Changeset 20953

07/19/16 14:41:49 (9 years ago)

CHG: Reverting petsc external package and vim external package

5 edited


  • issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/petsc/

    r20947 r20953  
    66#Some cleanup
    7 rm -rf install petsc-3.7.1 src
     7rm -rf install petsc-3.7.2 src
    88mkdir install src
    1010#Download from ISSM server
    11 $ISSM_DIR/scripts/ '' 'petsc-3.7.1.tar.gz'
     11$ISSM_DIR/scripts/ '' 'petsc-3.7.2.tar.gz'
    1313#Untar and move petsc to install directory
    14 tar -zxvf  petsc-3.7.1.tar.gz
    15 mv petsc-3.7.1/* src/
    16 rm -rf petsc-3.7.1
     14tar -zxvf  petsc-3.7.2.tar.gz
     15mv petsc-3.7.2/* src/
     16rm -rf petsc-3.7.2
  • issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/petsc/

    r20947 r20953  
    66#Some cleanup
    7 rm -rf install petsc-3.7.1 src
     7rm -rf install petsc-3.7.2 src
    88mkdir install src
    1010#Download from ISSM server
    11 $ISSM_DIR/scripts/ '' 'petsc-3.7.1.tar.gz'
     11$ISSM_DIR/scripts/ '' 'petsc-3.7.2.tar.gz'
    1313#Untar and move petsc to install directory
    14 tar -zxvf  petsc-3.7.1.tar.gz
    15 mv petsc-3.7.1/* src/
    16 rm -rf petsc-3.7.1
     14tar -zxvf  petsc-3.7.2.tar.gz
     15mv petsc-3.7.2/* src/
     16rm -rf petsc-3.7.2
  • issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/petsc/

    r20947 r20953  
    44#Some cleanup
    5 rm -rf install petsc-3.7.1 src
     5rm -rf install petsc-3.7.2 src
    66mkdir install src
    88#Download from ISSM server
    9 $ISSM_DIR/scripts/ '' 'petsc-3.7.1.tar.gz'
     9$ISSM_DIR/scripts/ '' 'petsc-3.7.2.tar.gz'
    1111#Untar and move petsc to install directory
    12 tar -zxvf  petsc-3.7.1.tar.gz
    13 mv petsc-3.7.1/* src/
    14 rm -rf petsc-3.7.1
     12tar -zxvf  petsc-3.7.2.tar.gz
     13mv petsc-3.7.2/* src/
     14rm -rf petsc-3.7.2
  • issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/petsc/

    r20947 r20953  
    88#Download from ISSM server
    9 #$ISSM_DIR/scripts/ '' 'petsc-3.7.1.tar.gz'
     9$ISSM_DIR/scripts/ '' 'petsc-3.7.2.tar.gz'
    1111#Untar and move petsc to install directory
    17 #       --download-mpich \
    18 #       --with-fc=/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/6.1.0/bin/gfortran \
    1917cd src
    2018./config/ \
     19        --CXXOPTFLAGS="-g -O3" \
     20        --COPTFLAGS="-g -O3" \
     21        --FOPTFLAGS="-g -O3" \
    2122        --prefix="$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/petsc/install" \
    2223        --with-mpi-dir="$ISSM_DIR/externalpackages/mpich/install" \
  • issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/vim/addons/vim/syntax/c.vim

    r20947 r20953  
    412412syn keyword cType BoolInput
    413413syn keyword cType BoolParam
     414syn keyword cType classes
    414415syn keyword cType Constraint
    415416syn keyword cType Constraints
    418419syn keyword cType ControlInput
    419420syn keyword cType Covertree
     421syn keyword cType DatasetInput
    420422syn keyword cType DataSetParam
    421 syn keyword cType DatasetInput
    422423syn keyword cType Definition
    423424syn keyword cType DependentObject
    433434syn keyword cType ElementHook
    434435syn keyword cType ElementMatrix
     436syn keyword cType Elements
    435437syn keyword cType ElementVector
    436 syn keyword cType Elements
    437438syn keyword cType ExponentialVariogram
    438439syn keyword cType ExternalResult
    441442syn keyword cType Friction
    442443syn keyword cType Gauss
     444syn keyword cType GaussianVariogram
     445syn keyword cType gaussobjects
    443446syn keyword cType GaussPenta
    444447syn keyword cType GaussSeg
    445448syn keyword cType GaussTetra
    446449syn keyword cType GaussTria
    447 syn keyword cType GaussianVariogram
    448450syn keyword cType GenericExternalResult
    449451syn keyword cType GenericOption
    451453syn keyword cType GiaDeflectionCoreArgs
    452454syn keyword cType Hook
    453 syn keyword cType IndependentObject
    454455syn keyword cType Input
    455456syn keyword cType Inputs
    461462syn keyword cType IssmDirectApplicInterface
    462463syn keyword cType IssmParallelDirectApplicInterface
     464syn keyword cType krigingobjects
    463465syn keyword cType Load
    464466syn keyword cType Loads
    468470syn keyword cType Material
    469471syn keyword cType Materials
     472syn keyword cType Matestar
    470473syn keyword cType Matice
    471474syn keyword cType Matpar
     475syn keyword cType matrixobjects
    472476syn keyword cType MatrixParam
    473477syn keyword cType Misfit
    474478syn keyword cType Moulin
    475479syn keyword cType Neumannflux
     480syn keyword cType Nodalvalue
    476481syn keyword cType Node
    477482syn keyword cType Nodes
    480485syn keyword cType Observations
    481486syn keyword cType Option
     487syn keyword cType Options
    482488syn keyword cType OptionUtilities
    483 syn keyword cType Options
    484489syn keyword cType Param
    485490syn keyword cType Parameters
    493498syn keyword cType Quadtree
    494499syn keyword cType Results
     500syn keyword cType Riftfront
    495501syn keyword cType RiftStruct
    496 syn keyword cType Riftfront
    497502syn keyword cType Seg
    498503syn keyword cType SegInput
     504syn keyword cType Segment
    499505syn keyword cType SegRef
    500 syn keyword cType Segment
    501506syn keyword cType SpcDynamic
    502507syn keyword cType SpcStatic
    518523syn keyword cType Vertex
    519524syn keyword cType Vertices
    520 syn keyword cType classes
    521 syn keyword cType gaussobjects
    522 syn keyword cType krigingobjects
    523 syn keyword cType matrixobjects
    524525syn keyword cType AdjointBalancethickness2Analysis
    525526syn keyword cType AdjointBalancethicknessAnalysis
    551552syn keyword cType MeltingAnalysis
    552553syn keyword cType MeshdeformationAnalysis
     554syn keyword cType SealevelriseAnalysis
    553555syn keyword cType SmbAnalysis
    554556syn keyword cType SmoothAnalysis
    560562"ISSM's objects end
    561563"ISSM's Enums begin
     564syn keyword cConstant ParametersSTARTEnum
    562565syn keyword cConstant FemModelEnum
     566syn keyword cConstant FemModelCommEnum
     567syn keyword cConstant WorldCommEnum
     568syn keyword cConstant IcecapToEarthCommEnum
     569syn keyword cConstant NumModelsEnum
     570syn keyword cConstant ModelIdEnum
     571syn keyword cConstant EarthIdEnum
    563572syn keyword cConstant AutodiffIsautodiffEnum
    564573syn keyword cConstant AutodiffNumDependentsEnum
    600609syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsThresholdThicknessEnum
    601610syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsUpperdepthMeltEnum
     611syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsMantleconductivityEnum
     612syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsNusseltEnum
     613syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsDtbgEnum
     614syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsPlumeradiusEnum
     615syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsTopplumedepthEnum
     616syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsBottomplumedepthEnum
     617syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsPlumexEnum
     618syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsPlumeyEnum
     619syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsCrustthicknessEnum
     620syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsUppercrustthicknessEnum
     621syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsUppercrustheatEnum
     622syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsLowercrustheatEnum
    602623syn keyword cConstant FloatingMeltRateEnum
    603624syn keyword cConstant LinearFloatingMeltRateEnum
    604625syn keyword cConstant MismipFloatingMeltRateEnum
     626syn keyword cConstant MantlePlumeGeothermalFluxEnum
    605627syn keyword cConstant BedEnum
    606628syn keyword cConstant BaseEnum
    610632syn keyword cConstant DependentObjectEnum
    611633syn keyword cConstant StressbalanceAbstolEnum
     634syn keyword cConstant StressbalanceConvergenceNumStepsEnum
    612635syn keyword cConstant StressbalanceIsnewtonEnum
    613636syn keyword cConstant StressbalanceMaxiterEnum
    715738syn keyword cConstant HydrologySpcheadEnum
    716739syn keyword cConstant HydrologyConductivityEnum
    717 syn keyword cConstant IndependentObjectEnum
    718740syn keyword cConstant InversionControlParametersEnum
    719741syn keyword cConstant InversionControlScalingFactorsEnum
    747769syn keyword cConstant InversionVzObsEnum
    748770syn keyword cConstant MaskIceLevelsetEnum
     771syn keyword cConstant MaskOceanLevelsetEnum
     772syn keyword cConstant MaskLandLevelsetEnum
    749773syn keyword cConstant MaterialsBetaEnum
    750774syn keyword cConstant MaterialsHeatcapacityEnum
    756780syn keyword cConstant MaterialsRheologyLawEnum
    757781syn keyword cConstant MaterialsRheologyNEnum
     782syn keyword cConstant MaterialsRheologyKoEnum
     783syn keyword cConstant MaterialsRheologyKobarEnum
     784syn keyword cConstant MaterialsRheologyEcEnum
     785syn keyword cConstant MaterialsRheologyEcbarEnum
     786syn keyword cConstant MaterialsRheologyEsEnum
     787syn keyword cConstant MaterialsRheologyEsbarEnum
    758788syn keyword cConstant DamageIsdamageEnum
    759789syn keyword cConstant DamageDEnum
    783813syn keyword cConstant CalvingMeltingrateEnum
    784814syn keyword cConstant CalvingLevermannEnum
    785 syn keyword cConstant CalvingPiEnum
    786815syn keyword cConstant CalvingDevEnum
     816syn keyword cConstant CalvingMinthicknessEnum
    787817syn keyword cConstant DefaultCalvingEnum
    788818syn keyword cConstant CalvingRequestedOutputsEnum
    789819syn keyword cConstant CalvinglevermannCoeffEnum
    790820syn keyword cConstant CalvinglevermannMeltingrateEnum
    791 syn keyword cConstant CalvingpiCoeffEnum
    792 syn keyword cConstant CalvingpiMeltingrateEnum
     821syn keyword cConstant CalvingdevCoeffEnum
    793822syn keyword cConstant CalvingratexEnum
    794823syn keyword cConstant CalvingrateyEnum
    809838syn keyword cConstant MaterialsMantleShearModulusEnum
    810839syn keyword cConstant MaterialsMantleDensityEnum
     840syn keyword cConstant MaterialsEarthDensityEnum
    811841syn keyword cConstant MeshAverageVertexConnectivityEnum
    812842syn keyword cConstant MeshElements2dEnum
    825855syn keyword cConstant MeshYEnum
    826856syn keyword cConstant MeshZEnum
     857syn keyword cConstant MeshLatEnum
     858syn keyword cConstant MeshLongEnum
     859syn keyword cConstant MeshREnum
    827860syn keyword cConstant MeshElementtypeEnum
    828861syn keyword cConstant MeshSegmentsEnum
    832865syn keyword cConstant Domain2DverticalEnum
    833866syn keyword cConstant Domain3DEnum
     867syn keyword cConstant Domain3DsurfaceEnum
    834868syn keyword cConstant MiscellaneousNameEnum
    835869syn keyword cConstant MasstransportHydrostaticAdjustmentEnum
    889923syn keyword cConstant TimesteppingInterpForcingsEnum
    890924syn keyword cConstant TransientIssmbEnum
     925syn keyword cConstant TransientIscouplerEnum
    891926syn keyword cConstant TransientIsstressbalanceEnum
    892927syn keyword cConstant TransientIsgroundinglineEnum
    896931syn keyword cConstant TransientIsdamageevolutionEnum
    897932syn keyword cConstant TransientIshydrologyEnum
    898 syn keyword cConstant TransientIscalvingEnum
     933syn keyword cConstant TransientIsmovingfrontEnum
     934syn keyword cConstant TransientIsslrEnum
    899935syn keyword cConstant TransientNumRequestedOutputsEnum
    900936syn keyword cConstant TransientRequestedOutputsEnum
    11111147syn keyword cConstant MaticeEnum
    11121148syn keyword cConstant MatdamageiceEnum
     1149syn keyword cConstant MatestarEnum
    11131150syn keyword cConstant MatparEnum
    11141151syn keyword cConstant NodeEnum
    12171254syn keyword cConstant ThicknessAlongGradientEnum
    12181255syn keyword cConstant ThicknessAcrossGradientEnum
     1256syn keyword cConstant ThicknessPositiveEnum
    12191257syn keyword cConstant IntMatParamEnum
    12201258syn keyword cConstant RheologyBbarAbsGradientEnum
    12461284syn keyword cConstant DeviatoricStressyzEnum
    12471285syn keyword cConstant DeviatoricStresszzEnum
     1286syn keyword cConstant DeviatoricStresseffectiveEnum
     1287syn keyword cConstant LambdaSEnum
    12481288syn keyword cConstant StrainRateEnum
    12491289syn keyword cConstant StrainRatexxEnum
    13971437syn keyword cConstant MassfluxatgateDefinitionenumEnum
    13981438syn keyword cConstant MassfluxatgateSegmentsEnum
     1439syn keyword cConstant NodalvalueEnum
     1440syn keyword cConstant NodalvalueNameEnum
     1441syn keyword cConstant NodalvalueDefinitionenumEnum
     1442syn keyword cConstant NodalvalueModelEnumEnum
     1443syn keyword cConstant NodalvalueNodeEnum
    13991444syn keyword cConstant MisfitNameEnum
    14001445syn keyword cConstant MisfitDefinitionenumEnum
    14231468syn keyword cConstant MaxVzEnum
    14241469syn keyword cConstant MaxAbsVzEnum
     1470syn keyword cConstant FloatingAreaEnum
    14251471syn keyword cConstant GroundedAreaEnum
    14261472syn keyword cConstant IceMassEnum
    14271473syn keyword cConstant IceVolumeEnum
    14281474syn keyword cConstant IceVolumeAboveFloatationEnum
     1475syn keyword cConstant TotalFloatingBmbEnum
     1476syn keyword cConstant TotalGroundedBmbEnum
    14291477syn keyword cConstant TotalSmbEnum
    14301478syn keyword cConstant AbsoluteEnum
    14631511syn keyword cConstant NodalEnum
    14641512syn keyword cConstant OldGradientEnum
     1513syn keyword cConstant OutputBufferPointerEnum
     1514syn keyword cConstant OutputBufferSizePointerEnum
    14651515syn keyword cConstant OutputFilePointerEnum
    14661516syn keyword cConstant ToolkitsFileNameEnum
    14971547syn keyword cConstant OptionStructEnum
    14981548syn keyword cConstant CuffeyEnum
     1549syn keyword cConstant BuddJackaEnum
     1550syn keyword cConstant CuffeyTemperateEnum
    14991551syn keyword cConstant PatersonEnum
    15001552syn keyword cConstant ArrheniusEnum
    15011553syn keyword cConstant LliboutryDuvalEnum
    1502 syn keyword cConstant TransientIslevelsetEnum
    1503 syn keyword cConstant SpcLevelsetEnum
     1554syn keyword cConstant SpclevelsetEnum
    15041555syn keyword cConstant ExtrapolationVariableEnum
    15051556syn keyword cConstant IceMaskNodeActivationEnum
    15071558syn keyword cConstant LevelsetfunctionSlopeYEnum
    15081559syn keyword cConstant LevelsetfunctionPicardEnum
     1560syn keyword cConstant LevelsetReinitFrequencyEnum
     1561syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseSolutionEnum
     1562syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseAnalysisEnum
     1563syn keyword cConstant SealevelEnum
     1564syn keyword cConstant SealevelEustaticEnum
     1565syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseDeltathicknessEnum
     1566syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseMaxiterEnum
     1567syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseReltolEnum
     1568syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseAbstolEnum
     1569syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseLoveHEnum
     1570syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseLoveKEnum
     1571syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseTideLoveHEnum
     1572syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseTideLoveKEnum
     1573syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseRigidEnum
     1574syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseElasticEnum
     1575syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseRotationEnum
     1576syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseGElasticEnum
     1577syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseDegaccEnum
     1578syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseTransitionsEnum
     1579syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseRequestedOutputsEnum
     1580syn keyword cConstant SealevelriseNumRequestedOutputsEnum
     1581syn keyword cConstant ParametersENDEnum
    15091582"ISSM's Enums end
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.