Changeset 12517
- Timestamp:
- 06/22/12 17:12:20 (13 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/modules
- Files:
- 22 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r11933 r12517 53 53 void AverageFilterUsage(void) 54 54 { 55 printf(" AverageFilter usage:\n");56 printf(" [image_out]=AverageFilter(image_in,pixels);\n\n");57 printf(" where:\n");58 printf(" image_in in double format\n");59 printf(" pixels: characteristic size of smoothing\n");60 printf(" image_out in double format\n");61 printf("\n");55 _printLine_(" AverageFilter usage:"); 56 _printLine_(" [image_out]=AverageFilter(image_in,pixels);\n"); 57 _printLine_(" where:"); 58 _printLine_(" image_in in double format"); 59 _printLine_(" pixels: characteristic size of smoothing"); 60 _printLine_(" image_out in double format"); 61 _printLine_(""); 62 62 } -
r12516 r12517 37 37 38 38 /*Input datasets: */ 39 if (verbose) printf("Fetching inputs\n");39 if (verbose) _printLine_("Fetching inputs"); 40 40 FetchData(&index,&nels,&index_rows,INDEXHANDLE); 41 41 FetchData(&x,&nods,&x_cols,XHANDLE); … … 60 60 61 61 /* Run core computations: */ 62 if (verbose) printf("Call core\n");62 if (verbose) _printLine_("Call core"); 63 63 BamgConvertMeshx(bamgmesh,bamggeom,index,x,y,nods,nels); 64 64 -
r12516 r12517 27 27 28 28 /*Input datasets: */ 29 if (verbose) printf("Fetching inputs\n");29 if (verbose) _printLine_("Fetching inputs"); 30 30 FetchData(&x,&nods,&x_cols,XHANDLE); 31 31 FetchData(&y,&y_rows,&y_cols,YHANDLE); … … 37 37 38 38 /* Run core computations: */ 39 if (verbose) printf("Call core\n");39 if (verbose) _printLine_("Call core"); 40 40 BamgTriangulatex(&index,&nels,x,y,nods); 41 41 -
r12516 r12517 82 82 /*Some debugging print: {{{*/ 83 83 #ifdef _DEBUG_ 84 printf("nvtxs: %i\n",nvtxs);85 printf("options: [");86 for(i=0;i<10;i++) printf("%g|",options[i]);87 printf("]\n");88 printf("start: \n");89 for (i=0; i<nvtxs+1;i++) printf("%i ",start[i]);90 printf("\n");91 printf("adjacency: \n");92 for (i=0; i<mxGetNzmax(A_IN);i++) printf("%i ",adjacency[i]);93 printf("\n");94 printf("nedges: %i %p\n",nedges,ewgts);95 if(ewgts) for (i = 0; i < nedges; i++) printf("%g ",ewgts[i]);96 printf("\n");97 printf("vwgts:\n");98 for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++) printf("%g ",vwgts[i]);99 printf("\n");100 printf("nparts: %i\n",nparts[0]);101 printf("goal: %p\n",goal);84 _printLine_("nvtxs: " << nvtxs); 85 _printString_("options: ["); 86 for(i=0;i<10;i++)_printString_("" << options[i] << "|"); 87 _printLine_("]"); 88 _printLine_("start: "); 89 for (i=0; i<nvtxs+1;i++)_printString_("" << start[i] << " "); 90 _printLine_(""); 91 _printLine_("adjacency: "); 92 for (i=0; i<mxGetNzmax(A_IN);i++)_printString_("" <<adjacency[i]<< " ");i++) 93 _printLine_(""); 94 _printLine_("nedges: " << nedges << " " << ewgts); 95 if(ewgts) for (i = 0; i < nedges; i++)_printString_("" << ewgts[i] << " "); 96 _printLine_(""); 97 _printLine_("vwgts:"); 98 for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++)_printString_("" << vwgts[i] << " "); 99 _printLine_(""); 100 _printLine_("nparts: " << nparts[0]); 101 _printLine_("goal: " << goal); 102 102 #endif 103 103 /*}}}*/ -
r12497 r12517 91 91 void ContourToMeshUsage(void)//{{{1 92 92 { 93 printf("CONTOURTOMESH - Flag the elements or nodes inside a contour\n");94 printf("\n");95 printf(" Usage: \n");96 printf(" [in_nod,in_elem]=ContourToMesh(index,x,y,contourname,interptype,edgevalue)\n\n");97 printf("\n");98 printf(" index,x,y: mesh triangulation.\n");99 printf(" contourname: name of .exp file containing the contours.\n");100 printf(" interptype: string definining type of interpolation ('element', or 'node').\n");101 printf(" edgevalue: integer (0, 1 or 2) defining the value associated to the nodes on the edges of the polygons.\n");102 printf(" in_nod: vector of flags (0 or 1), of size nods if interptype is set to 'node' or 'element and node', \n");103 printf(" or of size 0 otherwise.\n");104 printf(" in_elem: vector of flags (0 or 1), of size nel if interptype is set to 'element' or 'element and node', \n");105 printf(" or of size 0 otherwise.\n");106 printf("\n");107 printf(" Example: \n");108 printf(" in_nod=ContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,'Contour.exp','node',1)\n");109 printf(" in_elements=ContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,'Contour.exp','element',0)\n");110 printf(" [in_nodes,in_elements]=ContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,'Contour.exp','element and node',0)\n");111 printf("\n");93 _printLine_("CONTOURTOMESH - Flag the elements or nodes inside a contour"); 94 _printLine_(""); 95 _printLine_(" Usage: "); 96 _printLine_(" [in_nod,in_elem]=ContourToMesh(index,x,y,contourname,interptype,edgevalue)\n"); 97 _printLine_(""); 98 _printLine_(" index,x,y: mesh triangulation."); 99 _printLine_(" contourname: name of .exp file containing the contours."); 100 _printLine_(" interptype: string definining type of interpolation ('element', or 'node')."); 101 _printLine_(" edgevalue: integer (0, 1 or 2) defining the value associated to the nodes on the edges of the polygons."); 102 _printLine_(" in_nod: vector of flags (0 or 1), of size nods if interptype is set to 'node' or 'element and node', "); 103 _printLine_(" or of size 0 otherwise."); 104 _printLine_(" in_elem: vector of flags (0 or 1), of size nel if interptype is set to 'element' or 'element and node', "); 105 _printLine_(" or of size 0 otherwise."); 106 _printLine_(""); 107 _printLine_(" Example: "); 108 _printLine_(" in_nod=ContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,'Contour.exp','node',1)"); 109 _printLine_(" in_elements=ContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,'Contour.exp','element',0)"); 110 _printLine_(" [in_nodes,in_elements]=ContourToMesh(md.elements,md.x,md.y,'Contour.exp','element and node',0)"); 111 _printLine_(""); 112 112 } 113 113 //}}} -
r12060 r12517 82 82 /* Debugging of contours :{{{1*/ 83 83 /*for(i=0;i<numcontours;i++){ 84 printf("\nContour echo: contour number %i / %i\n",i+1,numcontours);84 _printLine_("\nContour echo: contour number " << i+1 << " / " << numcontours); 85 85 contouri=*(contours+i); 86 printf(" Number of nodes %i\n",contouri->nods);86 _printLine_(" Number of nodes " << contouri->nods); 87 87 for (j=0;j<contouri->nods;j++){ 88 printf(" %lf %lf\n",*(contouri->x+j),*(contouri->y+j));88 _printLine_(" " << *(contouri->x+j) << "f " << *(contouri->y+j) << "f"); 89 89 } 90 90 }*/ … … 103 103 104 104 void ContourToNodesUsage(void){ 105 printf(" usage:\n");106 printf(" [flags]=ContourToNodes(x,y,contourname,edgevalue);\n\n");107 printf(" where:\n");108 printf(" x,y: list of nodes.\n");109 printf(" contourname: name of .exp file containing the contours, or resulting structure from call to expread.\n");110 printf(" interptype: string definining type of interpolation ('element', or 'node').\n");111 printf(" edgevalue: integer (0, 1 or 2) defining the value associated to the nodes on the edges of the polygons.\n");112 printf(" flags: vector of flags (0 or 1), of size nods.\n");113 printf("\n");105 _printLine_(" usage:"); 106 _printLine_(" [flags]=ContourToNodes(x,y,contourname,edgevalue);\n"); 107 _printLine_(" where:"); 108 _printLine_(" x,y: list of nodes."); 109 _printLine_(" contourname: name of .exp file containing the contours, or resulting structure from call to expread."); 110 _printLine_(" interptype: string definining type of interpolation ('element', or 'node')."); 111 _printLine_(" edgevalue: integer (0, 1 or 2) defining the value associated to the nodes on the edges of the polygons."); 112 _printLine_(" flags: vector of flags (0 or 1), of size nods."); 113 _printLine_(""); 114 114 } -
r12516 r12517 43 43 if (options->GetOption("central_meridian") || options->GetOption("standard_parallel")) { 44 44 options->Get(&cm,"central_meridian"); 45 if (verbose) printf(" cm=%g\n",cm);45 if (verbose) _printLine_(" cm=" << cm); 46 46 options->Get(&sp,"standard_parallel"); 47 if (verbose) printf(" sp=%g\n",sp);47 if (verbose) _printLine_(" sp=" << sp); 48 48 } 49 49 -
r11933 r12517 60 60 void HoleFillerUsage(void) 61 61 { 62 printf(" HoleFiller usage:\n");63 printf(" [image_out]=HoleFiller(image_in,smooth);\n\n");64 printf(" where:\n");65 printf(" image_in in double format\n");66 printf(" smooth: 1 to smooth with a box filer, 0 to leave data raw\n");67 printf(" image_out in double format\n");68 printf("\n");62 _printLine_(" HoleFiller usage:"); 63 _printLine_(" [image_out]=HoleFiller(image_in,smooth);\n"); 64 _printLine_(" where:"); 65 _printLine_(" image_in in double format"); 66 _printLine_(" smooth: 1 to smooth with a box filer, 0 to leave data raw"); 67 _printLine_(" image_out in double format"); 68 _printLine_(""); 69 69 } -
r12516 r12517 114 114 /* Debugging of contours :{{{1*/ 115 115 /*for(i=0;i<numcontours;i++){ 116 printf("\nContour echo: contour number %i / %i\n",i+1,numcontours);116 _printLine_("\nContour echo: contour number " << i+1 << " / " << numcontours); 117 117 contouri=*(contours+i); 118 printf(" Number of vertices %i\n",contouri->nods);118 _printLine_(" Number of vertices " << contouri->nods); 119 119 for (j=0;j<contouri->nods;j++){ 120 printf(" %lf %lf\n",*(contouri->x+j),*(contouri->y+j));120 _printLine_(" " << *(contouri->x+j) << "f " << *(contouri->y+j) << "f"); 121 121 } 122 122 }*/ -
r12516 r12517 63 63 if (!strlen(filnam)) strcpy(filnam,"stdout"); 64 64 65 if (verbose) printf("Opening file \"%s\".\n",filnam);65 if (verbose) _printLine_("Opening file \"" << filnam << "\"."); 66 66 fidi=fopen(filnam,"r"); 67 67 68 68 /* Run core computations: */ 69 if (verbose) printf("Calling core:\n");69 if (verbose) _printLine_("Calling core:"); 70 70 kobj=KMLFileReadx(fidi); 71 71 72 if (verbose) printf("Closing file \"%s\".\n",filnam);72 if (verbose) _printLine_("Closing file \"" << filnam << "\"."); 73 73 fclose(fidi); 74 74 … … 83 83 } 84 84 else { 85 if (verbose) printf("Opening file \"%s\".\n",write);85 if (verbose) _printLine_("Opening file \"" << write << "\"."); 86 86 fido=fopen(write,"w"); 87 87 kobj->Write(fido,""); 88 if (verbose) printf("Closing file \"%s\".\n",write);88 if (verbose) _printLine_("Closing file \"" << write << "\"."); 89 89 ierror=fclose(fido); 90 90 } -
r12516 r12517 42 42 43 43 options->Get(&lataxis ,&nlat ,"lataxis" ); 44 if (verbose && lataxis) for (i=0; i<nlat; i++) printf(" lataxis [%d]=%g\n",i,lataxis[i]);44 if (verbose && lataxis) for (i=0; i<nlat; i++) _printLine_(" lataxis [" << i << "]=" << lataxis[i]); 45 45 options->Get(&longaxis,&nlong,"longaxis"); 46 if (verbose && longaxis) for (i=0; i<nlong; i++) printf(" longaxis[%d]=%g\n",i,longaxis[i]);46 if (verbose && longaxis) for (i=0; i<nlong; i++) _printLine_(" longaxis[" << i << "]=" << longaxis[i]); 47 47 options->Get(&pimages,&nimages,"images"); 48 if (verbose && pimages) for (i=0; i<nimages; i++) printf(" pimages[%d]=\"%s\"\n",i,pimages[i]);48 if (verbose && pimages) for (i=0; i<nimages; i++) _printLine_(" pimages[" << i << "]=\"" << pimages[i] << "\""); 49 49 options->Get(&dzip,"zip",0.); 50 if (verbose) printf(" dzip=%g\n",dzip);50 if (verbose) _printLine_(" dzip=" << dzip); 51 51 52 52 /*some checks*/ … … 63 63 if(!strlen(filkml)) strcpy(filkml,"stdout"); 64 64 65 if(verbose) printf("Opening kml overlay file \"%s\".\n",filkml);65 if(verbose) _printLine_("Opening kml overlay file \"" << filkml << "\"."); 66 66 fid=fopen(filkml,"w"); 67 67 68 68 /* Run core computations: */ 69 if (verbose) printf("Calling core:\n");69 if (verbose) _printLine_("Calling core:"); 70 70 KMLOverlayx(&ierror,lataxis,longaxis,nimages,pimages,fid); 71 71 72 if (verbose) printf("Closing file \"%s\".\n",filkml);72 if (verbose) _printLine_("Closing file \"" << filkml << "\"."); 73 73 fclose(fid); 74 74 … … 87 87 strcat(czip,pimages[i]); 88 88 } 89 if (verbose) printf("Zipping file \"%s\".\n",filkmz);90 if (verbose) printf("%s\n",czip);89 if (verbose) _printLine_("Zipping file \"" << filkmz << "\"."); 90 if (verbose) _printLine_("" << czip); 91 91 92 92 if (mexEvalString(czip)) _error2_("Error zipping file \"" << filkmz << "\"."); -
r12516 r12517 37 37 if (options->GetOption("central_meridian") || options->GetOption("standard_parallel")) { 38 38 options->Get(&cm,"central_meridian"); 39 if (verbose) printf(" cm=%g\n",cm);39 if (verbose) _printLine_(" cm=" << cm); 40 40 options->Get(&sp,"standard_parallel"); 41 if (verbose) printf(" sp=%g\n",sp);41 if (verbose) _printLine_(" sp=" << sp); 42 42 } 43 43 -
r12516 r12517 40 40 if(options->GetOption("central_meridian") || options->GetOption("standard_parallel")){ 41 41 options->Get(&cm,"central_meridian"); 42 if (verbose) printf(" cm=%g\n",cm);42 if (verbose) _printLine_(" cm=" << cm); 43 43 options->Get(&sp,"standard_parallel"); 44 if (verbose) printf(" sp=%g\n",sp);44 if (verbose) _printLine_(" sp=" << sp); 45 45 } 46 46 47 47 /*some checks*/ 48 if (verbose) printf("Checking inputs:\n");48 if (verbose) _printLine_("Checking inputs:"); 49 49 if (nlat != nlon){_error2_("Must have same number of lat[" << nlat << "] and lon[" << nlon << "] coordinates.");} 50 50 else ncoord=nlat; -
r12060 r12517 96 96 97 97 void MeshPartitionUsage(void){ 98 printf(" usage:\n");99 printf(" [element_partitioning,node_partitioning]=MeshPartition(md.mesh,numpartitions)");100 printf(" where:\n");101 printf(" element_partitioning is a vector of partitioning area numbers, for every element.\n");102 printf(" node_partitioning is a vector of partitioning area numbers, for every node.\n");103 printf("\n");98 _printLine_(" usage:"); 99 _printString_(" [element_partitioning,node_partitioning]=MeshPartition(md.mesh,numpartitions)"); 100 _printLine_(" where:"); 101 _printLine_(" element_partitioning is a vector of partitioning area numbers, for every element."); 102 _printLine_(" node_partitioning is a vector of partitioning area numbers, for every node."); 103 _printLine_(""); 104 104 } -
r12497 r12517 81 81 /* Debugging of contours :{{{1*/ 82 82 /*for(i=0;i<numcontours;i++){ 83 printf("\nContour echo: contour number %i / %i\n",i+1,numcontours);83 _printLine_("\nContour echo: contour number " << i+1 << " / " << numcontours); 84 84 contouri=*(contours+i); 85 printf(" Number of vertices %i\n",contouri->nods);85 _printLine_(" Number of vertices " << contouri->nods); 86 86 for (j=0;j<contouri->nods;j++){ 87 printf(" %lf %lf\n",*(contouri->x+j),*(contouri->y+j));87 _printLine_(" " << *(contouri->x+j) << "f " << *(contouri->y+j) << "f"); 88 88 } 89 89 }*/ … … 102 102 103 103 void MeshProfileIntersectionUsage(void){ 104 printf(" usage:\n");105 printf(" [segments]=MeshProfileIntersection(index,x,y,filename);\n");106 printf(" where:\n");107 printf(" input:\n");108 printf(" index,x,y is a triangulation\n");109 printf(" filename: name of Argus style .exp file containing the segments (can be groups of disconnected segments)\n");110 printf(" output:\n");111 printf(" segments: array made of x1,y1,x2,y2,element_id lines (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are segment extremitis for a segment \n");112 printf(" belonging to the elemnt_id element. there are as many lines in segments as there are segments intersecting the \n");113 printf(" mesh.\n");104 _printLine_(" usage:"); 105 _printLine_(" [segments]=MeshProfileIntersection(index,x,y,filename);"); 106 _printLine_(" where:"); 107 _printLine_(" input:"); 108 _printLine_(" index,x,y is a triangulation"); 109 _printLine_(" filename: name of Argus style .exp file containing the segments (can be groups of disconnected segments)"); 110 _printLine_(" output:"); 111 _printLine_(" segments: array made of x1,y1,x2,y2,element_id lines (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are segment extremitis for a segment "); 112 _printLine_(" belonging to the elemnt_id element. there are as many lines in segments as there are segments intersecting the "); 113 _printLine_(" mesh."); 114 114 } -
r11933 r12517 42 42 43 43 void PointCloudFindNeighborsUsage(void){ 44 printf(" usage:\n");45 printf(" [flags]=PointCloudFindNeighbors(x,y,mindistance,multithread);\n\n");46 printf(" where:\n");47 printf(" x,y: list of points.\n");48 printf(" mindistance: minimum distance that should exist between points in the cloud.\n");49 printf(" multithread: run multithreaded or not. with multithreads, flags can get 1 and 2 values in duplicates.\n");50 printf(" flags: array of flags (flag==1 means point is within mindistance of another point)\n");51 printf("\n");44 _printLine_(" usage:"); 45 _printLine_(" [flags]=PointCloudFindNeighbors(x,y,mindistance,multithread);\n"); 46 _printLine_(" where:"); 47 _printLine_(" x,y: list of points."); 48 _printLine_(" mindistance: minimum distance that should exist between points in the cloud."); 49 _printLine_(" multithread: run multithreaded or not. with multithreads, flags can get 1 and 2 values in duplicates."); 50 _printLine_(" flags: array of flags (flag==1 means point is within mindistance of another point)"); 51 _printLine_(""); 52 52 } -
r11933 r12517 42 42 43 43 void PropagateFlagsFromConnectivityUsage(void) { 44 printf("\n");45 printf(" usage: [pool] = %s(connectivity,pool,index,flags);\n",__FUNCT__);46 printf("\n");44 _printLine_(""); 45 _printLine_(" usage: [pool] = " << __FUNCT__ << "(connectivity,pool,index,flags);");; 46 _printLine_(""); 47 47 } -
r12516 r12517 48 48 if (options->GetOption("central_meridian") || options->GetOption("standard_parallel")) { 49 49 options->Get(&cm,"central_meridian"); 50 if (verbose) printf(" cm=%g\n",cm);50 if (verbose) _printLine_(" cm=" << cm); 51 51 options->Get(&sp,"standard_parallel"); 52 if (verbose) printf(" sp=%g\n",sp);52 if (verbose) _printLine_(" sp=" << sp); 53 53 } 54 54 -
r12112 r12517 63 63 void TriMeshUsage(void) //{{{1 64 64 { 65 printf("\n");66 printf(" usage: [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=TriMesh(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,area) \n");67 printf(" where: index,x,y defines a triangulation, segments is an array made \n");68 printf(" of exterior segments to the mesh domain outline, segmentmarkers is an array flagging each segment, \n");69 printf(" outlinefilename an Argus domain outline file, \n");70 printf(" area is the maximum area desired for any element of the resulting mesh, \n");71 printf("\n");65 _printLine_(""); 66 _printLine_(" usage: [index,x,y,segments,segmentmarkers]=TriMesh(domainoutlinefilename,rifts,area) "); 67 _printLine_(" where: index,x,y defines a triangulation, segments is an array made "); 68 _printLine_(" of exterior segments to the mesh domain outline, segmentmarkers is an array flagging each segment, "); 69 _printLine_(" outlinefilename an Argus domain outline file, "); 70 _printLine_(" area is the maximum area desired for any element of the resulting mesh, "); 71 _printLine_(""); 72 72 } 73 73 //}}} -
r12507 r12517 297 297 void TriMeshProcessRiftsUsage(void) 298 298 { 299 printf("\n");300 printf(" usage: [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2]=TriMeshProcessrifts(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1) \n");301 printf(" where: (index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1) is an initial triangulation.\n");302 printf(" index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2 is the resulting triangulation where rifts have been processed.\n");299 _printLine_(""); 300 _printLine_(" usage: [index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2]=TriMeshProcessrifts(index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1) "); 301 _printLine_(" where: (index1,x1,y1,segments1,segmentmarkers1) is an initial triangulation."); 302 _printLine_(" index2,x2,y2,segments2,segmentmarkers2,rifts2 is the resulting triangulation where rifts have been processed."); 303 303 } -
r12516 r12517 38 38 39 39 /* Echo: {{{1*/ 40 // printf("(x0,y0)=(%g,%g)\n",x0,y0);40 //_printLine_("(x0,y0)=(" << x0 << "," << y0 << ")"); 41 41 /*}}}*/ 42 42 -
r12516 r12517 39 39 if (options->GetOption("central_meridian") || options->GetOption("standard_parallel")) { 40 40 options->Get(&cm,"central_meridian"); 41 if (verbose) printf(" cm=%g\n",cm);41 if (verbose) _printLine_(" cm=" << cm); 42 42 options->Get(&sp,"standard_parallel"); 43 if (verbose) printf(" sp=%g\n",sp);43 if (verbose) _printLine_(" sp=" << sp); 44 44 } 45 45 … … 55 55 56 56 /* Run core computations: */ 57 if (verbose) printf("Calling core:\n");57 if (verbose) _printLine_("Calling core:"); 58 58 if (options->GetOption("central_meridian") && options->GetOption("standard_parallel")) 59 59 iret=Xy2llx(lat,lon,x,y,ncoord,sgn,cm,sp);
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.