Changeset 21806
- Timestamp:
- 07/18/17 08:05:13 (8 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src
- Files:
- 8 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r21762 r21806 10 10 11 11 #include "./AdaptiveMeshRefinement.h" 12 #include "TPZVTKGeoMesh.h" 13 #include "../shared/shared.h" 14 #include "pzgeotriangle.h" 15 #include "pzreftriangle.h" 16 using namespace pzgeom; 12 17 13 18 /*Constructor, copy, clean up and destructor*/ … … 17 22 /*}}}*/ 18 23 AdaptiveMeshRefinement::AdaptiveMeshRefinement(const AdaptiveMeshRefinement &cp){/*{{{*/ 19 24 this->Initialize(); 20 25 this->operator =(cp); 21 26 } … … 25 30 /*Clean all attributes*/ 26 31 this->CleanUp(); 27 28 32 /*Copy all data*/ 29 this->fathermesh = new TPZGeoMesh(*cp.fathermesh); 30 this->previousmesh = new TPZGeoMesh(*cp.previousmesh); 31 this->levelmax = cp.levelmax; 32 this->elementswidth = cp.elementswidth; 33 this->regionlevel1 = cp.regionlevel1; 34 this->regionlevelmax = cp.regionlevelmax; 33 this->fathermesh = new TPZGeoMesh(*cp.fathermesh); 34 this->currentmesh = new TPZGeoMesh(*cp.currentmesh); 35 this->levelmax = cp.levelmax; 36 this->elementswidth = cp.elementswidth; 37 this->regionlevel1 = cp.regionlevel1; 38 this->regionlevelmax = cp.regionlevelmax; 39 this->sid2index.clear(); 40 this->sid2index.resize(cp.sid2index.size()); 41 for(int i=0;i<cp.sid2index.size();i++) this->sid2index[i]=cp.sid2index[i]; 42 35 43 return *this; 36 44 … … 39 47 AdaptiveMeshRefinement::~AdaptiveMeshRefinement(){/*{{{*/ 40 48 41 //bool ismismip = false;42 //if(ismismip){//itapopo43 //TPZFileStream fstr;44 //std::stringstream ss;49 bool ismismip = false; 50 if(ismismip){//itapopo 51 TPZFileStream fstr; 52 std::stringstream ss; 45 53 46 //ss << this->levelmax;47 // std::string AMRfile = "/home/santos/Misomip2/L" + ss.str() + "_tsai/amr.txt";48 49 //fstr.OpenWrite(AMRfile.c_str());50 //int withclassid = 1;51 //this->Write(fstr,withclassid);52 //}54 ss << this->levelmax; 55 std::string AMRfile = "/home/santos/L" + ss.str() + "_amr.txt"; 56 57 fstr.OpenWrite(AMRfile.c_str()); 58 int withclassid = 1; 59 this->Write(fstr,withclassid); 60 } 53 61 this->CleanUp(); 54 62 gRefDBase.clear(); … … 57 65 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::CleanUp(){/*{{{*/ 58 66 59 67 /*Verify and delete all data*/ 60 68 if(this->fathermesh) delete this->fathermesh; 61 if(this->previousmesh) delete this->previousmesh; 62 this->levelmax = -1; 63 this->elementswidth = -1; 64 this->regionlevel1 = -1; 65 this->regionlevelmax = -1; 69 if(this->currentmesh) delete this->currentmesh; 70 this->levelmax = -1; 71 this->elementswidth = -1; 72 this->regionlevel1 = -1; 73 this->regionlevelmax = -1; 74 this->sid2index.clear(); 66 75 } 67 76 /*}}}*/ … … 69 78 70 79 /*Set pointers to NULL*/ 71 this->fathermesh = NULL; 72 this->previousmesh = NULL; 73 this->levelmax = -1; 74 this->elementswidth = -1; 75 this->regionlevel1 = -1; 76 this->regionlevelmax = -1; 80 this->fathermesh = NULL; 81 this->currentmesh = NULL; 82 this->levelmax = -1; 83 this->elementswidth = -1; 84 this->regionlevel1 = -1; 85 this->regionlevelmax = -1; 86 this->sid2index.clear(); 77 87 } 78 88 /*}}}*/ … … 81 91 } 82 92 /*}}}*/ 83 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::Read(TPZStream &buf, void *context){/*{{{*/ 84 85 try 86 { 87 /* Read the id context*/ 88 TPZSaveable::Read(buf,context); 89 90 /* Read class id*/ 91 int classid; 92 buf.Read(&classid,1); 93 94 /* Verify the class id*/ 95 if (classid != this->ClassId() ) 96 { 97 std::cout << "Error in restoring AdaptiveMeshRefinement!\n"; 98 std::cout.flush(); 99 DebugStop(); 100 } 101 102 /* Read simple attributes */ 103 buf.Read(&this->levelmax,1); 104 buf.Read(&this->elementswidth,1); 105 buf.Read(&this->regionlevel1,1); 106 buf.Read(&this->regionlevelmax,1); 107 108 /* Read geometric mesh*/ 109 TPZSaveable *sv1 = TPZSaveable::Restore(buf,0); 110 this->fathermesh = dynamic_cast<TPZGeoMesh*>(sv1); 111 112 TPZSaveable *sv2 = TPZSaveable::Restore(buf,0); 113 this->previousmesh = dynamic_cast<TPZGeoMesh*>(sv2); 93 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::Read(TPZStream &buf,void *context){/*{{{*/ 94 95 try 96 { 97 /* Read the id context*/ 98 TPZSaveable::Read(buf,context); 99 /* Read class id*/ 100 int classid; 101 buf.Read(&classid,1); 102 /* Verify the class id*/ 103 if(classid!=this->ClassId()) _error_("AdaptiveMeshRefinement::Read: Error in restoring AdaptiveMeshRefinement!\n"); 104 /* Read simple attributes */ 105 buf.Read(&this->levelmax,1); 106 buf.Read(&this->elementswidth,1); 107 buf.Read(&this->regionlevel1,1); 108 buf.Read(&this->regionlevelmax,1); 109 /* Read vector attributes*/ 110 int size; 111 buf.Read(&size,1); 112 int* psid2index=xNew<int>(size); 113 buf.Read(psid2index,size); 114 this->sid2index.clear(); 115 this->sid2index.assign(psid2index,psid2index+size); 116 /* Read geometric mesh (father)*/ 117 TPZSaveable *sv1 = TPZSaveable::Restore(buf,0); 118 this->fathermesh = dynamic_cast<TPZGeoMesh*>(sv1); 119 /* Read geometric mesh (current)*/ 120 TPZSaveable *sv2 = TPZSaveable::Restore(buf,0); 121 this->currentmesh = dynamic_cast<TPZGeoMesh*>(sv2); 122 /* Cleanup*/ 123 xDelete<int>(psid2index); 124 } 125 catch(const std::exception& e) 126 { 127 _error_("AdaptiveMeshRefinement::Read: Exception catched!\n"); 128 } 129 130 } 131 /*}}}*/ 132 template class TPZRestoreClass<AdaptiveMeshRefinement,13829430>;/*{{{*/ 133 /*}}}*/ 134 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::Write(TPZStream &buf,int withclassid){/*{{{*/ 135 136 try 137 { 138 /* Write context (this class) class ID*/ 139 TPZSaveable::Write(buf,withclassid); 140 /* Write this class id*/ 141 int classid = this->ClassId(); 142 buf.Write(&classid,1); 143 /* Write simple attributes */ 144 buf.Write(&this->levelmax,1); 145 buf.Write(&this->elementswidth,1); 146 buf.Write(&this->regionlevel1,1); 147 buf.Write(&this->regionlevelmax,1); 148 /* Write vector attributes*/ 149 int size=this->sid2index.size(); 150 int* psid2index=&this->sid2index[0]; 151 buf.Write(&size,1);//vector size 152 buf.Write(psid2index,this->sid2index.size()); 153 /* Write the geometric mesh*/ 154 this->fathermesh->Write(buf,this->ClassId()); 155 this->currentmesh->Write(buf,this->ClassId()); 114 156 } 115 157 catch(const std::exception& e) 116 158 { 117 std::cout << "Exception catched! " << e.what() << std::endl; 118 std::cout.flush(); 119 DebugStop(); 159 _error_("AdaptiveMeshRefinement::Write: Exception catched!\n"); 120 160 } 121 161 } 122 162 /*}}}*/ 123 template class TPZRestoreClass<AdaptiveMeshRefinement,13829430>;/*{{{*/124 /*}}}*/125 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::Write(TPZStream &buf, int withclassid){/*{{{*/126 127 try128 {129 /* Write context (this class) class ID*/130 TPZSaveable::Write(buf,withclassid);131 132 /* Write this class id*/133 int classid = ClassId();134 buf.Write(&classid,1);135 136 /* Write simple attributes */137 buf.Write(&this->levelmax,1);138 buf.Write(&this->elementswidth,1);139 buf.Write(&this->regionlevel1,1);140 buf.Write(&this->regionlevelmax,1);141 142 /* Write the geometric mesh*/143 this->fathermesh->Write(buf, this->ClassId());144 this->previousmesh->Write(buf, this->ClassId());145 }146 catch(const std::exception& e)147 {148 std::cout << "Exception catched! " << e.what() << std::endl;149 std::cout.flush();150 DebugStop();151 }152 }153 /*}}}*/154 163 155 164 /*Mesh refinement methods*/ 156 #include "TPZVTKGeoMesh.h" //itapopo 157 #include "../shared/shared.h" //itapopo 158 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::ExecuteRefinement(int &type_process,double *vx, double *vy, double *masklevelset, int &nvertices, int &nelements, int &nsegments, double** px, double** py, double** pz, int** pelements, int** psegments){/*{{{*/ 159 160 /*IMPORTANT! pelements (and psegments) are in Matlab indexing*/ 165 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::Execute(bool &amr_verbose, 166 int &numberofelements, 167 double* partiallyfloatedelements, 168 double *masklevelset, 169 double* deviatorictensorerror, 170 double* thicknesserror, 171 int &newnumberofvertices,int &newnumberofelements,double** x,double** y,int** elementslist){/*{{{*/ 172 173 /*IMPORTANT! newelements are in Matlab indexing*/ 161 174 /*NEOPZ works only in C indexing*/ 162 163 _assert_(this->fathermesh); 164 _assert_(this->previousmesh); 165 166 /*Calculate the position of the grounding line using previous mesh*/ 167 std::vector<TPZVec<REAL> > GLvec; 168 this->CalcGroundingLinePosition(masklevelset, GLvec); 169 170 // std::ofstream file1("/home/santos/mesh0.vtk"); 171 // TPZVTKGeoMesh::PrintGMeshVTK(this->fathermesh,file1 ); 172 173 /*run refinement or unrefinement process*/ 174 TPZGeoMesh *newmesh; 175 switch (type_process) { 176 case 0: newmesh = this->previousmesh; break; // refine previous mesh 177 case 1: newmesh = new TPZGeoMesh(*this->fathermesh); break; // refine mesh 0 (unrefine process) 178 default: DebugStop(); break;//itapopo verificar se irá usar _assert_ 179 } 180 181 this->RefinementProcess(newmesh,GLvec); 182 183 //std::ofstream file2("/home/santos/mesh1.vtk"); 184 //TPZVTKGeoMesh::PrintGMeshVTK(this->previousmesh,file2 ); 185 186 /*Set new mesh pointer. Previous mesh just have uniform elements*/ 187 if(type_process==1){ 188 if(this->previousmesh) delete this->previousmesh; 189 this->previousmesh = newmesh; 190 } 191 192 /*Refine elements to avoid hanging nodes*/ 193 //TPZGeoMesh *nohangingnodesmesh = new TPZGeoMesh(*newmesh);//itapopo testando, este era o original 194 TPZGeoMesh *nohangingnodesmesh = this->CreateRefPatternMesh(newmesh);//itapopo testando, este eh novo metodo 195 196 //std::ofstream file3("/home/santos/mesh2.vtk"); 197 //TPZVTKGeoMesh::PrintGMeshVTK(this->previousmesh,file3); 198 199 this->RefineMeshToAvoidHangingNodes(nohangingnodesmesh); 200 201 //std::ofstream file4("/home/santos/mesh3.vtk"); 202 //TPZVTKGeoMesh::PrintGMeshVTK(nohangingnodesmesh,file4); 203 204 /*Get new geometric mesh in ISSM data structure*/ 205 this->GetMesh(nohangingnodesmesh,nvertices,nelements,nsegments,px,py,pz,pelements,psegments); 206 207 /*Verify the new geometry*/ 208 this->CheckMesh(nvertices,nelements,nsegments,this->elementswidth,px,py,pz,pelements,psegments); 209 210 _printf_("\trefinement process done!\n\n"); 211 212 delete nohangingnodesmesh; 213 } 214 /*}}}*/ 215 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::RefinementProcess(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<TPZVec<REAL> > &GLvec){/*{{{*/ 216 217 /*Refine mesh levelmax times*/ 218 _printf_("\n\trefinement process (level max = " << this->levelmax << ")\n"); 219 _printf_("\tprogress: "); 220 for(int hlevel=1;hlevel<=this->levelmax;hlevel++){ 221 222 /*Set elements to be refined using some criteria*/ 223 std::vector<int> ElemVec; //elements without children 224 this->SetElementsToRefine(gmesh,GLvec,hlevel,ElemVec); 225 226 /*Refine the mesh*/ 227 this->RefineMesh(gmesh, ElemVec); 228 229 _printf_("* "); 230 } 231 _printf_("\n"); 232 } 233 /*}}}*/ 234 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::RefineMesh(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh, std::vector<int> &ElemVec){/*{{{*/ 235 236 /*Refine elements in ElemVec: uniform pattern refinement*/ 237 for(int i = 0; i < ElemVec.size(); i++){ 238 239 /*Get geometric element and verify if it has already been refined*/ 240 int index = ElemVec[i]; 241 TPZGeoEl * geoel = gmesh->Element(index); 242 if(geoel->HasSubElement()) DebugStop(); //itapopo _assert_(!geoel->HasSubElement()); 243 if(geoel->MaterialId() != this->GetElemMaterialID()) DebugStop(); //itapopo verificar se usará _assert_ 244 245 /*Divide geoel*/ 246 TPZVec<TPZGeoEl *> Sons; 247 geoel->Divide(Sons); 248 249 /*If a 1D segment is neighbor, it must be divided too*/ 250 if(this->elementswidth != 3) DebugStop(); //itapopo verificar o segment para malha 3D 251 252 std::vector<int> sides(3); 253 sides[0] = 3; sides[1] = 4; sides[2] = 5; 254 for(int j = 0; j < sides.size(); j++ ){ 255 256 TPZGeoElSide Neighbour = geoel->Neighbour(sides[j]); 257 258 if( Neighbour.Element()->MaterialId() == this->GetBoundaryMaterialID() && !Neighbour.Element()->HasSubElement() ){ 259 TPZVec<TPZGeoEl *> pv2; 260 Neighbour.Element()->Divide(pv2); 261 } 262 } 263 } 264 265 gmesh->BuildConnectivity(); 266 175 if(!this->fathermesh || !this->currentmesh) _error_("Impossible to execute refinement: fathermesh or currentmesh is NULL!\n"); 176 if(numberofelements!=this->sid2index.size()) _error_("Impossible to execute refinement: sid2index.size is not equal to numberofelements!\n"); 177 178 /*Execute the refinement.*/ 179 this->RefinementProcess(amr_verbose,partiallyfloatedelements,masklevelset,deviatorictensorerror,thicknesserror); 180 181 /*Get new geometric mesh in ISSM data structure*/ 182 this->GetMesh(newnumberofvertices,newnumberofelements,x,y,elementslist); 183 184 /*Verify the new geometry*/ 185 this->CheckMesh(newnumberofvertices,newnumberofelements,this->elementswidth,x,y,elementslist); 186 187 } 188 /*}}}*/ 189 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::RefinementProcess(bool &amr_verbose,double* partiallyfloatedelements,double* masklevelset, 190 double* deviatorictensorerror,double* thicknesserror){/*{{{*/ 191 192 if(amr_verbose) _printf_("\n\trefinement process started (level max = " << this->levelmax << ")\n"); 193 194 /*Intermediaries*/ 195 TPZGeoMesh* nohangingnodesmesh=NULL; 196 double mean_mask = 0; 197 double mean_tauerror = 0; 198 double mean_Herror = 0; 199 double group_error = 0; 200 201 /*Calculate mean values*/ 202 for(int i=0;i<this->sid2index.size();i++){ 203 mean_mask += masklevelset[i]; 204 mean_tauerror += deviatorictensorerror[i]; 205 mean_Herror += thicknesserror[i]; 206 } 207 mean_mask /= this->sid2index.size(); 208 mean_tauerror /= this->sid2index.size(); 209 mean_Herror /= this->sid2index.size(); 210 211 if(amr_verbose) _printf_("\t\tuniform refinement...\n"); 212 for(int i=0;i<this->sid2index.size();i++){ 213 TPZGeoEl* geoel=this->currentmesh->Element(this->sid2index[i]); 214 if(geoel->HasSubElement()) _error_("Impossible to refine: geoel (index) "<<this->sid2index[i]<<" has subelements!\n"); 215 if(geoel->MaterialId()!=this->GetElemMaterialID()) _error_("Impossible to refine: geoel->MaterialId is not GetElemMaterialID!\n"); 216 /*Refine*/ 217 if(thicknesserror[i]>mean_Herror){ 218 TPZVec<TPZGeoEl *> sons; 219 if(geoel->Level()<this->levelmax) geoel->Divide(sons); 220 } 221 else if(geoel->Level()>0){ /*try to unrefine*/ 222 TPZVec<TPZGeoEl *> sons; 223 geoel->Father()->GetHigherSubElements(sons); 224 group_error=0; 225 for(int j=0;j<sons.size();j++){ 226 sons[j]->Index(); 227 } 228 } 229 } 230 this->currentmesh->BuildConnectivity(); 231 232 if(amr_verbose) _printf_("\t\trefine to avoid hanging nodes...\n"); 233 this->RefineMeshToAvoidHangingNodes(this->currentmesh); 234 this->currentmesh->BuildConnectivity(); 235 236 //nohangingnodesmesh = this->CreateRefPatternMesh(newmesh); itapopo tentar otimizar 237 238 if(amr_verbose) _printf_("\trefinement process done!\n"); 239 } 240 /*}}}*/ 241 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::RefineMesh(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<int> &elements){/*{{{*/ 242 243 /*Refine elements: uniform pattern refinement*/ 244 for(int i=0;i<elements.size();i++){ 245 /*Get geometric element and verify if it has already been refined*/ 246 int index = elements[i]; 247 TPZGeoEl * geoel = gmesh->Element(index); 248 if(geoel->HasSubElement()) _error_("Impossible to refine: geoel (index) " << index << " has subelements!\n"); 249 if(geoel->MaterialId()!=this->GetElemMaterialID()) _error_("Impossible to refine: geoel->MaterialId is not GetElemMaterialID!\n"); 250 /*Divide geoel*/ 251 TPZVec<TPZGeoEl *> Sons; 252 geoel->Divide(Sons); 253 } 254 gmesh->BuildConnectivity(); 267 255 } 268 256 /*}}}*/ 269 257 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::RefineMeshToAvoidHangingNodes(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh){/*{{{*/ 270 258 271 _printf_("\trefine to avoid hanging nodes...\n"); 272 /*Refine elements to avoid hanging nodes: non-uniform refinement*/ 273 const int NElem = gmesh->NElements(); 274 for(int i = 0; i < NElem; i++){ 275 276 /*Get geometric element and verify if it has already been refined. Geoel may not have been previously refined*/ 277 TPZGeoEl * geoel = gmesh->Element(i); 278 if(!geoel) continue; 279 if(geoel->HasSubElement()) continue; 280 if(geoel->MaterialId() != this->GetElemMaterialID()) continue; 281 282 /*Get the refinement pattern for this element and refine it*/ 283 TPZAutoPointer<TPZRefPattern> refp = TPZRefPatternTools::PerfectMatchRefPattern(geoel); 284 if(refp){ 285 TPZVec<TPZGeoEl *> Sons; 286 geoel->SetRefPattern(refp); 287 geoel->Divide(Sons); 288 } 289 290 } 291 292 gmesh->BuildConnectivity(); 293 294 } 295 /*}}}*/ 296 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::GetMesh(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,int &nvertices,int &nelements,int &nsegments,double** px,double** py,double** pz, int** pelements, int** psegments){/*{{{*/ 297 298 /*IMPORTANT! pelements (and psegments) are in Matlab indexing*/ 299 /*NEOPZ works only in C indexing*/ 300 301 /* vertices */ 302 int ntotalvertices = gmesh->NNodes();//total 303 304 /* mesh coords */ 305 double* newmeshX = xNew<IssmDouble>(ntotalvertices); 306 double* newmeshY = xNew<IssmDouble>(ntotalvertices); 307 double* newmeshZ = xNew<IssmDouble>(ntotalvertices); 308 309 /* getting mesh coords */ 310 for(int i = 0; i < ntotalvertices; i++ ){ 311 TPZVec<REAL> coords(3,0.); 312 gmesh->NodeVec()[i].GetCoordinates(coords); 313 newmeshX[i] = coords[0]; 314 newmeshY[i] = coords[1]; 315 newmeshZ[i] = coords[2]; 316 } 317 318 /* elements */ 319 std::vector<TPZGeoEl*> GeoVec; GeoVec.clear(); 320 for(int i = 0; i < gmesh->NElements(); i++){ 321 if( gmesh->ElementVec()[i]->HasSubElement() ) continue; 322 if( gmesh->ElementVec()[i]->MaterialId() != this->GetElemMaterialID() ) continue; 323 GeoVec.push_back( gmesh->ElementVec()[i]); 324 } 325 326 int ntotalelements = (int)GeoVec.size(); 327 int* newelements = xNew<int>(ntotalelements*this->elementswidth); 328 329 if ( !(this->elementswidth == 3) && !(this->elementswidth == 4) && !(this->elementswidth == 6) ) DebugStop(); 330 331 for(int i=0;i<GeoVec.size();i++){ 332 for(int j=0;j<this->elementswidth;j++) newelements[i*this->elementswidth+j]=(int)GeoVec[i]->NodeIndex(j)+1;//C to Matlab indexing 333 } 334 335 /* segments */ 336 std::vector<TPZGeoEl*> SegVec; SegVec.clear(); 337 for(int i = 0; i < gmesh->NElements(); i++){ 338 if( gmesh->ElementVec()[i]->HasSubElement() ) continue; 339 if( gmesh->ElementVec()[i]->MaterialId() != this->GetBoundaryMaterialID() ) continue; 340 SegVec.push_back( gmesh->ElementVec()[i]); 341 } 342 343 int ntotalsegments = (int)SegVec.size(); 344 int *newsegments=NULL; 345 if(ntotalsegments>0) newsegments=xNew<int>(ntotalsegments*3); 346 347 for(int i=0;i<SegVec.size();i++){ 348 349 for(int j=0;j<2;j++) newsegments[i*3+j]=(int)SegVec[i]->NodeIndex(j)+1;//C to Matlab indexing 350 351 int neighborindex = SegVec[i]->Neighbour(2).Element()->Index(); 352 int neighbourid = -1; 353 354 for(int j = 0; j < GeoVec.size(); j++){ 355 if( GeoVec[j]->Index() == neighborindex || GeoVec[j]->FatherIndex() == neighborindex){ 356 neighbourid = j; 357 break; 358 } 359 } 360 361 if(neighbourid==-1) DebugStop(); //itapopo talvez passar para _assert_ 362 newsegments[i*3+2] = neighbourid+1;//C to Matlab indexing 363 } 364 365 //setting outputs 366 nvertices = ntotalvertices; 367 nelements = ntotalelements; 368 nsegments = ntotalsegments; 369 *px = newmeshX; 370 *py = newmeshY; 371 *pz = newmeshZ; 372 *pelements = newelements; 373 *psegments = newsegments; 374 375 } 376 /*}}}*/ 377 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::CalcGroundingLinePosition(double *masklevelset,std::vector<TPZVec<REAL> > &GLvec){/*{{{*/ 378 379 /* Find grounding line using elments center point */ 380 GLvec.clear(); 381 for(int i=0;i<this->previousmesh->NElements();i++){ 382 383 if(this->previousmesh->Element(i)->MaterialId()!=this->GetElemMaterialID()) continue; 384 if(this->previousmesh->Element(i)->HasSubElement()) continue; 385 386 //itapopo apenas malha 2D triangular! 387 int vertex0 = this->previousmesh->Element(i)->NodeIndex(0); 388 int vertex1 = this->previousmesh->Element(i)->NodeIndex(1); 389 int vertex2 = this->previousmesh->Element(i)->NodeIndex(2); 390 391 //itapopo inserir uma verificação para não acessar fora da memória 392 double mls0 = masklevelset[vertex0]; 393 double mls1 = masklevelset[vertex1]; 394 double mls2 = masklevelset[vertex2]; 395 396 if( mls0*mls1 < 0. || mls1*mls2 < 0. ){ 397 const int side = 6; 398 TPZVec<double> qsi(2,0.); 399 TPZVec<double> X(3,0.); 400 this->previousmesh->Element(i)->CenterPoint(side, qsi); 401 this->previousmesh->Element(i)->X(qsi, X); 402 GLvec.push_back(X); 403 } 404 } 405 406 // itapopo apenas para debugar 407 // std::ofstream fileGL("/Users/santos/Desktop/gl.nb"); 408 // fileGL << "ListPlot[{"; 409 // for(int i = 0; i < GLvec.size(); i++){ 410 // fileGL << "{" << GLvec[i][0] << "," << GLvec[i][1] << /*"," << 0. << */"}"; 411 // if(i != GLvec.size()-1) fileGL << ","; 412 // } 413 // fileGL << "}]"; 414 // fileGL.flush(); 415 // fileGL.close(); 416 417 } 418 /*}}}*/ 419 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::SetElementsToRefine(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<TPZVec<REAL> > &GLvec,int &hlevel,std::vector<int> &ElemVec){/*{{{*/ 420 421 if(!gmesh) DebugStop(); //itapopo verificar se usará _assert_ 422 423 ElemVec.clear(); 424 425 // itapopo inserir modo de encontrar criterio TESTING!!!! Come to false! 426 if(false) this->TagAllElements(gmesh,ElemVec); //uniform, refine all elements! 427 428 /* Adaptive refinement. This refines some elements following some criteria*/ 429 this->TagElementsNearGroundingLine(gmesh, GLvec, hlevel, ElemVec); 430 431 } 432 /*}}}*/ 433 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::TagAllElements(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<int> &ElemVec){/*{{{*/ 434 259 /*Refine elements to avoid hanging nodes: non-uniform refinement*/ 260 const int NElem = gmesh->NElements(); 261 for(int i=0;i<NElem;i++){ 262 /*Get geometric element and verify if it has already been refined. Geoel may not have been previously refined*/ 263 TPZGeoEl * geoel=gmesh->Element(i); 264 if(!geoel) continue; 265 if(geoel->HasSubElement()) continue; 266 if(geoel->MaterialId() != this->GetElemMaterialID()) continue; 267 /*Get the refinement pattern for this element and refine it*/ 268 TPZAutoPointer<TPZRefPattern> refp=TPZRefPatternTools::PerfectMatchRefPattern(geoel); 269 if(refp){ 270 TPZVec<TPZGeoEl *> Sons; 271 geoel->SetRefPattern(refp); 272 geoel->Divide(Sons); 273 } 274 } 275 gmesh->BuildConnectivity(); 276 277 } 278 /*}}}*/ 279 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::GetMesh(int &nvertices,int &nelements,double** px,double** py, int** pelements){/*{{{*/ 280 281 /* IMPORTANT! pelements are in Matlab indexing 282 NEOPZ works only in C indexing. 283 This method cleans up and updated the this->sid2index 284 and fills in it with the new mesh. 285 Avoid to call this method before Refinement Process.*/ 286 287 /*Intermediaries */ 288 TPZGeoMesh* gmesh = this->currentmesh;//itapopo confirmar 289 290 long sid,nodeindex; 291 int nconformelements,nconformvertices; 292 int* newelements = NULL; 293 double* newmeshX = NULL;//xNew<double>(ntotalvertices); 294 double* newmeshY = NULL;//xNew<double>(ntotalvertices); 295 TPZGeoEl* geoel = NULL; 296 long* vertex_index2sid = xNew<long>(gmesh->NNodes()); 297 this->sid2index.clear(); 298 299 /*Get mesh coords */ 300 //for(int i=0;i<ntotalvertices;i++ ){ 301 // TPZVec<REAL> coords(3,0.); 302 // gmesh->NodeVec()[i].GetCoordinates(coords); 303 // newmeshX[i] = coords[0]; 304 // newmeshY[i] = coords[1]; 305 //} 306 307 /*Fill in the vertex_index2sid vector with non usual index value*/ 308 for(int i=0;i<gmesh->NNodes();i++) vertex_index2sid[i]=-1; 309 310 /*Get elements without sons and fill in the vertex_index2sid with used vertices (indexes) */ 311 sid=0; 312 for(int i=0;i<gmesh->NElements();i++){//over gmesh elements index 313 geoel=gmesh->ElementVec()[i]; 314 if(!geoel) continue; 315 if(geoel->HasSubElement()) continue; 316 if(geoel->MaterialId() != this->GetElemMaterialID()) continue; 317 this->sid2index.push_back(i);//keep the element index 318 for(int j=0;j<this->elementswidth;j++){ 319 nodeindex=geoel->NodeIndex(j); 320 if(vertex_index2sid[nodeindex]==-1){ 321 vertex_index2sid[nodeindex]=sid; 322 sid++; 323 } 324 } 325 } 326 327 nconformelements = (int)this->sid2index.size(); 328 nconformvertices = (int)sid; 329 newelements = xNew<int>(nconformelements*this->elementswidth); 330 newmeshX = xNew<double>(nconformvertices); 331 newmeshY = xNew<double>(nconformvertices); 332 333 for(int i=0;i<nconformvertices;i++){//over the TPZNode index (fill in the ISSM vertices coords) 334 sid = vertex_index2sid[i]; 335 if(sid!=-1){ 336 TPZVec<REAL> coords(3,0.); 337 gmesh->NodeVec()[i].GetCoordinates(coords); 338 newmeshX[sid] = coords[0]; 339 newmeshY[sid] = coords[1]; 340 } 341 } 342 343 for(int i=0;i<this->sid2index.size();i++){//over the sid (fill the ISSM elements) 344 for(int j=0;j<this->elementswidth;j++) { 345 geoel = gmesh->ElementVec()[this->sid2index[i]]; 346 sid = vertex_index2sid[geoel->NodeIndex(j)]; 347 newelements[i*this->elementswidth+j]=(int)sid+1;//C to Matlab indexing 348 } 349 } 350 351 /*Setting outputs*/ 352 nvertices = nconformvertices; 353 nelements = nconformelements; 354 *px = newmeshX; 355 *py = newmeshY; 356 *pelements = newelements; 357 358 /*Cleanup*/ 359 xDelete<long>(vertex_index2sid); 360 361 } 362 /*}}}*/ 363 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::FindElements(int &numberofpoints,double* xp,double* yp,TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,int &hlevel,std::vector<int> &elements){/*{{{*/ 364 365 if(!gmesh) _error_("Impossible to set elements: gmesh is NULL!\n"); 366 367 if(false){ 368 this->AllElements(gmesh,elements); //uniform, refine all elements! 369 return; 370 } 371 372 /*Intermediaries*/ 373 elements.clear(); 374 double D1 = this->regionlevel1; 375 double Dhmax = this->regionlevelmax; 376 int hmax = this->levelmax; 377 double alpha = (hmax==1) ? 0. : log(D1/Dhmax)/(hmax-1.); 378 double Di = D1/exp(alpha*(hlevel-1)); 379 int side2D = 6; 380 double distance,value; 381 382 /*Find elements near the points */ 383 for(int i=0;i<gmesh->NElements();i++){ 384 if(gmesh->Element(i)->MaterialId()!=this->GetElemMaterialID()) continue; 385 if(gmesh->Element(i)->HasSubElement()) continue; 386 if(gmesh->Element(i)->Level()>=hlevel) continue; 387 TPZVec<REAL> qsi(2,0.); 388 TPZVec<REAL> centerPoint(3,0.); 389 gmesh->Element(i)->CenterPoint(side2D, qsi); 390 gmesh->Element(i)->X(qsi, centerPoint); 391 distance = Di; 392 for (int j=0;j<numberofpoints;j++){ 393 value = std::sqrt( (xp[j]-centerPoint[0])*(xp[j]-centerPoint[0])+(yp[j]-centerPoint[1] )*(yp[j]-centerPoint[1]) );//sqrt( (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2 ) 394 if(value<distance) distance=value; //min distance to the point 395 } 396 if(distance<Di) elements.push_back(i); 397 } 398 399 } 400 /*}}}*/ 401 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::AllElements(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<int> &elements){/*{{{*/ 435 402 /* Uniform refinement. This refines the entire mesh */ 436 403 int nelements = gmesh->NElements(); 404 elements.clear(); 437 405 for(int i=0;i<nelements;i++){ 438 406 if(gmesh->Element(i)->MaterialId()!=this->GetElemMaterialID()) continue; 439 407 if(gmesh->Element(i)->HasSubElement()) continue; 440 ElemVec.push_back(i);408 elements.push_back(i); 441 409 } 442 410 } 443 411 /*}}}*/ 444 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::TagElementsNearGroundingLine(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<TPZVec<REAL> > &GLvec,int &hlevel,std::vector<int> &ElemVec){/*{{{*/ 445 446 /* Tag elements near grounding line */ 447 double D1 = this->regionlevel1; 448 double Dhmax = this->regionlevelmax; 449 int hmax = this->levelmax; 450 double alpha = (hmax==1) ? 0. : log(D1/Dhmax)/(hmax-1.); 451 double Di = D1/exp(alpha*(hlevel-1)); 452 453 for(int i=0;i<gmesh->NElements();i++){ 454 455 if(gmesh->Element(i)->MaterialId()!=this->GetElemMaterialID()) continue; 456 if(gmesh->Element(i)->HasSubElement()) continue; 457 if(gmesh->Element(i)->Level()>=hlevel) continue; 458 459 const int side2D = 6; 460 TPZVec<REAL> qsi(2,0.); 461 TPZVec<REAL> centerPoint(3,0.); 462 gmesh->Element(i)->CenterPoint(side2D, qsi); 463 gmesh->Element(i)->X(qsi, centerPoint); 464 465 REAL distance = Di; 466 467 for (int j = 0; j < GLvec.size(); j++) { 468 469 REAL value = ( GLvec[j][0] - centerPoint[0] ) * ( GLvec[j][0] - centerPoint[0] ); // (x2-x1)^2 470 value += ( GLvec[j][1] - centerPoint[1] ) * ( GLvec[j][1] - centerPoint[1] );// (y2-y1)^2 471 value = std::sqrt(value); //Radius 472 473 //finding the min distance to the grounding line 474 if(value < distance) distance = value; 475 476 } 477 478 if(distance < Di) ElemVec.push_back(i); 479 } 480 481 } 482 /*}}}*/ 483 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::CreateInitialMesh(int &nvertices,int &nelements,int &nsegments,int &width,double* x,double* y,double* z,int* elements,int* segments){/*{{{*/ 484 485 /*IMPORTANT! elements come in Matlab indexing*/ 486 /*NEOPZ works only in C indexing*/ 487 488 _assert_(nvertices>0); 489 _assert_(nelements>0); 412 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::CreateInitialMesh(int &nvertices,int &nelements,int &width,double* x,double* y,int* elements){/*{{{*/ 413 414 /* IMPORTANT! elements come in Matlab indexing 415 NEOPZ works only in C indexing*/ 416 417 if(nvertices<=0) _error_("Impossible to create initial mesh: nvertices is <= 0!\n"); 418 if(nelements<=0) _error_("Impossible to create initial mesh: nelements is <= 0!\n"); 490 419 this->SetElementWidth(width); 491 420 492 421 /*Verify and creating initial mesh*/ 493 if(this->fathermesh ) _error_("Initial mesh already exists!");422 if(this->fathermesh || this->currentmesh) _error_("Initial mesh already exists!"); 494 423 495 424 this->fathermesh = new TPZGeoMesh(); 496 this->fathermesh->NodeVec().Resize( nvertices);497 498 425 this->fathermesh->NodeVec().Resize(nvertices); 426 427 /*Set the vertices (geometric nodes in NeoPZ context)*/ 499 428 for(int i=0;i<nvertices;i++){ 500 429 /*x,y,z coords*/ … … 502 431 coord[0]= x[i]; 503 432 coord[1]= y[i]; 504 coord[2]= z[i];433 coord[2]= 0.; 505 434 /*Insert in the mesh*/ 506 435 this->fathermesh->NodeVec()[i].SetCoord(coord); … … 512 441 const int mat = this->GetElemMaterialID(); 513 442 TPZManVector<long> elem(this->elementswidth,0); 514 515 for(int iel=0;iel<nelements;iel++){ 516 517 for(int jel=0;jel<this->elementswidth;jel++) elem[jel]=elements[iel*this->elementswidth+jel]-1;//Convert Matlab to C indexing 518 443 this->sid2index.clear(); 444 445 for(int i=0;i<nelements;i++){ 446 for(int j=0;j<this->elementswidth;j++) elem[j]=elements[i*this->elementswidth+j]-1;//Convert Matlab to C indexing 519 447 /*reftype = 0: uniform, fast / reftype = 1: uniform and non-uniform (avoid hanging nodes), it is not too fast */ 520 const int reftype = 0;448 const int reftype = 1; 521 449 switch(this->elementswidth){ 522 case 3: this->fathermesh->CreateGeoElement(ETriangle, elem, mat, index, reftype); break; 523 case 4: this->fathermesh->CreateGeoElement(ETetraedro, elem, mat, index, reftype); DebugStop(); break; 524 case 6: this->fathermesh->CreateGeoElement(EPrisma, elem, mat, index, reftype); DebugStop(); break; 525 default: DebugStop();//itapopo _error_("mesh not supported yet"); 450 case 3: this->fathermesh->CreateGeoElement(ETriangle,elem,mat,index,reftype); break; 451 default: _error_("mesh not supported yet"); 526 452 } 527 528 453 /*Define the element ID*/ 529 this->fathermesh->ElementVec()[index]->SetId(iel); 530 } 531 532 /*Generate the 1D segments elements (boundary)*/ 533 const int matboundary = this->GetBoundaryMaterialID(); 534 TPZManVector<long> boundary(2,0.); 535 536 for(int iel=nelements;iel<nelements+nsegments;iel++){ 537 boundary[0] = segments[(iel-nelements)*2+0]-1;//Convert Matlab to C indexing 538 boundary[1] = segments[(iel-nelements)*2+1]-1;//Convert Matlab to C indexing 539 /*reftype = 0: uniform, fast / reftype = 1: uniform and non-uniform (avoid hanging nodes), it is not too fast */ 540 const int reftype = 0; 541 this->fathermesh->CreateGeoElement(EOned, boundary, matboundary, index, reftype);//cria elemento unidimensional 542 this->fathermesh->ElementVec()[index]->SetId(iel); 543 } 544 454 this->fathermesh->ElementVec()[index]->SetId(i); 455 /*Initialize sid2index*/ 456 this->sid2index.push_back((int)index); 457 } 545 458 /*Build element and node connectivities*/ 546 459 this->fathermesh->BuildConnectivity(); 547 548 /*Create previous mesh as a copy of father mesh*/ 549 this->previousmesh = new TPZGeoMesh(*this->fathermesh); 550 551 } 552 /*}}}*/ 553 #include "pzgeotriangle.h" //itapopo 554 #include "pzreftriangle.h" //itapopo 555 using namespace pzgeom; 460 /*Set current mesh*/ 461 this->currentmesh=new TPZGeoMesh(*this->fathermesh); 462 } 463 /*}}}*/ 556 464 TPZGeoMesh* AdaptiveMeshRefinement::CreateRefPatternMesh(TPZGeoMesh* gmesh){/*{{{*/ 557 465 … … 646 554 /*}}}*/ 647 555 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::SetElementWidth(int &width){/*{{{*/ 648 this->elementswidth = width; 649 } 650 /*}}}*/ 651 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::CheckMesh(int &nvertices,int &nelements,int &nsegments,int &width,double** px,double** py,double** pz,int** pelements, int** psegments){/*{{{*/ 652 653 /*Basic verification*/ 654 if( !(nvertices > 0) || !(nelements > 0) ) DebugStop(); //itapopo verificar se irá usar o _assert_ 655 656 if ( !(width == 3) && !(width == 4) && !(width == 6) ) DebugStop(); // itapopo verifcar se irá usar o _assert_ 657 658 if( !px || !py || !pz || !pelements ) DebugStop(); // itapopo verifcar se irá usar o _assert_ 659 660 /*Verify if there are orphan nodes*/ 661 std::set<int> elemvertices; 662 elemvertices.clear(); 663 for(int i = 0; i < nelements; i++){ 664 for(int j = 0; j < width; j++) { 665 elemvertices.insert((*pelements)[i*width+j]); 666 } 667 } 668 669 if( elemvertices.size() != nvertices ) DebugStop();//itapopo verificar se irá usar o _assert_ 670 671 //Verify if there are inf or NaN in coords 672 for(int i = 0; i < nvertices; i++) if(isnan((*px)[i]) || isinf((*px)[i])) DebugStop(); 673 for(int i = 0; i < nvertices; i++) if(isnan((*py)[i]) || isinf((*py)[i])) DebugStop(); 674 for(int i = 0; i < nvertices; i++) if(isnan((*pz)[i]) || isinf((*pz)[i])) DebugStop(); 675 676 for(int i = 0; i < nelements; i++){ 677 for(int j = 0; j < width; j++){ 678 if( isnan((*pelements)[i*width+j]) || isinf((*pelements)[i*width+j]) ) DebugStop(); 679 } 680 } 681 682 } 683 /*}}}*/ 556 if(width!=3) _error_("elementswidth not supported yet!"); 557 this->elementswidth = width; 558 } 559 /*}}}*/ 560 void AdaptiveMeshRefinement::CheckMesh(int &nvertices,int &nelements,int &width,double** px,double** py,int** pelements){/*{{{*/ 561 562 /*Basic verification*/ 563 if(nvertices<=0) _error_("Impossible to continue: nvertices <=0!\n"); 564 if(nelements<=0) _error_("Impossible to continue: nelements <=0!\n"); 565 if(width!=3) _error_("Impossible to continue: width !=3!\n"); 566 if(!px) _error_("Impossible to continue: px is NULL!\n"); 567 if(!py) _error_("Impossible to continue: py is NULL!\n"); 568 if(!pelements) _error_("Impossible to continue: pelements is NULL!\n"); 569 570 /*Verify if there are orphan nodes*/ 571 std::set<int> elemvertices; 572 elemvertices.clear(); 573 for(int i=0;i<nelements;i++){ 574 for(int j=0;j<width;j++) { 575 elemvertices.insert((*pelements)[i*width+j]); 576 } 577 } 578 if(elemvertices.size()!=nvertices) _error_("Impossible to continue: elemvertices.size() != nvertices!\n"); 579 580 //Verify if there are inf or NaN in coords 581 for(int i=0;i<nvertices;i++){ 582 if(isnan((*px)[i]) || isinf((*px)[i])) _error_("Impossible to continue: px i=" << i <<" is NaN or Inf!\n"); 583 if(isnan((*py)[i]) || isinf((*py)[i])) _error_("Impossible to continue: py i=" << i <<" is NaN or Inf!\n"); 584 } 585 for(int i=0;i<nelements;i++){ 586 for(int j=0;j<width;j++){ 587 if(isnan((*pelements)[i*width+j]) || isinf((*pelements)[i*width+j]) ) _error_("Impossible to continue: px i=" << i <<" is NaN or Inf!\n"); 588 } 589 } 590 591 } 592 /*}}}*/ -
r21672 r21806 45 45 /*Public methods*/ 46 46 /* Constructor, destructor etc*/ 47 AdaptiveMeshRefinement(); // Default constructor48 AdaptiveMeshRefinement(const AdaptiveMeshRefinement &cp); // Copy constructor49 AdaptiveMeshRefinement & operator= (const AdaptiveMeshRefinement &cp); // Operator of copy50 virtual ~AdaptiveMeshRefinement(); // Destructor47 AdaptiveMeshRefinement(); 48 AdaptiveMeshRefinement(const AdaptiveMeshRefinement &cp); 49 AdaptiveMeshRefinement & operator= (const AdaptiveMeshRefinement &cp); 50 virtual ~AdaptiveMeshRefinement(); 51 51 52 52 /*Savable methods*/ 53 virtual int ClassId() const; // ClassId to save the class54 virtual void Read(TPZStream &buf, void *context); // Read this class55 virtual void Write(TPZStream &buf, int withclassid); // Write this class, using ClassId to identify53 virtual int ClassId() const; 54 virtual void Read(TPZStream &buf,void *context); 55 virtual void Write(TPZStream &buf,int withclassid); 56 56 57 57 /*General methods*/ 58 void CleanUp(); // Clean all attributes 59 void Initialize(); // Initialize the attributes with NULL and values out of usually range 60 void SetLevelMax(int &h); // Define the max level of refinement 61 void SetRegions(double &D1,double Dhmax); // Define the regions which will be refined 62 void SetElementWidth(int &width); // Define elements width 63 void ExecuteRefinement(int &type_process,double *vx,double *vy,double *masklevelset,int &nvertices,int &nelements,int &nsegments,double** px,double** py,double** pz,int** pelements,int** psegments=NULL); // A new mesh will be created and refined. This returns the new mesh 64 void CreateInitialMesh(int &nvertices,int &nelements,int &nsegments,int &width,double* x,double* y,double* z,int* elements,int* segments=NULL); // Create a NeoPZ geometric mesh by coords and elements 58 void CleanUp(); 59 void Initialize(); 60 void SetLevelMax(int &h); 61 void SetRegions(double &D1,double Dhmax); 62 void SetElementWidth(int &width); 63 void Execute(bool &amr_verbose,int &numberofelements, 64 double* partiallyfloatedelements,double *masklevelset,double* deviatorictensorerror,double* thicknesserror, 65 int &newnumberofvertices,int &newnumberofelements,double** x,double** y,int** elementslist); 66 void CreateInitialMesh(int &nvertices,int &nelements,int &width,double* x,double* y,int* elements); 65 67 TPZGeoMesh* CreateRefPatternMesh(TPZGeoMesh* gmesh); 66 void CheckMesh(int &nvertices,int &nelements,int & nsegments,int &width,double** px,double** py,double** pz,int** pelements,int** psegments=NULL); // Check the consistency of the mesh68 void CheckMesh(int &nvertices,int &nelements,int &width,double** px,double** py,int** pelements); 67 69 68 70 private: 69 70 71 /*Private attributes*/ 71 int elementswidth; // Geometric nodes for element: 3 == Tria, 4 == Tetra, 6 == Penta 72 int levelmax; // Max level of refinement 73 double regionlevel1; // Region which will be refined with level 1 74 double regionlevelmax; // Region which will be refined with level max 75 TPZGeoMesh *fathermesh; // Father Mesh is the entire mesh without refinement 76 TPZGeoMesh *previousmesh; // Previous mesh is a refined mesh of last step 72 int elementswidth; // Geometric nodes for element: 3 == Tria, 4 == Tetra, 6 == Penta 73 int levelmax; // Max level of refinement 74 double regionlevel1; // Region which will be refined with level 1 75 double regionlevelmax; // Region which will be refined with level max 76 std::vector<int> sid2index; // Vector that keeps index of PZGeoMesh elements used in the ISSM mesh (sid) 77 TPZGeoMesh *fathermesh; // Father Mesh is the entire mesh without refinement 78 TPZGeoMesh *currentmesh; // Current Mesh is the refined mesh 77 79 78 80 /*Private methods*/ 79 void RefinementProcess(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<TPZVec<REAL> > &GLvec); // Start the refinement process 80 void RefineMesh(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh, std::vector<int> &ElemVec); // Refine the elements in ElemVec 81 void RefineMeshToAvoidHangingNodes(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh); // Refine the elements to avoid hanging nodes 82 void SetElementsToRefine(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<TPZVec<REAL> > &GLvec,int &hlevel, std::vector<int> &ElemVec); //Define wich elements will be refined 83 void TagAllElements(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<int> &ElemVec); // This tag all elements to be refined, that is, refine all elements 84 void TagElementsNearGroundingLine(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<TPZVec<REAL> > &GLvec,int &hlevel,std::vector<int> &ElemVec); // This tag elements near the grounding line 85 void CalcGroundingLinePosition(double *masklevelset,std::vector<TPZVec<REAL> > &GLvec); // Calculate the grounding line position using previous mesh 86 void GetMesh(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,int &nvertices,int &nelements,int &nsegments,double** px,double** py,double** pz,int** pelements,int** psegments=NULL); // Return coords and elements in ISSM data structure 87 inline int GetElemMaterialID(){return 1;} // Return element material ID 88 inline int GetBoundaryMaterialID(){return 2;} // Return segment (2D boundary) material ID 81 void RefinementProcess(bool &amr_verbose,double* partiallyfloatedelements,double* masklevelset,double* deviatorictensorerror,double* thicknesserror); 82 void RefineMesh(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<int> &elements); 83 void RefineMeshToAvoidHangingNodes(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh); 84 void GetMesh(int &nvertices,int &nelements,double** px,double** py,int** pelements); 85 void FindElements(int &numberofpoints,double* xp,double* yp,TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,int &hlevel,std::vector<int> &elements); 86 void AllElements(TPZGeoMesh *gmesh,std::vector<int> &elements); 87 inline int GetElemMaterialID(){return 1;} 89 88 }; 90 89 -
r21803 r21806 2693 2693 void FemModel::WriteMeshInResults(void){/*{{{*/ 2694 2694 2695 //itapopo 2696 #ifdef _HAVE_NEOPZ_ 2697 this->WriteErrorEstimatorsInResults(); 2698 #endif 2699 //itapopo 2700 2695 2701 int step = -1; 2696 2702 int numberofelements = -1; … … 2751 2757 xDelete<IssmDouble>(z); 2752 2758 xDelete<int>(elementslist); 2759 } 2760 /*}}}*/ 2761 void FemModel::WriteErrorEstimatorsInResults(void){/*{{{*/ 2762 2763 int step = -1; 2764 int numberofelements = -1; 2765 IssmDouble time = -1; 2766 IssmDouble* stresserror = NULL; 2767 IssmDouble* thicknesserror = NULL; 2768 2769 if(!this->elements || !this->vertices || !this->results || !this->parameters) return; 2770 2771 parameters->FindParam(&step,StepEnum); 2772 parameters->FindParam(&time,TimeEnum); 2773 numberofelements=this->elements->NumberOfElements(); 2774 2775 /*Compute the deviatoric stress tensor*/ 2776 this->ZZErrorEstimator(&stresserror); 2777 2778 /*Compute the thickness error*/ 2779 this->ThicknessZZErrorEstimator(&thicknesserror); 2780 2781 /*Write error estimators in Results*/ 2782 this->results->AddResult(new GenericExternalResult<IssmDouble*>(this->results->Size()+1,DeviatoricStressErrorEstimatorEnum, 2783 stresserror,numberofelements,1,step,time)); 2784 2785 this->results->AddResult(new GenericExternalResult<IssmDouble*>(this->results->Size()+1,ThicknessErrorEstimatorEnum, 2786 thicknesserror,numberofelements,1,step,time)); 2787 /*Cleanup*/ 2788 xDelete<IssmDouble>(stresserror); 2789 xDelete<IssmDouble>(thicknesserror); 2790 2791 return; 2753 2792 } 2754 2793 /*}}}*/ … … 3212 3251 void FemModel::SmoothedDeviatoricStressTensor(IssmDouble** ptauxx,IssmDouble** ptauyy,IssmDouble** ptauxy){/*{{{*/ 3213 3252 3214 this->DeviatoricStressx();//itapopo3215 3216 3253 int elementswidth = this->GetElementsWidth();//just 2D mesh, tria elements 3217 3254 int numberofvertices = this->vertices->NumberOfVertices(); 3218 3219 3255 IssmDouble weight = 0.; 3220 3256 IssmDouble* tauxx = NULL; … … 3231 3267 Vector<IssmDouble>* vectotalweight = new Vector<IssmDouble>(numberofvertices); 3232 3268 3233 for(int i=0;i<this->elements->Size();i++){ 3269 /*Update the Deviatoric Stress tensor over the elements*/ 3270 this->DeviatoricStressx(); 3271 3272 /*Calculate the Smoothed Deviatoric Stress tensor*/ 3273 for(int i=0;i<this->elements->Size();i++){ 3234 3274 Element* element=xDynamicCast<Element*>(this->elements->GetObjectByOffset(i)); 3235 3275 element->GetInputListOnVertices(deviatoricstressxx,DeviatoricStressxxEnum); … … 3299 3339 void FemModel::ZZErrorEstimator(IssmDouble** pelementerror){/*{{{*/ 3300 3340 3301 /*Compute the Zienkiewicz and Zhu (ZZ) error estimator .3341 /*Compute the Zienkiewicz and Zhu (ZZ) error estimator for the deviatoric stress tensor. 3302 3342 * Ref.: Zienkiewicz and Zhu, A Simple Error Estimator and Adaptive Procedure for Practical Engineering Analysis, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng, 1987*/ 3303 3343 … … 3342 3382 ftxy+=(tauxy[n]-smoothedtauxy[elem_vertices[n]])*basis[n]; 3343 3383 } 3344 error+=Jdet*gauss->weight*( std::pow(ftxx,2)+std::pow(ftyy,2)+std::pow(ftxy,2) ); 3384 error+=Jdet*gauss->weight*( std::pow(ftxx,2)+std::pow(ftyy,2)+std::pow(ftxy,2) ); //e^2 3345 3385 } 3346 3386 /*Set the error in the global vector*/ 3347 3387 sid=element->Sid(); 3348 velementerror->SetValue(sid, error,INS_VAL);3388 velementerror->SetValue(sid,std::sqrt(error),INS_VAL);//sqrt( e^2 ) 3349 3389 /*Cleanup intermediaries*/ 3350 3390 xDelete<IssmDouble>(xyz_list); … … 3368 3408 xDelete<int>(elem_vertices); 3369 3409 delete velementerror; 3410 } 3411 /*}}}*/ 3412 void FemModel::SmoothedGradThickness(IssmDouble** pdHdx,IssmDouble** pdHdy){/*{{{*/ 3413 3414 int elementswidth = this->GetElementsWidth();//just 2D mesh, tria elements 3415 int numberofvertices = this->vertices->NumberOfVertices(); 3416 3417 IssmDouble weight = 0.; 3418 IssmDouble* dHdx = NULL; 3419 IssmDouble* dHdy = NULL; 3420 IssmDouble* totalweight = NULL; 3421 IssmDouble* xyz_list = NULL; 3422 IssmDouble* H = xNew<IssmDouble>(elementswidth); 3423 IssmDouble* GradH = xNew<IssmDouble>(2); 3424 int* elem_vertices = xNew<int>(elementswidth); 3425 Vector<IssmDouble>* vecdHdx = new Vector<IssmDouble>(numberofvertices); 3426 Vector<IssmDouble>* vecdHdy = new Vector<IssmDouble>(numberofvertices); 3427 Vector<IssmDouble>* vectotalweight = new Vector<IssmDouble>(numberofvertices); 3428 3429 for(int i=0;i<this->elements->Size();i++){ 3430 Element* element=xDynamicCast<Element*>(this->elements->GetObjectByOffset(i)); 3431 element->GetInputListOnVertices(H,ThicknessEnum); 3432 element->GetVerticesSidList(elem_vertices); 3433 element->GetVerticesCoordinates(&xyz_list); 3434 3435 /*Get the gradient of thickness at the center point (in fact, GradH is constante over the element)*/ 3436 Gauss* gauss=element->NewGauss(1); 3437 gauss->GaussPoint(gauss->begin()); 3438 element->ValueP1DerivativesOnGauss(GradH,H,xyz_list,gauss); 3439 3440 /*weight to calculate the smoothed grad H*/ 3441 Tria* triaelement = xDynamicCast<Tria*>(element); 3442 weight = triaelement->GetArea();//the tria area is a choice for the weight 3443 3444 /*dH/dx*/ 3445 vecdHdx->SetValue(elem_vertices[0],weight*GradH[0],ADD_VAL); 3446 vecdHdx->SetValue(elem_vertices[1],weight*GradH[0],ADD_VAL); 3447 vecdHdx->SetValue(elem_vertices[2],weight*GradH[0],ADD_VAL); 3448 /*dH/dy*/ 3449 vecdHdy->SetValue(elem_vertices[0],weight*GradH[1],ADD_VAL); 3450 vecdHdy->SetValue(elem_vertices[1],weight*GradH[1],ADD_VAL); 3451 vecdHdy->SetValue(elem_vertices[2],weight*GradH[1],ADD_VAL); 3452 /*total weight*/ 3453 vectotalweight->SetValue(elem_vertices[0],weight,ADD_VAL); 3454 vectotalweight->SetValue(elem_vertices[1],weight,ADD_VAL); 3455 vectotalweight->SetValue(elem_vertices[2],weight,ADD_VAL); 3456 /*Cleanup intermediaries*/ 3457 xDelete<IssmDouble>(xyz_list); 3458 delete gauss; 3459 } 3460 3461 /*Assemble*/ 3462 vecdHdx->Assemble(); 3463 vecdHdy->Assemble(); 3464 vectotalweight->Assemble(); 3465 3466 /*Serialize*/ 3467 dHdx = vecdHdx->ToMPISerial(); 3468 dHdy = vecdHdy->ToMPISerial(); 3469 totalweight = vectotalweight->ToMPISerial(); 3470 3471 /*Divide for the total weight*/ 3472 for(int i=0;i<numberofvertices;i++){ 3473 _assert_(totalweight[i]>0); 3474 dHdx[i] = dHdx[i]/totalweight[i]; 3475 dHdy[i] = dHdy[i]/totalweight[i]; 3476 } 3477 3478 /*Set output*/ 3479 (*pdHdx) = dHdx; 3480 (*pdHdy) = dHdy; 3481 3482 /*Cleanup*/ 3483 delete vecdHdx; 3484 delete vecdHdy; 3485 delete vectotalweight; 3486 xDelete<IssmDouble>(H); 3487 xDelete<IssmDouble>(GradH); 3488 xDelete<IssmDouble>(totalweight); 3489 xDelete<int>(elem_vertices); 3490 } 3491 /*}}}*/ 3492 void FemModel::ThicknessZZErrorEstimator(IssmDouble** pelementerror){/*{{{*/ 3493 /*Compute the Zienkiewicz and Zhu (ZZ) error estimator for the thickness 3494 * Ref.: Zienkiewicz and Zhu, A Simple Error Estimator and Adaptive Procedure for Practical Engineering Analysis, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng, 1987*/ 3495 3496 IssmDouble Jdet,error,fdHdx,fdHdy; 3497 int sid; 3498 int numnodes = this->GetElementsWidth();//just 2D mesh, tria elements, P1 3499 int numberofelements = this->elements->NumberOfElements(); 3500 IssmDouble* xyz_list = NULL; 3501 IssmDouble* smoothed_dHdx = NULL; 3502 IssmDouble* smoothed_dHdy = NULL; 3503 IssmDouble* H = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 3504 IssmDouble* GradH = xNew<IssmDouble>(2); 3505 IssmDouble* basis = xNew<IssmDouble>(numnodes); 3506 int* elem_vertices = xNew<int>(numnodes); 3507 Vector<IssmDouble>* velementerror= new Vector<IssmDouble>(numberofelements); 3508 3509 /*Get smoothed deviatoric stress tensor*/ 3510 this->SmoothedGradThickness(&smoothed_dHdx,&smoothed_dHdy); 3511 3512 /*Integrate the error over elements*/ 3513 for(int i=0;i<this->elements->Size();i++){ 3514 Element* element=xDynamicCast<Element*>(this->elements->GetObjectByOffset(i)); 3515 element->GetInputListOnVertices(H,ThicknessEnum); 3516 element->GetVerticesSidList(elem_vertices); 3517 element->GetVerticesCoordinates(&xyz_list); 3518 /*Get the gradient of thickness*/ 3519 Gauss* gaussH=element->NewGauss(1); 3520 gaussH->GaussPoint(gaussH->begin()); 3521 element->ValueP1DerivativesOnGauss(GradH,H,xyz_list,gaussH); 3522 /*Integrate*/ 3523 Gauss* gauss=element->NewGauss(2); 3524 error=0.; 3525 for(int ig=gauss->begin();ig<gauss->end();ig++){ 3526 gauss->GaussPoint(ig); 3527 element->JacobianDeterminant(&Jdet,xyz_list,gauss); 3528 element->NodalFunctions(basis,gauss); 3529 fdHdx=0;fdHdy=0; 3530 for(int n=0;n<numnodes;n++) { 3531 fdHdx+=(GradH[0]-smoothed_dHdx[elem_vertices[n]])*basis[n]; 3532 fdHdy+=(GradH[1]-smoothed_dHdy[elem_vertices[n]])*basis[n]; 3533 } 3534 error+=Jdet*gauss->weight*( std::pow(fdHdx,2)+std::pow(fdHdy,2) ); //e^2 3535 } 3536 /*Set the error in the global vector*/ 3537 sid=element->Sid(); 3538 velementerror->SetValue(sid,std::sqrt(error),INS_VAL);//sqrt( e^2 ) 3539 /*Cleanup intermediaries*/ 3540 xDelete<IssmDouble>(xyz_list); 3541 delete gaussH; 3542 delete gauss; 3543 } 3544 3545 /*Assemble*/ 3546 velementerror->Assemble(); 3547 3548 /*Serialize and set output*/ 3549 (*pelementerror)=velementerror->ToMPISerial(); 3550 3551 /*Cleanup*/ 3552 xDelete<IssmDouble>(smoothed_dHdx); 3553 xDelete<IssmDouble>(smoothed_dHdy); 3554 xDelete<IssmDouble>(H); 3555 xDelete<IssmDouble>(GradH); 3556 xDelete<IssmDouble>(basis); 3557 xDelete<int>(elem_vertices); 3558 delete velementerror; 3559 } 3560 /*}}}*/ 3561 void FemModel::MeanGroundedIceLevelSet(IssmDouble** pmasklevelset){/*{{{*/ 3562 3563 int elementswidth = this->GetElementsWidth(); 3564 int numberofelements = this->elements->NumberOfElements(); 3565 IssmDouble* elementlevelset = xNew<IssmDouble>(elementswidth); 3566 Vector<IssmDouble>* vmasklevelset = new Vector<IssmDouble>(numberofelements); 3567 3568 for(int i=0;i<this->elements->Size();i++){ 3569 Element* element=xDynamicCast<Element*>(this->elements->GetObjectByOffset(i)); 3570 element->GetInputListOnVertices(elementlevelset,MaskGroundediceLevelsetEnum); 3571 int sid = element->Sid(); 3572 vmasklevelset->SetValue(sid,(elementlevelset[0]+elementlevelset[1]+elementlevelset[2])/3.,INS_VAL); 3573 } 3574 3575 /*Assemble*/ 3576 vmasklevelset->Assemble(); 3577 3578 /*Serialize and set output*/ 3579 (*pmasklevelset)=vmasklevelset->ToMPISerial(); 3580 3581 /*Cleanup*/ 3582 xDelete<IssmDouble>(elementlevelset); 3583 delete vmasklevelset; 3584 3370 3585 } 3371 3586 /*}}}*/ … … 4160 4375 4161 4376 #ifdef _HAVE_NEOPZ_ 4162 void FemModel::ReMeshNeopz(int* pnumberofvertices,int* pnumberofelements,IssmDouble** px,IssmDouble** py,IssmDouble** pz,int** pelementslist){/*{{{*/ 4163 4164 /*elements is in Matlab indexing*/ 4165 int my_rank = IssmComm::GetRank(); 4166 int numberofsegments = -1; 4167 int numberofvertices,numberofelements; 4168 IssmDouble* vx = NULL; //itapopo this is not being used 4169 IssmDouble* vy = NULL; //itapopo this is not being used 4170 IssmDouble* x = NULL; 4171 IssmDouble* y = NULL; 4172 IssmDouble* z = NULL; 4173 int* elementslist = NULL; 4174 int* segments = NULL; 4175 IssmDouble* masklevelset = NULL; 4176 IssmDouble* pelementerror = NULL; 4177 const int elementswidth = this->GetElementsWidth();//just 2D mesh, tria elements 4178 4179 /*Solutions which will be used to refine the elements*/ 4180 this->GetGroundediceLevelSet(&masklevelset);//itapopo verificar se já existe um método igual a esse 4181 4182 //Compute the ZZ error estimator per element 4183 this->ZZErrorEstimator(&pelementerror); 4184 4185 _printf0_("P Element error\n"); 4186 for(int i=0;i<this->elements->NumberOfElements();i++) _printf0_(""<<pelementerror[i]<< "\n"); 4187 _printf0_("\n"); 4377 void FemModel::ReMeshNeopz(int* pnewnumberofvertices,int* pnewnumberofelements,IssmDouble** pnewx,IssmDouble** pnewy,IssmDouble** pnewz,int** pnewelementslist){/*{{{*/ 4378 4379 /*pnewelementslist keep vertices in Matlab indexing*/ 4380 int my_rank = IssmComm::GetRank(); 4381 bool amr_verbose = true; //itapopo 4382 IssmDouble* x = NULL; 4383 IssmDouble* y = NULL; 4384 IssmDouble* z = NULL; 4385 int* elementslist = NULL; 4386 int oldnumberofelements = this->elements->NumberOfElements(); 4387 int newnumberofvertices = -1; 4388 int newnumberofelements = -1; 4389 IssmDouble* partiallyfloatedelements= NULL;//itapopo verify if it will be used 4390 IssmDouble* masklevelset = NULL; 4391 IssmDouble* deviatorictensorerror = NULL; 4392 IssmDouble* thicknesserror = NULL; 4393 4394 /*Get the elements in which grounding line goes through*/ 4395 //itapopo verificar se irá usar esse this->GetPartiallyFloatedElements(&partiallyfloatedelements); 4396 /*Get mean mask level set over each element*/ 4397 this->MeanGroundedIceLevelSet(&masklevelset); 4398 /*Get the deviatoric error estimator*/ 4399 this->ZZErrorEstimator(&deviatorictensorerror); 4400 /*Get the thickness error estimator*/ 4401 this->ThicknessZZErrorEstimator(&thicknesserror); 4188 4402 4189 4403 if(my_rank==0){ 4190 int type_process=1; //1: it refines father mesh. See AdaptiveMeshRefinement.h (.cpp)4191 this->amr->ExecuteRefinement(type_process,vx,vy,masklevelset, 4192 numberofvertices,numberofelements,numberofsegments,&x,&y,&z,&elementslist,&segments);4193 if(n umberofvertices<=0 || numberofelements<=0 /*|| newnumberofsegments<=0*/) _error_("Error in the refinement process.");4404 this->amr->Execute(amr_verbose,oldnumberofelements,partiallyfloatedelements,masklevelset,deviatorictensorerror,thicknesserror, 4405 newnumberofvertices,newnumberofelements,&x,&y,&elementslist); 4406 z=xNewZeroInit<IssmDouble>(newnumberofvertices); 4407 if(newnumberofvertices<=0 || newnumberofelements<=0) _error_("Error in the ReMeshNeopz."); 4194 4408 } 4195 4409 else{ 4196 x=xNew<IssmDouble>(n umberofvertices);4197 y=xNew<IssmDouble>(n umberofvertices);4198 z=xNew<IssmDouble>(n umberofvertices);4199 elementslist=xNew<int>(n umberofelements*this->GetElementsWidth());4410 x=xNew<IssmDouble>(newnumberofvertices); 4411 y=xNew<IssmDouble>(newnumberofvertices); 4412 z=xNew<IssmDouble>(newnumberofvertices); 4413 elementslist=xNew<int>(newnumberofelements*this->GetElementsWidth()); 4200 4414 } 4201 4415 4202 4416 /*Send new mesh to others CPU*/ 4203 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(&n umberofvertices,1,ISSM_MPI_INT,0,IssmComm::GetComm());4204 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(&n umberofelements,1,ISSM_MPI_INT,0,IssmComm::GetComm());4205 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(x,n umberofvertices,ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE,0,IssmComm::GetComm());4206 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(y,n umberofvertices,ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE,0,IssmComm::GetComm());4207 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(z,n umberofvertices,ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE,0,IssmComm::GetComm());4208 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(elementslist,n umberofelements*this->GetElementsWidth(),ISSM_MPI_INT,0,IssmComm::GetComm());4417 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(&newnumberofvertices,1,ISSM_MPI_INT,0,IssmComm::GetComm()); 4418 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(&newnumberofelements,1,ISSM_MPI_INT,0,IssmComm::GetComm()); 4419 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(x,newnumberofvertices,ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE,0,IssmComm::GetComm()); 4420 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(y,newnumberofvertices,ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE,0,IssmComm::GetComm()); 4421 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(z,newnumberofvertices,ISSM_MPI_DOUBLE,0,IssmComm::GetComm()); 4422 ISSM_MPI_Bcast(elementslist,newnumberofelements*this->GetElementsWidth(),ISSM_MPI_INT,0,IssmComm::GetComm()); 4209 4423 4210 4424 /*Assign the pointers*/ 4211 (*p elementslist)= elementslist; //Matlab indexing4212 (*p x)= x;4213 (*p y)= y;4214 (*p z)= z;4215 *pn umberofelements = numberofelements;4216 *pn umberofvertices = numberofvertices;4425 (*pnewelementslist) = elementslist; //Matlab indexing 4426 (*pnewx) = x; 4427 (*pnewy) = y; 4428 (*pnewz) = z; 4429 *pnewnumberofvertices= newnumberofvertices; 4430 *pnewnumberofelements= newnumberofelements; 4217 4431 4218 4432 /*Cleanup*/ 4219 if(segments) xDelete<int>(segments);4220 4433 xDelete<IssmDouble>(masklevelset); 4221 xDelete<IssmDouble>(pelementerror); 4434 xDelete<IssmDouble>(deviatorictensorerror); 4435 xDelete<IssmDouble>(thicknesserror); 4222 4436 4223 4437 } … … 4229 4443 int numberofvertices = this->vertices->NumberOfVertices(); 4230 4444 int numberofelements = this->elements->NumberOfElements(); 4231 int numberofsegments = 0; //used on matlab4232 4445 IssmDouble* x = NULL; 4233 4446 IssmDouble* y = NULL; … … 4282 4495 //this->amr->SetLevelMax(levelmax); //Set max level of refinement 4283 4496 //this->amr->SetRegions(regionlevel1,regionlevelmax); 4284 this->amr->CreateInitialMesh(numberofvertices,numberofelements, numberofsegments,elementswidth,x,y,z,elements,NULL);4497 this->amr->CreateInitialMesh(numberofvertices,numberofelements,elementswidth,x,y,elements); 4285 4498 } 4286 4499 this->amr->SetLevelMax(levelmax); //Set max level of refinement … … 4298 4511 4299 4512 /*Initialize the global variable of refinement patterns*/ 4300 gRefDBase.InitializeUniformRefPattern(EOned);4301 4513 gRefDBase.InitializeUniformRefPattern(ETriangle); 4302 4514 4303 //gRefDBase.InitializeRefPatterns();4304 4515 /*Insert specifics patterns to ISSM core*/ 4305 4516 std::string filepath = REFPATTERNDIR; -
r21802 r21806 170 170 void ElementsAndVerticesPartitioning(int& newnumberofvertices,int& newnumberofelements,int& elementswidth,int* newelementslist,bool** pmy_elements,int** pmy_vertices); 171 171 void WriteMeshInResults(void); 172 void SetRefPatterns(void);172 void WriteErrorEstimatorsInResults(void); 173 173 void SmoothedDeviatoricStressTensor(IssmDouble** ptauxx,IssmDouble** ptauyy,IssmDouble** ptauxy); //nodal values, just for SSA-P1: TauXX, TauYY, TauXY 174 174 void ZZErrorEstimator(IssmDouble** pelementerror); 175 void SmoothedGradThickness(IssmDouble** pdHdx,IssmDouble** pdHdy); 176 void ThicknessZZErrorEstimator(IssmDouble** pelementerror); 177 void MeanGroundedIceLevelSet(IssmDouble** pmasklevelset); 175 178 176 179 #ifdef _HAVE_BAMG_ … … 183 186 void ReMeshNeopz(int* pnewnumberofvertices,int* pnewnumberofelements,IssmDouble** pnewx,IssmDouble** pnewy,IssmDouble** pnewz,int** pnewelementslist); 184 187 void InitializeAdaptiveRefinementNeopz(void); 188 void SetRefPatterns(void); 185 189 #endif 186 190 }; -
r21802 r21806 844 844 AmrFieldEnum, 845 845 AmrErrEnum, 846 DeviatoricStressErrorEstimatorEnum, 847 ThicknessErrorEstimatorEnum, 846 848 /*}}}*/ 847 849 ParametersENDEnum, -
r21802 r21806 820 820 case AmrFieldEnum : return "AmrField"; 821 821 case AmrErrEnum : return "AmrErr"; 822 case DeviatoricStressErrorEstimatorEnum : return "DeviatoricStressErrorEstimator"; 823 case ThicknessErrorEstimatorEnum : return "ThicknessErrorEstimator"; 822 824 case ParametersENDEnum : return "ParametersEND"; 823 825 case XYEnum : return "XY"; -
r21802 r21806 838 838 else if (strcmp(name,"AmrField")==0) return AmrFieldEnum; 839 839 else if (strcmp(name,"AmrErr")==0) return AmrErrEnum; 840 else if (strcmp(name,"DeviatoricStressErrorEstimator")==0) return DeviatoricStressErrorEstimatorEnum; 841 else if (strcmp(name,"ThicknessErrorEstimator")==0) return ThicknessErrorEstimatorEnum; 840 842 else if (strcmp(name,"ParametersEND")==0) return ParametersENDEnum; 841 843 else if (strcmp(name,"XY")==0) return XYEnum; … … 873 875 else if (strcmp(name,"Neumannflux")==0) return NeumannfluxEnum; 874 876 else if (strcmp(name,"Param")==0) return ParamEnum; 875 else if (strcmp(name,"Moulin")==0) return MoulinEnum;876 else if (strcmp(name,"Pengrid")==0) return PengridEnum;877 877 else stage=8; 878 878 } 879 879 if(stage==8){ 880 if (strcmp(name,"Penpair")==0) return PenpairEnum; 880 if (strcmp(name,"Moulin")==0) return MoulinEnum; 881 else if (strcmp(name,"Pengrid")==0) return PengridEnum; 882 else if (strcmp(name,"Penpair")==0) return PenpairEnum; 881 883 else if (strcmp(name,"Profiler")==0) return ProfilerEnum; 882 884 else if (strcmp(name,"MatrixParam")==0) return MatrixParamEnum; … … 996 998 else if (strcmp(name,"IceVolumeAboveFloatation")==0) return IceVolumeAboveFloatationEnum; 997 999 else if (strcmp(name,"TotalFloatingBmb")==0) return TotalFloatingBmbEnum; 998 else if (strcmp(name,"TotalGroundedBmb")==0) return TotalGroundedBmbEnum;999 else if (strcmp(name,"TotalSmb")==0) return TotalSmbEnum;1000 1000 else stage=9; 1001 1001 } 1002 1002 if(stage==9){ 1003 if (strcmp(name,"P0")==0) return P0Enum; 1003 if (strcmp(name,"TotalGroundedBmb")==0) return TotalGroundedBmbEnum; 1004 else if (strcmp(name,"TotalSmb")==0) return TotalSmbEnum; 1005 else if (strcmp(name,"P0")==0) return P0Enum; 1004 1006 else if (strcmp(name,"P0Array")==0) return P0ArrayEnum; 1005 1007 else if (strcmp(name,"P1")==0) return P1Enum; -
r21678 r21806 37 37 end 38 38 39 %this is the result structure 39 %this is the result structure (just the Transient solution) 40 40 res_struct=model.results; 41 41 %checking for results … … 51 51 if(size(sol_struct{i},2)>num_of_timesteps); 52 52 num_of_timesteps=size(sol_struct{i},2); 53 53 outstep=model.timestepping.time_step*model.settings.output_frequency; 54 54 end 55 55 end … … 101 101 else 102 102 timestep = size(sol_struct{j},2); 103 103 end 104 104 105 105 %getting the number of fields in the solution … … 120 120 s='%e\n'; 121 121 fprintf(fid,s,sol_struct{j}(timestep).(fieldnames{k})); 122 end 123 end 122 end 123 end 124 fprintf(fid,'CELL_DATA %s \n',num2str(num_of_elt)); 125 for k=1:num_of_fields 126 if ((numel(sol_struct{j}(timestep).(fieldnames{k})))==num_of_elt); 127 %paraview does not like NaN, replacing 128 nanval=find(isnan(sol_struct{j}(timestep).(fieldnames{k}))); 129 sol_struct{j}(timestep).(fieldnames{k})(nanval)=-9999; 130 %also checking for verry small value that mess up 131 smallval=(abs(sol_struct{j}(timestep).(fieldnames{k}))<1.0e-20); 132 sol_struct{j}(timestep).(fieldnames{k})(smallval)=0.0; 133 fprintf(fid,'SCALARS %s float 1 \n',fieldnames{k}); 134 fprintf(fid,'LOOKUP_TABLE default\n'); 135 s='%e\n'; 136 fprintf(fid,s,sol_struct{j}(timestep).(fieldnames{k})); 137 end 138 end 124 139 end 125 140 end
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.