Changeset 22739
- Timestamp:
- 05/03/18 13:31:36 (7 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/c
- Files:
- 18 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r22625 r22739 1387 1387 /*Get number of controls*/ 1388 1388 int num_controls; 1389 bool isautodiff; 1389 1390 parameters->FindParam(&num_controls,InversionNumControlParametersEnum); 1391 parameters->FindParam(&isautodiff,AutodiffIsautodiffEnum); 1392 1390 1393 1391 1394 /*Get number of vertices*/ 1392 1395 int numvertices = this->GetNumberOfVertices(); 1393 1396 if(isautodiff){ 1397 int* N; 1398 int* M; 1399 int start = 0; 1400 parameters->FindParam(&N,NULL,ControlInputSizeNEnum); 1401 parameters->FindParam(&M,NULL,ControlInputSizeMEnum); 1402 if(control_index>0) for(int n=0;n<control_index-1;n++) start+=N[n]*M[n]; 1403 1404 for(int n=0;n<N[control_index];n++){ 1405 for(int i=0;i<numvertices;i++){ 1406 indexing[i+n*numvertices]=this->vertices[i]->Sid() + start + n*M[control_index]; 1407 } 1408 } 1409 } 1410 else{ 1411 int M; 1412 parameters->FindParam(&M,ControlInputSizeMEnum); 1394 1413 /*get gradient indices*/ 1395 if(onsid){1396 for(int i=0;i<numvertices;i++){1397 indexing[i]=num_controls*this->vertices[i]->Sid() + control_index;1398 }1399 }1400 else{1401 for(int i=0;i<numvertices;i++){1402 indexing[i]=num_controls*this->vertices[i]->Pid() + control_index;1403 }1404 }1405 1414 if(onsid){ 1415 for(int i=0;i<numvertices;i++){ 1416 indexing[i]=this->vertices[i]->Sid() + (control_index)*M; 1417 } 1418 } 1419 else{ 1420 for(int i=0;i<numvertices;i++){ 1421 indexing[i]=this->vertices[i]->Pid() + (control_index)*M; 1422 } 1423 } 1424 } 1406 1425 } 1407 1426 /*}}}*/ … … 1619 1638 1620 1639 /*For now we only support nodal vectors*/ 1621 if(M!=iomodel->numberofvertices) _error_("not supported");1622 if(N!=1) _error_("not supported");1640 //if(M!=iomodel->numberofvertices) _error_("not supported"); 1641 //if(N!=1) _error_("not supported"); 1623 1642 1624 1643 /*Recover vertices ids needed to initialize inputs*/ … … 1637 1656 this->AddControlInput(input_enum,values,min_vector,max_vector,P1Enum,id); 1638 1657 } 1658 1659 else if(M==iomodel->numberofvertices+1){ 1660 /*create transient input: */ 1661 IssmDouble* times = xNew<IssmDouble>(N); 1662 for(int t=0;t<N;t++) times[t] = vector[(M-1)*N+t]; 1663 /*Create the three transient inputs for the control input*/ 1664 TransientInput* values_input=new TransientInput(ControlInputValuesEnum,times,N); 1665 TransientInput* mins_input = new TransientInput(ControlInputMinsEnum,times,N); 1666 TransientInput* maxs_input = new TransientInput(ControlInputMaxsEnum,times,N); 1667 TransientInput* grad_input = new TransientInput(ControlInputGradEnum); 1668 for(int t=0;t<N;t++){ 1669 for(int i=0;i<numvertices;i++){ 1670 values[i]=vector[N*(vertexids[i]-1)+t]; 1671 values_min[i] = min_vector[N*(vertexids[i]-1)+t]; 1672 values_max[i] = max_vector[N*(vertexids[i]-1)+t]; 1673 } 1674 switch(this->ObjectEnum()){ 1675 case TriaEnum: 1676 values_input->AddTimeInput(new TriaInput(ControlInputValuesEnum,values,P1Enum)); 1677 mins_input->AddTimeInput(new TriaInput(ControlInputMinsEnum,values_min,P1Enum)); 1678 maxs_input->AddTimeInput(new TriaInput(ControlInputMaxsEnum,values_max,P1Enum)); 1679 break; 1680 case PentaEnum: 1681 printf("-------------- file: Element.cpp line: %i\n",__LINE__); 1682 values_input->AddTimeInput(new PentaInput(ControlInputValuesEnum,values,P1Enum)); 1683 mins_input->AddTimeInput(new PentaInput(ControlInputMinsEnum,values_min,P1Enum)); 1684 maxs_input->AddTimeInput(new PentaInput(ControlInputMaxsEnum,values_max,P1Enum)); 1685 break; 1686 case TetraEnum: 1687 values_input->AddTimeInput(new TetraInput(ControlInputValuesEnum,values,P1Enum)); 1688 mins_input->AddTimeInput(new TetraInput(ControlInputMinsEnum,values_min,P1Enum)); 1689 maxs_input->AddTimeInput(new TetraInput(ControlInputMaxsEnum,values_max,P1Enum)); 1690 break; 1691 default: _error_("Not implemented yet"); 1692 } 1693 } 1694 this->inputs->AddInput(new ControlInput(input_enum,TransientInputEnum,values_input,mins_input,maxs_input,grad_input,P1Enum,id)); 1695 xDelete<IssmDouble>(times); 1696 } 1697 else _error_("not currently supported type of M and N attempted"); 1639 1698 1640 1699 /*clean up*/ -
r22732 r22739 202 202 virtual void ComputeEsaStrainAndVorticity(void)=0; 203 203 virtual void Configure(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodes,Vertices* vertices,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters)=0; 204 virtual void ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index,int offset,int N,int M)=0; 204 205 virtual void ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index)=0; 205 206 virtual void ControlToVectors(Vector<IssmPDouble>* vector_control, Vector<IssmPDouble>* vector_gradient,int control_enum)=0; … … 224 225 virtual int GetNumberOfNodes(int enum_type)=0; 225 226 virtual int GetNumberOfVertices(void)=0; 226 virtual void GetVectorFromControlInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_enum,int control_index,const char* data,bool onsid)=0; 227 virtual void GetVectorFromControlInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_enum,int control_index,const char* data,int offset, bool onsid)=0; 228 virtual void GetVectorFromControlInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_enum,int control_index,const char* data, bool onsid)=0; 227 229 virtual void GetVerticesCoordinatesBase(IssmDouble** xyz_list)=0; 228 230 virtual void GetVerticesCoordinatesTop(IssmDouble** xyz_list)=0; … … 285 287 virtual void ResetHooks()=0; 286 288 virtual void ResetLevelsetFromSegmentlist(IssmDouble* segments,int numsegments){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 289 virtual void SetControlInputsFromVector(IssmDouble* vector,int control_enum,int control_index,int offset,int N,int M)=0; 287 290 virtual void SetControlInputsFromVector(IssmDouble* vector,int control_enum,int control_index)=0; 288 291 virtual void SetCurrentConfiguration(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodes,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters)=0; -
r22647 r22739 561 561 } 562 562 /*}}}*/ 563 void Penta::ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index,int offset,int N,int M){/*{{{*/ 564 565 int vertexpidlist[NUMVERTICES]; 566 IssmDouble grad_list[NUMVERTICES]; 567 Input* grad_input=NULL; 568 Input* input=NULL; 569 570 if(enum_type==MaterialsRheologyBbarEnum){ 571 input=(Input*)inputs->GetInput(MaterialsRheologyBEnum); 572 } 573 else if(enum_type==DamageDbarEnum){ 574 input=(Input*)inputs->GetInput(DamageDEnum); 575 } 576 else{ 577 input=inputs->GetInput(enum_type); 578 } 579 if (!input) _error_("Input " << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << " not found"); 580 if (input->ObjectEnum()!=ControlInputEnum) _error_("Input " << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << " is not a ControlInput"); 581 582 GradientIndexing(&vertexpidlist[0],control_index); 583 for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++) grad_list[i]=gradient[vertexpidlist[i]]; 584 grad_input=new PentaInput(GradientEnum,grad_list,P1Enum); 585 ((ControlInput*)input)->SetGradient(grad_input); 586 587 } 588 /*}}}*/ 563 589 void Penta::ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index){/*{{{*/ 564 590 … … 1149 1175 ((ControlInput*)input)->GetVectorFromInputs(vector,&vertexidlist[0],data); 1150 1176 } 1177 /*}}}*/ 1178 void Penta::GetVectorFromControlInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* vector,int control_enum,int control_index,const char* data,int offset,bool onsid){/*{{{*/ 1179 1180 int* idlist = NULL; 1181 IssmDouble* values = NULL; 1182 int* M; 1183 1184 /*Get out if this is not an element input*/ 1185 if(!IsInput(control_enum)) _error_("Enum "<<EnumToStringx(control_enum)<<" is not in IsInput"); 1186 Input* input=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(control_enum); _assert_(input); 1187 1188 1189 /*Cast to Controlinput*/ 1190 if(input->ObjectEnum()!=ControlInputEnum) _error_("input " << EnumToStringx(control_enum) << " is not a ControlInput"); 1191 ControlInput* controlinput = xDynamicCast<ControlInput*>(input); 1192 1193 if(strcmp(data,"value")==0){ 1194 input = controlinput->values; 1195 } 1196 else if (strcmp(data,"lowerbound")==0){ 1197 input = controlinput->minvalues; 1198 } 1199 else if (strcmp(data,"upperbound")==0){ 1200 input = controlinput->maxvalues; 1201 } 1202 else if (strcmp(data,"gradient")==0){ 1203 input = controlinput->gradient; 1204 } 1205 else{ 1206 _error_("Data " << data << " not supported yet"); 1207 } 1208 /*Check what input we are dealing with*/ 1209 1210 switch(input->ObjectEnum()){ 1211 case PentaInputEnum: 1212 { 1213 PentaInput* pentainput = xDynamicCast<PentaInput*>(input); 1214 if(pentainput->interpolation_type!=P1Enum) _error_("not supported yet"); 1215 1216 /*Create list of indices and values for global vector*/ 1217 idlist = xNew<int>(NUMVERTICES); 1218 values = xNew<IssmDouble>(NUMVERTICES); 1219 GradientIndexing(&idlist[0],control_index,true); 1220 for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){ 1221 values[i] = pentainput->values[i]; 1222 //if(this->Id()<=10)_printf_("index "<<idlist[i]<<"\n"); 1223 } 1224 vector->SetValues(NUMVERTICES,idlist,values,INS_VAL); 1225 break; 1226 } 1227 1228 case TransientInputEnum: 1229 { 1230 parameters->FindParam(&M,NULL,ControlInputSizeMEnum); 1231 TransientInput* transientinput = xDynamicCast<TransientInput*>(input); 1232 int N = transientinput->numtimesteps; 1233 idlist = xNew<int>(NUMVERTICES*N); 1234 values = xNew<IssmDouble>(NUMVERTICES*N); 1235 for(int t=0;t<transientinput->numtimesteps;t++) { 1236 IssmDouble time = transientinput->GetTimeByOffset(t); 1237 input = transientinput->GetTimeInput(time); 1238 TriaInput* timeinput = xDynamicCast<TriaInput*>(input); 1239 if(timeinput->interpolation_type!=P1Enum) _error_("not supported yet"); 1240 /*Create list of indices and values for global vector*/ 1241 for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){ 1242 idlist[N*i+t] = offset + this->vertices[i]->Sid()+t*M[control_index]; 1243 values[N*i+t] = timeinput->values[i]; 1244 } 1245 } 1246 1247 vector->SetValues(NUMVERTICES*transientinput->numtimesteps,idlist,values,INS_VAL); 1248 break; 1249 } 1250 default: _error_("input "<<input->ObjectEnum()<<" not supported yet"); 1251 1252 } 1253 xDelete<int>(idlist); 1254 xDelete<IssmDouble>(values); 1255 } 1151 1256 /*}}}*/ 1152 1257 void Penta::GetVerticesCoordinatesBase(IssmDouble** pxyz_list){/*{{{*/ … … 2252 2357 } 2253 2358 2359 /*}}}*/ 2360 void Penta::SetControlInputsFromVector(IssmDouble* vector,int control_enum,int control_index,int offset, int N, int M){/*{{{*/ 2361 2362 IssmDouble values[NUMVERTICES]; 2363 int vertexpidlist[NUMVERTICES],control_init; 2364 2365 /*Specific case for depth averaged quantities*/ 2366 control_init=control_enum; 2367 if(control_enum==MaterialsRheologyBbarEnum){ 2368 control_enum=MaterialsRheologyBEnum; 2369 if(!IsOnBase()) return; 2370 } 2371 if(control_enum==DamageDbarEnum){ 2372 control_enum=DamageDEnum; 2373 if(!IsOnBase()) return; 2374 } 2375 2376 /*Get out if this is not an element input*/ 2377 if(!IsInput(control_enum)) return; 2378 2379 /*Prepare index list*/ 2380 GradientIndexing(&vertexpidlist[0],control_index); 2381 2382 /*Get values on vertices*/ 2383 for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){ 2384 values[i]=vector[vertexpidlist[i]]; 2385 } 2386 Input* new_input = new PentaInput(control_enum,values,P1Enum); 2387 Input* input=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(control_enum); _assert_(input); 2388 if(input->ObjectEnum()!=ControlInputEnum){ 2389 _error_("input " << EnumToStringx(control_enum) << " is not a ControlInput"); 2390 } 2391 2392 ((ControlInput*)input)->SetInput(new_input); 2393 2394 if(control_init==MaterialsRheologyBbarEnum){ 2395 this->InputExtrude(control_enum,-1); 2396 } 2397 if(control_init==DamageDbarEnum){ 2398 this->InputExtrude(control_enum,-1); 2399 } 2400 } 2254 2401 /*}}}*/ 2255 2402 void Penta::SetControlInputsFromVector(IssmDouble* vector,int control_enum,int control_index){/*{{{*/ -
r22732 r22739 58 58 void ComputeStressTensor(); 59 59 void Configure(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodes,Vertices* vertices,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters); 60 void ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index,int offset,int N,int M); 60 61 void ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index); 61 62 void ControlToVectors(Vector<IssmPDouble>* vector_control, Vector<IssmPDouble>* vector_gradient,int control_enum); … … 86 87 Penta* GetUpperPenta(void); 87 88 void GetVectorFromControlInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_enum,int control_index,const char* data,bool onsid); 89 void GetVectorFromControlInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_enum,int control_index,const char* data,int offset,bool onsid); 88 90 void GetVerticesCoordinatesBase(IssmDouble** pxyz_list); 89 91 void GetVerticesCoordinatesTop(IssmDouble** pxyz_list); … … 148 150 void ResetLevelsetFromSegmentlist(IssmDouble* segments,int numsegments); 149 151 void SetClone(int* minranks); 152 void SetControlInputsFromVector(IssmDouble* vector,int control_enum,int control_index,int offset, int N,int M); 150 153 void SetControlInputsFromVector(IssmDouble* vector,int control_enum,int control_index); 151 154 void SetCurrentConfiguration(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodes,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters); -
r22732 r22739 52 52 void ComputeStressTensor(){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 53 53 void Configure(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodesin,Vertices* verticesin,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 54 void ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index,int offset,int N,int M){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 54 55 void ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 55 56 void ControlToVectors(Vector<IssmPDouble>* vector_control, Vector<IssmPDouble>* vector_gradient,int control_enum){_error_("not implemented yet");}; … … 72 73 int GetNumberOfNodes(int enum_type){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 73 74 int GetNumberOfVertices(void); 75 void GetVectorFromControlInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_enum,int control_index,const char* data,int offset,bool onsid){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 74 76 void GetVectorFromControlInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_enum,int control_index,const char* data,bool onsid){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 75 77 void GetVerticesCoordinates(IssmDouble** pxyz_list); … … 135 137 void ResetFSBasalBoundaryCondition(void){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 136 138 void ResetHooks(){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 139 void SetControlInputsFromVector(IssmDouble* vector,int control_enum,int control_index,int offset,int N,int M){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 137 140 void SetControlInputsFromVector(IssmDouble* vector,int control_enum,int control_index){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 138 141 void SetCurrentConfiguration(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodes,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters){_error_("not implemented yet");}; -
r22732 r22739 52 52 void ComputeEsaStrainAndVorticity(){_error_("not implemented yet!");}; 53 53 void Configure(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodesin,Vertices* verticesin,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters); 54 void ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index,int offset,int N,int M){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 54 55 void ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 55 56 void ControlToVectors(Vector<IssmPDouble>* vector_control, Vector<IssmPDouble>* vector_gradient,int control_enum){_error_("not implemented yet");}; … … 78 79 int GetNumberOfNodes(int enum_type){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 79 80 int GetNumberOfVertices(void); 81 void GetVectorFromControlInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_enum,int control_index,const char* data,int offset,bool onsid){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 80 82 void GetVectorFromControlInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_enum,int control_index,const char* data,bool onsid){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 81 83 void GetVerticesCoordinatesBase(IssmDouble** pxyz_list); … … 143 145 void ResetHooks(); 144 146 void ReduceMatrices(ElementMatrix* Ke,ElementVector* pe); 147 void SetControlInputsFromVector(IssmDouble* vector,int control_enum,int control_index,int offset,int N, int M){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 145 148 void SetControlInputsFromVector(IssmDouble* vector,int control_enum,int control_index){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 146 149 void SetCurrentConfiguration(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodes,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters); -
r22732 r22739 742 742 } 743 743 /*}}}*/ 744 void Tria::ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index,int offset,int N, int M){/*{{{*/ 745 746 int idlist[NUMVERTICES]; 747 int gradidlist[NUMVERTICES]; 748 IssmDouble grad_list[NUMVERTICES]; 749 Input* grad_input=NULL; 750 751 Input* input=inputs->GetInput(enum_type); 752 if (!input) _error_("Input " << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << " not found"); 753 if (input->ObjectEnum()!=ControlInputEnum) _error_("Input " << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << " is not a ControlInput"); 754 755 GradientIndexing(&gradidlist[0],control_index,true); 756 757 for(int n=0;n<N;n++){ 758 for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){ 759 idlist[i] = offset + this->vertices[i]->Sid()+n*M; 760 grad_list[i]=gradient[idlist[i]]; 761 } 762 763 ControlInput* controlinput = xDynamicCast<ControlInput*>(input); 764 if(controlinput->layout_enum!=TransientInputEnum){ 765 grad_input=new TriaInput(GradientEnum,grad_list,P1Enum); 766 controlinput->SetGradient(grad_input); 767 } 768 else{ 769 grad_input = new TriaInput(GradientEnum,grad_list,P1Enum); 770 controlinput->SetGradient(grad_input,n); 771 controlinput->Configure(parameters); 772 } 773 } 774 775 776 }/*}}}*/ 744 777 void Tria::ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index){/*{{{*/ 745 778 … … 1676 1709 1677 1710 ((ControlInput*)input)->GetVectorFromInputs(vector,&vertexidlist[0],data); 1711 } 1712 /*}}}*/ 1713 void Tria::GetVectorFromControlInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* vector,int control_enum,int control_index,const char* data,int offset, bool onsid){/*{{{*/ 1714 1715 int* idlist = NULL; 1716 IssmDouble* values = NULL; 1717 int* M; 1718 1719 /*Get out if this is not an element input*/ 1720 if(!IsInput(control_enum)) _error_("Enum "<<EnumToStringx(control_enum)<<" is not in IsInput"); 1721 Input* input=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(control_enum); _assert_(input); 1722 1723 parameters->FindParam(&M,NULL,ControlInputSizeMEnum); 1724 1725 /*Cast to Controlinput*/ 1726 if(input->ObjectEnum()!=ControlInputEnum) _error_("input " << EnumToStringx(control_enum) << " is not a ControlInput"); 1727 ControlInput* controlinput = xDynamicCast<ControlInput*>(input); 1728 1729 if(strcmp(data,"value")==0){ 1730 input = controlinput->values; 1731 } 1732 else if (strcmp(data,"lowerbound")==0){ 1733 input = controlinput->minvalues; 1734 } 1735 else if (strcmp(data,"upperbound")==0){ 1736 input = controlinput->maxvalues; 1737 } 1738 else if (strcmp(data,"gradient")==0){ 1739 input = controlinput->gradient; 1740 } 1741 else{ 1742 _error_("Data " << data << " not supported yet"); 1743 } 1744 /*Check what input we are dealing with*/ 1745 1746 switch(input->ObjectEnum()){ 1747 case TriaInputEnum: 1748 { 1749 TriaInput* triainput = xDynamicCast<TriaInput*>(input); 1750 if(triainput->interpolation_type!=P1Enum) _error_("not supported yet"); 1751 1752 /*Create list of indices and values for global vector*/ 1753 idlist = xNew<int>(NUMVERTICES); 1754 values = xNew<IssmDouble>(NUMVERTICES); 1755 GradientIndexing(&idlist[0],control_index,true); 1756 for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){ 1757 values[i] = triainput->values[i]; 1758 } 1759 vector->SetValues(NUMVERTICES,idlist,values,INS_VAL); 1760 break; 1761 } 1762 1763 case TransientInputEnum: 1764 { 1765 TransientInput* transientinput = xDynamicCast<TransientInput*>(input); 1766 int N = transientinput->numtimesteps; 1767 idlist = xNew<int>(NUMVERTICES*N); 1768 values = xNew<IssmDouble>(NUMVERTICES*N); 1769 for(int t=0;t<transientinput->numtimesteps;t++) { 1770 IssmDouble time = transientinput->GetTimeByOffset(t); 1771 input = transientinput->GetTimeInput(time); 1772 TriaInput* timeinput = xDynamicCast<TriaInput*>(input); 1773 if(timeinput->interpolation_type!=P1Enum) _error_("not supported yet"); 1774 /*Create list of indices and values for global vector*/ 1775 for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){ 1776 idlist[N*i+t] = offset + this->vertices[i]->Sid()+t*M[control_index]; 1777 values[N*i+t] = timeinput->values[i]; 1778 } 1779 } 1780 vector->SetValues(NUMVERTICES*transientinput->numtimesteps,idlist,values,INS_VAL); 1781 break; 1782 } 1783 default: _error_("input "<<input->ObjectEnum()<<" not supported yet"); 1784 } 1785 xDelete<int>(idlist); 1786 xDelete<IssmDouble>(values); 1678 1787 } 1679 1788 /*}}}*/ … … 1952 2061 1953 2062 /*Get parameters: */ 1954 iomodel->FindConstant(&yts,"md.constants.yts"); 2063 iomodel->FindConstant(&yts,"md.constants.yts"); 1955 2064 iomodel->FindConstant(&control_analysis,"md.inversion.iscontrol"); 1956 2065 iomodel->FindConstant(&ad_analysis, "md.autodiff.isautodiff"); … … 1963 2072 1964 2073 /*Recover vertices ids needed to initialize inputs*/ 1965 for(i=0;i<3;i++){ 2074 for(i=0;i<3;i++){ 1966 2075 tria_vertex_ids[i]=reCast<int>(iomodel->elements[3*index+i]); //ids for vertices are in the elements array from Matlab 1967 2076 } … … 2063 2172 /*DatasetInputs*/ 2064 2173 if (control_analysis && iomodel->Data("md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients")){ 2065 2174 2066 2175 /*Generate cost functions associated with the iomodel*/ 2067 char** cost_functions= NULL;2068 int* 2069 int 2176 char** cost_functions = NULL; 2177 int* cost_functions_enums = NULL; 2178 int num_cost_functions; 2070 2179 2071 2180 iomodel->FindConstant(&num_cost_functions,"md.inversion.num_cost_functions"); … … 2091 2200 } 2092 2201 } 2093 /*}}}*/2094 2202 void Tria::InputUpdateFromSolutionOneDof(IssmDouble* solution,int enum_type){/*{{{*/ 2095 2203 … … 3149 3257 3150 3258 _error_("not implemented yet"); 3259 } 3260 /*}}}*/ 3261 void Tria::SetControlInputsFromVector(IssmDouble* vector,int control_enum,int control_index,int offset,int N, int M){/*{{{*/ 3262 3263 IssmDouble values[NUMVERTICES]; 3264 int idlist[NUMVERTICES],control_init; 3265 3266 3267 /*Get Domain type*/ 3268 int domaintype; 3269 parameters->FindParam(&domaintype,DomainTypeEnum); 3270 3271 /*Specific case for depth averaged quantities*/ 3272 control_init=control_enum; 3273 if(domaintype==Domain2DverticalEnum){ 3274 if(control_enum==MaterialsRheologyBbarEnum){ 3275 control_enum=MaterialsRheologyBEnum; 3276 if(!IsOnBase()) return; 3277 } 3278 if(control_enum==DamageDbarEnum){ 3279 control_enum=DamageDEnum; 3280 if(!IsOnBase()) return; 3281 } 3282 } 3283 3284 /*Get out if this is not an element input*/ 3285 if(!IsInput(control_enum)) return; 3286 3287 Input* input = (Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(control_enum); _assert_(input); 3288 if(input->ObjectEnum()!=ControlInputEnum){ 3289 _error_("input " << EnumToStringx(control_enum) << " is not a ControlInput"); 3290 } 3291 3292 ControlInput* controlinput = xDynamicCast<ControlInput*>(input); 3293 input = controlinput->values; 3294 3295 /*Get values on vertices*/ 3296 for(int n=0;n<N;n++){ 3297 for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){ 3298 idlist[i]=offset + this->vertices[i]->Sid()+n*M; 3299 values[i]=vector[idlist[i]]; 3300 //_printf_("index: "<<idlist[i]<<" -- value: "<<values[i]<<"\n"); 3301 } 3302 if(input->ObjectEnum()==TriaInputEnum){ 3303 Input* new_input = new TriaInput(control_enum,values,P1Enum); 3304 controlinput->SetInput(new_input); 3305 } 3306 else if(input->ObjectEnum()==TransientInputEnum){ 3307 Input* new_input = new TriaInput(control_enum,values,P1Enum); 3308 controlinput->SetInput(new_input,n); 3309 controlinput->Configure(parameters); 3310 } 3311 else _error_("Type not supported"); 3312 } 3151 3313 } 3152 3314 /*}}}*/ -
r22732 r22739 63 63 void ComputeSurfaceNormalVelocity(); 64 64 void Configure(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodesin,Vertices* verticesin,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters); 65 void ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index,int offset,int N, int M); 65 66 void ControlInputSetGradient(IssmDouble* gradient,int enum_type,int control_index); 66 67 void ControlToVectors(Vector<IssmPDouble>* vector_control, Vector<IssmPDouble>* vector_gradient,int control_enum); … … 85 86 int GetNumberOfNodes(int enum_type); 86 87 int GetNumberOfVertices(void); 88 void GetVectorFromControlInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_enum,int control_index,const char* data,int offset,bool onsid); 87 89 void GetVectorFromControlInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* gradient,int control_enum,int control_index,const char* data,bool onsid); 88 90 void GetVerticesCoordinatesBase(IssmDouble** pxyz_list); … … 118 120 void ResetHooks(); 119 121 void ResetLevelsetFromSegmentlist(IssmDouble* segments,int numsegments); 122 void SetControlInputsFromVector(IssmDouble* vector,int control_enum,int control_index,int offset,int N,int M); 120 123 void SetControlInputsFromVector(IssmDouble* vector,int control_enum,int control_index); 121 124 void SetCurrentConfiguration(Elements* elements,Loads* loads,Nodes* nodes,Materials* materials,Parameters* parameters); -
r22515 r22739 26 26 control_id=id; 27 27 enum_type=in_enum_type; 28 layout_enum = input_layout_enum; 28 29 29 30 _assert_(interp==P1Enum); … … 48 49 } 49 50 /*}}}*/ 51 ControlInput::ControlInput(int in_enum_type,int input_layout_enum,Input* input_pvalues,Input* input_pmin,Input* input_pmax,Input* input_pgrad,int interp,int id){/*{{{*/ 52 53 this->control_id=id; 54 this->enum_type=in_enum_type; 55 this->layout_enum = input_layout_enum; 56 57 _assert_(interp==P1Enum); 58 if(input_layout_enum!=TransientInputEnum) _error_("Wrong type of layout_enum, needs to be a TransientInputEnum"); 59 60 this->values = input_pvalues; 61 this->savedvalues= NULL; 62 this->minvalues = input_pmin; 63 this->maxvalues = input_pmax; 64 this->gradient = input_pgrad; 65 } 66 /*}}}*/ 50 67 ControlInput::~ControlInput(){/*{{{*/ 51 delete values;52 delete savedvalues;53 delete minvalues;54 delete maxvalues;55 delete gradient;68 if(values) delete values; 69 if(savedvalues) delete savedvalues; 70 if(minvalues) delete minvalues; 71 if(maxvalues) delete maxvalues; 72 if(gradient) delete gradient; 56 73 } 57 74 /*}}}*/ … … 65 82 output->enum_type=this->enum_type; 66 83 output->control_id=this->control_id; 84 output->layout_enum = this->control_id; 67 85 68 86 if(values) output->values = xDynamicCast<Input*>(this->values->copy()); … … 79 97 _printf_("ControlInput:\n"); 80 98 _printf_(setw(15)<<" ControlInput "<<setw(25)<<left<<EnumToStringx(this->enum_type)<<"\n"); 99 _printf_(setw(15)<<" ControlInput "<<setw(25)<<left<<EnumToStringx(this->layout_enum)<<"\n"); 81 100 _printf_("---values: \n"); if (values) values->Echo(); 82 101 _printf_("---savedvalues: \n");if (savedvalues) savedvalues->Echo(); … … 98 117 MARSHALLING(enum_type); 99 118 MARSHALLING(control_id); 119 MARSHALLING(layout_enum); 100 120 101 121 if (marshall_direction == MARSHALLING_BACKWARD){ … … 115 135 gradient =new PentaInput(); 116 136 break; 137 case TransientInputEnum: 138 values =new TransientInput(); 139 savedvalues=new TransientInput(); 140 minvalues =new TransientInput(); 141 maxvalues =new TransientInput(); 142 gradient =new TransientInput(); 143 break; 117 144 default: 118 145 _error_("Input of Enum " << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << " not supported yet by ControlInput"); … … 146 173 }/*}}}*/ 147 174 void ControlInput::Configure(Parameters* parameters){/*{{{*/ 175 if(this->values->ObjectEnum()==TransientInputEnum){ 176 this->values->Configure(parameters); 177 this->minvalues->Configure(parameters); 178 this->maxvalues->Configure(parameters); 179 this->gradient->Configure(parameters); 180 } 148 181 /*do nothing: */ 149 182 } … … 194 227 }/*}}}*/ 195 228 void ControlInput::GetVectorFromInputs(Vector<IssmDouble>* vector,int* doflist,const char* data){/*{{{*/ 196 229 if(strcmp(data,"value")==0){ 197 230 _assert_(values); 198 231 values->GetVectorFromInputs(vector,doflist); … … 226 259 this->savedvalues=xDynamicCast<Input*>(this->values->copy()); 227 260 }/*}}}*/ 228 void ControlInput::SetGradient(Input* gradient_in){/*{{{*/ 261 void ControlInput::SetGradient(Input* gradient_in,int timestep){/*{{{*/ 262 if(this->values->ObjectEnum()!=TransientInputEnum)_error_("you are in the wrong place, go home"); 229 263 230 264 /*Get enum for current gradient*/ … … 243 277 } 244 278 279 TransientInput* transient_input = xDynamicCast<TransientInput*>(this->gradient); 280 TransientInput* values_input = xDynamicCast<TransientInput*>(this->values); 281 if(values_input->numtimesteps==transient_input->numtimesteps){ 282 TransientInput* new_trans_input = new TransientInput(ControlInputGradEnum); 283 IssmDouble time = transient_input->GetTimeByOffset(timestep); 284 for(int i=0;i<transient_input->numtimesteps;i++){ 285 if(transient_input->timesteps[i]==time) new_trans_input->AddTimeInput(xDynamicCast<TriaInput*>(gradient_in),time); 286 else { 287 Input* input = transient_input->GetTimeInput(transient_input->timesteps[i]); 288 new_trans_input->AddTimeInput(xDynamicCast<TriaInput*>(input),transient_input->timesteps[i]); 289 } 290 } 291 this->gradient=new_trans_input; 292 } 293 else{ 294 IssmDouble time = values_input->GetTimeByOffset(timestep); 295 transient_input->AddTimeInput(gradient_in,time); 296 } 297 }/*}}}*/ 298 void ControlInput::SetGradient(Input* gradient_in){/*{{{*/ 299 300 /*Get enum for current gradient*/ 301 switch(this->control_id){ 302 case 1: 303 gradient_in->ChangeEnum(Gradient1Enum); 304 break; 305 case 2: 306 gradient_in->ChangeEnum(Gradient2Enum); 307 break; 308 case 3: 309 gradient_in->ChangeEnum(Gradient3Enum); 310 break; 311 default: 312 _error_("more than 3 controls not implemented yet (Gradient " << this->control_id << " was requested). EnumDefinitions.h needs to be updated."); 313 } 314 245 315 /*Delete old gradient and assign new gradient*/ 246 316 if(gradient) delete gradient; … … 250 320 void ControlInput::SetInput(Input* in_input){/*{{{*/ 251 321 322 if(layout_enum==TransientInputEnum)_error_("need two arguments in SetInput for TransientInput Controls"); 252 323 delete values; this->values=in_input; 253 324 this->SaveValue(); //because this is what SpawnResult saves FIXME 325 326 }/*}}}*/ 327 void ControlInput::SetInput(Input* in_input,int timeoffset){/*{{{*/ 328 Input* input = this->values; 329 if(input->ObjectEnum()!=TransientInputEnum)_error_("cannot have timeoffset argument if not TransientInput Control"); 330 TransientInput* transient_input = xDynamicCast<TransientInput*>(input); 331 IssmDouble time = transient_input->GetTimeByOffset(timeoffset); 332 TransientInput* new_trans_input = new TransientInput(ControlInputValuesEnum); 333 for(int i=0;i<transient_input->numtimesteps;i++){ 334 if(transient_input->timesteps[i]==time) new_trans_input->AddTimeInput(xDynamicCast<TriaInput*>(in_input),time); 335 else { 336 input = transient_input->GetTimeInput(transient_input->timesteps[i]); 337 new_trans_input->AddTimeInput(xDynamicCast<TriaInput*>(input),transient_input->timesteps[i]); 338 } 339 } 340 this->values=new_trans_input; 341 342 // this->values->Echo(); 343 //this->values->Echo(); 344 //new_trans_input->Echo(); 254 345 255 346 }/*}}}*/ -
r22519 r22739 18 18 int control_id; 19 19 int enum_type; 20 int layout_enum; 20 21 Input* gradient; 21 22 Input* maxvalues; … … 27 28 ControlInput(); 28 29 ControlInput(int enum_type,int enum_input,IssmDouble* pvalues,IssmDouble* pmin,IssmDouble* pmax,int interp,int id); 30 ControlInput(int enum_type,int enum_input,Input* pvalues,Input* pmin,Input* pmax,Input* pgrad,int interp,int id); 29 31 ~ControlInput(); 30 32 /*}}}*/ … … 75 77 void Scale(IssmDouble scale_factor){_error_("not implemented yet");}; 76 78 void Set(IssmDouble setvalue){_error_("Set not implemented yet");}; 79 void SetGradient(Input* gradient_in,int timestep); 77 80 void SetGradient(Input* gradient_in); 78 81 void SetInput(Input* in_input); 82 void SetInput(Input* in_input, int timeoffset); 79 83 void UpdateValue(IssmDouble scalar); 80 84 /*}}}*/ -
r22519 r22739 83 83 84 84 int i; 85 printf("-------------- file: TransientInput.cpp line: %i\n",__LINE__); 85 86 86 87 _printf_("TransientInput:\n"); … … 232 233 233 234 /*First, recover current time from parameters: */ 234 this->parameters->FindParam(&time,TimeEnum);235 parameters->FindParam(&time,TimeEnum); 235 236 236 237 /*Retrieve interpolated values for this time step: */ … … 268 269 /*}}}*/ 269 270 IssmDouble TransientInput::GetTimeByOffset(int offset){/*{{{*/ 270 271 271 if (offset < 0) offset=0; 272 _assert_(offset<this->numtimesteps); 273 272 _assert_(offset<(this->numtimesteps)); 274 273 return this->timesteps[offset]; 275 274 } … … 469 468 int found; 470 469 int offset; 471 bool interp ;470 bool interp=false; 472 471 473 472 /*First, recover interp bool: */ -
r22633 r22739 69 69 int num_responses,num_controls,numberofvertices,solution_type; 70 70 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&solution_type,SolutionTypeEnum); 71 71 int* N = NULL; 72 int N_add = 0; 73 72 74 if (solution_type == TransientSolutionEnum){ 73 75 femmodel = input_struct->femmodel->copy(); 74 76 } 75 77 76 78 IssmPDouble *Jlist = input_struct->Jlist; … … 85 87 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&num_controls,InversionNumControlParametersEnum); 86 88 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&scaling_factors,NULL,InversionControlScalingFactorsEnum); 89 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&N,NULL,ControlInputSizeNEnum); 87 90 numberofvertices=femmodel->vertices->NumberOfVertices(); 88 91 … … 92 95 GetPassiveVectorFromControlInputsx(&XL,femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,"lowerbound"); 93 96 GetPassiveVectorFromControlInputsx(&XU,femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,"upperbound"); 94 for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices;i++){ 95 for(int c=0;c<num_controls;c++){ 96 int index = num_controls*i+c; 97 98 N_add = 0; 99 for (int c=0;c<num_controls;c++){ 100 for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices*N[c];i++){ 101 int index = N_add*numberofvertices+i; 97 102 X[index] = X[index]*reCast<double>(scaling_factors[c]); 98 103 if(X[index]>XU[index]) X[index]=XU[index]; … … 103 108 /*Start Tracing*/ 104 109 simul_starttrace(femmodel); 105 106 110 /*Set X as our new control input and as INDEPENDENT*/ 107 111 #ifdef _HAVE_AD_ 108 IssmDouble* aX=xNew<IssmDouble>( num_controls*numberofvertices,"t");112 IssmDouble* aX=xNew<IssmDouble>(intn,"t"); 109 113 #else 110 IssmDouble* aX=xNew<IssmDouble>( num_controls*numberofvertices);114 IssmDouble* aX=xNew<IssmDouble>(intn); 111 115 #endif 112 116 if(my_rank==0){ … … 115 119 } 116 120 } 121 117 122 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(aX,intn,ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE,0,IssmComm::GetComm()); 118 123 SetControlInputsFromVectorx(femmodel,aX); … … 127 132 if(solution_type==TransientSolutionEnum){ 128 133 IssmDouble restart_time; 129 130 134 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&restart_time,TimesteppingStartTimeEnum); 131 135 femmodel->parameters->SetParam(restart_time,TimeEnum); … … 139 143 DataSet* dependent_objects=NULL; 140 144 IssmDouble J=0.; 141 142 145 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&num_dependents,AutodiffNumDependentsEnum); 143 146 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&dependent_objects,AutodiffDependentObjectsEnum); … … 262 265 263 266 /*Add to totalgradient: */ 264 if(my_rank==0) for(int i=0;i<num_independents;i++) totalgradient[i]+=weightVectorTimesJac[i]; 267 if(my_rank==0) for(int i=0;i<num_independents;i++) { 268 totalgradient[i]+=weightVectorTimesJac[i]; 269 } 265 270 266 271 /*free resources :*/ … … 299 304 300 305 /*Compute gradient*/ 301 for(long i=0;i<num_independents_old;i++) 306 for(long i=0;i<num_independents_old;i++) G[i] = totalgradient[i]; 302 307 303 308 /*Constrain Gradient*/ 304 309 IssmDouble Gnorm = 0.; 305 for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices;i++){ 306 for(int c=0;c<num_controls;c++){ 307 int index = num_controls*i+c; 310 N_add = 0; 311 for (int c=0;c<num_controls;c++){ 312 for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices*N[c];i++){ 313 int index = N_add*numberofvertices+i; 308 314 if(X[index]>=XU[index]) G[index]=0.; 309 315 if(X[index]<=XL[index]) G[index]=0.; … … 339 345 double *X = NULL; 340 346 double *G = NULL; 347 int* N = NULL; 348 int offset = 0; 349 int N_add; 341 350 342 351 /*Recover some parameters*/ … … 350 359 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&scaling_factors,NULL,InversionControlScalingFactorsEnum); 351 360 femmodel->parameters->SetParam(false,SaveResultsEnum); 361 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&N,NULL,ControlInputSizeNEnum); 352 362 numberofvertices=femmodel->vertices->NumberOfVertices(); 353 363 … … 377 387 Xpetsc->GetSize(&intn); 378 388 delete Xpetsc; 379 _assert_(intn==numberofvertices*num_controls);389 //_assert_(intn==numberofvertices*num_controls); 380 390 381 391 /*Get problem dimension and initialize gradient and initial guess*/ … … 384 394 385 395 /*Scale control for M1QN3*/ 386 for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices;i++){ 387 for(int c=0;c<num_controls;c++){ 388 int index = num_controls*i+c; 396 N_add = 0; 397 for (int c=0;c<num_controls;c++){ 398 for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices*N[c];i++){ 399 int index = N_add*numberofvertices+i; 389 400 X[index] = X[index]/reCast<IssmPDouble>(scaling_factors[c]); 390 401 } 391 } 392 402 N_add+=N[c]; 403 } 404 393 405 /*Allocate m1qn3 working arrays (see documentation)*/ 394 406 long m = 100; … … 437 449 GetPassiveVectorFromControlInputsx(&XU,femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,"upperbound"); 438 450 439 for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices;i++){ 440 for(int c=0;c<num_controls;c++){ 441 int index = num_controls*i+c; 451 N_add = 0; 452 for (int c=0;c<num_controls;c++){ 453 for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices*N[c];i++){ 454 int index = N_add*numberofvertices+i; 442 455 X[index] = X[index]*reCast<double>(scaling_factors[c]); 443 456 if(X[index]>XU[index]) X[index]=XU[index]; 444 457 if(X[index]<XL[index]) X[index]=XL[index]; 445 458 } 459 N_add +=N[c]; 446 460 } 447 461 448 462 /*Set X as our new control*/ 449 463 IssmDouble* aX=xNew<IssmDouble>(intn); 450 for(int i=0;i<intn;i++) aX[i] = reCast<IssmDouble>(X[i]); 464 for(int i=0;i<intn;i++) { 465 aX[i] = reCast<IssmDouble>(X[i]); 466 } 451 467 SetControlInputsFromVectorx(femmodel,aX); 452 468 xDelete(aX); … … 454 470 /*Set final gradient in inputs*/ 455 471 IssmDouble* aG=xNew<IssmDouble>(intn); 456 for(int i=0;i<intn;i++) aG[i] = reCast<IssmDouble>(G[i]); 472 for(int i=0;i<intn;i++) { 473 aG[i] = reCast<IssmDouble>(G[i]); 474 } 457 475 ControlInputSetGradientx(femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,aG); 458 xDelete(aG);459 460 /*Add last cost function to results*/461 476 462 477 if (solution_type == TransientSolutionEnum){ … … 465 480 femmodel->OutputControlsx(&femmodel->results); 466 481 femmodel->results->AddObject(new GenericExternalResult<IssmPDouble*>(femmodel->results->Size()+1,JEnum,mystruct.Jlist,(*mystruct.i),mystruct.N,1,0)); 482 femmodel->results->AddObject(new GenericExternalResult<IssmPDouble*>(femmodel->results->Size()+1,Gradient1Enum,G,numberofvertices,intn/numberofvertices,1,0)); 483 femmodel->results->AddObject(new GenericExternalResult<IssmPDouble*>(femmodel->results->Size()+1,InversionControlParametersEnum,X,numberofvertices,intn/numberofvertices,1,0)); 467 484 } 468 485 else{ … … 471 488 femmodel->OutputControlsx(&femmodel->results); 472 489 } 490 491 xDelete(aG); 492 493 /*Add last cost function to results*/ 494 473 495 /*Finalize*/ 474 496 if(VerboseControl()) _printf0_(" preparing final solution\n"); -
r14999 r22739 9 9 void ControlInputSetGradientx(Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices, Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,IssmDouble* gradient){ 10 10 11 /*Intermediaries*/ 12 int num_controls; 13 int *control_type = NULL; 11 bool isautodiff; 12 parameters->FindParam(&isautodiff,AutodiffIsautodiffEnum); 13 if(isautodiff){ 14 /*Intermediaries*/ 15 int num_controls; 16 int *control_type = NULL; 17 int* M_all; 18 int* N_all; 14 19 15 /*Retrieve some parameters*/ 16 parameters->FindParam(&num_controls,InversionNumControlParametersEnum); 17 parameters->FindParam(&control_type,NULL,InversionControlParametersEnum); 20 /*Retrieve some parameters*/ 21 parameters->FindParam(&num_controls,InversionNumControlParametersEnum); 22 parameters->FindParam(&control_type,NULL,InversionControlParametersEnum); 23 parameters->FindParam(&M_all,NULL,ControlInputSizeMEnum); 24 parameters->FindParam(&N_all,NULL,ControlInputSizeNEnum); 18 25 19 for(int i=0;i<num_controls;i++){ 20 for(int j=0;j<elements->Size();j++){ 21 Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(j); 22 element->ControlInputSetGradient(gradient,control_type[i],i); 26 int offset = 0; 27 for(int i=0;i<num_controls;i++){ 28 for(int j=0;j<elements->Size();j++){ 29 Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(j); 30 element->ControlInputSetGradient(gradient,control_type[i],i,offset,N_all[i],M_all[i]); 31 } 32 offset+=M_all[i]*N_all[i]; 23 33 } 34 35 /*Clean up and return*/ 36 xDelete<int>(control_type); 24 37 } 38 else{ 39 int num_controls; 40 int *control_type = NULL; 25 41 26 /*Clean up and return*/ 27 xDelete<int>(control_type); 42 /*Retrieve some parameters*/ 43 parameters->FindParam(&num_controls,InversionNumControlParametersEnum); 44 parameters->FindParam(&control_type,NULL,InversionControlParametersEnum); 45 46 int offset = 0; 47 for(int i=0;i<num_controls;i++){ 48 for(int j=0;j<elements->Size();j++){ 49 Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(j); 50 element->ControlInputSetGradient(gradient,control_type[i],i); 51 } 52 } 53 54 /*Clean up and return*/ 55 xDelete<int>(control_type); 56 } 28 57 29 58 } -
r22424 r22739 9 9 void GetVectorFromControlInputsx(Vector<IssmDouble>** pvector, Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices, Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters,const char* data,bool onsid){/*{{{*/ 10 10 11 int num_controls; 12 int *control_type = NULL; 13 Vector<IssmDouble>* vector=NULL; 11 bool isautodiff; 12 parameters->FindParam(&isautodiff,AutodiffIsautodiffEnum); 13 if(isautodiff){ 14 int* N = NULL; 15 int* M = NULL; 16 int num_controls; 17 int* control_type = NULL; 18 Vector<IssmDouble>* vector=NULL; 14 19 15 /*Retrieve some parameters*/ 16 parameters->FindParam(&num_controls,InversionNumControlParametersEnum); 17 parameters->FindParam(&control_type,NULL,InversionControlParametersEnum); 20 /*Retrieve some parameters*/ 21 parameters->FindParam(&num_controls,InversionNumControlParametersEnum); 22 parameters->FindParam(&control_type,NULL,InversionControlParametersEnum); 23 parameters->FindParam(&N,NULL,ControlInputSizeNEnum); 24 parameters->FindParam(&M,NULL,ControlInputSizeMEnum); 18 25 19 /*Allocate and populate gradient*/ 20 vector=new Vector<IssmDouble>(num_controls*vertices->NumberOfVertices()); 26 /*1. Get vector size*/ 27 int size = 0; 28 for(int i=0;i<num_controls;i++) size+=M[i]*N[i]; 21 29 22 for(int i=0;i<num_controls;i++){ 23 for(int j=0;j<elements->Size();j++){ 24 Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(j); 25 element->GetVectorFromControlInputs(vector,control_type[i],i,data,onsid); 30 31 /*2. Allocate vector*/ 32 vector=new Vector<IssmDouble>(size); 33 34 /*3. Populate vector*/ 35 int offset = 0; 36 for(int i=0;i<num_controls;i++){ 37 for(int j=0;j<elements->Size();j++){ 38 Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(j); 39 element->GetVectorFromControlInputs(vector,control_type[i],i,data,offset,onsid); 40 } 41 offset += M[i]*N[i]; 26 42 } 43 44 vector->Assemble(); 45 46 /*Assign output pointers:*/ 47 xDelete<int>(control_type); 48 xDelete<int>(M); 49 xDelete<int>(N); 50 51 *pvector=vector; 52 } 53 else{ 54 int num_controls; 55 int* control_type = NULL; 56 Vector<IssmDouble>* vector=NULL; 57 58 /*Retrieve some parameters*/ 59 parameters->FindParam(&num_controls,InversionNumControlParametersEnum); 60 parameters->FindParam(&control_type,NULL,InversionControlParametersEnum); 61 62 63 /*2. Allocate vector*/ 64 vector=new Vector<IssmDouble>(num_controls*vertices->NumberOfVertices()); 65 66 /*3. Populate vector*/ 67 int offset = 0; 68 for(int i=0;i<num_controls;i++){ 69 for(int j=0;j<elements->Size();j++){ 70 Element* element=(Element*)elements->GetObjectByOffset(j); 71 element->GetVectorFromControlInputs(vector,control_type[i],i,data,onsid); 72 } 73 } 74 vector->Assemble(); 75 76 /*Assign output pointers:*/ 77 xDelete<int>(control_type); 78 *pvector=vector; 27 79 } 28 80 29 vector->Assemble();30 31 /*Assign output pointers:*/32 xDelete<int>(control_type);33 *pvector=vector;34 81 }/*}}}*/ 35 82 void GetVectorFromControlInputsx( IssmDouble** pvector, Elements* elements,Nodes* nodes, Vertices* vertices, Loads* loads, Materials* materials, Parameters* parameters, const char* data,bool onsid){/*{{{*/ 36 37 /*output: */38 IssmDouble* vector=NULL;39 83 40 84 /*intermediary: */ … … 42 86 43 87 GetVectorFromControlInputsx( &vec_vector, elements,nodes, vertices, loads, materials, parameters,data,onsid); 44 vector=vec_vector->ToMPISerial();88 IssmDouble* vector=vec_vector->ToMPISerial(); 45 89 46 90 /*Free ressources:*/ -
r22536 r22739 10 10 11 11 12 #if !defined(_HAVE_ADOLC_) 13 void UpdateElementsAndMaterialsControl(Elements* elements,Materials* materials, IoModel* iomodel){ 14 12 //#if !defined(_HAVE_ADOLC_) 13 void UpdateElementsAndMaterialsControl(Elements* elements,Parameters* parameters,Materials* materials, IoModel* iomodel){ 14 bool isautodiff; 15 iomodel->FindConstant(&isautodiff,"md.autodiff.isautodiff"); 16 if(!isautodiff){ 15 17 /*Intermediary*/ 16 18 bool control_analysis; … … 65 67 } 66 68 } 69 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(ControlInputSizeMEnum,iomodel->numberofvertices)); 67 70 68 71 for(int i=0;i<num_controls;i++){ … … 128 131 xDelete<char*>(controls); 129 132 } 130 #else 131 void UpdateElementsAndMaterialsControl(Elements* elements,Materials* materials, IoModel* iomodel){ 132 133 //} 134 //#else 135 //void UpdateElementsAndMaterialsControl(Elements* elements,Parameters* parameters,Materials* materials, IoModel* iomodel){ 136 else{ 133 137 134 138 /*Intermediaries*/ 135 int num_independent_objects,M,N ;139 int num_independent_objects,M,N,M_par,N_par; 136 140 char** names = NULL; 137 141 int* types = NULL; 142 int* control_sizes = NULL; 143 int* M_all = NULL; 138 144 IssmDouble* independent = NULL; 139 IssmDouble* * independents_min= NULL;140 IssmDouble* * independents_max= NULL;145 IssmDouble* independents_fullmin = NULL; 146 IssmDouble* independents_fullmax = NULL; 141 147 bool control_analysis =false; 142 148 143 149 iomodel->FindConstant(&control_analysis,"md.inversion.iscontrol"); 144 150 145 151 /*Now, return if no control*/ 146 152 if(!control_analysis) return; … … 154 160 155 161 156 /*TODO: fetch min and max*/ 157 independents_min = xNew<IssmDouble*>(num_independent_objects); 158 independents_max = xNew<IssmDouble*>(num_independent_objects); 159 for(int i=0;i<num_independent_objects;i++) independents_min[i]=NULL; 160 for(int i=0;i<num_independent_objects;i++) independents_max[i]=NULL; 162 M_all = xNew<int>(num_independent_objects); 161 163 162 164 /*create independent objects, and at the same time, fetch the corresponding independent variables, 163 165 *and declare them as such in ADOLC: */ 166 iomodel->FetchData(&independents_fullmin,&M_par,&N_par,"md.autodiff.independent_min_parameters"); 167 iomodel->FetchData(&independents_fullmax,&M_par,&N_par,"md.autodiff.independent_max_parameters"); 168 iomodel->FetchData(&control_sizes,NULL,NULL,"md.autodiff.independent_control_sizes"); 169 170 int* start_point = NULL; 171 start_point = xNew<int>(num_independent_objects); 172 int counter = 0; 173 for(int i=0;i<num_independent_objects;i++){ 174 start_point[i]=counter; 175 counter+=control_sizes[i]; 176 } 177 164 178 for(int i=0;i<num_independent_objects;i++){ 165 179 … … 169 183 char* iofieldname = NULL; 170 184 int input_enum; 185 IssmDouble* independents_min = NULL; 186 IssmDouble* independents_max = NULL; 187 171 188 FieldAndEnumFromCode(&input_enum,&iofieldname,names[i]); 172 189 173 190 /*Fetch required data*/ 174 191 iomodel->FetchData(&independent,&M,&N,iofieldname); 175 iomodel->FetchData(&independents_min[i],&M,&N,"md.autodiff.independent_min_parameters"); 176 iomodel->FetchData(&independents_max[i],&M,&N,"md.autodiff.independent_max_parameters"); 177 178 _assert_(independent); 192 _assert_(independent); 193 _assert_(N==control_sizes[i]); 194 _printf_("N control size: "<<control_sizes[i]<<"\n"); 195 196 independents_min = NULL; independents_min = xNew<IssmDouble>(M*N); 197 independents_max = NULL; independents_max = xNew<IssmDouble>(M*N); 198 for(int m=0;m<M;m++){ 199 for(int n=0;n<N;n++){ 200 independents_min[N*m+n]=independents_fullmin[N_par*m+start_point[i]+n]; 201 independents_max[N*m+n]=independents_fullmax[N_par*m+start_point[i]+n]; 202 } 203 } 204 if(N!=1) M_all[i]=M-1; 205 else M_all[i]=M; 179 206 180 207 for(int j=0;j<elements->Size();j++){ 181 208 Element* element=xDynamicCast<Element*>(elements->GetObjectByOffset(j)); 182 element->ControlInputCreate(independent,independents_min [i],independents_max[i],iomodel,M,N,input_enum,i+1);209 element->ControlInputCreate(independent,independents_min,independents_max,iomodel,M,N,input_enum,i+1); 183 210 } 184 211 xDelete<IssmDouble>(independent); 212 xDelete<IssmDouble>(independents_min); 213 xDelete<IssmDouble>(independents_max); 214 185 215 } 186 216 else{ … … 188 218 } 189 219 } 220 parameters->AddObject(new IntVecParam(ControlInputSizeNEnum,control_sizes,num_independent_objects)); 221 parameters->AddObject(new IntVecParam(ControlInputSizeMEnum,M_all,num_independent_objects)); 190 222 191 223 /*cleanup*/ 192 224 for(int i=0;i<num_independent_objects;i++){ 193 225 xDelete<char>(names[i]); 194 xDelete<IssmDouble>(independents_min[i]); 195 xDelete<IssmDouble>(independents_max[i]); 196 } 197 xDelete<IssmDouble*>(independents_min); 198 xDelete<IssmDouble*>(independents_max); 226 } 199 227 xDelete<char*>(names); 200 228 xDelete<int>(types); 201 229 xDelete<int>(M_all); 230 xDelete<IssmDouble>(independents_fullmin); 231 xDelete<IssmDouble>(independents_fullmax); 232 xDelete<int>(start_point); 202 233 /*Step2: create cost functions (dependents)*/ 203 234 204 235 return; 205 236 } 206 #endif 237 } 238 //#endif -
r22004 r22739 69 69 /*Solution specific updates*/ 70 70 if(VerboseMProcessor()) _printf0_(" updating elements and materials for control parameters" << "\n"); 71 UpdateElementsAndMaterialsControl(elements, materials,iomodel);71 UpdateElementsAndMaterialsControl(elements,parameters,materials,iomodel); 72 72 #ifdef _HAVE_DAKOTA_ 73 73 if(VerboseMProcessor()) _printf0_(" updating elements and materials for uncertainty quantification" << "\n"); -
r22004 r22739 18 18 void CreateParametersDakota(Parameters* parameters,IoModel* iomodel,char* rootpath); 19 19 void CreateOutputDefinitions(Elements* elements, Parameters* parameters,IoModel* iomodel); 20 void UpdateElementsAndMaterialsControl(Elements* elements, Materials* materials, IoModel* iomodel);20 void UpdateElementsAndMaterialsControl(Elements* elements,Parameters* parameters,Materials* materials, IoModel* iomodel); 21 21 void UpdateElementsAndMaterialsDakota(Elements* elements,Materials* materials, IoModel* iomodel); 22 22 void UpdateElementsTransient(Elements* elements,Parameters* parameters,IoModel* iomodel,int analysis_type); -
r18128 r22739 9 9 void SetControlInputsFromVectorx(FemModel* femmodel,IssmDouble* vector){ 10 10 11 int num_controls; 12 int *control_type = NULL; 11 bool isautodiff; 12 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&isautodiff,AutodiffIsautodiffEnum); 13 if(isautodiff){ 14 int num_controls; 15 int* control_type = NULL; 16 int* M = NULL; 17 int* N = NULL; 13 18 14 /*Retrieve some parameters*/ 15 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&num_controls,InversionNumControlParametersEnum); 16 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&control_type,NULL,InversionControlParametersEnum); 19 /*Retrieve some parameters*/ 20 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&num_controls,InversionNumControlParametersEnum); 21 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&control_type,NULL,InversionControlParametersEnum); 22 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&M,NULL,ControlInputSizeMEnum); 23 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&N,NULL,ControlInputSizeNEnum); 17 24 18 for(int i=0;i<num_controls;i++){ 19 for(int j=0;j<femmodel->elements->Size();j++){ 20 Element* element=(Element*)femmodel->elements->GetObjectByOffset(j); 21 element->SetControlInputsFromVector(vector,control_type[i],i); 25 int offset = 0; 26 for(int i=0;i<num_controls;i++){ 27 for(int j=0;j<femmodel->elements->Size();j++){ 28 Element* element=(Element*)femmodel->elements->GetObjectByOffset(j); 29 element->SetControlInputsFromVector(vector,control_type[i],i,offset,N[i],M[i]); 30 } 31 offset += M[i]*N[i]; 22 32 } 33 34 35 xDelete<int>(control_type); 23 36 } 37 else{ 24 38 25 xDelete<int>(control_type); 39 int num_controls; 40 int* control_type = NULL; 41 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&num_controls,InversionNumControlParametersEnum); 42 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&control_type,NULL,InversionControlParametersEnum); 43 int offset = 0; 44 for(int i=0;i<num_controls;i++){ 45 for(int j=0;j<femmodel->elements->Size();j++){ 46 Element* element=(Element*)femmodel->elements->GetObjectByOffset(j); 47 element->SetControlInputsFromVector(vector,control_type[i],i); 48 } 49 } 50 xDelete<int>(control_type); 51 } 26 52 } 27 53
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.