Changeset 12519
- Timestamp:
- 06/22/12 17:27:12 (13 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/c
- Files:
- 22 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r12515 r12519 135 135 if(this==NULL)_error2_("trying to echo a NULL dataset"); 136 136 137 if(true)_pprintLine_("DataSet echo: " << objects.size() << " objects");137 _pprintLine_("DataSet echo: " << objects.size() << " objects"); 138 138 139 139 for ( object=objects.begin() ; object < objects.end(); object++ ){ … … 152 152 if(this==NULL)_error2_("trying to echo a NULL dataset"); 153 153 154 if(true)_pprintLine_("DataSet echo: " << objects.size() << " objects");154 _pprintLine_("DataSet echo: " << objects.size() << " objects"); 155 155 156 156 for ( object=objects.begin() ; object < objects.end(); object++ ){ -
r12515 r12519 73 73 74 74 /*Initialize Quadtree*/ 75 if(true)_pprintString_("Generating quadtree with a maximum box size " << minlength << " (depth=" << maxdepth << ")... ");75 _pprintString_("Generating quadtree with a maximum box size " << minlength << " (depth=" << maxdepth << ")... "); 76 76 this->quadtree = new Quadtree(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,maxdepth); 77 77 … … 103 103 } 104 104 } 105 if(true)_pprintLine_("done");106 if(true)_pprintLine_("Initial number of observations: " << n);107 if(true)_pprintLine_(" Final number of observations: " << this->quadtree->NbObs);105 _pprintLine_("done"); 106 _pprintLine_("Initial number of observations: " << n); 107 _pprintLine_(" Final number of observations: " << this->quadtree->NbObs); 108 108 } 109 109 /*}}}*/ -
r12515 r12519 176 176 else if(mxIsClass(prhs[0],"cell")) option=(Option*)OptionCellParse(name,prhs); 177 177 else { 178 if(true)_pprintLine_(" Converting value of option \"" << name << "\" from unrecognized class \"" << mxGetClassName(prhs[0]) << "\" to class \"" << "struct" << "\".");178 _pprintLine_(" Converting value of option \"" << name << "\" from unrecognized class \"" << mxGetClassName(prhs[0]) << "\" to class \"" << "struct" << "\"."); 179 179 if (!mexCallMATLAB(1,lhs,1,(mxArray**)prhs,"struct")) { 180 180 option=(Option*)OptionStructParse(name,(const mxArray**)lhs); -
r12515 r12519 50 50 clock0=clock(); 51 51 time0 =time(NULL); 52 if(true)_pprintString_("\nExp2Kmlx Module -- " << ctime(&time0));52 _pprintString_("\nExp2Kmlx Module -- " << ctime(&time0)); 53 53 54 54 /*read exp file */ … … 56 56 if (!DomainOutlineRead(&nprof,&pnvert,&pprofx,&pprofy,&closed,filexp)) 57 57 _error2_("Error reading exp file."); 58 if(true)_pprintLine_("Exp2Kmlx -- Reading " << nprof << " exp profiles from file \"" << filexp << "\".");58 _pprintLine_("Exp2Kmlx -- Reading " << nprof << " exp profiles from file \"" << filexp << "\"."); 59 59 // for (i=0; i<nprof; i++) 60 60 // _printLine_("i=" << i << "; nvert=" << pnvert[i] << ", closed=" << closed[i]); … … 121 121 122 122 if (holes && nprof && (pnvert[0] <= 1 || pprofx[0][pnvert[0]-1] != pprofx[0][0] || pprofy[0][pnvert[0]-1] != pprofy[0][0])) { 123 if(true)_pprintLine_("Warning -- Outer profile is not closed, so \"holes\" option will be ignored.");123 _pprintLine_("Warning -- Outer profile is not closed, so \"holes\" option will be ignored."); 124 124 holes=false; 125 125 } … … 153 153 for (i=1; i<nprof; i++) { 154 154 if (pnvert[i] <= 1 || pprofx[i][pnvert[i]-1] != pprofx[i][0] || pprofy[i][pnvert[i]-1] != pprofy[i][0]) { 155 if(true)_pprintLine_("Warning -- Inner profile " << i+1 << " is not closed with \"holes\" specified, so it will be ignored.");155 _pprintLine_("Warning -- Inner profile " << i+1 << " is not closed with \"holes\" specified, so it will be ignored."); 156 156 continue; 157 157 } … … 275 275 /* write kml file */ 276 276 277 if(true)_pprintLine_("Exp2Kmlx -- Writing kml document to file \"" << filkml << "\".");277 _pprintLine_("Exp2Kmlx -- Writing kml document to file \"" << filkml << "\"."); 278 278 fid=fopen(filkml,"w"); 279 279 fprintf(fid,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); -
r12515 r12519 21 21 clock0=clock(); 22 22 time0 =time(NULL); 23 if(true)_pprintString_("\nKMLFileReadx Module -- " << ctime(&time0));23 _pprintString_("\nKMLFileReadx Module -- " << ctime(&time0)); 24 24 25 25 /* read kml file */ … … 43 43 } 44 44 45 // if(true)_pprintLine_("" << kstr);45 // _pprintLine_("" << kstr); 46 46 xDelete<char>(kstr); 47 47 } 48 48 49 49 if (kxml) { 50 if(true)_pprintLine_("XML declaration:");50 _pprintLine_("XML declaration:"); 51 51 kxml->DeepEcho(" "); 52 52 delete kxml; 53 53 } 54 54 if (kdtd) { 55 if(true)_pprintLine_("DTD declaration (not yet implemented):");55 _pprintLine_("DTD declaration (not yet implemented):"); 56 56 kdtd->DeepEcho(" "); 57 57 delete kdtd; -
r12515 r12519 29 29 clock0=clock(); 30 30 time0 =time(NULL); 31 if(true)_pprintString_("\nKMLMeshWritex Module -- " << ctime(&time0));31 _pprintString_("\nKMLMeshWritex Module -- " << ctime(&time0)); 32 32 33 33 /* construct kml document */ … … 83 83 84 84 if (cmap) { 85 if(true)_pprintLine_("Writing " << mcmap << " Matlab colors as KML style templates.");85 _pprintLine_("Writing " << mcmap << " Matlab colors as KML style templates."); 86 86 ipt=0; 87 87 for (i=0; i<mcmap; i++) { … … 118 118 119 119 if (!nodecon) { 120 if(true)_pprintLine_("Creating the node connectivity table.");120 _pprintLine_("Creating the node connectivity table."); 121 121 nncon=mxepg+1; 122 122 nodecon=xNewZeroInit<int>(mncon*nncon); … … 149 149 150 150 else if (mdata == mncon) { 151 if(true)_pprintLine_("Averaging nodal data to element data.");151 _pprintLine_("Averaging nodal data to element data."); 152 152 edata=xNewZeroInit<double>(melem*ndata); 153 153 edfree=true; … … 193 193 /* write kml file */ 194 194 195 if(true)_pprintLine_("Writing kml document to file.");195 _pprintLine_("Writing kml document to file."); 196 196 fprintf(fid,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); 197 197 fprintf(fid,"<kml xmlns=\"\">\n"); … … 203 203 ((double)(clock0b-clock0a))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC,difftime(time0b,time0a)); 204 204 205 if(true)_pprintLine_("Deleting kml document.");205 _pprintLine_("Deleting kml document."); 206 206 delete kdoc; 207 207 clock0c=clock(); … … 304 304 /* write each element as a polygon placemark */ 305 305 306 if(true)_pprintLine_("Writing " << melem << " tria elements as KML polygons.");306 _pprintLine_("Writing " << melem << " tria elements as KML polygons."); 307 307 308 308 for (i=0; i<melem; i++) { … … 356 356 357 357 // if (!(int)fmod((double)(i+1),1000)) 358 // if(true)_pprintLine_(" " << (i+1) << " tria elements written.");358 // _pprintLine_(" " << (i+1) << " tria elements written."); 359 359 } 360 if(true)_pprintLine_(" " << melem << " tria elements written.");360 _pprintLine_(" " << melem << " tria elements written."); 361 361 362 362 return(kfold); -
r12515 r12519 28 28 clock0=clock(); 29 29 time0 =time(NULL); 30 if(true)_pprintString_("\nKMLOverlayx Module -- " << ctime(&time0));30 _pprintString_("\nKMLOverlayx Module -- " << ctime(&time0)); 31 31 32 32 /* construct kml file */ … … 82 82 /* write kml file */ 83 83 84 if(true)_pprintLine_("Writing kml document to file.");84 _pprintLine_("Writing kml document to file."); 85 85 fprintf(fid,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); 86 86 kfile->Write(fid,indent); -
r12515 r12519 38 38 clock0=clock(); 39 39 time0 =time(NULL); 40 if(true)_pprintString_("\nKml2Expx Module -- " << ctime(&time0));40 _pprintString_("\nKml2Expx Module -- " << ctime(&time0)); 41 41 42 42 /* read kml file */ … … 49 49 /* open exp file */ 50 50 51 if(true)_pprintLine_("Writing exp profiles to file.");51 _pprintLine_("Writing exp profiles to file."); 52 52 fido=fopen(filexp,"w"); 53 53 -
r12515 r12519 68 68 clock0=clock(); 69 69 time0 =time(NULL); 70 if(true)_pprintString_("\nShp2Kmlx Module -- " << ctime(&time0));70 _pprintString_("\nShp2Kmlx Module -- " << ctime(&time0)); 71 71 72 72 /* note that much of the following code is taken from shpdump.c in shapelib. */ … … 573 573 /* write kml file */ 574 574 575 if(true)_pprintLine_("Writing kml document to file.");575 _pprintLine_("Writing kml document to file."); 576 576 fid=fopen(filkml,"w"); 577 577 fprintf(fid,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); -
r12515 r12519 78 78 for(int i=0;i<MaximumNumberOfEnums;i++){ 79 79 if(this->data[i]){ 80 if(true)_pprintLine_("Info: previous pointer of " << EnumToStringx(i) << " has not been freed (DeleteData has not been called)");80 _pprintLine_("Info: previous pointer of " << EnumToStringx(i) << " has not been freed (DeleteData has not been called)"); 81 81 } 82 82 } -
r12515 r12519 127 127 128 128 // if (itag) 129 // if(true)_pprintLine_("tag buffer (length=" << ibuf << "):");129 // _pprintLine_("tag buffer (length=" << ibuf << "):"); 130 130 // else if (ifield) 131 // if(true)_pprintLine_("field buffer (length=" << ibuf << "):");132 // if(true)_pprintLine_("" << buffer);131 // _pprintLine_("field buffer (length=" << ibuf << "):"); 132 // _pprintLine_("" << buffer); 133 133 134 134 if (!ibuf) … … 193 193 } 194 194 195 // if(true)_pprintLine_("comment buffer (length=" << ibuf << "):");196 // if(true)_pprintLine_("" << buffer);195 // _pprintLine_("comment buffer (length=" << ibuf << "):"); 196 // _pprintLine_("" << buffer); 197 197 198 198 if (!ibuf) … … 254 254 255 255 ktokn=strtok(ktagi,"< >"); 256 // if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTagName -- initial token=\"" << ktokn << "\".");256 // _pprintLine_("KMLFileTagName -- initial token=\"" << ktokn << "\"."); 257 257 258 258 if (!pname) { … … 264 264 265 265 if (maxlen && (maxlen < strlen(ktokn))) { 266 if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTagName -- string field too short for " << ktag << ".");267 if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTagName -- \"" << ktokn << "\" truncated to " << maxlen << " characters.");266 _pprintLine_("KMLFileTagName -- string field too short for " << ktag << "."); 267 _pprintLine_("KMLFileTagName -- \"" << ktokn << "\" truncated to " << maxlen << " characters."); 268 268 strncpy(pname,ktokn,maxlen); 269 269 } … … 300 300 /* return first non blank and move past subsequent blank */ 301 301 ktokn=strtok(ktagi," "); 302 // if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTagAttrib -- initial token=\"" << ktokn << "\".");302 // _pprintLine_("KMLFileTagAttrib -- initial token=\"" << ktokn << "\"."); 303 303 304 304 /* return next non " =?/>" and move past subsequent " =?/>" */ … … 307 307 /* return next non quote and move past subsequent quote */ 308 308 ktokv=strtok(NULL,quote); 309 // if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTagAttrib -- attribute " << ktokn << "=\"" << ktokv << "\".");309 // _pprintLine_("KMLFileTagAttrib -- attribute " << ktokn << "=\"" << ktokv << "\"."); 310 310 311 311 /* add the attribute to the dataset */ … … 323 323 (!strncmp(&ktag[0],"<" ,1) && !strncmp(&ktag[strlen(ktag)-2],"/>",2))) 324 324 isolo=1; 325 // if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTagAttrib -- isolo=" << isolo << ".");325 // _pprintLine_("KMLFileTagAttrib -- isolo=" << isolo << "."); 326 326 327 327 return(isolo); … … 357 357 xfree((void**)&kstr); 358 358 359 // if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- " << ktag << "=" << *pival << ".");359 // _pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- " << ktag << "=" << *pival << "."); 360 360 361 361 return(0); … … 391 391 xfree((void**)&kstr); 392 392 393 // if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- " << ktag << "=" << (*pbval ? "true" : "false") << ".");393 // _pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- " << ktag << "=" << (*pbval ? "true" : "false") << "."); 394 394 395 395 return(0); … … 428 428 429 429 if (maxlen && (maxlen < strlen(kstr))) { 430 if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- string field too short for " << ktag << ".");431 if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- \"" << kstr << "\" truncated to " << maxlen << " characters.");430 _pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- string field too short for " << ktag << "."); 431 _pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- \"" << kstr << "\" truncated to " << maxlen << " characters."); 432 432 strncpy(pstr,kstr,maxlen); 433 433 } … … 452 452 xfree((void**)&kstr); 453 453 454 // if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- " << ktag << "=\"" << pstr << "\".");454 // _pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- " << ktag << "=\"" << pstr << "\"."); 455 455 456 456 return(pstr); … … 486 486 xfree((void**)&kstr); 487 487 488 // if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- " << ktag << "=" << *pfval << ".");488 // _pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- " << ktag << "=" << *pfval << "."); 489 489 490 490 return(0); … … 520 520 xfree((void**)&kstr); 521 521 522 // if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- " << ktag << "=" << *pdval << ".");522 // _pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- " << ktag << "=" << *pdval << "."); 523 523 524 524 return(0); … … 578 578 xfree((void**)&kstr); 579 579 580 // if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- " << ktag << "=...");580 // _pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- " << ktag << "=..."); 581 581 // for (j=0; j<=i; j++) 582 // if(true)_pprintLine_(" [" << j << "]: " << (*pdval)[j] << "g");582 // _pprintLine_(" [" << j << "]: " << (*pdval)[j] << "g"); 583 583 584 584 return(0); … … 631 631 632 632 if (j != 2) 633 if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- Double [m x 3] field for " << ktag << " does not have multiple of 3 values.");633 _pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- Double [m x 3] field for " << ktag << " does not have multiple of 3 values."); 634 634 635 635 /* get additional token and compare to closing tag */ … … 645 645 xfree((void**)&kstr); 646 646 647 // if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- " << ktag << "=...");647 // _pprintLine_("KMLFileTokenParse -- " << ktag << "=..."); 648 648 // for (j=0; j<=i; j++) 649 // if(true)_pprintLine_(" [" << j << "][0-2]: " << (*pdval3)[j][0] << "g," << (*pdval3)[j][1] << "g," << (*pdval3)[j][2] << "g");649 // _pprintLine_(" [" << j << "][0-2]: " << (*pdval3)[j][0] << "g," << (*pdval3)[j][1] << "g," << (*pdval3)[j][2] << "g"); 650 650 651 651 return(0); … … 661 661 opening tag, must find corresponding closing tag */ 662 662 663 if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTagSkip -- input tag " << ktag << ".");663 _pprintLine_("KMLFileTagSkip -- input tag " << ktag << "."); 664 664 665 665 /* if next token is a closing tag, compare to input */ … … 670 670 (kstr[1] == '/') && 671 671 (!strncmp(&(kstr[2]),&(ktag[1]),(strcspn(ktag," >")-1)/sizeof(char)))) { 672 if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTagSkip -- closing tag " << kstr << ".");672 _pprintLine_("KMLFileTagSkip -- closing tag " << kstr << "."); 673 673 xfree((void**)&kstr); 674 674 return(0); … … 679 679 else if ((kstr[0] == '<') && 680 680 (kstr[1] != '/')) { 681 if(true)_pprintLine_("KMLFileTagSkip -- opening tag " << kstr << ".");681 _pprintLine_("KMLFileTagSkip -- opening tag " << kstr << "."); 682 682 KMLFileTagSkip(kstr, 683 683 fid); -
r12515 r12519 253 253 254 254 else if (!strncmp(kstr,"<",1)) { 255 if(true)_pprintLine_("KML_Object::Read -- Unrecognized opening tag " << kstr << ".");255 _pprintLine_("KML_Object::Read -- Unrecognized opening tag " << kstr << "."); 256 256 // KMLFileTagSkip(kstr, 257 257 // fid); -
r12515 r12519 139 139 name=KMLFileTagName(NULL, 140 140 kstr); 141 // if(true)_pprintLine_("KML_Unknown::Read -- opening name=" << name << ".");141 // _pprintLine_("KML_Unknown::Read -- opening name=" << name << "."); 142 142 143 143 /* get object attributes and check for solo tag */ … … 151 151 while (kstri=KMLFileToken(fid, 152 152 &ncom,&pcom)) { 153 // if(true)_pprintLine_("KML_Unknown::Read -- kstri=" << kstri << ".");153 // _pprintLine_("KML_Unknown::Read -- kstri=" << kstri << "."); 154 154 if (!strncmp(&kstri[0],"</", 2) && 155 155 !strncmp(&kstri[2],name,strlen(name))) { 156 // if(true)_pprintLine_("KML_Unknown::Read -- closing name=" << name << ".");156 // _pprintLine_("KML_Unknown::Read -- closing name=" << name << "."); 157 157 xfree((void**)&kstri); 158 158 break; -
r12515 r12519 51 51 sizeof(wgt4 )/sizeof(IssmPDouble)}; 52 52 53 // if(true)_pprintLine_("Gauss-Legendre recurrence coefficients ngaus=" << ngaus);53 // _pprintLine_("Gauss-Legendre recurrence coefficients ngaus=" << ngaus); 54 54 *pxgaus =xNew<IssmPDouble>(ngaus); 55 55 *pxwgt =xNew<IssmPDouble>(ngaus); … … 1139 1139 sizeof(wgt20)/sizeof(IssmPDouble)}; 1140 1140 1141 // if(true)_pprintLine_("GaussLegendreTria: iord=" << iord);1141 // _pprintLine_("GaussLegendreTria: iord=" << iord); 1142 1142 1143 1143 /* check to see if Gauss points need to be calculated */ … … 1199 1199 } 1200 1200 1201 // if(true)_pprintLine_("GaussLegendreTria - ngaus=" << *pngaus);1201 // _pprintLine_("GaussLegendreTria - ngaus=" << *pngaus); 1202 1202 // for (i=0; i<*pngaus; i++) 1203 1203 // _printf_(true,"i=%d: l1gaus=%f,l2gaus=%f,l3gaus=%f,wgt=%f\n", … … 1398 1398 sizeof(wgt6 )/sizeof(IssmPDouble)}; 1399 1399 1400 // if(true)_pprintLine_("GaussLegendreTetra: iord=" << iord);1400 // _pprintLine_("GaussLegendreTetra: iord=" << iord); 1401 1401 1402 1402 /* check to see if Gauss points need to be calculated */ … … 1521 1521 sizeof(wgt5 )/sizeof(IssmPDouble)}; 1522 1522 1523 // if(true)_pprintLine_("Gauss-Lobatto recurrence coefficients ngaus=" << ngaus);1523 // _pprintLine_("Gauss-Lobatto recurrence coefficients ngaus=" << ngaus); 1524 1524 *pxgaus =xNew<IssmPDouble>(ngaus); 1525 1525 *pxwgt =xNew<IssmPDouble>(ngaus); -
r12515 r12519 163 163 164 164 TaoGetSolutionStatus(tao, &its, &f, &gnorm, &cnorm, &xdiff, NULL); 165 if(its==0) if(true)_pprintLine_("Iter Function Residual | List of contributions");166 if(its==0) if(true)_pprintLine_("-----------------------------------+-----------------------");165 if(its==0) _pprintLine_("Iter Function Residual | List of contributions"); 166 if(its==0) _pprintLine_("-----------------------------------+-----------------------"); 167 167 _pprintString_(setw(4)<<its<<" "<<setw(12)<<setprecision(7)<<f<<" "<<setw(12)<<setprecision(7)<<gnorm<<" | "); 168 168 -
r12515 r12519 55 55 nF=pf->Norm(NORM_TWO); 56 56 solver_residue=nKUF/nF; 57 if(true)_pprintLine_("\n" << " solver residue: norm(KU-F)/norm(F)=" << solver_residue);57 _pprintLine_("\n" << " solver residue: norm(KU-F)/norm(F)=" << solver_residue); 58 58 59 59 //clean up … … 71 71 res=nKUoldF/nF; 72 72 if (isnan(res)){ 73 if(true)_pprintLine_("norm nf = " << nF << "f and norm kuold = " << nKUoldF << "f");73 _pprintLine_("norm nf = " << nF << "f and norm kuold = " << nKUoldF << "f"); 74 74 _error2_("mechanical equilibrium convergence criterion is NaN!"); 75 75 } … … 111 111 } 112 112 } 113 else if(true)_pprintLine_("" << " Convergence criterion: norm(du)/norm(u)" << "50s" << ndu/nu*100 << " %");113 else _pprintLine_("" << " Convergence criterion: norm(du)/norm(u)" << "50s" << ndu/nu*100 << " %"); 114 114 115 115 } … … 136 136 } 137 137 } 138 else if(true)_pprintLine_("" << " Convergence criterion: max(du)" << "50s" << nduinf*yts << " m/yr");138 else _pprintLine_("" << " Convergence criterion: max(du)" << "50s" << nduinf*yts << " m/yr"); 139 139 140 140 } -
r12515 r12519 60 60 61 61 /*First process inputs*/ 62 if(true)_pprintLine_("");63 if(true)_pprintLine_("Ice Sheet System Model (" << PACKAGE_NAME << ") version " << PACKAGE_VERSION);64 if(true)_pprintLine_("(website: " << PACKAGE_URL << " contact: " << PACKAGE_BUGREPORT << ")");65 if(true)_pprintLine_("");62 _pprintLine_(""); 63 _pprintLine_("Ice Sheet System Model (" << PACKAGE_NAME << ") version " << PACKAGE_VERSION); 64 _pprintLine_("(website: " << PACKAGE_URL << " contact: " << PACKAGE_BUGREPORT << ")"); 65 _pprintLine_(""); 66 66 ProcessArguments(&solution_type,&binfilename,&outbinfilename,&petscfilename,&lockfilename,argc,argv); 67 67 … … 100 100 #endif 101 101 102 if(true)_pprintLine_("call computational core:");102 _pprintLine_("call computational core:"); 103 103 #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_ 104 104 MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); start_core=MPI_Wtime( ); … … 133 133 #endif 134 134 135 if(true)_pprintLine_("write results to disk:");135 _pprintLine_("write results to disk:"); 136 136 OutputResultsx(femmodel->elements, femmodel->nodes, femmodel->vertices, femmodel->loads, femmodel->materials, femmodel->parameters,femmodel->results); 137 137 … … 139 139 pfclose(output_fid,lockfilename); 140 140 if (waitonlock>0){ 141 if(true)_pprintLine_("write lock file:");141 _pprintLine_("write lock file:"); 142 142 WriteLockFile(lockfilename); 143 143 } … … 174 174 175 175 #ifdef _HAVE_PETSC_ 176 if(true)_pprintLine_("closing MPI and Petsc");176 _pprintLine_("closing MPI and Petsc"); 177 177 PetscFinalize(); 178 178 #else 179 179 #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_ 180 if(true)_pprintLine_("closing MPI and Petsc");180 _pprintLine_("closing MPI and Petsc"); 181 181 MPI_Finalize(); 182 182 #endif -
r12515 r12519 54 54 55 55 /*First process inputs*/ 56 if(true)_pprintLine_("");57 if(true)_pprintLine_("Ice Sheet System Model (" << PACKAGE_NAME << ") version " << PACKAGE_VERSION);58 if(true)_pprintLine_("(website: " << PACKAGE_URL << " contact: " << PACKAGE_BUGREPORT << ")");59 if(true)_pprintLine_("");56 _pprintLine_(""); 57 _pprintLine_("Ice Sheet System Model (" << PACKAGE_NAME << ") version " << PACKAGE_VERSION); 58 _pprintLine_("(website: " << PACKAGE_URL << " contact: " << PACKAGE_BUGREPORT << ")"); 59 _pprintLine_(""); 60 60 ProcessArguments2(&binfilename,&outbinfilename,&lockfilename,argc,argv); 61 61 … … 65 65 pfclose(input_fid,binfilename); 66 66 67 if(true)_pprintLine_("call computational core:");67 _pprintLine_("call computational core:"); 68 68 pKrigingx(&predictions,&error,x,y,data,nobs,x_interp,y_interp,ninterp,options); 69 69 70 if(true)_pprintLine_("write results to disk:");70 _pprintLine_("write results to disk:"); 71 71 Results *results = new Results(); 72 72 if(my_rank==0){ … … 82 82 83 83 /*Close output and petsc options file and write lock file if requested*/ 84 if(true)_pprintLine_("write lock file:");84 _pprintLine_("write lock file:"); 85 85 WriteLockFile(lockfilename); 86 86 … … 100 100 101 101 #ifdef _HAVE_PETSC_ 102 if(true)_pprintLine_("closing MPI and Petsc");102 _pprintLine_("closing MPI and Petsc"); 103 103 PetscFinalize(); 104 104 #else 105 105 #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_ 106 if(true)_pprintLine_("closing MPI and Petsc");106 _pprintLine_("closing MPI and Petsc"); 107 107 MPI_Finalize(); 108 108 #endif -
r12515 r12519 75 75 } 76 76 if(count>=max_nonlinear_iterations){ 77 if(true)_pprintLine_(" maximum number of Newton iterations (" << max_nonlinear_iterations << ") exceeded");77 _pprintLine_(" maximum number of Newton iterations (" << max_nonlinear_iterations << ") exceeded"); 78 78 bool max_iteration_state=true; 79 79 int tempStep=1; -
r12515 r12519 93 93 } 94 94 if(count>=max_nonlinear_iterations){ 95 if(true)_pprintLine_(" maximum number of nonlinear iterations (" << max_nonlinear_iterations << ") exceeded");95 _pprintLine_(" maximum number of nonlinear iterations (" << max_nonlinear_iterations << ") exceeded"); 96 96 converged=true; 97 97 InputUpdateFromConstantx( femmodel->elements,femmodel->nodes, femmodel->vertices, femmodel->loads, femmodel->materials, femmodel->parameters,converged,ConvergedEnum); -
r12515 r12519 91 91 if(converged==true)break; 92 92 if(count>=max_nonlinear_iterations){ 93 if(true)_pprintLine_(" maximum number of iterations (" << max_nonlinear_iterations << ") exceeded");93 _pprintLine_(" maximum number of iterations (" << max_nonlinear_iterations << ") exceeded"); 94 94 break; 95 95 } -
r12515 r12519 70 70 if (count>=thermal_maxiter){ 71 71 converged=true; 72 if(true)_pprintLine_(" maximum number of iterations (" << thermal_maxiter << ") exceeded");72 _pprintLine_(" maximum number of iterations (" << thermal_maxiter << ") exceeded"); 73 73 } 74 74 }
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.