Changeset 16548

10/25/13 15:19:46 (11 years ago)
Mathieu Morlighem

CHG: updating syntax hilighting and fixing hash indentation

2 edited


  • issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/vim/addons/vim/syntax/

    r15503 r16548  
    1515echo "\"ISSM's objects begin" >> temp
    1616find ../../../../../src/c/classes -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.h" | sed -e "s/\// /g" -e "s/\.cpp//" -e "s/\.h//" | awk '{print  $(NF)}' | sort | uniq | awk '{ printf "syn keyword cType " $1 "\n"}'>> temp
     17find ../../../../../src/c/analyses -name "*Analysis.h" | sed -e "s/\// /g" -e "s/\.cpp//" -e "s/\.h//" | awk '{print  $(NF)}' | sort | uniq | awk '{ printf "syn keyword cType " $1 "\n"}'>> temp
    1718echo "\"ISSM's objects end" >> temp
    1819cat c.vim | sed "1,/ISSM's objects end/d" >> temp
  • issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/vim/addons/vim/syntax/c.vim

    r16381 r16548  
    411411"ISSM's objects begin
    412 syn keyword cType BoolElementResult
    413412syn keyword cType BoolInput
    414413syn keyword cType BoolParam
    415 syn keyword cType classes
    416414syn keyword cType Constraint
    417415syn keyword cType Constraints
    419417syn keyword cType Contours
    420418syn keyword cType ControlInput
     419syn keyword cType DataSetParam
    421420syn keyword cType DatasetInput
    422 syn keyword cType DataSetParam
     421syn keyword cType Definition
    423422syn keyword cType DependentObject
    424423syn keyword cType DofIndexing
    425 syn keyword cType DoubleElementResult
    426424syn keyword cType DoubleInput
    427425syn keyword cType DoubleMatArrayParam
    433431syn keyword cType ElementHook
    434432syn keyword cType ElementMatrix
    435 syn keyword cType ElementResult
     433syn keyword cType ElementVector
    436434syn keyword cType Elements
    437 syn keyword cType ElementVector
    438435syn keyword cType ExponentialVariogram
    439436syn keyword cType ExternalResult
    441438syn keyword cType FileParam
    442439syn keyword cType Friction
    443 syn keyword cType GaussianVariogram
    444 syn keyword cType gaussobjects
    445440syn keyword cType GaussPenta
    446441syn keyword cType GaussSeg
    447442syn keyword cType GaussTria
     443syn keyword cType GaussianVariogram
    448444syn keyword cType GenericExternalResult
    449445syn keyword cType GenericOption
    459455syn keyword cType IntVecParam
    460456syn keyword cType IoModel
    461 syn keyword cType krigingobjects
    462457syn keyword cType Load
    463458syn keyword cType Loads
     459syn keyword cType Massfluxatgate
    464460syn keyword cType Material
    465461syn keyword cType Materials
    466462syn keyword cType Matice
    467463syn keyword cType Matpar
    468 syn keyword cType matrixobjects
    469464syn keyword cType MatrixParam
    470465syn keyword cType Node
    474469syn keyword cType Observations
    475470syn keyword cType Option
     471syn keyword cType OptionUtilities
    476472syn keyword cType Options
    477 syn keyword cType OptionUtilities
    478473syn keyword cType Param
    479474syn keyword cType Parameters
    480 syn keyword cType Patch
    481475syn keyword cType Pengrid
    482476syn keyword cType Penpair
    483477syn keyword cType Penta
    484478syn keyword cType PentaInput
    485 syn keyword cType PentaP1ElementResult
    486479syn keyword cType PentaRef
    487480syn keyword cType PowerVariogram
    489482syn keyword cType Quadtree
    490483syn keyword cType Results
     484syn keyword cType RiftStruct
    491485syn keyword cType Riftfront
    492 syn keyword cType RiftStruct
    493486syn keyword cType Seg
     487syn keyword cType SegInput
     488syn keyword cType SegRef
    494489syn keyword cType Segment
    495 syn keyword cType SegRef
    496490syn keyword cType SpcDynamic
    497491syn keyword cType SpcStatic
    504498syn keyword cType Tria
    505499syn keyword cType TriaInput
    506 syn keyword cType TriaP1ElementResult
    507500syn keyword cType TriaRef
    508501syn keyword cType Update
    511504syn keyword cType Vertex
    512505syn keyword cType Vertices
     506syn keyword cType classes
     507syn keyword cType gaussobjects
     508syn keyword cType krigingobjects
     509syn keyword cType matrixobjects
     510syn keyword cType AdjointBalancethicknessAnalysis
     511syn keyword cType AdjointHorizAnalysis
     512syn keyword cType Analysis
     513syn keyword cType BalancethicknessAnalysis
     514syn keyword cType BalancethicknessSoftAnalysis
     515syn keyword cType BalancevelocityAnalysis
     516syn keyword cType DamageEvolutionAnalysis
     517syn keyword cType EnthalpyAnalysis
     518syn keyword cType EnumToAnalysis
     519syn keyword cType ExtrudeFromBaseAnalysis
     520syn keyword cType ExtrudeFromTopAnalysis
     521syn keyword cType FreeSurfaceBaseAnalysis
     522syn keyword cType FreeSurfaceTopAnalysis
     523syn keyword cType GiaAnalysis
     524syn keyword cType HydrologyDCEfficientAnalysis
     525syn keyword cType HydrologyDCInefficientAnalysis
     526syn keyword cType HydrologyShreveAnalysis
     527syn keyword cType L2ProjectionBaseAnalysis
     528syn keyword cType MasstransportAnalysis
     529syn keyword cType MeltingAnalysis
     530syn keyword cType MeshdeformationAnalysis
     531syn keyword cType SmoothedSurfaceSlopeXAnalysis
     532syn keyword cType SmoothedSurfaceSlopeYAnalysis
     533syn keyword cType StressbalanceAnalysis
     534syn keyword cType StressbalanceSIAAnalysis
     535syn keyword cType StressbalanceVerticalAnalysis
     536syn keyword cType ThermalAnalysis
    513537"ISSM's objects end
    514538"ISSM's Enums begin
    554578syn keyword cConstant StressbalanceIsnewtonEnum
    555579syn keyword cConstant StressbalanceMaxiterEnum
    556 syn keyword cConstant StressbalanceNumRequestedOutputsEnum
    557580syn keyword cConstant StressbalancePenaltyFactorEnum
    558581syn keyword cConstant StressbalanceReferentialEnum
    559582syn keyword cConstant StressbalanceReltolEnum
     583syn keyword cConstant StressbalanceNumRequestedOutputsEnum
    560584syn keyword cConstant StressbalanceRequestedOutputsEnum
    561585syn keyword cConstant StressbalanceRestolEnum
    732756syn keyword cConstant SettingsLowmemEnum
    733757syn keyword cConstant SettingsOutputFrequencyEnum
    734 syn keyword cConstant SettingsResultsAsPatchesEnum
    735758syn keyword cConstant SettingsWaitonlockEnum
    736759syn keyword cConstant SurfaceforcingsDelta18oEnum
    769792syn keyword cConstant ThermalSpctemperatureEnum
    770793syn keyword cConstant ThermalStabilizationEnum
     794syn keyword cConstant ThermalNumRequestedOutputsEnum
     795syn keyword cConstant ThermalRequestedOutputsEnum
    771796syn keyword cConstant GiaMantleViscosityEnum
    772797syn keyword cConstant GiaLithosphereThicknessEnum
    791816syn keyword cConstant AdjointHorizAnalysisEnum
    792817syn keyword cConstant AnalysisCounterEnum
    793 syn keyword cConstant NoneAnalysisEnum
    794818syn keyword cConstant DefaultAnalysisEnum
    795819syn keyword cConstant BalancethicknessAnalysisEnum
    799823syn keyword cConstant BalancevelocityAnalysisEnum
    800824syn keyword cConstant BalancevelocitySolutionEnum
    801 syn keyword cConstant BedSlopeAnalysisEnum
     825syn keyword cConstant L2ProjectionBaseAnalysisEnum
    802826syn keyword cConstant BedSlopeSolutionEnum
    803 syn keyword cConstant BedSlopeXAnalysisEnum
    804 syn keyword cConstant BedSlopeYAnalysisEnum
    805827syn keyword cConstant DamageEvolutionSolutionEnum
    806828syn keyword cConstant DamageEvolutionAnalysisEnum
    810832syn keyword cConstant StressbalanceVerticalAnalysisEnum
    811833syn keyword cConstant EnthalpyAnalysisEnum
    812 syn keyword cConstant EnthalpySolutionEnum
    813834syn keyword cConstant FlaimAnalysisEnum
    814835syn keyword cConstant FlaimSolutionEnum
    822843syn keyword cConstant FreeSurfaceBaseAnalysisEnum
    823844syn keyword cConstant FreeSurfaceTopAnalysisEnum
     845syn keyword cConstant ExtrudeFromBaseAnalysisEnum
     846syn keyword cConstant ExtrudeFromTopAnalysisEnum
    824847syn keyword cConstant SteadystateSolutionEnum
    825 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceSlopeAnalysisEnum
     848syn keyword cConstant L2ProjectionTopAnalysisEnum
    826849syn keyword cConstant SurfaceSlopeSolutionEnum
    827 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceSlopeXAnalysisEnum
    828 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceSlopeYAnalysisEnum
    829850syn keyword cConstant SmoothedSurfaceSlopeXAnalysisEnum
    830851syn keyword cConstant SmoothedSurfaceSlopeYAnalysisEnum
    870891syn keyword cConstant DoubleVecParamEnum
    871892syn keyword cConstant ElementEnum
    872 syn keyword cConstant ElementResultEnum
    873893syn keyword cConstant ExternalResultEnum
    874894syn keyword cConstant FileParamEnum
    875895syn keyword cConstant InputEnum
    876896syn keyword cConstant IntInputEnum
     897syn keyword cConstant InputToExtrudeEnum
     898syn keyword cConstant InputToL2ProjectEnum
    877899syn keyword cConstant IntParamEnum
    878900syn keyword cConstant IntVecParamEnum
    10151037syn keyword cConstant TaylorHoodEnum
    10161038syn keyword cConstant SaveResultsEnum
    1017 syn keyword cConstant BoolElementResultEnum
    10181039syn keyword cConstant BoolExternalResultEnum
    1019 syn keyword cConstant DoubleElementResultEnum
    10201040syn keyword cConstant DoubleExternalResultEnum
    10211041syn keyword cConstant DoubleMatExternalResultEnum
    10221042syn keyword cConstant IntExternalResultEnum
    10231043syn keyword cConstant JEnum
    1024 syn keyword cConstant PatchEnum
    1025 syn keyword cConstant PatchNodesEnum
    1026 syn keyword cConstant PatchVerticesEnum
    1027 syn keyword cConstant PentaP1ElementResultEnum
    10281044syn keyword cConstant StringExternalResultEnum
    10291045syn keyword cConstant StepEnum
    10301046syn keyword cConstant TimeEnum
    1031 syn keyword cConstant TriaP1ElementResultEnum
    10321047syn keyword cConstant WaterColumnOldEnum
     1048syn keyword cConstant OutputdefinitionEnum
     1049syn keyword cConstant OutputdefinitionListEnum
     1050syn keyword cConstant MassfluxatgateEnum
     1051syn keyword cConstant MassfluxatgateNameEnum
     1052syn keyword cConstant MassfluxatgateSegmentsEnum
    10331053syn keyword cConstant MinVelEnum
    10341054syn keyword cConstant MaxVelEnum
    10901110syn keyword cConstant DenseEnum
    10911111syn keyword cConstant MpiDenseEnum
     1112syn keyword cConstant MpiSparseEnum
    10921113syn keyword cConstant SeqEnum
    10931114syn keyword cConstant MpiEnum
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.