Changeset 10522
- Timestamp:
- 11/08/11 08:06:28 (13 years ago)
- Location:
- issm/trunk/src
- Files:
- 55 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r9320 r10522 27 27 /*FUNCTION Constraints::Constraints(){{{1*/ 28 28 Constraints::Constraints(){ 29 return; 30 } 31 /*}}}*/ 32 /*FUNCTION Constraints::Constraints(int in_enum){{{1*/ 33 Constraints::Constraints(int in_enum): DataSet(in_enum){ 34 //do nothing; 29 enum_type=ConstraintsEnum; 35 30 return; 36 31 } -
r5772 r10522 23 23 /*constructors, destructors: {{{1*/ 24 24 Constraints(); 25 Constraints(int enum_type);26 25 ~Constraints(); 27 26 /*}}}*/ -
r9879 r10522 27 27 /*FUNCTION Elements::Elements(){{{1*/ 28 28 Elements::Elements(){ 29 return; 30 } 31 /*}}}*/ 32 /*FUNCTION Elements::Elements(int in_enum){{{1*/ 33 Elements::Elements(int in_enum): DataSet(in_enum){ 34 //do nothing; 29 enum_type=MeshElementsEnum; 35 30 return; 36 31 } -
r8967 r10522 23 23 /*constructors, destructors: {{{1*/ 24 24 Elements(); 25 Elements(int enum_type);26 25 ~Elements(); 27 26 /*}}}*/ -
r10135 r10522 30 30 } 31 31 /*}}}*/ 32 /*FUNCTION Inputs::Inputs(int in_enum){{{1*/33 Inputs::Inputs(int in_enum): DataSet(in_enum) {34 //do nothing;35 return;36 }37 /*}}}*/38 32 /*FUNCTION Inputs::~Inputs(){{{1*/ 39 33 Inputs::~Inputs(){ -
r10135 r10522 25 25 /*constructors, destructors: {{{1*/ 26 26 Inputs(); 27 Inputs(int enum_type);28 27 ~Inputs(); 29 28 -
r9775 r10522 27 27 /*FUNCTION Loads::Loads(){{{1*/ 28 28 Loads::Loads(){ 29 return; 30 } 31 /*}}}*/ 32 /*FUNCTION Loads::Loads(int in_enum){{{1*/ 33 Loads::Loads(int in_enum): DataSet(in_enum){ 34 //do nothing; 29 enum_type=LoadsEnum; 35 30 return; 36 31 } -
r9775 r10522 22 22 /*constructors, destructors: {{{1*/ 23 23 Loads(); 24 Loads(int enum_type);25 24 ~Loads(); 26 25 /*}}}*/ -
r9320 r10522 27 27 /*FUNCTION Materials::Materials(){{{1*/ 28 28 Materials::Materials(){ 29 return; 30 } 31 /*}}}*/ 32 /*FUNCTION Materials::Materials(int in_enum){{{1*/ 33 Materials::Materials(int in_enum): DataSet(in_enum){ 34 //do nothing; 29 enum_type=MaterialsEnum; 35 30 return; 36 31 } -
r6411 r10522 21 21 /*constructors, destructors: {{{1*/ 22 22 Materials(); 23 Materials(int enum_type);24 23 ~Materials(); 25 24 /*}}}*/ -
r9320 r10522 27 27 /*FUNCTION Nodes::Nodes(){{{1*/ 28 28 Nodes::Nodes(){ 29 return; 30 } 31 /*}}}*/ 32 /*FUNCTION Nodes::Nodes(int in_enum){{{1*/ 33 Nodes::Nodes(int in_enum): DataSet(in_enum){ 34 //do nothing; 29 enum_type=NodesEnum; 35 30 return; 36 31 } -
r8809 r10522 15 15 /*constructors, destructors: {{{1*/ 16 16 Nodes(); 17 Nodes(int enum_type);18 17 ~Nodes(); 19 18 /*}}}*/ -
r9883 r10522 27 27 /*FUNCTION Parameters::Parameters(){{{1*/ 28 28 Parameters::Parameters(){ 29 return; 30 } 31 /*}}}*/ 32 /*FUNCTION Parameters::Parameters(int in_enum){{{1*/ 33 Parameters::Parameters(int in_enum): DataSet(in_enum){ 34 //do nothing; 29 enum_type=ParametersEnum; 35 30 return; 36 31 } -
r9356 r10522 22 22 /*constructors, destructors: {{{1*/ 23 23 Parameters(); 24 Parameters(int enum_type);25 24 ~Parameters(); 26 25 /*}}}*/ -
r9883 r10522 27 27 /*FUNCTION Results::Results(){{{1*/ 28 28 Results::Results(){ 29 return; 30 } 31 /*}}}*/ 32 /*FUNCTION Results::Results(int in_enum){{{1*/ 33 Results::Results(int in_enum): DataSet(in_enum) { 34 //do nothing; 29 enum_type=ResultsEnum; 35 30 return; 36 31 } -
r6372 r10522 22 22 /*constructors, destructors: {{{1*/ 23 23 Results(); 24 Results(int enum_type);25 24 ~Results(); 26 25 /*}}}*/ -
r10355 r10522 27 27 /*FUNCTION Vertices::Vertices(){{{1*/ 28 28 Vertices::Vertices(){ 29 return; 30 } 31 /*}}}*/ 32 /*FUNCTION Vertices::Vertices(int in_enum){{{1*/ 33 Vertices::Vertices(int in_enum): DataSet(in_enum){ 34 //do nothing; 29 enum_type=VerticesEnum; 35 30 return; 36 31 } -
r6372 r10522 21 21 /*constructors, destructors: {{{1*/ 22 22 Vertices(); 23 Vertices(int enum_type);24 23 ~Vertices(); 25 24 /*}}}*/ -
r9746 r10522 22 22 23 23 /*Create constraints if they do not exist yet*/ 24 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints( ConstraintsEnum);24 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints(); 25 25 26 26 /*Do not add constraints in DG*/ -
r9733 r10522 30 30 31 31 /*Create loads if they do not exist yet*/ 32 if(!loads) loads = new Loads( LoadsEnum);32 if(!loads) loads = new Loads(); 33 33 34 34 /*Loads only in DG*/ -
r9733 r10522 39 39 40 40 /*Create nodes if they do not exist yet*/ 41 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes( NodesEnum);41 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes(); 42 42 43 43 /*Continuous Galerkin partition of nodes: */ -
r9340 r10522 20 20 21 21 /*Create constraints if they do not exist yet*/ 22 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints( ConstraintsEnum);22 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints(); 23 23 24 24 /*Assign output pointer: */ -
r9340 r10522 20 20 21 21 /*Create loads if they do not exist yet*/ 22 if(!loads) loads = new Loads( LoadsEnum);22 if(!loads) loads = new Loads(); 23 23 24 24 /*Assign output pointer: */ -
r9729 r10522 30 30 31 31 /*Create nodes if they do not exist yet*/ 32 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes( NodesEnum);32 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes(); 33 33 34 34 /*Continuous Galerkin partition of nodes: */ -
r9775 r10522 37 37 38 38 /*First create the elements, vertices, nodes and material properties, if they don't already exist */ 39 elements = new Elements( MeshElementsEnum);40 vertices = new Vertices( VerticesEnum);41 materials = new Materials( MaterialsEnum);39 elements = new Elements(); 40 vertices = new Vertices(); 41 materials = new Materials(); 42 42 43 43 /*First, partition elements and vertices. Nodes will partitioned on a per analysis_type basis. If partitining already done, ignore: */ -
r10517 r10522 29 29 30 30 /*Initialize dataset: */ 31 parameters = new Parameters( ParametersEnum);31 parameters = new Parameters(); 32 32 33 33 /*Copy some constants from iomodel */ -
r10517 r10522 62 62 63 63 /*Create constraints if they do not exist yet*/ 64 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints( ConstraintsEnum);64 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints(); 65 65 66 66 /*Now, is the flag macayaealpattyn on? otherwise, do nothing: */ -
r10517 r10522 50 50 51 51 /*Create loads if they do not exist yet*/ 52 if(!loads) loads = new Loads( LoadsEnum);52 if(!loads) loads = new Loads(); 53 53 54 54 /*Now, is the flag macayaealpattyn on? otherwise, do nothing: */ -
r9729 r10522 33 33 34 34 /*First create nodes*/ 35 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes( NodesEnum);35 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes(); 36 36 37 37 /*Now, is the flag macayaealpattyn on? otherwise, do nothing: */ -
r9725 r10522 33 33 34 34 /*Create constraints if they do not exist yet*/ 35 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints( ConstraintsEnum);35 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints(); 36 36 37 37 /*Now, is the flag ishutter on? otherwise, do nothing: */ -
r9340 r10522 20 20 21 21 /*Create loads if they do not exist yet*/ 22 if(!loads) loads = new Loads( LoadsEnum);22 if(!loads) loads = new Loads(); 23 23 24 24 /*Assign output pointer: */ -
r9733 r10522 32 32 33 33 /*Create nodes if they do not exist yet*/ 34 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes( NodesEnum);34 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes(); 35 35 36 36 /*Now, is the flag ishutter on? otherwise, do nothing: */ -
r9725 r10522 32 32 33 33 /*Create constraints if they do not exist yet*/ 34 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints( ConstraintsEnum);34 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints(); 35 35 36 36 /*return if 2d mesh*/ -
r9340 r10522 20 20 21 21 /*Create loads if they do not exist yet*/ 22 if(!loads) loads = new Loads( LoadsEnum);22 if(!loads) loads = new Loads(); 23 23 24 24 /*Assign output pointer: */ -
r9729 r10522 32 32 33 33 /*Create nodes if they do not exist yet*/ 34 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes( NodesEnum);34 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes(); 35 35 36 36 /*Now, is the flag macayaealpattyn on? otherwise, do nothing: */ -
r9725 r10522 35 35 36 36 /*Create constraints if they do not exist yet*/ 37 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints( ConstraintsEnum);37 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints(); 38 38 39 39 /*return if 2d mesh*/ -
r9340 r10522 20 20 21 21 /*Create loads if they do not exist yet*/ 22 if(!loads) loads = new Loads( LoadsEnum);22 if(!loads) loads = new Loads(); 23 23 24 24 -
r9729 r10522 30 30 31 31 /*Create nodes if they do not exist yet*/ 32 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes( NodesEnum);32 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes(); 33 33 34 34 /*Continuous Galerkin partition of nodes: */ -
r9617 r10522 21 21 22 22 /*Create constraints if they do not exist yet*/ 23 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints( ConstraintsEnum);23 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints(); 24 24 IoModelToConstraintsx(constraints,iomodel,HydrologySpcwatercolumnEnum,HydrologyAnalysisEnum); 25 25 -
r9340 r10522 23 23 24 24 /*Create loads if they do not exist yet*/ 25 if(!loads) loads = new Loads( LoadsEnum);25 if(!loads) loads = new Loads(); 26 26 27 27 /*Assign output pointer: */ -
r9729 r10522 30 30 31 31 /*Create nodes if they do not exist yet*/ 32 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes( NodesEnum);32 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes(); 33 33 34 34 /*Continuous Galerkin partition of nodes: */ -
r9340 r10522 24 24 25 25 /*Create constraints if they do not exist yet*/ 26 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints( ConstraintsEnum);26 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints(); 27 27 28 28 /*Assign output pointer: */ -
r9733 r10522 32 32 33 33 /*Create loads if they do not exist yet*/ 34 if(!loads) loads = new Loads( LoadsEnum);34 if(!loads) loads = new Loads(); 35 35 36 36 //create penalties for nodes: no node can have a temperature over the melting point -
r9729 r10522 30 30 31 31 /*Create nodes if they do not exist yet*/ 32 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes( NodesEnum);32 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes(); 33 33 34 34 /*Continuous Galerkin partition of nodes: */ -
r9745 r10522 22 22 23 23 /*Create constraints if they do not exist yet*/ 24 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints( ConstraintsEnum);24 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints(); 25 25 26 26 /*Do not add constraints in DG, they are weakly imposed*/ -
r9733 r10522 35 35 36 36 /*Create loads if they do not exist yet*/ 37 if(!loads) loads = new Loads( LoadsEnum);37 if(!loads) loads = new Loads(); 38 38 39 39 /*Loads only in DG*/ -
r9733 r10522 39 39 40 40 /*Create nodes if they do not exist yet*/ 41 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes( NodesEnum);41 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes(); 42 42 43 43 /*Create partition of nodes: */ -
r9340 r10522 20 20 21 21 /*Create constraints if they do not exist yet*/ 22 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints( ConstraintsEnum);22 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints(); 23 23 24 24 /*Assign output pointer: */ -
r9340 r10522 20 20 21 21 /*Create loads if they do not exist yet*/ 22 if(!loads) loads = new Loads( LoadsEnum);22 if(!loads) loads = new Loads(); 23 23 24 24 /*Assign output pointer: */ -
r9729 r10522 30 30 31 31 /*Create nodes if they do not exist yet*/ 32 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes( NodesEnum);32 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes(); 33 33 34 34 /*Continuous Galerkin partition of nodes: */ -
r9719 r10522 29 29 30 30 /*Create constraints if they do not exist yet*/ 31 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints( ConstraintsEnum);31 if(!constraints) constraints = new Constraints(); 32 32 33 33 /*Only 3d mesh supported*/ -
r9733 r10522 30 30 31 31 /*Create loads if they do not exist yet*/ 32 if(!loads) loads = new Loads( LoadsEnum);32 if(!loads) loads = new Loads(); 33 33 34 34 /*return if 2d mesh*/ -
r9729 r10522 30 30 31 31 /*Create nodes if they do not exist yet*/ 32 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes( NodesEnum);32 if(!nodes) nodes = new Nodes(); 33 33 34 34 /*Continuous Galerkin partition of nodes: */ -
r8910 r10522 24 24 25 25 /*results might be NILL, allocate: */ 26 if(!results)results=new Results( ResultsEnum);26 if(!results)results=new Results(); 27 27 28 28 /*Find class of the value and call the right AddExternalResultx*/ -
r8910 r10522 34 34 FetchMatlabData((DataSet**)&results,RESULTS); 35 35 36 /*results might be N ILL, allocate: */37 if(!results)results=new Results( ResultsEnum);36 /*results might be NULL, allocate: */ 37 if(!results)results=new Results(); 38 38 39 39 /*configure: */
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