Changeset 12322
- Timestamp:
- 06/01/12 16:04:40 (13 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/c/objects
- Files:
- 9 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r12014 r12322 20 20 int id; 21 21 int nods; //number of vertices in the contour 22 double* x;23 double* y;22 IssmDouble* x; 23 IssmDouble* y; 24 24 bool closed; //is this contour closed? 25 25 26 26 /*Contour constructors, destructors {{{1*/ 27 27 Contour(); 28 Contour(int id, int nods, double* x, double* y,bool closed);28 Contour(int id, int nods, IssmDouble* x, IssmDouble* y,bool closed); 29 29 ~Contour(); 30 30 /*}}}*/ -
r12014 r12322 5 5 #ifndef _DOFINDEXING_H_ 6 6 #define _DOFINDEXING_H_ 7 8 #include "../include/include.h" 7 9 8 10 class DofIndexing{ … … 21 23 bool* f_set; //is dof on f-set (on which we solve) 22 24 bool* s_set; //is dof on s-set (on which boundary conditions -dirichlet- are applied) 23 double* svalues; //list of constraint values. size g_size, for ease of use.25 IssmDouble* svalues; //list of constraint values. size g_size, for ease of use. 24 26 25 27 /*types of dofs: */ -
r12265 r12322 19 19 private: 20 20 FILE *fid; //pointer to input file 21 double **data; //this dataset holds temporary data, memory intensive.22 Parameters *constants; //this dataset holds all double, int, bool and char *parameters read in from the input file.*21 IssmDouble **data; //this dataset holds temporary data, memory intensive. 22 Parameters *constants; //this dataset holds all IssmDouble, int, bool and char *parameters read in from the input file.* 23 23 24 24 public: … … 44 44 void Constant(bool *poutput,int constant_enum); 45 45 void Constant(int *poutput,int constant_enum); 46 void Constant( double *poutput,int constant_enum);46 void Constant(IssmDouble *poutput,int constant_enum); 47 47 void Constant(char **poutput,int constant_enum); 48 48 Param *CopyConstantObject(int constant_enum); 49 double *Data(int dataenum);49 IssmDouble *Data(int dataenum); 50 50 void DeleteData(int num,...); 51 51 void FetchConstants(void); 52 52 void FetchData(bool* pboolean,int data_enum); 53 53 void FetchData(int* pinteger,int data_enum); 54 void FetchData( double* pscalar,int data_enum);54 void FetchData(IssmDouble* pscalar,int data_enum); 55 55 void FetchData(char** pstring,int data_enum); 56 56 void FetchData(int** pmatrix,int* pM,int* pN,int data_enum); 57 void FetchData( double** pscalarmatrix,int* pM,int* pN,int data_enum);57 void FetchData(IssmDouble** pscalarmatrix,int* pM,int* pN,int data_enum); 58 58 void FetchData(char*** pstringarray,int* pnumstrings,int data_enum); 59 void FetchData( double*** pmatrixarray,int** pmdims,int** pndims, int* pnumrecords,int data_enum);59 void FetchData(IssmDouble*** pmatrixarray,int** pmdims,int** pndims, int* pnumrecords,int data_enum); 60 60 void FetchData(int num,...); 61 void FetchDataToInput(Elements* elements,int vector_enum,int default_vector_enum=NoneEnum, double default_value=0);61 void FetchDataToInput(Elements* elements,int vector_enum,int default_vector_enum=NoneEnum,IssmDouble default_value=0); 62 62 FILE* SetFilePointerToData(int* pcode,int* pvector_type, int data_enum); 63 63 }; -
r12014 r12322 32 32 Inputs* inputs; //properties of this node 33 33 int analysis_type; 34 double coord_system[3][3];34 IssmDouble coord_system[3][3]; 35 35 36 36 /*Node constructors, destructors {{{1*/ … … 49 49 /*Update virtual functions definitions: {{{1*/ 50 50 51 void InputUpdateFromVector( double* vector, int name, int type);51 void InputUpdateFromVector(IssmDouble* vector, int name, int type); 52 52 void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type); 53 53 void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type); 54 void InputUpdateFromMatrixDakota( double* matrix,int nrows, int ncols, int name, int type);55 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota( double* vector, int name, int type);54 void InputUpdateFromMatrixDakota(IssmDouble* matrix,int nrows, int ncols, int name, int type); 55 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(IssmDouble* vector, int name, int type); 56 56 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type); 57 57 void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type); 58 void InputUpdateFromConstant( double constant, int name);58 void InputUpdateFromConstant(IssmDouble constant, int name); 59 59 void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name); 60 60 void InputUpdateFromConstant(bool constant, int name); 61 void InputUpdateFromSolution( double* solution){_error_("Not implemented yet!");}61 void InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution){_error_("Not implemented yet!");} 62 62 void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel){_error_("Not implemented yet!");} 63 63 /*}}}*/ … … 70 70 int GetVertexId(void); 71 71 #ifdef _HAVE_DIAGNOSTIC_ 72 void GetCoordinateSystem( double* coord_system_out);72 void GetCoordinateSystem(IssmDouble* coord_system_out); 73 73 #endif 74 74 void SetVertexDof(int in_dof); … … 77 77 int GetNumberOfDofs(int approximation_enum,int setenum); 78 78 int IsClone(); 79 void ApplyConstraint(int dof, double value);79 void ApplyConstraint(int dof,IssmDouble value); 80 80 void RelaxConstraint(int dof); 81 81 void DofInSSet(int dof); … … 88 88 int GetDofList1(void); 89 89 int GetSidList(void); 90 double GetX();91 double GetY();92 double GetZ();93 double GetSigma();90 IssmDouble GetX(); 91 IssmDouble GetY(); 92 IssmDouble GetZ(); 93 IssmDouble GetSigma(); 94 94 int IsOnBed(); 95 95 int IsOnSurface(); … … 97 97 int IsFloating(); 98 98 int IsGrounded(); 99 void UpdateSpcs( double* ys);100 void VecMerge(Vector* ug, double* vector_serial,int setenum);101 void VecReduce(Vector* vector, double* ug_serial,int setnum);99 void UpdateSpcs(IssmDouble* ys); 100 void VecMerge(Vector* ug, IssmDouble* vector_serial,int setenum); 101 void VecReduce(Vector* vector, IssmDouble* ug_serial,int setnum); 102 102 103 103 /*}}}*/ -
r9563 r12322 8 8 struct OptPars{ 9 9 10 double xmin;11 double xmax;12 double cm_jump;10 IssmDouble xmin; 11 IssmDouble xmax; 12 IssmDouble cm_jump; 13 13 int maxiter; 14 14 -
r10400 r12322 34 34 int maxnodes; // maxnodes corresponds to the largest amout of nodes on a given element, determined by the interpolation type. 35 35 36 double* values; //result values36 IssmDouble* values; //result values 37 37 38 38 Patch(); … … 40 40 ~Patch(); 41 41 void fillelementinfo(int row, int element_id, int* vertices_ids, int num_vertices); 42 void fillresultinfo(int row,int enum_type,int step, double time, int interpolation, double* nodal_values, int num_nodes);42 void fillresultinfo(int row,int enum_type,int step, IssmDouble time, int interpolation, IssmDouble* nodal_values, int num_nodes); 43 43 void Gather(void); 44 44 -
r12014 r12322 15 15 public: 16 16 int eid; 17 double x1;18 double y1;19 double x2;20 double y2;17 IssmDouble x1; 18 IssmDouble y1; 19 IssmDouble x2; 20 IssmDouble y2; 21 21 22 22 /*Segment constructors, destructors {{{1*/ 23 23 Segment(); 24 Segment(int eid, double x1,double y1, double x2, double y2);24 Segment(int eid,IssmDouble x1,IssmDouble y1, IssmDouble x2, IssmDouble y2); 25 25 ~Segment(); 26 26 /*}}}*/ -
r10576 r12322 15 15 public: 16 16 17 virtual void InputUpdateFromVector( double* vector, int name, int type)=0;17 virtual void InputUpdateFromVector(IssmDouble* vector, int name, int type)=0; 18 18 virtual void InputUpdateFromVector(int* vector, int name, int type)=0; 19 19 virtual void InputUpdateFromVector(bool* vector, int name, int type)=0; 20 20 #ifdef _HAVE_DAKOTA_ 21 virtual void InputUpdateFromMatrixDakota( double* matrix, int rows, int ncols, int name, int type)=0;22 virtual void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota( double* vector, int name, int type)=0;21 virtual void InputUpdateFromMatrixDakota(IssmDouble* matrix, int rows, int ncols, int name, int type)=0; 22 virtual void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(IssmDouble* vector, int name, int type)=0; 23 23 virtual void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(int* vector, int name, int type)=0; 24 24 virtual void InputUpdateFromVectorDakota(bool* vector, int name, int type)=0; 25 25 #endif 26 virtual void InputUpdateFromConstant( double constant, int name)=0;26 virtual void InputUpdateFromConstant(IssmDouble constant, int name)=0; 27 27 virtual void InputUpdateFromConstant(int constant, int name)=0; 28 28 virtual void InputUpdateFromConstant(bool constant, int name)=0; 29 virtual void InputUpdateFromSolution( double* solution)=0;29 virtual void InputUpdateFromSolution(IssmDouble* solution)=0; 30 30 virtual void InputUpdateFromIoModel(int index, IoModel* iomodel)=0; 31 31 -
r12014 r12322 25 25 int id; 26 26 int sid; //sid for "serial" id, ie the rank of this vertex in the vertices dataset, if the dataset was serial on 1 cpu. 27 double x;28 double y;29 double z;30 double sigma; //sigma coordinate: (z-bed)/thickness27 IssmDouble x; 28 IssmDouble y; 29 IssmDouble z; 30 IssmDouble sigma; //sigma coordinate: (z-bed)/thickness 31 31 int connectivity; //number of vertices connected to this vertex 32 32 … … 37 37 /*Vertex constructors, destructors {{{1*/ 38 38 Vertex(); 39 Vertex(int id, int sid, double x, double y, double z, double sigma, int connectivity);40 void Init(int id, int sid, double x, double y, double z, double sigma,int connectivity);39 Vertex(int id, int sid,IssmDouble x, IssmDouble y, IssmDouble z, IssmDouble sigma, int connectivity); 40 void Init(int id, int sid, IssmDouble x, IssmDouble y, IssmDouble z, IssmDouble sigma,int connectivity); 41 41 Vertex(int id, int sid, int i, IoModel* iomodel); 42 42 ~Vertex(); … … 60 60 int Sid(void); 61 61 int Connectivity(void); 62 void UpdatePosition(Vector* vz,Parameters* parameters, double* thickness,double* bed);62 void UpdatePosition(Vector* vz,Parameters* parameters,IssmDouble* thickness,IssmDouble* bed); 63 63 /*}}}*/ 64 64 };
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