Changeset 13761
- Timestamp:
- 10/19/12 17:31:15 (12 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/classes
- Files:
- 29 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r13634 r13761 147 147 void DofIndexing::Echo(void){ 148 148 149 int i;150 151 149 _printLine_("DofIndexing:"); 152 150 _printLine_(" gsize: " << gsize); -
r13736 r13761 484 484 485 485 486 int i;487 486 bool isautodiff = false; 488 487 IssmDouble output_value; … … 503 502 504 503 /*Go through our dependent variables, and compute the response:*/ 505 for(i =0;i<dependent_objects->Size();i++){504 for(int i=0;i<dependent_objects->Size();i++){ 506 505 DependentObject* dep=(DependentObject*)dependent_objects->GetObjectByOffset(i); 507 506 dep->Responsex(&output_value,this); -
r13622 r13761 1082 1082 int vector_layout = 0; 1083 1083 int counter; 1084 int nods;1085 int nel;1086 1084 int numberofelements; 1087 1085 -
r13622 r13761 109 109 void Patch::Gather(void){ 110 110 111 int i;112 111 int count; 113 112 int my_rank; … … 147 146 /*Now, ask other nodes to send their values: */ 148 147 #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_ 149 for (i=1;i<num_procs;i++){148 for(int i=1;i<num_procs;i++){ 150 149 if (my_rank==i){ 151 150 MPI_Send(&this->numrows,1,MPI_INT,0,1,IssmComm::GetComm()); -
r13622 r13761 68 68 69 69 double Hmin = HUGE_VAL;// the infinie value 70 int i,j, k,n,i0,i1,i2,i3;70 int i,j,n,i0,i1,i2,i3; 71 71 72 72 /*initialize some variables*/ … … 500 500 501 501 long i,j,k; 502 int jj;503 502 long *head_v = new long[nbv]; 504 503 long *next_p = new long[2*nbe]; 505 504 float *eangle = new float[nbe]; 506 505 double eps = 1e-20; 507 BamgQuadtree 506 BamgQuadtree quadtree; // build quadtree to find duplicates 508 507 BamgVertex *v0 = vertices; 509 508 GeomVertex *v0g = (GeomVertex*) (void*)v0; -
r13622 r13761 269 269 double Hmin = HUGE_VAL;// the infinie value 270 270 long i1,i2,i3; 271 long i ,j;271 long i; 272 272 Metric M1(1); 273 273 int verbose=0; … … 385 385 if(bamgmesh->Quadrilaterals){ 386 386 if(verbose>5) _printLine_(" processing Quadrilaterals"); 387 long i1,i2,i3,i4 ,iref;387 long i1,i2,i3,i4; 388 388 triangles =new Triangle[nbt]; 389 389 for (i=0;i<bamgmesh->QuadrilateralsSize[0];i++){ … … 4954 4954 4955 4955 /*Intermediaries*/ 4956 int i, j,k;4956 int i,k; 4957 4957 int nbcurves = 0; 4958 4958 int NbNewPoints,NbEdgeCurve; -
r12821 r13761 39 39 template <class R,class RR> class P2xP2{ 40 40 41 private:42 43 friend P2<R,RR> operator*(P2<R,RR> c,P2xP2<R,RR> cc){44 return P2<R,RR>(c.x*cc.x.x + c.y*cc.y.x, c.x*cc.x.y + c.y*cc.y.y);45 }46 41 public: 47 42 -
r13530 r13761 35 35 void Observation::Echo(void){ 36 36 37 int bit;38 39 37 _printLine_("Observation"); 40 38 _printLine_(" index : " << this->index); -
r13622 r13761 36 36 /*intermediaries*/ 37 37 int i,j,counter; 38 int gsize,fsize ,ssize;38 int gsize,fsize; 39 39 int* P=NULL; 40 40 bool found; … … 219 219 void ElementVector::Echo(void){ 220 220 221 int i,j; 221 int i; 222 222 223 _printLine_("Element Vector echo:"); 223 224 _printLine_(" nrows: " << nrows); -
r13755 r13761 230 230 int dofp[1]={3}; 231 231 int analysis_type,approximation; 232 int doflist[NUMVERTICES];233 232 IssmDouble xyz_list[NUMVERTICES][3]; 234 233 IssmDouble xyz_list_tria[3][3]; 235 234 IssmDouble rho_ice,gravity,stokesreconditioning; 236 IssmDouble pressure,viscosity, bed,Jdet2d;235 IssmDouble pressure,viscosity,Jdet2d; 237 236 IssmDouble bed_normal[3]; 238 237 IssmDouble basalforce[3]; 239 238 IssmDouble epsilon[6]; /* epsilon=[exx,eyy,ezz,exy,exz,eyz];*/ 240 IssmDouble devstresstensor[6]; /* epsilon=[exx,eyy,ezz,exy,exz,eyz];*/241 239 IssmDouble stresstensor[6]={0.0}; 242 240 IssmDouble sigma_xx,sigma_yy,sigma_zz; … … 323 321 void Penta::ComputeStressTensor(){ 324 322 325 int iv;326 323 IssmDouble xyz_list[NUMVERTICES][3]; 327 324 IssmDouble pressure,viscosity; … … 649 646 void Penta::DeepEcho(void){ 650 647 651 int i;652 653 648 _printLine_("Penta:"); 654 649 _printLine_(" id: " << id); … … 670 665 _printLine_("neighboor sids: "); 671 666 _printLine_(" " << horizontalneighborsids[0] << " " << horizontalneighborsids[1] << " " << horizontalneighborsids[2]); 672 673 return;674 667 } 675 668 /*}}}*/ … … 792 785 void Penta::GetDofList(int** pdoflist,int approximation_enum,int setenum){ 793 786 794 int i, j,count=0;787 int i,count=0; 795 788 int numberofdofs=0; 796 789 int* doflist=NULL; … … 901 894 void Penta::GetInputListOnVertices(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enumtype){ 902 895 903 /*Intermediaries*/904 IssmDouble value[NUMVERTICES];905 GaussPenta *gauss = NULL;906 907 896 /*Recover input*/ 908 897 Input* input=inputs->GetInput(enumtype); … … 913 902 914 903 /* Start looping on the number of vertices: */ 915 gauss=new GaussPenta();904 GaussPenta *gauss=new GaussPenta(); 916 905 for (int iv=0;iv<NUMVERTICES;iv++){ 917 906 gauss->GaussVertex(iv); … … 926 915 void Penta::GetInputListOnVertices(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enumtype,IssmDouble defaultvalue){ 927 916 928 /*Intermediaries*/929 IssmDouble value[NUMVERTICES];930 GaussPenta *gauss = NULL;931 932 917 /*Recover input*/ 933 918 Input* input=inputs->GetInput(enumtype); … … 938 923 /* Start looping on the number of vertices: */ 939 924 if (input){ 940 gauss=new GaussPenta();925 GaussPenta *gauss=new GaussPenta(); 941 926 for (int iv=0;iv<NUMVERTICES;iv++){ 942 927 gauss->GaussVertex(iv); 943 928 input->GetInputValue(&pvalue[iv],gauss); 944 929 } 930 delete gauss; 945 931 } 946 932 else{ 947 933 for (int iv=0;iv<NUMVERTICES;iv++) pvalue[iv]=defaultvalue; 948 934 } 949 950 /*clean-up*/951 delete gauss;952 935 } 953 936 /*}}}*/ … … 1267 1250 1268 1251 /*Intermediaries*/ 1269 int i, j,t;1252 int i,t; 1270 1253 int penta_vertex_ids[6]; 1271 1254 int row; … … 2989 2972 2990 2973 /*Intermediaries*/ 2991 int iv;2992 2974 IssmDouble phi; 2993 2975 IssmDouble viscosity; 2994 2976 IssmDouble xyz_list[NUMVERTICES][3]; 2995 2977 IssmDouble epsilon[6]; 2996 IssmDouble 2997 IssmDouble 2978 IssmDouble viscousheating[NUMVERTICES]={0,0,0,0,0,0}; 2979 IssmDouble thickness; 2998 2980 GaussPenta *gauss=NULL; 2999 2981 -
r13622 r13761 880 880 void PentaRef::GetJacobian(IssmDouble* J, IssmDouble* xyz_list,GaussPenta* gauss){ 881 881 882 int i,j;883 884 882 /*The Jacobian is constant over the element, discard the gaussian points. 885 883 * J is assumed to have been allocated of size NDOF2xNDOF2.*/ … … 897 895 A3=gauss->coord3; 898 896 899 xi =A2-A1;900 eta =SQRT3*A3;901 zi =gauss->coord4;897 xi = A2-A1; 898 eta = SQRT3*A3; 899 zi = gauss->coord4; 902 900 903 901 x1=*(xyz_list+3*0+0); -
r13755 r13761 43 43 ,TriaHook(nummodels,index+1,iomodel){ 44 44 45 int i;46 45 /*id: */ 47 46 this->id=tria_id; … … 127 126 void Tria::AverageOntoPartition(Vector<IssmDouble>* partition_contributions,Vector<IssmDouble>* partition_areas,IssmDouble* vertex_response,IssmDouble* qmu_part){ 128 127 129 bool already=false; 130 int i,j; 131 int partition[NUMVERTICES]; 132 int offsetsid[NUMVERTICES]; 133 int offsetdof[NUMVERTICES]; 134 IssmDouble area; 135 IssmDouble mean; 136 IssmDouble values[3]; 128 bool already = false; 129 int i,j; 130 int partition[NUMVERTICES]; 131 int offsetsid[NUMVERTICES]; 132 int offsetdof[NUMVERTICES]; 133 IssmDouble area; 134 IssmDouble mean; 137 135 138 136 /*First, get the area: */ … … 231 229 232 230 /*Intermediaries */ 233 int i,j,ig;234 231 IssmDouble heatcapacity,latentheat; 235 232 IssmDouble Jdet,D_scalar; … … 248 245 /* Start looping on the number of gauss (nodes on the bedrock) */ 249 246 gauss=new GaussTria(2); 250 for (ig=gauss->begin();ig<gauss->end();ig++){247 for(int ig=gauss->begin();ig<gauss->end();ig++){ 251 248 252 249 gauss->GaussPoint(ig); … … 290 287 /*Intermediaries */ 291 288 int stabilization; 292 int i,j,ig,dim; 293 IssmDouble Jdettria,DL_scalar,dt,h; 294 IssmDouble vel,vx,vy,dvxdx,dvydy; 295 IssmDouble dvx[2],dvy[2]; 296 IssmDouble v_gauss[2]={0.0}; 297 IssmDouble xyz_list[NUMVERTICES][3]; 298 IssmDouble L[NUMVERTICES]; 299 IssmDouble B[2][NUMVERTICES]; 300 IssmDouble Bprime[2][NUMVERTICES]; 301 IssmDouble K[2][2] ={0.0}; 302 IssmDouble KDL[2][2] ={0.0}; 303 IssmDouble DL[2][2] ={0.0}; 304 IssmDouble DLprime[2][2] ={0.0}; 305 GaussTria *gauss=NULL; 289 int dim; 290 IssmDouble Jdettria,DL_scalar,dt,h; 291 IssmDouble vel,vx,vy,dvxdx,dvydy; 292 IssmDouble dvx[2],dvy[2]; 293 IssmDouble v_gauss[2]={0.0}; 294 IssmDouble xyz_list[NUMVERTICES][3]; 295 IssmDouble L[NUMVERTICES]; 296 IssmDouble B[2][NUMVERTICES]; 297 IssmDouble Bprime[2][NUMVERTICES]; 298 IssmDouble K[2][2] ={0.0}; 299 IssmDouble KDL[2][2] ={0.0}; 300 IssmDouble DL[2][2] ={0.0}; 301 IssmDouble DLprime[2][2] ={0.0}; 306 302 307 303 /*Initialize Element matrix*/ … … 326 322 327 323 /* Start looping on the number of gaussian points: */ 328 gauss=new GaussTria(2);329 for (ig=gauss->begin();ig<gauss->end();ig++){324 GaussTria *gauss=new GaussTria(2); 325 for(int ig=gauss->begin();ig<gauss->end();ig++){ 330 326 331 327 gauss->GaussPoint(ig); … … 785 781 void Tria::ComputeStressTensor(){ 786 782 787 int iv;788 783 IssmDouble xyz_list[NUMVERTICES][3]; 789 784 IssmDouble pressure,viscosity; … … 1085 1080 void Tria::GetInputListOnVertices(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enumtype){ 1086 1081 1087 /*Intermediaries*/1088 IssmDouble value[NUMVERTICES];1089 GaussTria *gauss = NULL;1090 1091 1082 /*Recover input*/ 1092 1083 Input* input=inputs->GetInput(enumtype); … … 1097 1088 1098 1089 /* Start looping on the number of vertices: */ 1099 gauss=new GaussTria();1090 GaussTria* gauss=new GaussTria(); 1100 1091 for (int iv=0;iv<NUMVERTICES;iv++){ 1101 1092 gauss->GaussVertex(iv); … … 1110 1101 void Tria::GetInputListOnVertices(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enumtype,IssmDouble defaultvalue){ 1111 1102 1112 IssmDouble value[NUMVERTICES];1113 GaussTria *gauss = NULL;1114 1103 Input *input = inputs->GetInput(enumtype); 1115 1104 … … 1119 1108 /* Start looping on the number of vertices: */ 1120 1109 if (input){ 1121 gauss=new GaussTria();1110 GaussTria* gauss=new GaussTria(); 1122 1111 for (int iv=0;iv<NUMVERTICES;iv++){ 1123 1112 gauss->GaussVertex(iv); 1124 1113 input->GetInputValue(&pvalue[iv],gauss); 1125 1114 } 1115 delete gauss; 1126 1116 } 1127 1117 else{ 1128 1118 for (int iv=0;iv<NUMVERTICES;iv++) pvalue[iv]=defaultvalue; 1129 1119 } 1130 1131 /*clean-up*/1132 delete gauss;1133 1120 } 1134 1121 /*}}}*/ … … 1136 1123 void Tria::GetInputListOnVertices(IssmDouble* pvalue,int enumtype,IssmDouble defaultvalue,int index){ 1137 1124 1138 IssmDouble value[NUMVERTICES];1139 GaussTria *gauss = NULL;1140 1125 Input *input = inputs->GetInput(enumtype); 1141 1126 … … 1145 1130 /* Start looping on the number of vertices: */ 1146 1131 if (input){ 1147 gauss=new GaussTria();1132 GaussTria* gauss=new GaussTria(); 1148 1133 for (int iv=0;iv<NUMVERTICES;iv++){ 1149 1134 gauss->GaussVertex(iv); 1150 1135 input->GetInputValue(&pvalue[iv],gauss,index); 1151 1136 } 1137 delete gauss; 1152 1138 } 1153 1139 else{ 1154 1140 for (int iv=0;iv<NUMVERTICES;iv++) pvalue[iv]=defaultvalue; 1155 1141 } 1156 1157 /*clean-up*/1158 delete gauss;1159 1142 } 1160 1143 /*}}}*/ … … 1966 1949 void Tria::MigrateGroundingLine(IssmDouble* old_floating_ice,IssmDouble* sheet_ungrounding){ 1967 1950 1968 int i,migration_style ,unground;1951 int i,migration_style; 1969 1952 bool elementonshelf = false; 1970 1953 IssmDouble bed_hydro,yts,gl_melting_rate; -
r13623 r13761 258 258 template <> inline void GenericExternalResult<IssmPDouble*>::Echo(void){ /*{{{*/ 259 259 260 int i,j;261 262 260 _printLine_("GenericExternalResult<IssmPDouble*>:"); 263 261 this->GenericEcho(); -
r13622 r13761 516 516 517 517 /*Intermediaries*/ 518 int i; 519 PentaP1Input *xinputB = NULL; 520 int B_numvalues; 521 const int numnodes = 6; 522 IssmDouble AdotBvalues[numnodes]; 518 PentaP1Input *xinputB = NULL; 519 const int numnodes = 6; 520 IssmDouble AdotBvalues[numnodes]; 523 521 524 522 /*Check that inputB is of the same type*/ … … 527 525 528 526 /*Create point wise sum*/ 529 for(i =0;i<numnodes;i++){527 for(int i=0;i<numnodes;i++){ 530 528 _assert_(xinputB->values[i]!=0); 531 529 AdotBvalues[i]=this->values[i]/xinputB->values[i]; … … 549 547 int i; 550 548 PentaP1Input *xinputB = NULL; 551 int B_numvalues;552 549 const int numnodes = 6; 553 550 IssmDouble minvalues[numnodes]; … … 580 577 int i; 581 578 PentaP1Input *xinputB = NULL; 582 int B_numvalues;583 579 const int numnodes = 6; 584 580 IssmDouble maxvalues[numnodes]; -
r13056 r13761 90 90 int ncom=0; 91 91 char** pcom=NULL; 92 KML_Object* kobj;93 92 94 93 /* get object attributes and check for solo tag */ -
r13056 r13761 63 63 void KML_LineStyle::DeepEcho(const char* indent){ 64 64 65 int i;66 65 bool flag=true; 67 66 -
r13056 r13761 65 65 void KML_PolyStyle::DeepEcho(const char* indent){ 66 66 67 int i;68 67 bool flag=true; 69 68 -
r13036 r13761 191 191 192 192 /*diverse: */ 193 int i;194 193 IssmDouble r,s; 195 194 IssmDouble vx,vy,vz,vmag; … … 257 256 258 257 /*diverse: */ 259 int i;260 258 IssmDouble r,s; 261 259 IssmDouble vx,vy,vz,vmag; -
r13622 r13761 656 656 void Icefront::GetDofList(int** pdoflist,int approximation_enum,int setenum){ 657 657 658 int i,j;659 658 int numberofdofs=0; 660 659 int count=0; … … 678 677 679 678 /*Figure out size of doflist: */ 680 for(i =0;i<numberofnodes;i++){679 for(int i=0;i<numberofnodes;i++){ 681 680 numberofdofs+=nodes[i]->GetNumberOfDofs(approximation_enum,setenum); 682 681 } … … 687 686 /*Populate: */ 688 687 count=0; 689 for(i =0;i<numberofnodes;i++){688 for(int i=0;i<numberofnodes;i++){ 690 689 nodes[i]->GetDofList(doflist+count,approximation_enum,setenum); 691 690 count+=nodes[i]->GetNumberOfDofs(approximation_enum,setenum); -
r13622 r13761 696 696 697 697 /* Intermediaries*/ 698 int i, j,ig,index1,index2;698 int i,ig,index1,index2; 699 699 IssmDouble DL,Jdet,dt,vx,vy,mean_vx,mean_vy,UdotN,thickness; 700 700 IssmDouble xyz_list[NUMVERTICES_BOUNDARY][3]; … … 790 790 791 791 /* Intermediaries*/ 792 int i, j,ig,index1,index2;793 IssmDouble 794 IssmDouble 795 IssmDouble 796 IssmDouble 792 int i,ig,index1,index2; 793 IssmDouble DL,Jdet,vx,vy,mean_vx,mean_vy,UdotN,thickness; 794 IssmDouble xyz_list[NUMVERTICES_BOUNDARY][3]; 795 IssmDouble normal[2]; 796 IssmDouble L[numdof]; 797 797 GaussTria *gauss; 798 798 -
r13622 r13761 44 44 Pengrid::Pengrid(int id, int index, IoModel* iomodel, int in_analysis_type){ //i is the element index 45 45 46 int i,j;47 46 int pengrid_node_id; 48 47 int pengrid_matpar_id; -
r13622 r13761 54 54 /*FUNCTION Penpair::Echo {{{*/ 55 55 void Penpair::Echo(void){ 56 57 int i;58 56 59 57 _printLine_("Penpair:"); -
r13622 r13761 376 376 377 377 const int numdof = NDOF2*NUMVERTICES; 378 int i,j;379 378 int dofs[1] = {0}; 380 IssmDouble 381 IssmDouble 382 IssmDouble 383 IssmDouble 384 IssmDouble 379 IssmDouble Ke_gg[4][4]; 380 IssmDouble thickness; 381 IssmDouble h[2]; 382 IssmDouble penalty_offset; 383 IssmDouble friction; 385 384 386 385 /*Objects: */ … … 561 560 562 561 const int numnodes = 2; 563 IssmDouble max_penetration;564 562 IssmDouble penetration; 565 563 int activate; 566 int found;567 564 int unstable; 568 565 IssmDouble vx1; … … 665 662 int Riftfront::IsMaterialStable(void){ 666 663 667 int found=0;668 664 IssmDouble converged=0; 669 665 … … 684 680 685 681 const int numnodes=2; 686 IssmDouble max_penetration;687 682 IssmDouble penetration=0; 688 int found;689 683 IssmDouble vx1; 690 684 IssmDouble vy1; … … 735 729 736 730 IssmDouble penetration; 737 int found;738 731 739 732 /*Objects: */ … … 769 762 770 763 const int numnodes = 2; 771 IssmDouble max_penetration; 772 IssmDouble penetration; 773 int activate; 764 IssmDouble penetration; 774 765 int unstable; 775 int found; 776 IssmDouble vx1; 777 IssmDouble vy1; 778 IssmDouble vx2; 779 IssmDouble vy2; 766 IssmDouble vx1; 767 IssmDouble vy1; 768 IssmDouble vx2; 769 IssmDouble vy2; 780 770 781 771 /*Objects: */ 782 Tria *tria1 783 Tria *tria2 772 Tria *tria1 = NULL; 773 Tria *tria2 = NULL; 784 774 785 775 /*enum of element? */ … … 823 813 IssmDouble penetration; 824 814 int unstable; 825 int found;826 815 IssmDouble vx1; 827 816 IssmDouble vy1; -
r13622 r13761 28 28 29 29 /*Intermediaries:*/ 30 int i;31 30 int matice_eid; 32 31 … … 583 582 584 583 /*input strain rate: */ 585 IssmDouble exx,eyy,exy ,exz;584 IssmDouble exx,eyy,exy; 586 585 587 586 /*Get visocisty and n*/ -
r13622 r13761 28 28 29 29 /*Intermediaries:*/ 30 int i;31 30 int matice_eid; 32 31 … … 503 502 504 503 /*input strain rate: */ 505 IssmDouble exx,eyy,exy ,exz;504 IssmDouble exx,eyy,exy; 506 505 507 506 /*Get visocisty and n*/ -
r13622 r13761 438 438 void Node::ApplyConstraint(int dof,IssmDouble value){ 439 439 440 int index;441 442 440 /*Dof should be added in the s set, describing which 443 441 * dofs are constrained to a certain value (dirichlet boundary condition*/ -
r13622 r13761 55 55 void MatrixParam::DeepEcho(void){ 56 56 57 int i;58 57 _printLine_("MatrixParam:"); 59 58 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); -
r13622 r13761 61 61 void TransientParam::DeepEcho(void){ 62 62 63 int i,j;64 65 63 _printLine_("TransientParam:"); 66 64 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")"); 67 65 _printLine_(" size: " << this->N); 68 for(i =0;i<this->N;i++){66 for(int i=0;i<this->N;i++){ 69 67 _printLine_( "time: " << this->timesteps[i] << " value: " << this->values[i]); 70 68 } -
r13622 r13761 57 57 void VectorParam::DeepEcho(void){ 58 58 59 int i;60 59 _printLine_("VectorParam:"); 61 60 _printLine_(" enum: " << this->enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(this->enum_type) << ")");
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