Changeset 22707

04/23/18 20:54:45 (7 years ago)

instructions unchanged. changing the numbering of
the steps so that they have same number if they
perform same function

1 edited


  • issm/trunk-jpl/test/MITgcm/coupling_rules.txt

    r22706 r22707  
    2222  I3. MITgcm sends grid coordinates of center of cells
    2323      (longitude -180 <= XC < 180 and latitude YC)
    24   I4. ISSM sends ice model time IceTimeTag
    25   I5. MITgcm sends ocean model time OceanTimeTag
    26   I6. ISSM sends IceModelTime=0 base to MITgcm
     24  C1. ISSM sends ice model time IceTimeTag
     25  C2. MITgcm sends ocean model time OceanTimeTag
     26  C4. ISSM sends IceModelTime=0 base to MITgcm
    2727      (base should be 9999 in areas not covered by ice grid)
    28   I7o. MITgcm integrates from OceanModelTime=0
     28  C5o. MITgcm integrates from OceanModelTime=0
    2929                           to OceanModelTime=CouplingTime
    6868      N*CouplingTime <= OceanModelTime < (N+1)*CouplingTime
    6969      time-mean melt rate to ISSM
    70   C4i. ISSM saves to restart files the IceModelTime=N state and
     70  Ti. ISSM saves to restart files the IceModelTime=N state and
    7171       the N*CouplingTime to (N+1)*CouplingTime mean melt rate
    72   C4o. MITgcm saves to restart files
     72  To. MITgcm saves to restart files
    7373       the OceanModelTime=(N+1)*CouplingTime state
    8888  I2. MITgcm sends grid size (NX and NY)
    8989  I3. MITgcm sends grid coordinates (XC and YC)
    90   I4. ISSM sends ice model time IceTimeTag
    91   I5. MITgcm sends ocean model time OceanTimeTag
    92   I6. ISSM sends IceModelTime=N base to MITgcm
    93   I7i. ISSM integrates from IceModelTime=N*CouplingTime
     90  C1. ISSM sends ice model time IceTimeTag
     91  C2. MITgcm sends ocean model time OceanTimeTag
     92  C4. ISSM sends IceModelTime=N base to MITgcm
     93  C5i. ISSM integrates from IceModelTime=N*CouplingTime
    9494                         to IceModelTime=(N+1)*CouplingTime
    95   I7o. MITgcm integrates from OceanModelTime=(N+1)*CouplingTime
     95  C5o. MITgcm integrates from OceanModelTime=(N+1)*CouplingTime
    9696                          to OceanModelTime=(N+2)*CouplingTime
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