Changeset 18796
- Timestamp:
- 11/17/14 13:21:48 (10 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
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r18516 r18796 1 1 import numpy 2 def exportVTK(filename,model,options): 3 ''' 4 vtk export 5 function exportVTK(filename,model) 6 creates a directory with the vtk files for displays in paraview 7 (only work for triangle and wedges based on their number of nodes) 8 9 Give only the results for nw but could be extended to geometry, mask... 10 11 input: filename destination 12 (string) 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 model this is md15 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 By default only the results are exported, you can add whichever 17 field you need as a string: 18 add 'geometry' to export md.geometry 19 20 Basile de Fleurian:21 ''' 2 import os 3 import model 4 import glob 5 def exportVTK(filename,model,*args): 6 ''' 7 vtk export 8 function exportVTK(filename,model) 9 creates a directory with the vtk files for displays in paraview 10 (only work for triangle and wedges based on their number of nodes) 11 12 Give only the results for nw but could be extended to geometry, mask... 13 14 input: filename destination 15 (string) 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 17 model this is md 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 19 By default only the results are exported, you can add whichever 20 field you need as a string: 21 add 'geometry' to export md.geometry 22 22 23 [path,name,ext]=fileparts(filename) 24 separator=filesep 25 mkdir(filename) 23 Basile de Fleurian: 24 ''' 25 Dir=os.path.basename(filename) 26 Path=filename[:-len(Dir)] 26 27 27 #get the element related variables 28 if model.mesh.shape[0]==2: 29 points=[model.mesh.x,model.mesh.y,zeros(model.mesh.numberofvertices,1)]; 30 else: 31 points=[model.mesh.x,model.mesh.y,model.mesh.z] 28 if os.path.exists(filename): 29 print ('File {} allready exist'.format(filename)) 30 newname=raw_input('Give a new name or "delete" to replace: ') 31 if newname=='delete': 32 filelist = glob.glob(filename+'/*') 33 for oldfile in filelist: 34 os.remove(oldfile) 35 else: 36 print ('New file name is {}'.format(newname)) 37 filename=newname 38 os.mkdir(filename) 39 else: 40 os.mkdir(filename) 32 41 33 [num_of_points,dim]=numpy.size(points) 34 [num_of_elt]=numpy.size(model.mesh.elements,1) 35 [point_per_elt]=numpy.size(model.mesh.elements,2) 42 #get the element related variables 43 if 'z' in dict.keys(model.mesh.__dict__): 44 points=numpy.column_stack((model.mesh.x,model.mesh.y,model.mesh.z)) 45 dim=3 46 else: 47 points=numpy.column_stack((model.mesh.x,model.mesh.y,numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(model.mesh.x)))) 48 dim=2 36 49 37 #Select the type of element function of the number of nodes per elements 38 if point_per_elt==3: 39 celltype=5 #triangles 40 elif point_per_elt==6: 41 celltype=13 #wedges 42 else: 43 error('Your Element definition is not taken into account \n') 44 45 #this is the result structure 46 res_struct=model.results 47 if (len(fields(res_struct))>0): 48 #Getting all the solutions of the model 49 solnames=fields(res_struct) 50 num_of_sols=numpy.length(solnames) 51 num_of_timesteps=1 52 #%building solutionstructure 53 for solution in num_of_sols: 54 sol_struct[i]=res_struct.(solnames[i]); 55 #looking for multiple time steps 56 if(numpy.size(sol_struct[i],2)>num_of_timesteps): 57 num_of_timesteps=numpy.size(sol_struct[i],2); 50 num_of_points=numpy.size(model.mesh.x) 51 num_of_elt=numpy.shape(model.mesh.elements)[0] 52 point_per_elt=numpy.shape(model.mesh.elements)[1] 53 54 #Select the type of element function of the number of nodes per elements 55 if point_per_elt==3: 56 celltype=5 #triangles 57 elif point_per_elt==6: 58 celltype=13 #wedges 59 else: 60 error('Your Element definition is not taken into account \n') 58 61 59 else: 60 num_of_timesteps=1 62 #this is the result structure 63 res_struct=model.results 64 if (len(res_struct.__dict__)>0): 65 #Getting all the solutions of the model 66 solnames=(dict.keys(res_struct.__dict__)) 67 num_of_sols=len(solnames) 68 num_of_timesteps=1 69 out_freq=model.settings.output_frequency 70 #%building solutionstructure 71 for solution in solnames: 72 #looking for multiple time steps 73 if (len(res_struct.__dict__[solution])>num_of_timesteps): 74 num_of_timesteps=len(res_struct.__dict__[solution]) 75 num_of_timesteps=int(num_of_timesteps/out_freq)+1 76 else: 77 num_of_timesteps=1 61 78 62 for step in num_of_timesteps: 63 64 timestep=step 65 66 fid = open(strcat(path,filesep,name,filesep,name,'.vtk',int2str(timestep),'.vtk'),'w+') 67 fid.write('# vtk DataFile Version 2.0 \n') 68 fid.write('Data for run %s \n' % 69 fid.write('ASCII \n') 70 fid.write('DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID \n') 79 for step in range(0,num_of_timesteps): 80 timestep=step 81 fid=open((filename +'/Timestep.vtk'+str(timestep)+'.vtk'),'w+') 82 fid.write('# vtk DataFile Version 2.0 \n') 83 fid.write('Data for run %s \n' % 84 fid.write('ASCII \n') 85 fid.write('DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID \n') 86 fid.write('POINTS %d float\n' % num_of_points) 87 if(dim==3): 88 for point in points: 89 fid.write('%f %f %f \n'%(point[0], point[1], point[2])) 90 elif(dim==2): 91 for point in points: 92 fid.write('%f %f %f \n'%(point[0], point[1], point[2])) 93 94 fid.write('CELLS %d %d\n' %(num_of_elt, num_of_elt*(point_per_elt+1))) 95 96 if point_per_elt==3: 97 for elt in range(0, num_of_elt): 98 fid.write('3 %d %d %d\n' %(model.mesh.elements[elt,0]-1,model.mesh.elements[elt,1]-1,model.mesh.elements[elt,2]-1)) 99 elif point_per_elt==6: 100 for elt in range(0, num_of_elt): 101 fid.write('6 %d %d %d %d %d %d\n' %(model.mesh.elements[elt,0]-1,model.mesh.elements[elt,1]-1,model.mesh.elements[elt,2]-1,model.mesh.elements[elt,3]-1,model.mesh.elements[elt,4]-1,model.mesh.elements[elt,5]-1)) 102 else: 103 print 'Number of nodes per element not supported' 104 105 fid.write('CELL_TYPES %d\n' %num_of_elt) 106 for elt in range(0, num_of_elt): 107 fid.write('%d\n' %celltype) 108 109 fid.write('POINT_DATA %s \n' %str(num_of_points)) 71 110 72 fid.write(fid,'POINTS %d float\n',num_of_points) 73 if(dim==3): 74 s='%f %f %f \n' 75 elif(dim==2): 76 s='%f %f \n' 77 78 P=[points zeros(num_of_points,3-dim)] 79 fid.write(fid,s,transpose de P) 80 81 fid.write('CELLS %d %d\n' % num_of_elt % num_of_elt*(point_per_elt+1)) 82 s='%d' 83 for j=1:point_per_elt: 84 s=horzcat(s,{' %d'}) 85 86 s=cell2mat(horzcat(s,{'\n'})) 87 fid.write(fid,s,[(point_per_elt)*ones(num_of_elt,1) model.mesh.elements-1]transpose) 88 89 fid.write(fid,'CELL_TYPES %d\n',num_of_elt) 90 s='%d\n' 91 fid.write(fid,s,celltype*ones(num_of_elt,1)) 92 fid.write(fid,'POINT_DATA %s \n',num2str(num_of_points)) 93 94 #loop over the different solution structures 95 if 'num_of_sols' in locals(): 96 for j=1:num_of_sols: 97 #dealing with results on different timesteps 98 if(numpy.size(sol_struct{j},2)>timestep): 99 timestep = step 100 else: 101 timestep = numpy.size(sol_struct{j},2) 102 103 #getting the number of fields in the solution 104 fieldnames=fields(sol_struct{j}(timestep)) 105 num_of_fields=numpy.length(fieldnames) 106 107 #check which field is a real result and print 108 for k=1:num_of_fields: 109 if ((numel(sol_struct{j}(timestep).(fieldnames{k})))==num_of_points): 110 #paraview does not like NaN, replacing 111 nanval=find(isnan(sol_struct{j}(timestep).(fieldnames{k}))) 112 sol_struct{j}(timestep).(fieldnames{k})(nanval)=-9999 113 #also checking for verry small value that mess up 114 smallval=(abs(sol_struct{j}(timestep).(fieldnames{k}))<1.0e-20) 115 sol_struct{j}(timestep).(fieldnames{k})(smallval)=0.0 116 fid.write('SCALARS %s float 1 \n' % fieldnames{k}) 117 fid.write('LOOKUP_TABLE default\n') 118 s='%e\n' 119 fid.write(s % sol_struct{j}(timestep).(fieldnames{k})) 120 121 #loop on arguments, if something other than result is asked, do 122 #it now 123 for j= 1:nargin-2: 124 res_struct=model.(varargin{j}) 125 fieldnames=fields(res_struct) 126 num_of_fields=numpy.length(fieldnames) 127 for k=1:num_of_fields: 128 if ((numel(res_struct.(fieldnames{k})))==num_of_points): 129 #paraview does not like NaN, replacing 130 nanval=find(isnan(res_struct.(fieldnames{k}))) 131 res_struct.(fieldnames{k})(nanval)=-9999 132 #also checking for verry small value that mess up 133 smallval=(abs(res_struct.(fieldnames{k}))<1.0e-20) 134 res_struct.(fieldnames{k})(smallval)=0.0 135 fid.write(fid,'SCALARS %s float 1 \n',fieldnames{k}) 136 fid.write(fid,'LOOKUP_TABLE default\n') 137 s='%e\n' 138 fid.write(fid,s,res_struct.(fieldnames{k})) 139 fid.close(); 111 #loop over the different solution structures 112 if 'solnames' in locals(): 113 for sol in solnames: 114 #dealing with results on different timesteps 115 if(len(res_struct.__dict__[sol])>timestep): 116 timestep = step 117 else: 118 timestep = len(res_struct.__dict__[sol]) 119 120 #getting the fields in the solution 121 fieldnames=dict.keys(res_struct.__dict__[sol].__getitem__(timestep*out_freq-1).__dict__) 122 123 #check which field is a real result and print 124 for field in fieldnames: 125 if ((numpy.size(res_struct.__dict__[sol].__getitem__(timestep*out_freq-1).__dict__[field]))==num_of_points): 126 fid.write('SCALARS %s float 1 \n' % field) 127 fid.write('LOOKUP_TABLE default\n') 128 for node in range(0,num_of_points): 129 #paraview does not like NaN, replacing 130 if numpy.isnan(res_struct.__dict__[sol].__getitem__(timestep*out_freq-1).__dict__[field][node]): 131 fid.write('%e\n' % -9999.9999) 132 #also checking for verry small value that mess up 133 elif (abs(res_struct.__dict__[sol].__getitem__(timestep*out_freq-1).__dict__[field][node])<1.0e-20): 134 fid.write('%e\n' % 0.0) 135 else: 136 fid.write('%e\n' % res_struct.__dict__[sol].__getitem__(timestep*out_freq-1).__dict__[field][node]) 137 138 #loop on arguments, if something other than result is asked, do 139 #it now 140 for other in args: 141 other_struct=model.__dict__[other] 142 othernames=(dict.keys(other_struct.__dict__)) 143 for field in othernames: 144 if ((numpy.size(other_struct.__dict__[field]))==num_of_points): 145 fid.write('SCALARS %s float 1 \n' % field) 146 fid.write('LOOKUP_TABLE default\n') 147 for node in range(0,num_of_points): 148 #paraview does not like NaN, replacing 149 if numpy.isnan(other_struct.__dict__[field][node]): 150 fid.write('%e\n' % -9999.9999) 151 #also checking for verry small value that mess up 152 elif (abs(other_struct.__dict__[field][node])<1.0e-20): 153 fid.write('%e\n' % 0.0) 154 else: 155 fid.write('%e\n' % other_struct.__dict__[field][node]) 156 fid.close();
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