Changeset 10275
- Timestamp:
- 10/24/11 14:45:32 (13 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r10240 r10275 19 19 double cm,sp; 20 20 21 Xy2lldef(&cm,&sp,sgn); 21 if (sgn) 22 Xy2lldef(&cm,&sp,sgn); 22 23 23 24 return(Shp2Kmlx(filshp,filkml, … … 34 35 #ifdef _HAVE_SHAPELIB_ //only works if Shapelib library has been compiled in. 35 36 36 int i,j, iret=0;37 int i,j,k,iret=0; 37 38 int lwidth=1; 38 39 double popac=0.50; 39 int n prof;40 int *p nvert=NULL,*pptype=NULL;41 double **p profx=NULL,**pprofy=NULL,**pprofz=NULL,**pprofm=NULL;40 int nshap; 41 int *pstype=NULL,*pnpart=NULL,**ppstrt=NULL,**pptype=NULL,*pnvert=NULL; 42 double **pshapx=NULL,**pshapy=NULL,**pshapz=NULL,**pshapm=NULL; 42 43 bool *closed=NULL; 43 44 double *lat=NULL,*lon=NULL; … … 49 50 50 51 char indent[81]=""; 51 KML_File* kfile =NULL; 52 KML_Document* kdoc =NULL; 53 KML_Style* kstyle=NULL; 54 KML_LineStyle* klsty =NULL; 55 KML_PolyStyle* kpsty =NULL; 56 KML_Folder* kfold =NULL; 57 KML_Placemark* kplace=NULL; 58 KML_Polygon* kpoly =NULL; 59 KML_LinearRing* kring =NULL; 60 KML_LineString* kline =NULL; 52 KML_File* kfile =NULL; 53 KML_Document* kdoc =NULL; 54 KML_Style* kstyle=NULL; 55 KML_LineStyle* klsty =NULL; 56 KML_PolyStyle* kpsty =NULL; 57 KML_Folder* kfold =NULL; 58 KML_Placemark* kplace=NULL; 59 KML_MultiGeometry* kmulti=NULL; 60 KML_Polygon* kpoly =NULL; 61 KML_LinearRing* kring =NULL; 62 KML_LineString* kline =NULL; 63 KML_Point* kpoint=NULL; 61 64 62 65 FILE* fid=NULL; … … 94 97 adfMaxBound[3] ); 95 98 96 nprof=nEntities; 97 pnvert=(int *) xmalloc(nprof*sizeof(int)); 98 pptype=(int *) xmalloc(nprof*sizeof(int)); 99 pprofx=(double **) xmalloc(nprof*sizeof(double *)); 100 pprofy=(double **) xmalloc(nprof*sizeof(double *)); 101 pprofz=(double **) xmalloc(nprof*sizeof(double *)); 102 pprofm=(double **) xmalloc(nprof*sizeof(double *)); 103 104 if (!DomainOutlineRead(&nprof,&pnvert,&pprofx,&pprofy,&closed,filshp,false)) 99 nshap=nEntities; 100 pstype=(int *) xmalloc(nshap*sizeof(int)); 101 pnpart=(int *) xmalloc(nshap*sizeof(int)); 102 ppstrt=(int **) xmalloc(nshap*sizeof(int *)); 103 pptype=(int **) xmalloc(nshap*sizeof(int *)); 104 pnvert=(int *) xmalloc(nshap*sizeof(int)); 105 pshapx=(double **) xmalloc(nshap*sizeof(double *)); 106 pshapy=(double **) xmalloc(nshap*sizeof(double *)); 107 pshapz=(double **) xmalloc(nshap*sizeof(double *)); 108 pshapm=(double **) xmalloc(nshap*sizeof(double *)); 105 109 106 110 /* loop over the list of shapes */ … … 123 127 psShape->dfZMax, psShape->dfMMax ); 124 128 129 pstype[i]=psShape->nSHPType; 130 pnpart[i]=psShape->nParts; 131 if (pnpart[i]) { 132 ppstrt[i]=(int *) xmalloc(pnpart[i]*sizeof(int)); 133 pptype[i]=(int *) xmalloc(pnpart[i]*sizeof(int)); 134 } 135 else { 136 ppstrt[i]=NULL; 137 pptype[i]=NULL; 138 } 125 139 pnvert[i]=psShape->nVertices; 126 pptype[i]=psShape->nSHPType; 127 pprofx[i]=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 128 pprofy[i]=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 129 pprofz[i]=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 130 pprofm[i]=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 140 if (pnvert[i]) { 141 pshapx[i]=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 142 pshapy[i]=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 143 pshapz[i]=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 144 pshapm[i]=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 145 } 146 else { 147 pshapx[i]=NULL; 148 pshapy[i]=NULL; 149 pshapz[i]=NULL; 150 pshapm[i]=NULL; 151 } 131 152 132 153 for( j = 0, iPart = 1; j < psShape->nVertices; j++ ) … … 135 156 136 157 if( j == 0 && psShape->nParts > 0 ) 158 { 137 159 pszPartType = SHPPartTypeName( psShape->panPartType[0] ); 160 ppstrt[i][0]=psShape->panPartStart[0]; 161 pptype[i][0]=psShape->panPartType[0]; 162 } 138 163 139 164 if( iPart < psShape->nParts … … 141 166 { 142 167 pszPartType = SHPPartTypeName( psShape->panPartType[iPart] ); 168 ppstrt[i][iPart]=psShape->panPartStart[iPart]; 169 pptype[i][iPart]=psShape->panPartType[iPart]; 143 170 iPart++; 144 171 pszPlus = "+"; … … 155 182 // pszPartType ); 156 183 157 p profx[i][j]=psShape->padfX[j];158 p profy[i][j]=psShape->padfY[j];159 p profz[i][j]=psShape->padfZ[j];160 p profm[i][j]=psShape->padfM[j];184 pshapx[i][j]=psShape->padfX[j]; 185 pshapy[i][j]=psShape->padfY[j]; 186 pshapz[i][j]=psShape->padfZ[j]; 187 pshapm[i][j]=psShape->padfM[j]; 161 188 } 162 189 … … 179 206 180 207 SHPClose( hSHP ); 181 return(iret); 182 183 /* read shp file */ 184 185 if (!DomainOutlineRead(&nprof,&pnvert,&pprofx,&pprofy,&closed,filshp,false)) 186 _error_("Error reading shp file."); 208 209 /* read exp file */ 210 211 // if (!DomainOutlineRead(&nshap,&pnvert,&pshapx,&pshapy,&closed,filshp,false)) 212 // _error_("Error reading exp file."); 187 213 188 214 /* construct kml file */ … … 238 264 (kdoc->style )->AddObject((Object*)kstyle); 239 265 240 /* construct kml folder for polygons */266 /* construct kml folder for shapes */ 241 267 242 268 kfold =new KML_Folder(); 243 sprintf(kfold->name ,"Profiles translated from file \"%s\".",filshp); 269 sprintf(kfold->name ,"Shapefile: %s Type: %s nShapes: %d", 270 filshp, SHPTypeName( nShapeType ), nEntities ); 244 271 kfold->open =1; 245 272 273 /* loop over the list of shapes */ 274 275 for (i=0; i<nshap; i++) { 276 277 /* null type */ 278 279 if (pstype[i] == SHPT_NULL) { 280 ; 281 } 282 283 /* point types */ 284 285 else if (pstype[i] == SHPT_POINT || 286 pstype[i] == SHPT_POINTZ || 287 pstype[i] == SHPT_POINTM) { 288 kplace=new KML_Placemark(); 289 290 sprintf(kplace->name ,"Shape:%d (%s) nVertices=%d, nParts=%d", 291 i,SHPTypeName(pstype[i]),pnvert[i],pnpart[i]); 292 kplace->visibility=true; 293 sprintf(kplace->styleurl ,"#RandomLineEmptyPoly"); 294 295 if (pnpart[i] > 0) 296 _printf_(true,"Warning -- Shape %d of type \"%s\" should not have %d > 0 parts.\n", 297 i,SHPTypeName( pstype[i] ),pnpart[i]); 298 if (pnvert[i] > 1) 299 _printf_(true,"Warning -- Shape %d of type \"%s\" should not have %d > 1 vertices.\n", 300 i,SHPTypeName( pstype[i] ),pnvert[i]); 301 302 kpoint=new KML_Point(); 303 304 lat=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 305 lon=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 306 if (sgn) { 307 Xy2llx(lat,lon,pshapx[i],pshapy[i],pnvert[i],sgn,cm,sp); 308 } 309 else { 310 memcpy(lon,pshapx[i],pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 311 memcpy(lat,pshapy[i],pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 312 } 313 314 kpoint->coords[0]=lon [0]; 315 kpoint->coords[1]=lat [0]; 316 kpoint->coords[2]=pshapz[i][0]; 317 318 xfree((void**)&lon); 319 xfree((void**)&lat); 320 321 (kplace->geometry )->AddObject((Object*)kpoint); 322 kpoint=NULL; 323 (kfold ->feature )->AddObject((Object*)kplace); 324 kplace=NULL; 325 } 326 327 /* polyline types */ 328 329 else if (pstype[i] == SHPT_ARC || 330 pstype[i] == SHPT_ARCZ || 331 pstype[i] == SHPT_ARCM) { 332 kplace=new KML_Placemark(); 333 334 sprintf(kplace->name ,"Shape:%d (%s) nVertices=%d, nParts=%d", 335 i,SHPTypeName(pstype[i]),pnvert[i],pnpart[i]); 336 kplace->visibility=true; 337 sprintf(kplace->styleurl ,"#RandomLineEmptyPoly"); 338 339 kmulti=new KML_MultiGeometry(); 340 341 lat=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 342 lon=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 343 if (sgn) { 344 Xy2llx(lat,lon,pshapx[i],pshapy[i],pnvert[i],sgn,cm,sp); 345 } 346 else { 347 memcpy(lon,pshapx[i],pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 348 memcpy(lat,pshapy[i],pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 349 } 350 351 for (j=0; j<pnpart[i]; j++) { 352 kline =new KML_LineString(); 353 354 kline->ncoord =(j<pnpart[i]-1 ? ppstrt[i][j+1]-ppstrt[i][j] : pnvert[i]-ppstrt[i][j]); 355 kline->coords =(double (*)[3]) xmalloc(kline->ncoord*3*sizeof(double)); 356 for (k=0; k<kline->ncoord; k++) { 357 kline->coords[k][0]=lon [ppstrt[i][j]+k]; 358 kline->coords[k][1]=lat [ppstrt[i][j]+k]; 359 kline->coords[k][2]=pshapz[i][ppstrt[i][j]+k]; 360 } 361 362 (kmulti->geometry )->AddObject((Object*)kline); 363 kline =NULL; 364 } 365 366 xfree((void**)&lon); 367 xfree((void**)&lat); 368 369 (kplace->geometry )->AddObject((Object*)kmulti); 370 kmulti=NULL; 371 (kfold ->feature )->AddObject((Object*)kplace); 372 kplace=NULL; 373 } 374 375 /* polygon types */ 376 377 else if (pstype[i] == SHPT_POLYGON || 378 pstype[i] == SHPT_POLYGONZ || 379 pstype[i] == SHPT_POLYGONM) { 380 _printf_(true,"Warning -- Shape %d of type \"%s\" will be ignored.\n", 381 i,SHPTypeName( pstype[i] )); 382 continue; 383 246 384 /* polygon with multiple holes */ 247 248 if (holes && nprof && !closed[0]) {249 _printf_(true,"Warning -- Outer profile is not closed, so \"holes\" option will be ignored.\n");250 holes=false;251 }252 385 253 386 if (holes) { … … 263 396 lat=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 264 397 lon=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 265 Xy2llx(lat,lon,p profx[i],pprofy[i],pnvert[i],sgn,cm,sp);398 Xy2llx(lat,lon,pshapx[i],pshapy[i],pnvert[i],sgn,cm,sp); 266 399 267 400 kring->ncoord =pnvert[i]; … … 278 411 kring =NULL; 279 412 280 for (i=1; i<n prof; i++) {413 for (i=1; i<nshap; i++) { 281 414 if (!closed[i]) { 282 415 _printf_(true,"Warning -- Inner profile %d is not closed with \"holes\" specified, so it will be ignored.\n",i+1); … … 288 421 lat=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 289 422 lon=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 290 Xy2llx(lat,lon,p profx[i],pprofy[i],pnvert[i],sgn,cm,sp);423 Xy2llx(lat,lon,pshapx[i],pshapy[i],pnvert[i],sgn,cm,sp); 291 424 kring->ncoord =pnvert[i]; 292 425 kring->coords =(double (*)[3]) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*3*sizeof(double)); … … 312 445 313 446 else { 314 for (i=0; i<n prof; i++) {447 for (i=0; i<nshap; i++) { 315 448 kplace=new KML_Placemark(); 316 449 … … 325 458 lat=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 326 459 lon=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 327 Xy2llx(lat,lon,p profx[i],pprofy[i],pnvert[i],sgn,cm,sp);460 Xy2llx(lat,lon,pshapx[i],pshapy[i],pnvert[i],sgn,cm,sp); 328 461 329 462 kring->ncoord =pnvert[i]; … … 344 477 } 345 478 346 else {347 sprintf(kplace->name ,"LineString %d",i+1);348 kplace->visibility=true;349 sprintf(kplace->styleurl ,"#RandomLineEmptyPoly");350 351 kline =new KML_LineString();352 353 lat=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double));354 lon=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double));355 Xy2llx(lat,lon,pprofx[i],pprofy[i],pnvert[i],sgn,cm,sp);356 357 kline->ncoord =pnvert[i];358 kline->coords =(double (*)[3]) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*3*sizeof(double));359 for (j=0; j<pnvert[i]; j++) {360 kline->coords[j][0]=lon[j];361 kline->coords[j][1]=lat[j];362 kline->coords[j][2]=0.;363 }364 xfree((void**)&lon);365 xfree((void**)&lat);366 367 (kplace->geometry )->AddObject((Object*)kline);368 kline =NULL;369 }370 371 479 (kfold ->feature )->AddObject((Object*)kplace); 372 480 kplace=NULL; 373 481 } 482 } 483 } 484 485 /* multipoint types */ 486 487 else if (pstype[i] == SHPT_MULTIPOINT || 488 pstype[i] == SHPT_MULTIPOINTZ || 489 pstype[i] == SHPT_MULTIPOINTM) { 490 kplace=new KML_Placemark(); 491 492 sprintf(kplace->name ,"Shape:%d (%s) nVertices=%d, nParts=%d", 493 i,SHPTypeName(pstype[i]),pnvert[i],pnpart[i]); 494 kplace->visibility=true; 495 sprintf(kplace->styleurl ,"#RandomLineEmptyPoly"); 496 497 if (pnpart[i] > 0) 498 _printf_(true,"Warning -- Shape %d of type \"%s\" should not have %d > 0 parts.\n", 499 i,SHPTypeName( pstype[i] ),pnpart[i]); 500 501 kmulti=new KML_MultiGeometry(); 502 503 lat=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 504 lon=(double *) xmalloc(pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 505 if (sgn) { 506 Xy2llx(lat,lon,pshapx[i],pshapy[i],pnvert[i],sgn,cm,sp); 507 } 508 else { 509 memcpy(lon,pshapx[i],pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 510 memcpy(lat,pshapy[i],pnvert[i]*sizeof(double)); 511 } 512 513 for (j=0; j<pnvert[i]; j++) { 514 kpoint=new KML_Point(); 515 516 kpoint->coords[0]=lon [j]; 517 kpoint->coords[1]=lat [j]; 518 kpoint->coords[2]=pshapz[i][j]; 519 520 (kmulti->geometry )->AddObject((Object*)kpoint); 521 kpoint=NULL; 522 } 523 524 xfree((void**)&lon); 525 xfree((void**)&lat); 526 527 (kplace->geometry )->AddObject((Object*)kmulti); 528 kmulti=NULL; 529 (kfold ->feature )->AddObject((Object*)kplace); 530 kplace=NULL; 531 } 532 533 /* multipatch types */ 534 535 else if (pstype[i] == SHPT_MULTIPATCH) { 536 } 537 538 /* unknown type */ 539 540 else { 541 _printf_(true,"Warning -- Shape %d of type \"%s\" will be ignored.\n", 542 i,SHPTypeName( pstype[i] )); 543 } 544 374 545 } 375 546 … … 390 561 391 562 delete kfile; 392 for (i=nprof-1; i>=0; i--) { 393 xfree((void**)&(pprofy[i])); 394 xfree((void**)&(pprofx[i])); 395 } 563 for (i=nshap-1; i>=0; i--) { 564 xfree((void**)&(pshapm[i])); 565 xfree((void**)&(pshapz[i])); 566 xfree((void**)&(pshapy[i])); 567 xfree((void**)&(pshapx[i])); 568 } 569 xfree((void**)&pshapm); 570 xfree((void**)&pshapz); 571 xfree((void**)&pshapy); 572 xfree((void**)&pshapx); 396 573 xfree((void**)&pnvert); 574 for (i=nshap-1; i>=0; i--) { 575 xfree((void**)&(pptype[i])); 576 xfree((void**)&(ppstrt[i])); 577 } 578 xfree((void**)&pptype); 579 xfree((void**)&ppstrt); 580 xfree((void**)&pnpart); 581 xfree((void**)&pstype); 397 582 398 583 clock1=clock();
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.