Changeset 15678
- Timestamp:
- 08/01/13 16:47:22 (12 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r15677 r15678 854 854 AC_ARG_WITH([slepc-dir], 855 855 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-slepc-dir=DIR],[slepc root directory]), 856 [SLEPC_ROOT=$withval],[SLEPC_ROOT=" "])856 [SLEPC_ROOT=$withval],[SLEPC_ROOT="no"]) 857 857 858 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for slepc headers and libraries in $SLEPC_ROOT) 859 if test -d "$SLEPC_ROOT"; then 858 dnl Check whether slepc is enabled 859 AC_MSG_CHECKING([for slepc]) 860 if test "x$SLEPC_ROOT" = "xno" ; then 861 HAVE_SLEPC=no 862 else 860 863 HAVE_SLEPC=yes 864 if ! test -d "$SLEPC_ROOT"; then 865 AC_MSG_ERROR([slepc directory provided ($SLEPC_ROOT) does not exist]); 866 fi 867 fi 868 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_SLEPC) 869 870 dnl slepc headers and libraries 871 if test "x$HAVE_SLEPC" == "xyes"; then 861 872 SLEPCINCL=-I"$SLEPC_ROOT/include" 862 873 SLEPCLIB=-L"$SLEPC_ROOT/lib/ -lslepc" … … 864 875 AC_SUBST([SLEPCINCL]) 865 876 AC_SUBST([SLEPCLIB]) 866 else 867 HAVE_SLEPC=no 868 fi 869 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_SLEPC) 877 fi 870 878 dnl }}} 871 879 dnl shapelib{{{ 872 880 AC_ARG_WITH([shapelib-dir], 873 881 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-shapelib-dir=DIR], [shapelib root directory]), 874 [SHAPELIB_ROOT=$withval],[SHAPELIB_ROOT=" "])882 [SHAPELIB_ROOT=$withval],[SHAPELIB_ROOT="no"]) 875 883 876 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for shapelib headers and libraries in $SHAPELIB_ROOT) 877 if test -d "$SHAPELIB_ROOT"; then 878 879 dnl defaults 884 dnl Check whether shapelib is enabled 885 AC_MSG_CHECKING([for shapelib]) 886 if test "x$SHAPELIB_ROOT" = "xno" ; then 887 HAVE_SHAPELIB=no 888 else 880 889 HAVE_SHAPELIB=yes 890 if ! test -d "$SHAPELIB_ROOT"; then 891 AC_MSG_ERROR([shapelib directory provided ($SHAPELIB_ROOT) does not exist]); 892 fi 893 fi 894 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_SHAPELIB) 895 896 dnl shapelib headers and libraries 897 if test "x$HAVE_SHAPELIB" == "xyes"; then 881 898 SHAPELIBINCL=-I"$SHAPELIB_ROOT/include" 882 899 SHAPELIBLIB=-L"$SHAPELIB_ROOT/lib/ -lshape" 883 884 900 AC_DEFINE([_HAVE_SHAPELIB_],[1],[with Shapelib in ISSM src]) 885 901 AC_SUBST([SHAPELIBINCL]) 886 902 AC_SUBST([SHAPELIBLIB]) 887 else 888 HAVE_SHAPELIB=no 889 fi 890 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_SHAPELIB) 903 fi 891 904 dnl }}} 892 905 dnl scalapack{{{ 893 906 AC_ARG_WITH([scalapack-dir], 894 907 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-scalapack-dir=DIR],[scalapack root directory]), 895 [SCALAPACK_ROOT=$withval],[SCALAPACK_ROOT=" "])908 [SCALAPACK_ROOT=$withval],[SCALAPACK_ROOT="no"]) 896 909 897 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for scalapack headers and libraries in $SCALAPACK_ROOT) 898 if test -d "$SCALAPACK_ROOT"; then 899 900 dnl defaults 910 dnl Check whether scalapack is enabled 911 AC_MSG_CHECKING([for scalapack]) 912 if test "x$SCALAPACK_ROOT" = "xno" ; then 913 HAVE_SCALAPACK=no 914 else 901 915 HAVE_SCALAPACK=yes 916 if ! test -d "$SCALAPACK_ROOT"; then 917 AC_MSG_ERROR([scalapack directory provided ($SCALAPACK_ROOT) does not exist]); 918 fi 919 fi 920 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_SCALAPACK) 921 922 dnl scalapack headers and libraries 923 if test "x$HAVE_SCALAPACK" == "xyes"; then 902 924 if test x$VENDOR = xintel-discover; then 903 925 SCALAPACKLIB=-L"$SCALAPACK_ROOT/ -lmkl_scalapack_lp64" … … 905 927 SCALAPACKLIB=-L"$SCALAPACK_ROOT/ -lscalapack" 906 928 fi 907 908 929 AC_DEFINE([_HAVE_SCALAPACK_],[1],[with Scalapack in ISSM src]) 909 930 AC_SUBST([SCALAPACKLIB]) 910 else 911 HAVE_SCALAPACK=no 912 fi 913 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_SCALAPACK) 931 fi 914 932 dnl }}} 915 933 dnl blas-lapack{{{ 916 934 AC_ARG_WITH([blas-lapack-dir], 917 935 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-blas-lapack-dir=DIR],[blas-lapack root directory]), 918 [BLASLAPACK_ROOT=$withval],[BLASLAPACK_ROOT=" "])936 [BLASLAPACK_ROOT=$withval],[BLASLAPACK_ROOT="no"]) 919 937 920 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for blas and lapack headers and libraries in $BLASLAPACK_ROOT) 921 if test -d "$BLASLAPACK_ROOT"; then 922 923 dnl defaults 938 dnl Check whether blas-lapack is enabled 939 AC_MSG_CHECKING([for blas-lapack]) 940 if test "x$BLASLAPACK_ROOT" = "xno" ; then 941 HAVE_BLASLAPACK=no 942 else 924 943 HAVE_BLASLAPACK=yes 944 if ! test -d "$BLASLAPACK_ROOT"; then 945 AC_MSG_ERROR([blas-lapack directory provided ($BLASLAPACK_ROOT) does not exist]); 946 fi 947 fi 948 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_BLASLAPACK) 949 950 dnl blas-lapack headers and libraries 951 if test "x$HAVE_BLASLAPACK" == "xyes"; then 925 952 BLASLAPACKINCL="" 926 927 953 if test x$VENDOR = xintel-discover; then 928 954 BLASLAPACKLIB=-L"$BLASLAPACK_ROOT -lmkl_lapack -lmkl -lguide -lpthread" 929 955 else 930 dnl: branch on whether we are running on windows or linux. 931 case "${host_os}" in 932 *cygwin*) 933 BLASLAPACKLIB="-L`cygpath -m $BLASLAPACK_ROOT` -Wl,libf2cblas.lib -Wl,libf2clapack.lib" 934 ;; 935 *linux*) 936 BLASLAPACKLIB=-L"$BLASLAPACK_ROOT/lib -lflapack -lfblas " 937 ;; 938 *darwin*) 939 BLASLAPACKLIB=-L"$BLASLAPACK_ROOT/lib -lflapack -lfblas " 940 ;; 941 esac 942 fi 943 956 dnl: branch on whether we are running on windows or linux. 957 case "${host_os}" in 958 *cygwin*) 959 BLASLAPACKLIB="-L`cygpath -m $BLASLAPACK_ROOT` -Wl,libf2cblas.lib -Wl,libf2clapack.lib" 960 ;; 961 *linux*) 962 BLASLAPACKLIB=-L"$BLASLAPACK_ROOT/lib -lflapack -lfblas " 963 ;; 964 *darwin*) 965 BLASLAPACKLIB=-L"$BLASLAPACK_ROOT/lib -lflapack -lfblas " 966 ;; 967 esac 968 fi 944 969 AC_DEFINE([_HAVE_BLASLAPACK_],[1],[with blas lapack in ISSM src]) 945 970 AC_SUBST([BLASLAPACKLIB]) 946 971 AC_SUBST([BLASLAPACKINCL]) 947 else 948 HAVE_BLASLAPACK=no 949 fi 950 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_BLASLAPACK) 972 fi 951 973 dnl }}} 952 974 dnl mkl{{{ 953 975 AC_ARG_WITH([mkl-dir], 954 976 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-mkl-dir=DIR],[mkl root directory]), 955 [MKL_ROOT=$withval],[MKL_ROOT=" "])977 [MKL_ROOT=$withval],[MKL_ROOT="no"]) 956 978 957 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for mkl headers and libraries in $MKL_ROOT) 958 if test -d "$MKL_ROOT"; then 959 960 dnl defaults 979 dnl Check whether mkl is enabled 980 AC_MSG_CHECKING([for mkl]) 981 if test "x$MKL_ROOT" = "xno" ; then 982 HAVE_MKL=no 983 else 961 984 HAVE_MKL=yes 985 if ! test -d "$MKL_ROOT"; then 986 AC_MSG_ERROR([mkl directory provided ($MKL_ROOT) does not exist]); 987 fi 988 fi 989 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_MKL) 990 991 dnl mkl headers and libraries 992 if test "x$HAVE_MKL" == "xyes"; then 962 993 MKLINCL="" 963 994 if test x$VENDOR = xintel-pleiades; then 964 995 MKLLIB=-L"$MKL_ROOT -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -liomp5 -lpthread" 965 996 else 966 997 MKLLIB=-L"$MKL_ROOT -lmkl -lmkl_lapack -lmkl_scalapack_ilp64 -lmkl_blacs_sgimpt_ilp64 -lguide -lpthread" 967 998 fi 968 999 AC_DEFINE([_HAVE_MKL_],[1],[with mkl in ISSM src]) 969 1000 AC_SUBST([MKLLIB]) 970 1001 AC_SUBST([MKLINCL]) 971 else 972 HAVE_MKL=no 973 fi 974 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_MKL) 1002 fi 975 1003 dnl }}} 976 1004 dnl plapack{{{ … … 989 1017 if test -n "$PLAPACK_INCLUDE"; then 990 1018 991 dnl defaults992 1019 HAVE_PLAPACK=yes 993 1020 PLAPACKINCL="$PLAPACK_INCLUDE" 994 1021 PLAPACKLIB="$PLAPACK_LIB" 995 996 1022 AC_DEFINE([_HAVE_PLAPACK_],[1],[with Plapack in ISSM src]) 997 1023 AC_SUBST([PLAPACKINCL]) … … 1008 1034 AC_ARG_WITH([mumps-dir], 1009 1035 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-mumps-dir=DIR],[mumps root directory]), 1010 [MUMPS_ROOT=$withval],[MUMPS_ROOT=" "])1036 [MUMPS_ROOT=$withval],[MUMPS_ROOT="no"]) 1011 1037 1012 AC_MSG_CHECKING(for mumps headers and libraries in $MUMPS_ROOT) 1013 if test -d "$MUMPS_ROOT"; then 1014 1015 dnl defaults 1038 dnl Check whether mumps is enabled 1039 AC_MSG_CHECKING([for mumps]) 1040 if test "x$MUMPS_ROOT" = "xno" ; then 1041 HAVE_MUMPS=no 1042 else 1016 1043 HAVE_MUMPS=yes 1044 if ! test -d "$MUMPS_ROOT"; then 1045 AC_MSG_ERROR([mumps directory provided ($MUMPS_ROOT) does not exist]); 1046 fi 1047 fi 1048 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_MUMPS) 1049 1050 dnl mumps headers and libraries 1051 if test "x$HAVE_MUMPS" == "xyes"; then 1017 1052 MUMPSINCL=-I"$MUMPS_ROOT/include" 1018 1053 if test "$PETSC_MAJOR" = "2" ; then 1019 MUMPSLIB=-L"$MUMPS_ROOT/lib -ldmumps -lcmumps -lpord "1054 MUMPSLIB=-L"$MUMPS_ROOT/lib -ldmumps -lcmumps -lpord " 1020 1055 else 1021 dnl MUMPSLIB=-L"$MUMPS_ROOT/lib -ldmumps -lcmumps -lmumps_common -lpord -lparmetis -lzmumps" 1022 MUMPSLIB=-L"$MUMPS_ROOT/lib -ldmumps -lcmumps -lmumps_common -lpord -lparmetis" 1023 fi 1024 1056 dnl MUMPSLIB=-L"$MUMPS_ROOT/lib -ldmumps -lcmumps -lmumps_common -lpord -lparmetis -lzmumps" 1057 MUMPSLIB=-L"$MUMPS_ROOT/lib -ldmumps -lcmumps -lmumps_common -lpord -lparmetis" 1058 fi 1025 1059 AC_DEFINE([_HAVE_MUMPS_],[1],[with Mumps in ISSM src]) 1026 1060 AC_SUBST([MUMPSINCL]) 1027 1061 AC_SUBST([MUMPSLIB]) 1028 else1029 HAVE_MUMPS=no1030 1062 fi 1031 1063 AM_CONDITIONAL([MUMPS], [test x$HAVE_MUMPS = xyes]) 1032 AC_MSG_RESULT($HAVE_MUMPS)1033 1064 dnl }}} 1034 1065 dnl blacs{{{
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