Changeset 23962
- Timestamp:
- 05/30/19 13:56:00 (6 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/classes
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r22983 r23962 328 328 /*Clean up*/ 329 329 xDelete<IssmDouble>(triabasis); 330 } 331 /*}}}*/ 332 void TriaRef::GetSegmentNodalFunctionsDerivatives(IssmDouble* dbasis,IssmDouble* xyz_list_tria,Gauss* gauss,int index1,int index2,int finiteelement){/*{{{*/ 333 /*This routine returns the values of the nodal functions at the gaussian point.*/ 334 335 _assert_(index1>=0 && index1<3); 336 _assert_(index2>=0 && index2<3); 337 338 /*Fetch number of nodes for this finite element*/ 339 int numnodes = this->NumberofNodes(finiteelement); 340 341 /*Get nodal functions*/ 342 IssmDouble* dtriabasis=xNew<IssmDouble>(2*numnodes); 343 GetNodalFunctionsDerivatives(dtriabasis,xyz_list_tria,gauss,finiteelement); 344 345 switch(finiteelement){ 346 case P1Enum: case P1DGEnum: 347 dbasis[2*0+0] = dtriabasis[numnodes*0+index1]; 348 dbasis[2*0+1] = dtriabasis[numnodes*1+index1]; 349 dbasis[2*1+0] = dtriabasis[numnodes*0+index2]; 350 dbasis[2*1+1] = dtriabasis[numnodes*1+index2]; 351 break; 352 default: 353 _error_("Element type "<<EnumToStringx(finiteelement)<<" not supported yet"); 354 } 355 356 /*Clean up*/ 357 xDelete<IssmDouble>(dtriabasis); 330 358 } 331 359 /*}}}*/ -
r22983 r23962 29 29 void GetSegmentJacobianDeterminant(IssmDouble* Jdet, IssmDouble* xyz_list,Gauss* gauss); 30 30 void GetSegmentNodalFunctions(IssmDouble* basis,Gauss* gauss, int index1,int index2,int finiteelement); 31 void GetSegmentNodalFunctionsDerivatives(IssmDouble* dbasis,IssmDouble* xyz_list_tria,Gauss* gauss, int index1,int index2,int finiteelement); 31 32 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_data,int* pmarshalled_data_size, int marshall_direction){ /*do nothing */}; 32 33 void NodeOnEdgeIndices(int* pnumindices,int** pindices,int index,int finiteelement); -
r23960 r23962 14 14 #include "../classes.h" 15 15 /*}}}*/ 16 #define NUMNODES 2 16 #define NUMNODES 2 17 #define NUMVERTICES 2 17 18 18 19 /*Channel constructors and destructor*/ … … 33 34 this->nodes = NULL; 34 35 36 /*Set channel cross section to 0*/ 37 this->S = 0.; 38 35 39 /*Get edge info*/ 36 40 int i1 = iomodel->faces[4*index+0]; … … 71 75 /*copy fields: */ 72 76 channel->id=this->id; 77 channel->S=this->S; 73 78 74 79 /*point parameters: */ … … 92 97 _printf_("Channel:\n"); 93 98 _printf_(" id: " << id << "\n"); 99 _printf_(" S: " << S << "\n"); 94 100 hnodes->DeepEcho(); 95 101 hvertices->DeepEcho(); … … 105 111 _printf_("Channel:\n"); 106 112 _printf_(" id: " << id << "\n"); 113 _printf_(" S: " << S << "\n"); 107 114 hnodes->Echo(); 108 115 hvertices->Echo(); … … 122 129 MARSHALLING_ENUM(ChannelEnum); 123 130 MARSHALLING(id); 131 MARSHALLING(S); 124 132 125 133 if(marshall_direction==MARSHALLING_BACKWARD){ … … 141 149 /*}}}*/ 142 150 int Channel::ObjectEnum(void){/*{{{*/ 143 144 151 return ChannelEnum; 145 146 } 147 /*}}}*/ 152 }/*}}}*/ 148 153 149 154 /*Load virtual functions definitions:*/ … … 323 328 324 329 /*Channel specific functions*/ 325 ElementVector* Channel::CreatePVectorHydrologyGlaDS(void){/*{{{*/ 326 327 _error_("not implemented :( "); 330 ElementMatrix* Channel::CreateKMatrixHydrologyGlaDS(void){/*{{{*/ 328 331 329 332 /*Initialize Element matrix and return if necessary*/ 330 333 Tria* tria=(Tria*)element; 331 334 if(!tria->IsIceInElement()) return NULL; 332 ElementVector* pe=new ElementVector(nodes,NUMNODES,this->parameters); 335 _assert_(tria->FiniteElement()==P1Enum); 336 int index1=tria->GetNodeIndex(nodes[0]); 337 int index2=tria->GetNodeIndex(nodes[1]); 338 339 /*Intermediaries */ 340 IssmDouble Jdet,v1; 341 IssmDouble A,B,n,phi_old,phi,phi_0; 342 IssmDouble H,h,b; 343 IssmDouble xyz_list[NUMVERTICES][3]; 344 IssmDouble xyz_list_tria[3][3]; 345 const int numnodes = NUMNODES; 346 347 /*Initialize Element vector and other vectors*/ 348 ElementMatrix* Ke=new ElementMatrix(this->nodes,NUMNODES,this->parameters); 349 IssmDouble basis[NUMNODES]; 350 IssmDouble dbasisdx[2*NUMNODES]; 351 IssmDouble dbasisds[NUMNODES]; 352 353 /*Retrieve all inputs and parameters*/ 354 GetVerticesCoordinates(&xyz_list[0][0] ,this->vertices,NUMVERTICES); 355 GetVerticesCoordinates(&xyz_list_tria[0][0],tria->vertices,3); 356 IssmDouble L = element->FindParam(MaterialsLatentheatEnum); 357 IssmDouble rho_ice = element->FindParam(MaterialsRhoIceEnum); 358 IssmDouble rho_water = element->FindParam(MaterialsRhoFreshwaterEnum); 359 IssmDouble dt = element->FindParam(TimesteppingTimeStepEnum); 360 IssmDouble g = element->FindParam(ConstantsGEnum); 361 Input* h_input = element->GetInput(HydrologySheetThicknessEnum);_assert_(h_input); 362 Input* H_input = element->GetInput(ThicknessEnum); _assert_(H_input); 363 Input* b_input = element->GetInput(BedEnum); _assert_(b_input); 364 Input* B_input = element->GetInput(MaterialsRheologyBEnum); _assert_(B_input); 365 Input* n_input = element->GetInput(MaterialsRheologyNEnum); _assert_(n_input); 366 Input* phiold_input = element->GetInput(HydraulicPotentialOldEnum); _assert_(phiold_input); 367 Input* phi_input = element->GetInput(HydraulicPotentialEnum); _assert_(phi_input); 368 369 /*Get tangent vector*/ 370 IssmDouble tx = xyz_list_tria[index2][0] - xyz_list_tria[index1][0]; 371 IssmDouble ty = xyz_list_tria[index2][1] - xyz_list_tria[index1][1]; 372 tx = tx/sqrt(tx*tx+ty*ty); 373 ty = ty/sqrt(tx*tx+ty*ty); 374 375 /* Start looping on the number of gaussian points: */ 376 Gauss* gauss=new GaussTria(index1,index2,2); 377 for(int ig=gauss->begin();ig<gauss->end();ig++){ 378 gauss->GaussPoint(ig); 379 380 tria->GetSegmentJacobianDeterminant(&Jdet,&xyz_list[0][0],gauss); 381 tria->GetSegmentNodalFunctions(&basis[0],gauss,index1,index2,tria->FiniteElement()); 382 tria->GetSegmentNodalFunctionsDerivatives(&dbasisdx[0],&xyz_list_tria[0][0],gauss,index1,index2,tria->FiniteElement()); 383 384 /*Get input values at gauss points*/ 385 h_input->GetInputValue(&h,gauss); 386 B_input->GetInputValue(&B,gauss); 387 n_input->GetInputValue(&n,gauss); 388 phi_input->GetInputValue(&phi,gauss); 389 b_input->GetInputValue(&b,gauss); 390 H_input->GetInputValue(&H,gauss); 391 392 /*Closing rate term, see Gagliardini and Werder 2018 eq. A2 (v = v1*phi_i + v2(phi_{i+1}))*/ 393 phi_0 = rho_water*g*b + rho_ice*g*H; 394 A=pow(B,-n); 395 v1 = 2./pow(n,n)*A*S*(pow(fabs(phi_0 - phi),n-1.)*( - n)); 396 for(int i=0;i<numnodes;i++){ 397 for(int j=0;j<numnodes;j++){ 398 Ke->values[i*numnodes+j] += gauss->weight*Jdet*(-v1)*basis[i]*basis[j]; 399 } 400 } 401 402 /*Transient term if dt>0*/ 403 if(dt>0.){ 404 } 405 } 333 406 334 407 /*Clean up and return*/ 408 delete gauss; 409 return Ke; 410 } 411 /*}}}*/ 412 ElementVector* Channel::CreatePVectorHydrologyGlaDS(void){/*{{{*/ 413 414 /*Initialize Element matrix and return if necessary*/ 415 Tria* tria=(Tria*)element; 416 if(!tria->IsIceInElement()) return NULL; 417 _assert_(tria->FiniteElement()==P1Enum); 418 int index1=tria->GetNodeIndex(nodes[0]); 419 int index2=tria->GetNodeIndex(nodes[1]); 420 421 /*Intermediaries */ 422 IssmDouble Jdet,v2; 423 IssmDouble A,B,n,phi_old,phi,phi_0; 424 IssmDouble H,h,b; 425 IssmDouble xyz_list[NUMVERTICES][3]; 426 const int numnodes = NUMNODES; 427 428 /*Initialize Element vector and other vectors*/ 429 ElementVector* pe = new ElementVector(this->nodes,NUMNODES,this->parameters); 430 IssmDouble basis[NUMNODES]; 431 432 /*Retrieve all inputs and parameters*/ 433 GetVerticesCoordinates(&xyz_list[0][0],this->vertices,NUMVERTICES); 434 IssmDouble L = element->FindParam(MaterialsLatentheatEnum); 435 IssmDouble rho_ice = element->FindParam(MaterialsRhoIceEnum); 436 IssmDouble rho_water = element->FindParam(MaterialsRhoFreshwaterEnum); 437 IssmDouble dt = element->FindParam(TimesteppingTimeStepEnum); 438 IssmDouble g = element->FindParam(ConstantsGEnum); 439 Input* h_input = element->GetInput(HydrologySheetThicknessEnum);_assert_(h_input); 440 Input* H_input = element->GetInput(ThicknessEnum); _assert_(H_input); 441 Input* b_input = element->GetInput(BedEnum); _assert_(b_input); 442 Input* B_input = element->GetInput(MaterialsRheologyBEnum); _assert_(B_input); 443 Input* n_input = element->GetInput(MaterialsRheologyNEnum); _assert_(n_input); 444 Input* phiold_input = element->GetInput(HydraulicPotentialOldEnum); _assert_(phiold_input); 445 Input* phi_input = element->GetInput(HydraulicPotentialEnum); _assert_(phi_input); 446 447 /* Start looping on the number of gaussian points: */ 448 Gauss* gauss=new GaussTria(index1,index2,2); 449 for(int ig=gauss->begin();ig<gauss->end();ig++){ 450 gauss->GaussPoint(ig); 451 452 tria->GetSegmentJacobianDeterminant(&Jdet,&xyz_list[0][0],gauss); 453 tria->GetSegmentNodalFunctions(&basis[0],gauss,index1,index2,tria->FiniteElement()); 454 455 /*Get input values at gauss points*/ 456 h_input->GetInputValue(&h,gauss); 457 B_input->GetInputValue(&B,gauss); 458 n_input->GetInputValue(&n,gauss); 459 phi_input->GetInputValue(&phi,gauss); 460 b_input->GetInputValue(&b,gauss); 461 H_input->GetInputValue(&H,gauss); 462 463 /*Compute closing rate*/ 464 /*See Gagliardini and Werder 2018 eq. A2 (v = v2(phi_i) + v1*phi_{i+1})*/ 465 phi_0 = rho_water*g*b + rho_ice*g*H; 466 A=pow(B,-n); 467 v2 = 2./pow(n,n)*A*this->S*(pow(fabs(phi_0 - phi),n-1.)*(phi_0 +(n-1.)*phi)); 468 469 for(int i=0;i<numnodes;i++) pe->values[i]+= - Jdet*gauss->weight*(-v2)*basis[i]; 470 471 /*Transient term if dt>0*/ 472 if(dt>0.){ 473 //phiold_input->GetInputValue(&phi_old,gauss); 474 //for(int i=0;i<numnodes;i++) pe->values[i] += gauss->weight*Jdet*e_v/(rho_water*g*dt)*phi_old*basis[i]; 475 } 476 } 477 478 /*Clean up and return*/ 479 delete gauss; 335 480 return pe; 336 481 } 337 482 /*}}}*/ 338 ElementMatrix* Channel::CreateKMatrixHydrologyGlaDS(void){/*{{{*/339 340 _error_("not implemented :( ");341 342 /*Initialize Element matrix and return if necessary*/343 Tria* tria=(Tria*)element;344 if(!tria->IsIceInElement()) return NULL;345 ElementMatrix* Ke=new ElementMatrix(nodes,NUMNODES,this->parameters);346 347 /*Clean up and return*/348 return Ke;349 }350 /*}}}*/ -
r23960 r23962 17 17 18 18 class Channel: public Load { 19 20 private: 21 IssmDouble S; 19 22 20 23 public:
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