Changeset 22438 for issm/trunk-jpl/src
- Timestamp:
- 02/21/18 10:47:55 (7 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/c
- Files:
- 1 deleted
- 12 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r22437 r22438 12 12 13 13 #include "./classes.h" 14 #include "./FemModel.h"15 14 #include "./ExternalResults/ExternalResult.h" 16 15 #include "./ExternalResults/Results.h" … … 18 17 #include "./Elements/Element.h" 19 18 #include "./Elements/Elements.h" 19 #include "./FemModel.h" 20 20 #include "../modules/SurfaceAreax/SurfaceAreax.h" 21 21 #include "../classes/Params/Parameters.h" -
r22437 r22438 8 8 /*Headers:*/ 9 9 #include "./Definition.h" 10 #include "../datastructures/datastructures.h" 11 #include "./Elements/Element.h" 12 #include "./Elements/Elements.h" 10 13 #include "./FemModel.h" 14 #include "../modules/SurfaceAreax/SurfaceAreax.h" 15 #include "../classes/Params/Parameters.h" 16 #include "../classes/Inputs/Input.h" 17 #include "../classes/gauss/Gauss.h" 11 18 12 19 IssmDouble OutputDefinitionsResponsex(FemModel* femmodel,int output_enum); -
r22437 r22438 9 9 /*{{{*/ 10 10 #include "./Definition.h" 11 #include "../datastructures/datastructures.h" 12 #include "./Elements/Element.h" 13 #include "./Elements/Elements.h" 11 14 #include "./FemModel.h" 15 #include "../modules/SurfaceAreax/SurfaceAreax.h" 16 #include "../classes/Params/Parameters.h" 17 #include "../classes/Inputs/Input.h" 18 #include "../classes/gauss/Gauss.h" 12 19 /*}}}*/ 13 20 -
r22437 r22438 8 8 /*Headers:*/ 9 9 #include "./Definition.h" 10 #include "../datastructures/datastructures.h" 11 #include "./Elements/Element.h" 12 #include "./Elements/Elements.h" 10 13 #include "./FemModel.h" 14 #include "./ExternalResults/ExternalResult.h" 15 #include "./ExternalResults/Results.h" 16 #include "../modules/SurfaceAbsVelMisfitx/SurfaceAbsVelMisfitx.h" 17 #include "../modules/SurfaceRelVelMisfitx/SurfaceRelVelMisfitx.h" 18 #include "../modules/SurfaceLogVelMisfitx/SurfaceLogVelMisfitx.h" 19 #include "../modules/SurfaceLogVxVyMisfitx/SurfaceLogVxVyMisfitx.h" 20 #include "../modules/ThicknessAbsMisfitx/ThicknessAbsMisfitx.h" 21 #include "../modules/ThicknessAlongGradientx/ThicknessAlongGradientx.h" 22 #include "../modules/ThicknessAcrossGradientx/ThicknessAcrossGradientx.h" 23 #include "../modules/RheologyBbarAbsGradientx/RheologyBbarAbsGradientx.h" 24 #include "../modules/DragCoefficientAbsGradientx/DragCoefficientAbsGradientx.h" 11 25 12 26 … … 15 29 class Numberedcostfunction: public Object, public Definition{ 16 30 17 public:31 public: 18 32 19 int definitionenum; 20 char* name; 21 int number_cost_functions; 22 int* cost_functions_list; 33 int definitionenum; 34 char* name; 35 int number_cost_functions; 36 int* cost_functions_list; 37 38 /*Numberedcostfunction constructors, destructors :*/ 39 Numberedcostfunction(); 40 Numberedcostfunction(char* in_name, int in_definitionenum,int number_cost_functions_in,int* cost_functions_list_in); 41 ~Numberedcostfunction(); 23 42 24 /*Numberedcostfunction constructors, destructors :*/ 25 Numberedcostfunction(); 26 Numberedcostfunction(char* in_name, int in_definitionenum,int number_cost_functions_in,int* cost_functions_list_in); 27 ~Numberedcostfunction(); 43 /*Object virtual function resolutoin: */ 44 Object* copy(); 45 void DeepEcho(void); 46 void Echo(void); 47 int Id(void); 48 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_data,int* pmarshalled_data_size, int marshall_direction); 49 int ObjectEnum(void); 28 50 29 /*Object virtual function resolutoin: */ 30 Object* copy(); 31 void DeepEcho(void); 32 void Echo(void); 33 int Id(void); 34 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_data,int* pmarshalled_data_size, int marshall_direction); 35 int ObjectEnum(void); 36 37 /*Definition virtual function resolutoin: */ 38 int DefinitionEnum(); 39 char* Name(); 40 IssmDouble Response(FemModel* femmodel); 51 /*Definition virtual function resolutoin: */ 52 int DefinitionEnum(); 53 char* Name(); 54 IssmDouble Response(FemModel* femmodel); 41 55 }; 42 56 -
r22437 r22438 15 15 #include "./Elements/Element.h" 16 16 #include "./Elements/Elements.h" 17 #include "./FemModel.h" 17 18 #include "../classes/Params/Parameters.h" 18 19 -
r22437 r22438 9 9 /*{{{*/ 10 10 #include "./Definition.h" 11 #include "../datastructures/datastructures.h" 12 #include "./Elements/Element.h" 13 #include "./Elements/Elements.h" 11 14 #include "./FemModel.h" 15 #include "../classes/Params/Parameters.h" 12 16 13 17 /*}}}*/ -
r22437 r22438 26 26 int num_dependents=0; 27 27 int num_independents=0; 28 bool isautodiff ,iscontrol;28 bool isautodiff = false; 29 29 char *driver = NULL; 30 30 size_t tape_stats[15]; … … 37 37 /*AD mode on?: */ 38 38 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&isautodiff,AutodiffIsautodiffEnum); 39 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&iscontrol,InversionIscontrolEnum); 40 41 if(isautodiff && !iscontrol){ 39 40 if(isautodiff){ 42 41 43 42 #ifdef _HAVE_ADOLC_ -
r22437 r22438 11 11 #include "../solutionsequences/solutionsequences.h" 12 12 13 #if defined (_HAVE_M1QN3_) 14 //& !defined(_HAVE_ADOLC_) 13 #if defined (_HAVE_M1QN3_) & !defined(_HAVE_ADOLC_) 15 14 /*m1qn3 prototypes*/ 16 15 extern "C" void *ctonbe_; // DIS mode : Conversion 17 16 extern "C" void *ctcabe_; // DIS mode : Conversion 18 17 extern "C" void *euclid_; // Scalar product 19 typedef void (*SimulFunc) (long* indic,long* n, double* x, double* pf,double* g,long [],float [],void* dzs);20 extern "C" void m1qn3_ (void f(long* indic,long* n, double* x, double* pf,double* g,long [],float [],void* dzs),18 typedef void (*SimulFunc) (long* indic,long* n, double* x, double* pf,double* g,long [],float [],void* dzs); 19 extern "C" void m1qn3_ (void f(long* indic,long* n, double* x, double* pf,double* g,long [],float [],void* dzs), 21 20 void **, void **, void **, 22 long *, double [], double *, double[], double*, double *,23 double *, char [], long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long [], double [], long *,21 long *, double [], double *, double [], double*, double *, 22 double *, char [], long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long [], double [], long *, 24 23 long *, long *, long [], float [],void* ); 24 25 /*Cost function prototype*/ 26 void simul(long* indic,long* n,double* X,double* pf,double* G,long izs[1],float rzs[1],void* dzs); 25 27 26 28 /*Use struct to provide arguments*/ 27 29 typedef struct{ 28 FemModel 29 Issm PDouble* Jlist;30 int 31 int 32 int* 30 FemModel * femmodel; 31 IssmDouble* Jlist; 32 int M; 33 int N; 34 int* i; 33 35 } m1qn3_struct; 34 36 35 /*m1qm3 functions*/ 36 void simul_starttrace(FemModel* femmodel){/*{{{*/ 37 38 /*Retrive ADOLC parameters*/ 39 IssmDouble gcTriggerRatio; 40 IssmDouble gcTriggerMaxSize; 41 IssmDouble obufsize; 42 IssmDouble lbufsize; 43 IssmDouble cbufsize; 44 IssmDouble tbufsize; 45 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&gcTriggerRatio,AutodiffGcTriggerRatioEnum); 46 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&gcTriggerMaxSize,AutodiffGcTriggerMaxSizeEnum); 47 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&obufsize,AutodiffObufsizeEnum); 48 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&lbufsize,AutodiffLbufsizeEnum); 49 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&cbufsize,AutodiffCbufsizeEnum); 50 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&tbufsize,AutodiffTbufsizeEnum); 51 52 /*Set garbage collection parameters: */ 53 setStoreManagerControl(reCast<IssmPDouble>(gcTriggerRatio),reCast<size_t>(gcTriggerMaxSize)); 54 55 /*Start trace: */ 56 int skipFileDeletion=1; 57 int keepTaylors=1; 58 int my_rank=IssmComm::GetRank(); 59 trace_on(my_rank,keepTaylors,reCast<size_t>(obufsize),reCast<size_t>(lbufsize),reCast<size_t>(cbufsize),reCast<size_t>(tbufsize),skipFileDeletion); 60 }/*}}}*/ 61 void simul_ad(long* indic,long* n,double* X,double* pf,double* G,long izs[1],float rzs[1],void* dzs){/*{{{*/ 62 63 /*Get rank*/ 64 int my_rank=IssmComm::GetRank(); 65 66 /*Recover Arguments*/ 67 m1qn3_struct *input_struct = (m1qn3_struct*)dzs; 68 FemModel *femmodel = input_struct->femmodel; 69 IssmPDouble *Jlist = input_struct->Jlist; 70 int JlistM = input_struct->M; 71 int JlistN = input_struct->N; 72 int *Jlisti = input_struct->i; 73 int intn = (int)*n; 74 75 /*Recover some parameters*/ 76 int num_responses,num_controls,numberofvertices,solution_type; 77 IssmDouble* scaling_factors = NULL; 78 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&num_responses,InversionNumCostFunctionsEnum); 79 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&num_controls,InversionNumControlParametersEnum); 80 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&scaling_factors,NULL,InversionControlScalingFactorsEnum); 81 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&solution_type,SolutionTypeEnum); 82 numberofvertices=femmodel->vertices->NumberOfVertices(); 83 84 /*Constrain input vector and update controls*/ 85 double *XL = NULL; 86 double *XU = NULL; 87 GetPassiveVectorFromControlInputsx(&XL,femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,"lowerbound"); 88 GetPassiveVectorFromControlInputsx(&XU,femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,"upperbound"); 89 for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices;i++){ 90 for(int c=0;c<num_controls;c++){ 91 int index = num_controls*i+c; 92 X[index] = X[index]*reCast<double>(scaling_factors[c]); 93 if(X[index]>XU[index]) X[index]=XU[index]; 94 if(X[index]<XL[index]) X[index]=XL[index]; 95 } 96 } 97 98 /*Start Tracing*/ 99 simul_starttrace(femmodel); 100 101 /*Set X as our new control input abd as INDEPENDENT!!*/ 102 #ifdef _HAVE_AD_ 103 IssmDouble* aX=xNew<IssmDouble>(num_controls*numberofvertices,"t"); 104 #else 105 IssmDouble* aX=xNew<IssmDouble>(num_controls*numberofvertices); 106 #endif 107 if(my_rank==0){ 108 for(int i=0;i<intn;i++){ 109 aX[i]<<=X[i]; 110 } 111 } 112 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(aX,intn,ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE,0,IssmComm::GetComm()); 113 SetControlInputsFromVectorx(femmodel,aX); 114 xDelete<IssmDouble>(aX); 115 116 /*Compute solution (forward)*/ 117 void (*solutioncore)(FemModel*)=NULL; 118 CorePointerFromSolutionEnum(&solutioncore,femmodel->parameters,solution_type); 119 solutioncore(femmodel); 120 121 /*Get Dependents*/ 122 IssmDouble output_value; 123 int num_dependents; 124 IssmPDouble *dependents; 125 DataSet* dependent_objects=NULL; 126 127 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&num_dependents,AutodiffNumDependentsEnum); 128 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&dependent_objects,AutodiffDependentObjectsEnum); 129 130 /*Go through our dependent variables, and compute the response:*/ 131 dependents=xNew<IssmPDouble>(num_dependents); 132 for(int i=0;i<dependent_objects->Size();i++){ 133 DependentObject* dep=(DependentObject*)dependent_objects->GetObjectByOffset(i); 134 dep->Responsex(&output_value,femmodel); 135 if (my_rank==0) { 136 output_value>>=dependents[i]; 137 } 138 } 139 140 /*Turning off trace tape*/ 141 trace_off(); 142 143 /*Print tape statistics so that user can kill this run if something is off already:*/ 144 if(VerboseAutodiff()){ /*{{{*/ 145 size_t tape_stats[15]; 146 tapestats(my_rank,tape_stats); //reading of tape statistics 147 int commSize=IssmComm::GetSize(); 148 int *sstats=new int[7]; 149 sstats[0]=tape_stats[NUM_OPERATIONS]; 150 sstats[1]=tape_stats[OP_FILE_ACCESS]; 151 sstats[2]=tape_stats[NUM_LOCATIONS]; 152 sstats[3]=tape_stats[LOC_FILE_ACCESS]; 153 sstats[4]=tape_stats[NUM_VALUES]; 154 sstats[5]=tape_stats[VAL_FILE_ACCESS]; 155 sstats[6]=tape_stats[TAY_STACK_SIZE]; 156 int *rstats=NULL; 157 if (my_rank==0) rstats=new int[commSize*7]; 158 ISSM_MPI_Gather(sstats,7,ISSM_MPI_INT,rstats,7,ISSM_MPI_INT,0,IssmComm::GetComm()); 159 if (my_rank==0) { 160 int offset=50; 161 int rOffset=(commSize/10)+1; 162 _printf_(" ADOLC statistics: \n"); 163 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<"#independents: " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[NUM_INDEPENDENTS] << "\n"); 164 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<"#dependents: " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[NUM_DEPENDENTS] << "\n"); 165 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<"max #live active variables: " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[NUM_MAX_LIVES] << "\n"); 166 _printf_(" operations: entry size "<< sizeof(unsigned char) << " Bytes \n"); 167 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<" #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum) " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[OP_BUFFER_SIZE] << "\n"); 168 for (int r=0;r<commSize;++r) 169 _printf_(" ["<<setw(rOffset)<<right<<r<<"]"<<setw(offset-rOffset-4)<<left<<" #entries total" <<setw(12)<<right<<rstats[r*7+0] << (rstats[r*7+1]?" ->file":"") << "\n"); 170 _printf_(" locations: entry size " << sizeof(locint) << " Bytes\n"); 171 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<" #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum) " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[LOC_BUFFER_SIZE] << "\n"); 172 for (int r=0;r<commSize;++r) 173 _printf_(" ["<<setw(rOffset)<<right<<r<<"]"<<setw(offset-rOffset-4)<<left<<" #entries total" <<setw(12)<<right<<rstats[r*7+2] << (rstats[r*7+3]?" ->file":"") << "\n"); 174 _printf_(" constant values: entry size " << sizeof(double) << " Bytes\n"); 175 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<" #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum) " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[VAL_BUFFER_SIZE] << "\n"); 176 for (int r=0;r<commSize;++r) 177 _printf_(" ["<<setw(rOffset)<<right<<r<<"]"<<setw(offset-rOffset-4)<<left<<" #entries total" <<setw(12)<<right<<rstats[r*7+4] << (rstats[r*7+5]?" ->file":"") << "\n"); 178 _printf_(" Taylor stack: entry size " << sizeof(revreal) << " Bytes\n"); 179 _printf_(" "<<setw(offset)<<left<<" #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum) " <<setw(12)<<right<<tape_stats[TAY_BUFFER_SIZE] << "\n"); 180 for (int r=0;r<commSize;++r) 181 _printf_(" ["<<setw(rOffset)<<right<<r<<"]"<<setw(offset-rOffset-4)<<left<<" #entries total" <<setw(12)<<right<<rstats[r*7+6] << (rstats[r*7+6]>tape_stats[TAY_BUFFER_SIZE]?" ->file":"") << "\n"); 182 delete []rstats; 183 } 184 delete [] sstats; 185 } /*}}}*/ 186 187 /*diverse: */ 188 int dummy; 189 int num_independents=0; 190 191 /*intermediary: */ 192 IssmPDouble *aWeightVector=NULL; 193 IssmPDouble *weightVectorTimesJac=NULL; 194 195 /*output: */ 196 IssmPDouble *totalgradient=NULL; 197 198 /*retrieve parameters: */ 199 num_independents = intn; 200 201 /*if no dependents, no point in running a driver: */ 202 if(!(num_dependents*num_independents)) _error_("this is not allowed"); 203 204 /*for adolc to run in parallel, we 0 out on rank~=0. But we still keep track of num_dependents:*/ 205 int num_dependents_old = num_dependents; 206 int num_independents_old = num_independents; 207 if(my_rank!=0){ 208 num_dependents = 0; 209 num_independents = 0; 210 } 211 212 /*get the EDF pointer:*/ 213 ext_diff_fct *anEDF_for_solverx_p=xDynamicCast<GenericParam<Adolc_edf> * >(femmodel->parameters->FindParamObject(AdolcParamEnum))->GetParameterValue().myEDF_for_solverx_p; 214 215 /* these are always needed regardless of the interpreter */ 216 anEDF_for_solverx_p->dp_x=xNew<double>(anEDF_for_solverx_p->max_n); 217 anEDF_for_solverx_p->dp_y=xNew<double>(anEDF_for_solverx_p->max_m); 218 219 /* Ok, now we are going to call the fos_reverse in a loop on the index, from 0 to num_dependents, so 220 * as to generate num_dependents gradients: */ 221 totalgradient=xNewZeroInit<IssmPDouble>(num_independents); 222 223 for(int aDepIndex=0;aDepIndex<num_dependents_old;aDepIndex++){ 224 225 /*initialize direction index in the weights vector: */ 226 aWeightVector=xNewZeroInit<IssmPDouble>(num_dependents); 227 if (my_rank==0) aWeightVector[aDepIndex]=1.; 228 229 /*initialize output gradient: */ 230 weightVectorTimesJac=xNew<IssmPDouble>(num_independents); 231 232 /*set the forward method function pointer: */ 233 #ifdef _HAVE_GSL_ 234 anEDF_for_solverx_p->fos_reverse=EDF_fos_reverse_for_solverx; 235 #endif 236 #ifdef _HAVE_MUMPS_ 237 anEDF_for_solverx_p->fos_reverse_iArr=fos_reverse_mumpsSolveEDF; 238 #endif 239 240 anEDF_for_solverx_p->dp_U=xNew<IssmPDouble>(anEDF_for_solverx_p->max_m); 241 anEDF_for_solverx_p->dp_Z=xNew<IssmPDouble>(anEDF_for_solverx_p->max_n); 242 243 /*call driver: */ 244 fos_reverse(my_rank,num_dependents,num_independents, aWeightVector, weightVectorTimesJac ); 245 246 /*Add to totalgradient: */ 247 if(my_rank==0) for(int i=0;i<num_independents;i++) totalgradient[i]+=weightVectorTimesJac[i]; 248 249 /*free resources :*/ 250 xDelete(weightVectorTimesJac); 251 xDelete(aWeightVector); 252 } 253 254 /*Broadcast gradient to other ranks*/ 255 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(totalgradient,num_independents_old,ISSM_MPI_PDOUBLE,0,IssmComm::GetComm()); 256 257 /*Check size of Jlist to avoid crashes*/ 258 _assert_((*Jlisti)<JlistM); 259 _assert_(JlistN==num_responses+1); 260 261 /*Compute objective function*/ 262 IssmDouble* Jtemp = NULL; 263 IssmDouble J; 264 femmodel->CostFunctionx(&J,&Jtemp,NULL); 265 *pf = reCast<double>(J); 266 _printf0_("f(x) = "<<setw(12)<<setprecision(7)<<*pf<<" | "); 267 268 /*Record cost function values and delete Jtemp*/ 269 for(int i=0;i<num_responses;i++) Jlist[(*Jlisti)*JlistN+i] = reCast<IssmPDouble>(Jtemp[i]); 270 Jlist[(*Jlisti)*JlistN+num_responses] = reCast<IssmPDouble>(J); 271 xDelete<IssmDouble>(Jtemp); 272 273 if(*indic==0){ 274 /*dry run, no gradient required*/ 275 276 /*Retrieve objective functions independently*/ 277 _printf0_(" N/A |\n"); 278 for(int i=0;i<num_responses;i++) _printf0_(" "<<setw(12)<<setprecision(7)<<Jlist[(*Jlisti)*JlistN+i]); 279 _printf0_("\n"); 280 281 *Jlisti = (*Jlisti) +1; 282 xDelete<double>(XU); 283 xDelete<double>(XL); 284 return; 285 } 286 287 /*Compute gradient*/ 288 for(long i=0;i<num_independents_old;i++) G[i] = totalgradient[i]; 289 290 /*Constrain Gradient*/ 291 IssmDouble Gnorm = 0.; 292 for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices;i++){ 293 for(int c=0;c<num_controls;c++){ 294 int index = num_controls*i+c; 295 if(X[index]>=XU[index]) G[index]=0.; 296 if(X[index]<=XL[index]) G[index]=0.; 297 G[index] = G[index]*reCast<double>(scaling_factors[c]); 298 X[index] = X[index]/reCast<double>(scaling_factors[c]); 299 Gnorm += G[index]*G[index]; 300 } 301 } 302 Gnorm = sqrt(Gnorm); 303 304 /*Print info*/ 305 _printf0_(" "<<setw(12)<<setprecision(7)<<Gnorm<<" |"); 306 for(int i=0;i<num_responses;i++) _printf0_(" "<<setw(12)<<setprecision(7)<<Jlist[(*Jlisti)*JlistN+i]); 307 _printf0_("\n"); 308 309 /*Clean-up and return*/ 310 *Jlisti = (*Jlisti) +1; 311 xDelete<double>(XU); 312 xDelete<double>(XL); 313 xDelete<IssmDouble>(scaling_factors); 314 xDelete<IssmPDouble>(totalgradient); 315 316 }/*}}}*/ 317 void controlm1qn3_core(FemModel* femmodel){/*{{{*/ 37 void controlm1qn3_core(FemModel* femmodel){ 318 38 319 39 /*Intermediaries*/ 320 40 long omode; 321 double f; 322 double dxmin,gttol; 41 double f,dxmin,gttol; 323 42 int maxsteps,maxiter; 324 43 int intn,numberofvertices,num_controls,num_cost_functions,solution_type; 325 IssmDouble 326 double*X = NULL;327 double*G = NULL;44 IssmDouble *scaling_factors = NULL; 45 IssmDouble *X = NULL; 46 IssmDouble *G = NULL; 328 47 329 48 /*Recover some parameters*/ … … 333 52 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&maxsteps,InversionMaxstepsEnum); 334 53 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&maxiter,InversionMaxiterEnum); 335 femmodel->parameters->FindParam AndMakePassive(&dxmin,InversionDxminEnum);336 femmodel->parameters->FindParam AndMakePassive(>tol,InversionGttolEnum);54 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&dxmin,InversionDxminEnum); 55 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(>tol,InversionGttolEnum); 337 56 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&scaling_factors,NULL,InversionControlScalingFactorsEnum); 338 57 femmodel->parameters->SetParam(false,SaveResultsEnum); … … 341 60 /*Initialize M1QN3 parameters*/ 342 61 if(VerboseControl())_printf0_(" Initialize M1QN3 parameters\n"); 343 SimulFunc simul_ptr = &simul_ad;/*Cost function address*/62 SimulFunc costfuncion = &simul; /*Cost function address*/ 344 63 void** prosca = &euclid_; /*Dot product function (euclid is the default)*/ 345 64 char normtype[] = "dfn"; /*Norm type: dfn = scalar product defined by prosca*/ … … 358 77 359 78 /*Get initial guess*/ 360 Vector< double> *Xpetsc = NULL;361 Get PassiveVectorFromControlInputsx(&Xpetsc,femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,"value");79 Vector<IssmDouble> *Xpetsc = NULL; 80 GetVectorFromControlInputsx(&Xpetsc,femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,"value"); 362 81 X = Xpetsc->ToMPISerial(); 363 82 Xpetsc->GetSize(&intn); … … 373 92 for(int c=0;c<num_controls;c++){ 374 93 int index = num_controls*i+c; 375 X[index] = X[index]/ reCast<IssmPDouble>(scaling_factors[c]);94 X[index] = X[index]/scaling_factors[c]; 376 95 } 377 96 } … … 392 111 mystruct.M = maxiter; 393 112 mystruct.N = num_cost_functions+1; 394 mystruct.Jlist = xNewZeroInit<Issm PDouble>(mystruct.M*mystruct.N);113 mystruct.Jlist = xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(mystruct.M*mystruct.N); 395 114 mystruct.i = xNewZeroInit<int>(1); 115 396 116 /*Initialize Gradient and cost function of M1QN3*/ 397 117 indic = 4; /*gradient required*/ 398 simul_ad(&indic,&n,X,&f,G,izs,rzs,(void*)&mystruct); 118 simul(&indic,&n,X,&f,G,izs,rzs,(void*)&mystruct); 119 399 120 /*Estimation of the expected decrease in f during the first iteration*/ 400 121 double df1=f; 401 122 402 123 /*Call M1QN3 solver*/ 403 m1qn3_( simul_ptr,prosca,&ctonbe_,&ctcabe_,124 m1qn3_(costfuncion,prosca,&ctonbe_,&ctcabe_, 404 125 &n,X,&f,G,&dxmin,&df1, 405 126 >tol,normtype,&impres,&io,imode,&omode,&niter,&nsim,iz,dz,&ndz, 406 127 &reverse,&indic,izs,rzs,(void*)&mystruct); 128 407 129 switch(int(omode)){ 408 130 case 0: _printf0_(" Stop requested (indic = 0)\n"); break; … … 416 138 default: _printf0_(" Unknown end condition\n"); 417 139 } 140 418 141 /*Constrain solution vector*/ 419 double *XL = NULL; 420 double *XU = NULL; 421 GetPassiveVectorFromControlInputsx(&XL,femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,"lowerbound"); 422 GetPassiveVectorFromControlInputsx(&XU,femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,"upperbound"); 423 424 for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices;i++){ 425 for(int c=0;c<num_controls;c++){ 426 int index = num_controls*i+c; 427 X[index] = X[index]*reCast<double>(scaling_factors[c]); 142 IssmDouble *XL = NULL; 143 IssmDouble *XU = NULL; 144 GetVectorFromControlInputsx(&XL,femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,"lowerbound"); 145 GetVectorFromControlInputsx(&XU,femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,"upperbound"); 146 for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices;i++){ 147 for(int c=0;c<num_controls;c++){ 148 int index = num_controls*i+c; 149 X[index] = X[index]*scaling_factors[c]; 428 150 if(X[index]>XU[index]) X[index]=XU[index]; 429 151 if(X[index]<XL[index]) X[index]=XL[index]; 430 152 } 431 153 } 432 433 /*Set X as our new control*/ 434 IssmDouble* aX=xNew<IssmDouble>(intn); 435 for(int i=0;i<intn;i++) aX[i] = reCast<IssmDouble>(X[i]); 436 SetControlInputsFromVectorx(femmodel,aX); 437 xDelete(aX); 438 439 /*Set final gradient in inputs*/ 440 IssmDouble* aG=xNew<IssmDouble>(intn); 441 for(int i=0;i<intn;i++) aG[i] = reCast<IssmDouble>(G[i]); 442 ControlInputSetGradientx(femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,aG); 443 xDelete(aG); 444 445 /*Add last cost function to results*/ 154 SetControlInputsFromVectorx(femmodel,X); 155 ControlInputSetGradientx(femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,G); 446 156 femmodel->OutputControlsx(&femmodel->results); 447 femmodel->results->AddObject(new GenericExternalResult< IssmPDouble*>(femmodel->results->Size()+1,JEnum,mystruct.Jlist,(*mystruct.i),mystruct.N,0,0));157 femmodel->results->AddObject(new GenericExternalResult<double*>(femmodel->results->Size()+1,JEnum,mystruct.Jlist,(*mystruct.i),mystruct.N,0,0)); 448 158 449 159 /*Finalize*/ … … 454 164 solutioncore(femmodel); 455 165 456 457 166 /*Clean-up and return*/ 458 167 xDelete<double>(G); … … 461 170 xDelete<double>(XU); 462 171 xDelete<double>(XL); 172 xDelete<double>(scaling_factors); 173 xDelete<double>(mystruct.Jlist); 174 xDelete<int>(mystruct.i); 175 } 176 177 /*Cost function definition*/ 178 void simul(long* indic,long* n,double* X,double* pf,double* G,long izs[1],float rzs[1],void* dzs){ 179 180 /*Recover Arguments*/ 181 m1qn3_struct *input_struct = (m1qn3_struct*)dzs; 182 FemModel *femmodel = input_struct->femmodel; 183 IssmDouble *Jlist = input_struct->Jlist; 184 int JlistM = input_struct->M; 185 int JlistN = input_struct->N; 186 int *Jlisti = input_struct->i; 187 188 /*Recover some parameters*/ 189 int num_responses,num_controls,numberofvertices,solution_type; 190 IssmDouble* scaling_factors = NULL; 191 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&num_responses,InversionNumCostFunctionsEnum); 192 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&num_controls,InversionNumControlParametersEnum); 193 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&scaling_factors,NULL,InversionControlScalingFactorsEnum); 194 femmodel->parameters->FindParam(&solution_type,SolutionTypeEnum); 195 numberofvertices=femmodel->vertices->NumberOfVertices(); 196 197 /*Constrain input vector and update controls*/ 198 IssmDouble *XL = NULL; 199 IssmDouble *XU = NULL; 200 GetVectorFromControlInputsx(&XL,femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,"lowerbound"); 201 GetVectorFromControlInputsx(&XU,femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters,"upperbound"); 202 for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices;i++){ 203 for(int c=0;c<num_controls;c++){ 204 int index = num_controls*i+c; 205 X[index] = X[index]*scaling_factors[c]; 206 if(X[index]>XU[index]) X[index]=XU[index]; 207 if(X[index]<XL[index]) X[index]=XL[index]; 208 } 209 } 210 SetControlInputsFromVectorx(femmodel,X); 211 212 /*Compute solution and adjoint*/ 213 void (*solutioncore)(FemModel*)=NULL; 214 void (*adjointcore)(FemModel*)=NULL; 215 CorePointerFromSolutionEnum(&solutioncore,femmodel->parameters,solution_type); 216 solutioncore(femmodel); 217 218 /*Check size of Jlist to avoid crashes*/ 219 _assert_((*Jlisti)<JlistM); 220 _assert_(JlistN==num_responses+1); 221 222 /*Compute objective function*/ 223 IssmDouble* Jtemp = NULL; 224 femmodel->CostFunctionx(pf,&Jtemp,NULL); 225 _printf0_("f(x) = "<<setw(12)<<setprecision(7)<<*pf<<" | "); 226 227 /*Record cost function values and delete Jtemp*/ 228 for(int i=0;i<num_responses;i++) Jlist[(*Jlisti)*JlistN+i] = Jtemp[i]; 229 Jlist[(*Jlisti)*JlistN+num_responses] = *pf; 230 xDelete<IssmDouble>(Jtemp); 231 232 if(*indic==0){ 233 /*dry run, no gradient required*/ 234 235 /*Retrieve objective functions independently*/ 236 _printf0_(" N/A |\n"); 237 for(int i=0;i<num_responses;i++) _printf0_(" "<<setw(12)<<setprecision(7)<<Jlist[(*Jlisti)*JlistN+i]); 238 _printf0_("\n"); 239 240 *Jlisti = (*Jlisti) +1; 241 xDelete<IssmDouble>(XU); 242 xDelete<IssmDouble>(XL); 243 return; 244 } 245 246 /*Compute Adjoint*/ 247 AdjointCorePointerFromSolutionEnum(&adjointcore,solution_type); 248 adjointcore(femmodel); 249 250 /*Compute gradient*/ 251 IssmDouble* G2 = NULL; 252 Gradjx(&G2,NULL,femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes,femmodel->vertices,femmodel->loads,femmodel->materials,femmodel->parameters); 253 for(long i=0;i<*n;i++) G[i] = -G2[i]; 254 xDelete<IssmDouble>(G2); 255 256 /*Constrain Gradient*/ 257 IssmDouble Gnorm = 0.; 258 for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices;i++){ 259 for(int c=0;c<num_controls;c++){ 260 int index = num_controls*i+c; 261 if(X[index]>=XU[index]) G[index]=0.; 262 if(X[index]<=XL[index]) G[index]=0.; 263 G[index] = G[index]*scaling_factors[c]; 264 X[index] = X[index]/scaling_factors[c]; 265 Gnorm += G[index]*G[index]; 266 } 267 } 268 Gnorm = sqrt(Gnorm); 269 270 /*Print info*/ 271 _printf0_(" "<<setw(12)<<setprecision(7)<<Gnorm<<" |"); 272 for(int i=0;i<num_responses;i++) _printf0_(" "<<setw(12)<<setprecision(7)<<Jlist[(*Jlisti)*JlistN+i]); 273 _printf0_("\n"); 274 275 /*Clean-up and return*/ 276 *Jlisti = (*Jlisti) +1; 277 xDelete<IssmDouble>(XU); 278 xDelete<IssmDouble>(XL); 463 279 xDelete<IssmDouble>(scaling_factors); 464 xDelete<IssmPDouble>(mystruct.Jlist); 465 xDelete<int>(mystruct.i); 466 }/*}}}*/ 280 } 467 281 468 282 #else 469 void controlm1qn3_core(FemModel* femmodel){_error_("M1QN3 not installed");} 283 void controlm1qn3_core(FemModel* femmodel){ 284 _error_("M1QN3 not installed"); 285 } 470 286 #endif //_HAVE_M1QN3_ -
r22437 r22438 79 79 femmodel->RequestedOutputsx(&femmodel->results,requested_outputs,numoutputs); 80 80 } 81 82 //if(solution_type==StressbalanceSolutionEnum)femmodel->RequestedDependentsx();81 82 if(solution_type==StressbalanceSolutionEnum)femmodel->RequestedDependentsx(); 83 83 84 84 /*Free ressources:*/ -
r22437 r22438 59 59 60 60 /*Retrieve all inputs we will be needing: */ 61 //Input* weights_input=topelement->GetInput(InversionCostFunctionsCoefficientsEnum); _assert_(weights_input);61 Input* weights_input=topelement->GetInput(InversionCostFunctionsCoefficientsEnum); _assert_(weights_input); 62 62 Input* vx_input =topelement->GetInput(VxEnum); _assert_(vx_input); 63 63 Input* vxobs_input =topelement->GetInput(InversionVxObsEnum); _assert_(vxobs_input); … … 79 79 80 80 /*Get all parameters at gaussian point*/ 81 //weights_input->GetInputValue(&weight,gauss,SurfaceAbsVelMisfitEnum);81 weights_input->GetInputValue(&weight,gauss,SurfaceAbsVelMisfitEnum); 82 82 vx_input->GetInputValue(&vx,gauss); 83 83 vxobs_input->GetInputValue(&vxobs,gauss); … … 98 98 99 99 /*Add to cost function*/ 100 //Jelem+=misfit*weight*Jdet*gauss->weight; 101 Jelem+=misfit*Jdet*gauss->weight; 102 100 Jelem+=misfit*weight*Jdet*gauss->weight; 103 101 } 104 102 -
r22437 r22438 62 62 63 63 /*Retrieve all inputs we will be needing: */ 64 //Input* weights_input=topelement->GetInput(InversionCostFunctionsCoefficientsEnum); _assert_(weights_input);64 Input* weights_input=topelement->GetInput(InversionCostFunctionsCoefficientsEnum); _assert_(weights_input); 65 65 Input* vx_input =topelement->GetInput(VxEnum); _assert_(vx_input); 66 66 Input* vxobs_input =topelement->GetInput(InversionVxObsEnum); _assert_(vxobs_input); … … 82 82 83 83 /*Get all parameters at gaussian point*/ 84 //weights_input->GetInputValue(&weight,gauss,SurfaceLogVelMisfitEnum);84 weights_input->GetInputValue(&weight,gauss,SurfaceLogVelMisfitEnum); 85 85 vx_input->GetInputValue(&vx,gauss); 86 86 vxobs_input->GetInputValue(&vxobs,gauss); … … 106 106 107 107 misfit=4*pow(meanvel,2)*pow(log(velocity_mag/obs_velocity_mag),2); 108 weight = 1.; 108 109 109 /*Add to cost function*/ 110 110 Jelem+=misfit*weight*Jdet*gauss->weight; -
r22437 r22438 61 61 62 62 /*Retrieve all inputs we will be needing: */ 63 //Input* weights_input=topelement->GetInput(InversionCostFunctionsCoefficientsEnum); _assert_(weights_input);63 Input* weights_input=topelement->GetInput(InversionCostFunctionsCoefficientsEnum); _assert_(weights_input); 64 64 Input* vx_input =topelement->GetInput(VxEnum); _assert_(vx_input); 65 65 Input* vxobs_input =topelement->GetInput(InversionVxObsEnum); _assert_(vxobs_input); … … 81 81 82 82 /*Get all parameters at gaussian point*/ 83 //weights_input->GetInputValue(&weight,gauss,SurfaceRelVelMisfitEnum);83 weights_input->GetInputValue(&weight,gauss,SurfaceRelVelMisfitEnum); 84 84 vx_input->GetInputValue(&vx,gauss); 85 85 vxobs_input->GetInputValue(&vxobs,gauss); … … 106 106 misfit=0.5*(scalex*pow((vx-vxobs),2)); 107 107 } 108 weight = 1.; 108 109 109 /*Add to cost function*/ 110 110 Jelem+=misfit*weight*Jdet*gauss->weight;
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.