1 | % This file can be run to check that the current version of macayeal and issm models are giving
2 | % coherent results. This test deals with an icesheet without icefront for a 2d model. The geometry
3 | % is square. Just run this file in Matlab, with a properly setup ISSM code.
4 | % The results of this test will indicate if there is a difference between current computations
5 | % and archived results.
6 |
7 | % Errors between archived results and the current version will get flagged if they are not within
8 | % a certain tolerance. The current tolerance is 10^-14. If you have good reasons to believe this
9 | % tolerance should be lowered (for example, if you are running single precision compilers?), feel
10 | % free to tweak the tolerance variable.
11 |
12 | %Initialize log message for nightly runs.
13 | logstring='Verification/test1_icesheet_noicefront: ';
14 |
15 | % Create model;
16 |
17 | tolerance=10^-13;
18 |
19 |
20 | md=model;
21 | md=mesh(md,'DomainOutline.exp',50000);
22 | md=geography(md,'','');
23 | md=parameterize(md,'Square.par');
24 | md=setelementstype(md,'macayeal','all');
25 |
26 | %Compute solution with MacAyeal's model
27 | md=solve(md,'diagnostic','macayeal');
28 | vel_macayeal=md.vel;
29 |
30 | %Compute solution with Ice model
31 | md=solve(md,'diagnostic','ice');
32 | vel_ice=md.vel;
33 |
34 | %Compute solution with Hutter elements in Ice model
35 | md=setelementstype(md,'hutter','all');
36 | md=solve(md,'diagnostic','ice');
37 | vel_hutter=md.vel;
38 |
39 |
40 | %Load old velocities and compare with the new model
41 |
42 | %Macayeal
43 | load archive_macayeal
44 | pos=find(archive_macayeal-vel_macayeal);
45 | error_vel=abs(norm((archive_macayeal(pos)-vel_macayeal(pos))./archive_macayeal(pos),2));
46 |
47 | disp(sprintf('numerical difference between old and new version of MacAyeal is : %d', error_vel));
48 |
49 | if (error_vel>tolerance);
50 | logoutput(logstring,sprintf('%s\n',' ERROR. Results from MacAyeal model differ from the archive version'));
51 | else
52 | logoutput(logstring,sprintf('%s\n',' SUCCESS. Results from MacAyeal model are comform with the archive version'));
53 | end
54 |
55 | %Ice
56 | load archive_ice
57 | pos=find(archive_ice-vel_ice);
58 | error_vel=abs(norm((archive_ice(pos)-vel_ice(pos))./archive_ice(pos),2));
59 |
60 | disp(sprintf('numerical difference between old and new version of Ice is : %d', error_vel));
61 |
62 | if (error_vel>tolerance);
63 | logoutput(logstring,sprintf('%s\n',' ERROR. Results from Ice model differ from the archive version'));
64 | else
65 | logoutput(logstring,sprintf('%s\n',' SUCCESS. Results from Ice model are comform with the archive version'));
66 | end
67 |
68 | %Ice with Hutter elements
69 | load archive_hutter
70 | pos=find(archive_hutter-vel_hutter);
71 | error_vel=abs(norm((archive_hutter(pos)-vel_hutter(pos))./archive_hutter(pos),2));
72 |
73 | disp(sprintf('numerical difference between old and new version of Ice is : %d', error_vel));
74 |
75 | if (error_vel>tolerance);
76 | logoutput(logstring,sprintf('%s\n',' ERROR. Results from Ice model with Hutter elements differ from the archive version'));
77 | else
78 | logoutput(logstring,sprintf('%s\n',' SUCCESS. Results from Ice model with Hutter elements are comform with the archive version'));
79 | end
80 |