Changeset 15535
- Timestamp:
- 07/22/13 11:18:34 (12 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/classes
- Files:
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r15517 r15535 1555 1555 1556 1556 /*Step1: Get and Extrude original input: */ 1557 if 1557 if(object_type==ElementEnum){ 1558 1558 num_inputs=1; 1559 1559 base_inputs=xNew<Input*>(num_inputs); 1560 1560 base_inputs[0]=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(enum_type); 1561 1561 } 1562 else if 1562 else if(object_type==MaterialsEnum){ 1563 1563 num_inputs=1; 1564 1564 base_inputs=xNew<Input*>(num_inputs); … … 9645 9645 void Penta::MigrateGroundingLine(IssmDouble* old_floating_ice,IssmDouble* sheet_ungrounding){ 9646 9646 9647 int i,migration_style; 9648 bool floatingelement = false; 9649 bool groundedelement = false; 9650 IssmDouble bed_hydro,yts,gl_melting_rate; 9651 IssmDouble rho_water,rho_ice,density; 9652 IssmDouble melting[NUMVERTICES],phi[NUMVERTICES]; 9653 IssmDouble h[NUMVERTICES],s[NUMVERTICES],b[NUMVERTICES],ba[NUMVERTICES]; 9647 int i,migration_style; 9648 bool floatingelement = false; 9649 bool groundedelement = false; 9650 IssmDouble bed_hydro,yts,gl_melting_rate; 9651 IssmDouble rho_water,rho_ice,density; 9652 IssmDouble h[NUMVERTICES],s[NUMVERTICES],b[NUMVERTICES],r[NUMVERTICES]; 9653 IssmDouble melting[NUMVERTICES],phi[NUMVERTICES]; 9654 bool grounded[NUMVERTICES],floating[NUMVERTICES]; 9654 9655 9655 9656 if(!IsOnBed()) return; … … 9662 9663 GetInputListOnVertices(&s[0],SurfaceEnum); 9663 9664 GetInputListOnVertices(&b[0],BedEnum); 9664 GetInputListOnVertices(& ba[0],BathymetryEnum);9665 GetInputListOnVertices(&r[0],BathymetryEnum); 9665 9666 if(migration_style==SubelementMigrationEnum) GetInputListOnVertices(&phi[0],GLlevelsetEnum); 9666 rho_water =matpar->GetRhoWater();9667 rho_ice =matpar->GetRhoIce();9668 density =rho_ice/rho_water;9667 rho_water = matpar->GetRhoWater(); 9668 rho_ice = matpar->GetRhoIce(); 9669 density = rho_ice/rho_water; 9669 9670 9670 9671 /*go through vertices, and update inputs, considering them to be PentaVertex type: */ … … 9672 9673 /*Ice shelf: if bed below bathymetry, impose it at the bathymetry and update surface, elso do nothing */ 9673 9674 if(reCast<bool,IssmDouble>(old_floating_ice[nodes[i]->Sid()])){ 9674 if(b[i]<=ba[i]){ 9675 b[i]=ba[i]; 9676 s[i]=b[i]+h[i]; 9675 if(b[i]<=r[i]){ 9676 b[i] = r[i]; 9677 s[i] = b[i]+h[i]; 9678 floating[i] = false; 9679 grounded[i] = true; 9677 9680 nodes[i]->inputs->AddInput(new BoolInput(MaskVertexonfloatingiceEnum,false)); 9678 9681 nodes[i]->inputs->AddInput(new BoolInput(MaskVertexongroundediceEnum,true)); … … 9683 9686 else{ 9684 9687 bed_hydro=-density*h[i]; 9685 if (bed_hydro>ba[i]){9688 if(bed_hydro>r[i]){ 9686 9689 /*Unground only if the element is connected to the ice shelf*/ 9687 9690 if(migration_style==AgressiveMigrationEnum || migration_style==SubelementMigrationEnum){ 9688 s[i]=(1-density)*h[i]; 9689 b[i]=-density*h[i]; 9691 s[i] = (1-density)*h[i]; 9692 b[i] = -density*h[i]; 9693 floating[i] = true; 9694 grounded[i] = false; 9690 9695 nodes[i]->inputs->AddInput(new BoolInput(MaskVertexonfloatingiceEnum,true)); 9691 9696 nodes[i]->inputs->AddInput(new BoolInput(MaskVertexongroundediceEnum,false)); 9692 9697 } 9693 9698 else if(migration_style==SoftMigrationEnum && reCast<int,IssmDouble>(sheet_ungrounding[nodes[i]->Sid()])){ 9694 s[i]=(1-density)*h[i]; 9695 b[i]=-density*h[i]; 9699 s[i] = (1-density)*h[i]; 9700 b[i] = -density*h[i]; 9701 floating[i] = true; 9702 grounded[i] = false; 9696 9703 nodes[i]->inputs->AddInput(new BoolInput(MaskVertexonfloatingiceEnum,true)); 9697 9704 nodes[i]->inputs->AddInput(new BoolInput(MaskVertexongroundediceEnum,false)); … … 9736 9743 /*Recalculate phi*/ 9737 9744 if(migration_style==SubelementMigrationEnum){ 9738 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++) phi[i]=h[i]+ ba[i]/density;9745 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++) phi[i]=h[i]+r[i]/density; 9739 9746 this->inputs->AddInput(new PentaInput(GLlevelsetEnum,&phi[0],P1Enum)); 9740 9747 this->InputExtrude(GLlevelsetEnum,ElementEnum); … … 9752 9759 void Penta::PotentialUngrounding(Vector<IssmDouble>* potential_ungrounding){ 9753 9760 9754 int i; 9755 IssmDouble h[NUMVERTICES],ba[NUMVERTICES]; 9761 IssmDouble h[NUMVERTICES],r[NUMVERTICES]; 9756 9762 IssmDouble bed_hydro; 9757 9763 IssmDouble rho_water,rho_ice,density; … … 9762 9768 density=rho_ice/rho_water; 9763 9769 GetInputListOnVertices(&h[0],ThicknessEnum); 9764 GetInputListOnVertices(& ba[0],BathymetryEnum);9770 GetInputListOnVertices(&r[0],BathymetryEnum); 9765 9771 9766 9772 /*go through vertices, and figure out which ones are on the ice sheet, and want to unground: */ 9767 for(i =0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){9773 for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){ 9768 9774 /*Find if grounded vertices want to start floating*/ 9769 9775 if (!nodes[i]->IsFloating()){ 9770 9776 bed_hydro=-density*h[i]; 9771 if (bed_hydro>ba[i]){9777 if(bed_hydro>r[i]){ 9772 9778 /*Vertex that could potentially unground, flag it*/ 9773 9779 potential_ungrounding->SetValue(nodes[i]->Sid(),1,INS_VAL); -
r15525 r15535 7166 7166 void Tria::MigrateGroundingLine(IssmDouble* old_floating_ice,IssmDouble* sheet_ungrounding){ 7167 7167 7168 int i,migration_style; 7169 bool floatingelement = false; 7170 bool groundedelement = false; 7171 IssmDouble bed_hydro,yts,gl_melting_rate; 7172 IssmDouble rho_water,rho_ice,density; 7173 IssmDouble melting[NUMVERTICES],phi[NUMVERTICES];; 7174 IssmDouble h[NUMVERTICES],s[NUMVERTICES],b[NUMVERTICES],ba[NUMVERTICES]; 7168 int i,migration_style; 7169 bool floatingelement = false; 7170 bool groundedelement = false; 7171 IssmDouble bed_hydro,yts,gl_melting_rate; 7172 IssmDouble rho_water,rho_ice,density; 7173 IssmDouble melting[NUMVERTICES],phi[NUMVERTICES];; 7174 IssmDouble h[NUMVERTICES],s[NUMVERTICES],b[NUMVERTICES],r[NUMVERTICES]; 7175 bool grounded[NUMVERTICES],floating[NUMVERTICES]; 7175 7176 7176 7177 /*Recover info at the vertices: */ … … 7181 7182 GetInputListOnVertices(&s[0],SurfaceEnum); 7182 7183 GetInputListOnVertices(&b[0],BedEnum); 7183 GetInputListOnVertices(& ba[0],BathymetryEnum);7184 GetInputListOnVertices(&r[0],BathymetryEnum); 7184 7185 if(migration_style==SubelementMigrationEnum || migration_style==SubelementMigration2Enum) GetInputListOnVertices(&phi[0],GLlevelsetEnum); 7185 rho_water =matpar->GetRhoWater();7186 rho_ice =matpar->GetRhoIce();7187 density =rho_ice/rho_water;7186 rho_water = matpar->GetRhoWater(); 7187 rho_ice = matpar->GetRhoIce(); 7188 density = rho_ice/rho_water; 7188 7189 7189 7190 /*go through vertices, and update inputs, considering them to be TriaVertex type: */ … … 7191 7192 /*Ice shelf: if bed below bathymetry, impose it at the bathymetry and update surface, elso do nothing */ 7192 7193 if(reCast<bool>(old_floating_ice[nodes[i]->Sid()])){ 7193 if(b[i]<=ba[i]){ 7194 b[i]=ba[i]; 7195 s[i]=b[i]+h[i]; 7194 if(b[i]<=r[i]){ 7195 b[i] = r[i]; 7196 s[i] = b[i]+h[i]; 7197 floating[i] = false; 7198 grounded[i] = true; 7196 7199 nodes[i]->inputs->AddInput(new BoolInput(MaskVertexonfloatingiceEnum,false)); 7197 7200 nodes[i]->inputs->AddInput(new BoolInput(MaskVertexongroundediceEnum,true)); … … 7202 7205 else{ 7203 7206 bed_hydro=-density*h[i]; 7204 if (bed_hydro> ba[i]){7207 if (bed_hydro>r[i]){ 7205 7208 /*Unground only if the element is connected to the ice shelf*/ 7206 7209 if(migration_style==AgressiveMigrationEnum || migration_style==SubelementMigrationEnum || migration_style==SubelementMigration2Enum){ 7207 s[i]=(1-density)*h[i]; 7208 b[i]=-density*h[i]; 7210 s[i] = (1-density)*h[i]; 7211 b[i] = -density*h[i]; 7212 floating[i] = true; 7213 grounded[i] = false; 7209 7214 nodes[i]->inputs->AddInput(new BoolInput(MaskVertexonfloatingiceEnum,true)); 7210 7215 nodes[i]->inputs->AddInput(new BoolInput(MaskVertexongroundediceEnum,false)); 7211 7216 } 7212 7217 else if(migration_style==SoftMigrationEnum && reCast<bool>(sheet_ungrounding[nodes[i]->Sid()])){ 7213 s[i]=(1-density)*h[i]; 7214 b[i]=-density*h[i]; 7218 s[i] = (1-density)*h[i]; 7219 b[i] = -density*h[i]; 7220 floating[i] = true; 7221 grounded[i] = false; 7215 7222 nodes[i]->inputs->AddInput(new BoolInput(MaskVertexonfloatingiceEnum,true)); 7216 7223 nodes[i]->inputs->AddInput(new BoolInput(MaskVertexongroundediceEnum,false)); … … 7256 7263 /*Recalculate phi*/ 7257 7264 if(migration_style==SubelementMigrationEnum || migration_style==SubelementMigration2Enum){ 7258 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++) phi[i]=h[i]+ ba[i]/density;7265 for(i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++) phi[i]=h[i]+r[i]/density; 7259 7266 this->inputs->AddInput(new TriaInput(GLlevelsetEnum,&phi[0],P1Enum)); 7260 7267 } … … 7264 7271 void Tria::PotentialUngrounding(Vector<IssmDouble>* potential_ungrounding){ 7265 7272 7266 int i; 7267 IssmDouble h[NUMVERTICES],ba[NUMVERTICES]; 7273 IssmDouble h[NUMVERTICES],r[NUMVERTICES]; 7268 7274 IssmDouble bed_hydro; 7269 7275 IssmDouble rho_water,rho_ice,density; … … 7274 7280 density=rho_ice/rho_water; 7275 7281 GetInputListOnVertices(&h[0],ThicknessEnum); 7276 GetInputListOnVertices(& ba[0],BathymetryEnum);7282 GetInputListOnVertices(&r[0],BathymetryEnum); 7277 7283 7278 7284 /*go through vertices, and figure out which ones are grounded and want to unground: */ 7279 for(i =0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){7285 for(int i=0;i<NUMVERTICES;i++){ 7280 7286 /*Find if grounded vertices want to start floating*/ 7281 7287 if (!nodes[i]->IsFloating()){ 7282 7288 bed_hydro=-density*h[i]; 7283 if (bed_hydro>ba[i]){7289 if(bed_hydro>r[i]){ 7284 7290 /*Vertex that could potentially unground, flag it*/ 7285 7291 potential_ungrounding->SetValue(nodes[i]->Sid(),1,INS_VAL); -
r15464 r15535 65 65 /*}}}*/ 66 66 /*Node numerical routines {{{*/ 67 void 68 void 69 int 67 void CreateNodalConstraints(Vector<IssmDouble>* ys); 68 void SetCurrentConfiguration(DataSet* nodes,Vertices* vertices); 69 int Sid(void); 70 70 #ifdef _HAVE_DIAGNOSTIC_ 71 void 71 void GetCoordinateSystem(IssmDouble* coord_system_out); 72 72 #endif 73 bool 74 int 75 int 76 int 77 void 78 void 79 void 80 void 81 int 82 void 83 void 84 void 85 void 86 bool 87 void 88 void 89 int IsFloating();90 int IsGrounded();91 void UpdateSpcs(IssmDouble* ys);92 void 93 void 73 bool InAnalysis(int analysis_type); 74 int GetApproximation(); 75 int GetNumberOfDofs(int approximation_enum,int setenum); 76 int IsClone(); 77 void ApplyConstraint(int dof,IssmDouble value); 78 void RelaxConstraint(int dof); 79 void DofInSSet(int dof); 80 void DofInFSet(int dof); 81 int GetDof(int dofindex,int setenum); 82 void CreateVecSets(Vector<IssmDouble>* pv_g,Vector<IssmDouble>* pv_f,Vector<IssmDouble>* pv_s); 83 void GetDofList(int* poutdoflist,int approximation_enum,int setenum); 84 void GetLocalDofList(int* poutdoflist,int approximation_enum,int setenum); 85 void FreezeDof(int dof); 86 bool IsActive(void); 87 void Activate(void); 88 void Deactivate(void); 89 void UpdateSpcs(IssmDouble* ys); 90 int IsFloating(); 91 int IsGrounded(); 92 void VecMerge(Vector<IssmDouble>* ug, IssmDouble* vector_serial,int setenum); 93 void VecReduce(Vector<IssmDouble>* vector, IssmDouble* ug_serial,int setnum); 94 94 void DistributeDofs(int* pdofcount,int setenum); 95 95 void OffsetDofs(int dofcount,int setenum);
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