Changeset 19740
- Timestamp:
- 11/17/15 15:03:35 (9 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/c
- Files:
- 6 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r19731 r19740 43 43 44 44 /*Fetch data needed: */ 45 int hydrology_model ;45 int hydrology_model,frictionlaw; 46 46 iomodel->Constant(&hydrology_model,HydrologyModelEnum); 47 47 … … 73 73 iomodel->FetchDataToInput(elements,HydrologyEnglacialInputEnum); 74 74 iomodel->FetchDataToInput(elements,HydrologyBumpSpacingEnum); 75 iomodel->FetchDataToInput(elements,HydrologyBumpHeightEnum); 75 76 iomodel->FetchDataToInput(elements,HydrologyReynoldsEnum); 77 iomodel->FetchDataToInput(elements,VxEnum); 78 iomodel->FetchDataToInput(elements,VyEnum); 79 80 iomodel->Constant(&frictionlaw,FrictionLawEnum); 81 /*Friction law variables*/ 82 switch(frictionlaw){ 83 case 8: 84 iomodel->FetchDataToInput(elements,FrictionCoefficientEnum); 85 break; 86 default: 87 _error_("Friction law "<< frictionlaw <<" not supported"); 88 } 76 89 }/*}}}*/ 77 90 void HydrologySommersAnalysis::UpdateParameters(Parameters* parameters,IoModel* iomodel,int solution_enum,int analysis_enum){/*{{{*/ … … 85 98 86 99 parameters->AddObject(new IntParam(HydrologyModelEnum,hydrology_model)); 100 parameters->AddObject(iomodel->CopyConstantObject(FrictionLawEnum)); 87 101 }/*}}}*/ 88 102 … … 145 159 /*Intermediaries */ 146 160 IssmDouble Jdet,meltrate,G,dh[2],B,A,n; 147 IssmDouble gap,bed,thickness,head; 161 IssmDouble gap,bed,thickness,head,ieb; 162 IssmDouble lr,br,vx,vy,beta; 163 IssmDouble alpha2,frictionheat; 148 164 IssmDouble* xyz_list = NULL; 149 165 … … 168 184 Input* B_input = element->GetInput(MaterialsRheologyBEnum); _assert_(B_input); 169 185 Input* n_input = element->GetInput(MaterialsRheologyNEnum); _assert_(n_input); 186 Input* englacial_input = element->GetInput(HydrologyEnglacialInputEnum); _assert_(englacial_input); 187 Input* vx_input = element->GetInput(VxEnum); _assert_(vx_input); 188 Input* vy_input = element->GetInput(VyEnum); _assert_(vy_input); 189 Input* lr_input = element->GetInput(HydrologyBumpSpacingEnum); _assert_(lr_input); 190 Input* br_input = element->GetInput(HydrologyBumpHeightEnum); _assert_(br_input); 170 191 171 192 /*Get conductivity from inputs*/ 172 193 IssmDouble conductivity = GetConductivity(element); 194 195 /*Build friction element, needed later: */ 196 Friction* friction=new Friction(element,3); 173 197 174 198 /* Start looping on the number of gaussian points: */ … … 185 209 head_input->GetInputValue(&head,gauss); 186 210 head_input->GetInputDerivativeValue(&dh[0],xyz_list,gauss); 211 englacial_input->GetInputValue(&ieb,gauss); 212 lr_input->GetInputValue(&lr,gauss); 213 br_input->GetInputValue(&br,gauss); 214 vx_input->GetInputValue(&vx,gauss); 215 vy_input->GetInputValue(&vy,gauss); 187 216 188 217 /*Get ice A parameter*/ … … 190 219 n_input->GetInputValue(&n,gauss); 191 220 A=pow(B,-n); 221 222 /*Compute beta term*/ 223 if(gap<br) 224 beta = (br-gap)/lr; 225 else 226 beta = 0.; 227 228 /*Compute frictional heat flux*/ 229 friction->GetAlpha2(&alpha2,gauss); 230 vx_input->GetInputValue(&vx,gauss); 231 vy_input->GetInputValue(&vy,gauss); 232 frictionheat=alpha2*(vx*vx+vy*vy); 192 233 193 234 /*Get water and ice pressures*/ … … 196 237 _assert_(pressure_water<=pressure_ice); 197 238 198 meltrate = 1/latentheat*(G+ rho_water*g*conductivity*(dh[0]*dh[0]+dh[1]*dh[1]));239 meltrate = 1/latentheat*(G+frictionheat+rho_water*g*conductivity*(dh[0]*dh[0]+dh[1]*dh[1])); 199 240 _assert_(meltrate>0.); 200 241 … … 203 244 meltrate*(1/rho_water-1/rho_ice) 204 245 +A*pow(fabs(pressure_ice-pressure_water),n-1)*(pressure_ice-pressure_water)*gap 246 -beta*sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy) 247 +ieb 205 248 )*basis[i]; 206 249 } … … 209 252 xDelete<IssmDouble>(xyz_list); 210 253 xDelete<IssmDouble>(basis); 254 delete friction; 211 255 delete gauss; 212 256 return pe; … … 297 341 return conductivity; 298 342 }/*}}}*/ 343 void HydrologySommersAnalysis::UpdateGapHeight(FemModel* femmodel){/*{{{*/ 344 345 346 for(int j=0;j<femmodel->elements->Size();j++){ 347 Element* element=(Element*)femmodel->elements->GetObjectByOffset(j); 348 UpdateGapHeight(element); 349 } 350 351 }/*}}}*/ 352 void HydrologySommersAnalysis::UpdateGapHeight(Element* element){/*{{{*/ 353 354 /*Skip if water or ice shelf element*/ 355 if(element->IsFloating()) return; 356 357 /*Intermediaries */ 358 IssmDouble newgap = 0.; 359 IssmDouble Jdet,meltrate,G,dh[2],B,A,n,dt; 360 IssmDouble gap,bed,thickness,head,ieb; 361 IssmDouble lr,br,vx,vy,beta; 362 IssmDouble alpha2,frictionheat; 363 IssmDouble* xyz_list = NULL; 364 365 366 /*Retrieve all inputs and parameters*/ 367 element->GetVerticesCoordinates(&xyz_list); 368 element->FindParam(&dt,TimesteppingTimeStepEnum); 369 IssmDouble latentheat = element->GetMaterialParameter(MaterialsLatentheatEnum); 370 IssmDouble g = element->GetMaterialParameter(ConstantsGEnum); 371 IssmDouble rho_ice = element->GetMaterialParameter(MaterialsRhoIceEnum); 372 IssmDouble rho_water = element->GetMaterialParameter(MaterialsRhoFreshwaterEnum); 373 Input* geothermalflux_input = element->GetInput(BasalforcingsGeothermalfluxEnum);_assert_(geothermalflux_input); 374 Input* head_input = element->GetInput(HydrologyHeadEnum); _assert_(head_input); 375 Input* gap_input = element->GetInput(HydrologyGapHeightEnum); _assert_(gap_input); 376 Input* thickness_input = element->GetInput(ThicknessEnum); _assert_(thickness_input); 377 Input* base_input = element->GetInput(BaseEnum); _assert_(base_input); 378 Input* B_input = element->GetInput(MaterialsRheologyBEnum); _assert_(B_input); 379 Input* n_input = element->GetInput(MaterialsRheologyNEnum); _assert_(n_input); 380 Input* englacial_input = element->GetInput(HydrologyEnglacialInputEnum); _assert_(englacial_input); 381 Input* vx_input = element->GetInput(VxEnum); _assert_(vx_input); 382 Input* vy_input = element->GetInput(VyEnum); _assert_(vy_input); 383 Input* lr_input = element->GetInput(HydrologyBumpSpacingEnum); _assert_(lr_input); 384 Input* br_input = element->GetInput(HydrologyBumpHeightEnum); _assert_(br_input); 385 386 /*Get conductivity from inputs*/ 387 IssmDouble conductivity = GetConductivity(element); 388 389 /*Build friction element, needed later: */ 390 Friction* friction=new Friction(element,3); 391 392 /*Keep track of weights*/ 393 IssmDouble totalweights=0.; 394 395 /* Start looping on the number of gaussian points: */ 396 Gauss* gauss=element->NewGauss(2); 397 for(int ig=gauss->begin();ig<gauss->end();ig++){ 398 gauss->GaussPoint(ig); 399 400 element->JacobianDeterminant(&Jdet,xyz_list,gauss); 401 402 geothermalflux_input->GetInputValue(&G,gauss); 403 base_input->GetInputValue(&bed,gauss); 404 thickness_input->GetInputValue(&thickness,gauss); 405 gap_input->GetInputValue(&gap,gauss); 406 head_input->GetInputValue(&head,gauss); 407 head_input->GetInputDerivativeValue(&dh[0],xyz_list,gauss); 408 englacial_input->GetInputValue(&ieb,gauss); 409 lr_input->GetInputValue(&lr,gauss); 410 br_input->GetInputValue(&br,gauss); 411 vx_input->GetInputValue(&vx,gauss); 412 vy_input->GetInputValue(&vy,gauss); 413 414 /*Get ice A parameter*/ 415 B_input->GetInputValue(&B,gauss); 416 n_input->GetInputValue(&n,gauss); 417 A=pow(B,-n); 418 419 /*Compute beta term*/ 420 if(gap<br) 421 beta = (br-gap)/lr; 422 else 423 beta = 0.; 424 425 /*Compute frictional heat flux*/ 426 friction->GetAlpha2(&alpha2,gauss); 427 vx_input->GetInputValue(&vx,gauss); 428 vy_input->GetInputValue(&vy,gauss); 429 frictionheat=alpha2*(vx*vx+vy*vy); 430 431 /*Get water and ice pressures*/ 432 IssmDouble pressure_ice = rho_ice*g*thickness; _assert_(pressure_ice>0.); 433 IssmDouble pressure_water = rho_water*g*(head-bed); 434 _assert_(pressure_water<=pressure_ice); 435 436 meltrate = 1/latentheat*(G+frictionheat+rho_water*g*conductivity*(dh[0]*dh[0]+dh[1]*dh[1])); 437 _assert_(meltrate>0.); 438 439 newgap += gauss->weight*Jdet*(gap+dt*( 440 meltrate/rho_ice 441 -A*pow(fabs(pressure_ice-pressure_water),n-1)*(pressure_ice-pressure_water)*gap 442 +beta*sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy) 443 )); 444 totalweights +=gauss->weight*Jdet; 445 } 446 447 /*Divide by connectivity*/ 448 newgap = newgap/totalweights; 449 450 /*Add new gap as an input*/ 451 element->AddInput(HydrologyGapHeightEnum,&newgap,P0Enum); 452 453 /*Clean up and return*/ 454 xDelete<IssmDouble>(xyz_list); 455 delete friction; 456 delete gauss; 457 }/*}}}*/ -
r19725 r19740 33 33 /*Intermediaries*/ 34 34 IssmDouble GetConductivity(Element* element); 35 void UpdateGapHeight(FemModel* femmodel); 36 void UpdateGapHeight(Element* element); 35 37 }; 36 38 #endif -
r19488 r19740 214 214 GetAlpha2Coulomb(palpha2,gauss); 215 215 break; 216 case 8: 217 GetAlpha2Sommers(palpha2,gauss); 218 break; 216 219 default: 217 _error_(" not supported");220 _error_("Friction law "<< this->law <<" not supported"); 218 221 } 219 222 … … 588 591 *palpha2=alpha2; 589 592 }/*}}}*/ 593 void Friction::GetAlpha2Sommers(IssmDouble* palpha2, Gauss* gauss){/*{{{*/ 594 595 /* FrictionGetAlpha2 computes alpha2= drag^2 * Neff, with Neff=rho_ice*g*thickness+rho_ice*g*(head-bed)*/ 596 597 /*diverse: */ 598 IssmDouble pressure_ice,pressure_water; 599 IssmDouble Neff; 600 IssmDouble drag_coefficient; 601 IssmDouble bed,thickness,head; 602 IssmDouble alpha2; 603 604 /*Recover parameters: */ 605 element->GetInputValue(&thickness, gauss,ThicknessEnum); 606 element->GetInputValue(&bed, gauss,BaseEnum); 607 element->GetInputValue(&head, gauss,HydrologyHeadEnum); 608 element->GetInputValue(&drag_coefficient, gauss,FrictionCoefficientEnum); 609 IssmDouble rho_water = element->GetMaterialParameter(MaterialsRhoFreshwaterEnum); 610 IssmDouble rho_ice = element->GetMaterialParameter(MaterialsRhoIceEnum); 611 IssmDouble gravity = element->GetMaterialParameter(ConstantsGEnum); 612 613 //From bed and thickness, compute effective pressure when drag is viscous: 614 pressure_ice = rho_ice*gravity*thickness; 615 pressure_water = rho_water*gravity*(head-bed); 616 Neff=pressure_ice-pressure_water; 617 if(Neff<0.) Neff=0.; 618 619 alpha2=drag_coefficient*drag_coefficient*Neff; 620 _assert_(!xIsNan<IssmDouble>(alpha2)); 621 622 /*Assign output pointers:*/ 623 *palpha2=alpha2; 624 } 625 /*}}}*/ -
r19479 r19740 40 40 void GetAlpha2Weertman(IssmDouble* palpha2,Gauss* gauss); 41 41 void GetAlpha2WeertmanTemp(IssmDouble* palpha2,Gauss* gauss); 42 void GetAlpha2Sommers(IssmDouble* palpha2,Gauss* gauss); 42 43 }; 43 44 -
r19720 r19740 13 13 14 14 /*intermediary*/ 15 int hydrology_model; 16 bool save_results; 17 bool modify_loads=true; 18 bool isefficientlayer; 19 15 int hydrology_model; 16 bool save_results; 17 bool modify_loads=true; 18 bool isefficientlayer; 20 19 21 20 /*first recover parameters common to all solutions*/ … … 84 83 femmodel->SetCurrentConfiguration(HydrologySommersAnalysisEnum); 85 84 solutionsequence_nonlinear(femmodel,modify_loads); 85 if(VerboseSolution()) _printf0_(" updating gap height\n"); 86 HydrologySommersAnalysis* analysis = new HydrologySommersAnalysis(); 87 analysis->UpdateGapHeight(femmodel); 88 delete analysis; 86 89 87 90 if(save_results){ -
r19150 r19740 57 57 //Update once again the solution to make sure that vx and vxold are similar (for next step in transient or steadystate) 58 58 InputUpdateFromConstantx(femmodel,converged,ConvergedEnum); 59 InputUpdateFromSolutionx(femmodel,ug);59 //InputUpdateFromSolutionx(femmodel,ug); 60 60 61 61 for(;;){
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