Changeset 12494 for issm/trunk-jpl/src
- Timestamp:
- 06/21/12 10:10:34 (13 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/c
- Files:
- 101 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r12493 r12494 18 18 extern int my_rank; 19 19 _assert_(fid); 20 if(fclose(fid)!=0)_error2_(" " << "could not close file " << filename);20 if(fclose(fid)!=0)_error2_("could not close file " << filename); 21 21 } -
r12493 r12494 20 20 /*Open handle to data on disk: */ 21 21 fid=fopen(filename,format); 22 if(fid==NULL) _error2_(" " << "could not open file " << filename << " for binary reading or writing");22 if(fid==NULL) _error2_("could not open file " << filename << " for binary reading or writing"); 23 23 24 24 return fid; -
r12493 r12494 104 104 } 105 105 } 106 else _error2_(" " << "flag type " << flag << " not supported yet for response analysis");106 else _error2_(" flag type " << flag << " not supported yet for response analysis"); 107 107 } 108 108 -
r12493 r12494 23 23 /*retrieve first token, separated by underscore: */ 24 24 pch = strtok (descriptor,"_"); 25 if(!pch)_error2_(" " << "descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!");25 if(!pch)_error2_(" descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!"); 26 26 27 27 if (strncmp(pch,"scaled",6)==0){ 28 28 /*we have a scaled variable. recover the root: */ 29 29 pch = strtok (NULL, "_"); 30 if(!pch)_error2_(" " << "scaled descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!");30 if(!pch)_error2_(" scaled descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!"); 31 31 memcpy(root,pch,(strlen(pch)+1)*sizeof(char)); 32 32 … … 44 44 /*we have an indexed variable. recover the root: */ 45 45 pch = strtok (NULL, "_"); 46 if(!pch)_error2_(" " << "indexed descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!");46 if(!pch)_error2_(" indexed descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!"); 47 47 memcpy(root,pch,(strlen(pch)+1)*sizeof(char)); 48 48 /*now recover the index: */ 49 49 pch = strtok (NULL, "_"); 50 if(!pch)_error2_(" " << "indexed descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!");50 if(!pch)_error2_(" indexed descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!"); 51 51 sscanf(pch,"%i",pindex); 52 52 return IndexedEnum; … … 55 55 /*we have an indexed variable. recover the root: */ 56 56 pch = strtok (NULL, "_"); 57 if(!pch)_error2_(" " << "nodal descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!");57 if(!pch)_error2_(" nodal descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!"); 58 58 memcpy(root,pch,(strlen(pch)+1)*sizeof(char)); 59 59 /*now recover the index: */ 60 60 pch = strtok (NULL, "_"); 61 if(!pch)_error2_(" " << "nodal descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!");61 if(!pch)_error2_(" nodal descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!"); 62 62 sscanf(pch,"%i",pindex); 63 63 return NodalEnum; -
r12493 r12494 39 39 #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_ 40 40 MPI_Allreduce ( &found,&sumfound,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD); 41 if(!sumfound)_error2_(" " << "could not find material with id" << index << " to compute ElementResponse");41 if(!sumfound)_error2_("could not find material with id" << index << " to compute ElementResponse"); 42 42 #endif 43 43 -
r12493 r12494 32 32 } 33 33 else{ 34 _error2_(" " << "vector type: " << EnumToStringx(type) << " not supported yet!");34 _error2_(" vector type: " << EnumToStringx(type) << " not supported yet!"); 35 35 } 36 36 -
r12493 r12494 27 27 28 28 if(migration_style==NoneEnum) return; 29 if(migration_style!=AgressiveMigrationEnum && migration_style!=SoftMigrationEnum) _error2_( "" <<EnumToStringx(migration_style) << " not supported yet!");29 if(migration_style!=AgressiveMigrationEnum && migration_style!=SoftMigrationEnum) _error2_(EnumToStringx(migration_style) << " not supported yet!"); 30 30 31 31 if(migration_style==SoftMigrationEnum){ -
r12493 r12494 38 38 fid=iomodel->SetFilePointerToData(&code, &vector_layout,vector_enum); 39 39 40 if(code!=7)_error2_(" " << "expecting a IssmDouble vector for constraints with enum " << EnumToStringx(vector_enum));41 if(vector_layout!=1)_error2_(" " << "expecting a nodal vector for constraints with enum " << EnumToStringx(vector_enum));40 if(code!=7)_error2_(" expecting a IssmDouble vector for constraints with enum " << EnumToStringx(vector_enum)); 41 if(vector_layout!=1)_error2_(" expecting a nodal vector for constraints with enum " << EnumToStringx(vector_enum)); 42 42 43 43 /*Fetch vector:*/ -
r12493 r12494 124 124 125 125 default: 126 _error2_(" " << "analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type) << " not supported yet!");126 _error2_(" analysis_type: " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type) << " not supported yet!"); 127 127 } 128 128 -
r12493 r12494 38 38 #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_ 39 39 MPI_Allreduce ( &found,&sumfound,1,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD); 40 if(!sumfound)_error2_(" " << "could not find element with vertex with id" << index << " to compute nodal value " << EnumToStringx(natureofdataenum));40 if(!sumfound)_error2_("could not find element with vertex with id" << index << " to compute nodal value " << EnumToStringx(natureofdataenum)); 41 41 #endif 42 42 -
r12493 r12494 71 71 * warn the user to increase the connectivity width: */ 72 72 for(i=0;i<nods;i++){ 73 if (*(connectivity+width*i+maxels)>maxels)_error2_(" " << "max connectivity width reached (" << *(connectivity+width*i+maxels) << ")! increase width of connectivity table");73 if (*(connectivity+width*i+maxels)>maxels)_error2_(" max connectivity width reached (" << *(connectivity+width*i+maxels) << ")! increase width of connectivity table"); 74 74 } 75 75 -
r12493 r12494 136 136 /*Check convergence*/ 137 137 KSPGetIterationNumber(ksp,&iteration_number); 138 if (iteration_number<0) _error2_(" " << "Solver diverged at iteration number: " << -iteration_number);138 if (iteration_number<0) _error2_(" Solver diverged at iteration number: " << -iteration_number); 139 139 140 140 /*Free resources:*/ -
r12229 r12494 29 29 }; 30 30 /*Object functions*/ 31 void Echo() {_error _("not implemented yet"); };32 void DeepEcho() {_error _("not implemented yet"); };33 int Id() {_error _("not implemented yet"); };34 int MyRank() {_error _("not implemented yet"); };35 int ObjectEnum() {_error _("not implemented yet"); };36 Object *copy() {_error _("not implemented yet"); };31 void Echo() {_error2_("not implemented yet"); }; 32 void DeepEcho() {_error2_("not implemented yet"); }; 33 int Id() {_error2_("not implemented yet"); }; 34 int MyRank() {_error2_("not implemented yet"); }; 35 int ObjectEnum() {_error2_("not implemented yet"); }; 36 Object *copy() {_error2_("not implemented yet"); }; 37 37 }; 38 38 -
r6412 r12494 34 34 double c01=lEnd-lBegin, c0=(lEnd-s)/c01, c1=(s-lBegin)/c01; 35 35 if (lBegin>s || s>lEnd){ 36 _error _("lBegin>s || s>lEnd");36 _error2_("lBegin>s || s>lEnd"); 37 37 } 38 38 return e->F(sBegin*c0+sEnd*c1); -
r12493 r12494 3563 3563 } 3564 3564 if(k) { 3565 _error2_( "" <<k << " boundary edges (from the geometry) are not defined as mesh edges");3565 _error2_(k << " boundary edges (from the geometry) are not defined as mesh edges"); 3566 3566 } 3567 3567 -
r12493 r12494 143 143 else this->sdoflist=NULL; 144 144 } 145 else _error2_(" " << "set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!");145 else _error2_(" set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!"); 146 146 } 147 147 /*}}}*/ -
r12463 r12494 48 48 /*DoubleElementResult management: {{{*/ 49 49 int InstanceEnum(); 50 void GetVectorFromResults(Vector* vector,int* doflist,int* connectivitylist,int numdofs){_error _("not implemented");};51 void GetElementVectorFromResults(Vector* vector,int dof){_error _("not implemented");};50 void GetVectorFromResults(Vector* vector,int* doflist,int* connectivitylist,int numdofs){_error2_("not implemented");}; 51 void GetElementVectorFromResults(Vector* vector,int dof){_error2_("not implemented");}; 52 52 /*}}}*/ 53 53 }; -
r12493 r12494 1153 1153 new_inputs[i]=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(enums[2*i+0]); 1154 1154 old_inputs[i]=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(enums[2*i+1]); 1155 if(!new_inputs[i])_error2_(" " << "could not find input with enum " << EnumToStringx(enums[2*i+0]));1156 if(!old_inputs[i])_error2_(" " << "could not find input with enum " << EnumToStringx(enums[2*i+0]));1155 if(!new_inputs[i])_error2_(" could not find input with enum " << EnumToStringx(enums[2*i+0])); 1156 if(!old_inputs[i])_error2_(" could not find input with enum " << EnumToStringx(enums[2*i+0])); 1157 1157 } 1158 1158 … … 1186 1186 this->inputs->AddInput(new DoubleInput(name,(IssmDouble)scalar)); 1187 1187 } 1188 else _error2_(" " << "could not recognize nature of vector from code " << code);1188 else _error2_(" could not recognize nature of vector from code " << code); 1189 1189 1190 1190 } … … 1268 1268 this->inputs->AddInput(new DoubleInput(vector_enum,(IssmDouble)vector[index])); 1269 1269 } 1270 else _error2_(" " << "could not recognize nature of vector from code " << code);1270 else _error2_(" could not recognize nature of vector from code " << code); 1271 1271 } 1272 1272 else { -
r12471 r12494 56 56 void GetLprimeStokesMacAyeal(IssmDouble* LprimeStokesMacAyeal, IssmDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss); 57 57 void GetInputValue(IssmDouble* pvalue,IssmDouble* plist, GaussPenta* gauss); 58 void GetInputValue(IssmDouble* pvalue,IssmDouble* plist,GaussTria* gauss){_error _("only PentaGauss are supported");};58 void GetInputValue(IssmDouble* pvalue,IssmDouble* plist,GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("only PentaGauss are supported");}; 59 59 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmDouble* pvalues, IssmDouble* plist,IssmDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss); 60 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmDouble* pvalues, IssmDouble* plist,IssmDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error _("only PentaGauss are supported");};60 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmDouble* pvalues, IssmDouble* plist,IssmDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("only PentaGauss are supported");}; 61 61 62 62 }; -
r12493 r12494 1252 1252 new_inputs[i]=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(enums[2*i+0]); 1253 1253 old_inputs[i]=(Input*)this->inputs->GetInput(enums[2*i+1]); 1254 if(!new_inputs[i])_error2_(" " << "could not find input with enum " << EnumToStringx(enums[2*i+0]));1255 if(!old_inputs[i])_error2_(" " << "could not find input with enum " << EnumToStringx(enums[2*i+0]));1254 if(!new_inputs[i])_error2_(" could not find input with enum " << EnumToStringx(enums[2*i+0])); 1255 if(!old_inputs[i])_error2_(" could not find input with enum " << EnumToStringx(enums[2*i+0])); 1256 1256 } 1257 1257 … … 1282 1282 else 1283 1283 _error2_("object " << EnumToStringx(object_enum) << " not supported yet"); 1284 if(!oldinput)_error2_(" " << "could not find old input with enum: " << EnumToStringx(enum_type));1284 if(!oldinput)_error2_(" could not find old input with enum: " << EnumToStringx(enum_type)); 1285 1285 newinput=(Input*)oldinput->copy(); 1286 1286 … … 1657 1657 this->inputs->AddInput(new DoubleInput(name,(int)scalar)); 1658 1658 } 1659 else _error2_(" " << "could not recognize nature of vector from code " << code);1659 else _error2_(" could not recognize nature of vector from code " << code); 1660 1660 1661 1661 } … … 1739 1739 this->inputs->AddInput(new DoubleInput(vector_enum,(IssmDouble)vector[index])); 1740 1740 } 1741 else _error2_(" " << "could not recognize nature of vector from code " << code);1741 else _error2_(" could not recognize nature of vector from code " << code); 1742 1742 } 1743 1743 else { … … 2651 2651 2652 2652 /*First off, check that this segment belongs to this element: */ 2653 if ((int)*(segment+4)!=this->id)_error2_(" " << "error message: segment with id " << (int)*(segment+4) << " does not belong to element with id:" << this->id);2653 if ((int)*(segment+4)!=this->id)_error2_("error message: segment with id " << (int)*(segment+4) << " does not belong to element with id:" << this->id); 2654 2654 2655 2655 /*Recover segment node locations: */ … … 3538 3538 break; 3539 3539 default: 3540 _error2_(" " << "control type not supported yet: " << control_type);3540 _error2_("control type not supported yet: " << control_type); 3541 3541 } 3542 3542 -
r12471 r12494 99 99 void InputToResult(int enum_type,int step,IssmDouble time); 100 100 void DeleteResults(void); 101 void MaterialUpdateFromTemperature(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};101 void MaterialUpdateFromTemperature(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 102 102 void MigrateGroundingLine(IssmDouble* oldfloating,IssmDouble* sheet_ungrounding); 103 103 int NodalValue(IssmDouble* pvalue, int index, int natureofdataenum,bool process_units); … … 109 109 void PatchSize(int* pnumrows, int* pnumvertices,int* pnumnodes); 110 110 void ProcessResultsUnits(void); 111 void ResetCoordinateSystem(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};111 void ResetCoordinateSystem(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 112 112 IssmDouble SurfaceArea(void); 113 113 void Update(int index, IoModel* iomodel,int analysis_counter,int analysis_type); -
r12493 r12494 185 185 this->objects[i]=(Object*)dataset->GetObjectById(this->offsets+i,this->ids[i]); //remember the offset for later on. 186 186 /*check the id is correct!: */ 187 if (this->objects[i]->Id()!=this->ids[i]) _error2_(" " << "wrong id: " << this->objects[i]->Id() << " vs " << this->ids[i] << " in resolved pointer!");187 if (this->objects[i]->Id()!=this->ids[i]) _error2_(" wrong id: " << this->objects[i]->Id() << " vs " << this->ids[i] << " in resolved pointer!"); 188 188 } 189 189 } … … 194 194 195 195 /*first, check that we only have one T object in our object list: */ 196 if (this->num!=1) _error2_(" " << "trying to delivery a single hook object when hook holds " << this->num << " objects" << "\n");196 if (this->num!=1) _error2_(" trying to delivery a single hook object when hook holds " << this->num << " objects" << "\n"); 197 197 198 198 /*check NULL: */ -
r12426 r12494 37 37 int InstanceEnum(); 38 38 Input* SpawnTriaInput(int* indices); 39 Input* PointwiseDivide(Input* inputB){_error _("not implemented yet");};40 Input* PointwiseMin(Input* inputB){_error _("not implemented yet");};41 Input* PointwiseMax(Input* inputB){_error _("not implemented yet");};39 Input* PointwiseDivide(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 40 Input* PointwiseMin(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 41 Input* PointwiseMax(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 42 42 ElementResult* SpawnResult(int step, IssmPDouble time); 43 43 void Configure(Parameters* parameters); 44 void AddTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,int step,IssmPDouble time){_error _("not supported yet");};44 void AddTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,int step,IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not supported yet");}; 45 45 /*}}}*/ 46 46 /*numerics: {{{*/ … … 49 49 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue); 50 50 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss); 51 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmPDouble time){_error _("not implemented yet");};51 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 52 52 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss); 53 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index){_error _("not implemented yet");};54 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss ,int index){_error _("not implemented yet");};53 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 54 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 55 55 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss); 56 56 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss); 57 void GetInputAverage(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error _("not implemented yet");};58 void GetVxStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};59 void GetVyStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};60 void GetVxStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};61 void GetVyStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};62 void GetVzStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvz,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};63 void GetVxStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};64 void GetVyStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};57 void GetInputAverage(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 58 void GetVxStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 59 void GetVyStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 60 void GetVxStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 61 void GetVyStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 62 void GetVzStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvz,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 63 void GetVxStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 64 void GetVyStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 65 65 void ChangeEnum(int newenumtype); 66 66 void SquareMin(IssmPDouble* psquaremin, bool process_units,Parameters* parameters); 67 void ConstrainMin(IssmPDouble minimum){_error _("not implemented yet");};68 IssmPDouble InfinityNorm(void){_error _("InfinityNorm not implemented for booleans");};69 IssmPDouble Max(void){_error _("Max not implemented for booleans");};70 IssmPDouble MaxAbs(void){_error _("Max not implemented for booleans");};71 IssmPDouble Min(void){_error _("Min not implemented for booleans");};72 IssmPDouble MinAbs(void){_error _("Min not implemented for booleans");};67 void ConstrainMin(IssmPDouble minimum){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 68 IssmPDouble InfinityNorm(void){_error2_("InfinityNorm not implemented for booleans");}; 69 IssmPDouble Max(void){_error2_("Max not implemented for booleans");}; 70 IssmPDouble MaxAbs(void){_error2_("Max not implemented for booleans");}; 71 IssmPDouble Min(void){_error2_("Min not implemented for booleans");}; 72 IssmPDouble MinAbs(void){_error2_("Min not implemented for booleans");}; 73 73 void Scale(IssmPDouble scale_factor); 74 void ArtificialNoise(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error _("not implemented yet");};74 void ArtificialNoise(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 75 75 void AXPY(Input* xinput,IssmPDouble scalar); 76 76 void Constrain(IssmPDouble cm_min, IssmPDouble cm_max); 77 77 void Extrude(void); 78 void VerticallyIntegrate(Input* thickness_input){_error _("not supported yet");};78 void VerticallyIntegrate(Input* thickness_input){_error2_("not supported yet");}; 79 79 void GetVectorFromInputs(Vector* vector,int* doflist); 80 80 void GetValuesPtr(IssmPDouble** pvalues,int* pnum_values); -
r12426 r12494 41 41 int InstanceEnum(); 42 42 Input* SpawnTriaInput(int* indices); 43 Input* PointwiseDivide(Input* inputB){_error _("not implemented yet");};44 Input* PointwiseMin(Input* inputB){_error _("not implemented yet");};45 Input* PointwiseMax(Input* inputB){_error _("not implemented yet");};43 Input* PointwiseDivide(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 44 Input* PointwiseMin(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 45 Input* PointwiseMax(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 46 46 ElementResult* SpawnResult(int step, IssmPDouble time); 47 void AddTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,int step,IssmPDouble time){_error _("not supported yet");};47 void AddTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,int step,IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not supported yet");}; 48 48 void Configure(Parameters* parameters); 49 49 /*}}}*/ … … 54 54 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue); 55 55 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss); 56 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmPDouble time){_error _("not implemented yet");};56 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 57 57 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss); 58 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index){_error _("not implemented yet");};59 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss ,int index){_error _("not implemented yet");};58 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 59 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 60 60 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss); 61 61 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss); 62 62 void GetInputAverage(IssmPDouble* pvalue); 63 void GetVxStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};64 void GetVyStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};65 void GetVxStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};66 void GetVyStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};67 void GetVzStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvz,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};68 void GetVxStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};69 void GetVyStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};70 void ChangeEnum(int newenumtype){_error _("not implemented yet");};71 void SquareMin(IssmPDouble* psquaremin, bool process_units,Parameters* parameters){_error _("not implemented yet");};72 void ConstrainMin(IssmPDouble minimum){_error _("not implemented yet");};73 void Scale(IssmPDouble scale_factor){_error _("not implemented yet");};74 void ArtificialNoise(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error _("not implemented yet");};75 void AXPY(Input* xinput,IssmPDouble scalar){_error _("not implemented yet");};63 void GetVxStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 64 void GetVyStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 65 void GetVxStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 66 void GetVyStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 67 void GetVzStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvz,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 68 void GetVxStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 69 void GetVyStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 70 void ChangeEnum(int newenumtype){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 71 void SquareMin(IssmPDouble* psquaremin, bool process_units,Parameters* parameters){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 72 void ConstrainMin(IssmPDouble minimum){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 73 void Scale(IssmPDouble scale_factor){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 74 void ArtificialNoise(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 75 void AXPY(Input* xinput,IssmPDouble scalar){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 76 76 void Constrain(void); 77 77 void Constrain(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max); 78 IssmPDouble InfinityNorm(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};79 IssmPDouble Max(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};80 IssmPDouble MaxAbs(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};81 IssmPDouble Min(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};82 IssmPDouble MinAbs(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};78 IssmPDouble InfinityNorm(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 79 IssmPDouble Max(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 80 IssmPDouble MaxAbs(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 81 IssmPDouble Min(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 82 IssmPDouble MinAbs(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 83 83 void Extrude(void); 84 84 void VerticallyIntegrate(Input* thickness_input); 85 85 void GetVectorFromInputs(Vector* vector,int* doflist,const char* data); 86 86 void GetVectorFromInputs(Vector* vector,int* doflist); 87 void GetValuesPtr(IssmPDouble** pvalues,int* pnum_values){_error _("not implemented yet");};87 void GetValuesPtr(IssmPDouble** pvalues,int* pnum_values){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 88 88 ElementResult* SpawnGradient(int step, IssmPDouble time); 89 89 void GetGradient(Vector* gradient_vec,int* doflist); -
r12426 r12494 37 37 int InstanceEnum(); 38 38 Input* SpawnTriaInput(int* indices); 39 Input* PointwiseDivide(Input* inputB){_error _("not implemented yet");};40 Input* PointwiseMin(Input* inputB){_error _("not implemented yet");};41 Input* PointwiseMax(Input* inputB){_error _("not implemented yet");};42 ElementResult* SpawnResult(int step, IssmPDouble time){_error _("not implemented yet");};43 void AddTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,int step,IssmPDouble time){_error _("not supported yet");};39 Input* PointwiseDivide(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 40 Input* PointwiseMin(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 41 Input* PointwiseMax(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 42 ElementResult* SpawnResult(int step, IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 43 void AddTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,int step,IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not supported yet");}; 44 44 void Configure(Parameters* parameters); 45 45 /*}}}*/ 46 46 /*numeriics: {{{*/ 47 void GetInputValue(bool* pvalue){_error _("not implemented yet");};48 void GetInputValue(int* pvalue){_error _("not implemented yet");};49 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error _("not implemented yet");};50 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};51 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmPDouble time){_error _("not implemented yet");};52 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};47 void GetInputValue(bool* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 48 void GetInputValue(int* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 49 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 50 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 51 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 52 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 53 53 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index); 54 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss ,int index){_error _("not implemented yet");};55 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};56 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};57 void GetInputAverage(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error _("not implemented yet");};58 void GetVxStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};59 void GetVyStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};60 void GetVxStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};61 void GetVyStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};62 void GetVzStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvz,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};63 void GetVxStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};64 void GetVyStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};65 void ChangeEnum(int newenumtype){_error _("not implemented yet");};66 void SquareMin(IssmPDouble* psquaremin, bool process_units,Parameters* parameters){_error _("not implemented yet");};67 void ConstrainMin(IssmPDouble minimum){_error _("not implemented yet");};68 void Scale(IssmPDouble scale_factor){_error _("not implemented yet");};69 void ArtificialNoise(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error _("not implemented yet");};70 void AXPY(Input* xinput,IssmPDouble scalar){_error _("not implemented yet");};71 void Constrain(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};72 void Constrain(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error _("not implemented yet");};73 IssmPDouble InfinityNorm(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};74 IssmPDouble Max(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};75 IssmPDouble MaxAbs(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};76 IssmPDouble Min(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};77 IssmPDouble MinAbs(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};78 void Extrude(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};79 void VerticallyIntegrate(Input* thickness_input){_error _("not implemented yet");};80 void GetVectorFromInputs(Vector* vector,int* doflist){_error _("not implemented yet");};81 void GetValuesPtr(IssmPDouble** pvalues,int* pnum_values){_error _("not implemented yet");};82 ElementResult* SpawnGradient(int step, IssmPDouble time){_error _("not implemented yet");};83 void GetGradient(Vector* gradient_vec,int* doflist){_error _("not implemented yet");};84 void ScaleGradient(IssmPDouble scale){_error _("not implemented yet");};85 void SetGradient(Input* gradient_in){_error _("not implemented yet");};86 void UpdateValue(IssmPDouble scalar){_error _("not implemented yet");};87 void SaveValue(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};54 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 55 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 56 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 57 void GetInputAverage(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 58 void GetVxStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 59 void GetVyStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 60 void GetVxStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 61 void GetVyStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 62 void GetVzStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvz,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 63 void GetVxStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 64 void GetVyStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 65 void ChangeEnum(int newenumtype){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 66 void SquareMin(IssmPDouble* psquaremin, bool process_units,Parameters* parameters){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 67 void ConstrainMin(IssmPDouble minimum){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 68 void Scale(IssmPDouble scale_factor){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 69 void ArtificialNoise(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 70 void AXPY(Input* xinput,IssmPDouble scalar){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 71 void Constrain(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 72 void Constrain(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 73 IssmPDouble InfinityNorm(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 74 IssmPDouble Max(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 75 IssmPDouble MaxAbs(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 76 IssmPDouble Min(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 77 IssmPDouble MinAbs(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 78 void Extrude(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 79 void VerticallyIntegrate(Input* thickness_input){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 80 void GetVectorFromInputs(Vector* vector,int* doflist){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 81 void GetValuesPtr(IssmPDouble** pvalues,int* pnum_values){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 82 ElementResult* SpawnGradient(int step, IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 83 void GetGradient(Vector* gradient_vec,int* doflist){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 84 void ScaleGradient(IssmPDouble scale){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 85 void SetGradient(Input* gradient_in){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 86 void UpdateValue(IssmPDouble scalar){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 87 void SaveValue(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 88 88 /*}}}*/ 89 89 -
r12426 r12494 40 40 Input* PointwiseMax(Input* inputB); 41 41 ElementResult* SpawnResult(int step, IssmPDouble time); 42 void AddTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,int step,IssmPDouble time){_error _("not supported yet");};42 void AddTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,int step,IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not supported yet");}; 43 43 void Configure(Parameters* parameters); 44 44 /*}}}*/ … … 48 48 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue); 49 49 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss); 50 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmPDouble time){_error _("not implemented yet");};50 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 51 51 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss); 52 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index){_error _("not implemented yet");};53 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss ,int index){_error _("not implemented yet");};52 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 53 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 54 54 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss); 55 55 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss); … … 66 66 void ConstrainMin(IssmPDouble minimum); 67 67 void Scale(IssmPDouble scale_factor); 68 void ArtificialNoise(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error _("not implemented yet");};68 void ArtificialNoise(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 69 69 void AXPY(Input* xinput,IssmPDouble scalar); 70 70 void Constrain(IssmPDouble cm_min, IssmPDouble cm_max); 71 IssmPDouble InfinityNorm(void){_error _("not implemented yet");};71 IssmPDouble InfinityNorm(void){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 72 72 IssmPDouble Max(void); 73 73 IssmPDouble MaxAbs(void); 74 74 IssmPDouble Min(void); 75 75 IssmPDouble MinAbs(void); 76 void Extrude(void){_error _("not supported yet");};76 void Extrude(void){_error2_("not supported yet");}; 77 77 void VerticallyIntegrate(Input* thickness_input); 78 78 void GetVectorFromInputs(Vector* vector,int* doflist); -
r12426 r12494 37 37 int InstanceEnum(); 38 38 Input* SpawnTriaInput(int* indices); 39 Input* PointwiseDivide(Input* inputB){_error _("not implemented yet");};40 Input* PointwiseMin(Input* inputB){_error _("not implemented yet");};41 Input* PointwiseMax(Input* inputB){_error _("not implemented yet");};39 Input* PointwiseDivide(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 40 Input* PointwiseMin(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 41 Input* PointwiseMax(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 42 42 ElementResult* SpawnResult(int step, IssmPDouble time); 43 void AddTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,int step,IssmPDouble time){_error _("not supported yet");};43 void AddTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,int step,IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not supported yet");}; 44 44 void Configure(Parameters* parameters); 45 45 /*}}}*/ … … 49 49 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue); 50 50 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss); 51 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmPDouble time){_error _("not implemented yet");};51 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 52 52 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss); 53 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index){_error _("not implemented yet");};54 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss ,int index){_error _("not implemented yet");};53 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 54 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 55 55 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss); 56 56 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss); 57 void GetInputAverage(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error _("not implemented yet");};58 void GetVxStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};59 void GetVyStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};60 void GetVxStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};61 void GetVyStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};62 void GetVzStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvz,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};63 void GetVxStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};64 void GetVyStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};57 void GetInputAverage(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 58 void GetVxStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 59 void GetVyStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 60 void GetVxStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 61 void GetVyStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 62 void GetVzStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvz,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 63 void GetVxStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 64 void GetVyStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 65 65 void ChangeEnum(int newenumtype); 66 66 void SquareMin(IssmPDouble* psquaremin, bool process_units,Parameters* parameters); 67 void ConstrainMin(IssmPDouble minimum){_error _("not implemented yet");};67 void ConstrainMin(IssmPDouble minimum){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 68 68 void Scale(IssmPDouble scale_factor); 69 void ArtificialNoise(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error _("not implemented yet");};69 void ArtificialNoise(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 70 70 void AXPY(Input* xinput,IssmPDouble scalar); 71 71 void Constrain(IssmPDouble cm_min, IssmPDouble cm_max); 72 IssmPDouble InfinityNorm(void){_error _("InfinityNorm not implemented for integers");};73 IssmPDouble Max(void){_error _("Max not implemented for integers");};74 IssmPDouble MaxAbs(void){_error _("Max not implemented for integers");};75 IssmPDouble Min(void){_error _("Min not implemented for integers");};76 IssmPDouble MinAbs(void){_error _("Min not implemented for integers");};77 void Extrude(void){_error _("not supported yet");};78 void VerticallyIntegrate(Input* thickness_input){_error _("not supported yet");};72 IssmPDouble InfinityNorm(void){_error2_("InfinityNorm not implemented for integers");}; 73 IssmPDouble Max(void){_error2_("Max not implemented for integers");}; 74 IssmPDouble MaxAbs(void){_error2_("Max not implemented for integers");}; 75 IssmPDouble Min(void){_error2_("Min not implemented for integers");}; 76 IssmPDouble MinAbs(void){_error2_("Min not implemented for integers");}; 77 void Extrude(void){_error2_("not supported yet");}; 78 void VerticallyIntegrate(Input* thickness_input){_error2_("not supported yet");}; 79 79 void GetVectorFromInputs(Vector* vector,int* doflist); 80 80 void GetValuesPtr(IssmPDouble** pvalues,int* pnum_values); -
r12426 r12494 41 41 Input* PointwiseMax(Input* inputB); 42 42 ElementResult* SpawnResult(int step, IssmPDouble time); 43 void AddTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,int step,IssmPDouble time){_error _("not supported yet");};43 void AddTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,int step,IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not supported yet");}; 44 44 void Configure(Parameters* parameters); 45 45 /*}}}*/ 46 46 /*numerics: {{{*/ 47 void GetInputValue(bool* pvalue){_error _("not implemented yet");};48 void GetInputValue(int* pvalue){_error _("not implemented yet");};49 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error _("not implemented yet");};50 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};51 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmPDouble time){_error _("not implemented yet");};47 void GetInputValue(bool* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 48 void GetInputValue(int* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 49 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 50 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 51 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 52 52 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss); 53 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index){_error _("not implemented yet");};54 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss ,int index){_error _("not implemented yet");};55 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};53 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 54 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 55 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 56 56 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss); 57 57 void GetInputAverage(IssmPDouble* pvalue); 58 void GetVxStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};59 void GetVyStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};58 void GetVxStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 59 void GetVyStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 60 60 void GetVxStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss); 61 61 void GetVyStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss); … … 68 68 void ConstrainMin(IssmPDouble minimum); 69 69 void Scale(IssmPDouble scale_factor); 70 void ArtificialNoise(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error _("not implemented yet");};70 void ArtificialNoise(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 71 71 void AXPY(Input* xinput,IssmPDouble scalar); 72 72 void Constrain(IssmPDouble cm_min, IssmPDouble cm_max); -
r12426 r12494 40 40 int InstanceEnum(); 41 41 Input* SpawnTriaInput(int* indices); 42 Input* PointwiseDivide(Input* forcingB){_error _("not implemented yet");};43 Input* PointwiseMin(Input* forcingB){_error _("not implemented yet");};44 Input* PointwiseMax(Input* forcingB){_error _("not implemented yet");};42 Input* PointwiseDivide(Input* forcingB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 43 Input* PointwiseMin(Input* forcingB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 44 Input* PointwiseMax(Input* forcingB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 45 45 ElementResult* SpawnResult(int step, IssmPDouble time); 46 46 void Configure(Parameters* parameters); 47 47 /*}}}*/ 48 48 /*numerics: {{{*/ 49 void GetInputValue(bool* pvalue){_error _("not implemented yet");};50 void GetInputValue(int* pvalue){_error _("not implemented yet");};51 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error _("not implemented yet");};49 void GetInputValue(bool* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 50 void GetInputValue(int* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 51 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 52 52 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss); 53 53 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmPDouble time); 54 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};55 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index){_error _("not implemented yet");};56 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss ,int index){_error _("not implemented yet");};54 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 55 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 56 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 57 57 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss); 58 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};58 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 59 59 void GetInputAverage(IssmPDouble* pvalue); 60 void GetVxStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};61 void GetVyStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};62 void GetVxStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};63 void GetVyStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};64 void GetVzStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvz,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};65 void GetVxStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};66 void GetVyStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};60 void GetVxStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 61 void GetVyStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 62 void GetVxStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 63 void GetVyStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 64 void GetVzStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvz,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 65 void GetVxStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 66 void GetVyStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 67 67 void ChangeEnum(int newenumtype); 68 68 69 69 void SquareMin(IssmPDouble* psquaremin, bool process_units,Parameters* parameters); 70 void ConstrainMin(IssmPDouble minimum){_error _("not implemented yet");};71 void Scale(IssmPDouble scale_factor){_error _("not implemented yet");};72 void ArtificialNoise(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error _("not implemented yet");};73 void AXPY(Input* xforcing,IssmPDouble scalar){_error _("not implemented yet");};74 void Constrain(IssmPDouble cm_min, IssmPDouble cm_max){_error _("not implemented yet");};70 void ConstrainMin(IssmPDouble minimum){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 71 void Scale(IssmPDouble scale_factor){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 72 void ArtificialNoise(IssmPDouble min,IssmPDouble max){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 73 void AXPY(Input* xforcing,IssmPDouble scalar){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 74 void Constrain(IssmPDouble cm_min, IssmPDouble cm_max){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 75 75 IssmPDouble InfinityNorm(void); 76 76 IssmPDouble Max(void); … … 78 78 IssmPDouble Min(void); 79 79 IssmPDouble MinAbs(void); 80 void Extrude(void){_error _("not supported yet");}81 void VerticallyIntegrate(Input* thickness_forcing){_error _("not supported yet");};80 void Extrude(void){_error2_("not supported yet");} 81 void VerticallyIntegrate(Input* thickness_forcing){_error2_("not supported yet");}; 82 82 void GetVectorFromInputs(Vector* vector,int* doflist); 83 void GetValuesPtr(IssmPDouble** pvalues,int* pnum_values){_error _("not supported yet");};84 void GetTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,IssmPDouble time){_error _("not implemented yet");};83 void GetValuesPtr(IssmPDouble** pvalues,int* pnum_values){_error2_("not supported yet");}; 84 void GetTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 85 85 Input* GetTimeInput(IssmPDouble time); 86 86 /*}}}*/ -
r12426 r12494 37 37 int InstanceEnum(); 38 38 Input* SpawnTriaInput(int* indices); 39 Input* PointwiseDivide(Input* inputB){_error _("not implemented yet");};39 Input* PointwiseDivide(Input* inputB){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 40 40 Input* PointwiseMin(Input* inputB); 41 41 Input* PointwiseMax(Input* inputB); 42 42 ElementResult* SpawnResult(int step, IssmPDouble time); 43 void AddTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,int step,IssmPDouble time){_error _("not supported yet");};43 void AddTimeValues(IssmPDouble* values,int step,IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not supported yet");}; 44 44 void Configure(Parameters* parameters); 45 45 /*}}}*/ 46 46 /*numerics: {{{*/ 47 void GetInputValue(bool* pvalue){_error _("not implemented yet");}48 void GetInputValue(int* pvalue){_error _("not implemented yet");}49 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error _("not implemented yet");}47 void GetInputValue(bool* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");} 48 void GetInputValue(int* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");} 49 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error2_("not implemented yet");} 50 50 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss); 51 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmPDouble time){_error _("not implemented yet");};52 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};53 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index){_error _("not implemented yet");};54 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss,int index){_error _("not implemented yet");};51 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss,IssmPDouble time){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 52 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 53 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussTria* gauss ,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 54 void GetInputValue(IssmPDouble* pvalue,GaussPenta* gauss,int index){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 55 55 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss); 56 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};56 void GetInputDerivativeValue(IssmPDouble* derivativevalues, IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 57 57 void GetInputAverage(IssmPDouble* pvalue); 58 58 void GetVxStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss); 59 59 void GetVyStrainRate2d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussTria* gauss); 60 void GetVxStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};61 void GetVyStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};62 void GetVzStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvz,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};63 void GetVxStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};64 void GetVyStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error _("not implemented yet");};60 void GetVxStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 61 void GetVyStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 62 void GetVzStrainRate3d(IssmPDouble* epsilonvz,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 63 void GetVxStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvx,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 64 void GetVyStrainRate3dPattyn(IssmPDouble* epsilonvy,IssmPDouble* xyz_list, GaussPenta* gauss){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 65 65 void ChangeEnum(int newenumtype); 66 66 … … 76 76 IssmPDouble Min(void); 77 77 IssmPDouble MinAbs(void); 78 void Extrude(void){_error _("not supported yet");};79 void VerticallyIntegrate(Input* thickness_input){_error _("not supported yet");};78 void Extrude(void){_error2_("not supported yet");}; 79 void VerticallyIntegrate(Input* thickness_input){_error2_("not supported yet");}; 80 80 void GetVectorFromInputs(Vector* vector,int* doflist); 81 81 void GetValuesPtr(IssmPDouble** pvalues,int* pnum_values); -
r12493 r12494 360 360 361 361 default: 362 _error2_(" " << "unknown record type:" << record_code);362 _error2_("unknown record type:" << record_code); 363 363 break;; 364 364 } … … 428 428 429 429 default: 430 _error2_(" " << "unknown record type:" << record_code);430 _error2_("unknown record type:" << record_code); 431 431 break;; 432 432 } … … 826 826 827 827 if(my_rank==0){ 828 if(fread(&M,sizeof(int),1,fid)!=1) _error2_(" " << "could not read number of rows in " << i << "th matrix of matrix array");828 if(fread(&M,sizeof(int),1,fid)!=1) _error2_("could not read number of rows in " << i << "th matrix of matrix array"); 829 829 } 830 830 #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_ … … 833 833 834 834 if(my_rank==0){ 835 if(fread(&N,sizeof(int),1,fid)!=1) _error2_(" " << "could not read number of columns in " << i << "th matrix of matrix array");835 if(fread(&N,sizeof(int),1,fid)!=1) _error2_("could not read number of columns in " << i << "th matrix of matrix array"); 836 836 } 837 837 #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_ … … 1137 1137 break; /*}}}*/ 1138 1138 default: /*{{{*/ 1139 _error2_(" " << "data code " << code << " not supported yet!");1139 _error2_("data code " << code << " not supported yet!"); 1140 1140 break; 1141 1141 /*}}}*/ … … 1228 1228 #ifdef _HAVE_MPI_ 1229 1229 MPI_Bcast(&found,1,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); 1230 if(!found)_error2_(" " << "could not find data with name" << " " << EnumToStringx(data_enum) << " ");1230 if(!found)_error2_("could not find data with name" << " " << EnumToStringx(data_enum) << " "); 1231 1231 #endif 1232 1232 -
r12365 r12494 30 30 virtual void DeepEcho(); 31 31 virtual void DeepEcho(const char* indent); 32 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};33 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};34 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};35 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};36 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};32 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 33 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 34 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 35 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 36 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 37 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 39 /*}}}*/ 40 40 -
r12365 r12494 35 35 void Write(FILE* fid,const char* indent); 36 36 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 37 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};39 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};40 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};41 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};42 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};43 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 40 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 41 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 42 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 43 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 44 44 /*}}}*/ 45 45 -
r12365 r12494 30 30 virtual void DeepEcho(); 31 31 virtual void DeepEcho(const char* indent); 32 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};33 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};34 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};35 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};36 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};32 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 33 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 34 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 35 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 36 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 37 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 39 /*}}}*/ 40 40 -
r12365 r12494 33 33 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 34 34 void WriteExp(FILE* fid,const char* nstr,int sgn,double cm,double sp); 35 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};36 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};39 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};40 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};41 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};35 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 36 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 37 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 40 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 41 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 42 42 /*}}}*/ 43 43 -
r12365 r12494 30 30 void Write(FILE* fid,const char* indent); 31 31 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 32 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};33 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};34 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};35 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};36 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};32 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 33 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 34 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 35 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 36 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 37 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 39 /*}}}*/ 40 40 -
r12365 r12494 44 44 void Write(FILE* fid,const char* indent); 45 45 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 46 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};47 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};48 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};49 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};50 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};51 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};52 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};46 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 47 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 48 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 49 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 50 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 51 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 52 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 53 53 /*}}}*/ 54 54 -
r12365 r12494 31 31 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 32 32 void WriteExp(FILE* fid,const char* nstr,int sgn,double cm,double sp); 33 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};34 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};35 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};36 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};39 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};33 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 34 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 35 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 36 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 37 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 40 40 /*}}}*/ 41 41 -
r12365 r12494 30 30 void Write(FILE* fid,const char* indent); 31 31 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 32 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};33 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};34 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};35 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};36 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};32 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 33 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 34 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 35 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 36 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 37 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 39 /*}}}*/ 40 40 -
r12365 r12494 29 29 void Write(FILE* fid,const char* indent); 30 30 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 31 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};32 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};33 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};34 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};35 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};36 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};31 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 32 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 33 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 34 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 35 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 36 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 37 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 38 /*}}}*/ 39 39 -
r12365 r12494 36 36 void Write(FILE* fid,const char* indent); 37 37 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 38 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};39 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};40 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};41 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};42 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};43 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};44 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 40 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 41 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 42 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 43 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 44 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 45 45 /*}}}*/ 46 46 -
r12365 r12494 44 44 void Write(FILE* fid,const char* indent); 45 45 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 46 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};47 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};48 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};49 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};50 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};51 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};52 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};46 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 47 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 48 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 49 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 50 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 51 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 52 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 53 53 /*}}}*/ 54 54 -
r12365 r12494 35 35 void Write(FILE* fid,const char* indent); 36 36 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 37 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};39 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};40 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};41 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};42 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};43 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 40 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 41 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 42 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 43 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 44 44 /*}}}*/ 45 45 -
r12442 r12494 38 38 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 39 39 void WriteExp(FILE* fid,const char* nstr,int sgn,double cm,double sp); 40 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};41 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};42 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};43 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};44 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};45 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};46 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};40 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 41 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 42 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 43 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 44 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 45 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 46 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 47 47 /*}}}*/ 48 48 -
r12365 r12494 31 31 void Write(FILE* fid,const char* indent); 32 32 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 33 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};34 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};35 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};36 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};39 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};33 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 34 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 35 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 36 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 37 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 40 40 /*}}}*/ 41 41 -
r12442 r12494 38 38 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 39 39 void WriteExp(FILE* fid,const char* nstr,int sgn,double cm,double sp); 40 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};41 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};42 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};43 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};44 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};45 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};46 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};40 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 41 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 42 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 43 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 44 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 45 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 46 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 47 47 /*}}}*/ 48 48 -
r12365 r12494 34 34 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 35 35 void WriteExp(FILE* fid,const char* nstr,int sgn,double cm,double sp); 36 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};39 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};40 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};41 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};42 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};36 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 37 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 40 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 41 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 42 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 43 43 /*}}}*/ 44 44 -
r12365 r12494 31 31 virtual void DeepEcho(); 32 32 virtual void DeepEcho(const char* indent); 33 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};34 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};35 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};36 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};39 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};33 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 34 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 35 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 36 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 37 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 40 40 /*}}}*/ 41 41 -
r12365 r12494 36 36 void Write(FILE* fid,const char* indent); 37 37 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 38 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};39 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};40 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};41 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};42 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};43 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};44 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 40 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 41 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 42 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 43 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 44 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 45 45 /*}}}*/ 46 46 -
r12365 r12494 34 34 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 35 35 void WriteExp(FILE* fid,const char* nstr,int sgn,double cm,double sp); 36 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};39 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};40 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};41 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};42 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};36 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 37 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 40 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 41 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 42 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 43 43 /*}}}*/ 44 44 -
r12365 r12494 36 36 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 37 37 void WriteExp(FILE* fid,const char* nstr,int sgn,double cm,double sp); 38 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};39 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};40 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};41 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};42 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};43 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};44 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 40 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 41 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 42 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 43 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 44 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 45 45 /*}}}*/ 46 46 -
r12365 r12494 32 32 void Write(FILE* fid,const char* indent); 33 33 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 34 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};35 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};36 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};39 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};40 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};34 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 35 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 36 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 37 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 40 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 41 41 /*}}}*/ 42 42 -
r12365 r12494 40 40 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 41 41 void WriteExp(FILE* fid,const char* nstr,int sgn,double cm,double sp); 42 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};43 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};44 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};45 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};46 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};47 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};48 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};42 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 43 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 44 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 45 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 46 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 47 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 48 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 49 49 /*}}}*/ 50 50 -
r12365 r12494 38 38 void Write(FILE* fid,const char* indent); 39 39 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 40 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};41 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};42 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};43 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};44 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};45 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};46 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};40 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 41 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 42 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 43 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 44 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 45 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 46 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 47 47 /*}}}*/ 48 48 -
r12365 r12494 29 29 void Write(FILE* fid,const char* indent); 30 30 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 31 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};32 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};33 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};34 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};35 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};36 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};31 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 32 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 33 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 34 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 35 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 36 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 37 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 38 /*}}}*/ 39 39 -
r12365 r12494 29 29 void Write(FILE* fid,const char* indent); 30 30 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 31 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};32 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};33 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};34 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};35 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};36 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};31 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 32 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 33 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 34 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 35 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 36 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 37 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 38 /*}}}*/ 39 39 -
r12365 r12494 32 32 void Write(FILE* fid,const char* indent); 33 33 void Read(FILE* fid,char* kstr); 34 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};35 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};36 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};37 int MarshallSize(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};38 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};39 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};40 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet.");};34 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 35 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 36 void Marshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 37 int MarshallSize(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 38 void Demarshall(char** pmarshalled_dataset){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 39 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 40 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet.");}; 41 41 /*}}}*/ 42 42 -
r12289 r12494 23 23 /*Object virtual functions definitions*/ 24 24 void Echo(); 25 void DeepEcho(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};26 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};27 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};28 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};29 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};25 void DeepEcho(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 26 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 27 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 28 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 29 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 30 30 31 31 /*Variogram functions*/ -
r12289 r12494 23 23 /*Object virtual functions definitions*/ 24 24 void Echo(); 25 void DeepEcho(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};26 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};27 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};28 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};29 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};25 void DeepEcho(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 26 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 27 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 28 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 29 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 30 30 31 31 /*Variogram functions*/ -
r12273 r12494 24 24 /*Object virtual functions definitions*/ 25 25 void Echo(); 26 void DeepEcho() {_error _("Not implemented yet"); };27 int Id() {_error _("Not implemented yet"); };28 int MyRank() {_error _("Not implemented yet"); };29 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet"); };30 Object *copy() {_error _("Not implemented yet"); };26 void DeepEcho() {_error2_("Not implemented yet"); }; 27 int Id() {_error2_("Not implemented yet"); }; 28 int MyRank() {_error2_("Not implemented yet"); }; 29 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet"); }; 30 Object *copy() {_error2_("Not implemented yet"); }; 31 31 32 32 /*Management*/ -
r12289 r12494 23 23 /*Object virtual functions definitions*/ 24 24 void Echo(); 25 void DeepEcho(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};26 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};27 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};28 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};29 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};25 void DeepEcho(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 26 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 27 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 28 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 29 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 30 30 31 31 /*Variogram functions*/ -
r12386 r12494 27 27 /*Object functions (Needed because the Quadtree uses a Container*/ 28 28 void Echo(); 29 void DeepEcho() {_error _("not implemented yet"); };30 int Id() {_error _("not implemented yet"); };31 int MyRank() {_error _("not implemented yet"); };32 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("not implemented yet"); };33 Object *copy() {_error _("not implemented yet"); };29 void DeepEcho() {_error2_("not implemented yet"); }; 30 int Id() {_error2_("not implemented yet"); }; 31 int MyRank() {_error2_("not implemented yet"); }; 32 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("not implemented yet"); }; 33 Object *copy() {_error2_("not implemented yet"); }; 34 34 35 35 /*Methods*/ -
r12289 r12494 23 23 /*Object virtual functions definitions*/ 24 24 void Echo(); 25 void DeepEcho(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};26 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};27 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};28 int ObjectEnum(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};29 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};25 void DeepEcho(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 26 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 27 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 28 int ObjectEnum(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 29 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 30 30 31 31 /*Variogram functions*/ -
r12472 r12494 64 64 void InputUpdateFromConstant(bool constant, int name); 65 65 void InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution); 66 void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error _("not implemented yet");};66 void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 67 67 /*}}}*/ 68 68 /*Load virtual functions definitions: {{{*/ -
r12472 r12494 50 50 /*Update virtual functions resolution: {{{*/ 51 51 void InputUpdateFromVector(IssmDouble* vector, int name, int type){/*Do nothing*/} 52 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}53 void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}52 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 53 void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 54 54 void InputUpdateFromMatrixDakota(IssmDouble* matrix, int nrows, int ncols, int name, int type){/*Do nothing*/} 55 55 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(IssmDouble* vector, int name, int type){/*Do nothing*/} 56 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}57 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}56 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 57 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 58 58 void InputUpdateFromConstant(IssmDouble constant, int name){/*Do nothing*/}; 59 59 void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){/*Do nothing*/}; 60 void InputUpdateFromConstant(bool constant, int name){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}61 void InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}62 void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error _("not implemented yet");};60 void InputUpdateFromConstant(bool constant, int name){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 61 void InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 62 void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 63 63 /*}}}*/ 64 64 /*Load virtual functions definitions: {{{*/ … … 67 67 void CreateKMatrix(Matrix* Kff, Matrix* Kfs); 68 68 void CreatePVector(Vector* pf); 69 void CreateJacobianMatrix(Matrix* Jff){_error _("Not implemented yet");};70 void PenaltyCreateJacobianMatrix(Matrix* Jff,IssmDouble kmax){_error _("Not implemented yet");};69 void CreateJacobianMatrix(Matrix* Jff){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 70 void PenaltyCreateJacobianMatrix(Matrix* Jff,IssmDouble kmax){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 71 71 void PenaltyCreateKMatrix(Matrix* Kff, Matrix* kfs, IssmDouble kmax); 72 72 void PenaltyCreatePVector(Vector* pf, IssmDouble kmax); -
r12472 r12494 65 65 void InputUpdateFromConstant(bool constant, int name); 66 66 void InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution); 67 void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error _("not implemented yet");};67 void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 68 68 /*}}}*/ 69 69 /*Load virtual functions definitions: {{{*/ … … 72 72 void CreateKMatrix(Matrix* Kff, Matrix* Kfs); 73 73 void CreatePVector(Vector* pf); 74 void CreateJacobianMatrix(Matrix* Jff){_error _("Not implemented yet");};75 void PenaltyCreateJacobianMatrix(Matrix* Jff,IssmDouble kmax){_error _("Not implemented yet");};74 void CreateJacobianMatrix(Matrix* Jff){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 75 void PenaltyCreateJacobianMatrix(Matrix* Jff,IssmDouble kmax){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 76 76 void PenaltyCreateKMatrix(Matrix* Kff, Matrix* kfs, IssmDouble kmax); 77 77 void PenaltyCreatePVector(Vector* pf, IssmDouble kmax); -
r12472 r12494 44 44 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type); 45 45 void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type); 46 void InputUpdateFromMatrixDakota(IssmDouble* matrix, int nrow, int ncols,int name, int type){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}47 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(IssmDouble* vector, int name, int type){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}48 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}49 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}46 void InputUpdateFromMatrixDakota(IssmDouble* matrix, int nrow, int ncols,int name, int type){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 47 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(IssmDouble* vector, int name, int type){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 48 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 49 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 50 50 void InputUpdateFromConstant(IssmDouble constant, int name); 51 51 void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name); 52 52 void InputUpdateFromConstant(bool constant, int name); 53 void InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}54 void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error _("not implemented yet");};53 void InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 54 void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 55 55 /*}}}*/ 56 56 /*Load virtual functions definitions: {{{*/ -
r12493 r12494 536 536 else if(fill==MelangeEnum){ //icefront finding itself against another icefront (pressure imbalance is fully compensated, ice vs ice) 537 537 538 if(!shelf) _error2_(" " << "fill type " << fill << " not supported on ice sheets yet.");538 if(!shelf) _error2_("fill type " << fill << " not supported on ice sheets yet."); 539 539 540 540 pressure_litho=rho_ice*gravity*pow(thickness,(IssmDouble)2)/(IssmDouble)2; … … 546 546 } 547 547 else{ 548 _error2_(" " << "fill type " << fill << " not supported yet.");548 _error2_("fill type " << fill << " not supported yet."); 549 549 } 550 550 -
r12472 r12494 62 62 /*Update virtual functions resolution: {{{*/ 63 63 void InputUpdateFromVector(IssmDouble* vector, int name, int type); 64 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}65 void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}66 void InputUpdateFromMatrixDakota(IssmDouble* matrix, int nrows,int ncols, int name, int type){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}67 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(IssmDouble* vector, int name, int type){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}68 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}69 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}64 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 65 void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 66 void InputUpdateFromMatrixDakota(IssmDouble* matrix, int nrows,int ncols, int name, int type){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 67 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(IssmDouble* vector, int name, int type){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 68 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 69 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 70 70 void InputUpdateFromConstant(IssmDouble constant, int name); 71 void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}71 void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 72 72 void InputUpdateFromConstant(bool constant, int name); 73 void InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}74 void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error _("not implemented yet");};73 void InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 74 void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 75 75 /*}}}*/ 76 76 /*Load virtual functions definitions: {{{*/ … … 79 79 void CreateKMatrix(Matrix* Kff, Matrix* Kfs); 80 80 void CreatePVector(Vector* pf); 81 void CreateJacobianMatrix(Matrix* Jff){_error _("Not implemented yet");};82 void PenaltyCreateJacobianMatrix(Matrix* Jff,IssmDouble kmax){_error _("Not implemented yet");};81 void CreateJacobianMatrix(Matrix* Jff){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 82 void PenaltyCreateJacobianMatrix(Matrix* Jff,IssmDouble kmax){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 83 83 void PenaltyCreateKMatrix(Matrix* Kff, Matrix* kfs, IssmDouble kmax); 84 84 void PenaltyCreatePVector(Vector* pf, IssmDouble kmax); -
r12472 r12494 62 62 void InputUpdateFromConstant(bool constant, int name); 63 63 void InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution); 64 void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error _("not implemented yet");};64 void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 65 65 /*}}}*/ 66 66 /*Material virtual functions resolution: {{{*/ 67 void InputDuplicate(int original_enum,int new_enum){_error _("not implemented yet");};67 void InputDuplicate(int original_enum,int new_enum){_error2_("not implemented yet");}; 68 68 void Configure(Elements* elements); 69 69 void GetVectorFromInputs(Vector* vector,int input_enum){return;} -
r12493 r12494 231 231 return indexing.sdoflist[dofindex]; 232 232 } 233 else _error2_(" " << "set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!");233 else _error2_("set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!"); 234 234 235 235 } … … 303 303 else for(i=0;i<this->indexing.ssize;i++) outdoflist[i]=indexing.sdoflist[i]; 304 304 } 305 else _error2_(" " << "set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!");305 else _error2_("set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!"); 306 306 } 307 307 } … … 343 343 } 344 344 } 345 else _error2_(" " << "set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!");345 else _error2_("set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!"); 346 346 } 347 347 else{ … … 412 412 } 413 413 } 414 else _error2_(" " << "set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!");414 else _error2_("set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!"); 415 415 } 416 416 } … … 598 598 else if (setenum==FsetEnum) numdofs=this->indexing.fsize; 599 599 else if (setenum==SsetEnum) numdofs=this->indexing.ssize; 600 else _error2_(" " << "set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!");600 else _error2_("set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!"); 601 601 } 602 602 else{ … … 628 628 else numdofs=this->indexing.ssize; 629 629 } 630 else _error2_(" " << "set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!");630 else _error2_("set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!"); 631 631 } 632 632 return numdofs; … … 928 928 dofcount+=this->indexing.ssize; 929 929 } 930 else _error2_(" " << "set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!");930 else _error2_("set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!"); 931 931 932 932 … … 957 957 for(i=0;i<this->indexing.ssize;i++) indexing.sdoflist[i]+=dofcount; 958 958 } 959 else _error2_(" " << "set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!");959 else _error2_("set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!"); 960 960 } 961 961 /*}}}*/ … … 973 973 else if(setenum==FsetEnum)for(j=0;j<this->indexing.fsize;j++) *(truedofs+ncols*sid+j)=indexing.fdoflist[j]; 974 974 else if(setenum==SsetEnum)for(j=0;j<this->indexing.ssize;j++) *(truedofs+ncols*sid+j)=indexing.sdoflist[j]; 975 else _error2_(" " << "set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!");975 else _error2_("set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!"); 976 976 977 977 } … … 992 992 else if(setenum==FsetEnum)for(j=0;j<this->indexing.fsize;j++) indexing.fdoflist[j]=*(alltruedofs+ncols*sid+j); 993 993 else if(setenum==SsetEnum)for(j=0;j<this->indexing.ssize;j++) indexing.sdoflist[j]=*(alltruedofs+ncols*sid+j); 994 else _error2_(" " << "set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!");994 else _error2_("set of enum type " << EnumToStringx(setenum) << " not supported yet!"); 995 995 996 996 } -
r12365 r12494 45 45 int MyRank(); 46 46 int ObjectEnum(); 47 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet (similar to Elements)");};47 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet (similar to Elements)");}; 48 48 /*}}}*/ 49 49 /*Update virtual functions definitions: {{{*/ … … 59 59 void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name); 60 60 void InputUpdateFromConstant(bool constant, int name); 61 void InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}62 void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error _("Not implemented yet!");}61 void InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 62 void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error2_("Not implemented yet!");} 63 63 /*}}}*/ 64 64 /*Node numerical routines {{{*/ -
r12473 r12494 31 31 virtual void DeepEcho(); 32 32 virtual void DeepEcho(char* indent); 33 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};34 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};33 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 34 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 35 35 int ObjectEnum(){return OptionEnum;}; 36 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};36 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 37 37 /*}}}*/ 38 38 -
r12473 r12494 28 28 void DeepEcho(); 29 29 void DeepEcho(char* indent); 30 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};31 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};30 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 31 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 32 32 int ObjectEnum(){return OptionCellEnum;}; 33 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};33 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 34 34 /*}}}*/ 35 35 … … 39 39 int NDims(); 40 40 int* Size(); 41 void Get(int* pvalue){_error _("An OptionCell object cannot return a int");};42 void Get(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error _("An OptionCell object cannot return a IssmPDouble");};43 void Get(bool* pvalue){ _error _("An OptionCell object cannot return a bool");};44 void Get(char** pvalue){ _error _("An OptionCell object cannot return a string");};45 void Get(char*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error _("An OptionCell object cannot return a string vec");};46 void Get(IssmPDouble** pvalue,int *pnumel){ _error _("An OptionCell object cannot return a IssmPDouble vec");};41 void Get(int* pvalue){_error2_("An OptionCell object cannot return a int");}; 42 void Get(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error2_("An OptionCell object cannot return a IssmPDouble");}; 43 void Get(bool* pvalue){ _error2_("An OptionCell object cannot return a bool");}; 44 void Get(char** pvalue){ _error2_("An OptionCell object cannot return a string");}; 45 void Get(char*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error2_("An OptionCell object cannot return a string vec");}; 46 void Get(IssmPDouble** pvalue,int *pnumel){ _error2_("An OptionCell object cannot return a IssmPDouble vec");}; 47 47 void Get(Options** pvalue); 48 void Get(Options*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error _("An OptionCell object cannot return an Options DataSet vec");};48 void Get(Options*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error2_("An OptionCell object cannot return an Options DataSet vec");}; 49 49 50 50 }; -
r12473 r12494 28 28 void DeepEcho(); 29 29 void DeepEcho(char* indent); 30 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};31 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};30 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 31 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 32 32 int ObjectEnum(){return OptionCharEnum;}; 33 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};33 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 34 34 /*}}}*/ 35 35 … … 39 39 int NDims(); 40 40 int* Size(); 41 void Get(int* pvalue){_error _("An OptionChar object cannot return a int");};42 void Get(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error _("An OptionChar object cannot return a IssmPDouble");};43 void Get(bool* pvalue){ _error _("An OptionChar object cannot return a bool");};41 void Get(int* pvalue){_error2_("An OptionChar object cannot return a int");}; 42 void Get(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error2_("An OptionChar object cannot return a IssmPDouble");}; 43 void Get(bool* pvalue){ _error2_("An OptionChar object cannot return a bool");}; 44 44 void Get(char** pvalue); 45 45 void Get(char*** ppvalue,int *pnumel); 46 void Get(IssmPDouble** pvalue,int *pnumel){ _error _("An OptionChar object cannot return a IssmPDouble vec");};47 void Get(Options** pvalue){ _error _("An OptionChar object cannot return an Options DataSet");};48 void Get(Options*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error _("An OptionChar object cannot return an Options DataSet vec");};46 void Get(IssmPDouble** pvalue,int *pnumel){ _error2_("An OptionChar object cannot return a IssmPDouble vec");}; 47 void Get(Options** pvalue){ _error2_("An OptionChar object cannot return an Options DataSet");}; 48 void Get(Options*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error2_("An OptionChar object cannot return an Options DataSet vec");}; 49 49 50 50 }; -
r12473 r12494 28 28 void DeepEcho(); 29 29 void DeepEcho(char* indent); 30 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};31 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};30 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 31 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 32 32 int ObjectEnum(){return OptionDoubleEnum;}; 33 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};33 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 34 34 /*}}}*/ 35 35 … … 41 41 void Get(int* pvalue); 42 42 void Get(IssmPDouble* pvalue); 43 void Get(bool* pvalue){ _error _("An OptionDouble object cannot return a bool");};44 void Get(char** pvalue){ _error _("An OptionDouble object cannot return a string");};45 void Get(char*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error _("An OptionDouble object cannot return a string vec");};43 void Get(bool* pvalue){ _error2_("An OptionDouble object cannot return a bool");}; 44 void Get(char** pvalue){ _error2_("An OptionDouble object cannot return a string");}; 45 void Get(char*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error2_("An OptionDouble object cannot return a string vec");}; 46 46 void Get(IssmPDouble** pvalue,int* pnumel); 47 void Get(Options** pvalue){ _error _("An OptionDouble object cannot return an Options DataSet");};48 void Get(Options*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error _("An OptionDouble object cannot return an Options DataSet vec");};47 void Get(Options** pvalue){ _error2_("An OptionDouble object cannot return an Options DataSet");}; 48 void Get(Options*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error2_("An OptionDouble object cannot return an Options DataSet vec");}; 49 49 50 50 }; -
r12473 r12494 28 28 void DeepEcho(); 29 29 void DeepEcho(char* indent); 30 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};31 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};30 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 31 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 32 32 int ObjectEnum(){return OptionLogicalEnum;}; 33 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};33 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 34 34 /*}}}*/ 35 35 … … 39 39 int NDims(); 40 40 int* Size(); 41 void Get(int* pvalue){_error _("An OptionLogical object cannot return a int");};42 void Get(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error _("An OptionLogical object cannot return a IssmPDouble");};41 void Get(int* pvalue){_error2_("An OptionLogical object cannot return a int");}; 42 void Get(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error2_("An OptionLogical object cannot return a IssmPDouble");}; 43 43 void Get(bool* pvalue); 44 void Get(char** pvalue){ _error _("An OptionLogical object cannot return a string");};45 void Get(char*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error _("An OptionLogical object cannot return a string vec");};46 void Get(IssmPDouble** pvalue,int *pnumel){ _error _("An OptionLogical object cannot return a IssmPDouble vec");};47 void Get(Options** pvalue){ _error _("An OptionLogical object cannot return an Options DataSet");};48 void Get(Options*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error _("An OptionLogical object cannot return an Options DataSet vec");};44 void Get(char** pvalue){ _error2_("An OptionLogical object cannot return a string");}; 45 void Get(char*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error2_("An OptionLogical object cannot return a string vec");}; 46 void Get(IssmPDouble** pvalue,int *pnumel){ _error2_("An OptionLogical object cannot return a IssmPDouble vec");}; 47 void Get(Options** pvalue){ _error2_("An OptionLogical object cannot return an Options DataSet");}; 48 void Get(Options*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error2_("An OptionLogical object cannot return an Options DataSet vec");}; 49 49 50 50 }; -
r12473 r12494 28 28 void DeepEcho(); 29 29 void DeepEcho(char* indent); 30 int Id(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};31 int MyRank(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};30 int Id(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 31 int MyRank(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 32 32 int ObjectEnum(){return OptionStructEnum;}; 33 Object* copy(){_error _("Not implemented yet");};33 Object* copy(){_error2_("Not implemented yet");}; 34 34 /*}}}*/ 35 35 … … 39 39 int NDims(); 40 40 int* Size(); 41 void Get(int* pvalue){_error _("An OptionStruct object cannot return a int");};42 void Get(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error _("An OptionStruct object cannot return a IssmPDouble");};43 void Get(bool* pvalue){ _error _("An OptionStruct object cannot return a bool");};44 void Get(char** pvalue){ _error _("An OptionStruct object cannot return a string");};45 void Get(char*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error _("An OptionStruct object cannot return a string vec");};46 void Get(IssmPDouble** pvalue,int *pnumel){ _error _("An OptionStruct object cannot return a IssmPDouble vec");};41 void Get(int* pvalue){_error2_("An OptionStruct object cannot return a int");}; 42 void Get(IssmPDouble* pvalue){_error2_("An OptionStruct object cannot return a IssmPDouble");}; 43 void Get(bool* pvalue){ _error2_("An OptionStruct object cannot return a bool");}; 44 void Get(char** pvalue){ _error2_("An OptionStruct object cannot return a string");}; 45 void Get(char*** ppvalue,int *pnumel){ _error2_("An OptionStruct object cannot return a string vec");}; 46 void Get(IssmPDouble** pvalue,int *pnumel){ _error2_("An OptionStruct object cannot return a IssmPDouble vec");}; 47 47 void Get(Options** pvalue); 48 48 void Get(Options*** ppvalue,int *pnumel); -
r12482 r12494 43 43 int InstanceEnum(){return enum_type;} 44 44 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){*pbool=value;} 45 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}46 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}47 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}48 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}49 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}50 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}51 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}52 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}54 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}55 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}56 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}45 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an integer");} 46 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 47 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 48 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} 49 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string");} 50 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string array");} 51 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 52 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a matrix array");} 54 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Vec");} 55 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Mat");} 56 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a FILE");} 57 57 58 58 void SetValue(bool boolean){this->value=boolean;} 59 59 void SetValue(int integer){this->value=(bool)integer;} 60 60 void SetValue(IssmPDouble scalar){this->value=(bool)scalar;} 61 void SetValue(char* string){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}62 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}63 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}64 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}65 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}66 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}67 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}61 void SetValue(char* string){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string");} 62 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string array");} 63 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 64 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 65 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} 66 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} 67 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Vec");} 68 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Mat");} 69 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a FILE");} 70 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an array of matrices");} 71 71 void UnitConversion(int direction_enum); 72 72 -
r12474 r12494 45 45 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{*/ 46 46 int InstanceEnum(){return enum_type;} 47 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}48 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}49 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}50 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}51 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}52 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}53 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}55 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}47 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a bool");} 48 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an integer");} 49 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 50 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 51 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} 52 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string");} 53 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string array");} 54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 55 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 56 56 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims); 57 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}58 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}59 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Vec");} 58 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Mat");} 59 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a FILE");} 60 60 61 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}62 void SetValue(int integer){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}63 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}64 void SetValue(char* string){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}65 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}66 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble vec array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}67 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble mat array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int vec array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M,int N){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int mat array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error _("DoubleMatArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}61 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a boolean");} 62 void SetValue(int integer){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an integer");} 63 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a scalar");} 64 void SetValue(char* string){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string");} 65 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string array");} 66 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble vec array");} 67 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble mat array");} 68 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int vec array");} 69 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M,int N){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int mat array");} 70 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Vec");} 71 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error2_("DoubleMatArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Mat");} 72 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a FILE");} 73 73 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array); 74 74 void UnitConversion(int direction_enum); -
r12474 r12494 44 44 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{*/ 45 45 int InstanceEnum(){return enum_type;} 46 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}47 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}46 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a bool");} 47 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an integer");} 48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 49 49 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN); 50 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}51 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}52 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}50 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} 51 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string");} 52 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string array");} 53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 54 54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM,int* pN); 55 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}56 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}58 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}55 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a matrix array");} 56 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Vec");} 57 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Mat");} 58 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a FILE");} 59 59 60 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}61 void SetValue(int integer){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}62 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}63 void SetValue(char* string){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}64 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble vec array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}60 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a boolean");} 61 void SetValue(int integer){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an integer");} 62 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a scalar");} 63 void SetValue(char* string){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string");} 64 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string array");} 65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble vec array");} 66 66 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M,int N); 67 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int vec array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M,int N){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int mat array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));};69 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error _("DoubleMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}67 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int vec array");} 68 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M,int N){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int mat array");}; 69 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Vec");} 70 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Mat");} 71 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a FILE");} 72 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error2_("DoubleMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an array of matrices");} 73 73 void UnitConversion(int direction_enum); 74 74 IssmDouble* GetPointer(void); -
r12474 r12494 48 48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN); 49 49 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){*pIssmDouble=value;} 50 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}51 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}50 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string");} 51 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string array");} 52 52 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM); 53 53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN); 54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}55 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}56 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a matrix array");} 55 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Vec");} 56 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Mat");} 57 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a FILE");} 58 58 59 59 void SetValue(bool boolean){this->value=(IssmDouble)boolean;} 60 60 void SetValue(int integer){this->value=(IssmDouble)integer;} 61 61 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){this->value=(IssmDouble)scalar;} 62 void SetValue(char* string){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}63 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}64 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}66 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}67 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error _("Double param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}62 void SetValue(char* string){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string");} 63 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string array");} 64 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 66 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} 67 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} 68 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Vec");} 69 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Mat");} 70 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a FILE");} 71 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error2_("Double param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an array of matrices");} 72 72 void UnitConversion(int direction_enum); 73 73 -
r12474 r12494 43 43 /*Param virtual functions definitions: {{{*/ 44 44 int InstanceEnum(){return enum_type;} 45 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}46 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}45 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a bool");} 46 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an integer");} 47 47 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM); 48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));};49 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}50 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}51 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");}; 49 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} 50 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string");} 51 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string array");} 52 52 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM); 53 53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN); 54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}55 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}56 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a matrix array");} 55 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Vec");} 56 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Mat");} 57 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a FILE");} 58 58 59 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}60 void SetValue(int integer){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}61 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}62 void SetValue(char* string){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}63 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}59 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a boolean");} 60 void SetValue(int integer){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an integer");} 61 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a scalar");} 62 void SetValue(char* string){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string");} 63 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string array");} 64 64 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M); 65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble mat array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}66 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int mat array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));};67 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int mat array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error _("DoubleVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble mat array");} 66 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int mat array");}; 67 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int mat array");} 68 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Vec");} 69 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Mat");} 70 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a FILE");} 71 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error2_("DoubleVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an array of matrices");} 72 72 void UnitConversion(int direction_enum); 73 73 -
r12474 r12494 42 42 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{*/ 43 43 int InstanceEnum(){return enum_type;} 44 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ _error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}45 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}46 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}47 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}48 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}49 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}50 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}51 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}52 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error _("File param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}54 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}55 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}44 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){ _error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a bool");} 45 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} 46 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} 47 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} 48 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} 49 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string");} 50 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string array");} 51 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 52 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error2_("File param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a matrix array");} 54 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Vec");} 55 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Mat");} 56 56 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){*pfid=value;}; 57 57 58 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}59 void SetValue(int integer){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}60 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}61 void SetValue(char* string){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}62 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}63 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}64 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}65 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}66 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}67 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error _("FileParam of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error _("File param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error _("File param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}58 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string");} 59 void SetValue(int integer){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string");} 60 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string");} 61 void SetValue(char* string){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string");} 62 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string array");} 63 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 64 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 65 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} 66 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} 67 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Vec");} 68 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error2_("FileParam of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Mat");} 69 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error2_("File param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a FILE");} 70 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error2_("File param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an array of matrices");} 71 71 void UnitConversion(int direction_enum); 72 72 -
r12474 r12494 44 44 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{*/ 45 45 int InstanceEnum(){return enum_type;} 46 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}47 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}46 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a bool");} 47 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an integer");} 48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 49 49 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN); 50 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}51 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}52 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM,int* pN){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));};55 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}56 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}58 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}50 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} 51 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string");} 52 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string array");} 53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM,int* pN){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a matrix array");}; 55 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a matrix array");} 56 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Vec");} 57 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Mat");} 58 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a FILE");} 59 59 60 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}61 void SetValue(int integer){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}62 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}63 void SetValue(char* string){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}64 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble vec array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}66 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble vec array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));};67 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int vec array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));};60 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a boolean");} 61 void SetValue(int integer){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an integer");} 62 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a scalar");} 63 void SetValue(char* string){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string");} 64 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string array");} 65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble vec array");} 66 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble vec array");}; 67 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int vec array");}; 68 68 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M,int N); 69 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error _("IntMat param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Vec");} 70 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Mat");} 71 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a FILE");} 72 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error2_("IntMat param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an array of matrices");} 73 73 void UnitConversion(int direction_enum); 74 74 -
r12482 r12494 43 43 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{*/ 44 44 int InstanceEnum(){return enum_type;} 45 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}45 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a bool");} 46 46 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){*pinteger=value;} 47 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}49 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}50 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}51 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}52 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}55 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}56 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}47 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 49 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} 50 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string");} 51 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string array");} 52 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a matrix array");} 55 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Vec");} 56 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Mat");} 57 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a FILE");} 58 58 59 59 void SetValue(bool boolean){this->value=(int)boolean;} 60 60 void SetValue(int integer){this->value=integer;} 61 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}62 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M,int N){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}61 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an int array");} 62 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M,int N){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an int array");} 63 63 void SetValue(IssmPDouble scalar){this->value=(int)scalar;} 64 void SetValue(char* string){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}65 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}66 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}67 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error _("Int param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}64 void SetValue(char* string){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string");} 65 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string array");} 66 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 67 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 68 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Vec");} 69 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Mat");} 70 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a FILE");} 71 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error2_("Int param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an array of matrices");} 72 72 void UnitConversion(int direction_enum); 73 73 -
r12474 r12494 44 44 /*Param virtual functions definitions: {{{*/ 45 45 int InstanceEnum(){return enum_type;} 46 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}47 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}46 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a bool");} 47 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an integer");} 48 48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM); 49 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}50 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}51 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}52 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array (maybe in serial?)",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}55 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}56 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}58 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}49 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a matrix");} 50 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} 51 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string");} 52 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string array");} 53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array (maybe in serial?)");} 54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 55 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a matrix array");} 56 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Vec");} 57 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Mat");} 58 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a FILE");} 59 59 60 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}61 void SetValue(int integer){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}62 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}63 void SetValue(char* string){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}64 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble mat array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}66 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble mat array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}60 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a boolean");} 61 void SetValue(int integer){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an integer");} 62 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a scalar");} 63 void SetValue(char* string){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string");} 64 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string array");} 65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble mat array");} 66 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble mat array");} 67 67 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M); 68 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int mat array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error _("IntVec param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int mat array");} 69 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Vec");} 70 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Mat");} 71 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a FILE");} 72 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error2_("IntVec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an array of matrices");} 73 73 void UnitConversion(int direction_enum); 74 74 -
r12474 r12494 43 43 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{*/ 44 44 int InstanceEnum(){return enum_type;} 45 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}46 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}47 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}49 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}50 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}51 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}52 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}55 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}45 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a bool");} 46 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an integer");} 47 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 49 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} 50 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string");} 51 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string array");} 52 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a matrix array");} 55 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a vec");} 56 56 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** poutput); 57 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a FILE");} 58 58 59 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}60 void SetValue(int integer){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}61 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}62 void SetValue(char* string){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}63 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}64 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}66 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}67 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}59 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a boolean");} 60 void SetValue(int integer){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an integer");} 61 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a scalar");} 62 void SetValue(char* string){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string");} 63 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string array");} 64 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 66 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} 67 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} 68 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Vec");} 69 69 void SetValue(Matrix* mat); 70 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error _("Matrix param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a FILE");} 71 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error2_("Matrix param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an array of matrices");} 72 72 void UnitConversion(int direction_enum); 73 73 -
r12474 r12494 45 45 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{*/ 46 46 int InstanceEnum(){return enum_type;} 47 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}48 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}49 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}50 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}51 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}52 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}47 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a bool");} 48 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an integer");} 49 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 50 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 51 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} 52 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string");} 53 53 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM); 54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}55 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}56 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error _("Vec param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}58 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}59 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 55 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 56 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error2_("Vec param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a matrix array");} 57 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Vec");} 58 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Mat");} 59 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a FILE");} 60 60 61 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}62 void SetValue(int integer){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}63 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}64 void SetValue(char* string){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}61 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a boolean");} 62 void SetValue(int integer){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an integer");} 63 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a scalar");} 64 void SetValue(char* string){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string");} 65 65 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M); 66 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}67 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}72 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}73 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error _("StringArray param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}66 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 67 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 68 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} 69 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} 70 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Vec");} 71 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Mat");} 72 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a FILE");} 73 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error2_("StringArray param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an array of matrices");} 74 74 void UnitConversion(int direction_enum); 75 75 -
r12474 r12494 43 43 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{*/ 44 44 int InstanceEnum(){return enum_type;} 45 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}46 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}47 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}49 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}45 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a bool");} 46 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an integer");} 47 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 49 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} 50 50 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring); 51 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}52 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}55 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}56 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error _("Bool param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}51 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string array");} 52 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a matrix array");} 55 void GetParameterValue(Vector** pvec){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Vec");} 56 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Mat");} 57 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error2_("Bool param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a FILE");} 58 58 59 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}60 void SetValue(int integer){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}61 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}59 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a boolean");} 60 void SetValue(int integer){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an integer");} 61 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a scalar");} 62 62 void SetValue(char* string); 63 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}64 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}66 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}67 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}68 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Vec",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error _("String param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}63 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string array");} 64 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 66 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} 67 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} 68 void SetValue(Vector* vec){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Vec");} 69 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Mat");} 70 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a FILE");} 71 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error2_("String param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an array of matrices");} 72 72 void UnitConversion(int direction_enum); 73 73 -
r12474 r12494 43 43 /*Param vritual function definitions: {{{*/ 44 44 int InstanceEnum(){return enum_type;} 45 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error _("Vector param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a bool",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}46 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error _("Vector param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}47 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error _("Vector param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error _("Vector param of enum %i (%s) cannot return an array of integers",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}49 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error _("Vector param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}50 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error _("Vector param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}51 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error _("Vector param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}52 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error _("Vector param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error _("Vector param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error _("Vector param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a matrix array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}55 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error _("Vector param of enum %i (%s) cannot return a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}45 void GetParameterValue(bool* pbool){_error2_("Vector param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a bool");} 46 void GetParameterValue(int* pinteger){_error2_("Vector param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an integer");} 47 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM){_error2_("Vector param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 48 void GetParameterValue(int** pintarray,int* pM,int* pN){_error2_("Vector param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return an array of integers");} 49 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDouble){_error2_("Vector param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble");} 50 void GetParameterValue(char** pstring){_error2_("Vector param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string");} 51 void GetParameterValue(char*** pstringarray,int* pM){_error2_("Vector param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a string array");} 52 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM){_error2_("Vector param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 53 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble** pIssmDoublearray,int* pM, int* pN){_error2_("Vector param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a IssmDouble array");} 54 void GetParameterValue(IssmDouble*** parray, int* pM,int** pmdims, int** pndims){_error2_("Vector param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a matrix array");} 55 void GetParameterValue(Matrix** pmat){_error2_("Vector param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a Mat");} 56 56 void GetParameterValue(Vector** poutput); 57 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error _("Vector of enum %i (%s) cannot return a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}57 void GetParameterValue(FILE** pfid){_error2_("Vector of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot return a FILE");} 58 58 59 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error _("Vector of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a boolean",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}60 void SetValue(int integer){_error _("Vector of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an integer",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}61 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error _("Vector of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a scalar",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}62 void SetValue(char* string){_error _("Vector of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}63 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error _("Vector of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a string array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}64 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error _("Vector of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error _("Vector of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a IssmDouble array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}66 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error _("Vector of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}67 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error _("Vector of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a int array",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}59 void SetValue(bool boolean){_error2_("Vector of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a boolean");} 60 void SetValue(int integer){_error2_("Vector of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an integer");} 61 void SetValue(IssmDouble scalar){_error2_("Vector of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a scalar");} 62 void SetValue(char* string){_error2_("Vector of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string");} 63 void SetValue(char** stringarray,int M){_error2_("Vector of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a string array");} 64 void SetValue(IssmDouble* IssmDoublearray,int M){_error2_("Vector of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 65 void SetValue(IssmDouble* pIssmDoublearray,int M,int N){_error2_("Vector of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a IssmDouble array");} 66 void SetValue(int* intarray,int M){_error2_("Vector of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} 67 void SetValue(int* pintarray,int M,int N){_error2_("Vector of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a int array");} 68 68 void SetValue(Vector* vec); 69 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error _("Vector of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a Mat",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}70 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error _("Vector of enum %i (%s) cannot hold a FILE",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}71 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error _("Vector param of enum %i (%s) cannot hold an array of matrices",enum_type,EnumToStringx(enum_type));}69 void SetValue(Matrix* mat){_error2_("Vector of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a Mat");} 70 void SetValue(FILE* fid){_error2_("Vector of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold a FILE");} 71 void SetValue(IssmDouble** array, int M, int* mdim_array, int* ndim_array){_error2_("Vector param of enum " << enum_type << " (" << EnumToStringx(enum_type) << ") cannot hold an array of matrices");} 72 72 void UnitConversion(int direction_enum); 73 73 -
r12493 r12494 38 38 /*open domain outline file for reading: */ 39 39 if ((fid=fopen(domainname,"r"))==NULL){ 40 _error2_(" " << "could not find domain file " << domainname);40 _error2_("could not find domain file " << domainname); 41 41 } 42 42 -
r12493 r12494 23 23 /*open domain outline file for writing: */ 24 24 if ((fid=fopen(domainname,"w"))==NULL){ 25 _error2_(" " << "could not open domain file " << domainname);25 _error2_("could not open domain file " << domainname); 26 26 noerr=0; goto cleanupandreturn; 27 27 } -
r12493 r12494 1670 1670 if (iter >= MAX_GAUS_ITER) { 1671 1671 xDelete<IssmPDouble>(work); 1672 _error2_(" " << "Max iterations exceeded for l=" << MAX_GAUS_ITER);1672 _error2_(" Max iterations exceeded for l=" << MAX_GAUS_ITER); 1673 1673 } 1674 1674 } -
r12493 r12494 53 53 else eps=0; 54 54 } 55 else _error2_(" " << "convergence criterion " << EnumToStringx(criterion_enum) << " not supported yet!");55 else _error2_(" convergence criterion " << EnumToStringx(criterion_enum) << " not supported yet!"); 56 56 57 57 /*Assign output pointers:*/ -
r12493 r12494 57 57 if (found==-1){ 58 58 /*ok, we did not find anything, this is not good! error out: */ 59 _error2_(" " << "could find neither a default analysis nor analysis " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type));59 _error2_("could find neither a default analysis nor analysis " << EnumToStringx(analysis_type)); 60 60 } 61 61 -
r12493 r12494 23 23 /*retrieve first token, separated by underscore: */ 24 24 pch = strtok (descriptor,"_"); 25 if(!pch)_error2_(" " << "descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!");25 if(!pch)_error2_(" descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!"); 26 26 27 27 if (strncmp(pch,"scaled",6)==0){ 28 28 /*we have a scaled variable. recover the root: */ 29 29 pch = strtok (NULL, "_"); 30 if(!pch)_error2_(" " << "scaled descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!");30 if(!pch)_error2_(" scaled descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!"); 31 31 memcpy(root,pch,(strlen(pch)+1)*sizeof(char)); 32 32 … … 44 44 /*we have an indexed variable. recover the root: */ 45 45 pch = strtok (NULL, "_"); 46 if(!pch)_error2_(" " << "indexed descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!");46 if(!pch)_error2_(" indexed descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!"); 47 47 memcpy(root,pch,(strlen(pch)+1)*sizeof(char)); 48 48 /*now recover the index: */ 49 49 pch = strtok (NULL, "_"); 50 if(!pch)_error2_(" " << "indexed descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!");50 if(!pch)_error2_(" indexed descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!"); 51 51 sscanf(pch,"%i",pindex); 52 52 return IndexedEnum; … … 55 55 /*we have an indexed variable. recover the root: */ 56 56 pch = strtok (NULL, "_"); 57 if(!pch)_error2_(" " << "nodal descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!");57 if(!pch)_error2_(" nodal descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!"); 58 58 memcpy(root,pch,(strlen(pch)+1)*sizeof(char)); 59 59 /*now recover the index: */ 60 60 pch = strtok (NULL, "_"); 61 if(!pch)_error2_(" " << "nodal descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!");61 if(!pch)_error2_(" nodal descriptor " << descriptor << " is not correctly formatted!"); 62 62 sscanf(pch,"%i",pindex); 63 63 return NodalEnum; -
r12493 r12494 110 110 111 111 default: 112 _error2_(" " << "solution type: " << EnumToStringx(solutiontype) << " not supported yet!");112 _error2_("solution type: " << EnumToStringx(solutiontype) << " not supported yet!"); 113 113 break; 114 114 } -
r12493 r12494 96 96 break; 97 97 default: 98 _error2_(" " << "solution type: " << EnumToStringx(solutiontype) << " not supported yet!");98 _error2_("solution type: " << EnumToStringx(solutiontype) << " not supported yet!"); 99 99 break; 100 100 } -
r12493 r12494 17 17 if(my_rank==0){ 18 18 fid=fopen(filename,"w"); 19 if(fid==NULL) _error2_(" " << "error message: could not open lock file " << filename);19 if(fid==NULL) _error2_("error message: could not open lock file " << filename); 20 20 21 21 /*Close file: */ 22 if(fclose(fid)!=0) _error2_(" " << "could not close lock file " << filename);22 if(fclose(fid)!=0) _error2_("could not close lock file " << filename); 23 23 } 24 24 -
r12493 r12494 55 55 if(first[0]!='-'){ 56 56 /*This is not good, the option does not have '-'! Get out*/ 57 _error2_(" " << "Option " << first << " should be preceded by '-'!");57 _error2_("Option " << first << " should be preceded by '-'!"); 58 58 } 59 59 /*Reduce first to bare option value*/
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.