Changeset 11525
- Timestamp:
- 02/24/12 07:43:58 (13 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk-jpl
- Files:
- 7 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
/issm/trunk merged: 11239-11240,11329,11334,11344,11384
- Property svn:mergeinfo changed
r11236 r11525 1 2 1 please go to the ISSM website for the latest news: 3 2 -
r11479 r11525 9 9 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 10 10 11 Eric Eric Larour (Project Manager) 12 Mathieu Mathieu Morlighem (Core Developer, Anisotropic Meshing, Control Methods) 13 Helene Helene Seroussi (Core Develper Coupling 2D-3D, Multi-model, full-Stokes) 14 Nicole Nicole Schlegel (Developer, Atmospheric Forcing) 15 Chris Christopher Borstad (Developer, Rifting/Faulting/Crack Propagation) 16 Feras Feras Habbal (Developer, Solver Technologies) 17 Daria Daria Halkides (Analyst, Atmospheric Forcing) 18 Ala Ala Khazendar (Analyst, Ice Sheet Processes) 19 11 Eric Larour (Project Manager) 12 Mathieu Morlighem (Core Developer, Anisotropic Meshing, Control Methods) 13 Helene Seroussi (Core Develper Coupling 2D-3D, Multi-model, full-Stokes) 14 Nicole Schlegel (Developer, Atmospheric Forcing) 15 Chris Borstad (Developer, Rifting/Faulting/Crack Propagation) 16 Feras Habbal (Developer, Solver Technologies) 17 Daria Halkides (Analyst, Atmospheric Forcing) 18 Ala Khazendar (Analyst, Ice Sheet Processes) 20 19 21 20 Email: … … 39 38 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 40 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 40 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 41 this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 42 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 43 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 44 documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 45 3. Neither the name of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), 46 its operating division the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the National 47 Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), nor the names of its 48 contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from 49 this software without specific prior written permission. 51 50 52 51 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND … … 61 60 OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 62 61 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 63 -
r11128 r11525 14 14 #Configure mpich2 15 15 cd src 16 export CFLAGS=" -arch i386" 16 export FFLAGS=" -m32" 17 export CFLAGS=" -m32" 17 18 export CXXFLAGS=" -arch i386" 18 19 export CPPFLAGS=" -arch i386" 19 export FFLAGS=" -arch i386"20 20 ./configure \ 21 21 --prefix="$ISSM_TIER/externalpackages/mpich2/install" \ … … 23 23 --enable-sharedlibs=osx-gcc \ 24 24 --enable-shared \ 25 --enable-fc ="/usr/local/bin/gfortran"25 --enable-fc 26 26 27 27 #Compile mpich2 -
r11236 r11525 180 180 int numberofvertices,numberofelements; 181 181 int numberofresults,vectorsize; 182 int rank; 183 int minrank; 182 184 183 185 /*Recover parameters: */ … … 190 192 /*No patch here, we prepare vectors*/ 191 193 194 /*Get rank of first cpu that has results*/ 195 if(this->Size()) rank=my_rank; 196 else rank=num_procs; 197 MPI_Allreduce (&rank,&minrank,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MIN,MPI_COMM_WORLD); 198 192 199 /*see what the first element of this partition has in stock (this is common to all partitions)*/ 193 if(my_rank== 0){194 if(this->Size()==0) _error_("Cannot write results because first partition has no element. Maybe too many cpus were requested");200 if(my_rank==minrank){ 201 if(this->Size()==0) _error_("Cannot write results because there is no element??"); 195 202 Element* element=(Element*)this->GetObjectByOffset(0); 196 203 element->ListResultsInfo(&resultsenums,&resultssizes,&resultstimes,&resultssteps,&numberofresults); 197 204 } 198 MPI_Bcast(&numberofresults,1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); 205 MPI_Bcast(&numberofresults,1,MPI_DOUBLE,minrank,MPI_COMM_WORLD); 206 199 207 /*Get out if there is no results. Otherwise broadcast info*/ 200 208 if(!numberofresults) return; 201 if(my_rank!= 0){209 if(my_rank!=minrank){ 202 210 resultsenums=(int*)xmalloc(numberofresults*sizeof(int)); 203 211 resultssizes=(int*)xmalloc(numberofresults*sizeof(int)); … … 205 213 resultssteps=(int*)xmalloc(numberofresults*sizeof(int)); 206 214 } 207 MPI_Bcast(resultsenums,numberofresults,MPI_INT, 0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);208 MPI_Bcast(resultssizes,numberofresults,MPI_INT, 0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);209 MPI_Bcast(resultstimes,numberofresults,MPI_DOUBLE, 0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);210 MPI_Bcast(resultssteps,numberofresults,MPI_INT, 0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);215 MPI_Bcast(resultsenums,numberofresults,MPI_INT,minrank,MPI_COMM_WORLD); 216 MPI_Bcast(resultssizes,numberofresults,MPI_INT,minrank,MPI_COMM_WORLD); 217 MPI_Bcast(resultstimes,numberofresults,MPI_DOUBLE,minrank,MPI_COMM_WORLD); 218 MPI_Bcast(resultssteps,numberofresults,MPI_INT,minrank,MPI_COMM_WORLD); 211 219 212 220 /*Loop over all results and get nodal vector*/ -
r11446 r11525 116 116 fielddisplay(obj,'control_parameters','parameter where inverse control is carried out; ex: {''FrictionCoefficient''}, or {''MaterialsRheologyBbar''}'); 117 117 fielddisplay(obj,'nsteps','number of optimization searches'); 118 fielddisplay(obj,'cost_functions','indicate the type of response for each optimization step s');118 fielddisplay(obj,'cost_functions','indicate the type of response for each optimization step'); 119 119 fielddisplay(obj,'cost_functions_coefficients','cost_functions_coefficients applied to the misfit of each vertex and for each control_parameter'); 120 120 fielddisplay(obj,'cost_function_threshold','misfit convergence criterion. Default is 1%, NaN if not applied'); -
r9369 r11525 52 52 %just use standard unix scp 53 53 %string to copy multiple files using scp: 54 string='\{'; 55 for i=1:numel(packages)-1, 56 string=[string packages{i} ',']; 54 if numel(packages)==1, 55 string=packages{1}; 56 else 57 string='\{'; 58 for i=1:numel(packages)-1, 59 string=[string packages{i} ',']; 60 end 61 string=[string packages{end} '\}']; 57 62 end 58 string=[string packages{end} '\}'];59 63 60 64
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