Changeset 20823
- Timestamp:
- 06/28/16 12:55:56 (9 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/m
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r20802 r20823 46 46 fclose(fid); 47 47 } //}}} 48 this.UploadAndRun = function (md,callbackfunction, fid,toolkitsstring,solutionstring,name,runtimename) { //{{{48 this.UploadAndRun = function (md,callbackfunction,callbackid,fid,toolkitsstring,solutionstring,name,runtimename) { //{{{ 49 49 50 50 var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); 51 $( ".run-button").html(sprintf("%-16s", "CONNECTING...")).prop("disabled", true);51 $(callbackid).html(sprintf("%-16s", "CONNECTING...")).prop("disabled", true); 52 52 request.position = 0; //Keep track of current parsing position in repsonseText 53 53 request.timeout = 30000; 54 54 request.ontimeout = function (event) { //{{{ 55 $( ".run-button").html(sprintf("%-16s", "RUN")).prop("disabled", false);55 $(callbackid).html(sprintf("%-16s", "RUN")).prop("disabled", false); 56 56 } //}}} 57 57 request.upload.onprogress = function(event) { //{{{ 58 58 var progress = (event.loaded / * 100).toFixed(0); 59 $( ".run-button").html(sprintf("%-20s", "UPLOADING: " + progress + "%"));59 $(callbackid).html(sprintf("%-20s", "UPLOADING: " + progress + "%")); 60 60 } //}}} 61 61 request.onprogress = function (event) { //{{{ … … 68 68 endIndex = startIndex + chunkSize; 69 69 if (chunkSize >= 1024) { //Arbitrary maximium size of message (Must be below minimium size of model results) 70 $( ".run-button").html(sprintf("%-20s", "DOWNLOADING: " + ((request.responseText.length - request.position) / chunkSize * 100).toFixed(0) + "%")).prop("disabled", true);70 $(callbackid).html(sprintf("%-20s", "DOWNLOADING: " + ((request.responseText.length - request.position) / chunkSize * 100).toFixed(0) + "%")).prop("disabled", true); 71 71 } 72 72 else if (request.responseText.length >= endIndex) { //Ensure entire chunk is loaded 73 73 var responseChunk = request.responseText.slice(startIndex, endIndex); 74 $( ".run-button").html(responseChunk);74 $(callbackid).html(responseChunk); 75 75 request.position = endIndex; 76 76 } … … 96 96 console.log(e); 97 97 } 98 $( ".run-button").html(sprintf("%-16s", "RUN")).prop("disabled", false);98 $(callbackid).html(sprintf("%-16s", "RUN")).prop("disabled", false); 99 99 callbackfunction(); 100 100 }; //}}} -
r20796 r20823 246 246 canvas["movieHandler"] = setInterval(function () { 247 247 node["movieFrame"] = canvas["movieFrame"]; 248 if (canvas["moviePlay"] ) {248 if (canvas["moviePlay"] && canvas["movieIncrement"]) { 249 249 if (canvas["movieReverse"]) { 250 250 node["movieFrame"] = (((node["movieFrame"] - 1) % node["movieLength"]) + node["movieLength"]) % node["movieLength"]; //Handle negative modulus … … 254 254 } 255 255 } 256 if (canvas["timeLabel"]) canvas["timeLabel"].html(node["movieTimestamps"][node["movieFrame"]].toFixed(0) + " " + options.getfieldvalue("movietimeunit","yr")); 257 if (canvas["progressBar"]) canvas["progressBar"].slider("value", node["movieFrame"]); 256 if (canvas["timeLabel"]) { 257 canvas["timeLabel"].html(node["movieTimestamps"][node["movieFrame"]].toFixed(0) + " " + options.getfieldvalue("movietimeunit","yr")); 258 } 259 if (canvas["progressBar"]) { 260 canvas["progressBar"].val(node["movieFrame"]); 261 canvas["progressBar"].slider('refresh'); 262 } 258 263 node["buffers"] = initBuffers(gl,[node["arrays"][0],node["arrays"][1][node["movieFrame"]],node["arrays"][2]]); 259 264 canvas["movieFrame"] = node["movieFrame"]; … … 261 266 if (canvas["progressBar"]) { 262 267 canvas["movieFrame"] = 0; 263 canvas["progressBar"].slider("value", 0); 264 canvas["progressBar"].slider("option", {max: node["movieLength"]-1}); 268 canvas["progressBar"].val(0); 269 canvas["progressBar"].attr('max', node["movieLength"]-1); 270 canvas["progressBar"].slider('refresh'); 265 271 } 266 272 } -
r20759 r20823 1 function slider() { 2 //SLIDER - Slider bar with initial value, callback on change, unique name, min/max value range, description message, fill color, widht/height, value precision, value step, and the id of the div to create the slider in. 3 // 4 // Usage: 5 // slider('value',0,'callback',function(value){PlotGreenland(value,0);PlotSlr()},'name','greenland','min',0,'max',100,'message',['Remove ice: ','%'],'color','#BBBBBB','width','100%','height','24px','precision',2,'step',5,'slidersdiv','greenland-sliders'); 1 /* 2 Name: 3 sliderInit 4 5 Description: 6 Initialize slider corresponding to passed selector with passed value, 7 minimum and maximum values, step (which is the increment for the 8 slider), and callback function (which is called when slider is changed). 9 10 Options are passed as pairs to the function according to the usage 11 example below. 12 13 Usage: 14 sliderInit( 15 'selector', #some-element, 16 'value', 0, 17 'min', -1, 18 'max', 1, 19 'step', 0.1, 20 'callback', function(value){someEngineFunction(value)} 21 ); 22 23 NOTE: jQuery Mobile will reflect changes to slider in its input "label" 24 based on the width of the slider. For example, step might be set to 25 0.1, but if the width of the slider is too narrow, changes to the 26 slider will only be reflected in whole numeral increments in the 27 slider' label. That said, *all* sliders can be adjusted via the 28 "up" and "down" keys by whatever increment step is set to. 29 */ 30 function sliderInit(){ 31 32 // Convert arguments to options 33 var args =; 34 var options = new pairoptions(args.slice()); 6 35 7 //Convert arguments to options 8 var args =; 9 var options = new pairoptions(args.slice()); 36 // Recover option values 37 var selector = options.getfieldvalue('selector', ''); 38 var value = options.getfieldvalue('value', 0); 39 var callback = options.getfieldvalue('callback', function(event, ui){}); 40 var min = options.getfieldvalue('min', 0.6 * value); 41 var max = options.getfieldvalue('max', 1.4 * value); 42 var step = options.getfieldvalue('step', 1); 10 43 11 //Recover option values: 12 var value = options.getfieldvalue('value',0); 13 var callback = options.getfieldvalue('callback',function(){}); 14 var name = options.getfieldvalue('name',''); 15 var min = options.getfieldvalue('min',0.6*value); 16 var max = options.getfieldvalue('max',1.4*value); 17 var width = options.getfieldvalue('width','auto'); 18 var height = options.getfieldvalue('height',32); 19 var message = options.getfieldvalue('message',''); 20 var startmessage = options.getfieldvalue('startmessage',message); 21 var middlemessage = options.getfieldvalue('middlemessage',message); 22 var endmessage = options.getfieldvalue('endmessage',message); 23 var color = options.getfieldvalue('color','#bbbbbb'); 24 var precision = options.getfieldvalue('precision',3); 25 var step = options.getfieldvalue('step',1); 26 var slidersdiv = options.getfieldvalue('slidersdiv','slidersdiv'); 44 /* 45 Update slider attributes. 46 47 NOTE: Although slider has already been created, need to call slider() 48 in order to avoid: 49 50 Error: cannot call methods on slider prior to 51 initialization; attempted to call method 'refresh' 52 53 Attempted all other methods for intialization of slider widget 54 from jQuery Mobile, and this is the only one that seemed to work 55 (see index.php for related markup). 56 */ 57 $(selector).slider(); 58 $(selector).val(value); 59 $(selector).attr('min', min); 60 $(selector).attr('max', max); 61 $(selector).attr('step', step); 62 $(selector).on('slidestop', function(event, ui){ 63 callback(parseFloat($(selector).val())); 64 }); 27 65 28 $('<div class="'+name+'-slider"></div>').appendTo('#'+slidersdiv); 29 $('<div class="info'+name+'">'+startmessage[0]+value.toFixed(precision)+startmessage[1]+'</div>').appendTo('#'+slidersdiv); 30 var info=$('.info'+name); 31 $('.'+name+'-slider').slider({ 32 range:'min', 33 value:value, 34 min:min, 35 max:max, 36 step:step, 37 slide:function(event,ui){ 38 info.text(middlemessage[0]+ui.value.toFixed(precision)+middlemessage[1]); 39 }, 40 stop:function(event,ui){ 41 info.text(middlemessage[0]+ui.value.toFixed(precision)+middlemessage[1]); 42 callback(ui.value); 43 info.text(endmessage[0]+ui.value.toFixed(precision)+endmessage[1]); 66 /* 67 NOTE: Slider must be "refreshed" after any JavaScript change to it, as 68 it is an AJAX object. 69 */ 70 $(selector).slider('refresh'); 71 } 72 /* exported sliderInit, refreshErrorMessages */ 73 74 75 /* 76 Name: 77 sliderMoveInput 78 79 Description: 80 Appends a jQuery Mobile slider input to an element whose selector 81 adheres to the following protocol, 82 83 destination = sliderSelector + '-value' 84 85 Usage: 86 sliderMoveInput('#someSliderSelector'); 87 88 NOTE: Destination element must, obviously, be hardcoded into markup for a 89 call to this function to work as expected. 90 */ 91 function sliderMoveInput(selector){ 92 93 $(selector).appendTo(selector + '-value'); 94 $(selector).slider('refresh'); 95 } 96 97 /* 98 value/label updated by node transient runs in plot_unit. 99 */ 100 function progressInit(){ 101 102 // Convert arguments to options. 103 var args =; 104 var options = new pairoptions(args.slice()); 105 106 // Recover option values 107 var sim = options.getfieldvalue('sim', ''); 108 109 var canvas = $(sim + '-canvas')[0]; 110 var progressBar = $(sim + '-controls-slider-progress'); 111 var playButton = $(sim + '-controls-button-play'); 112 var reverseButton = $(sim + '-controls-button-reverse'); 113 var timeText = $(sim + '-controls-text-time'); 114 115 /* 116 Update progress bar slider attributes. 117 118 NOTE: Although slider has already been created, need to call slider() 119 in order to avoid: 120 121 Error: cannot call methods on slider prior to 122 initialization; attempted to call method 'refresh' 123 124 Attempted all other methods for intialization of slider widget 125 from jQuery Mobile, and this is the only one that seemed to work 126 (see index.php for related markup). 127 */ 128 $(progressBar).slider(); 129 $(progressBar).val(value); 130 $(progressBar).attr('min', 0); 131 $(progressBar).attr('max', 1); 132 $(progressBar).attr('step', 1); 133 $(progressBar).on('slidestop', function(event, ui){ 134 canvas.movieIncrement = true; 135 canvas.movieFrame = parseInt($(progressBar).val()); 136 }); 137 $(progressBar).on('change', function(event, ui){ 138 canvas.movieFrame = parseInt($(progressBar).val()); 139 }); 140 $(progressBar).on('slidestart', function(event, ui){ 141 canvas.movieIncrement = false; 142 canvas.movieFrame = parseInt($(progressBar).val()); 143 }); 144 145 /* 146 NOTE: Slider must be "refreshed" after any JavaScript change to it, as 147 it is an AJAX object. 148 */ 149 $(progressBar).slider('refresh'); 150 151 // Attach progress bar slider to simulation. 152 canvas.progressBar = progressBar; 153 154{ 155 canvas.moviePlay = !canvas.moviePlay; 156 if (canvas.moviePlay){ 157 playButton.find("span").removeClass("fa-play"); 158 playButton.find("span").addClass("fa-pause"); 159 } 160 else{ 161 playButton.find("span").removeClass("fa-pause"); 162 playButton.find("span").addClass("fa-play"); 44 163 } 45 164 }); 46 $('.'+name+'-slider.ui-slider').css({47 width:'auto',48 height:height,49 background:color,50 margin:'8px'51 });52 $('.'+name+'-slider .ui-slider-handle').css({53 background:color,54 height:parseInt(height)+855 });56 $('.'+name+'-slider .ui-slider-range').css({57 background:color58 });59 }60 61 function progress() {62 //PROGRESS - Progress bar with initial value, unique name, width/height, and the id of the div to create the slider in. One progress per canvas, value/label updated by node transient runs in plot_unit.63 //64 // Usage:65 // progress('value',0,'name','hma','width','100%','height',sliderheight,'progressdiv','hma-progressdiv');66 //67 // See also: PLOT_UNIT68 165 69 //Convert arguments to options 70 var args =; 71 var options = new pairoptions(args.slice()); 72 73 var value = options.getfieldvalue('value',0); 74 var name = options.getfieldvalue('name','hma'); 75 var min = options.getfieldvalue('min',0.6*value); 76 var max = options.getfieldvalue('max',1.4*value); 77 var width = options.getfieldvalue('width','auto'); 78 var height = options.getfieldvalue('height',32); 79 var color = options.getfieldvalue('color','#bbbbbb'); 80 var progressdiv = options.getfieldvalue('progressdiv','progressdiv'); 81 82 var canvas = $('#'+name)[0]; 83 var progressbar = $('#'+name+'-progressbar'); 84 var playbutton = $('#'+name+'-playbutton'); 85 var reversebutton = $('#'+name+'-reversebutton'); 86 var timelabel = $('#'+name+'-timelabel'); 87 88 89 { 90 canvas.moviePlay = !canvas.moviePlay; 91 if (canvas.moviePlay) { 92 $("#playButton").html("❚❚"); 166{ 167 canvas.movieReverse = !canvas.movieReverse; 168 if (canvas.movieReverse) { 169 reverseButton.find("span").removeClass("fa-backward"); 170 reverseButton.find("span").addClass("fa-forward"); 93 171 } 94 172 else { 95 $("#playButton").html("▶"); 173 reverseButton.find("span").removeClass("fa-forward"); 174 reverseButton.find("span").addClass("fa-backward"); 96 175 } 97 176 }); 98 {99 canvas.movieReverse = !canvas.movieReverse;100 if (canvas.movieReverse) {101 reversebutton.html("◀◀");102 }103 else {104 reversebutton.html("▶▶");105 }106 });107 canvas.timeLabel = timelabel;108 177 109 $('<div class="'+name+'-progressbar bordered margin-8 padding-8"></div>').prependTo('#'+progressdiv); 110 $('.'+name+'-progressbar').slider({ 111 range:'min', 112 value:0, 113 min:0, 114 max:1, 115 step:1, 116 start:function(event,ui){ 117 canvas.movieFrame = ui.value; 118 canvas.movieIncrement = false; 119 }, 120 slide:function(event,ui){ 121 canvas.movieFrame = ui.value; 122 }, 123 stop:function(event,ui){ 124 canvas.movieFrame = ui.value; 125 canvas.movieIncrement = true; 126 } 127 }); 128 $('.'+name+'-progressbar.ui-slider').css({ 129 width:'auto', 130 height:height, 131 background:color, 132 margin:'8px' 133 }); 134 $('.'+name+'-progressbar .ui-slider-handle').css({ 135 background:color, 136 height:parseInt(height)+8 137 }); 138 $('.'+name+'-progressbar .ui-slider-range').css({ 139 background:'red' 140 }); 141 142 canvas.progressBar = $('.'+name+'-progressbar'); 178 canvas.timeLabel = timeText; 143 179 } -
r20299 r20823 103 103 104 104 //callback function: 105 function callbackfunction(){}; //default, do nothing if no callback requested. 106 if (options.getfieldvalue('callback',false)){ 107 callbackfunction=options.getfieldvalue('callback'); 105 function callbackfunction(){}; //default, do nothing if no callback function requested. 106 if (options.getfieldvalue('callbackfunction',false)){ 107 callbackfunction=options.getfieldvalue('callbackfunction'); 108 } 109 110 //callback id: 111 var callbackid = '.run-button'; //default, update .run-button elements with progress updates. 112 if (options.getfieldvalue('callbackid',false)){ 113 callbackid=options.getfieldvalue('callbackid'); 108 114 } 109 115 … … 131 137 132 138 /*We are running somewhere else on a computational server. Send the buffer to that server and retrieve output: */ 133 cluster.UploadAndRun(md,callbackfunction, fid,toolkitsstring,solutionstring,,md.priv.runtimename);139 cluster.UploadAndRun(md,callbackfunction,callbackid,fid,toolkitsstring,solutionstring,,md.priv.runtimename); 134 140 135 141 return md;
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for help on using the changeset viewer.