Changeset 1014

06/16/09 11:32:48 (16 years ago)

Still more documentation and copyrights.

6 edited


  • issm/trunk/src/m/solutions/dakota/dakota_in_data.m

    r349 r1014  
    2 %  define the data to write the dakota .in file
     2%  define the data to write the dakota .in and .m files.
    4 %  []=dakota_in_data(variables,responses,dmeth,dparams,filei,package,varargin)
     4%  []=dakota_in_data(dmeth,variables,responses,dparams,filei,package,varargin)
     6%  where the required input is:
     7%    dmeth         (dakota_method, method class object)
     8%    variables     (structure array, variable class objects)
     9%    responses     (structure array, response class objects)
     10%    dparams       (structure array, method-independent parameters)
     11%    filei         (character, name of .in and .m files)
     12%    package       (character, analysis package)
     14%  params may be empty, in which case defaults will be used.
     16%  the optional varargin are passed directly through to the
     17%  QmuUpdateFunctions brancher to be used by the analysis
     18%  package.  for example, this could be model information.
     20%  this function defines the data to write the dakota .in and
     21%  .m files.  it is necessary for multiple reasons.  first,
     22%  it collects the parameters and applies some defaults that
     23%  are unique to the environment.  second, some analysis package
     24%  variables and/or responses may be treated differently by
     25%  dakota.  for example, an analysis package variable may be
     26%  defined as an array, so the QmuSetupDesign brancher will
     27%  create dakota variables for each element of the array.
     28%  finally it calls the functions to write the .in and .m files.
     29%  this function is independent of the particular analysis
     30%  package.
     32%  this data would typically be generated by a matlab script
     33%  for a specific model, using the method, variable, and
     34%  response class objects.
     36%  "Copyright 2009, by the California Institute of Technology.
     37%  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship
     38%  acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with
     39%  the Office of Technology Transfer at the California Institute
     40%  of Technology.  (NTR 47078)
     42%  This software may be subject to U.S. export control laws.
     43%  By accepting this  software, the user agrees to comply with
     44%  all applicable U.S. export laws and regulations. User has the
     45%  responsibility to obtain export licenses, or other export
     46%  authority as may be required before exporting such information
     47%  to foreign countries or providing access to foreign persons."
    649function []=dakota_in_data(dmeth,variables,responses,dparams,filei,package,varargin)
    5598%  for linear constraints, just copy
    57     if strcmp(class(variables.(fnames{i})),'linear_inequality_constraint') || ...
    58        strcmp(class(variables.(fnames{i})),'linear_equality_constraint'  )
     100    if isa(variables.(fnames{i}),'linear_inequality_constraint') || ...
     101       isa(variables.(fnames{i}),'linear_equality_constraint'  )
    59102        dvar.(fnames{i})=variables.(fnames{i});
  • issm/trunk/src/m/solutions/dakota/dakota_in_params.m

    r452 r1014  
    44%  [params]=dakota_in_params(params)
     6%  where the optional input is:
     7%    params        (structure array, method-independent parameters)
     9%  and the output is the same.
     11%  this function takes a structure of method-independent dakota
     12%  parameters, which may be empty, and adds default parameters
     13%  for those parameters which do not exist.
     15%  the field names of the structure are identical to the dakota
     16%  parameter names (and are in fact used to write them to the
     17%  files).  logical values are used for parameters which have
     18%  no associated data and are determined only by their presence
     19%  or absence.
     21%  note that the method-dependent parameters are contained in
     22%  the dakota_method class object.
     24%  "Copyright 2009, by the California Institute of Technology.
     25%  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship
     26%  acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with
     27%  the Office of Technology Transfer at the California Institute
     28%  of Technology.  (NTR 47078)
     30%  This software may be subject to U.S. export control laws.
     31%  By accepting this  software, the user agrees to comply with
     32%  all applicable U.S. export laws and regulations. User has the
     33%  responsibility to obtain export licenses, or other export
     34%  authority as may be required before exporting such information
     35%  to foreign countries or providing access to foreign persons."
    637function [params]=dakota_in_params(params)
  • issm/trunk/src/m/solutions/dakota/dakota_in_parse.m

    r32 r1014  
    2 %  read a Dakota .in file and parse it.
     2%  read a Dakota .in input file and parse it.
    44%  [method,dvar,dresp]=dakota_in_parse(filei)
     6%  where the required input is:
     7%    filei         (character, name of .in file)
     9%  the required output is:
     10%    method        (character, dakota method name)
     11%    dvar          (structure array, variables)
     12%    dresp         (structure array, responses)
     14%  the filei will be prompted if empty.  the fields of dvar and
     15%  dresp are particular to the data contained within the file.
     17%  this function reads a dakota .in input file and parses it
     18%  into the matlab workspace.  it operates in a content-driven
     19%  fashion, where it parses whatever input data it encounters
     20%  in the file, rather than searching for data based on the
     21%  particular method.  (this makes it independent of method.)
     23%  as of now, parameters are generally not parsed.  also, the
     24%  variable and response classes are not used for output.
     26%  this data would typically be used for modifying and submitting
     27%  a subsequent dakota run.  it could also be used with output
     28%  data for post-processing or annotation purposes.
     30%  "Copyright 2009, by the California Institute of Technology.
     31%  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship
     32%  acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with
     33%  the Office of Technology Transfer at the California Institute
     34%  of Technology.  (NTR 47078)
     36%  This software may be subject to U.S. export control laws.
     37%  By accepting this  software, the user agrees to comply with
     38%  all applicable U.S. export laws and regulations. User has the
     39%  responsibility to obtain export licenses, or other export
     40%  authority as may be required before exporting such information
     41%  to foreign countries or providing access to foreign persons."
    643function [method,dvar,dresp]=dakota_in_parse(filei)
    233270function [dresp]=responses_parse(fidi,tokens,itoken)
    235 display('Reading Dakota response functions.');
     272display('Reading Dakota responses.');
    237274nof =0;
    515552       strncmpi(tokens{1}{itoken},'responses',9)
    517 %  assemble the lists by response function
     554%  assemble the lists by response
    519556        if exist('nrespl','var') && isfield(dresp,'rf')
  • issm/trunk/src/m/solutions/dakota/dakota_in_write.m

    r659 r1014  
    2 %  write a Dakota .in file.
     2%  write a Dakota .in input file.
    44%  []=dakota_in_write(method,dmeth,dvar,dresp,params,filei,varargin)
     6%  where the required input is:
     7%    method        (character, dakota method name)
     8%    dmeth         (dakota_method, method class object)
     9%    dvar          (structure array, variable class objects)
     10%    dresp         (structure array, response class objects)
     11%    params        (structure array, method-independent parameters)
     12%    filei         (character, name of .in file)
     14%  the method, dmeth, and filei will be prompted if empty.
     15%  params may be empty, in which case defaults will be used.
     17%  the optional varargin are not yet used.
     19%  this function writes a dakota .in input file to be used
     20%  by dakota.  this file is independent of the particular
     21%  analysis package.
     23%  this data would typically be generated by a matlab script
     24%  for a specific model, using the method, variable, and
     25%  response class objects.  this function may be called by
     26%  dakota_in_data.
     28%  "Copyright 2009, by the California Institute of Technology.
     29%  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship
     30%  acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with
     31%  the Office of Technology Transfer at the California Institute
     32%  of Technology.  (NTR 47078)
     34%  This software may be subject to U.S. export control laws.
     35%  By accepting this  software, the user agrees to comply with
     36%  all applicable U.S. export laws and regulations. User has the
     37%  responsibility to obtain export licenses, or other export
     38%  authority as may be required before exporting such information
     39%  to foreign countries or providing access to foreign persons."
    641function []=dakota_in_write(method,dmeth,dvar,dresp,params,filei,varargin)
    2661[pathstr,name,ext,versn] = fileparts(filei);
    2762if isempty(ext)
     63% fileparts only considers '.in' to be the extension, not ''
    2864    ext='';
  • issm/trunk/src/m/solutions/dakota/dakota_m_write.m

    r586 r1014  
    2 %  write a Dakota .m file for the Matlab direct or external
    3 %  driver.
    4 %
    5 %  []=dakota_m_write(method,dmeth,dvar,dresp,params,filem,package)
     2%  write a Matlab .m function file to be called by Dakota for
     3%  the Matlab direct or external driver.
     5%  []=dakota_m_write(method,dmeth,dvar,dresp,params,filem,package,varargin)
     7%  where the required input is:
     8%    method        (character, dakota method name)
     9%    dmeth         (dakota_method, method class object)
     10%    dvar          (structure array, variable class objects)
     11%    dresp         (structure array, response class objects)
     12%    params        (structure array, method-independent parameters)
     13%    filem         (character, name of .m file)
     14%    package       (character, analysis package)
     16%  the method, dmeth, and filem will be prompted if empty.
     17%  params may be empty, in which case defaults will be used.
     19%  the optional varargin are passed directly through to the
     20%  QmuUpdateFunctions brancher to be used by the analysis
     21%  package.  for example, this could be model information.
     23%  this function writes a matlab .m function file to be called
     24%  by dakota for the matlab direct or external driver.  for
     25%  the direct driver, dakota is linked with matlab and
     26%  automatically starts a matlab session, passing the variables
     27%  and responses through the function; for the external driver,
     28%  dakota calls a shell script to start the matlab session,
     29%  passing the variables and responses through text files.
     30%  this function must be tailored to the particular analysis
     31%  package.
     33%  this data would typically be generated by a matlab script
     34%  for a specific model, using the method, variable, and
     35%  response class objects.  this function may be called by
     36%  dakota_in_data.
     38%  "Copyright 2009, by the California Institute of Technology.
     39%  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship
     40%  acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with
     41%  the Office of Technology Transfer at the California Institute
     42%  of Technology.  (NTR 47078)
     44%  This software may be subject to U.S. export control laws.
     45%  By accepting this  software, the user agrees to comply with
     46%  all applicable U.S. export laws and regulations. User has the
     47%  responsibility to obtain export licenses, or other export
     48%  authority as may be required before exporting such information
     49%  to foreign countries or providing access to foreign persons."
    751function []=dakota_m_write(method,dmeth,dvar,dresp,params,filem,package,varargin)
    101 %%  function to write design variables into the Matlab m-file
     145%%  function to write variables into the Matlab m-file
    103147function []=variables_write(fidm,dmeth,dvar,params,varargin)
    145189                eval([descriptor '_lock=1;']);
    147                 %now, we need a string to put in the matlab file, which will update all the design variables
     191                %now, we need a string to put in the matlab file, which will update all the variables
    148192                %for  this descriptor.
    149193                [string,ixc]=QmuUpdateFunctions(ixc,descriptor,dvar,params,i,varargin{:});
  • issm/trunk/src/m/solutions/dakota/dakota_out_parse.m

    r963 r1014  
    2 %  read a Dakota .out file and parse it.
     2%  read a Dakota .out or .dat output file and parse it.
    44%  [method,dresp,scm,pcm,srcm,prcm]=dakota_out_parse(filei)
     6%  where the required input is:
     7%    filei         (character, name of .out file)
     9%  the required output is:
     10%    method        (character, dakota method name)
     11%    dresp         (structure array, responses)
     13%  and the optional output is:
     14%    scm           (double array, simple correlation matrix)
     15%    pcm           (double array, partial correlation matrix)
     16%    srcm          (double array, simple rank correlation matrix)
     17%    prcm          (double array, partial rank correlation matrix)
     19%  the filei will be prompted if empty.  the fields of dresp
     20%  are particular to the data contained within the file.  the
     21%  scm, pcm, srcm, and prcm are output by dakota only for the
     22%  sampling methods.
     24%  this function reads a dakota .out output file and parses it
     25%  into the matlab workspace.  it operates in a content-driven
     26%  fashion, where it skips the intermediate data and then parses
     27%  whatever output data it encounters in the order in which it
     28%  exists in the file, rather than searching for data based on
     29%  the particular method.  (this makes it independent of method.)
     30%  it also can read and parse the .dat tabular_output file.
     32%  this data would typically be used for plotting and other
     33%  post-processing within matlab or excel.
     35%  "Copyright 2009, by the California Institute of Technology.
     36%  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship
     37%  acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with
     38%  the Office of Technology Transfer at the California Institute
     39%  of Technology.  (NTR 47078)
     41%  This software may be subject to U.S. export control laws.
     42%  By accepting this  software, the user agrees to comply with
     43%  all applicable U.S. export laws and regulations. User has the
     44%  responsibility to obtain export licenses, or other export
     45%  authority as may be required before exporting such information
     46%  to foreign countries or providing access to foreign persons."
    648function [method,dresp,scm,pcm,srcm,prcm]=dakota_out_parse(filei)
    183225%  draw box plot
    185 %figure
    186 %subplot(2,1,1)
    187 %plot_boxplot(dresp);
     227% figure
     228% subplot(2,1,1)
     229% plot_boxplot(dresp);
    189231%  draw normal probability plot
    191 %subplot(2,1,2)
    192 %plot_normplot(dresp);
     233% subplot(2,1,2)
     234% plot_normplot(dresp);
    483525        [ntokens,tokens]=fltokens(fline);
    484526        idvar=idvar+1;
    485         dresp(end).desvar(idvar,1)=cellstr(tokens{1}{5});
     527        dresp(end).var   (idvar,1)=cellstr(tokens{1}{5});
    486528        dresp(end).impfac(idvar,1)=        tokens{1}{7};
    497539    if ~idvar
    498540        display('    Importance Factors not available.');
    499         dresp(end).desvar={};
     541        dresp(end).var   ={};
    500542        dresp(end).impfac=[];
    501543        while ~ieof && ...
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