Changeset 20402
- Timestamp:
- 03/31/16 09:18:45 (9 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/jenkins
- Files:
- 9 deleted
- 16 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r20394 r20402 33 33 PYTHON_TEST=1 34 34 35 #execution path used for parallel runs36 EXECUTION_PATH=$ISSM_DIR/execution37 38 #repo:39 REPOSITORY=""40 41 35 #-----------------------------------# 42 36 # 3: External packages installation # … … 54 48 shell2junit" 55 49 56 #---------------------# 57 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 58 #---------------------# 59 60 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 61 # - "yes" compile ISSM 62 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 63 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 64 65 #------------------------# 66 # 5: Nightly run options # 67 #------------------------# 50 #-----------------# 51 # 4: Test options # 52 #-----------------# 68 53 69 54 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually -
r20394 r20402 23 23 PYTHON_TEST=0 24 24 25 #execution path used for parallel runs26 EXECUTION_PATH=$ISSM_DIR/execution27 28 #repo:29 REPOSITORY=""30 31 25 #-----------------------------------# 32 26 # 3: External packages installation # … … 43 37 shell2junit" 44 38 45 #---------------------# 46 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 47 #---------------------# 48 49 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 50 # - "yes" compile ISSM 51 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 52 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 53 54 #------------------------# 55 # 5: Nightly run options # 56 #------------------------# 39 #-----------------# 40 # 4: test options # 41 #-----------------# 57 42 58 43 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually -
r20394 r20402 32 32 PYTHON_TEST=0 33 33 34 #execution path used for parallel runs35 EXECUTION_PATH=$ISSM_DIR/execution36 37 #repo:38 REPOSITORY=""39 40 34 #-----------------------------------# 41 35 # 3: External packages installation # … … 53 47 shell2junit" 54 48 55 #---------------------# 56 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 57 #---------------------# 58 59 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 60 # - "yes" compile ISSM 61 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 62 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 63 64 #------------------------# 65 # 5: Nightly run options # 66 #------------------------# 49 #-----------------# 50 # 4: test options # 51 #-----------------# 67 52 68 53 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually -
r20394 r20402 33 33 PYTHON_TEST=1 34 34 35 #execution path used for parallel runs36 EXECUTION_PATH=$ISSM_DIR/execution37 38 #repo:39 #We have had issues with upgrading SVN versions. As such, it is nescessary to specify which SVN to use.40 REPOSITORY=""41 42 35 #-----------------------------------# 43 36 # 3: External packages installation # … … 55 48 shell2junit" 56 49 57 58 #---------------------# 59 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 60 #---------------------# 61 62 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 63 # - "yes" compile ISSM 64 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 65 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 66 67 #------------------------# 68 # 5: Nightly run options # 69 #------------------------# 50 #-----------------# 51 # 4: test options # 52 #-----------------# 70 53 71 54 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually -
r20394 r20402 25 25 PYTHON_TEST=1 26 26 27 #execution path used for parallel runs28 EXECUTION_PATH=$ISSM_DIR/execution29 30 #repo:31 REPOSITORY=""32 33 27 #-----------------------------------# 34 28 # 3: External packages installation # … … 45 39 shell2junit" 46 40 47 #---------------------# 48 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 49 #---------------------# 50 51 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 52 # - "yes" compile ISSM 53 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 54 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 55 56 #------------------------# 57 # 5: Nightly run options # 58 #------------------------# 41 #-----------------# 42 # 4: test options # 43 #-----------------# 59 44 60 45 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually -
r20394 r20402 34 34 PYTHON_TEST=1 35 35 36 #execution path used for parallel runs37 EXECUTION_PATH=$ISSM_DIR/execution38 39 #repo:40 REPOSITORY=""41 42 36 #-----------------------------------# 43 37 # 3: External packages installation # … … 55 49 shell2junit" 56 50 57 #---------------------# 58 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 59 #---------------------# 60 61 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 62 # - "yes" compile ISSM 63 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 64 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 65 66 #------------------------# 67 # 5: Nightly run options # 68 #------------------------# 51 #-----------------# 52 # 4: test options # 53 #-----------------# 69 54 70 55 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually -
r20394 r20402 29 29 PYTHON_TEST=0 30 30 31 #execution path used for parallel runs32 EXECUTION_PATH=$ISSM_DIR/execution33 34 #repo:35 REPOSITORY=""36 SVN='/usr/bin/svn'37 SVNVERSION='/usr/bin/svnversion'38 39 31 #-----------------------------------# 40 32 # 3: External packages installation # … … 50 42 shell2junit" 51 43 52 53 #---------------------# 54 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 55 #---------------------# 56 57 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 58 # - "yes" compile ISSM 59 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 60 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 61 62 #------------------------# 63 # 5: Nightly run options # 64 #------------------------# 44 #-----------------# 45 # 4: test options # 46 #-----------------# 65 47 66 48 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually -
r20394 r20402 27 27 PYTHON_TEST=0 28 28 29 #execution path used for parallel runs30 EXECUTION_PATH=$ISSM_DIR/execution31 32 #repo:33 REPOSITORY=""34 35 29 #-----------------------------------# 36 30 # 3: External packages installation # … … 45 39 shell2junit" 46 40 47 48 #---------------------# 49 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 50 #---------------------# 51 52 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 53 # - "yes" compile ISSM 54 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 55 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 56 57 #------------------------# 58 # 5: Nightly run options # 59 #------------------------# 41 #-----------------# 42 # 4: test options # 43 #-----------------# 60 44 61 45 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually -
r20394 r20402 28 28 PYTHON_TEST=1 29 29 30 #execution path used for parallel runs31 EXECUTION_PATH=$ISSM_DIR/execution32 33 #repo:34 REPOSITORY=""35 36 30 #-----------------------------------# 37 31 # 3: External packages installation # … … 50 44 shell2junit" 51 45 52 #---------------------# 53 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 54 #---------------------# 55 56 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 57 # - "yes" compile ISSM 58 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 59 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 60 61 #------------------------# 62 # 5: Nightly run options # 63 #------------------------# 46 #-----------------# 47 # 4: test options # 48 #-----------------# 64 49 65 50 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually -
r20394 r20402 33 33 #PYTHON_TEST=1 34 34 35 #execution path used for parallel runs36 EXECUTION_PATH=$ISSM_DIR/execution37 38 #repo:39 REPOSITORY=""40 41 35 #-----------------------------------# 42 36 # 3: External packages installation # … … 54 48 shell2junit" 55 49 56 57 #---------------------# 58 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 59 #---------------------# 60 61 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 62 # - "yes" compile ISSM 63 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 64 #ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 65 66 #------------------------# 67 # 5: Nightly run options # 68 #------------------------# 50 #-----------------# 51 # 4: test options # 52 #-----------------# 69 53 70 54 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually -
r20395 r20402 39 39 shell2junit" 40 40 41 #---------------------# 42 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 43 #---------------------# 44 45 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 46 # - "yes" compile ISSM 47 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 48 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 49 50 #------------------------# 51 # 5: Nightly run options # 52 #------------------------# 41 #-----------------# 42 # 4: test options # 43 #-----------------# 53 44 54 45 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually -
r20394 r20402 29 29 PYTHON_TEST=0 30 30 31 #execution path used for parallel runs32 EXECUTION_PATH=$ISSM_DIR/execution33 34 #repo:35 REPOSITORY=""36 37 31 #-----------------------------------# 38 32 # 3: External packages installation # … … 51 45 shell2junit" 52 46 53 #---------------------# 54 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 55 #---------------------# 56 57 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 58 # - "yes" compile ISSM 59 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 60 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 61 62 #------------------------# 63 # 5: Nightly run options # 64 #------------------------# 47 #-----------------# 48 # 4: test options # 49 #-----------------# 65 50 66 51 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually -
r20394 r20402 30 30 PYTHON_TEST=0 31 31 32 #execution path used for parallel runs33 EXECUTION_PATH=$ISSM_DIR/execution34 35 #repo:36 REPOSITORY=""37 38 32 #-----------------------------------# 39 33 # 3: External packages installation # … … 49 43 shell2junit" 50 44 51 #---------------------# 52 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 53 #---------------------# 54 55 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 56 # - "yes" compile ISSM 57 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 58 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 59 60 #------------------------# 61 # 5: Nightly run options # 62 #------------------------# 45 #-----------------# 46 # 4: test options # 47 #-----------------# 63 48 64 49 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually -
r20394 r20402 32 32 PYTHON_TEST=0 33 33 34 #execution path used for parallel runs35 EXECUTION_PATH=$ISSM_DIR/execution36 37 #repo:38 REPOSITORY=""39 40 34 #-----------------------------------# 41 35 # 3: External packages installation # … … 49 43 shell2junit" 50 44 51 #---------------------# 52 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 53 #---------------------# 54 55 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 56 # - "yes" compile ISSM 57 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 58 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 59 60 #------------------------# 61 # 5: Nightly run options # 62 #------------------------# 45 #-----------------# 46 # 4: test options # 47 #-----------------# 63 48 64 49 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually -
r20394 r20402 30 30 PYTHON_TEST=0 31 31 32 #execution path used for parallel runs33 EXECUTION_PATH=$ISSM_DIR/execution34 35 #repo:36 REPOSITORY=""37 38 32 #-----------------------------------# 39 33 # 3: External packages installation # … … 47 41 shell2junit" 48 42 49 #---------------------# 50 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 51 #---------------------# 52 53 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 54 # - "yes" compile ISSM 55 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 56 ISSM_COMPILATION="yes" 57 58 #------------------------# 59 # 5: Nightly run options # 60 #------------------------# 43 #-----------------# 44 # 4: test options # 45 #-----------------# 61 46 62 47 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually -
r20394 r20402 10 10 PYTHON_TEST=0 11 11 12 #execution path used for parallel runs13 EXECUTION_PATH=$ISSM_DIR/execution14 15 16 12 #-----------------------------------# 17 13 # 3: External packages installation # 18 14 #-----------------------------------# 19 15 20 #---------------------# 21 # 4: ISSM Compilation # 22 #---------------------# 23 24 #ISSM_COMPILATION can have 2 values: 25 # - "yes" compile ISSM 26 # - "no" do not compile ISSM 27 ISSM_COMPILATION="no" 28 29 #------------------------# 30 # 5: Nightly run options # 31 #------------------------# 16 #-----------------# 17 # 4: test options # 18 #-----------------# 32 19 33 20 #number of cpus used in ISSM installation and compilation (one is usually
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