Changeset 23920
- Timestamp:
- 05/14/19 13:16:58 (6 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/m/plot
- Files:
- 4 added
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r23716 r23920 1 1 import numpy as np 2 from cmaptools import truncate_colormap2 from cmaptools import getcolormap 3 3 from plot_contour import plot_contour 4 4 from plot_streamlines import plot_streamlines … … 6 6 7 7 try: 8 9 10 11 12 8 from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator 9 from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable 10 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D 11 import matplotlib as mpl 12 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 13 13 except ImportError: 14 14 print("could not import pylab, matplotlib has not been installed, no plotting capabilities enabled") 15 15 16 16 def applyoptions(md,data,options,fig,axgrid,gridindex): 17 ''' 18 APPLYOPTIONS - apply options to current plot 19 20 'plotobj' is the object returned by the specific plot call used to 21 render the data. This object is used for adding a colorbar. 22 23 Usage: 24 applyoptions(md,data,options) 25 26 See also: PLOTMODEL, PARSE_OPTIONS 27 ''' 28 29 # get handle to current figure and axes instance 30 #fig = p.gcf() 31 ax= axgrid[gridindex] 32 33 # {{{ font 34 fontsize=options.getfieldvalue('fontsize',8) 35 fontweight=options.getfieldvalue('fontweight','normal') 36 fontfamily=options.getfieldvalue('fontfamily','sans-serif') 37 font={'fontsize' :fontsize, 38 'fontweight' :fontweight, 39 'family' :fontfamily} 40 # }}} 41 # {{{ title 42 if options.exist('title'): 43 title=options.getfieldvalue('title') 44 if options.exist('titlefontsize'): 45 titlefontsize=options.getfieldvalue('titlefontsize') 46 else: 47 titlefontsize=fontsize 48 if options.exist('titlefontweight'): 49 titlefontweight=options.getfieldvalue('titlefontweight') 50 else: 51 titlefontweight=fontweight 52 #title font 53 titlefont=font.copy() 54 titlefont['size']=titlefontsize 55 titlefont['weight']=titlefontweight 56 ax.set_title(title,**titlefont) 57 # }}} 58 # {{{ xlabel, ylabel, zlabel 59 if options.exist('labelfontsize'): 60 labelfontsize=options.getfieldvalue('labelfontsize') 61 else: 62 labelfontsize=fontsize 63 if options.exist('labelfontweight'): 64 labelfontweight=options.getfieldvalue('labelfontweight') 65 else: 66 labelfontweight=fontweight 67 68 #font dict for labels 69 labelfont=font.copy() 70 labelfont['fontsize']=labelfontsize 71 labelfont['fontweight']=labelfontweight 72 73 if options.exist('xlabel'): 74 ax.set_xlabel(options.getfieldvalue('xlabel'),**labelfont) 75 if options.exist('ylabel'): 76 ax.set_ylabel(options.getfieldvalue('ylabel'),**labelfont) 77 if options.exist('zlabel'): 78 ax.set_zlabel(options.getfieldvalue('zlabel'),**labelfont) 79 # }}} 80 # {{{ xticks, yticks, zticks (tick locations) 81 if options.exist('xticks'): 82 if options.exist('xticklabels'): 83 xticklabels=options.getfieldvalue('xticklabels') 84 ax.set_xticks(options.getfieldvalue('xticks'),xticklabels) 85 else: 86 ax.set_xticks(options.getfieldvalue('xticks')) 87 if options.exist('yticks'): 88 if options.exist('yticklabels'): 89 yticklabels=options.getfieldvalue('yticklabels') 90 ax.set_yticks(options.getfieldvalue('yticks'),yticklabels) 91 else: 92 ax.set_yticks(options.getfieldvalue('yticks')) 93 if options.exist('zticks'): 94 if options.exist('zticklabels'): 95 zticklabels=options.getfieldvalue('zticklabels') 96 ax.set_zticks(options.getfieldvalue('zticks'),zticklabels) 97 else: 98 ax.set_zticks(options.getfieldvalue('zticks')) 99 # }}} 100 # {{{ xticklabels,yticklabels,zticklabels 101 if options.getfieldvalue('ticklabels','off')=='off' or options.getfieldvalue('ticklabels',0)==0: 102 options.addfielddefault('xticklabels',[]) 103 options.addfielddefault('yticklabels',[]) 104 # TODO check if ax has a z-axis (e.g. is 3D) 105 if options.exist('xticklabels'): 106 xticklabels=options.getfieldvalue('xticklabels') 107 ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) 108 if options.exist('yticklabels'): 109 yticklabels=options.getfieldvalue('yticklabels') 110 ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels) 111 if options.exist('zticklabels'): 112 zticklabels=options.getfieldvalue('zticklabels') 113 ax.set_zticklabels(zticklabels) 114 # }}} 115 # {{{ ticklabel notation 116 #ax.ticklabel_format(style='sci',scilimits=(0,0)) 117 # }}} 118 # {{{ ticklabelfontsize 119 if options.exist('ticklabelfontsize'): 120 for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): 121 label.set_fontsize(options.getfieldvalue('ticklabelfontsize')) 122 if int(md.mesh.dimension)==3: 123 for label in ax.get_zticklabels(): 124 label.set_fontsize(options.getfieldvalue('ticklabelfontsize')) 125 # }}} 126 # {{{ view TOFIX 127 #if int(md.mesh.dimension) == 3 and options.exist('layer'): 128 # #options.getfieldvalue('view') ? 129 # ax=fig.gca(projection='3d') 130 131 # }}} 132 # {{{ axis 133 if options.exist('axis'): 134 if options.getfieldvalue('axis',True)=='off': 135 ax.ticklabel_format(style='plain') 136 p.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) 137 p.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) 138 # }}} 139 # {{{ box 140 if options.exist('box'): 141 eval(options.getfieldvalue('box')) 142 # }}} 143 # {{{ xlim, ylim, zlim 144 if options.exist('xlim'): 145 ax.set_xlim(options.getfieldvalue('xlim')) 146 if options.exist('ylim'): 147 ax.set_ylim(options.getfieldvalue('ylim')) 148 if options.exist('zlim'): 149 ax.set_zlim(options.getfieldvalue('zlim')) 150 # }}} 151 # {{{ latlon TODO 152 # }}} 153 # {{{ Basinzoom TODO 154 # }}} 155 # {{{ ShowBasins TODO 156 # }}} 157 # {{{ clim 158 if options.exist('clim'): 159 lims=options.getfieldvalue('clim') 160 assert len(lims)==2, 'error, clim should be passed as a list of length 2' 161 elif options.exist('caxis'): 162 lims=options.getfieldvalue('caxis') 163 assert len(lims)==2, 'error, caxis should be passed as a list of length 2' 164 options.addfielddefault('clim',lims) 165 else: 166 if len(data)>0: 167 lims=[data.min(),data.max()] 168 else: 169 lims=[0,1] 170 # }}} 171 # {{{ shading TODO 172 #if options.exist('shading'): 173 # }}} 174 # {{{ grid 175 if options.exist('grid'): 176 if 'on' in options.getfieldvalue('grid','on'): 177 ax.grid() 178 # }}} 179 # {{{ colormap 180 if options.exist('colornorm'): 181 norm=options.getfieldvalue('colornorm') 182 if options.exist('colormap'): 183 cmap=options.getfieldvalue('colormap') 184 cbar_extend=0 185 if options.exist('cmap_set_over'): 186 cbar_extend+=1 187 if options.exist('cmap_set_under'): 188 cbar_extend+=2 189 # }}} 190 # {{{ contours 191 if options.exist('contourlevels'): 192 plot_contour(md,data,options,ax) 193 # }}} 194 # {{{ wrapping TODO 195 # }}} 196 # {{{ colorbar 197 if options.getfieldvalue('colorbar',1)==1: 198 if cbar_extend==0: 199 extend='neither' 200 elif cbar_extend==1: 201 extend='max' 202 elif cbar_extend==2: 203 extend='min' 204 elif cbar_extend==3: 205 extend='both' 206 cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax.cax,cmap=cmap, norm=norm, extend=extend) 207 if options.exist('alpha'): 208 cb.set_alpha(options.getfieldvalue('alpha')) 209 if options.exist('colorbarnumticks'): 210 cb.locator=MaxNLocator(nbins=options.getfieldvalue('colorbarnumticks',5)) 211 else: 212 cb.locator=MaxNLocator(nbins=5) # default 5 ticks 213 if options.exist('colorbartickspacing'): 214 locs=np.arange(lims[0],lims[1]+1,options.getfieldvalue('colorbartickspacing')) 215 cb.set_ticks(locs) 216 if options.exist('colorbarlines'): 217 locs=np.arange(lims[0],lims[1]+1,options.getfieldvalue('colorbarlines')) 218 cb.add_lines(locs,['k' for i in range(len(locs))],np.ones_like(locs)) 219 if options.exist('colorbarlineatvalue'): 220 locs=options.getfieldvalue('colorbarlineatvalue') 221 colors=options.getfieldvalue('colorbarlineatvaluecolor',['k' for i in range (len(locs))]) 222 widths=options.getfieldvalue('colorbarlineatvaluewidth',np.ones_like(locs)) 223 cb.add_lines(locs,colors,widths) 224 if options.exist('colorbartitle'): 225 if options.exist('colorbartitlepad'): 226 cb.set_label(options.getfieldvalue('colorbartitle'), 227 labelpad=options.getfieldvalue('colorbartitlepad'),fontsize=fontsize) 228 else: 229 cb.set_label(options.getfieldvalue('colorbartitle'),fontsize=fontsize) 230 231 cb.solids.set_rasterized(True) 232 cb.update_ticks() 233 cb.draw_all() 234 if options.exist('colorbarfontsize'): 235 colorbarfontsize=options.getfieldvalue('colorbarfontsize') 236 237 # cb.set_ticks([0,-10]) 238 # cb.set_ticklabels([-10,0,10]) 239 if options.exist('colorbarticks'): 240 colorbarticks=options.getfieldvalue('colorbarticks') 241 cb.set_ticks(colorbarticks) 242 # return to original axes control 243 # }}} 244 # {{{ expdisp 245 if options.exist('expdisp'): 246 expdisp(ax,options) 247 # }}} 248 # {{{ area TODO 249 # }}} 250 # {{{ text 251 if options.exist('text'): 252 text=options.getfieldvalue('text') 253 textx=options.getfieldvalue('textx') 254 texty=options.getfieldvalue('texty') 255 textcolor=options.getfieldvalue('textcolor') 256 textweight=options.getfieldvalue('textweight') 257 textrotation=options.getfieldvalue('textrotation') 258 textfontsize=options.getfieldvalue('textfontsize') 259 for label,x,y,size,color,weight,rotation in zip(text,textx,texty,textfontsize,textcolor,textweight,textrotation): 260 ax.text(x,y,label,transform=ax.transAxes,fontsize=size,color=color,weight=weight,rotation=rotation) 261 # }}} 262 # {{{ north arrow TODO 263 # }}} 264 # {{{ scale ruler TODO 265 # }}} 266 # {{{ streamlines TOFIX 267 if options.exist('streamlines'): 268 plot_streamlines(md,options,ax) 269 # }}} 270 # {{{ axis positions TODO 271 # }}} 272 # {{{ figure position TODO 273 # }}} 274 # {{{ axes position TODO 275 # }}} 276 # {{{ showregion TODO 277 # }}} 278 # {{{ flat edges of a partition TODO 279 # }}} 280 # {{{ scatter TODO 281 # }}} 282 # {{{ backgroundcolor TODO 283 # }}} 284 # {{{ figurebackgroundcolor TODO 285 # }}} 286 # {{{ lighting TODO 287 # }}} 288 # {{{ point cloud TODO 289 # }}} 290 # {{{ inset TODO 291 # }}} 17 ''' 18 APPLYOPTIONS - apply options to current plot 19 20 'plotobj' is the object returned by the specific plot call used to 21 render the data. This object is used for adding a colorbar. 22 23 Usage: 24 applyoptions(md,data,options) 25 26 See also: PLOTMODEL, PARSE_OPTIONS 27 ''' 28 29 # get handle to current figure and axes instance 30 #fig = p.gcf() 31 ax= axgrid[gridindex] 32 33 # {{{ font 34 fontsize=options.getfieldvalue('fontsize',8) 35 fontweight=options.getfieldvalue('fontweight','normal') 36 fontfamily=options.getfieldvalue('fontfamily','sans-serif') 37 font={'fontsize' :fontsize, 38 'fontweight' :fontweight, 39 'family' :fontfamily} 40 # }}} 41 # {{{ title 42 if options.exist('title'): 43 title=options.getfieldvalue('title') 44 if options.exist('titlefontsize'): 45 titlefontsize=options.getfieldvalue('titlefontsize') 46 else: 47 titlefontsize=fontsize 48 if options.exist('titlefontweight'): 49 titlefontweight=options.getfieldvalue('titlefontweight') 50 else: 51 titlefontweight=fontweight 52 #title font 53 titlefont=font.copy() 54 titlefont['size']=titlefontsize 55 titlefont['weight']=titlefontweight 56 ax.set_title(title,**titlefont) 57 # }}} 58 # {{{ xlabel, ylabel, zlabel 59 if options.exist('labelfontsize'): 60 labelfontsize=options.getfieldvalue('labelfontsize') 61 else: 62 labelfontsize=fontsize 63 if options.exist('labelfontweight'): 64 labelfontweight=options.getfieldvalue('labelfontweight') 65 else: 66 labelfontweight=fontweight 67 68 #font dict for labels 69 labelfont=font.copy() 70 labelfont['fontsize']=labelfontsize 71 labelfont['fontweight']=labelfontweight 72 73 if options.exist('xlabel'): 74 ax.set_xlabel(options.getfieldvalue('xlabel'),**labelfont) 75 if options.exist('ylabel'): 76 ax.set_ylabel(options.getfieldvalue('ylabel'),**labelfont) 77 if options.exist('zlabel'): 78 ax.set_zlabel(options.getfieldvalue('zlabel'),**labelfont) 79 # }}} 80 # {{{ xticks, yticks, zticks (tick locations) 81 if options.exist('xticks'): 82 if options.exist('xticklabels'): 83 xticklabels=options.getfieldvalue('xticklabels') 84 ax.set_xticks(options.getfieldvalue('xticks'),xticklabels) 85 else: 86 ax.set_xticks(options.getfieldvalue('xticks')) 87 if options.exist('yticks'): 88 if options.exist('yticklabels'): 89 yticklabels=options.getfieldvalue('yticklabels') 90 ax.set_yticks(options.getfieldvalue('yticks'),yticklabels) 91 else: 92 ax.set_yticks(options.getfieldvalue('yticks')) 93 if options.exist('zticks'): 94 if options.exist('zticklabels'): 95 zticklabels=options.getfieldvalue('zticklabels') 96 ax.set_zticks(options.getfieldvalue('zticks'),zticklabels) 97 else: 98 ax.set_zticks(options.getfieldvalue('zticks')) 99 # }}} 100 # {{{ xticklabels,yticklabels,zticklabels 101 if options.getfieldvalue('ticklabels','off')=='off' or options.getfieldvalue('ticklabels',0)==0: 102 options.addfielddefault('xticklabels',[]) 103 options.addfielddefault('yticklabels',[]) 104 # TODO check if ax has a z-axis (e.g. is 3D) 105 if options.exist('xticklabels'): 106 xticklabels=options.getfieldvalue('xticklabels') 107 ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) 108 if options.exist('yticklabels'): 109 yticklabels=options.getfieldvalue('yticklabels') 110 ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels) 111 if options.exist('zticklabels'): 112 zticklabels=options.getfieldvalue('zticklabels') 113 ax.set_zticklabels(zticklabels) 114 # }}} 115 # {{{ ticklabel notation 116 #ax.ticklabel_format(style='sci',scilimits=(0,0)) 117 # }}} 118 # {{{ ticklabelfontsize 119 if options.exist('ticklabelfontsize'): 120 for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): 121 label.set_fontsize(options.getfieldvalue('ticklabelfontsize')) 122 if int(md.mesh.dimension)==3: 123 for label in ax.get_zticklabels(): 124 label.set_fontsize(options.getfieldvalue('ticklabelfontsize')) 125 # }}} 126 # {{{ view TOFIX 127 #if int(md.mesh.dimension) == 3 and options.exist('layer'): 128 # #options.getfieldvalue('view') ? 129 # ax=fig.gca(projection='3d') 130 131 # }}} 132 # {{{ axis 133 if options.exist('axis'): 134 if options.getfieldvalue('axis',True)=='off': 135 ax.ticklabel_format(style='plain') 136 p.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) 137 p.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) 138 # }}} 139 # {{{ box 140 if options.exist('box'): 141 eval(options.getfieldvalue('box')) 142 # }}} 143 # {{{ xlim, ylim, zlim 144 if options.exist('xlim'): 145 ax.set_xlim(options.getfieldvalue('xlim')) 146 if options.exist('ylim'): 147 ax.set_ylim(options.getfieldvalue('ylim')) 148 if options.exist('zlim'): 149 ax.set_zlim(options.getfieldvalue('zlim')) 150 # }}} 151 # {{{ latlon TODO 152 # }}} 153 # {{{ Basinzoom TODO 154 # }}} 155 # {{{ ShowBasins TODO 156 # }}} 157 # {{{ clim 158 if options.exist('clim'): 159 lims=options.getfieldvalue('clim') 160 assert len(lims)==2, 'error, clim should be passed as a list of length 2' 161 elif options.exist('caxis'): 162 lims=options.getfieldvalue('caxis') 163 assert len(lims)==2, 'error, caxis should be passed as a list of length 2' 164 options.addfielddefault('clim',lims) 165 else: 166 if len(data)>0: 167 lims=[data.min(),data.max()] 168 else: 169 lims=[0,1] 170 # }}} 171 # {{{ shading TODO 172 #if options.exist('shading'): 173 # }}} 174 # {{{ grid 175 if options.exist('grid'): 176 if 'on' in options.getfieldvalue('grid','on'): 177 ax.grid() 178 # }}} 179 # {{{ colormap 180 if options.exist('colornorm'): 181 norm=options.getfieldvalue('colornorm') 182 if options.exist('colormap'): 183 cmap=getcolormap(options) 184 cbar_extend=0 185 if options.exist('cmap_set_over'): 186 cbar_extend+=1 187 if options.exist('cmap_set_under'): 188 cbar_extend+=2 189 # }}} 190 # {{{ contours 191 if options.exist('contourlevels'): 192 plot_contour(md,data,options,ax) 193 # }}} 194 # {{{ wrapping TODO 195 # }}} 196 # {{{ colorbar 197 if options.getfieldvalue('colorbar',1)==1: 198 if cbar_extend==0: 199 extend='neither' 200 elif cbar_extend==1: 201 extend='max' 202 elif cbar_extend==2: 203 extend='min' 204 elif cbar_extend==3: 205 extend='both' 206 207 cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax.cax,cmap=cmap, norm=norm, extend=extend) 208 if options.exist('alpha'): 209 cb.set_alpha(options.getfieldvalue('alpha')) 210 if options.exist('colorbarnumticks'): 211 cb.locator=MaxNLocator(nbins=options.getfieldvalue('colorbarnumticks',5)) 212 else: 213 cb.locator=MaxNLocator(nbins=5) # default 5 ticks 214 if options.exist('colorbartickspacing'): 215 locs=np.arange(lims[0],lims[1]+1,options.getfieldvalue('colorbartickspacing')) 216 cb.set_ticks(locs) 217 if options.exist('colorbarlines'): 218 locs=np.arange(lims[0],lims[1]+1,options.getfieldvalue('colorbarlines')) 219 cb.add_lines(locs,['k' for i in range(len(locs))],np.ones_like(locs)) 220 if options.exist('colorbarlineatvalue'): 221 locs=options.getfieldvalue('colorbarlineatvalue') 222 colors=options.getfieldvalue('colorbarlineatvaluecolor',['k' for i in range (len(locs))]) 223 widths=options.getfieldvalue('colorbarlineatvaluewidth',np.ones_like(locs)) 224 cb.add_lines(locs,colors,widths) 225 if options.exist('colorbartitle'): 226 if options.exist('colorbartitlepad'): 227 cb.set_label(options.getfieldvalue('colorbartitle'), 228 labelpad=options.getfieldvalue('colorbartitlepad'),fontsize=fontsize) 229 else: 230 cb.set_label(options.getfieldvalue('colorbartitle'),fontsize=fontsize) 231 232 cb.solids.set_rasterized(True) 233 cb.update_ticks() 234 cb.draw_all() 235 if options.exist('colorbarfontsize'): 236 colorbarfontsize=options.getfieldvalue('colorbarfontsize') 237 238 # cb.set_ticks([0,-10]) 239 # cb.set_ticklabels([-10,0,10]) 240 if options.exist('colorbarticks'): 241 colorbarticks=options.getfieldvalue('colorbarticks') 242 cb.set_ticks(colorbarticks) 243 # return to original axes control 244 # }}} 245 # {{{ expdisp 246 if options.exist('expdisp'): 247 expdisp(ax,options) 248 # }}} 249 # {{{ area TODO 250 # }}} 251 # {{{ text 252 if options.exist('text'): 253 text=options.getfieldvalue('text') 254 textx=options.getfieldvalue('textx') 255 texty=options.getfieldvalue('texty') 256 textcolor=options.getfieldvalue('textcolor') 257 textweight=options.getfieldvalue('textweight') 258 textrotation=options.getfieldvalue('textrotation') 259 textfontsize=options.getfieldvalue('textfontsize') 260 for label,x,y,size,color,weight,rotation in zip(text,textx,texty,textfontsize,textcolor,textweight,textrotation): 261 ax.text(x,y,label,transform=ax.transAxes,fontsize=size,color=color,weight=weight,rotation=rotation) 262 # }}} 263 # {{{ north arrow TODO 264 # }}} 265 # {{{ scale ruler TODO 266 # }}} 267 # {{{ streamlines TOFIX 268 if options.exist('streamlines'): 269 plot_streamlines(md,options,ax) 270 # }}} 271 # {{{ axis positions TODO 272 # }}} 273 # {{{ figure position TODO 274 # }}} 275 # {{{ axes position TODO 276 # }}} 277 # {{{ showregion TODO 278 # }}} 279 # {{{ flat edges of a partition TODO 280 # }}} 281 # {{{ scatter TODO 282 # }}} 283 # {{{ backgroundcolor TODO 284 # }}} 285 # {{{ figurebackgroundcolor TODO 286 # }}} 287 # {{{ lighting TODO 288 # }}} 289 # {{{ point cloud TODO 290 # }}} 291 # {{{ inset TODO 292 # }}} -
r23716 r23920 1 1 import numpy as np 2 from demmap import * 2 3 3 4 try: 4 5 import matplotlib as mpl 6 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 7 from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, rgb_to_hsv, hsv_to_rgb 5 8 except ImportError: 6 9 print('cannot import matplotlib, no plotting capabilities enabled') 10 11 def getcolormap(options): 12 ''' 13 get colormap from options and apply 14 15 default: viridis 16 supported: 17 matplotlib defaults (see: pyplot.colormaps()) 18 Rignot 19 demmap(50,-300,1200) 20 demmap(50,-300,1200,'ibcao') 21 22 Usage: 23 cmap = getcolormap(options) 24 ''' 25 26 map_name = options.getfieldvalue('colormap') 27 cmap = 'viridis' 28 29 # already a valid colormap, the name of a valid colormap, or empty (use default) 30 if type(map_name) == mpl.colors.ListedColormap: 31 return map_name 32 elif map_name in plt.colormaps(): 33 return map_name 34 elif map_name == '': 35 return cmap 36 37 # if we don't have a matching colormap, build one 38 if map_name == 'Rignot': 39 alpha=options.getfieldvalue('alpha',1) 40 cmap = np.array((np.linspace(0,1,128,False),np.ones(128,),np.ones(128,))).T 41 cmap[:,1] =np.maximum(np.minimum((0.1+cmap[:,0]**(1/alpha)),1),0) 42 cmap = hsv_to_rgb(cmap) 43 # construct a colormap object from an array of shape (n,3/4) 44 cmap = ListedColormap(cmap) 45 46 #elif map_name == 'Ala': 47 48 else: 49 # map is a library or executable function that constructs a colormap, 50 # function must be imported above 51 try: 52 cmap = ListedColormap(eval(map_name)) 53 except: 54 raise RuntimeError("getcolormap: Error: provided colormap must be supported map or map-constructing function with syntax: 'jet' or 'function(args)'") 55 56 return cmap 57 7 58 8 59 def truncate_colormap(cmap, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, n=100): -
r23716 r23920 1 from cmaptools import truncate_colormap1 from cmaptools import getcolormap,truncate_colormap 2 2 from plot_quiver import plot_quiver 3 3 from scipy.interpolate import griddata 4 4 import numpy as np 5 5 try: 6 7 8 9 10 6 import matplotlib as mpl 7 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 8 from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import inset_locator 9 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D 10 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection 11 11 except ImportError: 12 12 print("could not import pylab, matplotlib has not been installed, no plotting capabilities enabled") 13 13 14 14 def plot_unit(x,y,z,elements,data,is2d,isplanet,datatype,options,fig,axgrid,gridindex): 15 """ 16 PLOT_UNIT - unit plot, display data 17 18 Usage: 19 plot_unit(x,y,z,elements,data,is2d,isplanet,datatype,options) 20 21 See also: PLOTMODEL, PLOT_MANAGER 22 """ 23 #if we are plotting 3d replace the current axis 24 if not is2d: 25 axgrid[gridindex].axis('off') 26 ax=inset_locator.inset_axes(axgrid[gridindex],width='100%',height='100%',loc=3,borderpad=0,axes_class=Axes3D) 27 ax.set_axis_bgcolor((0.7,0.7,0.7)) 28 else: 29 ax=axgrid[gridindex] 30 31 #edgecolor 32 edgecolor=options.getfieldvalue('edgecolor','None') 33 34 # colormap 35 # {{{ give number of colorlevels and transparency 36 colorlevels=options.getfieldvalue('colorlevels',128) 37 alpha=options.getfieldvalue('alpha',1) 38 if alpha<1: 39 antialiased=True 40 else: 41 antialiased=False 42 # }}} 43 # {{{ define wich colormap to use 44 try: 45'viridis',colorlevels) 46 except AttributeError: 47 print("Viridis can't be found (probably too old Matplotlib) reverting to gnuplot colormap") 48 defaultmap=truncate_colormap('gnuplot2',0.1,0.9,colorlevels) 49 cmap=options.getfieldvalue('colormap',defaultmap) 50 if options.exist('cmap_set_over'): 51 over=options.getfieldvalue('cmap_set_over','0.5') 52 cmap.set_over(over) 53 if options.exist('cmap_set_under'): 54 under=options.getfieldvalue('cmap_set_under','0.5') 55 cmap.set_under(under) 56 options.addfield('colormap',cmap) 57 # }}} 58 # {{{ if plotting only one of several layers reduce dataset, same for surface 59 if options.getfieldvalue('layer',0)>=1: 60 plotlayer=options.getfieldvalue('layer',0) 61 if datatype==1: 62 slicesize=np.shape(elements)[0] 63 elif datatype in [2,3]: 64 slicesize=len(x) 65 data=data[(plotlayer-1)*slicesize:plotlayer*slicesize] 66 # }}} 67 # {{{ Get the colormap limits 68 if options.exist('clim'): 69 lims=options.getfieldvalue('clim',[np.amin(data),np.amax(data)]) 70 elif options.exist('caxis'): 71 lims=options.getfieldvalue('caxis',[np.amin(data),np.amax(data)]) 72 else: 73 if np.amin(data)==np.amax(data): 74 lims=[np.amin(data)-0.5,np.amax(data)+0.5] 75 else: 76 lims=[np.amin(data),np.amax(data)] 77 # }}} 78 # {{{ Set the spread of the colormap (default is normal 79 if options.exist('log'): 80 norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=lims[0], vmax=lims[1]) 81 else: 82 norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=lims[0], vmax=lims[1]) 83 if options.exist('log'): 84 norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=lims[0], vmax=lims[1]) 85 else: 86 norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=lims[0], vmax=lims[1]) 87 options.addfield('colornorm',norm) 88 # }}} 89 90 # Plot depending on the datatype 91 # {{{ data are on elements 92 93 if datatype==1: 94 if is2d: 95 if options.exist('mask'): 96 triangles=mpl.tri.Triangulation(x,y,elements,data.mask) 97 else: 98 triangles=mpl.tri.Triangulation(x,y,elements) 99 tri=ax.tripcolor(triangles,data,colorlevels,cmap=cmap,norm=norm,alpha=alpha,edgecolors=edgecolor) 100 else: 101 #first deal with colormap 102 loccmap = 103 loccmap.set_array([min(data),max(data)]) 104 loccmap.set_clim(vmin=min(data),vmax=max(data)) 105 106 #dealing with prism sides 107 recface=np.vstack((elements[:,0],elements[:,1],elements[:,4],elements[:,3])).T 108 eltind=np.arange(0,np.shape(elements)[0]) 109 recface=np.vstack((recface,np.vstack((elements[:,1],elements[:,2],elements[:,5],elements[:,4])).T)) 110 eltind=np.hstack((eltind,np.arange(0,np.shape(elements)[0]))) 111 recface=np.vstack((recface,np.vstack((elements[:,2],elements[:,0],elements[:,3],elements[:,5])).T)) 112 eltind=np.hstack((eltind,np.arange(0,np.shape(elements)[0]))) 113 tmp = np.ascontiguousarray(np.sort(recface)).view(np.dtype((np.void, recface.dtype.itemsize * recface.shape[1]))) 114 _, idx, recur = np.unique(tmp, return_index=True, return_counts=True) 115 recel= recface[idx[np.where(recur==1)]] 116 recindex=eltind[idx[np.where(recur==1)]] 117 for i,rectangle in enumerate(recel): 118 rec=list(zip(x[rectangle],y[rectangle],z[rectangle])) 119 pl3=Poly3DCollection([rec]) 120 color=loccmap.to_rgba(data[recindex[i]]) 121 pl3.set_edgecolor(color) 122 pl3.set_color(color) 123 ax.add_collection3d(pl3) 124 125 #dealing with prism bases 126 triface=np.vstack((elements[:,0:3],elements[:,3:6])) 127 eltind=np.arange(0,np.shape(elements)[0]) 128 eltind=np.hstack((eltind,np.arange(0,np.shape(elements)[0]))) 129 tmp = np.ascontiguousarray(triface).view(np.dtype((np.void, triface.dtype.itemsize * triface.shape[1]))) 130 _, idx,recur = np.unique(tmp, return_index=True,return_counts=True) 131 #we keep only top and bottom elements 132 triel= triface[idx[np.where(recur==1)]] 133 triindex=eltind[idx[np.where(recur==1)]] 134 for i,triangle in enumerate(triel): 135 tri=list(zip(x[triangle],y[triangle],z[triangle])) 136 pl3=Poly3DCollection([tri]) 137 color=loccmap.to_rgba(data[triindex[i]]) 138 pl3.set_edgecolor(color) 139 pl3.set_color(color) 140 ax.add_collection3d(pl3) 141 142 ax.set_xlim([min(x),max(x)]) 143 ax.set_ylim([min(y),max(y)]) 144 ax.set_zlim([min(z),max(z)]) 145 146 #raise ValueError('plot_unit error: 3D element plot not supported yet') 147 return 148 149 # }}} 150 # {{{ data are on nodes 151 152 elif datatype==2: 153 if is2d: 154 if 155 EltMask=np.asarray([np.any(np.in1d(index,np.where(data.mask))) for index in elements]) 156 triangles=mpl.tri.Triangulation(x,y,elements,EltMask) 157 else: 158 triangles=mpl.tri.Triangulation(x,y,elements) 159 #tri=ax.tricontourf(triangles,data,colorlevels,cmap=cmap,norm=norm,alpha=alpha) 160 if options.exist('log'): 161 if alpha<1:#help with antialiasing 162 tri=ax.tricontour(triangles,data,colorlevels,cmap=cmap,norm=norm,alpha=0.1,antialiased=antialiased) 163 tri=ax.tricontourf(triangles,data,colorlevels,cmap=cmap,norm=norm,alpha=alpha,antialiased=antialiased) 164 else: 165 if alpha<1:#help with antialiasing 166 tri=ax.tricontour(triangles,data,colorlevels,cmap=cmap,norm=norm,alpha=0.1,antialiased=antialiased) 167 tri=ax.tricontourf(triangles,data,colorlevels,cmap=cmap,norm=norm,alpha=alpha,extend='both',antialiased=antialiased) 168 if edgecolor != 'None': 169 ax.triplot(x,y,elements,color=edgecolor) 170 else: 171 #first deal with the colormap 172 loccmap = 173 loccmap.set_array([min(data),max(data)]) 174 loccmap.set_clim(vmin=min(data),vmax=max(data)) 175 176 #deal with prism sides 177 recface=np.vstack((elements[:,0],elements[:,1],elements[:,4],elements[:,3])).T 178 recface=np.vstack((recface,np.vstack((elements[:,1],elements[:,2],elements[:,5],elements[:,4])).T)) 179 recface=np.vstack((recface,np.vstack((elements[:,2],elements[:,0],elements[:,3],elements[:,5])).T)) 180 tmp = np.ascontiguousarray(np.sort(recface)).view(np.dtype((np.void, recface.dtype.itemsize * recface.shape[1]))) 181 _, idx, recur = np.unique(tmp, return_index=True, return_counts=True) 182 recel= recface[idx[np.where(recur==1)]] 183 for rectangle in recel: 184 rec=list(zip(x[rectangle],y[rectangle],z[rectangle])) 185 pl3=Poly3DCollection([rec]) 186 color=loccmap.to_rgba(np.mean(data[rectangle])) 187 pl3.set_edgecolor(color) 188 pl3.set_color(color) 189 ax.add_collection3d(pl3) 190 191 #deal with prism faces 192 triface=np.vstack((elements[:,0:3],elements[:,3:6])) 193 tmp = np.ascontiguousarray(triface).view(np.dtype((np.void, triface.dtype.itemsize * triface.shape[1]))) 194 _, idx,recur = np.unique(tmp, return_index=True,return_counts=True) 195 #we keep only top and bottom elements 196 triel= triface[idx[np.where(recur==1)]] 197 for triangle in triel: 198 tri=list(zip(x[triangle],y[triangle],z[triangle])) 199 pl3=Poly3DCollection([tri]) 200 color=loccmap.to_rgba(np.mean(data[triangle])) 201 pl3.set_edgecolor(color) 202 pl3.set_color(color) 203 ax.add_collection3d(pl3) 204 205 ax.set_xlim([min(x),max(x)]) 206 ax.set_ylim([min(y),max(y)]) 207 ax.set_zlim([min(z),max(z)]) 208 #raise ValueError('plot_unit error: 3D element plot not supported yet') 209 return 210 211 # }}} 212 # {{{ plotting quiver 213 elif datatype==3: 214 if is2d: 215 Q=plot_quiver(x,y,data,options,ax) 216 else: 217 raise ValueError('plot_unit error: 3D node plot not supported yet') 218 return 219 220 # }}} 221 # {{{ plotting P1 Patch (TODO) 222 223 elif datatype==4: 224 print('plot_unit message: P1 patch plot not implemented yet') 225 return 226 227 # }}} 228 # {{{ plotting P0 Patch (TODO) 229 230 elif datatype==5: 231 print('plot_unit message: P0 patch plot not implemented yet') 232 return 233 234 # }}} 235 else: 236 raise ValueError('datatype=%d not supported' % datatype) 15 """ 16 PLOT_UNIT - unit plot, display data 17 18 Usage: 19 plot_unit(x,y,z,elements,data,is2d,isplanet,datatype,options) 20 21 See also: PLOTMODEL, PLOT_MANAGER 22 """ 23 #if we are plotting 3d replace the current axis 24 if not is2d: 25 axgrid[gridindex].axis('off') 26 ax=inset_locator.inset_axes(axgrid[gridindex],width='100%',height='100%',loc=3,borderpad=0,axes_class=Axes3D) 27 ax.set_axis_bgcolor((0.7,0.7,0.7)) 28 else: 29 ax=axgrid[gridindex] 30 31 #edgecolor 32 edgecolor=options.getfieldvalue('edgecolor','None') 33 34 # colormap 35 # {{{ give number of colorlevels and transparency 36 colorlevels=options.getfieldvalue('colorlevels',128) 37 alpha=options.getfieldvalue('alpha',1) 38 if alpha<1: 39 antialiased=True 40 else: 41 antialiased=False 42 # }}} 43 # {{{ define wich colormap to use 44 try: 45'viridis',colorlevels) 46 except AttributeError: 47 print("Viridis can't be found (probably too old Matplotlib) reverting to gnuplot colormap") 48 defaultmap=truncate_colormap('gnuplot2',0.1,0.9,colorlevels) 49 if not options.exist('colormap'): 50 cmap=defaultmap 51 else: 52 cmap=getcolormap(options) 53 if options.exist('cmap_set_over'): 54 over=options.getfieldvalue('cmap_set_over','0.5') 55 cmap.set_over(over) 56 if options.exist('cmap_set_under'): 57 under=options.getfieldvalue('cmap_set_under','0.5') 58 cmap.set_under(under) 59 options.addfield('colormap',cmap) 60 # }}} 61 # {{{ if plotting only one of several layers reduce dataset, same for surface 62 if options.getfieldvalue('layer',0)>=1: 63 plotlayer=options.getfieldvalue('layer',0) 64 if datatype==1: 65 slicesize=np.shape(elements)[0] 66 elif datatype in [2,3]: 67 slicesize=len(x) 68 data=data[(plotlayer-1)*slicesize:plotlayer*slicesize] 69 # }}} 70 # {{{ Get the colormap limits 71 if options.exist('clim'): 72 lims=options.getfieldvalue('clim',[np.amin(data),np.amax(data)]) 73 elif options.exist('caxis'): 74 lims=options.getfieldvalue('caxis',[np.amin(data),np.amax(data)]) 75 else: 76 if np.amin(data)==np.amax(data): 77 lims=[np.amin(data)-0.5,np.amax(data)+0.5] 78 else: 79 lims=[np.amin(data),np.amax(data)] 80 # }}} 81 # {{{ Set the spread of the colormap (default is normal 82 if options.exist('log'): 83 norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=lims[0], vmax=lims[1]) 84 else: 85 norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=lims[0], vmax=lims[1]) 86 if options.exist('log'): 87 norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=lims[0], vmax=lims[1]) 88 else: 89 norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=lims[0], vmax=lims[1]) 90 options.addfield('colornorm',norm) 91 # }}} 92 93 # Plot depending on the datatype 94 # {{{ data are on elements 95 96 if datatype==1: 97 if is2d: 98 if options.exist('mask'): 99 triangles=mpl.tri.Triangulation(x,y,elements,data.mask) 100 else: 101 triangles=mpl.tri.Triangulation(x,y,elements) 102 tri=ax.tripcolor(triangles,data,colorlevels,cmap=cmap,norm=norm,alpha=alpha,edgecolors=edgecolor) 103 else: 104 #first deal with colormap 105 loccmap = 106 loccmap.set_array([min(data),max(data)]) 107 loccmap.set_clim(vmin=min(data),vmax=max(data)) 108 109 #dealing with prism sides 110 recface=np.vstack((elements[:,0],elements[:,1],elements[:,4],elements[:,3])).T 111 eltind=np.arange(0,np.shape(elements)[0]) 112 recface=np.vstack((recface,np.vstack((elements[:,1],elements[:,2],elements[:,5],elements[:,4])).T)) 113 eltind=np.hstack((eltind,np.arange(0,np.shape(elements)[0]))) 114 recface=np.vstack((recface,np.vstack((elements[:,2],elements[:,0],elements[:,3],elements[:,5])).T)) 115 eltind=np.hstack((eltind,np.arange(0,np.shape(elements)[0]))) 116 tmp = np.ascontiguousarray(np.sort(recface)).view(np.dtype((np.void, recface.dtype.itemsize * recface.shape[1]))) 117 _, idx, recur = np.unique(tmp, return_index=True, return_counts=True) 118 recel= recface[idx[np.where(recur==1)]] 119 recindex=eltind[idx[np.where(recur==1)]] 120 for i,rectangle in enumerate(recel): 121 rec=list(zip(x[rectangle],y[rectangle],z[rectangle])) 122 pl3=Poly3DCollection([rec]) 123 color=loccmap.to_rgba(data[recindex[i]]) 124 pl3.set_edgecolor(color) 125 pl3.set_color(color) 126 ax.add_collection3d(pl3) 127 128 #dealing with prism bases 129 triface=np.vstack((elements[:,0:3],elements[:,3:6])) 130 eltind=np.arange(0,np.shape(elements)[0]) 131 eltind=np.hstack((eltind,np.arange(0,np.shape(elements)[0]))) 132 tmp = np.ascontiguousarray(triface).view(np.dtype((np.void, triface.dtype.itemsize * triface.shape[1]))) 133 _, idx,recur = np.unique(tmp, return_index=True,return_counts=True) 134 #we keep only top and bottom elements 135 triel= triface[idx[np.where(recur==1)]] 136 triindex=eltind[idx[np.where(recur==1)]] 137 for i,triangle in enumerate(triel): 138 tri=list(zip(x[triangle],y[triangle],z[triangle])) 139 pl3=Poly3DCollection([tri]) 140 color=loccmap.to_rgba(data[triindex[i]]) 141 pl3.set_edgecolor(color) 142 pl3.set_color(color) 143 ax.add_collection3d(pl3) 144 145 ax.set_xlim([min(x),max(x)]) 146 ax.set_ylim([min(y),max(y)]) 147 ax.set_zlim([min(z),max(z)]) 148 149 #raise ValueError('plot_unit error: 3D element plot not supported yet') 150 return 151 152 # }}} 153 # {{{ data are on nodes 154 155 elif datatype==2: 156 if is2d: 157 if 158 EltMask=np.asarray([np.any(np.in1d(index,np.where(data.mask))) for index in elements]) 159 triangles=mpl.tri.Triangulation(x,y,elements,EltMask) 160 else: 161 triangles=mpl.tri.Triangulation(x,y,elements) 162 #tri=ax.tricontourf(triangles,data,colorlevels,cmap=cmap,norm=norm,alpha=alpha) 163 if options.exist('log'): 164 if alpha<1:#help with antialiasing 165 tri=ax.tricontour(triangles,data,colorlevels,cmap=cmap,norm=norm,alpha=0.1,antialiased=antialiased) 166 tri=ax.tricontourf(triangles,data,colorlevels,cmap=cmap,norm=norm,alpha=alpha,antialiased=antialiased) 167 else: 168 if alpha<1:#help with antialiasing 169 tri=ax.tricontour(triangles,data,colorlevels,cmap=cmap,norm=norm,alpha=0.1,antialiased=antialiased) 170 tri=ax.tricontourf(triangles,data,colorlevels,cmap=cmap,norm=norm,alpha=alpha,extend='both',antialiased=antialiased) 171 if edgecolor != 'None': 172 ax.triplot(x,y,elements,color=edgecolor) 173 else: 174 #first deal with the colormap 175 loccmap = 176 loccmap.set_array([min(data),max(data)]) 177 loccmap.set_clim(vmin=min(data),vmax=max(data)) 178 179 #deal with prism sides 180 recface=np.vstack((elements[:,0],elements[:,1],elements[:,4],elements[:,3])).T 181 recface=np.vstack((recface,np.vstack((elements[:,1],elements[:,2],elements[:,5],elements[:,4])).T)) 182 recface=np.vstack((recface,np.vstack((elements[:,2],elements[:,0],elements[:,3],elements[:,5])).T)) 183 tmp = np.ascontiguousarray(np.sort(recface)).view(np.dtype((np.void, recface.dtype.itemsize * recface.shape[1]))) 184 _, idx, recur = np.unique(tmp, return_index=True, return_counts=True) 185 recel= recface[idx[np.where(recur==1)]] 186 for rectangle in recel: 187 rec=list(zip(x[rectangle],y[rectangle],z[rectangle])) 188 pl3=Poly3DCollection([rec]) 189 color=loccmap.to_rgba(np.mean(data[rectangle])) 190 pl3.set_edgecolor(color) 191 pl3.set_color(color) 192 ax.add_collection3d(pl3) 193 194 #deal with prism faces 195 triface=np.vstack((elements[:,0:3],elements[:,3:6])) 196 tmp = np.ascontiguousarray(triface).view(np.dtype((np.void, triface.dtype.itemsize * triface.shape[1]))) 197 _, idx,recur = np.unique(tmp, return_index=True,return_counts=True) 198 #we keep only top and bottom elements 199 triel= triface[idx[np.where(recur==1)]] 200 for triangle in triel: 201 tri=list(zip(x[triangle],y[triangle],z[triangle])) 202 pl3=Poly3DCollection([tri]) 203 color=loccmap.to_rgba(np.mean(data[triangle])) 204 pl3.set_edgecolor(color) 205 pl3.set_color(color) 206 ax.add_collection3d(pl3) 207 208 ax.set_xlim([min(x),max(x)]) 209 ax.set_ylim([min(y),max(y)]) 210 ax.set_zlim([min(z),max(z)]) 211 #raise ValueError('plot_unit error: 3D element plot not supported yet') 212 return 213 214 # }}} 215 # {{{ plotting quiver 216 elif datatype==3: 217 if is2d: 218 Q=plot_quiver(x,y,data,options,ax) 219 else: 220 raise ValueError('plot_unit error: 3D node plot not supported yet') 221 return 222 223 # }}} 224 # {{{ plotting P1 Patch (TODO) 225 226 elif datatype==4: 227 print('plot_unit message: P1 patch plot not implemented yet') 228 return 229 230 # }}} 231 # {{{ plotting P0 Patch (TODO) 232 233 elif datatype==5: 234 print('plot_unit message: P0 patch plot not implemented yet') 235 return 236 237 # }}} 238 else: 239 raise ValueError('datatype=%d not supported' % datatype)
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.