Changeset 12911

08/06/12 10:34:21 (13 years ago)
Mathieu Morlighem

updated synchronization script

2 edited


  • issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/vim/addons/vim/syntax/

    r12672 r12911  
    1515cat c.vim | sed "/ISSM's objects begin/,/vim: ts=8/d" > temp
    1616echo "\"ISSM's objects begin" >> temp
    17 cat ../../../../../src/c/objects/objects.h  | grep "\.h" | sed -e "s/\// /g" -e "s/\.h\"//" | awk '{print  $(NF)}' | awk '{ printf "syn keyword cType " $1 "\n"}' >> temp
    18 echo "\"ISSM's objects end" >> temp
     17find ../../../../../src/c/classes -name "*.h" | sed -e "s/\// /g" -e "s/\.h//"| awk '{print  $(NF)}' | awk '{ printf "syn keyword cType " $1 "\n"}'>> temp
    1918cat c.vim | sed "1,/ISSM's objects end/d" >> temp
  • issm/trunk-jpl/externalpackages/vim/addons/vim/syntax/c.vim

    r12773 r12911  
    412412"ISSM's objects begin
    413 syn keyword cType objects.h
    414 syn keyword cType Object
     413syn keyword cType AdjacentTriangle
     414syn keyword cType BamgGeom
     415syn keyword cType BamgMesh
     416syn keyword cType bamgobjects
     417syn keyword cType BamgOpts
     418syn keyword cType BamgQuadtree
     419syn keyword cType BamgVertex
     420syn keyword cType CrackedEdge
     421syn keyword cType Curve
     422syn keyword cType Direction
     423syn keyword cType DoubleAndInt
     424syn keyword cType Edge
     425syn keyword cType GeomEdge
     426syn keyword cType Geometry
     427syn keyword cType GeomSubDomain
     428syn keyword cType GeomVertex
     429syn keyword cType include
     430syn keyword cType ListofIntersectionTriangles
     431syn keyword cType macros
     432syn keyword cType Mesh
     433syn keyword cType Metric
     434syn keyword cType R2
     435syn keyword cType SetOfE4
     436syn keyword cType SubDomain
     437syn keyword cType Triangle
     438syn keyword cType typedefs
     439syn keyword cType VertexOnEdge
     440syn keyword cType VertexOnGeom
     441syn keyword cType VertexOnVertex
     442syn keyword cType classes
     443syn keyword cType DakotaPlugin
     444syn keyword cType DofIndexing
     445syn keyword cType FemModel
     446syn keyword cType gaussobjects
     447syn keyword cType GaussPenta
     448syn keyword cType GaussTria
    415449syn keyword cType Hook
    416 syn keyword cType DofIndexing
    417 syn keyword cType Vertex
    418 syn keyword cType Node
    419 syn keyword cType Segment
    420450syn keyword cType IoModel
    421 syn keyword cType Patch
    422 syn keyword cType Update
     451syn keyword cType ExponentialVariogram
     452syn keyword cType GaussianVariogram
     453syn keyword cType krigingobjects
     454syn keyword cType Observation
     455syn keyword cType PowerVariogram
     456syn keyword cType Quadtree
     457syn keyword cType SphericalVariogram
     458syn keyword cType Variogram
     459syn keyword cType ElementMatrix
     460syn keyword cType ElementVector
     461syn keyword cType Matrix
     462syn keyword cType matrixobjects
     463syn keyword cType Vector
    423464syn keyword cType Constraint
     465syn keyword cType SpcDynamic
    424466syn keyword cType SpcStatic
    425467syn keyword cType SpcTransient
    426 syn keyword cType SpcDynamic
    427 syn keyword cType GaussTria
    428 syn keyword cType GaussPenta
    429 syn keyword cType Load
    430 syn keyword cType Friction
    431 syn keyword cType Icefront
    432 syn keyword cType Numericalflux
    433 syn keyword cType Riftfront
    434 syn keyword cType Penpair
    435 syn keyword cType Pengrid
     468syn keyword cType Contour
     469syn keyword cType BoolElementResult
     470syn keyword cType DoubleElementResult
     471syn keyword cType ElementResult
     472syn keyword cType ElementResultLocal
     473syn keyword cType PentaP1ElementResult
     474syn keyword cType TriaP1ElementResult
    436475syn keyword cType Element
    437476syn keyword cType Penta
    441480syn keyword cType TriaHook
    442481syn keyword cType TriaRef
     482syn keyword cType BoolExternalResult
     483syn keyword cType DoubleExternalResult
     484syn keyword cType DoubleMatExternalResult
     485syn keyword cType DoubleVecExternalResult
     486syn keyword cType ExternalResult
     487syn keyword cType IntExternalResult
     488syn keyword cType PetscVecExternalResult
     489syn keyword cType StringExternalResult
     490syn keyword cType BoolInput
     491syn keyword cType ControlInput
     492syn keyword cType DatasetInput
     493syn keyword cType DoubleInput
     494syn keyword cType Input
     495syn keyword cType IntInput
     496syn keyword cType PentaP1Input
     497syn keyword cType TransientInput
     498syn keyword cType TriaP1Input
    443499syn keyword cType KML_Attribute
     500syn keyword cType KML_ColorStyle
    444501syn keyword cType KML_Comment
    445 syn keyword cType KML_ColorStyle
    446502syn keyword cType KML_Container
    447503syn keyword cType KML_Document
    459515syn keyword cType KML_Object
    460516syn keyword cType KML_Overlay
     517syn keyword cType KML_Placemark
    461518syn keyword cType KML_Point
    462 syn keyword cType KML_Placemark
    463519syn keyword cType KML_Polygon
    464520syn keyword cType KML_PolyStyle
    468524syn keyword cType KML_Unknown
    469525syn keyword cType KMLFileReadUtils
    470 syn keyword cType Option
    471 syn keyword cType OptionDouble
    472 syn keyword cType OptionLogical
    473 syn keyword cType OptionChar
    474 syn keyword cType OptionStruct
    475 syn keyword cType OptionCell
    476 syn keyword cType OptionUtilities
    477 syn keyword cType Input
    478 syn keyword cType BoolInput
    479 syn keyword cType DoubleInput
    480 syn keyword cType IntInput
    481 syn keyword cType PentaP1Input
    482 syn keyword cType TriaP1Input
    483 syn keyword cType ControlInput
    484 syn keyword cType DatasetInput
    485 syn keyword cType TransientInput
    486 syn keyword cType ElementResult
    487 syn keyword cType DoubleElementResult
    488 syn keyword cType TriaP1ElementResult
    489 syn keyword cType PentaP1ElementResult
    490 syn keyword cType BoolElementResult
    491 syn keyword cType ExternalResult
    492 syn keyword cType BoolExternalResult
    493 syn keyword cType DoubleExternalResult
    494 syn keyword cType DoubleVecExternalResult
    495 syn keyword cType DoubleMatExternalResult
    496 syn keyword cType IntExternalResult
    497 syn keyword cType PetscVecExternalResult
    498 syn keyword cType StringExternalResult
     526syn keyword cType Friction
     527syn keyword cType Icefront
     528syn keyword cType Load
     529syn keyword cType Numericalflux
     530syn keyword cType Pengrid
     531syn keyword cType Penpair
     532syn keyword cType Riftfront
    499533syn keyword cType Material
    500534syn keyword cType Matice
    501535syn keyword cType Matpar
    502 syn keyword cType ElementMatrix
    503 syn keyword cType ElementVector
    504 syn keyword cType Vector
    505 syn keyword cType Matrix
     536syn keyword cType Node
     537syn keyword cType Object
     538syn keyword cType objects
     539syn keyword cType Option
     540syn keyword cType OptionCell
     541syn keyword cType OptionChar
     542syn keyword cType OptionDouble
     543syn keyword cType OptionLogical
     544syn keyword cType OptionStruct
     545syn keyword cType OptionUtilities
    506546syn keyword cType BoolParam
     547syn keyword cType DoubleMatArrayParam
    507548syn keyword cType DoubleMatParam
     549syn keyword cType DoubleParam
    508550syn keyword cType DoubleTransientMatParam
    509 syn keyword cType DoubleMatArrayParam
    510 syn keyword cType DoubleParam
    511551syn keyword cType DoubleVecParam
     552syn keyword cType FileParam
     553syn keyword cType IntMatParam
    512554syn keyword cType IntParam
    513555syn keyword cType IntVecParam
    514 syn keyword cType IntMatParam
    515 syn keyword cType FileParam
     556syn keyword cType MatrixParam
    516557syn keyword cType Param
    517 syn keyword cType MatrixParam
    518 syn keyword cType VectorParam
    519558syn keyword cType StringArrayParam
    520559syn keyword cType StringParam
    521 syn keyword cType Contour
    522 syn keyword cType FemModel
     560syn keyword cType TransientParam
     561syn keyword cType VectorParam
     562syn keyword cType Segment
     563syn keyword cType Vertex
     564syn keyword cType objects
    523565syn keyword cType OptArgs
    524566syn keyword cType OptPars
    525 syn keyword cType BamgOpts
    526 syn keyword cType BamgGeom
    527 syn keyword cType BamgMesh
    528 syn keyword cType Metric
    529 syn keyword cType DoubleAndInt
    530 syn keyword cType Direction
    531 syn keyword cType BamgVertex
    532 syn keyword cType AdjacentTriangle
    533 syn keyword cType Edge
    534 syn keyword cType GeomVertex
    535 syn keyword cType GeomEdge
    536 syn keyword cType Curve
    537 syn keyword cType Triangle
    538 syn keyword cType ListofIntersectionTriangles
    539 syn keyword cType GeomSubDomain
    540 syn keyword cType SubDomain
    541 syn keyword cType VertexOnGeom
    542 syn keyword cType VertexOnVertex
    543 syn keyword cType VertexOnEdge
    544 syn keyword cType CrackedEdge
    545 syn keyword cType Mesh
    546 syn keyword cType Geometry
    547 syn keyword cType BamgQuadtree
    548 syn keyword cType SetOfE4
    549 syn keyword cType Variogram
    550 syn keyword cType GaussianVariogram
    551 syn keyword cType ExponentialVariogram
    552 syn keyword cType SphericalVariogram
    553 syn keyword cType PowerVariogram
    554 syn keyword cType Quadtree
    555 syn keyword cType Observation
    556 "ISSM's objects end
    558 "ISSM's Enums begin
    559 syn keyword cConstant AutodiffForwardEnum
    560 syn keyword cConstant AutodiffIsautodiffEnum
    561 syn keyword cConstant AutodiffReverseEnum
    562 syn keyword cConstant BalancethicknessSpcthicknessEnum
    563 syn keyword cConstant BalancethicknessStabilizationEnum
    564 syn keyword cConstant BalancethicknessThickeningRateEnum
    565 syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsGeothermalfluxEnum
    566 syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsMeltingRateCorrectionEnum
    567 syn keyword cConstant BasalforcingsMeltingRateEnum
    568 syn keyword cConstant BathymetryEnum
    569 syn keyword cConstant BedEnum
    570 syn keyword cConstant ConstantsGEnum
    571 syn keyword cConstant ConstantsReferencetemperatureEnum
    572 syn keyword cConstant ConstantsYtsEnum
    573 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticAbstolEnum
    574 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticIcefrontEnum
    575 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticIsnewtonEnum
    576 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticMaxiterEnum
    577 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticNumRequestedOutputsEnum
    578 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticPenaltyFactorEnum
    579 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticReferentialEnum
    580 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticReltolEnum
    581 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticRequestedOutputsEnum
    582 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticRestolEnum
    583 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticRiftPenaltyLockEnum
    584 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticRiftPenaltyThresholdEnum
    585 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticShelfDampeningEnum
    586 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticSpcvxEnum
    587 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticSpcvyEnum
    588 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticSpcvzEnum
    589 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticStokesreconditioningEnum
    590 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticVertexPairingEnum
    591 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticViscosityOvershootEnum
    592 syn keyword cConstant FlowequationBordermacayealEnum
    593 syn keyword cConstant FlowequationBorderpattynEnum
    594 syn keyword cConstant FlowequationBorderstokesEnum
    595 syn keyword cConstant FlowequationElementEquationEnum
    596 syn keyword cConstant FlowequationIshutterEnum
    597 syn keyword cConstant FlowequationIsmacayealpattynEnum
    598 syn keyword cConstant FlowequationIsstokesEnum
    599 syn keyword cConstant FlowequationVertexEquationEnum
    600 syn keyword cConstant FrictionCoefficientEnum
    601 syn keyword cConstant FrictionPEnum
    602 syn keyword cConstant FrictionQEnum
    603 syn keyword cConstant GeometryHydrostaticRatioEnum
    604 syn keyword cConstant HydrologyCREnum
    605 syn keyword cConstant HydrologyKnEnum
    606 syn keyword cConstant HydrologyNEnum
    607 syn keyword cConstant HydrologyPEnum
    608 syn keyword cConstant HydrologyQEnum
    609 syn keyword cConstant HydrologySpcwatercolumnEnum
    610 syn keyword cConstant HydrologyStabilizationEnum
    611 syn keyword cConstant InversionControlParametersEnum
    612 syn keyword cConstant InversionCostFunctionEnum
    613 syn keyword cConstant InversionCostFunctionThresholdEnum
    614 syn keyword cConstant InversionCostFunctionsCoefficientsEnum
    615 syn keyword cConstant InversionCostFunctionsEnum
    616 syn keyword cConstant InversionGradientOnlyEnum
    617 syn keyword cConstant InversionGradientScalingEnum
    618 syn keyword cConstant InversionIscontrolEnum
    619 syn keyword cConstant InversionTaoEnum
    620 syn keyword cConstant InversionIncompleteAdjointEnum
    621 syn keyword cConstant InversionMaxParametersEnum
    622 syn keyword cConstant InversionMaxiterPerStepEnum
    623 syn keyword cConstant InversionMinParametersEnum
    624 syn keyword cConstant InversionNstepsEnum
    625 syn keyword cConstant InversionNumControlParametersEnum
    626 syn keyword cConstant InversionNumCostFunctionsEnum
    627 syn keyword cConstant InversionStepThresholdEnum
    628 syn keyword cConstant InversionThicknessObsEnum
    629 syn keyword cConstant InversionVelObsEnum
    630 syn keyword cConstant InversionVxObsEnum
    631 syn keyword cConstant InversionVyObsEnum
    632 syn keyword cConstant InversionVzObsEnum
    633 syn keyword cConstant MaskElementonfloatingiceEnum
    634 syn keyword cConstant MaskElementongroundediceEnum
    635 syn keyword cConstant MaskElementonwaterEnum
    636 syn keyword cConstant MaskVertexonfloatingiceEnum
    637 syn keyword cConstant MaskVertexongroundediceEnum
    638 syn keyword cConstant MaskVertexonwaterEnum
    639 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsBetaEnum
    640 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsHeatcapacityEnum
    641 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsLatentheatEnum
    642 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsMeltingpointEnum
    643 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsMixedLayerCapacityEnum
    644 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsRheologyBEnum
    645 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsRheologyBbarEnum
    646 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsRheologyLawEnum
    647 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsRheologyNEnum
    648 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsRhoIceEnum
    649 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsRhoWaterEnum
    650 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsRhoFreshwaterEnum
    651 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsMuWaterEnum
    652 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsThermalExchangeVelocityEnum
    653 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsThermalconductivityEnum
    654 syn keyword cConstant MeshAverageVertexConnectivityEnum
    655 syn keyword cConstant MeshDimensionEnum
    656 syn keyword cConstant MeshEdgesEnum
    657 syn keyword cConstant MeshElementconnectivityEnum
    658 syn keyword cConstant MeshElementonbedEnum
    659 syn keyword cConstant MeshElementonsurfaceEnum
    660 syn keyword cConstant MeshElements2dEnum
    661 syn keyword cConstant MeshElementsEnum
    662 syn keyword cConstant MeshLowerelementsEnum
    663 syn keyword cConstant MeshNumberofedgesEnum
    664 syn keyword cConstant MeshNumberofelements2dEnum
    665 syn keyword cConstant MeshNumberofelementsEnum
    666 syn keyword cConstant MeshNumberoflayersEnum
    667 syn keyword cConstant MeshNumberofvertices2dEnum
    668 syn keyword cConstant MeshNumberofverticesEnum
    669 syn keyword cConstant MeshUpperelementsEnum
    670 syn keyword cConstant MeshVertexonbedEnum
    671 syn keyword cConstant MeshVertexonsurfaceEnum
    672 syn keyword cConstant MeshXEnum
    673 syn keyword cConstant MeshYEnum
    674 syn keyword cConstant MeshZEnum
    675 syn keyword cConstant MiscellaneousNameEnum
    676 syn keyword cConstant PrognosticHydrostaticAdjustmentEnum
    677 syn keyword cConstant PrognosticMinThicknessEnum
    678 syn keyword cConstant PrognosticPenaltyFactorEnum
    679 syn keyword cConstant PrognosticSpcthicknessEnum
    680 syn keyword cConstant PrognosticStabilizationEnum
    681 syn keyword cConstant PrognosticVertexPairingEnum
    682 syn keyword cConstant QmuIsdakotaEnum
    683 syn keyword cConstant QmuMassFluxSegmentsEnum
    684 syn keyword cConstant QmuNumberofpartitionsEnum
    685 syn keyword cConstant QmuNumberofresponsesEnum
    686 syn keyword cConstant QmuPartitionEnum
    687 syn keyword cConstant QmuResponsedescriptorsEnum
    688 syn keyword cConstant QmuVariabledescriptorsEnum
    689 syn keyword cConstant RiftsNumriftsEnum
    690 syn keyword cConstant RiftsRiftstructEnum
    691 syn keyword cConstant SettingsIoGatherEnum
    692 syn keyword cConstant SettingsLowmemEnum
    693 syn keyword cConstant SettingsOutputFrequencyEnum
    694 syn keyword cConstant SettingsResultsAsPatchesEnum
    695 syn keyword cConstant SettingsWaitonlockEnum
    696 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceforcingsDelta18oEnum
    697 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceforcingsDelta18oTemperaturesPresentdayEnum
    698 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceforcingsDelta18oTemperaturesLgmEnum
    699 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceforcingsDelta18oSurfaceEnum
    700 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceforcingsIsdelta18oEnum
    701 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceforcingsPrecipitationsPresentdayEnum
    702 syn keyword cConstant DebugProfilingEnum
    703 syn keyword cConstant ProfilingCurrentMemEnum
    704 syn keyword cConstant ProfilingCurrentFlopsEnum
    705 syn keyword cConstant ProfilingSolutionTimeEnum
    706 syn keyword cConstant MaxIterationConvergenceFlagEnum
    707 syn keyword cConstant SteadystateMaxiterEnum
    708 syn keyword cConstant SteadystateNumRequestedOutputsEnum
    709 syn keyword cConstant SteadystateReltolEnum
    710 syn keyword cConstant SteadystateRequestedOutputsEnum
    711 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceEnum
    712 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceforcingsPrecipitationEnum
    713 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceforcingsMassBalanceEnum
    714 syn keyword cConstant ThermalMaxiterEnum
    715 syn keyword cConstant ThermalPenaltyFactorEnum
    716 syn keyword cConstant ThermalPenaltyLockEnum
    717 syn keyword cConstant ThermalPenaltyThresholdEnum
    718 syn keyword cConstant ThermalSpctemperatureEnum
    719 syn keyword cConstant ThermalStabilizationEnum
    720 syn keyword cConstant ThermalIsenthalpyEnum
    721 syn keyword cConstant ThicknessEnum
    722 syn keyword cConstant TimesteppingStartTimeEnum
    723 syn keyword cConstant TimesteppingFinalTimeEnum
    724 syn keyword cConstant TimesteppingCflCoefficientEnum
    725 syn keyword cConstant TimesteppingTimeAdaptEnum
    726 syn keyword cConstant TimesteppingTimeStepEnum
    727 syn keyword cConstant TransientIsdiagnosticEnum
    728 syn keyword cConstant TransientIsgroundinglineEnum
    729 syn keyword cConstant TransientIsprognosticEnum
    730 syn keyword cConstant TransientIsthermalEnum
    731 syn keyword cConstant TransientNumRequestedOutputsEnum
    732 syn keyword cConstant TransientRequestedOutputsEnum
    733 syn keyword cConstant SolutionTypeEnum
    734 syn keyword cConstant AnalysisTypeEnum
    735 syn keyword cConstant ConfigurationTypeEnum
    736 syn keyword cConstant AdjointBalancethicknessAnalysisEnum
    737 syn keyword cConstant AdjointHorizAnalysisEnum
    738 syn keyword cConstant AdjointSolutionEnum
    739 syn keyword cConstant AnalysisCounterEnum
    740 syn keyword cConstant BalancethicknessAnalysisEnum
    741 syn keyword cConstant BalancethicknessSolutionEnum
    742 syn keyword cConstant BedSlopeAnalysisEnum
    743 syn keyword cConstant BedSlopeSolutionEnum
    744 syn keyword cConstant BedSlopeXAnalysisEnum
    745 syn keyword cConstant BedSlopeYAnalysisEnum
    746 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticHorizAnalysisEnum
    747 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticHutterAnalysisEnum
    748 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticSolutionEnum
    749 syn keyword cConstant DiagnosticVertAnalysisEnum
    750 syn keyword cConstant EnthalpyAnalysisEnum
    751 syn keyword cConstant EnthalpySolutionEnum
    752 syn keyword cConstant FlaimAnalysisEnum
    753 syn keyword cConstant FlaimSolutionEnum
    754 syn keyword cConstant HydrologyAnalysisEnum
    755 syn keyword cConstant HydrologySolutionEnum
    756 syn keyword cConstant MeltingAnalysisEnum
    757 syn keyword cConstant NoneAnalysisEnum
    758 syn keyword cConstant PrognosticAnalysisEnum
    759 syn keyword cConstant PrognosticSolutionEnum
    760 syn keyword cConstant SteadystateSolutionEnum
    761 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceSlopeAnalysisEnum
    762 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceSlopeSolutionEnum
    763 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceSlopeXAnalysisEnum
    764 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceSlopeYAnalysisEnum
    765 syn keyword cConstant ThermalAnalysisEnum
    766 syn keyword cConstant ThermalSolutionEnum
    767 syn keyword cConstant TransientSolutionEnum
    768 syn keyword cConstant ApproximationEnum
    769 syn keyword cConstant HutterApproximationEnum
    770 syn keyword cConstant MacAyealApproximationEnum
    771 syn keyword cConstant MacAyealPattynApproximationEnum
    772 syn keyword cConstant MacAyealStokesApproximationEnum
    773 syn keyword cConstant NoneApproximationEnum
    774 syn keyword cConstant PattynApproximationEnum
    775 syn keyword cConstant PattynStokesApproximationEnum
    776 syn keyword cConstant StokesApproximationEnum
    777 syn keyword cConstant ConstraintsEnum
    778 syn keyword cConstant LoadsEnum
    779 syn keyword cConstant MaterialsEnum
    780 syn keyword cConstant NodesEnum
    781 syn keyword cConstant ParametersEnum
    782 syn keyword cConstant VerticesEnum
    783 syn keyword cConstant ResultsEnum
    784 syn keyword cConstant BoolInputEnum
    785 syn keyword cConstant BoolParamEnum
    786 syn keyword cConstant ContourEnum
    787 syn keyword cConstant ControlInputEnum
    788 syn keyword cConstant DatasetInputEnum
    789 syn keyword cConstant DofIndexingEnum
    790 syn keyword cConstant DoubleInputEnum
    791 syn keyword cConstant DoubleMatArrayParamEnum
    792 syn keyword cConstant DoubleMatParamEnum
    793 syn keyword cConstant DoubleParamEnum
    794 syn keyword cConstant DoubleVecParamEnum
    795 syn keyword cConstant ElementEnum
    796 syn keyword cConstant ElementResultEnum
    797 syn keyword cConstant ExternalResultEnum
    798 syn keyword cConstant FileParamEnum
    799 syn keyword cConstant HookEnum
    800 syn keyword cConstant IcefrontEnum
    801 syn keyword cConstant InputEnum
    802 syn keyword cConstant IntInputEnum
    803 syn keyword cConstant IntParamEnum
    804 syn keyword cConstant IntVecParamEnum
    805 syn keyword cConstant TransientParamEnum
    806 syn keyword cConstant MacAyeal2dIceFrontEnum
    807 syn keyword cConstant MacAyeal3dIceFrontEnum
    808 syn keyword cConstant MaticeEnum
    809 syn keyword cConstant MatparEnum
    810 syn keyword cConstant NodeEnum
    811 syn keyword cConstant NumericalfluxEnum
    812 syn keyword cConstant ParamEnum
    813 syn keyword cConstant PattynIceFrontEnum
    814 syn keyword cConstant PengridEnum
    815 syn keyword cConstant PenpairEnum
    816 syn keyword cConstant PentaEnum
    817 syn keyword cConstant PentaP1InputEnum
    818 syn keyword cConstant MatrixParamEnum
    819 syn keyword cConstant VectorParamEnum
    820 syn keyword cConstant RiftfrontEnum
    821 syn keyword cConstant SegmentEnum
    822 syn keyword cConstant SegmentRiftfrontEnum
    823 syn keyword cConstant SpcDynamicEnum
    824 syn keyword cConstant SpcStaticEnum
    825 syn keyword cConstant SpcTransientEnum
    826 syn keyword cConstant StokesIceFrontEnum
    827 syn keyword cConstant StringArrayParamEnum
    828 syn keyword cConstant StringParamEnum
    829 syn keyword cConstant TriaEnum
    830 syn keyword cConstant TriaP1InputEnum
    831 syn keyword cConstant VertexEnum
    832 syn keyword cConstant AirEnum
    833 syn keyword cConstant IceEnum
    834 syn keyword cConstant MelangeEnum
    835 syn keyword cConstant WaterEnum
    836 syn keyword cConstant ClosedEnum
    837 syn keyword cConstant FreeEnum
    838 syn keyword cConstant OpenEnum
    839 syn keyword cConstant AdjointpEnum
    840 syn keyword cConstant AdjointxEnum
    841 syn keyword cConstant AdjointyEnum
    842 syn keyword cConstant AdjointzEnum
    843 syn keyword cConstant BedSlopeXEnum
    844 syn keyword cConstant BedSlopeYEnum
    845 syn keyword cConstant BoundaryEnum
    846 syn keyword cConstant ConstantEnum
    847 syn keyword cConstant ConvergedEnum
    848 syn keyword cConstant ExtToIuEnum
    849 syn keyword cConstant FillEnum
    850 syn keyword cConstant FractionIncrementEnum
    851 syn keyword cConstant FrictionEnum
    852 syn keyword cConstant GroundinglineMeltingRateEnum
    853 syn keyword cConstant InternalEnum
    854 syn keyword cConstant IuToExtEnum
    855 syn keyword cConstant MassFluxEnum
    856 syn keyword cConstant MaxPenetrationEnum
    857 syn keyword cConstant MeltingOffsetEnum
    858 syn keyword cConstant MisfitEnum
    859 syn keyword cConstant NumberNodeToElementConnectivityEnum
    860 syn keyword cConstant PressureEnum
    861 syn keyword cConstant PressurePicardEnum
    862 syn keyword cConstant QmuPressureEnum
    863 syn keyword cConstant QmuVxEnum
    864 syn keyword cConstant QmuVyEnum
    865 syn keyword cConstant QmuVzEnum
    866 syn keyword cConstant QmuThicknessEnum
    867 syn keyword cConstant QmuBedEnum
    868 syn keyword cConstant QmuSurfaceEnum
    869 syn keyword cConstant QmuMeltingEnum
    870 syn keyword cConstant ResetPenaltiesEnum
    871 syn keyword cConstant SegmentOnIceShelfEnum
    872 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceAbsVelMisfitEnum
    873 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceAreaEnum
    874 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceAverageVelMisfitEnum
    875 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceLogVelMisfitEnum
    876 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceLogVxVyMisfitEnum
    877 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceRelVelMisfitEnum
    878 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceSlopeXEnum
    879 syn keyword cConstant SurfaceSlopeYEnum
    880 syn keyword cConstant TemperatureEnum
    881 syn keyword cConstant TemperatureOldEnum
    882 syn keyword cConstant TemperaturePicardEnum
    883 syn keyword cConstant ThicknessAbsMisfitEnum
    884 syn keyword cConstant TypeEnum
    885 syn keyword cConstant VelEnum
    886 syn keyword cConstant VelocityEnum
    887 syn keyword cConstant VxAverageEnum
    888 syn keyword cConstant VxEnum
    889 syn keyword cConstant VxPicardEnum
    890 syn keyword cConstant VyAverageEnum
    891 syn keyword cConstant VyEnum
    892 syn keyword cConstant VyPicardEnum
    893 syn keyword cConstant VzEnum
    894 syn keyword cConstant VzMacAyealEnum
    895 syn keyword cConstant VzPattynEnum
    896 syn keyword cConstant VzPicardEnum
    897 syn keyword cConstant VzStokesEnum
    898 syn keyword cConstant VxMeshEnum
    899 syn keyword cConstant VyMeshEnum
    900 syn keyword cConstant VzMeshEnum
    901 syn keyword cConstant EnthalpyEnum
    902 syn keyword cConstant EnthalpyPicardEnum
    903 syn keyword cConstant ThicknessAbsGradientEnum
    904 syn keyword cConstant StepResponsesEnum
    905 syn keyword cConstant IntMatParamEnum
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    907 syn keyword cConstant DragCoefficientAbsGradientEnum
    908 syn keyword cConstant TransientInputEnum
    909 syn keyword cConstant OutputfilenameEnum
    910 syn keyword cConstant WaterfractionEnum
    911 syn keyword cConstant WatercolumnEnum
    912 syn keyword cConstant BasalFrictionEnum
    913 syn keyword cConstant ViscousHeatingEnum
    914 syn keyword cConstant QmuTemperatureEnum
    915 syn keyword cConstant HydrologyWaterVxEnum
    916 syn keyword cConstant HydrologyWaterVyEnum
    917 syn keyword cConstant StressTensorEnum
    918 syn keyword cConstant StressTensorxxEnum
    919 syn keyword cConstant StressTensorxyEnum
    920 syn keyword cConstant StressTensorxzEnum
    921 syn keyword cConstant StressTensoryyEnum
    922 syn keyword cConstant StressTensoryzEnum
    923 syn keyword cConstant StressTensorzzEnum
    924 syn keyword cConstant IceVolumeEnum
    925 syn keyword cConstant TotalSmbEnum
    926 syn keyword cConstant P0Enum
    927 syn keyword cConstant P1Enum
    928 syn keyword cConstant P1DGEnum
    929 syn keyword cConstant SaveResultsEnum
    930 syn keyword cConstant BoolElementResultEnum
    931 syn keyword cConstant BoolExternalResultEnum
    932 syn keyword cConstant DoubleElementResultEnum
    933 syn keyword cConstant DoubleExternalResultEnum
    934 syn keyword cConstant DoubleMatExternalResultEnum
    935 syn keyword cConstant DoubleVecExternalResultEnum
    936 syn keyword cConstant IntExternalResultEnum
    937 syn keyword cConstant JEnum
    938 syn keyword cConstant PatchEnum
    939 syn keyword cConstant PatchNodesEnum
    940 syn keyword cConstant PatchVerticesEnum
    941 syn keyword cConstant PentaP1ElementResultEnum
    942 syn keyword cConstant PetscVecExternalResultEnum
    943 syn keyword cConstant StringExternalResultEnum
    944 syn keyword cConstant StepEnum
    945 syn keyword cConstant TimeEnum
    946 syn keyword cConstant TriaP1ElementResultEnum
    947 syn keyword cConstant WaterColumnOldEnum
    948 syn keyword cConstant MinVelEnum
    949 syn keyword cConstant MaxVelEnum
    950 syn keyword cConstant MinVxEnum
    951 syn keyword cConstant MaxVxEnum
    952 syn keyword cConstant MaxAbsVxEnum
    953 syn keyword cConstant MinVyEnum
    954 syn keyword cConstant MaxVyEnum
    955 syn keyword cConstant MaxAbsVyEnum
    956 syn keyword cConstant MinVzEnum
    957 syn keyword cConstant MaxVzEnum
    958 syn keyword cConstant MaxAbsVzEnum
    959 syn keyword cConstant RelativeEnum
    960 syn keyword cConstant AbsoluteEnum
    961 syn keyword cConstant IncrementalEnum
    962 syn keyword cConstant AgressiveMigrationEnum
    963 syn keyword cConstant NoneEnum
    964 syn keyword cConstant SoftMigrationEnum
    965 syn keyword cConstant StokesSolverEnum
    966 syn keyword cConstant AdjointEnum
    967 syn keyword cConstant ColinearEnum
    968 syn keyword cConstant ControlSteadyEnum
    969 syn keyword cConstant FsetEnum
    970 syn keyword cConstant Gradient1Enum
    971 syn keyword cConstant Gradient2Enum
    972 syn keyword cConstant Gradient3Enum
    973 syn keyword cConstant GradientEnum
    974 syn keyword cConstant GroundinglineMigrationEnum
    975 syn keyword cConstant GsetEnum
    976 syn keyword cConstant IndexEnum
    977 syn keyword cConstant IndexedEnum
    978 syn keyword cConstant IntersectEnum
    979 syn keyword cConstant NodalEnum
    980 syn keyword cConstant OldGradientEnum
    981 syn keyword cConstant OutputFilePointerEnum
    982 syn keyword cConstant PetscOptionsAnalysesEnum
    983 syn keyword cConstant PetscOptionsStringsEnum
    984 syn keyword cConstant QmuErrNameEnum
    985 syn keyword cConstant QmuInNameEnum
    986 syn keyword cConstant QmuOutNameEnum
    987 syn keyword cConstant RegularEnum
    988 syn keyword cConstant ScaledEnum
    989 syn keyword cConstant SeparateEnum
    990 syn keyword cConstant SsetEnum
    991 syn keyword cConstant VerboseEnum
    992 syn keyword cConstant TriangleInterpEnum
    993 syn keyword cConstant BilinearInterpEnum
    994 syn keyword cConstant NearestInterpEnum
    995 syn keyword cConstant XYEnum
    996 syn keyword cConstant XYZPEnum
    997 syn keyword cConstant OptionEnum
    998 syn keyword cConstant OptionCellEnum
    999 syn keyword cConstant OptionCharEnum
    1000 syn keyword cConstant OptionStructEnum
    1001 syn keyword cConstant OptionDoubleEnum
    1002 syn keyword cConstant OptionLogicalEnum
    1003 syn keyword cConstant PatersonEnum
    1004 syn keyword cConstant ArrheniusEnum
    1005 "ISSM's Enums end
    1006 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
    1008 if !exists("c_no_ansi") || exists("c_ansi_typedefs")
    1009   syn keyword   cType           size_t ssize_t wchar_t ptrdiff_t sig_atomic_t fpos_t
    1010   syn keyword   cType           clock_t time_t va_list jmp_buf FILE DIR div_t ldiv_t
    1011   syn keyword   cType           mbstate_t wctrans_t wint_t wctype_t
    1012   syn keyword   cType           lldiv_t float_t double_t fenv_t fexcept_t
    1013 endif
    1014 if !exists("c_no_c99") " ISO C99
    1015   syn keyword   cType           bool complex imaginary
    1016   syn keyword   cType           int8_t int16_t int32_t int64_t
    1017   syn keyword   cType           uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t
    1018   syn keyword   cType           int_least8_t int_least16_t int_least32_t int_least64_t
    1019   syn keyword   cType           uint_least8_t uint_least16_t uint_least32_t uint_least64_t
    1020   syn keyword   cType           int_fast8_t int_fast16_t int_fast32_t int_fast64_t
    1021   syn keyword   cType           uint_fast8_t uint_fast16_t uint_fast32_t uint_fast64_t
    1022   syn keyword   cType           intptr_t uintptr_t
    1023   syn keyword   cType           intmax_t uintmax_t
    1024 endif
    1025 if exists("c_gnu")
    1026   syn keyword   cType           __label__ __complex__ __volatile__
    1027 endif
    1029 syn keyword     cStructure      struct union enum typedef
    1030 syn keyword     cStorageClass   static register auto volatile extern const VOL
    1031 if exists("c_gnu")
    1032   syn keyword   cStorageClass   inline __attribute__
    1033 endif
    1034 if !exists("c_no_c99")
    1035   syn keyword   cStorageClass   inline restrict
    1036 endif
    1038 if !exists("c_no_ansi") || exists("c_ansi_constants") || exists("c_gnu")
    1039   if exists("c_gnu")
    1040     syn keyword cConstant __GNUC__ __FUNCTION__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
    1041   endif
    1042   syn keyword cConstant __LINE__ __FILE__ __DATE__ __TIME__ __STDC__ __func__
    1043   syn keyword cConstant __STDC_VERSION__
    1044   syn keyword cConstant CHAR_BIT MB_LEN_MAX MB_CUR_MAX
    1045   syn keyword cConstant UCHAR_MAX UINT_MAX ULONG_MAX USHRT_MAX
    1046   syn keyword cConstant CHAR_MIN INT_MIN LONG_MIN SHRT_MIN
    1047   syn keyword cConstant CHAR_MAX INT_MAX LONG_MAX SHRT_MAX
    1048   syn keyword cConstant SCHAR_MIN SINT_MIN SLONG_MIN SSHRT_MIN
    1049   syn keyword cConstant SCHAR_MAX SINT_MAX SLONG_MAX SSHRT_MAX
    1050   if !exists("c_no_c99")
    1051     syn keyword cConstant LLONG_MIN LLONG_MAX ULLONG_MAX
    1052     syn keyword cConstant INT8_MIN INT16_MIN INT32_MIN INT64_MIN
    1053     syn keyword cConstant INT8_MAX INT16_MAX INT32_MAX INT64_MAX
    1054     syn keyword cConstant UINT8_MAX UINT16_MAX UINT32_MAX UINT64_MAX
    1055     syn keyword cConstant INT_LEAST8_MIN INT_LEAST16_MIN INT_LEAST32_MIN INT_LEAST64_MIN
    1056     syn keyword cConstant INT_LEAST8_MAX INT_LEAST16_MAX INT_LEAST32_MAX INT_LEAST64_MAX
    1057     syn keyword cConstant UINT_LEAST8_MAX UINT_LEAST16_MAX UINT_LEAST32_MAX UINT_LEAST64_MAX
    1058     syn keyword cConstant INT_FAST8_MIN INT_FAST16_MIN INT_FAST32_MIN INT_FAST64_MIN
    1059     syn keyword cConstant INT_FAST8_MAX INT_FAST16_MAX INT_FAST32_MAX INT_FAST64_MAX
    1060     syn keyword cConstant UINT_FAST8_MAX UINT_FAST16_MAX UINT_FAST32_MAX UINT_FAST64_MAX
    1061     syn keyword cConstant INTPTR_MIN INTPTR_MAX UINTPTR_MAX
    1062     syn keyword cConstant INTMAX_MIN INTMAX_MAX UINTMAX_MAX
    1064     syn keyword cConstant SIZE_MAX WCHAR_MIN WCHAR_MAX WINT_MIN WINT_MAX
    1065   endif
    1066   syn keyword cConstant FLT_RADIX FLT_ROUNDS
    1067   syn keyword cConstant FLT_DIG FLT_MANT_DIG FLT_EPSILON
    1068   syn keyword cConstant DBL_DIG DBL_MANT_DIG DBL_EPSILON
    1069   syn keyword cConstant LDBL_DIG LDBL_MANT_DIG LDBL_EPSILON
    1070   syn keyword cConstant FLT_MIN FLT_MAX FLT_MIN_EXP FLT_MAX_EXP
    1071   syn keyword cConstant FLT_MIN_10_EXP FLT_MAX_10_EXP
    1072   syn keyword cConstant DBL_MIN DBL_MAX DBL_MIN_EXP DBL_MAX_EXP
    1073   syn keyword cConstant DBL_MIN_10_EXP DBL_MAX_10_EXP
    1074   syn keyword cConstant LDBL_MIN LDBL_MAX LDBL_MIN_EXP LDBL_MAX_EXP
    1075   syn keyword cConstant LDBL_MIN_10_EXP LDBL_MAX_10_EXP
    1077   syn keyword cConstant LC_ALL LC_COLLATE LC_CTYPE LC_MONETARY
    1078   syn keyword cConstant LC_NUMERIC LC_TIME
    1079 " syn keyword cConstant SIG_DFL SIG_ERR SIG_IGN
    1080   syn keyword cAnsiFuncPtr SIG_DFL SIG_ERR SIG_IGN
    1082   syn keyword cConstant INFINITY     FP_SUBNORMAL FP_ILOGB0
    1083   syn keyword cConstant NAN          FP_ZERO      FP_ILOGBNAN
    1084   syn keyword cConstant FP_INFINITE  FP_FAST_FMA
    1085   syn keyword cConstant HUGE_VALF    FP_NAN       FP_FAST_FMAF
    1086   syn keyword cConstant HUGE_VALL    FP_NORMAL    FP_FAST_FMAL
    1087   syn keyword cConstant FE_OVERFLOW      FE_TOWARDZERO
    1088   syn keyword cConstant FE_UNDERFLOW     FE_UPWARD
    1089   syn keyword cConstant FE_DIVBYZERO     FE_ALL_EXCEPT    FE_DFL_ENV
    1090   syn keyword cConstant FE_INEXACT       FE_DOWNWARD
    1091   syn keyword cConstant FE_INVALID       FE_TONEAREST
    1092   syn keyword cConstant _Complex_I _Imaginary_I
    1093   " Add POSIX signals as well...
    1097   syn keyword cConstant SIGUSR1 SIGUSR2
    1098   syn keyword cConstant _IOFBF _IOLBF _IONBF BUFSIZ EOF WEOF
    1099   syn keyword cConstant FOPEN_MAX FILENAME_MAX L_tmpnam
    1100   syn keyword cConstant SEEK_CUR SEEK_END SEEK_SET
    1101   syn keyword cConstant TMP_MAX stderr stdin stdout
    1102   syn keyword cConstant EXIT_FAILURE EXIT_SUCCESS RAND_MAX
    1103   " Add POSIX errors as well
    1104   syn keyword cConstant E2BIG EACCES EAGAIN EBADF EBADMSG EBUSY
    1111   " math.h
    1112   syn keyword cConstant M_E M_LOG2E M_LOG10E M_LN2 M_LN10 M_PI M_PI_2 M_PI_4
    1113   syn keyword cConstant M_1_PI M_2_PI M_2_SQRTPI M_SQRT2 M_SQRT1_2
    1114 endif
    1115 if !exists("c_no_c99") " ISO C99
    1116   syn keyword cConstant true false __bool_true_false_are_defined
    1117 endif
    1119 " Accept %: for # (C99)
    1120 syn region      cPreCondit      start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(ifdef\|ifndef\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" end="//"me=s-1 contains=cComment,cCppString,cCharacter,cCppParen,cParenError,cNumbers,cCommentError,cSpaceError
    1121 syn keyword     cDefined        defined contained
    1122 "syn match      cDefined        display contained "\<defined(\w\+)" contains=cName,cAnsiName
    1123 syn region      cPreConditIf    start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(if\|elif\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" end="//"me=s-1 contains=cDefined,cComment,cCppString,cCharacter,cCppParen,cParenError,cNumbers,cCommentError,cSpaceError
    1124 syn match       cPreCondit      display "^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(else\|endif\)\>"
    1125 if !exists("c_no_if0")
    1126   syn region    cCppOut         start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*if\s\+0\+\>" end=".\@=\|$" contains=cCppOut2
    1127   syn region    cCppOut2        contained start="0" end="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(endif\>\|else\>\|elif\>\)" contains=cSpaceError,cCppSkip
    1128   syn region    cCppSkip        contained start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(if\>\|ifdef\>\|ifndef\>\)" skip="\\$" end="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*endif\>" contains=cSpaceError,cCppSkip
    1129 endif
    1130 syn region      cIncluded       display contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
    1131 syn match       cIncluded       display contained "<[^>]*>"
    1132 syn match       cInclude        display "^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*include\>\s*["<]" contains=cIncluded
    1133 syn match cLineSkip     "\\$"
    1134 syn cluster     cPreProcGroup   contains=cPreConditIf,cPreCondit,cIncluded,cInclude,cDefined,cDefine,cErrInParen,cErrInBracket,cUserLabel,cUserLabel2,cGotoLabel,cSpecial,cOctalZero,cCppOut,cCppOut2,cCppSkip,cFormat,cNumber,cFloat,cOctal,cOctalError,cNumbersCom,cString,cCommentSkip,cCommentString,cComment2String,@cCommentGroup,cCommentStartError,cParen,cBracket,cMulti
    1135 "syn region     cDefine         start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(define\|undef\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" end="//"me=s-1 contains=ALLBUT,@cPreProcGroup,@Spell
    1136 syn region      cDefine         start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(define\|undef\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" end="//"me=s-1 contains=ALLBUT,@cPreProcGroup,cName,cFunction,cAnsiFunction,@Spell
    1137 syn region      cPreProc        start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(pragma\>\|line\>\|warning\>\|warn\>\|error\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=ALLBUT,@cPreProcGroup,@Spell
    1139 " Highlight User Labels
    1140 syn cluster     cMultiGroup     contains=cIncluded,cSpecial,cCommentSkip,cCommentString,cComment2String,@cCommentGroup,cCommentStartError,cUserCont,cUserLabel,cUserLabel2,cGotoLabel,cBitField,cOctalZero,cCppOut,cCppOut2,cCppSkip,cFormat,cNumber,cFloat,cOctal,cOctalError,cNumbersCom,cCppParen,cCppBracket,cCppString
    1141 syn region      cMulti          transparent start='?' skip='::' end=':' contains=ALLBUT,@cMultiGroup,@Spell
    1142 " Avoid matching foo::bar() in C++ by requiring that the next char is not ':'
    1143 syn cluster     cLabelGroup     contains=cUserLabel
    1144 syn match       cUserCont       display "^\s*\I\i*\s*:$" contains=@cLabelGroup
    1145 syn match       cUserCont       display ";\s*\I\i*\s*:$" contains=@cLabelGroup
    1146 syn match       cUserCont       display "^\s*\I\i*\s*:[^:]"me=e-1 contains=@cLabelGroup
    1147 syn match       cUserCont       display ";\s*\I\i*\s*:[^:]"me=e-1 contains=@cLabelGroup
    1149 syn match       cUserLabel      display "\I\i*" contained
    1150 syn match       cUserLabel2     display "\I\i*:;\+"me=e-2
    1151 syn match       cGotoLabel      display "\<goto\s\+\I\i*;"me=e-1,hs=s+5 contains=cGoto
    1152 syn keyword     cGoto           contained goto
    1154 " Avoid recognizing most bitfields as labels
    1155 syn match       cBitField       display "^\s*\I\i*\s*:\s*[1-9]"me=e-1
    1156 syn match       cBitField       display ";\s*\I\i*\s*:\s*[1-9]"me=e-1
    1158 syn match cOperator     "\(<<\|>>\|[-+*/%&^|<>!=]\)="
    1159 syn match cOperator     "<<\|>>\|&&\|||\|++\|--\|->"
    1160 syn match cOperator     "[.!~*&%<>^|=+-]"
    1161 syn match cOperator     "/[^/*=]"me=e-1
    1162 syn match cOperator     "/$"
    1163 syn match cOperator     "[\\]"
    1164 syn match cOperator     "&&\|||"
    1165 syn match cSpecialCharacter     "[,;]"
    1166 syn match cDelimiter    "[][(){}]"
    1167 syn keyword     cType           CHAR byte BYTE uchar ushort uint ulong
    1168 syn keyword     cType           WORD DWORD QWORD INT INT2 INT4 UNS UNS2 UNS4 INT8 UNS8
    1169 syn keyword     cType           CFG_t cfap_t cBYTE cvoid
    1170 syn keyword     cType           _Bool _Complex _Imaginary __int64
    1171 if !exists("c_no_ansi") || exists("c_ansi_typedefs")
    1172   syn keyword   cMC     __near __far FAR __io __direct DIR
    1173 endif
    1175 if exists("c_minlines")
    1176   let b:c_minlines = c_minlines
    1177 else
    1178   if !exists("c_no_if0")
    1179     let b:c_minlines = 50       " #if 0 constructs can be long
    1180   else
    1181     let b:c_minlines = 15       " mostly for () constructs
    1182   endif
    1183 endif
    1184 exec "syn sync ccomment cComment minlines=" . b:c_minlines
    1186 " Define the default highlighting.
    1187 " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
    1188 " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
    1189 if version >= 508 || !exists("did_c_syn_inits")
    1190   if version < 508
    1191     let did_c_syn_inits = 1
    1192     command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
    1193   else
    1194     command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
    1195   endif
    1197   HiLink cFormat        cSpecial
    1198   HiLink cCppString     cString
    1199   HiLink cCommentL      cComment
    1200   HiLink cCommentStart  cComment
    1201   HiLink cLabel         Label
    1202 " HiLink cUserLabel     Label
    1203   HiLink cUserLabel     UserLabel2
    1204   HiLink cUserLabel2    UserLabel2
    1205   HiLink cGotoLabel     UserLabel2
    1206   HiLink cGoto          Statement
    1207   HiLink cConditional   Conditional
    1208   HiLink cRepeat        Repeat
    1209   HiLink cCharacter     Character
    1210   HiLink cSpecialCharacter cSpecial
    1211   HiLink cNumber        Number
    1212   HiLink cOctal         Number
    1213   HiLink cOctalZero     PreProc         " link this to Error if you want
    1214   HiLink cFloat         Float
    1215   HiLink cOctalError    cError
    1216   HiLink cParenError    cError
    1217   HiLink cErrInParen    cError
    1218   HiLink cErrInBracket  cError
    1219   HiLink cCommentError  cError
    1220   HiLink cCommentStartError     cError
    1221   HiLink cSpaceError    cError
    1222   HiLink cSpecialError  cError
    1223   HiLink cOperator      Operator
    1224   HiLink cOperatorBold  OperatorBold
    1225   HiLink cStructure     Structure
    1226   HiLink cStorageClass  StorageClass
    1227   HiLink cInclude       Include
    1228   HiLink cPreProc       PreProc
    1229   HiLink cDefine        Macro
    1230   HiLink cDefined       PreCondit
    1231   HiLink cIncluded      cString
    1232   HiLink cError         Error
    1233   HiLink cStatement     Statement
    1234   HiLink cPreCondit     PreCondit
    1235   HiLink cPreConditIf   PreCondit
    1236   HiLink cType          Type
    1237   HiLink cConstant      Constant
    1238   HiLink cCommentString cString
    1239   HiLink cComment2String cString
    1240   HiLink cCommentSkip   cComment
    1241   HiLink cString        String
    1242   HiLink cComment       Comment
    1243   HiLink cDelimiter     Delimiter
    1244   HiLink cSpecial       SpecialChar
    1245   HiLink cTodo          Todo
    1246   HiLink cCppSkip       cCppOut
    1247   HiLink cCppOut2       cCppOut
    1248   HiLink cCppOut        Comment
    1249   HiLink cMulti         Operator
    1250   HiLink cMultiMG       Operator
    1251   HiLink cFunction      Function
    1252   HiLink cAnsiFunction  StdFunction
    1253   HiLink cName          Name
    1254   HiLink cBitField      Name
    1255   HiLink cAnsiName      StdName
    1256   "HiLink cBlock        BlockBraces
    1257   HiLink cBraces        BlockBraces
    1258   "HiLink cBraceError   Error
    1259   HiLink cMC            MicroController
    1260   HiLink cAnsiFuncPtr   AnsiFuncPtr
    1262   hi Function           gui=NONE guifg=#e86f00
    1263   "hi StdFunction       gui=bold guifg=#ee0040
    1264   hi StdFunction        gui=bold guifg=#e86f00
    1265   hi Statement          gui=bold guifg=#a06129
    1266   hi UserLabel2         gui=bold guifg=#c96129
    1267   hi Operator           gui=NONE guifg=#000000
    1268   hi OperatorBold       gui=bold guifg=#000000
    1269   hi StdName            gui=bold guifg=#5276e6
    1270   hi Name               gui=NONE guifg=#5276e6
    1271   hi BlockBraces        gui=bold guifg=#000000
    1272   hi Special            gui=NONE guifg=#a000a0
    1273   hi Comment            gui=NONE guifg=grey62
    1274   hi MicroController    gui=bold guifg=#d00000
    1275   hi AnsiFuncPtr        gui=NONE guifg=#ff0000
    1276 " hi PreProc            gui=NONE guifg=#6a5acd
    1277   hi PreCondit          gui=NONE guifg=#6a5acd
    1278 " hi Macro              gui=NONE guifg=#0000ff
    1280   delcommand HiLink
    1281 endif
    1282 hi Normal               gui=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=Ivory1
    1284 let b:current_syntax = "c"
    1286 " vim: ts=8
     567syn keyword cType Patch
     568syn keyword cType Update
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.