Changeset 17924
- Timestamp:
- 05/04/14 14:18:34 (11 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/c
- Files:
- 19 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/LsfReinitializationAnalysis.cpp ¶
r17700 r17924 112 112 /*Intermediaries */ 113 113 const int dim = 2; 114 int i,row,col,stabilization;114 int row,col,stabilization; 115 115 IssmDouble Jdet,D_scalar; 116 116 IssmDouble dtau = 1.; … … 399 399 400 400 /* Intermediaries */ 401 int i ,k;401 int i; 402 402 IssmDouble dmaxp,dmaxm,val; 403 403 Element* element; -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/MasstransportAnalysis.cpp ¶
r17889 r17924 32 32 int stabilization,finiteelement,smb_model; 33 33 bool dakota_analysis; 34 bool issmbgradients;35 bool ispdd;36 34 bool isdelta18o; 37 35 bool isgroundingline; -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/SmoothedSurfaceSlopeYAnalysis.cpp ¶
r17886 r17924 119 119 120 120 /*Intermediaries */ 121 int input_enum;122 121 IssmDouble Jdet,thickness,slope[2]; 123 122 IssmDouble taud_y,norms,normv,vx,vy; -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/analyses/StressbalanceAnalysis.cpp ¶
r17886 r17924 3198 3198 /*Intermediaries*/ 3199 3199 bool mainlyfloating; 3200 int i,dim,domaintype,epssize;3200 int dim,domaintype; 3201 3201 int migration_style,point1; 3202 3202 IssmDouble alpha2,Jdet,fraction1,fraction2; … … 5260 5260 5261 5261 /*Intermediaries*/ 5262 int i, j,approximation;5262 int i,approximation; 5263 5263 int dim=3; 5264 5264 IssmDouble Jdet,Jdet2d,FSreconditioning; -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Elements/Element.cpp ¶
r17862 r17924 593 593 594 594 /*Intermediaries*/ 595 int i,t ,row;595 int i,t; 596 596 IssmDouble time; 597 597 -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/IoModel.cpp ¶
r17842 r17924 286 286 void IoModel::StartTrace(void){ 287 287 288 int i;289 288 bool autodiff = false; 290 289 bool keep=false; -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Loads/Riftfront.cpp ¶
r17555 r17924 39 39 int riftfront_elem_ids[2]; 40 40 int riftfront_matpar_id; 41 int riftfront_type;42 int riftfront_fill;43 41 IssmDouble riftfront_friction; 44 42 IssmDouble riftfront_fractionincrement; 45 bool riftfront_shelf;46 43 int penalty_lock; 47 44 -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Massfluxatgate.h ¶
r16499 r17924 31 31 /*FUNCTION Massfluxatgate() {{{*/ 32 32 Massfluxatgate(){ 33 this->name = 0;34 this->numsegments 35 this->segments = 0;33 this->name = 0; 34 this->numsegments = 0; 35 this->segments = 0; 36 36 } 37 37 /*}}}*/ -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/Materials/Matpar.cpp ¶
r17884 r17924 21 21 Matpar::Matpar(int matpar_mid, IoModel* iomodel){ 22 22 23 bool ispdd;24 23 bool isefficientlayer; 25 24 int hydrology_model,smb_model; -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/classes/kriging/Observations.cpp ¶
r17342 r17924 353 353 int i,j,n_obs; 354 354 IssmPDouble prediction,error; 355 IssmPDouble numerator,denominator,ratio;356 355 IssmPDouble *x = NULL; 357 356 IssmPDouble *y = NULL; -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/cores/controlm1qn3_core.cpp ¶
r17918 r17924 128 128 129 129 /*Recover Femmodel*/ 130 double f; 131 int intn,solution_type; 130 int solution_type; 132 131 FemModel *femmodel = (FemModel*)dzs; 133 132 -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/cores/masstransport_core.cpp ¶
r17887 r17924 13 13 14 14 /*parameters: */ 15 int i;16 15 int numoutputs,domaintype; 17 16 bool save_results; 18 bool is smbgradients,ispdd,isdelta18o,isFS,isfreesurface,dakota_analysis;17 bool isFS,isfreesurface,dakota_analysis; 19 18 int solution_type; 20 19 char** requested_outputs = NULL; -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/cores/steadystate_core.cpp ¶
r17236 r17924 21 21 22 22 /*intermediary: */ 23 int i;24 23 int step; 25 24 Vector<IssmDouble>* ug = NULL; -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/cores/transient_core.cpp ¶
r17760 r17924 20 20 21 21 /*parameters: */ 22 int i;23 22 IssmDouble starttime,finaltime,dt,yts; 24 bool isstressbalance,ismasstransport,isFS,isthermal,isgroundingline,isgia,islevelset,isdamageevolution,ishydrology;25 bool save_results,dakota_analysis;26 bool time_adapt=false;27 int output_frequency;28 int domaintype,groundingline_migration,smb_model;29 int numoutputs = 0;30 Analysis*analysis = NULL;31 char** requested_outputs = NULL;23 bool isstressbalance,ismasstransport,isFS,isthermal,isgroundingline,isgia,islevelset,isdamageevolution,ishydrology; 24 bool save_results,dakota_analysis; 25 bool time_adapt=false; 26 int output_frequency; 27 int domaintype,groundingline_migration; 28 int numoutputs = 0; 29 Analysis *analysis = NULL; 30 char** requested_outputs = NULL; 32 31 33 32 -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/IoModelToConstraintsx/IoModelToConstraintsx.cpp ¶
r17844 r17924 33 33 34 34 /*intermediary: */ 35 bool isnan;36 35 int i,j,count,elementnbv,numfacevertices; 37 36 IssmDouble value; … … 41 40 42 41 /*Higher-order finite elements*/ 43 int v1,v2 ,v3,v4;42 int v1,v2; 44 43 bool *my_edges = NULL; 45 44 bool *my_faces = NULL; -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/ModelProcessorx/CreateEdges.cpp ¶
r17853 r17924 149 149 bool isv1,isv2; 150 150 int facenbv,v1,v2; 151 int id_edge,id_element ,id_face;151 int id_edge,id_element; 152 152 int elementnbe; 153 153 -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/modules/ModelProcessorx/CreateParameters.cpp ¶
r17895 r17924 19 19 20 20 int i,j,m,k; 21 int numoutputs, domaintype,materialtype,smb_model;21 int numoutputs,materialtype,smb_model; 22 22 char** requestedoutputs = NULL; 23 23 IssmDouble time; 24 bool is pdd,isdelta18o;24 bool isdelta18o; 25 25 26 26 /*parameters for mass flux:*/ -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/toolkits/issm/IssmMpiSparseMat.h ¶
r16451 r17924 141 141 void Echo(void){ 142 142 143 int my_rank;144 int i,j,k;145 146 143 /*Do a synchronized dump across all the rows: */ 147 my_rank=IssmComm::GetRank();148 for(i =0;i<IssmComm::GetSize();i++){149 if 144 int my_rank=IssmComm::GetRank(); 145 for(int i=0;i<IssmComm::GetSize();i++){ 146 if(my_rank==i){ 150 147 _printf_("cpu " << i << " #rows: " << this->m << "\n"); 151 for (j=0;j<this->m;j++){148 for(int j=0;j<this->m;j++){ 152 149 _printf_("row " << j << ":"); 153 150 this->matrix[j]->Echo(); … … 190 187 int* this_row_cols = NULL; 191 188 int* this_row_mods = NULL; 192 doubletype* this_row_values = NULL;193 189 int* numvalues_perrow = NULL; 194 190 int row; … … 378 374 doubletype norm,local_norm; 379 375 doubletype absolute; 380 int i ,j;376 int i; 381 377 382 378 switch(mode){ … … 421 417 void MatMult(IssmAbsVec<doubletype>* Xin,IssmAbsVec<doubletype>* AXin){ 422 418 423 int i,j;424 doubletype *X_serial = NULL;425 426 419 /*A check on the types: */ 427 420 if(IssmVecTypeFromToolkitOptions()!=MpiEnum)_error_("MatMult operation only possible with 'mpi' vectors"); … … 432 425 433 426 /*Serialize input Xin: */ 434 X_serial=X->ToMPISerial();427 doubletype* X_serial=X->ToMPISerial(); 435 428 436 429 /*Every cpu has a serial version of the input vector. Use it to do the Matrix-Vector multiply 437 430 *locally and plug it into AXin: */ 438 for(i =0;i<this->m;i++){431 for(int i=0;i<this->m;i++){ 439 432 AX->vector[i]=this->matrix[i]->Mult(X_serial); 440 433 } -
TabularUnified issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/toolkits/mumps/MumpsSolve.cpp ¶
r16415 r17924 200 200 ISSM_MPI_Comm comm; 201 201 int num_procs; 202 int i ,j;202 int i; 203 203 int nnz,local_nnz; 204 204 int *irn_loc = NULL; … … 217 217 218 218 /*First, some checks*/ 219 if 220 if 221 if 219 if(Kff_M!=Kff_N)_error_("stiffness matrix Kff should be square"); 220 if(uf_M!=Kff_M || uf_M!=pf_M)_error_("solution vector should be the same size as stiffness matrix Kff and load vector pf"); 221 if(uf_m!=Kff_m || uf_m!=pf_m)_error_("solution vector should be locally the same size as stiffness matrix Kff and load vector pf"); 222 222 223 223 /*Initialize matrix */
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