/2 exx^2*/ 867 this->StrainRateSSA1d(&epsilon1d,xyz_list,gauss,vx_input); 868 eps_eff = sqrt(epsilon1d*epsilon1d/2.); 869 } 870 870 871 871 /*Get viscosity*/ … … 1319 1319 }/*}}}*/ 1320 1320 Node* Element::GetNode(int nodeindex){/*{{{*/ 1321 1322 1323 1321 _assert_(nodeindex>=0); 1322 _assert_(nodeindex<this->GetNumberOfNodes(this->element_type)); 1323 return this->nodes[nodeindex]; 1324 1324 }/*}}}*/ 1325 1325 int Element::GetNodeIndex(Node* node){/*{{{*/ … … 1511 1511 1512 1512 switch(type){ 1513 case VertexPIdEnum:1514 doflist = xNew<int>(NUM_VERTICES);1515 values = xNew<IssmDouble>(NUM_VERTICES);1516 /*Fill in values*/1517 this->GetVerticesPidList(doflist);1518 this->GetInputListOnVerticesAtTime(values,input_enum,time);1519 vector->SetValues(NUM_VERTICES,doflist,values,INS_VAL);1520 break;1521 case VertexSIdEnum:1522 doflist = xNew<int>(NUM_VERTICES);1523 values = xNew<IssmDouble>(NUM_VERTICES);1524 /*Fill in values*/1525 this->GetVerticesSidList(doflist);1526 this->GetInputListOnVerticesAtTime(values,input_enum,time);1527 vector->SetValues(NUM_VERTICES,doflist,values,INS_VAL);1528 break;1529 default:1530 _error_("type " << type << " (" << EnumToStringx(type) << ") not implemented yet");1513 case VertexPIdEnum: 1514 doflist = xNew<int>(NUM_VERTICES); 1515 values = xNew<IssmDouble>(NUM_VERTICES); 1516 /*Fill in values*/ 1517 this->GetVerticesPidList(doflist); 1518 this->GetInputListOnVerticesAtTime(values,input_enum,time); 1519 vector->SetValues(NUM_VERTICES,doflist,values,INS_VAL); 1520 break; 1521 case VertexSIdEnum: 1522 doflist = xNew<int>(NUM_VERTICES); 1523 values = xNew<IssmDouble>(NUM_VERTICES); 1524 /*Fill in values*/ 1525 this->GetVerticesSidList(doflist); 1526 this->GetInputListOnVerticesAtTime(values,input_enum,time); 1527 vector->SetValues(NUM_VERTICES,doflist,values,INS_VAL); 1528 break; 1529 default: 1530 _error_("type " << type << " (" << EnumToStringx(type) << ") not implemented yet"); 1531 1531 } 1532 1532 … … 1741 1741 void Element::InputCreate(IssmDouble* vector,IoModel* iomodel,int M,int N,int vector_type,int vector_enum,int code){/*{{{*/ 1742 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1743 /*Intermediaries*/ 1744 int i,t; 1745 1746 /*Branch on type of vector: nodal or elementary: */ 1747 if(vector_type==1){ //nodal vector 1748 1749 const int NUM_VERTICES = this->GetNumberOfVertices(); 1750 1751 int *vertexids = xNew<int>(NUM_VERTICES); 1752 IssmDouble *values = xNew<IssmDouble>(NUM_VERTICES); 1753 1754 /*Recover vertices ids needed to initialize inputs*/ 1755 _assert_(iomodel->elements); 1756 for(i=0;i<NUM_VERTICES;i++){ 1757 vertexids[i]=reCast<int>(iomodel->elements[NUM_VERTICES*this->Sid()+i]); //ids for vertices are in the elements array from Matlab 1758 } 1759 1760 /*Are we in transient or static? */ 1761 if(M==1){ 1762 values[0]=vector[0]; 1763 this->AddInput(vector_enum,values,P0Enum); 1764 } 1765 else if(M==iomodel->numberofvertices){ 1766 for(i=0;i<NUM_VERTICES;i++) values[i]=vector[vertexids[i]-1]; 1767 this->AddInput(vector_enum,values,P1Enum); 1768 } 1769 else if(M==iomodel->numberofvertices+1){ 1770 /*create transient input: */ 1771 IssmDouble* times = xNew<IssmDouble>(N); 1772 for(t=0;t<N;t++) times[t] = vector[(M-1)*N+t]; 1773 TransientInput* transientinput=new TransientInput(vector_enum,times,N); 1774 for(t=0;t<N;t++){ 1775 for(i=0;i<NUM_VERTICES;i++) values[i]=vector[N*(vertexids[i]-1)+t]; 1776 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 1777 case TriaEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new TriaInput( vector_enum,values,P1Enum)); break; 1778 case PentaEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new PentaInput(vector_enum,values,P1Enum)); break; 1779 case TetraEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new TetraInput(vector_enum,values,P1Enum)); break; 1780 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 1781 } 1782 } 1783 this->inputs->AddInput(transientinput); 1784 xDelete<IssmDouble>(times); 1785 } 1786 else if(M==iomodel->numberofelements){ 1787 1788 /*This is a Patch!*/ 1789 xDelete<IssmDouble>(values); 1790 values = xNew<IssmDouble>(N); 1791 for(int j=0;j<N;j++) values[j]=vector[this->Sid()*N+j]; 1792 1793 if (N==this->GetNumberOfNodes(P1Enum) ) this->AddInput(vector_enum,values,P1Enum); 1794 else if(N==this->GetNumberOfNodes(P0Enum) ) this->AddInput(vector_enum,values,P0Enum); 1795 else if(N==this->GetNumberOfNodes(P1xP2Enum)) this->AddInput(vector_enum,values,P1xP2Enum); 1796 else if(N==this->GetNumberOfNodes(P1xP3Enum)) this->AddInput(vector_enum,values,P1xP3Enum); 1797 else _error_("Patch interpolation not supported yet"); 1798 1799 } 1800 else{ 1801 _error_("nodal vector is either numberofvertices or numberofvertices+1 long. Field provided (" << EnumToStringx(vector_enum) << ") is " << M << " long"); 1802 } 1803 1804 xDelete<IssmDouble>(values); 1805 xDelete<int>(vertexids); 1806 } 1807 else if(vector_type==2){ //element vector 1808 1809 IssmDouble value; 1810 1811 /*Are we in transient or static? */ 1812 if(M==iomodel->numberofelements){ 1813 if (code==5){ //boolean 1814 this->inputs->AddInput(new BoolInput(vector_enum,reCast<bool>(vector[this->Sid()]))); 1815 } 1816 else if (code==6){ //integer 1817 this->inputs->AddInput(new IntInput(vector_enum,reCast<int>(vector[this->Sid()]))); 1818 } 1819 else if (code==7){ //IssmDouble 1820 this->inputs->AddInput(new DoubleInput(vector_enum,vector[this->Sid()])); 1821 } 1822 else _error_("could not recognize nature of vector from code " << code); 1823 } 1824 else if(M==iomodel->numberofelements+1){ 1825 /*create transient input: */ 1826 IssmDouble* times = xNew<IssmDouble>(N); 1827 for(t=0;t<N;t++) times[t] = vector[(M-1)*N+t]; 1828 TransientInput* transientinput=new TransientInput(vector_enum,times,N); 1829 TriaInput* bof=NULL; 1830 for(t=0;t<N;t++){ 1831 value=vector[N*this->Sid()+t]; 1832 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 1833 case TriaEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new TriaInput( vector_enum,&value,P0Enum)); break; 1834 case PentaEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new PentaInput(vector_enum,&value,P0Enum)); break; 1835 case TetraEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new TetraInput(vector_enum,&value,P0Enum)); break; 1836 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 1837 } 1838 } 1839 this->inputs->AddInput(transientinput); 1840 xDelete<IssmDouble>(times); 1841 } 1842 else _error_("element vector is either numberofelements or numberofelements+1 long. Field provided (" << EnumToStringx(vector_enum) << ") is " << M << " long"); 1843 } 1844 else if(vector_type==3){ //element vector 1845 1846 /*For right now we are static */ 1847 if(M==iomodel->numberofelements){ 1848 /*create transient input: */ 1849 IssmDouble* layers = xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(N);; 1850 for(t=0;t<N;t++) layers[t] = vector[N*this->Sid()+t]; 1851 DoubleArrayInput* arrayinput=new DoubleArrayInput(vector_enum,layers,N); 1852 this->inputs->AddInput(arrayinput); 1853 xDelete<IssmDouble>(layers); 1854 } 1855 else _error_("element vector is either numberofelements or numberofelements+1 long. Field provided (" << EnumToStringx(vector_enum) << ") is " << M << " long"); 1856 } 1857 else _error_("Cannot add input for vector type " << vector_type << " (not supported)"); 1858 1858 } 1859 1859 /*}}}*/ … … 1894 1894 1895 1895 else if(M==iomodel->numberofvertices+1){ 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1896 /*create transient input: */ 1897 IssmDouble* times = xNew<IssmDouble>(N); 1898 for(int t=0;t<N;t++) times[t] = vector[(M-1)*N+t]; 1899 /*Create the three transient inputs for the control input*/ 1900 TransientInput* values_input=new TransientInput(input_enum,times,N); 1901 TransientInput* mins_input = new TransientInput(ControlInputMinsEnum,times,N); 1902 TransientInput* maxs_input = new TransientInput(ControlInputMaxsEnum,times,N); 1903 TransientInput* grad_input = new TransientInput(ControlInputGradEnum); 1904 for(int t=0;t<N;t++){ 1905 for(int i=0;i<NUM_VERTICES;i++){ 1906 values[i]=vector[N*(vertexids[i]-1)+t]; 1907 values_min[i] = min_vector[N*(vertexids[i]-1)+t]; 1908 values_max[i] = max_vector[N*(vertexids[i]-1)+t]; 1909 } 1910 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 1911 case TriaEnum: 1912 values_input->AddTimeInput(new TriaInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum)); 1913 mins_input->AddTimeInput(new TriaInput(ControlInputMinsEnum,values_min,P1Enum)); 1914 maxs_input->AddTimeInput(new TriaInput(ControlInputMaxsEnum,values_max,P1Enum)); 1915 break; 1916 case PentaEnum: 1917 values_input->AddTimeInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum)); 1918 mins_input->AddTimeInput(new PentaInput(ControlInputMinsEnum,values_min,P1Enum)); 1919 maxs_input->AddTimeInput(new PentaInput(ControlInputMaxsEnum,values_max,P1Enum)); 1920 break; 1921 case TetraEnum: 1922 values_input->AddTimeInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum)); 1923 mins_input->AddTimeInput(new TetraInput(ControlInputMinsEnum,values_min,P1Enum)); 1924 maxs_input->AddTimeInput(new TetraInput(ControlInputMaxsEnum,values_max,P1Enum)); 1925 break; 1926 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 1927 } 1928 } 1929 this->inputs->AddInput(new ControlInput(input_enum,TransientInputEnum,values_input,mins_input,maxs_input,grad_input,P1Enum,id)); 1930 xDelete<IssmDouble>(times); 1931 } 1932 else _error_("not currently supported type of M and N attempted"); 1933 1933 1934 1934 /*clean up*/ … … 1938 1938 /*}}}*/ 1939 1939 void Element::DatasetInputAdd(int enum_type,IssmDouble* vector,IoModel* iomodel,int M,int N,int vector_type,int input_enum,int code,int input_id){/*{{{*/ 1940 /*enum_type: the name of the DatasetInput (eg Outputdefinition1) 1941 * vector: information being stored (eg observations) 1942 * vector_type: is if by element or by vertex 1943 * input_enum: is the name of the vector being stored 1944 * code: what type of data is in the vector (booleans, ints, doubles) 1945 */ 1946 1947 /*Intermediaries*/ 1948 int i,t; 1949 DatasetInput* datasetinput = NULL; 1950 1951 /*Get input if it already exists*/ 1952 Input* tempinput = GetInput(enum_type); 1953 if(tempinput){ 1954 /*Cast it to a Datasetinput*/ 1955 if(tempinput->ObjectEnum()!=DatasetInputEnum) _error_("don't know what to do"); 1956 datasetinput = (DatasetInput*)tempinput; 1957 } 1958 else{ 1959 datasetinput=new DatasetInput(enum_type); 1960 this->inputs->AddInput(datasetinput); 1961 } 1962 1963 /*Branch on type of vector: nodal or elementary: */ 1964 if(vector_type==1){ //nodal vector 1965 1966 const int NUM_VERTICES = this->GetNumberOfVertices(); 1967 1968 int *vertexids = xNew<int>(NUM_VERTICES); 1969 IssmDouble *values = xNew<IssmDouble>(NUM_VERTICES); 1970 1971 /*Recover vertices ids needed to initialize inputs*/ 1972 _assert_(iomodel->elements); 1973 for(i=0;i<NUM_VERTICES;i++){ 1974 vertexids[i]=reCast<int>(iomodel->elements[NUM_VERTICES*this->Sid()+i]); //ids for vertices are in the elements array from Matlab 1975 } 1976 1977 /*Are we in transient or static? */ 1978 if(M==1){ 1979 values[0]=vector[0]; 1940 /*enum_type: the name of the DatasetInput (eg Outputdefinition1) 1941 * vector: information being stored (eg observations) 1942 * vector_type: is if by element or by vertex 1943 * input_enum: is the name of the vector being stored 1944 * code: what type of data is in the vector (booleans, ints, doubles) 1945 */ 1946 1947 /*Intermediaries*/ 1948 int i,t; 1949 DatasetInput* datasetinput = NULL; 1950 1951 /*Get input if it already exists*/ 1952 Input* tempinput = GetInput(enum_type); 1953 if(tempinput){ 1954 /*Cast it to a Datasetinput*/ 1955 if(tempinput->ObjectEnum()!=DatasetInputEnum) _error_("don't know what to do"); 1956 datasetinput = (DatasetInput*)tempinput; 1957 } 1958 else{ 1959 datasetinput=new DatasetInput(enum_type); 1960 this->inputs->AddInput(datasetinput); 1961 } 1962 1963 /*Branch on type of vector: nodal or elementary: */ 1964 if(vector_type==1){ //nodal vector 1965 1966 const int NUM_VERTICES = this->GetNumberOfVertices(); 1967 1968 int *vertexids = xNew<int>(NUM_VERTICES); 1969 IssmDouble *values = xNew<IssmDouble>(NUM_VERTICES); 1970 1971 /*Recover vertices ids needed to initialize inputs*/ 1972 _assert_(iomodel->elements); 1973 for(i=0;i<NUM_VERTICES;i++){ 1974 vertexids[i]=reCast<int>(iomodel->elements[NUM_VERTICES*this->Sid()+i]); //ids for vertices are in the elements array from Matlab 1975 } 1976 1977 /*Are we in transient or static? */ 1978 if(M==1){ 1979 values[0]=vector[0]; 1980 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 1981 case TriaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TriaInput(input_enum,values,P0Enum),input_id); break; 1982 case PentaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,values,P0Enum),input_id); break; 1983 case TetraEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,values,P0Enum),input_id); break; 1984 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 1985 } 1986 } 1987 else if(M==iomodel->numberofvertices){ 1988 for(i=0;i<NUM_VERTICES;i++) values[i]=vector[vertexids[i]-1]; 1989 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 1990 case TriaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TriaInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum),input_id); break; 1991 case PentaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum),input_id); break; 1992 case TetraEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum),input_id); break; 1993 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 1994 } } 1995 else if(M==iomodel->numberofvertices+1){ 1996 /*create transient input: */ 1997 IssmDouble* times = xNew<IssmDouble>(N); 1998 for(t=0;t<N;t++) times[t] = vector[(M-1)*N+t]; 1999 TransientInput* transientinput=new TransientInput(input_enum,times,N); 2000 for(t=0;t<N;t++){ 2001 for(i=0;i<NUM_VERTICES;i++) values[i]=vector[N*(vertexids[i]-1)+t]; 1980 2002 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 1981 case TriaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TriaInput(input_enum,values,P0Enum),input_id); break;1982 case PentaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,values,P0Enum),input_id); break;1983 case TetraEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,values,P0Enum),input_id); break;1984 2003 case TriaEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new TriaInput( input_enum,values,P1Enum)); break; 2004 case PentaEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum)); break; 2005 case TetraEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum)); break; 2006 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 1985 2007 } 1986 } 1987 else if(M==iomodel->numberofvertices){ 1988 for(i=0;i<NUM_VERTICES;i++) values[i]=vector[vertexids[i]-1]; 2008 } 2009 datasetinput->AddInput(transientinput,input_id); 2010 xDelete<IssmDouble>(times); 2011 } 2012 else if(M==iomodel->numberofelements){ 2013 2014 /*This is a Patch!*/ 2015 xDelete<IssmDouble>(values); 2016 values = xNew<IssmDouble>(N); 2017 for(int j=0;j<N;j++) values[j]=vector[this->Sid()*N+j]; 2018 2019 if (N==this->GetNumberOfNodes(P1Enum) ){ 1989 2020 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 1990 case TriaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TriaInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum),input_id); break; 1991 case PentaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum),input_id); break; 1992 case TetraEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum),input_id); break; 1993 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 1994 } } 1995 else if(M==iomodel->numberofvertices+1){ 1996 /*create transient input: */ 1997 IssmDouble* times = xNew<IssmDouble>(N); 1998 for(t=0;t<N;t++) times[t] = vector[(M-1)*N+t]; 1999 TransientInput* transientinput=new TransientInput(input_enum,times,N); 2000 for(t=0;t<N;t++){ 2001 for(i=0;i<NUM_VERTICES;i++) values[i]=vector[N*(vertexids[i]-1)+t]; 2002 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 2003 case TriaEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new TriaInput( input_enum,values,P1Enum)); break; 2004 case PentaEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum)); break; 2005 case TetraEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum)); break; 2006 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 2007 } 2008 } 2009 datasetinput->AddInput(transientinput,input_id); 2010 xDelete<IssmDouble>(times); 2011 } 2012 else if(M==iomodel->numberofelements){ 2013 2014 /*This is a Patch!*/ 2015 xDelete<IssmDouble>(values); 2016 values = xNew<IssmDouble>(N); 2017 for(int j=0;j<N;j++) values[j]=vector[this->Sid()*N+j]; 2018 2019 if (N==this->GetNumberOfNodes(P1Enum) ){ 2020 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 2021 case TriaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TriaInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum),input_id); break; 2022 case PentaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum),input_id); break; 2023 case TetraEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum),input_id); break; 2024 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 2025 } 2026 } 2027 else if(N==this->GetNumberOfNodes(P0Enum) ){ 2028 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 2029 case TriaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TriaInput(input_enum,values,P0Enum),input_id); break; 2030 case PentaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,values,P0Enum),input_id); break; 2031 case TetraEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,values,P0Enum),input_id); break; 2032 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 2033 } 2034 } 2035 else if(N==this->GetNumberOfNodes(P1xP2Enum)){ 2036 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 2037 case TriaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TriaInput(input_enum,values,P1xP2Enum),input_id); break; 2038 case PentaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,values,P1xP2Enum),input_id); break; 2039 case TetraEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,values,P1xP2Enum),input_id); break; 2040 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 2041 } 2042 } 2043 else if(N==this->GetNumberOfNodes(P1xP3Enum)) { 2044 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 2045 case TriaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TriaInput(input_enum,values,P1xP3Enum),input_id); break; 2046 case PentaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,values,P1xP3Enum),input_id); break; 2047 case TetraEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,values,P1xP3Enum),input_id); break; 2048 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 2049 } 2050 } 2051 else _error_("Patch interpolation not supported yet"); 2052 2053 } 2054 else{ 2055 _error_("nodal vector is either numberofvertices or numberofvertices+1 long. Field provided (" << EnumToStringx(input_enum) << ") is " << M << " long"); 2056 } 2057 2058 xDelete<IssmDouble>(values); 2059 xDelete<int>(vertexids); 2060 } 2061 else if(vector_type==2){ //element vector 2062 2063 IssmDouble value; 2064 2065 /*Are we in transient or static? */ 2066 if(M==iomodel->numberofelements){ 2067 if (code==5){ //boolean 2068 datasetinput->AddInput(new BoolInput(input_enum,reCast<bool>(vector[this->Sid()])),input_id); 2069 } 2070 else if (code==6){ //integer 2071 datasetinput->AddInput(new IntInput(input_enum,reCast<int>(vector[this->Sid()])),input_id); 2072 } 2073 else if (code==7){ //IssmDouble 2074 datasetinput->AddInput(new DoubleInput(input_enum,vector[this->Sid()]),input_id); 2075 } 2076 else _error_("could not recognize nature of vector from code " << code); 2077 } 2078 else if(M==iomodel->numberofelements+1){ 2079 /*create transient input: */ 2080 IssmDouble* times = xNew<IssmDouble>(N); 2081 for(t=0;t<N;t++) times[t] = vector[(M-1)*N+t]; 2082 TransientInput* transientinput=new TransientInput(input_enum,times,N); 2083 TriaInput* bof=NULL; 2084 for(t=0;t<N;t++){ 2085 value=vector[N*this->Sid()+t]; 2086 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 2087 case TriaEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new TriaInput( input_enum,&value,P0Enum)); break; 2088 case PentaEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,&value,P0Enum)); break; 2089 case TetraEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,&value,P0Enum)); break; 2090 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 2091 } 2092 } 2093 datasetinput->AddInput(transientinput,input_id); 2094 xDelete<IssmDouble>(times); 2095 } 2096 else _error_("element vector is either numberofelements or numberofelements+1 long. Field provided (" << EnumToStringx(input_enum) << ") is " << M << " long"); 2097 } 2098 else if(vector_type==3){ //element vector 2099 2100 /*For right now we are static */ 2101 if(M==iomodel->numberofelements){ 2102 /*create transient input: */ 2103 IssmDouble* layers = xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(N);; 2104 for(t=0;t<N;t++) layers[t] = vector[N*this->Sid()+t]; 2105 DoubleArrayInput* arrayinput=new DoubleArrayInput(input_enum,layers,N); 2106 datasetinput->AddInput(arrayinput,input_id); 2107 xDelete<IssmDouble>(layers); 2108 } 2109 else _error_("element vector is either numberofelements or numberofelements+1 long. Field provided (" << EnumToStringx(input_enum) << ") is " << M << " long"); 2110 } 2111 else _error_("Cannot add input for vector type " << vector_type << " (not supported)"); 2021 case TriaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TriaInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum),input_id); break; 2022 case PentaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum),input_id); break; 2023 case TetraEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,values,P1Enum),input_id); break; 2024 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 2025 } 2026 } 2027 else if(N==this->GetNumberOfNodes(P0Enum) ){ 2028 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 2029 case TriaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TriaInput(input_enum,values,P0Enum),input_id); break; 2030 case PentaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,values,P0Enum),input_id); break; 2031 case TetraEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,values,P0Enum),input_id); break; 2032 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 2033 } 2034 } 2035 else if(N==this->GetNumberOfNodes(P1xP2Enum)){ 2036 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 2037 case TriaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TriaInput(input_enum,values,P1xP2Enum),input_id); break; 2038 case PentaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,values,P1xP2Enum),input_id); break; 2039 case TetraEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,values,P1xP2Enum),input_id); break; 2040 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 2041 } 2042 } 2043 else if(N==this->GetNumberOfNodes(P1xP3Enum)) { 2044 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 2045 case TriaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TriaInput(input_enum,values,P1xP3Enum),input_id); break; 2046 case PentaEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,values,P1xP3Enum),input_id); break; 2047 case TetraEnum: datasetinput->AddInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,values,P1xP3Enum),input_id); break; 2048 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 2049 } 2050 } 2051 else _error_("Patch interpolation not supported yet"); 2052 2053 } 2054 else{ 2055 _error_("nodal vector is either numberofvertices or numberofvertices+1 long. Field provided (" << EnumToStringx(input_enum) << ") is " << M << " long"); 2056 } 2057 2058 xDelete<IssmDouble>(values); 2059 xDelete<int>(vertexids); 2060 } 2061 else if(vector_type==2){ //element vector 2062 2063 IssmDouble value; 2064 2065 /*Are we in transient or static? */ 2066 if(M==iomodel->numberofelements){ 2067 if (code==5){ //boolean 2068 datasetinput->AddInput(new BoolInput(input_enum,reCast<bool>(vector[this->Sid()])),input_id); 2069 } 2070 else if (code==6){ //integer 2071 datasetinput->AddInput(new IntInput(input_enum,reCast<int>(vector[this->Sid()])),input_id); 2072 } 2073 else if (code==7){ //IssmDouble 2074 datasetinput->AddInput(new DoubleInput(input_enum,vector[this->Sid()]),input_id); 2075 } 2076 else _error_("could not recognize nature of vector from code " << code); 2077 } 2078 else if(M==iomodel->numberofelements+1){ 2079 /*create transient input: */ 2080 IssmDouble* times = xNew<IssmDouble>(N); 2081 for(t=0;t<N;t++) times[t] = vector[(M-1)*N+t]; 2082 TransientInput* transientinput=new TransientInput(input_enum,times,N); 2083 TriaInput* bof=NULL; 2084 for(t=0;t<N;t++){ 2085 value=vector[N*this->Sid()+t]; 2086 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 2087 case TriaEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new TriaInput( input_enum,&value,P0Enum)); break; 2088 case PentaEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new PentaInput(input_enum,&value,P0Enum)); break; 2089 case TetraEnum: transientinput->AddTimeInput(new TetraInput(input_enum,&value,P0Enum)); break; 2090 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 2091 } 2092 } 2093 datasetinput->AddInput(transientinput,input_id); 2094 xDelete<IssmDouble>(times); 2095 } 2096 else _error_("element vector is either numberofelements or numberofelements+1 long. Field provided (" << EnumToStringx(input_enum) << ") is " << M << " long"); 2097 } 2098 else if(vector_type==3){ //element vector 2099 2100 /*For right now we are static */ 2101 if(M==iomodel->numberofelements){ 2102 /*create transient input: */ 2103 IssmDouble* layers = xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(N);; 2104 for(t=0;t<N;t++) layers[t] = vector[N*this->Sid()+t]; 2105 DoubleArrayInput* arrayinput=new DoubleArrayInput(input_enum,layers,N); 2106 datasetinput->AddInput(arrayinput,input_id); 2107 xDelete<IssmDouble>(layers); 2108 } 2109 else _error_("element vector is either numberofelements or numberofelements+1 long. Field provided (" << EnumToStringx(input_enum) << ") is " << M << " long"); 2110 } 2111 else _error_("Cannot add input for vector type " << vector_type << " (not supported)"); 2112 2112 } 2113 2113 /*}}}*/ … … 3252 3252 /*Some intputs need to be computed, even if they are already in inputs, they might not be up to date!*/ 3253 3253 switch(output_enum){ 3254 case ViscousHeatingEnum: this->ViscousHeatingCreateInput(); break;3255 case StressMaxPrincipalEnum: this->StressMaxPrincipalCreateInput(); break;3254 case ViscousHeatingEnum: this->ViscousHeatingCreateInput(); break; 3255 case StressMaxPrincipalEnum: this->StressMaxPrincipalCreateInput(); break; 3256 3256 case StressTensorxxEnum: 3257 3257 case StressTensorxyEnum: … … 3266 3266 case StrainRateyzEnum: 3267 3267 case StrainRatezzEnum: 3268 3268 case StrainRateeffectiveEnum: this->ComputeStrainRate(); break; 3269 3269 case DeviatoricStressxxEnum: 3270 3270 case DeviatoricStressxyEnum: … … 3287 3287 case CalvingrateyEnum: 3288 3288 case CalvingCalvingrateEnum: 3289 this->StrainRateparallel();3290 this->StrainRateperpendicular();3291 int calvinglaw;3292 this->FindParam(&calvinglaw,CalvingLawEnum);3293 switch(calvinglaw){3294 case DefaultCalvingEnum:3295 //do nothing3296 break;3297 case CalvingLevermannEnum:3298 this->CalvingRateLevermann();3299 break;3300 case CalvingVonmisesEnum:3301 case CalvingDev2Enum:3302 this->CalvingRateVonmises();3303 break;3304 case CalvingCrevasseDepthEnum:3305 this->CalvingCrevasseDepth();3306 break;3307 default:3308 _error_("Calving law "<<EnumToStringx(calvinglaw)<<" not supported yet");3309 }3310 break;3289 this->StrainRateparallel(); 3290 this->StrainRateperpendicular(); 3291 int calvinglaw; 3292 this->FindParam(&calvinglaw,CalvingLawEnum); 3293 switch(calvinglaw){ 3294 case DefaultCalvingEnum: 3295 //do nothing 3296 break; 3297 case CalvingLevermannEnum: 3298 this->CalvingRateLevermann(); 3299 break; 3300 case CalvingVonmisesEnum: 3301 case CalvingDev2Enum: 3302 this->CalvingRateVonmises(); 3303 break; 3304 case CalvingCrevasseDepthEnum: 3305 this->CalvingCrevasseDepth(); 3306 break; 3307 default: 3308 _error_("Calving law "<<EnumToStringx(calvinglaw)<<" not supported yet"); 3309 } 3310 break; 3311 3311 case CalvingFluxLevelsetEnum: this->CalvingFluxLevelset(); break; 3312 3312 case CalvingMeltingFluxLevelsetEnum: this->CalvingMeltingFluxLevelset(); break; … … 3351 3351 switch(input->GetResultInterpolation()){ 3352 3352 case P0Enum:{ 3353 IssmDouble value;3354 bool bvalue;3355 Input* input = this->GetInput(output_enum); _assert_(input);3356 switch(input->ObjectEnum()){3357 case DoubleInputEnum:3358 input->GetInputValue(&value);3359 break;3360 case BoolInputEnum:3361 input->GetInputValue(&bvalue);3362 value=reCast<IssmDouble>(bvalue);3363 break;3364 default:3365 Gauss* gauss = this->NewGauss();3366 input->GetInputValue(&value,gauss);3367 delete gauss;3368 }3369 vector->SetValue(this->Sid(),value,INS_VAL);3370 break;3371 }3353 IssmDouble value; 3354 bool bvalue; 3355 Input* input = this->GetInput(output_enum); _assert_(input); 3356 switch(input->ObjectEnum()){ 3357 case DoubleInputEnum: 3358 input->GetInputValue(&value); 3359 break; 3360 case BoolInputEnum: 3361 input->GetInputValue(&bvalue); 3362 value=reCast<IssmDouble>(bvalue); 3363 break; 3364 default: 3365 Gauss* gauss = this->NewGauss(); 3366 input->GetInputValue(&value,gauss); 3367 delete gauss; 3368 } 3369 vector->SetValue(this->Sid(),value,INS_VAL); 3370 break; 3371 } 3372 3372 case P1Enum:{ 3373 const int NUM_VERTICES = this->GetNumberOfVertices();3374 3375 IssmDouble *values = xNew<IssmDouble>(NUM_VERTICES);3376 int *connectivity= xNew<int>(NUM_VERTICES);3377 int *sidlist = xNew<int>(NUM_VERTICES);3378 3379 this->GetVerticesSidList(sidlist);3380 this->GetVerticesConnectivityList(connectivity);3381 this->GetInputListOnVertices(values,output_enum);3382 for(int i=0;i<NUM_VERTICES;i++) values[i] = values[i]/reCast<IssmDouble>(connectivity[i]);3383 3384 vector->SetValues(NUM_VERTICES,sidlist,values,ADD_VAL);3385 3386 xDelete<IssmDouble>(values);3387 xDelete<int>(connectivity);3388 xDelete<int>(sidlist);3389 break;3390 }3373 const int NUM_VERTICES = this->GetNumberOfVertices(); 3374 3375 IssmDouble *values = xNew<IssmDouble>(NUM_VERTICES); 3376 int *connectivity= xNew<int>(NUM_VERTICES); 3377 int *sidlist = xNew<int>(NUM_VERTICES); 3378 3379 this->GetVerticesSidList(sidlist); 3380 this->GetVerticesConnectivityList(connectivity); 3381 this->GetInputListOnVertices(values,output_enum); 3382 for(int i=0;i<NUM_VERTICES;i++) values[i] = values[i]/reCast<IssmDouble>(connectivity[i]); 3383 3384 vector->SetValues(NUM_VERTICES,sidlist,values,ADD_VAL); 3385 3386 xDelete<IssmDouble>(values); 3387 xDelete<int>(connectivity); 3388 xDelete<int>(sidlist); 3389 break; 3390 } 3391 3391 default: 3392 3392 _error_("interpolation "<<EnumToStringx(input->GetResultInterpolation())<<" not supported yet"); -
r24089 r24091 243 243 244 244 /*Build B for this segment*/ 245 B[0] = +basis[index1]; 246 B[1] = +basis[index2]; 247 B[2] = -basis[index1]; 248 B[3] = -basis[index2]; 245 switch(finiteelement){ 246 case P0DGEnum: 247 B[0] = +basis[0]; 248 B[1] = -basis[0]; 249 break; 250 case P1DGEnum: 251 B[0] = +basis[index1]; 252 B[1] = +basis[index2]; 253 B[2] = -basis[index1]; 254 B[3] = -basis[index2]; 255 break; 256 default: 257 _error_("not supported yet"); 258 } 249 259 250 260 /*Clean-up*/ … … 268 278 269 279 /*Build B'*/ 270 Bprime[0] = basis[index1]; 271 Bprime[1] = basis[index2]; 272 Bprime[2] = basis[index1]; 273 Bprime[3] = basis[index2]; 280 /*Build B for this segment*/ 281 switch(finiteelement){ 282 case P0DGEnum: 283 Bprime[0] = basis[0]; 284 Bprime[1] = basis[0]; 285 break; 286 case P1DGEnum: 287 Bprime[0] = basis[index1]; 288 Bprime[1] = basis[index2]; 289 Bprime[2] = basis[index1]; 290 Bprime[3] = basis[index2]; 291 break; 292 default: 293 _error_("not supported yet"); 294 } 274 295 275 296 /*Clean-up*/ … … 305 326 306 327 switch(finiteelement){ 328 case P0Enum: case P0DGEnum: 329 basis[0]=triabasis[0]; 330 xDelete<IssmDouble>(triabasis); 331 return; 307 332 case P1Enum: case P1DGEnum: 308 333 basis[0]=triabasis[index1]; -
r23998 r24091 96 96 int TriaInput::GetResultInterpolation(void){/*{{{*/ 97 97 98 if(this->interpolation_type==P0Enum ){98 if(this->interpolation_type==P0Enum || this->interpolation_type==P0DGEnum){ 99 99 return P0Enum; 100 100 } -
r24090 r24091 62 62 /*FIXME: hardcode element degree for now*/ 63 63 this->flux_degree= P1DGEnum; 64 //printf("-------------- file: Numericalflux.cpp line: %i\n",__LINE__);65 64 //this->flux_degree= P0DGEnum; 66 65 -
r24088 r24091 512 512 } 513 513 /*}}}*/ 514 if(finite_element==P1DGEnum && analysis!=UzawaPressureAnalysisEnum){/*Special case for DG...{{{*/ 515 int node_list[4]; 516 if(iomodel->domaintype!=Domain2DhorizontalEnum) _error_("not implemented yet"); 517 CreateEdges(iomodel); 518 CreateFaces(iomodel); 519 for(int i=0;i<iomodel->numberoffaces;i++){ 520 int e1=iomodel->faces[4*i+2]-1; //faces are [node1 node2 elem1 elem2] 521 int e2=iomodel->faces[4*i+3]-1; //faces are [node1 node2 elem1 elem2] 522 if(e2!=-2){ 523 if(epart[e1]!=epart[e2]){ 524 int i1=iomodel->faces[4*i+0]; 525 int i2=iomodel->faces[4*i+1]; 526 int pos=-1; 527 for(int j=0;j<3;j++) if(iomodel->elements[3*e2+j]==i1) pos=j; 528 if( pos==0){ node_list[0] = e2*3+0; node_list[1] = e2*3+2;} 529 else if(pos==1){ node_list[0] = e2*3+1; node_list[1] = e2*3+0;} 530 else if(pos==2){ node_list[0] = e2*3+2; node_list[1] = e2*3+1;} 531 else _error_("not supposed to happen"); 532 pos=-1; 533 for(int j=0;j<3;j++) if(iomodel->elements[3*e1+j]==i1) pos=j; 534 if( pos==0){ node_list[2] = e1*3+0; node_list[3] = e1*3+1;} 535 else if(pos==1){ node_list[2] = e1*3+1; node_list[3] = e1*3+2;} 536 else if(pos==2){ node_list[2] = e1*3+2; node_list[3] = e1*3+0;} 537 else _error_("not supposed to happen"); 538 for(int j=0;j<4;j++){ 539 int nid = node_list[j]; 540 AddNodeToRank(nodes_ranks,nodes_proc_count,nid,epart[e1]); 541 AddNodeToRank(nodes_ranks,nodes_proc_count,nid,epart[e2]); 514 if((finite_element==P0DGEnum || finite_element==P1DGEnum) && analysis!=UzawaPressureAnalysisEnum){/*Special case for DG...{{{*/ 515 if(finite_element==P1DGEnum){ 516 int node_list[4]; 517 if(iomodel->domaintype!=Domain2DhorizontalEnum) _error_("not implemented yet"); 518 CreateEdges(iomodel); 519 CreateFaces(iomodel); 520 for(int i=0;i<iomodel->numberoffaces;i++){ 521 int e1=iomodel->faces[4*i+2]-1; //faces are [node1 node2 elem1 elem2] 522 int e2=iomodel->faces[4*i+3]-1; //faces are [node1 node2 elem1 elem2] 523 if(e2!=-2){ 524 if(epart[e1]!=epart[e2]){ 525 int i1=iomodel->faces[4*i+0]; 526 int i2=iomodel->faces[4*i+1]; 527 int pos=-1; 528 for(int j=0;j<3;j++) if(iomodel->elements[3*e2+j]==i1) pos=j; 529 if( pos==0){ node_list[0] = e2*3+0; node_list[1] = e2*3+2;} 530 else if(pos==1){ node_list[0] = e2*3+1; node_list[1] = e2*3+0;} 531 else if(pos==2){ node_list[0] = e2*3+2; node_list[1] = e2*3+1;} 532 else _error_("not supposed to happen"); 533 pos=-1; 534 for(int j=0;j<3;j++) if(iomodel->elements[3*e1+j]==i1) pos=j; 535 if( pos==0){ node_list[2] = e1*3+0; node_list[3] = e1*3+1;} 536 else if(pos==1){ node_list[2] = e1*3+1; node_list[3] = e1*3+2;} 537 else if(pos==2){ node_list[2] = e1*3+2; node_list[3] = e1*3+0;} 538 else _error_("not supposed to happen"); 539 for(int j=0;j<4;j++){ 540 int nid = node_list[j]; 541 AddNodeToRank(nodes_ranks,nodes_proc_count,nid,epart[e1]); 542 AddNodeToRank(nodes_ranks,nodes_proc_count,nid,epart[e2]); 543 } 542 544 } 543 545 } 544 546 } 547 } 548 else if(finite_element==P0DGEnum){ 549 int node_list[2]; 550 if(iomodel->domaintype!=Domain2DhorizontalEnum) _error_("not implemented yet"); 551 CreateEdges(iomodel); 552 CreateFaces(iomodel); 553 for(int i=0;i<iomodel->numberoffaces;i++){ 554 int e1=iomodel->faces[4*i+2]-1; //faces are [node1 node2 elem1 elem2] 555 int e2=iomodel->faces[4*i+3]-1; //faces are [node1 node2 elem1 elem2] 556 if(e2!=-2){ 557 if(epart[e1]!=epart[e2]){ 558 AddNodeToRank(nodes_ranks,nodes_proc_count,e2,epart[e1]); 559 //AddNodeToRank(nodes_ranks,nodes_proc_count,e1,epart[e2]); 560 } 561 } 562 } 563 } 564 else{ 565 _error_("not supported"); 545 566 } 546 567 }/*}}}*/
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.