Changeset 13236
- Timestamp:
- 09/04/12 12:27:17 (13 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/modules
- Files:
- 70 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r12517 r13236 10 10 */ 11 11 12 13 12 #include "./AverageFilter.h" 14 13 15 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], 16 int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) 17 { 14 void AverageFilterUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 15 _printLine_(" AverageFilter usage:"); 16 _printLine_(" [image_out]=AverageFilter(image_in,pixels);\n"); 17 _printLine_(" where:"); 18 _printLine_(" image_in in double format"); 19 _printLine_(" pixels: characteristic size of smoothing"); 20 _printLine_(" image_out in double format"); 21 _printLine_(""); 22 }/*}}}*/ 23 WRAPPER(AverageFilter){ 18 24 19 25 int i,j; … … 49 55 MODULEEND(); 50 56 } 51 52 53 void AverageFilterUsage(void)54 {55 _printLine_(" AverageFilter usage:");56 _printLine_(" [image_out]=AverageFilter(image_in,pixels);\n");57 _printLine_(" where:");58 _printLine_(" image_in in double format");59 _printLine_(" pixels: characteristic size of smoothing");60 _printLine_(" image_out in double format");61 _printLine_("");62 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void AverageFilterUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13036 r13236 4 4 #include "./BamgConvertMesh.h" 5 5 6 void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 6 void BamgConvertMeshUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 7 _pprintString_("BAMGCONVERTMESH - convert [x y index] to a bamg geom and mesh geom"); 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" Usage:"); 10 _pprintLine_(" [bamggeom bamgmesh]=BamgConvertMesh(index,x,y);"); 11 _pprintLine_(" index: index of the mesh"); 12 _pprintLine_(" x,y: coordinates of the nodes"); 13 _pprintLine_(""); 14 }/*}}}*/ 15 WRAPPER(BamgConvertMesh){ 7 16 8 17 /*input: */ … … 53 62 MODULEEND(); 54 63 } 55 56 void BamgConvertMeshUsage(void){57 _pprintString_("BAMGCONVERTMESH - convert [x y index] to a bamg geom and mesh geom");58 _pprintLine_("");59 _pprintLine_(" Usage:");60 _pprintLine_(" [bamggeom bamgmesh]=BamgConvertMesh(index,x,y);");61 _pprintLine_(" index: index of the mesh");62 _pprintLine_(" x,y: coordinates of the nodes");63 _pprintLine_("");64 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void BamgConvertMeshUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r12518 r13236 4 4 #include "./BamgMesher.h" 5 5 6 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 6 void BamgMesherUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 7 _pprintLine_(""); 8 _pprintLine_(" usage: [bamgmesh,bamggeom]=" << __FUNCT__ << "(bamgmesh,bamggeom,bamgoptions);"); 9 _pprintLine_(""); 10 }/*}}}*/ 11 WRAPPER(BamgMesher){ 7 12 8 13 /*Outputs*/ … … 49 54 MODULEEND(); 50 55 } 51 52 void BamgMesherUsage(void){53 _pprintLine_("");54 _pprintLine_(" usage: [bamgmesh,bamggeom]=" << __FUNCT__ << "(bamgmesh,bamggeom,bamgoptions);");55 _pprintLine_("");56 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void BamgMesherUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13036 r13236 4 4 #include "./BamgTriangulate.h" 5 5 6 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 6 void BamgTriangulateUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 7 _pprintString_("BAMGTRIANGULATE - Delaunay Triangulation of a list of points"); 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" Usage:"); 10 _pprintLine_(" index=BamgTriangulate(x,y);"); 11 _pprintLine_(" index: index of the triangulation"); 12 _pprintLine_(" x,y: coordinates of the nodes"); 13 _pprintLine_(""); 14 }/*}}}*/ 15 WRAPPER(BamgTriangulate){ 7 16 8 17 /*input: */ … … 46 55 MODULEEND(); 47 56 } 48 49 void BamgTriangulateUsage(void)50 {51 _pprintString_("BAMGTRIANGULATE - Delaunay Triangulation of a list of points");52 _pprintLine_("");53 _pprintLine_(" Usage:");54 _pprintLine_(" index=BamgTriangulate(x,y);");55 _pprintLine_(" index: index of the triangulation");56 _pprintLine_(" x,y: coordinates of the nodes");57 _pprintLine_("");58 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void BamgTriangulateUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13038 r13236 9 9 #endif 10 10 11 12 11 #include "./Chaco.h" 13 12 14 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 13 void ChacoUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 14 _pprintLine_(""); 15 _pprintLine_("Usage: [assgn] = Chaco(A,vwgts,ewgts,x,y,z,options,nparts,goal);"); 16 _pprintLine_(""); 17 }/*}}}*/ 18 WRAPPER(Chaco){ 15 19 16 20 int i; … … 130 134 MODULEEND(); 131 135 } 132 133 void ChacoUsage(void){134 _pprintLine_("");135 _pprintLine_("Usage: [assgn] = Chaco(A,vwgts,ewgts,x,y,z,options,nparts,goal);");136 _pprintLine_("");137 } -
r13235 r13236 26 26 #include "../../c/shared/shared.h" 27 27 #include "../../c/issm-binding.h" 28 29 /* local prototypes: */30 void ChacoUsage(void);31 28 32 29 #undef __FUNCT__ -
r13229 r13236 2 2 \brief: takes an contour file, and figures out which nodes or elements from the mesh 3 3 are inside this contour. 4 usage:5 [in_nod,in_elem]=ContourToMesh(index,x,y,contours,interptype,edgevalue);6 7 input:8 9 index,x,y: delaunay triangulation.10 contours: structure holding sets of vertices making open contours.11 interptype: string definining type of interpolation ('element', or 'node', or 'element and node');12 edgevalue: integer (0, 1 or 2) defining the value associated to the nodes on the edges of the polygons13 14 output:15 in_nod: vector of flags (0 or 1), of size nods if interptype is set to 'node' or 'element and node',16 or of size 0 otherwise.17 in_elem: vector of flags (0 or 1), of size nel if interptype is set to 'element' or 'element and node',18 or of size 0 otherwise.19 4 */ 20 5 21 6 #include "./ContourToMesh.h" 22 7 8 void ContourToMeshUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 9 _printLine_("CONTOURTOMESH - Flag the elements or nodes inside a contour"); 10 _printLine_(""); 11 _printLine_(" Usage: "); 12 _printLine_(" [in_nod,in_elem]=ContourToMesh(index,x,y,contourname,interptype,edgevalue)\n"); 13 _printLine_(""); 14 _printLine_(" index,x,y: mesh triangulation."); 15 _printLine_(" contourname: name of .exp file containing the contours."); 16 _printLine_(" interptype: string definining type of interpolation ('element', or 'node')."); 17 _printLine_(" edgevalue: integer (0, 1 or 2) defining the value associated to the nodes on the edges of the polygons."); 18 _printLine_(" in_nod: vector of flags (0 or 1), of size nods if interptype is set to 'node' or 'element and node', "); 19 _printLine_(" or of size 0 otherwise."); 20 _printLine_(" in_elem: vector of flags (0 or 1), of size nel if interptype is set to 'element' or 'element and node', "); 21 _printLine_(" or of size 0 otherwise."); 22 _printLine_(""); 23 _printLine_(" Example: "); 24 _printLine_(" in_nod=ContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,'Contour.exp','node',1)"); 25 _printLine_(" in_elements=ContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,'Contour.exp','element',0)"); 26 _printLine_(" [in_nodes,in_elements]=ContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,'Contour.exp','element and node',0)"); 27 _printLine_(""); 28 }/*}}}*/ 23 29 WRAPPER(ContourToMesh){ 24 30 … … 56 62 } 57 63 58 59 64 /*Fetch inputs: */ 60 65 FetchData(&index,&nel,NULL,INDEX); … … 88 93 89 94 } 90 91 void ContourToMeshUsage(void)//{{{192 {93 _printLine_("CONTOURTOMESH - Flag the elements or nodes inside a contour");94 _printLine_("");95 _printLine_(" Usage: ");96 _printLine_(" [in_nod,in_elem]=ContourToMesh(index,x,y,contourname,interptype,edgevalue)\n");97 _printLine_("");98 _printLine_(" index,x,y: mesh triangulation.");99 _printLine_(" contourname: name of .exp file containing the contours.");100 _printLine_(" interptype: string definining type of interpolation ('element', or 'node').");101 _printLine_(" edgevalue: integer (0, 1 or 2) defining the value associated to the nodes on the edges of the polygons.");102 _printLine_(" in_nod: vector of flags (0 or 1), of size nods if interptype is set to 'node' or 'element and node', ");103 _printLine_(" or of size 0 otherwise.");104 _printLine_(" in_elem: vector of flags (0 or 1), of size nel if interptype is set to 'element' or 'element and node', ");105 _printLine_(" or of size 0 otherwise.");106 _printLine_("");107 _printLine_(" Example: ");108 _printLine_(" in_nod=ContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,'Contour.exp','node',1)");109 _printLine_(" in_elements=ContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,'Contour.exp','element',0)");110 _printLine_(" [in_nodes,in_elements]=ContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,'Contour.exp','element and node',0)");111 _printLine_("");112 }113 //}}} -
r13235 r13236 63 63 #define NRHS 6 64 64 65 /* local prototypes: */66 void ContourToMeshUsage(void);67 68 65 #endif /* _CONTOURTOMESH_H */ 69 66 -
r13229 r13236 1 1 /*! \file ContourtoNodes 2 2 \brief: takes a contour file, and figures out which nodes (x,y list) 3 are inside this contour.4 5 usage:6 [flags]=ContourToNodes(x,y,contours,interptype,edgevalue);7 8 where:9 10 input:11 12 x,y: node cooredinates13 14 contours: structure holding sets of vertices making open contours.15 16 interptype: string definining type of interpolation ('element', or 'node', or 'element and node');17 18 edgevalue: integer (0, 1 or 2) defining the value associated to the nodes on the edges of the polygons19 20 output:21 flags: vector of flags (0 or 1), of size nods22 3 */ 23 4 24 5 #include "./ContourToNodes.h" 25 6 26 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) { 7 void ContourToNodesUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 8 _printLine_(" usage:"); 9 _printLine_(" [flags]=ContourToNodes(x,y,contourname,edgevalue);\n"); 10 _printLine_(" where:"); 11 _printLine_(" x,y: list of nodes."); 12 _printLine_(" contourname: name of .exp file containing the contours, or resulting structure from call to expread."); 13 _printLine_(" interptype: string definining type of interpolation ('element', or 'node')."); 14 _printLine_(" edgevalue: integer (0, 1 or 2) defining the value associated to the nodes on the edges of the polygons."); 15 _printLine_(" flags: vector of flags (0 or 1), of size nods."); 16 _printLine_(""); 17 }/*}}}*/ 18 WRAPPER(ContourToNodes){ 27 19 28 20 int i,j; … … 87 79 MODULEEND(); 88 80 } 89 90 void ContourToNodesUsage(void){91 _printLine_(" usage:");92 _printLine_(" [flags]=ContourToNodes(x,y,contourname,edgevalue);\n");93 _printLine_(" where:");94 _printLine_(" x,y: list of nodes.");95 _printLine_(" contourname: name of .exp file containing the contours, or resulting structure from call to expread.");96 _printLine_(" interptype: string definining type of interpolation ('element', or 'node').");97 _printLine_(" edgevalue: integer (0, 1 or 2) defining the value associated to the nodes on the edges of the polygons.");98 _printLine_(" flags: vector of flags (0 or 1), of size nods.");99 _printLine_("");100 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void ContourToNodesUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r12518 r13236 5 5 #include "./ElementConnectivity.h" 6 6 7 void ElementConnectivityUsage(void) {/*{{{*/ 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" usage: elementconnectivity = " << __FUNCT__ << "(elements, nodeconnectivity);"); 10 _pprintLine_(""); 11 }/*}}}*/ 7 12 WRAPPER(ElementConnectivity){ 8 13 … … 35 40 MODULEEND(); 36 41 } 37 38 void ElementConnectivityUsage(void) {39 _pprintLine_("");40 _pprintLine_(" usage: elementconnectivity = " << __FUNCT__ << "(elements, nodeconnectivity);");41 _pprintLine_("");42 } -
r13235 r13236 53 53 #define NRHS 2 54 54 55 /* local prototypes: */56 void ElementConnectivityUsage(void);57 58 55 #endif /* _ELEMENTCONNECTIVITY_H */ -
r13214 r13236 5 5 #include "./EnumToString.h" 6 6 7 void EnumToStringUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" usage: " << __FUNCT__ << "string = EnumToString(enum);"); 10 _pprintLine_(""); 11 }/*}}}*/ 7 12 WRAPPER(EnumToString){ 8 13 … … 28 33 MODULEEND(); 29 34 } 30 31 void EnumToStringUsage(void){32 _pprintLine_("");33 _pprintLine_(" usage: " << __FUNCT__ << "string = EnumToString(enum);");34 _pprintLine_("");35 } -
r13214 r13236 47 47 #define NRHS 1 48 48 49 /* local prototypes: */50 void EnumToStringUsage(void);51 52 49 #endif /* _TEST_H */ -
r13216 r13236 4 4 #include "./Exp2Kml.h" 5 5 6 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 6 void Exp2KmlUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 7 _pprintLine_("Exp2Kml - exp to kml file conversion module:"); 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" This module converts a file from exp to kml format."); 10 _pprintLine_(""); 11 _pprintLine_(" Usage:"); 12 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Exp2Kml(filexp,filkml,sgn,'param name',param,...);"); 13 _pprintLine_(""); 14 _pprintLine_(" filexp file name of exp file to be read (char)"); 15 _pprintLine_(" filkml file name of kml file to be written (char)"); 16 _pprintLine_(" sgn sign for hemisphere (double, +1 (north) or -1 (south))"); 17 _pprintLine_(""); 18 _pprintLine_(" central_meridian central meridian (double, optional, but must specify with sp)"); 19 _pprintLine_(" standard_parallel standard parallel (double, optional, but must specify with cm)"); 20 _pprintLine_(" holes flag for treatment of multiple profiles (char, optional, 'yes' for holes))"); 21 _pprintLine_(""); 22 _pprintLine_(" ret return code (non-zero for warning)"); 23 _pprintLine_(""); 24 _pprintLine_(" Examples:"); 25 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Exp2Kml('file.exp','file.kml', 1);"); 26 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Exp2Kml('file.exp','file.kml', 1,'central_meridian',45,'standard_parallel',70,'holes','yes');"); 27 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Exp2Kml('file.exp','file.kml',-1,'central_meridian', 0,'standard_parallel',71,'holes','yes');"); 28 _pprintLine_(""); 29 }/*}}}*/ 30 WRAPPER(Exp2Kml){ 7 31 8 32 int i,verbose=1; … … 71 95 MODULEEND(); 72 96 } 73 74 void Exp2KmlUsage(void){75 _pprintLine_("Exp2Kml - exp to kml file conversion module:");76 _pprintLine_("");77 _pprintLine_(" This module converts a file from exp to kml format.");78 _pprintLine_("");79 _pprintLine_(" Usage:");80 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Exp2Kml(filexp,filkml,sgn,'param name',param,...);");81 _pprintLine_("");82 _pprintLine_(" filexp file name of exp file to be read (char)");83 _pprintLine_(" filkml file name of kml file to be written (char)");84 _pprintLine_(" sgn sign for hemisphere (double, +1 (north) or -1 (south))");85 _pprintLine_("");86 _pprintLine_(" central_meridian central meridian (double, optional, but must specify with sp)");87 _pprintLine_(" standard_parallel standard parallel (double, optional, but must specify with cm)");88 _pprintLine_(" holes flag for treatment of multiple profiles (char, optional, 'yes' for holes))");89 _pprintLine_("");90 _pprintLine_(" ret return code (non-zero for warning)");91 _pprintLine_("");92 _pprintLine_(" Examples:");93 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Exp2Kml('file.exp','file.kml', 1);");94 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Exp2Kml('file.exp','file.kml', 1,'central_meridian',45,'standard_parallel',70,'holes','yes');");95 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Exp2Kml('file.exp','file.kml',-1,'central_meridian', 0,'standard_parallel',71,'holes','yes');");96 _pprintLine_("");97 }98 -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void Exp2KmlUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r12517 r13236 10 10 */ 11 11 12 13 12 #include "./HoleFiller.h" 14 13 15 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], 16 int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) 17 { 14 void HoleFillerUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 15 _printLine_(" HoleFiller usage:"); 16 _printLine_(" [image_out]=HoleFiller(image_in,smooth);\n"); 17 _printLine_(" where:"); 18 _printLine_(" image_in in double format"); 19 _printLine_(" smooth: 1 to smooth with a box filer, 0 to leave data raw"); 20 _printLine_(" image_out in double format"); 21 _printLine_(""); 22 }/*}}}*/ 23 WRAPPER(HoleFiller){ 18 24 19 25 int i,j; … … 56 62 MODULEEND(); 57 63 } 58 59 60 void HoleFillerUsage(void)61 {62 _printLine_(" HoleFiller usage:");63 _printLine_(" [image_out]=HoleFiller(image_in,smooth);\n");64 _printLine_(" where:");65 _printLine_(" image_in in double format");66 _printLine_(" smooth: 1 to smooth with a box filer, 0 to leave data raw");67 _printLine_(" image_out in double format");68 _printLine_("");69 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void HoleFillerUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13038 r13236 5 5 #include "./InternalFront.h" 6 6 7 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 7 void InternalFrontUsage(void) {/*{{{*/ 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" usage: icefront = " << __FUNCT__ << "(md);"); 10 _pprintLine_(""); 11 }/*}}}*/ 12 WRAPPER(InternalFront){ 8 13 9 14 bool* elementonwater=NULL; … … 92 97 MODULEEND(); 93 98 } 94 95 void InternalFrontUsage(void) {96 _pprintLine_("");97 _pprintLine_(" usage: icefront = " << __FUNCT__ << "(md);");98 _pprintLine_("");99 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void InternalFrontUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13229 r13236 1 1 /*!\file InterpFromGridToMesh.c 2 2 * \brief: data interpolation from a list of (x,y,values) into mesh vertices 3 4 InterpFromGridToMesh.c5 6 usage:7 data_mesh=InterpFromGridToMesh(x,y,data,x_mesh,y_mesh);8 9 where:10 11 input:12 x,y: coordinates of matrix data13 data - matrix holding the data to be interpolated onto the mesh.14 x_mesh,y_mesh: coordinates of the mesh vertices onto which we interpolate.15 16 output:17 data_mesh: vector of mesh interpolated data.18 3 */ 19 4 20 5 #include "./InterpFromGridToMesh.h" 21 6 22 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) { 7 void InterpFromGridToMeshUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 8 _pprintLine_("INTERPFROMGRIDTOMESH - interpolation from a grid onto a list of points"); 9 _pprintLine_(""); 10 _pprintLine_(" This function is a multi-threaded mex file that interpolates a field"); 11 _pprintLine_(" defined on a grid onto a list of points"); 12 _pprintLine_(""); 13 _pprintLine_(" Usage:"); 14 _pprintLine_(" data_mesh=InterpFromGridToMesh(x,y,data,x_mesh,y_mesh,default_value);"); 15 _pprintLine_(""); 16 _pprintLine_(" data: matrix holding the data to be interpolated onto the mesh."); 17 _pprintLine_(" x,y: coordinates of matrix data. (x and y must be in increasing order)"); 18 _pprintLine_(" x_mesh,y_mesh: coordinates of the points onto which we interpolate."); 19 _pprintLine_(" default_value: default value if no data is found (holes)."); 20 _pprintLine_(" data_mesh: vector of mesh interpolated data."); 21 _pprintLine_(""); 22 _pprintLine_(" Example:"); 23 _pprintLine_(" load('velocities.mat');"); 24 _pprintLine_(" md.inversion.vx_obs=InterpFromGridToMesh(x_n,y_m,vx,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,0);"); 25 _pprintLine_(""); 26 }/*}}}*/ 27 WRAPPER(InterpFromGridToMesh){ 23 28 24 29 int i,j; … … 71 76 MODULEEND(); 72 77 } 73 74 void InterpFromGridToMeshUsage(void)75 {76 _pprintLine_("INTERPFROMGRIDTOMESH - interpolation from a grid onto a list of points");77 _pprintLine_("");78 _pprintLine_(" This function is a multi-threaded mex file that interpolates a field");79 _pprintLine_(" defined on a grid onto a list of points");80 _pprintLine_("");81 _pprintLine_(" Usage:");82 _pprintLine_(" data_mesh=InterpFromGridToMesh(x,y,data,x_mesh,y_mesh,default_value);");83 _pprintLine_("");84 _pprintLine_(" data: matrix holding the data to be interpolated onto the mesh.");85 _pprintLine_(" x,y: coordinates of matrix data. (x and y must be in increasing order)");86 _pprintLine_(" x_mesh,y_mesh: coordinates of the points onto which we interpolate.");87 _pprintLine_(" default_value: default value if no data is found (holes).");88 _pprintLine_(" data_mesh: vector of mesh interpolated data.");89 _pprintLine_("");90 _pprintLine_(" Example:");91 _pprintLine_(" load('velocities.mat');");92 _pprintLine_(" md.inversion.vx_obs=InterpFromGridToMesh(x_n,y_m,vx,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,0);");93 _pprintLine_("");94 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void InterpFromGridToMeshUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13229 r13236 5 5 #include "./InterpFromMesh2d.h" 6 6 7 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) { 7 void InterpFromMesh2dUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 8 _pprintLine_(" usage:"); 9 _pprintLine_(" data_prime=InterpFromMesh2d(index,x,y,data,x_prime,y_prime);\n"); 10 _pprintLine_(" or data_prime=InterpFromMesh2d(index,x,y,data,x_prime,y_prime,default_value);\n"); 11 _pprintLine_(" or data_prime=InterpFromMesh2d(index,x,y,data,x_prime,y_prime,default_value,contourname);\n"); 12 _pprintLine_(" where:"); 13 _pprintLine_(" x,y: coordinates of the nodes where data is defined"); 14 _pprintLine_(" index: index of the mesh where data is defined"); 15 _pprintLine_(" data - vector holding the data to be interpolated onto the points."); 16 _pprintLine_(" x_prime,y_prime: coordinates of the mesh vertices onto which we interpolate."); 17 _pprintLine_(" default_value: a scalar or vector of size length(x_prime)."); 18 _pprintLine_(" contourname: linear interpolation will happen on all x_interp,y_interp inside the contour, default value will be adopted on the rest of the mesh."); 19 _pprintLine_(" data_prime: vector of prime interpolated data."); 20 _pprintLine_(""); 21 }/*}}}*/ 22 WRAPPER(InterpFromMesh2d){ 8 23 9 24 /*input: */ … … 135 150 MODULEEND(); 136 151 } 137 138 void InterpFromMesh2dUsage(void)139 {140 _pprintLine_(" usage:");141 _pprintLine_(" data_prime=InterpFromMesh2d(index,x,y,data,x_prime,y_prime);\n");142 _pprintLine_(" or data_prime=InterpFromMesh2d(index,x,y,data,x_prime,y_prime,default_value);\n");143 _pprintLine_(" or data_prime=InterpFromMesh2d(index,x,y,data,x_prime,y_prime,default_value,contourname);\n");144 _pprintLine_(" where:");145 _pprintLine_(" x,y: coordinates of the nodes where data is defined");146 _pprintLine_(" index: index of the mesh where data is defined");147 _pprintLine_(" data - vector holding the data to be interpolated onto the points.");148 _pprintLine_(" x_prime,y_prime: coordinates of the mesh vertices onto which we interpolate.");149 _pprintLine_(" default_value: a scalar or vector of size length(x_prime).");150 _pprintLine_(" contourname: linear interpolation will happen on all x_interp,y_interp inside the contour, default value will be adopted on the rest of the mesh.");151 _pprintLine_(" data_prime: vector of prime interpolated data.");152 _pprintLine_("");153 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void InterpFromMesh2dUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r12518 r13236 5 5 #include "./InterpFromMeshToGrid.h" 6 6 7 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 7 void InterpFromMeshToGridUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 8 _pprintLine_("INTERPFROMMESHTOGRID - interpolation of a data defined on a mesh onto a grid"); 9 _pprintLine_(""); 10 _pprintLine_(" This function is a multi-threaded mex file that interpolates a field"); 11 _pprintLine_(" defined on a triangular mesh onto a regular grid"); 12 _pprintLine_(""); 13 _pprintLine_(" Usage:"); 14 _pprintLine_(" [x_m,y_m,griddata]=InterpFromMeshToGrid(index,x,y,data,xmin,ymax,xposting,yposting,nlines,ncols,default_value)"); 15 _pprintLine_(""); 16 _pprintLine_(" index,x,y: delaunay triangulation defining the mesh."); 17 _pprintLine_(" meshdata: vertex values of data to be interpolated."); 18 _pprintLine_(" xmin,ymax,posting,nlines,ncols: parameters that define the grid"); 19 _pprintLine_(" default_value: value of points located out of the mesh."); 20 _pprintLine_(""); 21 }/*}}}*/ 22 WRAPPER(InterpFromMeshToGrid){ 8 23 9 24 /*input datasets: */ … … 61 76 MODULEEND(); 62 77 } 63 64 void InterpFromMeshToGridUsage(void)65 {66 _pprintLine_("INTERPFROMMESHTOGRID - interpolation of a data defined on a mesh onto a grid");67 _pprintLine_("");68 _pprintLine_(" This function is a multi-threaded mex file that interpolates a field");69 _pprintLine_(" defined on a triangular mesh onto a regular grid");70 _pprintLine_("");71 _pprintLine_(" Usage:");72 _pprintLine_(" [x_m,y_m,griddata]=InterpFromMeshToGrid(index,x,y,data,xmin,ymax,xposting,yposting,nlines,ncols,default_value)");73 _pprintLine_("");74 _pprintLine_(" index,x,y: delaunay triangulation defining the mesh.");75 _pprintLine_(" meshdata: vertex values of data to be interpolated.");76 _pprintLine_(" xmin,ymax,posting,nlines,ncols: parameters that define the grid");77 _pprintLine_(" default_value: value of points located out of the mesh.");78 _pprintLine_("");79 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void InterpFromMeshToGridUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13036 r13236 4 4 #include "./InterpFromMeshToMesh2d.h" 5 5 6 6 void InterpFromMeshToMesh2dUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 7 _pprintLine_("INTERFROMMESHTOMESH2D - interpolation from a 2d triangular mesh onto a list of point"); 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" This function is a multi-threaded mex file that interpolates a field"); 10 _pprintLine_(" defined on a Delaunay triangulation onto a list of point"); 11 _pprintLine_(""); 12 _pprintLine_(" Usage:"); 13 _pprintLine_(" data_interp=InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(index,x,y,data,x_interp,y_interp);"); 14 _pprintLine_(" or data_interp=InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(index,x,y,data,x_interp,y_interp,OPTIONS);"); 15 _pprintLine_(""); 16 _pprintLine_(" index : index of the mesh where data is defined"); 17 _pprintLine_(" x,y : coordinates of the nodes where data is defined"); 18 _pprintLine_(" data : matrix holding the data to be interpolated onto the mesh. (one column per field)"); 19 _pprintLine_(" x_interp,y_interp : coordinates of the points onto which we interpolate."); 20 _pprintLine_(" data_interp : vector of mesh interpolated data."); 21 _pprintLine_(" Available options :"); 22 _pprintLine_(" - 'default' : default value if point is outsite of triangulation (instead of linear interolation)"); 23 _pprintLine_(""); 24 _pprintLine_(" Example:"); 25 _pprintLine_(" load('temperature.mat');"); 26 _pprintLine_(" md.initialization.temperature=InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(index,x,y,temperature,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y);"); 27 _pprintLine_(" md.initialization.temperature=InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(index,x,y,temperature,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,'default',253);"); 28 _pprintLine_(""); 29 }/*}}}*/ 7 30 WRAPPER(InterpFromMeshToMesh2d){ 8 31 … … 55 78 MODULEEND(); 56 79 } 57 58 void InterpFromMeshToMesh2dUsage(void){ /*{{{*/59 _pprintLine_("INTERFROMMESHTOMESH2D - interpolation from a 2d triangular mesh onto a list of point");60 _pprintLine_("");61 _pprintLine_(" This function is a multi-threaded mex file that interpolates a field");62 _pprintLine_(" defined on a Delaunay triangulation onto a list of point");63 _pprintLine_("");64 _pprintLine_(" Usage:");65 _pprintLine_(" data_interp=InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(index,x,y,data,x_interp,y_interp);");66 _pprintLine_(" or data_interp=InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(index,x,y,data,x_interp,y_interp,OPTIONS);");67 _pprintLine_("");68 _pprintLine_(" index : index of the mesh where data is defined");69 _pprintLine_(" x,y : coordinates of the nodes where data is defined");70 _pprintLine_(" data : matrix holding the data to be interpolated onto the mesh. (one column per field)");71 _pprintLine_(" x_interp,y_interp : coordinates of the points onto which we interpolate.");72 _pprintLine_(" data_interp : vector of mesh interpolated data.");73 _pprintLine_(" Available options :");74 _pprintLine_(" - 'default' : default value if point is outsite of triangulation (instead of linear interolation)");75 _pprintLine_("");76 _pprintLine_(" Example:");77 _pprintLine_(" load('temperature.mat');");78 _pprintLine_(" md.initialization.temperature=InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(index,x,y,temperature,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y);");79 _pprintLine_(" md.initialization.temperature=InterpFromMeshToMesh2d(index,x,y,temperature,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,'default',253);");80 _pprintLine_("");81 }82 /*}}}*/ -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void InterpFromMeshToMesh2dUsage(void);21 18 22 19 /*Header files: */ -
r13229 r13236 1 1 /*!\file InterpFromMeshToMesh3d.c 2 2 * \brief: data interpolation from a list of (x,y,values) into mesh vertices 3 4 InterpFromMeshToMesh3d.c5 6 usage:7 data_mesh=InterpFromMeshToMesh3d(index,x,y,z,data,x_mesh,y_mesh,z_mesh);8 9 where:10 11 input:12 x,y,z: coordinates of matrix data13 data - matrix holding the data to be interpolated onto the mesh.14 x_mesh,y_mesh,z_mesh: coordinates of the mesh vertices onto which we interpolate.15 16 output:17 data_mesh: vector of mesh interpolated data.18 19 3 */ 20 4 21 5 #include "./InterpFromMeshToMesh3d.h" 22 6 23 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) { 7 void InterpFromMeshToMesh3dUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 8 _pprintLine_("INTERPFROMMESHTOMESH3D - interpolation from a 3d hexahedron mesh onto a list of point"); 9 _pprintLine_(""); 10 _pprintLine_(" This function is a multi-threaded mex file that interpolates a field"); 11 _pprintLine_(" defined on a triangular mesh onto a list of point"); 12 _pprintLine_(""); 13 _pprintLine_(" Usage:"); 14 _pprintLine_(" data_prime=InterpFromMeshToMesh3d(index,x,y,z,data,x_prime,y_prime,z_prime,default_value);"); 15 _pprintLine_(""); 16 _pprintLine_(" index: index of the mesh where data is defined"); 17 _pprintLine_(" x,y,z: coordinates of the nodes where data is defined"); 18 _pprintLine_(" data: matrix holding the data to be interpolated onto the mesh."); 19 _pprintLine_(" x_prime,y_prime,z_prime: coordinates of the points onto which we interpolate."); 20 _pprintLine_(" default_value: default value if no data is found (holes)."); 21 _pprintLine_(" data_prime: vector of mesh interpolated data."); 22 _pprintLine_(""); 23 _pprintLine_(" Example:"); 24 _pprintLine_(" load('temperature.mat');"); 25 _pprintLine_(" md.initialization.temperature=InterpFromMeshToMesh3d(index,x,y,z,temperature,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,md.mesh.z,253);"); 26 _pprintLine_(""); 27 }/*}}}*/ 28 WRAPPER(InterpFromMeshToMesh3d){ 24 29 25 30 /*input: */ … … 95 100 MODULEEND(); 96 101 } 97 98 void InterpFromMeshToMesh3dUsage(void){99 _pprintLine_("INTERPFROMMESHTOMESH3D - interpolation from a 3d hexahedron mesh onto a list of point");100 _pprintLine_("");101 _pprintLine_(" This function is a multi-threaded mex file that interpolates a field");102 _pprintLine_(" defined on a triangular mesh onto a list of point");103 _pprintLine_("");104 _pprintLine_(" Usage:");105 _pprintLine_(" data_prime=InterpFromMeshToMesh3d(index,x,y,z,data,x_prime,y_prime,z_prime,default_value);");106 _pprintLine_("");107 _pprintLine_(" index: index of the mesh where data is defined");108 _pprintLine_(" x,y,z: coordinates of the nodes where data is defined");109 _pprintLine_(" data: matrix holding the data to be interpolated onto the mesh.");110 _pprintLine_(" x_prime,y_prime,z_prime: coordinates of the points onto which we interpolate.");111 _pprintLine_(" default_value: default value if no data is found (holes).");112 _pprintLine_(" data_prime: vector of mesh interpolated data.");113 _pprintLine_("");114 _pprintLine_(" Example:");115 _pprintLine_(" load('temperature.mat');");116 _pprintLine_(" md.initialization.temperature=InterpFromMeshToMesh3d(index,x,y,z,temperature,md.mesh.x,md.mesh.y,md.mesh.z,253);");117 _pprintLine_("");118 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void InterpFromMeshToMesh3dUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13216 r13236 4 4 #include "./KMLFileRead.h" 5 5 6 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 6 void KMLFileReadUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 7 _pprintLine_("KMLFileRead - KML file reader module:"); 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" This module reads a KML file."); 10 _pprintLine_(""); 11 _pprintLine_(" Usage:"); 12 _pprintLine_(" [ierror]=KMLFileRead(kmlfile,'param name',param,...);"); 13 _pprintLine_(""); 14 _pprintLine_(" kmlfile file name of kml file to be read (char)"); 15 _pprintLine_(""); 16 _pprintLine_(" echo echo command (char, optional, 'off'/'on')"); 17 _pprintLine_(" deepecho deep echo command (char, optional, 'off'/'on')"); 18 _pprintLine_(" write write command (char, optional, 'off'/'stdout'/kmlfile)"); 19 _pprintLine_(""); 20 _pprintLine_(" ierror return code (non-zero for error)"); 21 _pprintLine_(""); 22 _pprintLine_(" Examples:"); 23 _pprintLine_(" [ierror]=KMLFileRead('file.kml','deepecho','on');"); 24 _pprintLine_(" [ierror]=KMLFileRead('filin.kml','echo','on','write','filout.kml');"); 25 _pprintLine_(""); 26 }/*}}}*/ 27 WRAPPER(KMLFileRead){ 7 28 8 29 int i,j,nnodes=0,verbose=1; … … 105 126 MODULEEND(); 106 127 } 107 108 void KMLFileReadUsage(void){109 _pprintLine_("KMLFileRead - KML file reader module:");110 _pprintLine_("");111 _pprintLine_(" This module reads a KML file.");112 _pprintLine_("");113 _pprintLine_(" Usage:");114 _pprintLine_(" [ierror]=KMLFileRead(kmlfile,'param name',param,...);");115 _pprintLine_("");116 _pprintLine_(" kmlfile file name of kml file to be read (char)");117 _pprintLine_("");118 _pprintLine_(" echo echo command (char, optional, 'off'/'on')");119 _pprintLine_(" deepecho deep echo command (char, optional, 'off'/'on')");120 _pprintLine_(" write write command (char, optional, 'off'/'stdout'/kmlfile)");121 _pprintLine_("");122 _pprintLine_(" ierror return code (non-zero for error)");123 _pprintLine_("");124 _pprintLine_(" Examples:");125 _pprintLine_(" [ierror]=KMLFileRead('file.kml','deepecho','on');");126 _pprintLine_(" [ierror]=KMLFileRead('filin.kml','echo','on','write','filout.kml');");127 _pprintLine_("");128 }129 -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void KMLFileReadUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13173 r13236 4 4 #include "./KMLMeshWrite.h" 5 5 6 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 6 void KMLMeshWriteUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 7 _pprintLine_("KMLMeshWrite - KML mesh writer module:"); 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" This module writes the mesh of a model as KML polygons into the specified KML file."); 10 _pprintLine_(""); 11 _pprintLine_(" Usage:"); 12 _pprintLine_(" ierror=KMLMeshWrite(name,notes,elem,nodecon,lat,long,part,data,cmap,kmlfile);"); 13 _pprintLine_(""); 14 _pprintLine_(" name model name (string, may be empty)"); 15 _pprintLine_(" notes model notes (string or cell array of strings, may be empty)"); 16 _pprintLine_(" elem elements (double array)"); 17 _pprintLine_(" nodecon nodal connectivity array (double array, may be empty)"); 18 _pprintLine_(" lat nodal latititudes (double vector)"); 19 _pprintLine_(" long nodal longitudes (double vector)"); 20 _pprintLine_(" part nodal partitions (double vector, may be empty)"); 21 _pprintLine_(" data nodal or element data (double vector, may be empty)"); 22 _pprintLine_(" cmap color map (double nx3 array, may be empty)"); 23 _pprintLine_(" kmlfile KML file name (string)"); 24 _pprintLine_(""); 25 _pprintLine_(" ierror error flag (double, non-zero for error)"); 26 _pprintLine_(""); 27 _pprintLine_(" Example:"); 28 _pprintLine_(" KMLMeshWrite(,md.notes,md.elements,md.nodeconnectivity,,md.long,md.part,md.fm_criterion,options.cmap,filekml);"); 29 _pprintLine_(""); 30 }/*}}}*/ 31 WRAPPER(KMLMeshWrite){ 7 32 8 33 int i,j,nnodes=0,verbose=1; … … 122 147 MODULEEND(); 123 148 } 124 125 void KMLMeshWriteUsage(void){126 _pprintLine_("KMLMeshWrite - KML mesh writer module:");127 _pprintLine_("");128 _pprintLine_(" This module writes the mesh of a model as KML polygons into the specified KML file.");129 _pprintLine_("");130 _pprintLine_(" Usage:");131 _pprintLine_(" ierror=KMLMeshWrite(name,notes,elem,nodecon,lat,long,part,data,cmap,kmlfile);");132 _pprintLine_("");133 _pprintLine_(" name model name (string, may be empty)");134 _pprintLine_(" notes model notes (string or cell array of strings, may be empty)");135 _pprintLine_(" elem elements (double array)");136 _pprintLine_(" nodecon nodal connectivity array (double array, may be empty)");137 _pprintLine_(" lat nodal latititudes (double vector)");138 _pprintLine_(" long nodal longitudes (double vector)");139 _pprintLine_(" part nodal partitions (double vector, may be empty)");140 _pprintLine_(" data nodal or element data (double vector, may be empty)");141 _pprintLine_(" cmap color map (double nx3 array, may be empty)");142 _pprintLine_(" kmlfile KML file name (string)");143 _pprintLine_("");144 _pprintLine_(" ierror error flag (double, non-zero for error)");145 _pprintLine_("");146 _pprintLine_(" Example:");147 _pprintLine_(" KMLMeshWrite(,md.notes,md.elements,md.nodeconnectivity,,md.long,md.part,md.fm_criterion,options.cmap,filekml);");148 _pprintLine_("");149 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void KMLMeshWriteUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13216 r13236 4 4 #include "./KMLOverlay.h" 5 5 6 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 6 void KMLOverlayUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 7 _pprintLine_("KMLOverlay - KML file overlay module:"); 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" This module reads a list of image files and writes a KML or KMZ overlay file."); 10 _pprintLine_(""); 11 _pprintLine_(" Usage:"); 12 _pprintLine_(" ierror=KMLOverlay(kmlfile,'param name',param,...);"); 13 _pprintLine_(""); 14 _pprintLine_(" kmlfile KML or KMZ file name (string)"); 15 _pprintLine_(""); 16 _pprintLine_(" lataxis latitude axis (double vector [south north], required)"); 17 _pprintLine_(" longaxis longitude axis (double vector [west east], required)"); 18 _pprintLine_(" images relative or http image file names (string or array of strings or cell array of strings, required)"); 19 _pprintLine_(" zip flag to zip the doc.kml and image files into kmzfile (double, non-zero for kmz)"); 20 _pprintLine_(""); 21 _pprintLine_(" ierror error flag (double, non-zero for error)"); 22 _pprintLine_(""); 23 _pprintLine_(" Example:"); 24 _pprintLine_(" KMLOverlay(kmlfile,'lataxis',[south north],'longaxis',[west east],'images',{'file1.png','http://issm/file2.png'},'zip',1);"); 25 _pprintLine_(""); 26 }/*}}}*/ 27 WRAPPER(KMLOverlay){ 7 28 8 29 int i,verbose=1; … … 111 132 MODULEEND(); 112 133 } 113 114 void KMLOverlayUsage(void){115 _pprintLine_("KMLOverlay - KML file overlay module:");116 _pprintLine_("");117 _pprintLine_(" This module reads a list of image files and writes a KML or KMZ overlay file.");118 _pprintLine_("");119 _pprintLine_(" Usage:");120 _pprintLine_(" ierror=KMLOverlay(kmlfile,'param name',param,...);");121 _pprintLine_("");122 _pprintLine_(" kmlfile KML or KMZ file name (string)");123 _pprintLine_("");124 _pprintLine_(" lataxis latitude axis (double vector [south north], required)");125 _pprintLine_(" longaxis longitude axis (double vector [west east], required)");126 _pprintLine_(" images relative or http image file names (string or array of strings or cell array of strings, required)");127 _pprintLine_(" zip flag to zip the doc.kml and image files into kmzfile (double, non-zero for kmz)");128 _pprintLine_("");129 _pprintLine_(" ierror error flag (double, non-zero for error)");130 _pprintLine_("");131 _pprintLine_(" Example:");132 _pprintLine_(" KMLOverlay(kmlfile,'lataxis',[south north],'longaxis',[west east],'images',{'file1.png','http://issm/file2.png'},'zip',1);");133 _pprintLine_("");134 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void KMLOverlayUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13036 r13236 4 4 #include "./Kml2Exp.h" 5 5 6 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 6 void Kml2ExpUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 7 _pprintLine_("Kml2Exp - kml to exp file conversion module:"); 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" This module converts a file from kml to exp format."); 10 _pprintLine_(""); 11 _pprintLine_(" Usage:"); 12 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Kml2Exp(filexp,filkml,sgn,'param name',param,...);"); 13 _pprintLine_(""); 14 _pprintLine_(" filkml file name of kml file to be read (char)"); 15 _pprintLine_(" filexp file name of exp file to be written (char)"); 16 _pprintLine_(" sgn sign for hemisphere (double, +1 (north) or -1 (south))"); 17 _pprintLine_(""); 18 _pprintLine_(" central_meridian central meridian (double, optional, but must specify with sp)"); 19 _pprintLine_(" standard_parallel standard parallel (double, optional, but must specify with cm)"); 20 _pprintLine_(""); 21 _pprintLine_(" ret return code (non-zero for warning)"); 22 _pprintLine_(""); 23 _pprintLine_(" Examples:"); 24 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Kml2Exp('file.kml','file.exp', 1);"); 25 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Kml2Exp('file.kml','file.exp', 1,'central_meridian',45,'standard_parallel',70);"); 26 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Kml2Exp('file.kml','file.exp',-1,'central_meridian', 0,'standard_parallel',71);"); 27 _pprintLine_(""); 28 }/*}}}*/ 29 WRAPPER(Kml2Exp){ 7 30 8 31 int i,verbose=1; … … 64 87 MODULEEND(); 65 88 } 66 67 void Kml2ExpUsage(void){68 _pprintLine_("Kml2Exp - kml to exp file conversion module:");69 _pprintLine_("");70 _pprintLine_(" This module converts a file from kml to exp format.");71 _pprintLine_("");72 _pprintLine_(" Usage:");73 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Kml2Exp(filexp,filkml,sgn,'param name',param,...);");74 _pprintLine_("");75 _pprintLine_(" filkml file name of kml file to be read (char)");76 _pprintLine_(" filexp file name of exp file to be written (char)");77 _pprintLine_(" sgn sign for hemisphere (double, +1 (north) or -1 (south))");78 _pprintLine_("");79 _pprintLine_(" central_meridian central meridian (double, optional, but must specify with sp)");80 _pprintLine_(" standard_parallel standard parallel (double, optional, but must specify with cm)");81 _pprintLine_("");82 _pprintLine_(" ret return code (non-zero for warning)");83 _pprintLine_("");84 _pprintLine_(" Examples:");85 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Kml2Exp('file.kml','file.exp', 1);");86 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Kml2Exp('file.kml','file.exp', 1,'central_meridian',45,'standard_parallel',70);");87 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Kml2Exp('file.kml','file.exp',-1,'central_meridian', 0,'standard_parallel',71);");88 _pprintLine_("");89 }90 -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void Kml2ExpUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13036 r13236 4 4 #include "./Kriging.h" 5 5 6 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 6 void KrigingUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 7 _pprintLine_(""); 8 _pprintLine_(" usage: predictions=" << __FUNCT__ << "(x,y,observations,x_interp,y_interp,'options');"); 9 _pprintLine_(" available options:"); 10 _pprintLine_(" -'model': Available variogram models 'gaussian' (default),'spherical','power','exponential'"); 11 _pprintLine_(" -'nugget': nugget effect (default 0.2)"); 12 _pprintLine_(" -'range': for gaussian, spherical and exponential models (default sqrt(3))"); 13 _pprintLine_(" -'sill': for gaussian, spherical and exponential models (default 1)"); 14 _pprintLine_(" -'slope': for power model (default 1)"); 15 _pprintLine_(" -'power': for power model (default 1)"); 16 _pprintLine_(" -'searchradius': search radius for each prediction (default is observations span)"); 17 _pprintLine_(" -'boxlength': minimum length of quadtree boxes (useful to decrease the number of observations)"); 18 _pprintLine_(" -'maxdata': minimum number of observations for a prediction (default is 50)"); 19 _pprintLine_(" -'mindata': maximum number of observations for a prediction (default is 1)"); 20 _pprintLine_(" -'maxtrimming': maximum trimming value (default is -1.e+21)"); 21 _pprintLine_(" -'mintrimming': minimum trimming value (default is +1.e+21)"); 22 _pprintLine_(" -'minspacing': minimum distance between observation (default is 0.01)"); 23 _pprintLine_(""); 24 }/*}}}*/ 25 WRAPPER(Kriging){ 7 26 8 27 /*Outputs*/ … … 52 71 MODULEEND(); 53 72 } 54 55 void KrigingUsage(void){56 _pprintLine_("");57 _pprintLine_(" usage: predictions=" << __FUNCT__ << "(x,y,observations,x_interp,y_interp,'options');");58 _pprintLine_(" available options:");59 _pprintLine_(" -'model': Available variogram models 'gaussian' (default),'spherical','power','exponential'");60 _pprintLine_(" -'nugget': nugget effect (default 0.2)");61 _pprintLine_(" -'range': for gaussian, spherical and exponential models (default sqrt(3))");62 _pprintLine_(" -'sill': for gaussian, spherical and exponential models (default 1)");63 _pprintLine_(" -'slope': for power model (default 1)");64 _pprintLine_(" -'power': for power model (default 1)");65 _pprintLine_(" -'searchradius': search radius for each prediction (default is observations span)");66 _pprintLine_(" -'boxlength': minimum length of quadtree boxes (useful to decrease the number of observations)");67 _pprintLine_(" -'maxdata': minimum number of observations for a prediction (default is 50)");68 _pprintLine_(" -'mindata': maximum number of observations for a prediction (default is 1)");69 _pprintLine_(" -'maxtrimming': maximum trimming value (default is -1.e+21)");70 _pprintLine_(" -'mintrimming': minimum trimming value (default is +1.e+21)");71 _pprintLine_(" -'minspacing': minimum distance between observation (default is 0.01)");72 _pprintLine_("");73 } -
r13235 r13236 1 1 /* 2 Kriging Usage.h2 Kriging.h 3 3 */ 4 4 … … 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void KrigingUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13036 r13236 4 4 #include "./Ll2xy.h" 5 5 6 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 6 void Ll2xyUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 7 _pprintLine_("Ll2xy - lat/long to x/y coordinate transformation module:"); 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" This module transforms lat/long to x/y coordinates."); 10 _pprintLine_(""); 11 _pprintLine_(" Usage:"); 12 _pprintLine_(" [x,y]=Ll2xy(lat,lon,sgn,'param name',param,...);"); 13 _pprintLine_(""); 14 _pprintLine_(" lat latitude coordinates (double vector)"); 15 _pprintLine_(" lon longitude coordinates (double vector)"); 16 _pprintLine_(" sgn sign for hemisphere (double, +1 (north) or -1 (south))"); 17 _pprintLine_(""); 18 _pprintLine_(" central_meridian central meridian (double, optional, but must specify with sp)"); 19 _pprintLine_(" standard_parallel standard parallel (double, optional, but must specify with cm)"); 20 _pprintLine_(""); 21 _pprintLine_(" x x coordinates (double vector)"); 22 _pprintLine_(" y y coordinates (double vector)"); 23 _pprintLine_(""); 24 _pprintLine_(" Examples:"); 25 _pprintLine_(" [x,y]=Ll2xy(lat,lon, 1);"); 26 _pprintLine_(" [x,y]=Ll2xy(lat,lon, 1,'central_meridian',45,'standard_parallel',70);"); 27 _pprintLine_(" [x,y]=Ll2xy(lat,lon,-1,'central_meridian', 0,'standard_parallel',71);"); 28 _pprintLine_(""); 29 }/*}}}*/ 30 WRAPPER(Ll2xy){ 7 31 8 32 int i,verbose=1; … … 72 96 MODULEEND(); 73 97 } 74 75 void Ll2xyUsage(void){76 _pprintLine_("Ll2xy - lat/long to x/y coordinate transformation module:");77 _pprintLine_("");78 _pprintLine_(" This module transforms lat/long to x/y coordinates.");79 _pprintLine_("");80 _pprintLine_(" Usage:");81 _pprintLine_(" [x,y]=Ll2xy(lat,lon,sgn,'param name',param,...);");82 _pprintLine_("");83 _pprintLine_(" lat latitude coordinates (double vector)");84 _pprintLine_(" lon longitude coordinates (double vector)");85 _pprintLine_(" sgn sign for hemisphere (double, +1 (north) or -1 (south))");86 _pprintLine_("");87 _pprintLine_(" central_meridian central meridian (double, optional, but must specify with sp)");88 _pprintLine_(" standard_parallel standard parallel (double, optional, but must specify with cm)");89 _pprintLine_("");90 _pprintLine_(" x x coordinates (double vector)");91 _pprintLine_(" y y coordinates (double vector)");92 _pprintLine_("");93 _pprintLine_(" Examples:");94 _pprintLine_(" [x,y]=Ll2xy(lat,lon, 1);");95 _pprintLine_(" [x,y]=Ll2xy(lat,lon, 1,'central_meridian',45,'standard_parallel',70);");96 _pprintLine_(" [x,y]=Ll2xy(lat,lon,-1,'central_meridian', 0,'standard_parallel',71);");97 _pprintLine_("");98 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void Ll2xyUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13038 r13236 1 1 /*!\file: MeshPartition.cpp 2 2 * \brief: partition mesh according to number of areas, using Metis library. 3 4 usage:5 [element_partitioning,node_partitioning]=MeshPartition(model,numareas)6 7 %Info needed from model are the following:8 %mesh info:9 numberofelements,numberofvertices,elements,elements_width10 %Non-extruded 2d mesh info11 nel2d,nods2d,elements2d,12 %Extruded 2d mesh info13 nel2d_ext,nods2d_ext,elements2d_ext,14 %Diverse15 numberoflayers,dim)16 17 output:18 vector of partitioning area numbers, for every element.19 vector of partitioning area numbers, for every node.20 3 */ 21 4 22 5 #include "./MeshPartition.h" 23 6 24 25 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) { 26 7 void MeshPartitionUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 8 _printLine_(" usage:"); 9 _printString_(" [element_partitioning,node_partitioning]=MeshPartition(md.mesh,numpartitions)"); 10 _printLine_(" where:"); 11 _printLine_(" element_partitioning is a vector of partitioning area numbers, for every element."); 12 _printLine_(" node_partitioning is a vector of partitioning area numbers, for every node."); 13 _printLine_(""); 14 }/*}}}*/ 15 WRAPPER(MeshPartition){ 27 16 28 17 /*Indexing: */ … … 94 83 MODULEEND(); 95 84 } 96 97 void MeshPartitionUsage(void){98 _printLine_(" usage:");99 _printString_(" [element_partitioning,node_partitioning]=MeshPartition(md.mesh,numpartitions)");100 _printLine_(" where:");101 _printLine_(" element_partitioning is a vector of partitioning area numbers, for every element.");102 _printLine_(" node_partitioning is a vector of partitioning area numbers, for every node.");103 _printLine_("");104 } -
r13235 r13236 17 17 #endif 18 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void MeshPartitionUsage(void);21 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" 23 20 #include "../../c/modules/modules.h" … … 25 22 #include "../../c/shared/shared.h" 26 23 #include "../../c/issm-binding.h" 27 28 #undef CLEANUP29 #define CLEANUP MeshPartitionLocalCleanup();30 24 31 25 #undef __FUNCT__ -
r13220 r13236 18 18 #include "./MeshProfileIntersection.h" 19 19 20 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) { 20 void MeshProfileIntersectionUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 21 _printLine_(" usage:"); 22 _printLine_(" [segments]=MeshProfileIntersection(index,x,y,filename);"); 23 _printLine_(" where:"); 24 _printLine_(" input:"); 25 _printLine_(" index,x,y is a triangulation"); 26 _printLine_(" filename: name of Argus style .exp file containing the segments (can be groups of disconnected segments)"); 27 _printLine_(" output:"); 28 _printLine_(" segments: array made of x1,y1,x2,y2,element_id lines (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are segment extremitis for a segment "); 29 _printLine_(" belonging to the elemnt_id element. there are as many lines in segments as there are segments intersecting the "); 30 _printLine_(" mesh."); 31 }/*}}}*/ 32 WRAPPER(MeshProfileIntersection){ 21 33 22 34 int i,j; … … 100 112 101 113 } 102 103 void MeshProfileIntersectionUsage(void){104 _printLine_(" usage:");105 _printLine_(" [segments]=MeshProfileIntersection(index,x,y,filename);");106 _printLine_(" where:");107 _printLine_(" input:");108 _printLine_(" index,x,y is a triangulation");109 _printLine_(" filename: name of Argus style .exp file containing the segments (can be groups of disconnected segments)");110 _printLine_(" output:");111 _printLine_(" segments: array made of x1,y1,x2,y2,element_id lines (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are segment extremitis for a segment ");112 _printLine_(" belonging to the elemnt_id element. there are as many lines in segments as there are segments intersecting the ");113 _printLine_(" mesh.");114 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void MeshProfileIntersectionUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r12518 r13236 5 5 #include "./NodeConnectivity.h" 6 6 7 void NodeConnectivityUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" usage: connectivity = " << __FUNCT__ << "(elements, numnodes);"); 10 _pprintLine_(""); 11 }/*}}}*/ 7 12 WRAPPER(NodeConnectivity){ 8 13 … … 35 40 MODULEEND(); 36 41 } 37 38 void NodeConnectivityUsage(void) {39 _pprintLine_("");40 _pprintLine_(" usage: connectivity = " << __FUNCT__ << "(elements, numnodes);");41 _pprintLine_("");42 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 #undef __FUNCT__ 20 #define __FUNCT__ "NodeConnectivity" 18 21 19 22 /*Header files: */ … … 44 47 #endif 45 48 46 #undef __FUNCT__47 #define __FUNCT__ "NodeConnectivity"48 49 49 /* serial arg counts: */ 50 50 #undef NLHS … … 53 53 #define NRHS 2 54 54 55 /* local prototypes: */56 void NodeConnectivityUsage(void);57 58 55 #endif /* _NODECONNECTIVITY_H */ -
r13229 r13236 5 5 #include "./PointCloudFindNeighbors.h" 6 6 7 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) { 7 void PointCloudFindNeighborsUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 8 _printLine_(" usage:"); 9 _printLine_(" [flags]=PointCloudFindNeighbors(x,y,mindistance,multithread);\n"); 10 _printLine_(" where:"); 11 _printLine_(" x,y: list of points."); 12 _printLine_(" mindistance: minimum distance that should exist between points in the cloud."); 13 _printLine_(" multithread: run multithreaded or not. with multithreads, flags can get 1 and 2 values in duplicates."); 14 _printLine_(" flags: array of flags (flag==1 means point is within mindistance of another point)"); 15 _printLine_(""); 16 }/*}}}*/ 17 WRAPPER(PointCloudFindNeighbors){ 8 18 9 19 int i,j; … … 40 50 MODULEEND(); 41 51 } 42 43 void PointCloudFindNeighborsUsage(void){44 _printLine_(" usage:");45 _printLine_(" [flags]=PointCloudFindNeighbors(x,y,mindistance,multithread);\n");46 _printLine_(" where:");47 _printLine_(" x,y: list of points.");48 _printLine_(" mindistance: minimum distance that should exist between points in the cloud.");49 _printLine_(" multithread: run multithreaded or not. with multithreads, flags can get 1 and 2 values in duplicates.");50 _printLine_(" flags: array of flags (flag==1 means point is within mindistance of another point)");51 _printLine_("");52 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void PointCloudFindNeighborsUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r12517 r13236 5 5 #include "./PropagateFlagsFromConnectivity.h" 6 6 7 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 7 void PropagateFlagsFromConnectivityUsage(void) {/*{{{*/ 8 _printLine_(""); 9 _printLine_(" usage: [pool] = " << __FUNCT__ << "(connectivity,pool,index,flags);");; 10 _printLine_(""); 11 }/*}}}*/ 12 WRAPPER(PropagateFlagsFromConnectivity){ 8 13 9 14 /*input/output datasets: */ … … 40 45 MODULEEND(); 41 46 } 42 43 void PropagateFlagsFromConnectivityUsage(void) {44 _printLine_("");45 _printLine_(" usage: [pool] = " << __FUNCT__ << "(connectivity,pool,index,flags);");;46 _printLine_("");47 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void PropagateFlagsFromConnectivityUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13036 r13236 8 8 #error "Cannot compile with HAVE_CONFIG_H symbol! run configure first!" 9 9 #endif 10 11 12 10 #include "./Scotch.h" 13 11 14 /******************************/ 15 /* */ 16 /* This is the main function. */ 17 /* */ 18 /******************************/ 19 20 void mexFunction( int nlhs, 21 mxArray *plhs[], 22 int nrhs, 23 const mxArray *prhs[] ) 24 { 25 26 #ifndef _HAVE_SCOTCH_ //only works if scotch library has been compiled in. 12 void GmapUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 13 mexPrintf("\n"); 14 mexPrintf("Usage: [maptab]=Scotch(adjmat,vertlb,vertwt,edgewt,archtyp,archpar,\n"); 15 mexPrintf(" Scotch-specific parameters);\n"); 16 mexPrintf("\n"); 17 }/*}}}*/ 18 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]){ 19 20 #ifndef _HAVE_SCOTCH_ //only works if scotch library has been compiled in. 27 21 _error_("Scotch not available! Cannot carry out Scotch partitioning!"); 28 22 #else … … 42 36 /* Check for proper number of arguments */ 43 37 44 if 38 if (nrhs == 0 && nlhs == 0) { 45 39 GmapUsage(); 46 40 return; … … 254 248 #endif //#ifndef _HAVE_SCOTCH_ 255 249 } 256 257 void GmapUsage( void )258 {259 260 mexPrintf("\n");261 mexPrintf("Usage: [maptab]=Scotch(adjmat,vertlb,vertwt,edgewt,archtyp,archpar,\n");262 mexPrintf(" Scotch-specific parameters);\n");263 mexPrintf("\n");264 265 return;266 }267 -
r13214 r13236 6 6 #define _SCOTCH_H 7 7 8 /* local prototypes: */9 void GmapUsage(void);10 11 8 #include <stdio.h> 12 9 #include <string.h> /* strcasecmp */ 13 10 #include <time.h> /* clock,time,difftime */ 14 15 11 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" 16 12 #include "../../c/modules/modules.h" -
r13036 r13236 11 11 #include "./Shp2Kml.h" 12 12 13 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 13 void Shp2KmlUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 14 _pprintLine_("Shp2Kml - shp to kml file conversion module:"); 15 _pprintLine_(""); 16 _pprintLine_(" This module converts a file from shp to kml format."); 17 _pprintLine_(""); 18 _pprintLine_(" Usage:"); 19 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Shp2Kml(filshp,filkml,sgn,'param name',param,...);"); 20 _pprintLine_(""); 21 _pprintLine_(" filshp file name of shp file to be read (char, extension optional)"); 22 _pprintLine_(" filkml file name of kml file to be written (char)"); 23 _pprintLine_(" sgn sign for hemisphere (double, +1 (north); -1 (south); or 0 (no translation))"); 24 _pprintLine_(""); 25 _pprintLine_(" central_meridian central meridian (double, optional, but must specify with sp)"); 26 _pprintLine_(" standard_parallel standard parallel (double, optional, but must specify with cm)"); 27 _pprintLine_(""); 28 _pprintLine_(" ret return code (non-zero for warning)"); 29 _pprintLine_(""); 30 _pprintLine_(" Examples:"); 31 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Shp2Kml('file.shp','file.kml', 0);"); 32 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Shp2Kml('file.shp','file.kml', 1,'central_meridian',45,'standard_parallel',70);"); 33 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Shp2Kml('file.shp','file.kml',-1,'central_meridian', 0,'standard_parallel',71);"); 34 _pprintLine_(""); 35 }/*}}}*/ 36 WRAPPER(Shp2Kml){ 14 37 15 38 int i,verbose=1; … … 75 98 MODULEEND(); 76 99 } 77 78 void Shp2KmlUsage(void){79 _pprintLine_("Shp2Kml - shp to kml file conversion module:");80 _pprintLine_("");81 _pprintLine_(" This module converts a file from shp to kml format.");82 _pprintLine_("");83 _pprintLine_(" Usage:");84 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Shp2Kml(filshp,filkml,sgn,'param name',param,...);");85 _pprintLine_("");86 _pprintLine_(" filshp file name of shp file to be read (char, extension optional)");87 _pprintLine_(" filkml file name of kml file to be written (char)");88 _pprintLine_(" sgn sign for hemisphere (double, +1 (north); -1 (south); or 0 (no translation))");89 _pprintLine_("");90 _pprintLine_(" central_meridian central meridian (double, optional, but must specify with sp)");91 _pprintLine_(" standard_parallel standard parallel (double, optional, but must specify with cm)");92 _pprintLine_("");93 _pprintLine_(" ret return code (non-zero for warning)");94 _pprintLine_("");95 _pprintLine_(" Examples:");96 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Shp2Kml('file.shp','file.kml', 0);");97 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Shp2Kml('file.shp','file.kml', 1,'central_meridian',45,'standard_parallel',70);");98 _pprintLine_(" [ret]=Shp2Kml('file.shp','file.kml',-1,'central_meridian', 0,'standard_parallel',71);");99 _pprintLine_("");100 } -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void Shp2KmlUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13034 r13236 5 5 #include "./StringToEnum.h" 6 6 7 void StringToEnumUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" usage: " << __FUNCT__ << "enum = StringToEnum(string);"); 10 _pprintLine_(""); 11 }/*}}}*/ 7 12 WRAPPER(StringToEnum){ 8 13 … … 28 33 MODULEEND(); 29 34 } 30 31 void StringToEnumUsage(void)32 {33 _pprintLine_("");34 _pprintLine_(" usage: " << __FUNCT__ << "enum = StringToEnum(string);");35 _pprintLine_("");36 } -
r13214 r13236 47 47 #define NRHS 1 48 48 49 /* local prototypes: */50 void StringToEnumUsage(void);51 52 49 #endif /* _TEST_H */ -
r13228 r13236 5 5 #include "./TriMesh.h" 6 6 7 void TriMeshUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 8 _printLine_(""); 9 _printLine_(" usage: [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=TriMesh(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,area) "); 10 _printLine_(" where: index,x,y defines a triangulation, segments is an array made "); 11 _printLine_(" of exterior segments to the mesh domain outline, segmentmarkers is an array flagging each segment, "); 12 _printLine_(" outlinefilename an Argus domain outline file, "); 13 _printLine_(" area is the maximum area desired for any element of the resulting mesh, "); 14 _printLine_(""); 15 }/*}}}*/ 7 16 WRAPPER(TriMesh){ 8 17 … … 60 69 MODULEEND(); 61 70 } 62 63 void TriMeshUsage(void) //{{{164 {65 _printLine_("");66 _printLine_(" usage: [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=TriMesh(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,area) ");67 _printLine_(" where: index,x,y defines a triangulation, segments is an array made ");68 _printLine_(" of exterior segments to the mesh domain outline, segmentmarkers is an array flagging each segment, ");69 _printLine_(" outlinefilename an Argus domain outline file, ");70 _printLine_(" area is the maximum area desired for any element of the resulting mesh, ");71 _printLine_("");72 }73 //}}} -
r13235 r13236 63 63 #define NRHS 3 64 64 65 /* local prototypes: */66 void TriMeshUsage(void);67 68 65 #endif /* _TRIMESH_H */ -
r13225 r13236 5 5 #include "./TriMeshProcessRifts.h" 6 6 7 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ){ 7 void TriMeshProcessRiftsUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 8 _printLine_(""); 9 _printLine_(" usage: [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2]=TriMeshProcessrifts(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1) "); 10 _printLine_(" where: (index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1) is an initial triangulation."); 11 _printLine_(" index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2 is the resulting triangulation where rifts have been processed."); 12 }/*}}}*/ 13 WRAPPER(TriMeshProcessRifts){ 8 14 9 15 /*Matlab arrays: */ … … 245 251 return; 246 252 } 247 248 void TriMeshProcessRiftsUsage(void){249 _printLine_("");250 _printLine_(" usage: [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2]=TriMeshProcessrifts(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1) ");251 _printLine_(" where: (index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1) is an initial triangulation.");252 _printLine_(" index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2 is the resulting triangulation where rifts have been processed.");253 } -
r13214 r13236 9 9 #include "triangle.h" 10 10 #include "string.h" 11 12 11 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" 13 12 #include "../../c/modules/modules.h" … … 17 16 #include "../../c/EnumDefinitions/EnumDefinitions.h" 18 17 19 void TriMeshProcessRiftsUsage(void);20 18 #undef __FUNCT__ 21 19 #define __FUNCT__ "TriMeshProcessRifts" -
r12601 r13236 4 4 #include "./TriaSearch.h" 5 5 6 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 6 void TriaSearchUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 7 _pprintLine_("TriaSearch- find triangle holding a point (x0,y0) in a mesh"); 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" Usage:"); 10 _pprintLine_(" tria=TriaSearch(index,x,y,x0,y0);"); 11 _pprintLine_(" index,x,y: mesh triangulatrion"); 12 _pprintLine_(" x0,y0: coordinates of the point for which we are trying to find a triangle"); 13 _pprintLine_(" x0,y0 can be an array of points"); 14 _pprintLine_(""); 15 }/*}}}*/ 16 WRAPPER(TriaSearch){ 7 17 8 18 int i; … … 49 59 MODULEEND(); 50 60 } 51 52 void TriaSearchUsage(void){53 _pprintLine_("TriaSearch- find triangle holding a point (x0,y0) in a mesh");54 _pprintLine_("");55 _pprintLine_(" Usage:");56 _pprintLine_(" tria=TriaSearch(index,x,y,x0,y0);");57 _pprintLine_(" index,x,y: mesh triangulatrion");58 _pprintLine_(" x0,y0: coordinates of the point for which we are trying to find a triangle");59 _pprintLine_(" x0,y0 can be an array of points");60 _pprintLine_("");61 } -
r13235 r13236 15 15 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 16 16 #endif 17 18 /* local prototypes: */19 void TriaSearchUsage(void);20 17 21 18 #include "../../c/include/globals.h" -
r13036 r13236 4 4 #include "./Xy2ll.h" 5 5 6 void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]){ 6 void Xy2llUsage(void){/*{{{*/ 7 _pprintLine_("Xy2ll - x/y to lat/long coordinate transformation module:"); 8 _pprintLine_(""); 9 _pprintLine_(" This module transforms x/y to lat/long coordinates."); 10 _pprintLine_(""); 11 _pprintLine_(" Usage:"); 12 _pprintLine_(" [lat,lon]=Xy2ll(x,y,sgn,'param name',param,...);"); 13 _pprintLine_(""); 14 _pprintLine_(" x x coordinates (double vector)"); 15 _pprintLine_(" y y coordinates (double vector)"); 16 _pprintLine_(" sgn sign for hemisphere (double, +1 (north) or -1 (south))"); 17 _pprintLine_(""); 18 _pprintLine_(" central_meridian central meridian (double, optional, but must specify with sp)"); 19 _pprintLine_(" standard_parallel standard parallel (double, optional, but must specify with cm)"); 20 _pprintLine_(""); 21 _pprintLine_(" lat latitude coordinates (double vector)"); 22 _pprintLine_(" lon longitude coordinates (double vector)"); 23 _pprintLine_(""); 24 _pprintLine_(" Examples:"); 25 _pprintLine_(" [lat,lon]=Xy2ll(x,y, 1);"); 26 _pprintLine_(" [lat,lon]=Xy2ll(x,y, 1,'central_meridian',45,'standard_parallel',70);"); 27 _pprintLine_(" [lat,lon]=Xy2ll(x,y,-1,'central_meridian', 0,'standard_parallel',71);"); 28 _pprintLine_(""); 29 }/*}}}*/ 30 WRAPPER(Xy2ll){ 7 31 8 32 int i,verbose=1; … … 71 95 MODULEEND(); 72 96 } 73 74 void Xy2llUsage(void){75 _pprintLine_("Xy2ll - x/y to lat/long coordinate transformation module:");76 _pprintLine_("");77 _pprintLine_(" This module transforms x/y to lat/long coordinates.");78 _pprintLine_("");79 _pprintLine_(" Usage:");80 _pprintLine_(" [lat,lon]=Xy2ll(x,y,sgn,'param name',param,...);");81 _pprintLine_("");82 _pprintLine_(" x x coordinates (double vector)");83 _pprintLine_(" y y coordinates (double vector)");84 _pprintLine_(" sgn sign for hemisphere (double, +1 (north) or -1 (south))");85 _pprintLine_("");86 _pprintLine_(" central_meridian central meridian (double, optional, but must specify with sp)");87 _pprintLine_(" standard_parallel standard parallel (double, optional, but must specify with cm)");88 _pprintLine_("");89 _pprintLine_(" lat latitude coordinates (double vector)");90 _pprintLine_(" lon longitude coordinates (double vector)");91 _pprintLine_("");92 _pprintLine_(" Examples:");93 _pprintLine_(" [lat,lon]=Xy2ll(x,y, 1);");94 _pprintLine_(" [lat,lon]=Xy2ll(x,y, 1,'central_meridian',45,'standard_parallel',70);");95 _pprintLine_(" [lat,lon]=Xy2ll(x,y,-1,'central_meridian', 0,'standard_parallel',71);");96 _pprintLine_("");97 }98 -
r13235 r13236 16 16 #define PY_ARRAY_UNIQUE_SYMBOL PythonIOSymbol 17 17 #endif 18 19 /* local prototypes: */20 void Xy2llUsage(void);21 18 22 19 #include "../../c/include/globals.h"
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.