Changeset 11924
- Timestamp:
- 04/05/12 08:58:49 (13 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl/src/m/classes
- Files:
- 6 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r11869 r11924 110 110 pos=find(md.mask.vertexongroundedice & md.mesh.vertexonbed); 111 111 if any(~isnan(md.diagnostic.referential(pos,:))), 112 checkmessage([' model ' ' not consistent. No referential should be specified for basal vertices of grounded ice']);112 checkmessage(['no referential should be specified for basal vertices of grounded ice']); 113 113 end 114 114 end -
r11869 r11924 46 46 %Triangle with zero velocity 47 47 if any(sum(abs(md.initialization.vx(md.mesh.elements)),2)==0 & sum(abs(md.initialization.vy(md.mesh.elements)),2)==0) 48 checkmessage(' model not consistent:at least one triangle has all its vertices with a zero velocity');48 checkmessage('at least one triangle has all its vertices with a zero velocity'); 49 49 end 50 50 end -
r11869 r11924 41 41 42 42 if md.qmu.params.evaluation_concurrency~=1, 43 checkmessage([' model not consistent:concurrency should be set to 1 when running dakota in library mode']);43 checkmessage(['concurrency should be set to 1 when running dakota in library mode']); 44 44 end 45 45 if ~isempty(md.qmu.partition), 46 46 if numel(md.qmu.partition)~=md.mesh.numberofvertices, 47 checkmessage([' model not consistent:user supplied partition for qmu analysis should have size md.mesh.numberofvertices x 1 ']);47 checkmessage(['user supplied partition for qmu analysis should have size md.mesh.numberofvertices x 1 ']); 48 48 end 49 49 if find(md.qmu.partition)>=md.mesh.numberofvertices, 50 checkmessage([' model not consistent:user supplied partition should be indexed from 0 (c-convention)']);50 checkmessage(['user supplied partition should be indexed from 0 (c-convention)']); 51 51 end 52 52 if min(md.qmu.partition)~=0, 53 checkmessage([' model not consistent:partition vector not indexed from 0 on']);53 checkmessage(['partition vector not indexed from 0 on']); 54 54 end 55 55 if max(md.qmu.partition)>=md.mesh.numberofvertices, 56 checkmessage([' model not consistent:partition vector cannot have maximum index larger than number of nodes']);56 checkmessage(['partition vector cannot have maximum index larger than number of nodes']); 57 57 end 58 58 if ~isempty(find(md.qmu.partition<0)), 59 checkmessage([' model not consistent:partition vector cannot have values less than 0']);59 checkmessage(['partition vector cannot have values less than 0']); 60 60 end 61 61 if ~isempty(find(md.qmu.partition>=md.qmu.numberofpartitions)), 62 checkmessage([' model not consistent:partition vector cannot have values more than md.qmu.numberofpartitions-1']);62 checkmessage(['partition vector cannot have values more than md.qmu.numberofpartitions-1']); 63 63 end 64 64 if max(md.qmu.partition)>=md.qmu.numberofpartitions, 65 checkmessage([' model not consistent:for qmu analysis, partitioning vector cannot go over npart, number of partition areas']);65 checkmessage(['for qmu analysis, partitioning vector cannot go over npart, number of partition areas']); 66 66 end 67 67 end … … 69 69 if ~strcmpi(,'none'), 70 70 if md.settings.waitonlock==0, 71 checkmessage([' model is not correctly configured:waitonlock should be activated when running qmu in parallel mode!']);71 checkmessage(['waitonlock should be activated when running qmu in parallel mode!']); 72 72 end 73 73 end -
r11869 r11924 29 29 if numrifts, 30 30 if ~(md.mesh.dimension==2), 31 checkmessage(['model not consistent: models with rifts are only supported in 2d for now!']);31 checkmessage(['models with rifts are only supported in 2d for now!']); 32 32 end 33 33 if ~isstruct(obj.riftstruct), -
r11871 r11924 52 52 end % }}} 53 53 function checkconsistency(obj,md,solution,analyses) % {{{ 54 %Nothing checked 54 analyses=properties(obj); 55 for i=1:numel(analyses), 56 if isempty(fieldnames(obj.(analyses{i}))) 57 checkmessage(['md.solver.' analyses{i} ' is empty']); 58 end 59 end 55 60 end % }}} 56 61 function PetscFile(solver,filename) % {{{ -
r11869 r11924 32 32 33 33 if md.timestepping.time_step~=0, 34 checkmessage([' model not consistent:for a steadystate computation, timestepping.time_step must be zero.']);34 checkmessage(['for a steadystate computation, timestepping.time_step must be zero.']); 35 35 end 36 36 37 37 if isnan(md.diagnostic.reltol), 38 checkmessage([' model not consistent:for a steadystate computation, diagnostic.reltol (relative convergence criterion) must be defined!']);38 checkmessage(['for a steadystate computation, diagnostic.reltol (relative convergence criterion) must be defined!']); 39 39 end 40 40 end % }}}
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