1 | function varargout=runme(varargin)
2 | %RUNME - test deck for ISSM nightly runs
3 | %
4 | % Usage:
5 | % varargout=runme(varargin);
6 | %
7 | % Examples:
8 | % runme;
9 | % runme({'ice'});
10 | % runme({'ice','cielo_serial'},{'diagnostic'});
11 | % md=runme({'cielo_parallel'});
12 | %
13 | % See Also: UPDATEARCHIVE
14 |
15 | % This file can be run to check that the current version of issm is giving
16 | % coherent results. This test deals with an icesheet without icefront for a 2d model. The geometry
17 | % is square. Just run this file in Matlab, with a properly setup ISSM code.
18 | % The results of this test will indicate if there is a difference between current computations
19 | % and archived results.
20 |
21 | % Errors between archived results and the current version will get flagged if they are not within
22 | % a certain tolerance. The current tolerance is 10^-12. If you have good reasons to believe this
23 | % tolerance should be lowered (for example, if you are running single precision compilers?), feel
24 | % free to tweak the tolerance variable.
25 |
26 | %check arguments
27 | if (nargin>2 | nargout>1)
28 | help runme
29 | error('runme error message: bad usage');
30 | end
31 |
32 | %packages and analysis_types to be tested
33 | if nargin==2,
34 | solutions=varargin{2};
35 | else
36 | solutions={'diagnostic','prognostic','transient'};
37 | end
38 | if nargin,
39 | packages=varargin{1};
40 | else
41 | packages={'macayeal','ice','cielo_serial'};
42 | end
43 |
44 | %Initialize log message for nightly runs.
45 | testname='IceSheetNoIceFrontM2d_16';
46 |
47 | %go through the solutions requested
48 | for i=1:length(packages),
49 | package=packages{i};
50 |
51 | for j=1:length(solutions),
52 | solution=solutions{j};
53 |
54 | %check solution requested
55 | if (strcmpi(package,'macayeal') & ~strcmpi(solution,'diagnostic')),
56 | disp(sprintf(['\nsolution: ' solution ', with package: ' package ', in test: ' testname ', not supported yet.\n']));
57 | continue
58 | end
59 |
60 | %initialize model
61 | md=model;
62 | md=mesh(md,'DomainOutline.exp',50000);
63 | md=geography(md,'','');
64 | md=parameterize(md,'Square.par');
65 | md=setelementstype(md,'macayeal','all');
66 | if md.numberofgrids==340
67 | load Velocities; md.vx=0.5*vx; md.vy=0.5*vy;
68 | end
69 |
70 | %compute solution
71 | [analysis_type sub_analysis_type]=testsgetanalysis(solution);
72 | [md packagefinal]=testsgetpackage(md,package);
73 | if ~testschecksolution(md.type,solution), continue; end
74 | md=solve(md,'analysis_type',analysis_type,'sub_analysis_type',sub_analysis_type,'package',packagefinal);
75 |
76 | %compute fields to be checked
77 | fields=testsgetfields(md.type,solution);
78 |
79 | %load archive
80 | eval(['load Archive' package solution ]);
81 |
82 | for k=1:length(fields),
83 |
84 | %Get field and tolerance
85 | field=fields{k};
86 | tolerance=testsgettolerance(md,package,solution,field);
87 |
88 | %compare to archive
89 | eval(['Archive=Archive' package solution '_field' num2str(k) ';']);
90 | eval(['error_diff=full(max(abs(Archive-md.results.' field '))/(max(abs(Archive))+eps));']);
91 |
92 | %disp test result
93 | if (error_diff>tolerance);
94 | disp(sprintf(['\n\nERROR difference: %-7.2g > %7.2g test: %-25s solution: %-16s package: %-14s field: ' field '.\n\n'],error_diff,tolerance,testname,solution,package));
95 | else
96 | disp(sprintf(['\n\nSUCCESS difference: %-7.2g < %7.2g test: %-25s solution: %-16s package: %-14s field: ' field '.\n\n'],error_diff,tolerance,testname,solution,package));
97 | end
98 |
99 | end
100 | end
101 | end
102 | if nargout==1,
103 | varargout{1}=md;
104 | end